Thermal Scattering Law (TSL)

Library Generation

General description

Thermal scattering law data in ENDF format are not easily ameanable to interpolation. In order to solve the problem the Thermal Scattering Law Interpolator has been provided by Jose Ignacio Marquez Damian from Departamento Fisica de Neutrones, Centro Atomico Bariloche, which starts at the level of LEAPR and generates TSL file in ENDF-6 format at the user-selected temperature. Models for a number of commonly appearing materials are provided..


- Enter the desired temperature
- Select the moderator model from the pull-down menu
- Click "Start Interpolator"

After some time a new screen will appear, from which the ENDF file can be downloaded.

Temperature (273.15-647 °K):
TSL model to run: