Structure of RIPL discrete level library files
M. Verpelli and R. Capote (19 August, 2015)
See also the 2002 Description of the RIPL discrete level file.The unknown "+X" energies are dealt with according to the following procedure:
If between two consecutive levels there is an energy gap > 8 MeV AND > 4.5 * 30 / A0.67 MeV, all the levels above the gap are removed.
The internal conversion factors, when not given in the ENSDF evaluation, are calculated using BrIcc
The FORTRAN format of the level record has the half-life format changed to e10.3 and the decay branching to e10.4.
Two new fields are added at the end level records- in red here below
They represent:
The following tables list the nuclides for which the unknown "X" was assigned or removed, and the ones having an energy gap above the thershold:
Click on a nuclide to access the original ENSDF data.
SYMB A Z Nol Nog Nmax Nc Sn[MeV] Sp[MeV] 22Mg 22 12 17 18 9 4 19.382000 5.497000 The corresponding FORTRAN format is (a5,6i5,2f12.6) SYMB : mass number with symbol of the element A : mass number Z : atomic number Nol : number of levels in the decay scheme Nog : number of gamma rays in the decay scheme Nmax : maximum number of levels up to which the level scheme is complete Nc : number of a level up to which spins and parities are unique Sn : neutron separation energy in MeV Sp : proton separation energy in MeV
N1 Elv[MeV] s p T1/2 Ng J unc spins nd m percent mode /.../ shift band 1 0.000000 0.0 1 3.86E+00 0 0+ 1 = 100.0000 %EC+%B+ /.../ 0.031100 2 2 1.246300 2.0 1 2.10E12 1 2+ 0 (i3,1x,f10.6,1x,f5.1,i3,1x,(e10.3),i3,1x,a1,1x,a4,1x,a18,i3,10(1x,a2,1x,e10.4,1x,a7),f10.6,1x,3(2i)) Nl : sequential number of a level Elv : energy of the level in MeV s : level spin (unique). Whenever possible unknown spins up to Umax were inferred. Unknown and undetermined spins are entered as -1.0 p : parity (unique). If the parity of the level was unknown, positive or negative was chosen with equal probability. Parities were determined up to Umax as in the case of spins. The method of choice is not coded. The possible values are: 0 for unknown, +1 for positive and -1 for negative. T1/2 : half-life of the level (if known). All known half-lives or level widths were converted into seconds. Half-lives of stable nuclei are represented as -1.0E+0. Ng : number of gamma rays de-exciting the level. J : flag for spin estimation method (see below the list of possible flags). unc : flag for an uncertain level energy. When impossible to determine, the relative energy of the band, the energy of these band heads were set to 0.0 keV or, if the level order is known, to the preceding level energy with a note that an unknown energy X should be added. The notation uses X+, Y+, Z+ etc. for different bands. spins : original spins from the ENSDF file. nd : number of decay modes of the level (if known). Values from 0 through 10 are possible; 0 means that the level may decay via gamma-emission, and other decay modes are not known. m : decay percentage modifier; informs a user about major uncertainties. The modifiers are copied out of ENSDF with no modification, and can have the following values: =, <, >, ? (unknown, but expected), AP (approximate), GE (greater or equal), LE (less or equal), LT (less then), SY (value from systematics). percent: percentage decay of different decay modes. As a general rule the various decay modes add up 100%. There are, however, two exceptions: (i) when a small percentage decay is present, the sum may be slightly more then 100% due to rounding error, (ii) when beta -decay is followed by a heavier particle emission, the percentage of the beta-delayed particle emission is given as a portion of the beta-decay and the sum can be substantially larger then 100%. Naturally, when the modifier is "?" the sum is indefinite. mode : short indication of decay modes of a level (see Table below). shift : value assigned to the unknown "X", in MeV. band : integer assigned to band(s) to which the level is part
Nf Eg[MeV] Pg Pe ICC 3 0.055 4.267E02 1.301E01 2.050E+00 1 0.113 7.499E01 8.699E01 8.699E01 Nf : sequential number of the final state Eg : gamma-ray energy in MeV Pg : Probability that a level decays through the given gamma-ray emission. Pg is the ratio of the total electromagnetic decay of the level to the intensity of the gamma-ray. If no branching ratio is given in the ENSDF file, Pg=0. Pe : Probability that a level decays with the given electromagnetic transition, i.e., ratio of the total electromagnetic decay of the level to the intensity of the given electromagnetic transition. The sum of electromagnetic decays is normalized to 1. If no branching ratio is given in the ENSDF file, Pe=0. ICC : Internal conversion coefficient of a transition. The corresponding FORTRAN format is (39x,i4,1x,f10.3,3(1x,e10.3))