Message: xsdir=xsdir.j50 Title: Example photonuclear simulation c - Neutron Production per electron for 20 MeV electrons on c a one radiation length thick target. c c - Density and isotopic abundance data obtained from links at c c (as tabulated in late June 2023). c c c In 1 11 -7.31 +1 -2 +11 -12 +21 -22 imp:e,n,p=1 2 0 -1:+2 : -11:+12 : -21:+22 imp:e,n,p=0 c c c - Targets are 4.5 in. square (11.43 cm square) by one radiation length thick c - Radiation length data for individual elements/isotopes obtained via links c at c - Data extracted on July 2, 2023. c 1 px 0.0 2 px 1.211 11 py -5.715 12 py 5.715 21 pz -5.715 22 pz 5.715 c c mode e p n sdef pos=0 0 0 sur=1 rad=d1 vec=1 0 0 dir=1 par=3 erg=20 $ 20.0 MeV monoenergetic electron beam si1 0.635 $ beam spot radius (0.25 in) c c c - use "m0" to assign default libraries c for E80: elib=03e plib=14p nlib=00c pnlib=70u; default mcnp6.2 xsdir c for jendl-5: elib=03e plib=20p nlib=20c pnlib=20u; xsdir=xsdir.j50 c for tendl-2021: elib=03e plib=14p nlib=21c pnlib=21u; xsdir=xsdir.tendl2021 c m0 elib=03e plib=20p nlib=20c pnlib=20u c c In m11 49113 0.0429 49115 0.9571 c c fcl:p 1 0 phys:p 3j -1 phys:n j 150 c c - Stop the simulation at the PN neutron production threshold ... cut:p j 9.037862 cut:e j 9.037862 c c fc1 Neutrons/electron emission through target surfaces and summed over the entire target f1:n 1 2 11 12 21 22 (1 2 11 12 21 22) tf1 7 c nps 250000000 $250M c nps 2500000 $2.5M, debug c print