Cielo Starter File ================== Received from A.C.(Skip) Kahler on 2 March 2015 Content of MF1/MT451: Feb 6,2015 9437 1451 - Another pfns (mf5/mf18) with Romano "pfns37.5" at 1.0e-5 eV; 9437 1451 endf/b-vii.1 at 500 keV, 1.0 MeV, 1.5 MeV, 2.0 MeV, 2.5 MeV, 9437 1451 3.0 MeV and 4.0 MeV; and Neudecker pfns for higher energies. 9437 1451 9437 1451 Dec 15,2014 9437 1451 - Replace pfns (mf5/mt18) with new Neudecker pfns 9437 1451 - new pfns is the initial data set in the "SamplesforSkip.dat" 9437 1451 created on 12/12/2014. 9437 1451 9437 1451 13 History (4/22/2014) 9437 1451 14 Number of prompt/delayed neutrons (MF1 MT455, 456) 9437 1451 15 MT455 is the same as ENDF/B-VII.1 9437 1451 16 MT456 includes JEFF-3.2 nu-p up to 650 eV, and 9437 1451 17 the same as ENDF above that energy 9437 1451 18 MT452 the total nu was re-calculated 9437 1451 19 9437 1451 20 Resonance parameters (MF2 MT151) 9437 1451 21 Resolved resonance parameters imported from WPEC/SG34 9437 1451 22 (ORNL/CEA Cadarache). 9437 1451 23 9437 1451 24 Unresolved resonance parameters are the same as ENDF/B-VI 9437 1451 25 evaluated by Derrien and Nakagawa (1993). 9437 1451 26 For now we use ISSF=0, but may be changed in future. 9437 1451 27 9437 1451 28 Cross sections, angular / energy distributions 9437 1451 29 (MF3, 4, 5, 6, 12, 13, 14, 15) 9437 1451 30 Imported from ENDF/B-VII.1. 9437 1451 31 9437 1451 32 Resonance background cross section given in MT18 removed. 9437 1451 33 9437 1451 34 Prompt fission neutron spectra (MF5 MT18) 9437 1451 35 Evaluated by Talou/Rising up to 5 MeV, 9437 1451 36 and same as ENDF/B-VII.1 above 6 MeV 9437 1451 37 9437 1451 38 Covariances (31, 33, 35) 9437 1451 39 Imported from ENDF/B-VII.1 9437 1451 40 9437 1451 41 Beta-delayed gamma data deleted (MF1, 12, 14 MT460). 9437 1451 42 9437 1451 43