Description of the "u235ib02o4cWg6anu" evaluation ================================================= A.Trkov, R. Capote IAEA, Vienna, Austria August 2015 To demonstrate the compensating effects, we focused on the new 235U(nth,f) PFNS evaluation based on the GMA fit with an average neutron energy of 2.00 MeV. The spectra between 0.5 MeV and 2 MeV were from the GANDR fit. Above this energy all fission spectra were taken from the Talou evaluation submitted to the CRP on PFNS. The thermal nu-bar was reduced by 0.38% relative to the ENDF/B-VII.1 evaluation to cancel the tuning done in the ENDF/B-VII.1 (and the ENDF-B/VI) libraries for better agreement with criticality benchmarks. Some structure due to the resonances was tested as much as could be supported by experimental evidence, but the data are poor and there is some flexibility for additional adjustments. The rest of the fission data were taken from the ENDF/B-VII.1 evaluation because the fision cross sections are consistent with the IAEA Standards. Resonance parameters were taken from the ORNL evaluation submitted to the CIELO project by Leal, labelled "ornl4". Apparently, there was a new resonance file produced, but this was not available at the time of the present evaluation. There is a marked decrease in the capture cross section near the upper end of the resolved resonance range, but apparently this is supported by the sodium void coefficient data, reported by WPEC SG-29. The capture cross sections above the URR were taken from JENDL-4, but scaled to be 2% lower than ENDF/B-VII.1 around 25 keV and 4% lower around 426 keV. The decrease in capture is indicated by the Wallner measurement based on the accelerator mass spectrometry technique. All other cross sections were taken from EMPIRE calculations using a dispersive optical model potential, RIPL 2408, that couples 8 levels of the ground state rotational band. The fision model parameters were adjusted to reproduce the Standards evaluation of the 235U(n,f) cross section. Preliminary trial calculations were done (described in the big PFNS paper sent for publication recently, where it was demonstrated that agreement with several fast and thermal benchmarks can be restored with this evaluation, but the adjustments are not unique. Particularly, the reduction in the capture may give rise to problems in some benchmarks sensitive to the epithermal capture of U-235. Adjustment of nu-bar might be an alternative. A more systematic study was initiated recently, based on the sensitivity data available in the DICE package. A preliminary report is available, but it represents "work in progress". The report includes more benchmarks sensitive to U-235 data. The data file for U-235 has internal label "u235ib02o4cWg6anu" and is available from the U235 tab. The corresponding ACE file is also available.