Experimental mass excessesExperimental mass excesses evaluated by Audi and Wapstra [1] are included along with the FRDM and HFB results below.
References FRDMGround state properties calculated within the Finite Range Droplet Model (FRDM) [1].
Data File (689kB) HFBGround state properties calculated within the Hartree-Fock-Bogolubov (HFB) method [1-3].
Data File (966kB) Duflo-Zuker96FORTRAN code for estimating nuclear masses with the 10 parameter formula of J. Duflo and A.P. Zuker [1,2].
Code (12kB) Natural AbundancesReformatted data from the Nuclear Wallet cards, as retrieved from Brookhaven National Laboratory. |
Retrieval of Mass Excesses and Natural Abundances |
Ground-state Deformations328 experimental deformation parameters beta2 derived from the model-independent experimental values of the reduced electric quadrupole transition probability B(E2) [1,2].
References |
Retrieval of Ground-state Deformations |
Nuclear Matter DensitiesNeutron and proton distributions predicted within the Hartree-Fock-Bogolubov (HFB) method based on the BSk2 Skyrme force [1-4]. References |
Retrieval of Nuclear Matter Densities |
Q-value calculationSet atomic (Z) and mass (A) numbers for target and projectile and specify number of emitted particles |