Atlas of Discrete Resonance Capture Strength Functions

A new updated database of calibrated Photon Strength Functions derived from Discrete Resonance Capture (DRC) data [1] is available here. The data file "ATLAS DRC f(L) - 2018" (ATLAS DRC-2018) includes all available DRC measurement for 57 nuclides stored in the standard Eg, f(L), df(L), Ex and Jpi format. This is the first time that DRC data are processed into a database in a similar manner as he ARC measurements. Some of the DRC data have, due the presence of a small number of resonances, an inferior accuracy, but in general many of them form a rich complementary extension to the "ATLAS ARC f(L)-2019" (ATLAS ARC-2019) [2].

This new ATLAS DRC-2018 file has been combined with the ATLAS ARC-2019 file to form an ATLAS ARC/DRC-2019 file which has been adopted in the PSF database [3].

All measured DRC data including the recommended ones are compiled in the updated Atlas (2021). The method of analysis is detailed in Ref. [2].

[1] J. Kopecky, Revision and Update of experimental Gamma-Ray Strength Functions Derived from the Discrete Neutron Resonance Capture, INDC(NDS)-0772.
[2] J. Kopecky, S. Goriely, Strength Functions Derived from The Discrete And Average Neutron Resonance Capture, INDC(NDS)-0790.
[3] S. Goriely, P. Dimitriou, M. Wiedeking et al., The European Physical Journal A 55, 172 (2019).
