Atomic Mass Data Center

This page contains data provided by the Atomic Mass Data collaboration.
Please refer to the collaboration websites at ANL and IMP for further information about AME and NUBASE
Atomic Mass Evaluation - AME2020
The evaluation has been published in Chinese Phys. C 45 030002 (2021), and Chinese Phys. C 45 030003 (2021).The four main ASCII files of AME2020 are
- mass_1.mas20 - atomic masses
- massround.mas20 - atomic masses "rounded" version
- rct1.mas20 - reaction energies, table 1
- rct2_1.mas20 - reaction energies, table 2
Additionally, the covariance.mas20 zip file is downloadable.
Any work that will use these files should make reference to these papers and not to the electronic files.
Nubase Evaluation - Nubase2020
The evaluation has been published in Chinese Physics C 45 (2021) 030001.NUBASE contains experimentaly known nuclear properties, and some that have been estimated from extrapolation: mass, isomeric excitation energy, half-life, spin, parity, decay modes and intensities.
An ASCII file of the NUBASE table, for use with computer programs, can be downloaded.
- nubase_4.mas20 - Nubase table
Nubase2020 Web version
Any work that will use the file should make reference to this paper and not to the electronic files.
The AMDC provides the NUCLEUS program to display NUBASE data
Duflo-Zuker mass formula software package
Calculates the binding energies using the mass formulas of Duflo & Zuker (31 parameter and 10 parameter versions) as described in J. Duflo and A.P. Zuker , Phys. Rev. C 52 (1995) R23.Previous Versions
Atomic Mass Evaluation - AME2016
The evaluation has been published in Chinese Physics C 41 (2017) 030002 (PDF), 030003 (PDF).The four main ASCII files of AME2016 are
- mass16.txt - atomic masses
- mass16round.txt - atomic masses "rounded" version
- rct1-16.txt - reaction energies, table 1
- rct2-16.txt - reaction energies, table 2
Additionally, the covariance zip file is downloadable.
Any work that will use these files should make reference to these papers and not to the electronic files.
A Q-Value Calculator is available, using AME2016 masses.
Nubase Evaluation - Nubase2016
The evaluation has been published in Chinese Physics C 41 (2017) 030001 6 (PDF).NUBASE contains experimentaly known nuclear properties, and some that have been estimated from extrapolation: mass, isomeric excitation energy, half-life, spin, parity, decay modes and intensities.
An ASCII file of the NUBASE table, for use with computer programs, can be downloaded.
- nubase 2016 - Nubase table
Any work that will use the file should make reference to this paper and not to the electronic files.
The AMDC provides the NUCLEUS program to display NUBASE data
Duflo-Zuker mass formula software package
Calculates the binding energies using the mass formulas of Duflo & Zuker (31 parameter and 10 parameter versions) as described in J. Duflo and A.P. Zuker , Phys. Rev. C 52 (1995) R23.Atomic Mass Evaluation - AME2012
The evaluation has been published in Chinese Physics C 36 (2012) 1287-1602 (PDF), 1603-2014 (PDF).The four main ASCII files of AME2012 are
- mass.mas12 - masses
- rct1.mas12 - reaction energies, table 1
- rct2.mas12 - reaction energies, table 2
- covariance.covar - Variances and Covariances of primary nuclides
Any work that will use these files should make reference to these papers and not to the electronic files.
Nubase Evaluation - Nubase2012
The evaluation has been published in Chinese Physics C 36 (2012) 1157-1286 (PDF).NUBASE contains experimentaly known nuclear properties, and some that have been estimated from extrapolation, for 3827 nuclides: mass, isomeric excitation energy, half-life, spin, parity, decay modes and intensities.
An ASCII file of the NUBASE table, for use with computer programs, can be downloaded.
- nubase.mas12 - Nubase table
Any work that will use the file should make reference to this paper and not to the electronic files.
Atomic Mass Evaluation - AME2003
- The AME2003 atomic mass evaluation (I). Evaluation of input data, adjustment procedures. A.H. Wapstra, G. Audi, and C. Thibault. Nuclear Physics A729, 129 (2003).
- The AME2003 atomic mass evaluation (II). Tables, graphs, and references. G. Audi, A.H. Wapstra, and C. Thibault. Nuclear Physics A729, 337 (2003).
The four main ASCII files of AME2003 are
- mass.mas03 - Atomic mass table
- rct1.mas03 - Nuclear reaction Q-values and separation energies
- rct2.mas03 - Nuclear reaction Q-values and separation energies
- mass.mas03round - "Rounded" version of mass.mas03 (Rounding threshold of 30)
Any work that will use these files should make reference to these papers and not to the electronic files.
Atomic Mass Evaluation - 1993 and 1995
The files corresponding to "The 1993 Atomic Mass Evaluation (I)" and "The 1993 Atomic Mass Evaluation (II)" by G.Audi and A.H. Wapstra [Nuclear Physics A565 p. 1 and p. 66 (1993)] may be found in
The files corresponding to "The 1995 Update to the Atomic Mass
Evaluation" by G. Audi qnd A.H. Wapstra
[Nuclear Physics A595, 409
may be found in