Code Name & Version = MCNP_6.20, 6.2.0 _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Copyright (2018). Los Alamos National Security, LLC. All rights ! | reserved. ! | This material was produced under U.S. Government contract ! | DE-AC52-06NA25396 for Los Alamos National Laboratory, which is ! | operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC for the U.S. ! | Department of Energy. The Government is granted for itself and ! | others acting on its behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable ! | worldwide license in this material to reproduce, prepare derivative ! | works, and perform publicly and display publicly. Beginning five (5) ! | years after February 14, 2018, subject to additional five-year ! | worldwide renewals, the Government is granted for itself and others ! | acting on its behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable worldwide ! | license in this material to reproduce, prepare derivative works, ! | distribute copies to the public, perform publicly and display ! | publicly, and to permit others to do so. NEITHER THE UNITED STATES ! | NOR THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, NOR LOS ALAMOS NATIONAL ! | SECURITY, LLC, NOR ANY OF THEIR EMPLOYEES, MAKES ANY WARRANTY, ! | EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, OR ASSUMES ANY LEGAL LIABILITY OR RESPONSIBILITY ! | FOR THE ACCURACY, COMPLETENESS, OR USEFULNESS OF ANY INFORMATION, ! | APPARATUS, PRODUCT, OR PROCESS DISCLOSED, OR REPRESENTS THAT ITS USE ! | WOULD NOT INFRINGE PRIVATELY OWNED RIGHTS. ! +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1mcnp version 6 ld=02/20/18 07/06/23 18:38:13 ************************************************************************* probid = 07/06/23 18:38:13 tasks 18 i=49.In.t2021-test.inp o=49.In.t2021-test.outp ru=runIn comment. Physics models disabled. 1- Message: xsdir=xsdir.tendl2021 2- 3- Title: Example photonuclear simulation 4- c - Neutron Production per electron for 20 MeV electrons on 5- c a one radiation length thick target. 6- c 7- c - Density and isotopic abundance data obtained from links at 8- c 9- c (as tabulated in late June 2023). 10- c 11- c 12- c In 13- 1 11 -7.31 +1 -2 +11 -12 +21 -22 imp:e,n,p=1 14- 2 0 -1:+2 : -11:+12 : -21:+22 imp:e,n,p=0 15- c 16- 17- c 18- c - Targets are 4.5 in. square (11.43 cm square) by one radiation length thick 19- c - Radiation length data for individual elements/isotopes obtained via links 20- c at 21- c - Data extracted on July 2, 2023. 22- c 23- 1 px 0.0 24- 2 px 1.211 25- 11 py -5.715 26- 12 py 5.715 27- 21 pz -5.715 28- 22 pz 5.715 29- c 30- 31- c 32- mode e p n 33- sdef pos=0 0 0 sur=1 rad=d1 vec=1 0 0 dir=1 par=3 erg=20 $ 20.0 MeV monoenergetic electron beam 34- si1 0.635 $ beam spot radius (0.25 in) 35- c 36- c 37- c - use "m0" to assign default libraries 38- c for E80: elib=03e plib=14p nlib=00c pnlib=70u; default mcnp6.2 xsdir 39- c for jendl-5: elib=03e plib=20p nlib=20c pnlib=20u; xsdir=xsdir.j50 40- c for tendl-2021: elib=03e plib=14p nlib=21c pnlib=21u; xsdir=xsdir.tendl2021 41- c 42- m0 elib=03e plib=14p nlib=21c pnlib=21u 43- c 44- c In 45- m11 46- 49113 0.0429 47- 49115 0.9571 48- c 49- c 50- fcl:p 1 0 51- phys:p 3j -1 52- phys:n j 150 53- c 54- c - Stop the simulation at the PN neutron production threshold ... 55- cut:p j 9.03787 56- cut:e j 9.03787 57- c 58- c 59- fc1 Neutrons/electron emission through target surfaces 60- and summed over the entire target 61- f1:n 1 2 11 12 21 22 (1 2 11 12 21 22) 62- tf1 7 63- c 64- nps 250000000 $250M 65- c nps 2500000 $2.5M, debug 66- c 67- print *************************************************** * Random Number Generator = 1 * * Random Number Seed = 19073486328125 * * Random Number Multiplier = 19073486328125 * * Random Number Adder = 0 * * Random Number Bits Used = 48 * * Random Number Stride = 152917 * *************************************************** comment. total nubar used if fissionable isotopes are present. 1source print table 10 values of defaulted or explicitly defined source variables cel 0.0000E+00 sur 1.0000E+00 erg 2.0000E+01 tme 0.0000E+00 dir 1.0000E+00 pos 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 x 0.0000E+00 y 0.0000E+00 z 0.0000E+00 ext 0.0000E+00 axs 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 vec 1.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 ccc 0.0000E+00 nrm 1.0000E+00 ara 0.0000E+00 wgt 1.0000E+00 eff 1.0000E-02 par 3.0000E+00 tr 0.0000E+00 bem 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 bap 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 loc 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 dat 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 probability distribution 1 for source variable rad power law 21: f(x)=c*abs(x)**k order of sampling source variables. par sur rad pos vec dir erg tme 1tally 1 print table 30 + Neutrons/electron emission through target surfaces and summed over the entire target tally type 1 number of particles crossing a surface. particle(s): neutrons surfaces 1 2 11 12 21 22(1 2 11 12 21 22) tally fluctuations chart bin indexes: f d u s m c e t 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 warning. there are only neutron tallies in this problem. 1material composition print table 40 material number component nuclide, atom fraction 11 49113, 4.29000E-02 49115, 9.57100E-01 material number component nuclide, mass fraction 11 49113, 4.21849E-02 49115, 9.57815E-01 1cell volumes and masses print table 50 cell atom gram input calculated reason volume density density volume volume mass pieces not calculated 1 1 3.83399E-02 7.31000E+00 0.00000E+00 1.58211E+02 1.15652E+03 0 2 2 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 0 infinite 1surface areas print table 50 surface input calculated reason area area area not calculated 1 1 0.00000E+00 1.30645E+02 2 2 0.00000E+00 1.30645E+02 3 11 0.00000E+00 1.38417E+01 4 12 0.00000E+00 1.38417E+01 5 21 0.00000E+00 1.38417E+01 6 22 0.00000E+00 1.38417E+01 1cells print table 60 atom gram neutron photon electron photon wt cell mat density density volume mass pieces importance importance importance generation 1 1 11 3.83399E-02 7.31000E+00 1.58211E+02 1.15652E+03 0 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 -1.000E+00 2 2 0 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 0 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 -1.000E+00 total 1.58211E+02 1.15652E+03 1 exponential transform and forced collision parameters print table 62 neutron exp. photon exp. forced collisions cell dir transform dir transform neutron photon 1 1 1.00000 1surfaces print table 70 surface trans type surface coefficients 1 1 px 0.0000000E+00 2 2 px 1.2110000E+00 3 11 py -5.7150000E+00 4 12 py 5.7150000E+00 5 21 pz -5.7150000E+00 6 22 pz 5.7150000E+00 1 cell temperatures in mev for the free-gas thermal neutron treatment. print table 72 all non-zero importance cells with materials have a temperature for thermal neutrons of 2.5300E-08 mev. minimum source weight = 1.0000E+00 maximum source weight = 1.0000E+00 comment. threading will be used when possible in portions of mcnp6. comment. threading will be used for n/p/e table physics. comment. threading will generally not be used for model physics. 1 warning message so far. 1physical constants print table 98 name value description huge_float 1.0000000000000E+36 infinity pie 3.1415926535898E+00 pi euler 5.7721566490153E-01 euler constant avogad 6.0220434469282E+23 avogadro number (molecules/mole) aneut 1.0086649670000E+00 neutron mass (amu) avgdn 5.9703109000000E-01 avogadro number/neutron mass (1.e-24*molecules/mole/amu) slite 2.9979250000000E+02 speed of light (cm/shake) planck 4.1357320000000E-13 planck constant (mev shake) fscon 1.3703930000000E+02 inverse fine structure constant h*c/(2*pi*e**2) particle masses: ipt mass (mev) particle anti-particle 1 9.3958000000000E+02 neutron 5 Aneutron 3 5.1100800000000E-01 electron 8 positron 4 1.0565835700000E+02 mu_minus 16 mu_plus 9 9.3827199800000E+02 proton 19 Aproton 10 1.1156830000000E+03 lambda0 25 Alambda0 11 1.1893700000000E+03 sigma+ 26 Asigma+ 12 1.1974490000000E+03 sigma- 27 Asigma- 13 1.3148300000000E+03 xi0 28 Axi0 14 1.3213100000000E+03 xi_minus 29 xi_plus 15 1.6724500000000E+03 omega- 30 Aomega- 20 1.3957018000000E+02 pi_plus 35 pi_minus 21 1.3497660000000E+02 pi_zero 22 4.9367700000000E+02 k_plus 36 k_minus 23 4.9767200000000E+02 k0_short 24 4.9767200000000E+02 k0_long 31 1.8756127600000E+03 deuteron 32 2.8089208600000E+03 triton 33 2.8083913200000E+03 helion 34 3.7273790400000E+03 alpha fission q-values: nuclide q(mev) nuclide q(mev) 90232 171.91 91233 175.57 92233 180.84 92234 179.45 92235 180.88 92236 179.50 92237 180.40 92238 181.31 92239 180.40 92240 180.40 93237 183.67 94238 186.65 94239 189.44 94240 186.36 94241 188.99 94242 185.98 94243 187.48 95241 190.83 95242 190.54 95243 190.25 96242 190.49 96244 190.49 other 180.00 parallel options: omp default datapath: C:\Users\Skip\MCNP\MCNP620\MCNP_DATA DATAPATH must be set by user the following conditional compilation symbols were defined: CEM CEM_M6 CVF DEC INTEL LAQGSM OMP PLOT XLIB 1cross-section tables print table 100 XSDIR used: C:\Users\Skip\MCNP\MCNP620\MCNP_DATA/xsdir.tendl2021 table length tables from file tendl/2021/neutron/In113 49113.21c 386179 Ace In113 TENDL-21 - check 1 mat4925 12/14/21 Energy range: 1.00000E-11 to 2.00000E+02 MeV. particle-production data for protons being expunged from 49113.21c particle-production data for deuterons being expunged from 49113.21c particle-production data for tritons being expunged from 49113.21c particle-production data for helions being expunged from 49113.21c particle-production data for alphas being expunged from 49113.21c tables from file tendl/2021/neutron/In115 49115.21c 502391 Ace In115 TENDL-21 - check 1 mat4931 12/14/21 Energy range: 1.00000E-11 to 2.00000E+02 MeV. particle-production data for protons being expunged from 49115.21c particle-production data for deuterons being expunged from 49115.21c particle-production data for tritons being expunged from 49115.21c particle-production data for helions being expunged from 49115.21c particle-production data for alphas being expunged from 49115.21c tables from file xmc/eprdata14 49000.14p 99907 EPICS2014 (D. E. Cullen): photon, electron, relaxation data for 49-IN mat4900 07/02/15 Energy range: 1.00000E-06 to 1.00000E+05 MeV. tables from file tendl/2021/pn/In113 49113.21u 266711 Ace In113 g-TENDL-2021 - check 1 mat4925 12/15/21 Energy range: 2.50000E-01 to 2.00000E+02 MeV. tables from file tendl/2021/pn/In115 49115.21u 252579 Ace In115 g-TENDL-2021 - check 1 mat4931 12/15/21 Energy range: 2.50000E-01 to 2.00000E+02 MeV. total 1507767 maximum photon energy set to 100.0 mev (maximum electron energy) tables from file xdata/el03 49000.03e 2357 6/6/98 Energy range: 1.00000E-03 to 1.00000E+03 MeV. 1particles and energy limits print table 101 particle maximum smallest largest always always cutoff particle table table use table use model particle type energy energy maximum maximum below above 1 n neutron 0.0000E+00 1.0000E+36 2.0000E+02 2.0000E+02 1.0000E+36 1.0000E+36 2 p photon 9.0379E+00 1.0000E+02 1.0000E+05 1.0000E+05 1.0000E+36 1.0000E+36 photonuclear 2.5000E-01 1.0000E+02 2.0000E+02 2.0000E+02 2.0000E+02 2.0000E+02 3 e electron 9.0379E+00 1.0000E+02 1.0000E+02 1.0000E+02 1.0000E+36 1.0000E+36 warning. material 11 has been set to a conductor. 1range table for material 11 (condensed) print table 85 electron substeps per energy step = 8, default = 8. mean ionization energy = 4.88000E+02 ev. density effect data conductor z = 49 occ no, be(ev) pairs 2. 27944.000 2. 4242.000 2. 3943.000 4. 3735.000 2. 830.000 2. 707.000 4. 669.000 4. 455.000 6. 447.000 2. 126.000 2. 90.000 4. 82.000 4. 21.000 6. 20.000 -3. 8.597 plas(ev) wt tmin(mev) 50.89580 1.85088 0.00000 energy stopping power range radiation beta**2 density rad/col e-step dyield n collision radiation total yield corr range mev mev cm2/g mev cm2/g mev cm2/g g/cm2 mev cm2/g g/cm2 133 1.0790E-03 2.943E+01 5.276E-03 2.943E+01 2.003E-05 1.454E-05 4.210E-03 1.398E-03 1.793E-04 3.055E-06 1.569E-08 132 1.1766E-03 2.946E+01 5.573E-03 2.947E+01 2.334E-05 2.861E-05 4.589E-03 1.399E-03 1.892E-04 3.314E-06 1.798E-08 131 1.2831E-03 2.929E+01 5.884E-03 2.929E+01 2.696E-05 4.242E-05 5.003E-03 1.401E-03 2.009E-04 3.623E-06 2.076E-08 130 1.3992E-03 2.894E+01 6.209E-03 2.895E+01 3.095E-05 5.613E-05 5.454E-03 1.403E-03 2.145E-04 3.986E-06 2.411E-08 129 1.5259E-03 2.846E+01 6.548E-03 2.846E+01 3.536E-05 6.991E-05 5.945E-03 1.405E-03 2.301E-04 4.410E-06 2.814E-08 128 1.6640E-03 2.785E+01 6.901E-03 2.786E+01 4.026E-05 8.393E-05 6.481E-03 1.407E-03 2.477E-04 4.903E-06 3.298E-08 127 1.8146E-03 2.716E+01 7.267E-03 2.716E+01 4.574E-05 9.834E-05 7.064E-03 1.409E-03 2.676E-04 5.474E-06 3.879E-08 126 1.9788E-03 2.639E+01 7.648E-03 2.639E+01 5.187E-05 1.133E-04 7.700E-03 1.412E-03 2.898E-04 6.134E-06 4.576E-08 125 2.1579E-03 2.556E+01 8.041E-03 2.556E+01 5.877E-05 1.290E-04 8.393E-03 1.414E-03 3.146E-04 6.895E-06 5.411E-08 124 2.3532E-03 2.469E+01 8.447E-03 2.469E+01 6.654E-05 1.455E-04 9.147E-03 1.417E-03 3.422E-04 7.774E-06 6.411E-08 123 2.5662E-03 2.379E+01 8.866E-03 2.380E+01 7.533E-05 1.631E-04 9.969E-03 1.421E-03 3.727E-04 8.787E-06 7.610E-08 122 2.7985E-03 2.287E+01 9.297E-03 2.288E+01 8.528E-05 1.819E-04 1.086E-02 1.424E-03 4.066E-04 9.957E-06 9.046E-08 121 3.0518E-03 2.194E+01 9.739E-03 2.195E+01 9.659E-05 2.021E-04 1.184E-02 1.428E-03 4.439E-04 1.131E-05 1.076E-07 120 3.3280E-03 2.101E+01 1.019E-02 2.102E+01 1.094E-04 2.238E-04 1.290E-02 1.432E-03 4.851E-04 1.286E-05 1.282E-07 119 3.6292E-03 2.009E+01 1.066E-02 2.010E+01 1.241E-04 2.474E-04 1.405E-02 1.437E-03 5.304E-04 1.466E-05 1.529E-07 118 3.9576E-03 1.918E+01 1.113E-02 1.919E+01 1.408E-04 2.729E-04 1.531E-02 1.442E-03 5.803E-04 1.673E-05 1.823E-07 117 4.3158E-03 1.828E+01 1.161E-02 1.829E+01 1.600E-04 3.006E-04 1.668E-02 1.447E-03 6.350E-04 1.913E-05 2.175E-07 116 4.7065E-03 1.740E+01 1.209E-02 1.741E+01 1.819E-04 3.308E-04 1.817E-02 1.453E-03 6.950E-04 2.189E-05 2.596E-07 115 5.1324E-03 1.655E+01 1.259E-02 1.656E+01 2.070E-04 3.637E-04 1.979E-02 1.460E-03 7.606E-04 2.509E-05 3.098E-07 114 5.5969E-03 1.572E+01 1.308E-02 1.573E+01 2.357E-04 3.996E-04 2.155E-02 1.467E-03 8.324E-04 2.879E-05 3.697E-07 113 6.1035E-03 1.491E+01 1.358E-02 1.493E+01 2.688E-04 4.387E-04 2.347E-02 1.474E-03 9.108E-04 3.307E-05 4.411E-07 112 6.6559E-03 1.414E+01 1.408E-02 1.415E+01 3.068E-04 4.814E-04 2.555E-02 1.483E-03 9.962E-04 3.802E-05 5.262E-07 111 7.2583E-03 1.339E+01 1.459E-02 1.341E+01 3.506E-04 5.279E-04 2.781E-02 1.492E-03 1.089E-03 4.375E-05 6.275E-07 110 7.9153E-03 1.267E+01 1.509E-02 1.269E+01 4.010E-04 5.786E-04 3.027E-02 1.502E-03 1.190E-03 5.039E-05 7.479E-07 109 8.6317E-03 1.199E+01 1.558E-02 1.200E+01 4.591E-04 6.338E-04 3.295E-02 1.513E-03 1.300E-03 5.808E-05 8.910E-07 108 9.4129E-03 1.133E+01 1.608E-02 1.135E+01 5.260E-04 6.939E-04 3.585E-02 1.525E-03 1.419E-03 6.698E-05 1.061E-06 107 1.0265E-02 1.070E+01 1.657E-02 1.072E+01 6.033E-04 7.592E-04 3.900E-02 1.538E-03 1.548E-03 7.729E-05 1.262E-06 106 1.1194E-02 1.010E+01 1.706E-02 1.012E+01 6.926E-04 8.303E-04 4.241E-02 1.552E-03 1.688E-03 8.924E-05 1.501E-06 105 1.2207E-02 9.534E+00 1.754E-02 9.552E+00 7.957E-04 9.075E-04 4.612E-02 1.568E-03 1.839E-03 1.031E-04 1.784E-06 104 1.3312E-02 8.993E+00 1.801E-02 9.011E+00 9.148E-04 9.914E-04 5.013E-02 1.585E-03 2.003E-03 1.191E-04 2.119E-06 103 1.4517E-02 8.480E+00 1.848E-02 8.498E+00 1.053E-03 1.082E-03 5.448E-02 1.604E-03 2.179E-03 1.378E-04 2.514E-06 102 1.5831E-02 7.993E+00 1.894E-02 8.012E+00 1.212E-03 1.181E-03 5.919E-02 1.624E-03 2.370E-03 1.593E-04 2.982E-06 101 1.7263E-02 7.532E+00 1.940E-02 7.551E+00 1.396E-03 1.288E-03 6.429E-02 1.646E-03 2.575E-03 1.843E-04 3.534E-06 100 1.8826E-02 7.096E+00 1.984E-02 7.116E+00 1.609E-03 1.403E-03 6.980E-02 1.671E-03 2.797E-03 2.133E-04 4.186E-06 99 2.0530E-02 6.685E+00 2.028E-02 6.705E+00 1.856E-03 1.528E-03 7.575E-02 1.697E-03 3.035E-03 2.468E-04 4.954E-06 98 2.2388E-02 6.296E+00 2.072E-02 6.317E+00 2.142E-03 1.663E-03 8.218E-02 1.726E-03 3.290E-03 2.857E-04 5.858E-06 97 2.4414E-02 5.930E+00 2.114E-02 5.951E+00 2.473E-03 1.808E-03 8.912E-02 1.758E-03 3.565E-03 3.307E-04 6.923E-06 96 2.6624E-02 5.585E+00 2.156E-02 5.607E+00 2.855E-03 1.965E-03 9.659E-02 1.793E-03 3.860E-03 3.827E-04 8.174E-06 95 2.9033E-02 5.261E+00 2.197E-02 5.283E+00 3.298E-03 2.134E-03 1.046E-01 1.831E-03 4.176E-03 4.430E-04 9.644E-06 94 3.1661E-02 4.956E+00 2.237E-02 4.978E+00 3.811E-03 2.316E-03 1.133E-01 1.873E-03 4.515E-03 5.127E-04 1.137E-05 93 3.4527E-02 4.669E+00 2.277E-02 4.692E+00 4.404E-03 2.512E-03 1.226E-01 1.919E-03 4.877E-03 5.932E-04 1.339E-05 92 3.7652E-02 4.401E+00 2.317E-02 4.424E+00 5.091E-03 2.722E-03 1.325E-01 1.969E-03 5.265E-03 6.863E-04 1.577E-05 91 4.1059E-02 4.149E+00 2.356E-02 4.172E+00 5.884E-03 2.948E-03 1.432E-01 2.024E-03 5.680E-03 7.937E-04 1.855E-05 90 4.4776E-02 3.912E+00 2.396E-02 3.936E+00 6.802E-03 3.190E-03 1.546E-01 2.085E-03 6.125E-03 9.176E-04 2.181E-05 89 4.8828E-02 3.691E+00 2.437E-02 3.716E+00 7.862E-03 3.451E-03 1.668E-01 2.151E-03 6.602E-03 1.060E-03 2.563E-05 88 5.3247E-02 3.485E+00 2.478E-02 3.509E+00 9.087E-03 3.729E-03 1.798E-01 2.224E-03 7.112E-03 1.225E-03 3.010E-05 87 5.8067E-02 3.291E+00 2.521E-02 3.316E+00 1.050E-02 4.028E-03 1.937E-01 2.304E-03 7.658E-03 1.413E-03 3.534E-05 86 6.3322E-02 3.111E+00 2.563E-02 3.136E+00 1.213E-02 4.349E-03 2.084E-01 2.393E-03 8.240E-03 1.630E-03 4.145E-05 85 6.9053E-02 2.942E+00 2.606E-02 2.969E+00 1.401E-02 4.691E-03 2.239E-01 2.490E-03 8.858E-03 1.879E-03 4.859E-05 84 7.5303E-02 2.786E+00 2.650E-02 2.812E+00 1.617E-02 5.058E-03 2.404E-01 2.596E-03 9.514E-03 2.164E-03 5.690E-05 83 8.2119E-02 2.639E+00 2.695E-02 2.666E+00 1.866E-02 5.449E-03 2.577E-01 2.714E-03 1.021E-02 2.490E-03 6.657E-05 82 8.9551E-02 2.504E+00 2.741E-02 2.531E+00 2.153E-02 5.865E-03 2.760E-01 2.844E-03 1.095E-02 2.863E-03 7.782E-05 81 9.7656E-02 2.377E+00 2.788E-02 2.405E+00 2.481E-02 6.309E-03 2.951E-01 2.988E-03 1.173E-02 3.287E-03 9.088E-05 80 1.0649E-01 2.260E+00 2.837E-02 2.288E+00 2.858E-02 6.781E-03 3.152E-01 3.147E-03 1.255E-02 3.770E-03 1.060E-04 79 1.1613E-01 2.151E+00 2.888E-02 2.180E+00 3.290E-02 7.283E-03 3.361E-01 3.323E-03 1.342E-02 4.318E-03 1.236E-04 78 1.2664E-01 2.050E+00 2.941E-02 2.080E+00 3.784E-02 7.815E-03 3.578E-01 3.518E-03 1.434E-02 4.939E-03 1.439E-04 77 1.3811E-01 1.957E+00 2.997E-02 1.987E+00 4.348E-02 8.379E-03 3.803E-01 3.735E-03 1.531E-02 5.641E-03 1.675E-04 76 1.5061E-01 1.871E+00 3.056E-02 1.902E+00 4.991E-02 8.976E-03 4.035E-01 3.975E-03 1.633E-02 6.433E-03 1.947E-04 75 1.6424E-01 1.792E+00 3.118E-02 1.823E+00 5.724E-02 9.608E-03 4.273E-01 4.242E-03 1.740E-02 7.324E-03 2.261E-04 74 1.7910E-01 1.719E+00 3.186E-02 1.751E+00 6.556E-02 1.028E-02 4.517E-01 4.540E-03 1.853E-02 8.324E-03 2.624E-04 73 1.9531E-01 1.652E+00 3.258E-02 1.685E+00 7.501E-02 1.098E-02 4.766E-01 4.872E-03 1.972E-02 9.443E-03 3.043E-04 72 2.1299E-01 1.591E+00 3.336E-02 1.624E+00 8.570E-02 1.172E-02 5.018E-01 5.242E-03 2.097E-02 1.069E-02 3.526E-04 71 2.3227E-01 1.534E+00 3.421E-02 1.569E+00 9.778E-02 1.251E-02 5.273E-01 5.655E-03 2.230E-02 1.208E-02 4.083E-04 70 2.5329E-01 1.483E+00 3.515E-02 1.518E+00 1.114E-01 1.334E-02 5.530E-01 6.115E-03 2.370E-02 1.363E-02 4.727E-04 69 2.7621E-01 1.437E+00 3.618E-02 1.473E+00 1.267E-01 1.421E-02 5.786E-01 6.627E-03 2.518E-02 1.534E-02 5.470E-04 68 3.0121E-01 1.394E+00 3.731E-02 1.432E+00 1.440E-01 1.513E-02 6.042E-01 7.196E-03 2.676E-02 1.722E-02 6.329E-04 67 3.2848E-01 1.356E+00 3.856E-02 1.395E+00 1.633E-01 1.611E-02 6.295E-01 7.826E-03 2.843E-02 1.930E-02 7.322E-04 66 3.5820E-01 1.322E+00 3.995E-02 1.362E+00 1.848E-01 1.713E-02 6.544E-01 8.522E-03 3.022E-02 2.158E-02 8.471E-04 65 3.9062E-01 1.291E+00 4.150E-02 1.333E+00 2.089E-01 1.822E-02 6.788E-01 9.286E-03 3.213E-02 2.407E-02 9.803E-04 64 4.2598E-01 1.264E+00 4.322E-02 1.308E+00 2.357E-01 1.937E-02 7.026E-01 1.012E-02 3.418E-02 2.679E-02 1.135E-03 63 4.6453E-01 1.240E+00 4.514E-02 1.285E+00 2.655E-01 2.059E-02 7.256E-01 1.103E-02 3.639E-02 2.975E-02 1.314E-03 62 5.0658E-01 1.219E+00 4.728E-02 1.267E+00 2.984E-01 2.189E-02 7.478E-01 1.202E-02 3.877E-02 3.296E-02 1.523E-03 61 5.5243E-01 1.201E+00 4.967E-02 1.251E+00 3.348E-01 2.327E-02 7.691E-01 1.308E-02 4.135E-02 3.643E-02 1.766E-03 60 6.0243E-01 1.186E+00 5.235E-02 1.238E+00 3.750E-01 2.474E-02 7.894E-01 1.423E-02 4.415E-02 4.019E-02 2.050E-03 59 6.5695E-01 1.173E+00 5.535E-02 1.228E+00 4.193E-01 2.631E-02 8.086E-01 1.547E-02 4.719E-02 4.423E-02 2.381E-03 58 7.1641E-01 1.162E+00 5.871E-02 1.221E+00 4.678E-01 2.799E-02 8.267E-01 1.679E-02 5.052E-02 4.857E-02 2.770E-03 57 7.8125E-01 1.153E+00 6.248E-02 1.216E+00 5.211E-01 2.980E-02 8.436E-01 1.822E-02 5.417E-02 5.323E-02 3.225E-03 56 8.5196E-01 1.147E+00 6.671E-02 1.214E+00 5.793E-01 3.174E-02 8.594E-01 1.974E-02 5.816E-02 5.822E-02 3.760E-03 55 9.2907E-01 1.142E+00 7.145E-02 1.214E+00 6.428E-01 3.383E-02 8.741E-01 2.137E-02 6.255E-02 6.354E-02 4.389E-03 54 1.0132E+00 1.139E+00 7.675E-02 1.216E+00 7.121E-01 3.608E-02 8.876E-01 2.310E-02 6.737E-02 6.923E-02 5.129E-03 53 1.1049E+00 1.138E+00 8.265E-02 1.220E+00 7.873E-01 3.852E-02 9.000E-01 2.495E-02 7.264E-02 7.528E-02 5.999E-03 52 1.2049E+00 1.138E+00 8.923E-02 1.227E+00 8.691E-01 4.115E-02 9.113E-01 2.692E-02 7.842E-02 8.172E-02 7.022E-03 51 1.3139E+00 1.139E+00 9.656E-02 1.236E+00 9.576E-01 4.399E-02 9.216E-01 2.901E-02 8.476E-02 8.856E-02 8.225E-03 50 1.4328E+00 1.142E+00 1.047E-01 1.247E+00 1.053E+00 4.707E-02 9.309E-01 3.123E-02 9.170E-02 9.582E-02 9.641E-03 49 1.5625E+00 1.146E+00 1.138E-01 1.259E+00 1.157E+00 5.040E-02 9.393E-01 3.358E-02 9.932E-02 1.035E-01 1.131E-02 48 1.7039E+00 1.150E+00 1.238E-01 1.274E+00 1.269E+00 5.400E-02 9.468E-01 3.606E-02 1.077E-01 1.117E-01 1.326E-02 47 1.8581E+00 1.156E+00 1.350E-01 1.291E+00 1.389E+00 5.789E-02 9.535E-01 3.868E-02 1.168E-01 1.203E-01 1.556E-02 46 2.0263E+00 1.162E+00 1.474E-01 1.310E+00 1.518E+00 6.210E-02 9.594E-01 4.145E-02 1.268E-01 1.294E-01 1.826E-02 45 2.2097E+00 1.169E+00 1.611E-01 1.330E+00 1.657E+00 6.664E-02 9.647E-01 4.436E-02 1.378E-01 1.389E-01 2.143E-02 44 2.4097E+00 1.177E+00 1.763E-01 1.353E+00 1.806E+00 7.155E-02 9.694E-01 4.741E-02 1.498E-01 1.490E-01 2.514E-02 43 2.6278E+00 1.185E+00 1.932E-01 1.378E+00 1.966E+00 7.683E-02 9.735E-01 5.062E-02 1.630E-01 1.597E-01 2.950E-02 42 2.8656E+00 1.194E+00 2.119E-01 1.406E+00 2.137E+00 8.253E-02 9.771E-01 5.399E-02 1.775E-01 1.708E-01 3.460E-02 41 3.1250E+00 1.203E+00 2.326E-01 1.436E+00 2.319E+00 8.866E-02 9.802E-01 5.750E-02 1.933E-01 1.825E-01 4.056E-02 40 3.4078E+00 1.213E+00 2.555E-01 1.468E+00 2.514E+00 9.525E-02 9.830E-01 6.117E-02 2.107E-01 1.948E-01 4.752E-02 39 3.7163E+00 1.223E+00 2.808E-01 1.503E+00 2.722E+00 1.023E-01 9.854E-01 6.500E-02 2.297E-01 2.076E-01 5.565E-02 38 4.0526E+00 1.233E+00 3.087E-01 1.541E+00 2.943E+00 1.099E-01 9.875E-01 6.899E-02 2.505E-01 2.210E-01 6.511E-02 37 4.4194E+00 1.243E+00 3.395E-01 1.582E+00 3.177E+00 1.180E-01 9.893E-01 7.313E-02 2.732E-01 2.349E-01 7.610E-02 36 4.8194E+00 1.253E+00 3.735E-01 1.627E+00 3.427E+00 1.266E-01 9.908E-01 7.744E-02 2.980E-01 2.493E-01 8.885E-02 35 5.2556E+00 1.264E+00 4.110E-01 1.675E+00 3.691E+00 1.358E-01 9.921E-01 8.191E-02 3.252E-01 2.642E-01 1.036E-01 34 5.7313E+00 1.275E+00 4.524E-01 1.727E+00 3.971E+00 1.456E-01 9.933E-01 8.656E-02 3.549E-01 2.797E-01 1.207E-01 33 6.2500E+00 1.285E+00 4.980E-01 1.783E+00 4.266E+00 1.560E-01 9.943E-01 9.137E-02 3.875E-01 2.956E-01 1.404E-01 32 6.8157E+00 1.296E+00 5.482E-01 1.844E+00 4.578E+00 1.670E-01 9.951E-01 9.637E-02 4.231E-01 3.119E-01 1.631E-01 31 7.4325E+00 1.307E+00 6.037E-01 1.910E+00 4.907E+00 1.786E-01 9.959E-01 1.016E-01 4.620E-01 3.286E-01 1.892E-01 30 8.1052E+00 1.317E+00 6.647E-01 1.982E+00 5.253E+00 1.908E-01 9.965E-01 1.070E-01 5.047E-01 3.457E-01 2.192E-01 29 8.8388E+00 1.328E+00 7.320E-01 2.060E+00 5.616E+00 2.036E-01 9.970E-01 1.126E-01 5.513E-01 3.631E-01 2.534E-01 28 9.6388E+00 1.338E+00 8.061E-01 2.144E+00 5.996E+00 2.171E-01 9.975E-01 1.184E-01 6.024E-01 3.806E-01 2.926E-01 27 1.0511E+01 1.349E+00 8.876E-01 2.236E+00 6.395E+00 2.312E-01 9.979E-01 1.244E-01 6.582E-01 3.984E-01 3.372E-01 26 1.1463E+01 1.359E+00 9.773E-01 2.336E+00 6.811E+00 2.458E-01 9.982E-01 1.307E-01 7.193E-01 4.162E-01 3.879E-01 25 1.2500E+01 1.369E+00 1.076E+00 2.445E+00 7.245E+00 2.611E-01 9.985E-01 1.372E-01 7.861E-01 4.341E-01 4.455E-01 24 1.3631E+01 1.379E+00 1.185E+00 2.563E+00 7.697E+00 2.768E-01 9.987E-01 1.439E-01 8.592E-01 4.519E-01 5.106E-01 23 1.4865E+01 1.388E+00 1.304E+00 2.692E+00 8.166E+00 2.932E-01 9.989E-01 1.508E-01 9.392E-01 4.696E-01 5.840E-01 22 1.6210E+01 1.398E+00 1.435E+00 2.833E+00 8.654E+00 3.100E-01 9.991E-01 1.580E-01 1.027E+00 4.871E-01 6.668E-01 21 1.7678E+01 1.407E+00 1.579E+00 2.987E+00 9.158E+00 3.272E-01 9.992E-01 1.654E-01 1.122E+00 5.043E-01 7.598E-01 20 1.9278E+01 1.416E+00 1.738E+00 3.154E+00 9.679E+00 3.449E-01 9.993E-01 1.730E-01 1.227E+00 5.212E-01 8.641E-01 19 2.1022E+01 1.425E+00 1.912E+00 3.338E+00 1.022E+01 3.629E-01 9.994E-01 1.807E-01 1.342E+00 5.377E-01 9.808E-01 18 2.2925E+01 1.434E+00 2.104E+00 3.538E+00 1.077E+01 3.813E-01 9.995E-01 1.887E-01 1.467E+00 5.536E-01 1.111E+00 17 2.5000E+01 1.443E+00 2.314E+00 3.757E+00 1.134E+01 3.999E-01 9.996E-01 1.968E-01 1.604E+00 5.690E-01 1.256E+00 16 2.7263E+01 1.452E+00 2.545E+00 3.996E+00 1.192E+01 4.187E-01 9.997E-01 2.051E-01 1.753E+00 5.839E-01 1.418E+00 15 2.9730E+01 1.460E+00 2.798E+00 4.258E+00 1.252E+01 4.376E-01 9.997E-01 2.135E-01 1.916E+00 5.981E-01 1.597E+00 14 3.2421E+01 1.468E+00 3.076E+00 4.544E+00 1.313E+01 4.567E-01 9.998E-01 2.221E-01 2.095E+00 6.116E-01 1.795E+00 13 3.5355E+01 1.477E+00 3.381E+00 4.857E+00 1.376E+01 4.758E-01 9.998E-01 2.308E-01 2.289E+00 6.245E-01 2.015E+00 12 3.8555E+01 1.485E+00 3.715E+00 5.200E+00 1.439E+01 4.948E-01 9.998E-01 2.396E-01 2.502E+00 6.366E-01 2.257E+00 11 4.2045E+01 1.493E+00 4.081E+00 5.574E+00 1.504E+01 5.138E-01 9.999E-01 2.486E-01 2.734E+00 6.481E-01 2.525E+00 10 4.5850E+01 1.501E+00 4.483E+00 5.984E+00 1.570E+01 5.327E-01 9.999E-01 2.577E-01 2.987E+00 6.588E-01 2.819E+00 9 5.0000E+01 1.509E+00 4.923E+00 6.432E+00 1.637E+01 5.513E-01 9.999E-01 2.669E-01 3.264E+00 6.688E-01 3.144E+00 8 5.4525E+01 1.516E+00 5.405E+00 6.922E+00 1.705E+01 5.697E-01 9.999E-01 2.762E-01 3.565E+00 6.781E-01 3.500E+00 7 5.9460E+01 1.524E+00 5.934E+00 7.457E+00 1.773E+01 5.879E-01 9.999E-01 2.856E-01 3.894E+00 6.867E-01 3.891E+00 6 6.4842E+01 1.531E+00 6.512E+00 8.043E+00 1.843E+01 6.057E-01 9.999E-01 2.951E-01 4.253E+00 6.947E-01 4.320E+00 5 7.0711E+01 1.539E+00 7.145E+00 8.684E+00 1.913E+01 6.232E-01 9.999E-01 3.048E-01 4.644E+00 7.020E-01 4.791E+00 4 7.7111E+01 1.546E+00 7.839E+00 9.385E+00 1.984E+01 6.403E-01 1.000E+00 3.145E-01 5.071E+00 7.088E-01 5.307E+00 3 8.4090E+01 1.553E+00 8.597E+00 1.015E+01 2.055E+01 6.570E-01 1.000E+00 3.244E-01 5.536E+00 7.149E-01 5.871E+00 2 9.1700E+01 1.560E+00 9.427E+00 1.099E+01 2.128E+01 6.732E-01 1.000E+00 3.343E-01 6.043E+00 7.205E-01 6.489E+00 1 1.0000E+02 1.567E+00 1.033E+01 1.190E+01 2.200E+01 6.890E-01 1.000E+00 3.444E-01 6.595E+00 7.256E-01 7.165E+00 1electron secondary production for material 11 print table 86 energy stopping power brems thick tgt k x-ray knock-on n collision radiation total brems mev mev barn mev barn mev barn barn barn barn 28 9.6388E+00 2.551E+02 1.537E+02 4.088E+02 3.900E+02 7.786E-01 5.965E+01 0.000E+00 27 1.0511E+01 2.571E+02 1.692E+02 4.263E+02 3.900E+02 1.593E+00 6.048E+01 0.000E+00 26 1.1463E+01 2.591E+02 1.863E+02 4.454E+02 3.902E+02 2.445E+00 6.131E+01 0.000E+00 25 1.2500E+01 2.610E+02 2.052E+02 4.661E+02 3.905E+02 3.334E+00 6.215E+01 0.000E+00 24 1.3631E+01 2.628E+02 2.259E+02 4.887E+02 3.909E+02 4.260E+00 6.300E+01 0.000E+00 23 1.4865E+01 2.647E+02 2.486E+02 5.133E+02 3.911E+02 5.223E+00 6.385E+01 0.000E+00 22 1.6210E+01 2.665E+02 2.736E+02 5.401E+02 3.911E+02 6.222E+00 6.470E+01 0.000E+00 21 1.7678E+01 2.683E+02 3.011E+02 5.694E+02 3.909E+02 7.256E+00 6.556E+01 0.000E+00 20 1.9278E+01 2.701E+02 3.314E+02 6.014E+02 3.906E+02 8.324E+00 6.641E+01 1.778E-01 19 2.1022E+01 2.718E+02 3.646E+02 6.364E+02 3.901E+02 9.425E+00 6.728E+01 3.727E-01 18 2.2925E+01 2.735E+02 4.011E+02 6.746E+02 3.897E+02 1.056E+01 6.814E+01 5.291E-01 17 2.5000E+01 2.751E+02 4.412E+02 7.163E+02 3.892E+02 1.172E+01 6.901E+01 6.565E-01 16 2.7263E+01 2.768E+02 4.852E+02 7.620E+02 3.888E+02 1.291E+01 6.987E+01 7.614E-01 15 2.9730E+01 2.784E+02 5.335E+02 8.119E+02 3.885E+02 1.413E+01 7.074E+01 8.485E-01 14 3.2421E+01 2.800E+02 5.865E+02 8.664E+02 3.884E+02 1.538E+01 7.162E+01 9.216E-01 13 3.5355E+01 2.816E+02 6.446E+02 9.261E+02 3.885E+02 1.665E+01 7.249E+01 9.831E-01 12 3.8555E+01 2.831E+02 7.083E+02 9.914E+02 3.887E+02 1.795E+01 7.336E+01 1.035E+00 11 4.2045E+01 2.846E+02 7.782E+02 1.063E+03 3.888E+02 1.927E+01 7.424E+01 1.080E+00 10 4.5850E+01 2.861E+02 8.548E+02 1.141E+03 3.890E+02 2.061E+01 7.511E+01 1.118E+00 9 5.0000E+01 2.876E+02 9.387E+02 1.226E+03 3.891E+02 2.197E+01 7.599E+01 1.150E+00 8 5.4525E+01 2.891E+02 1.031E+03 1.320E+03 3.890E+02 2.336E+01 7.687E+01 1.179E+00 7 5.9460E+01 2.905E+02 1.131E+03 1.422E+03 3.889E+02 2.476E+01 7.775E+01 1.203E+00 6 6.4842E+01 2.919E+02 1.242E+03 1.534E+03 3.891E+02 2.618E+01 7.863E+01 1.224E+00 5 7.0711E+01 2.933E+02 1.362E+03 1.656E+03 3.893E+02 2.761E+01 7.951E+01 1.242E+00 4 7.7111E+01 2.947E+02 1.495E+03 1.789E+03 3.896E+02 2.906E+01 8.039E+01 1.258E+00 3 8.4090E+01 2.961E+02 1.639E+03 1.935E+03 3.898E+02 3.052E+01 8.127E+01 1.272E+00 2 9.1700E+01 2.974E+02 1.797E+03 2.095E+03 3.899E+02 3.199E+01 8.215E+01 1.285E+00 1 1.0000E+02 2.988E+02 1.970E+03 2.269E+03 3.899E+02 3.348E+01 8.304E+01 1.295E+00 comment. setting up hash-based fast table search for xsec tables ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =====> Set up arrays for hash-based fast table search for xsec data number of hash bins = 8192 min hash table energy = 1.00000E-11 max hash table energy = 2.00000E+02 nuclide ne emin emax ave_bins min_bins max_bins 49113.21c 13753 1.00000E-11 2.00000E+02 1.7 0.0 104.0 49115.21c 31877 1.00000E-11 2.00000E+02 3.9 0.0 122.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *********************************************************************************************************************** dump no. 1 on file runIn nps = 0 coll = 0 ctm = 0.00 nrn = 0 2 warning messages so far. 1starting mcrun. cp0 = 0.13 print table 110 Title: Example photonuclear simulation 8 0.000E+00 5.064E-01 3.908E-02 1 1 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.000E+01 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 4 0.000E+00 4.376E-02 -3.902E-01 1 1 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.000E+01 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 16 0.000E+00 -3.615E-01 -5.219E-01 1 1 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.000E+01 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 11 0.000E+00 1.126E-01 3.313E-01 1 1 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.000E+01 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 6 0.000E+00 -3.611E-01 -2.207E-01 1 1 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.000E+01 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 3 0.000E+00 6.068E-02 -5.323E-01 1 1 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.000E+01 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 18 0.000E+00 4.059E-01 3.095E-01 1 1 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.000E+01 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 12 0.000E+00 -2.170E-01 3.333E-01 1 1 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.000E+01 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 13 0.000E+00 -2.501E-01 1.617E-01 1 1 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.000E+01 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 15 0.000E+00 -1.675E-02 -6.242E-01 1 1 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.000E+01 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 14 0.000E+00 3.685E-01 -2.350E-02 1 1 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.000E+01 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 5 0.000E+00 -1.841E-02 -2.271E-01 1 1 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.000E+01 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 10 0.000E+00 -2.908E-01 -2.572E-01 1 1 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.000E+01 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 9 0.000E+00 3.262E-01 4.619E-01 1 1 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.000E+01 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 nps x y z cell surf u v w energy weight time 1 0.000E+00 -4.144E-01 -3.551E-01 1 1 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.000E+01 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 2 0.000E+00 1.526E-02 7.449E-02 1 1 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.000E+01 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 7 0.000E+00 3.823E-01 -2.448E-01 1 1 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.000E+01 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 17 0.000E+00 -6.928E-02 1.204E-01 1 1 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.000E+01 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 19 0.000E+00 -9.227E-03 4.331E-01 1 1 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.000E+01 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 20 0.000E+00 5.279E-01 -2.458E-01 1 1 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.000E+01 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 21 0.000E+00 -3.910E-02 5.725E-01 1 1 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.000E+01 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 22 0.000E+00 1.211E-01 3.864E-01 1 1 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.000E+01 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 23 0.000E+00 3.261E-01 4.416E-01 1 1 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.000E+01 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 24 0.000E+00 4.079E-01 -2.946E-01 1 1 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.000E+01 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 25 0.000E+00 -1.483E-01 -5.189E-01 1 1 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.000E+01 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 26 0.000E+00 3.438E-01 4.646E-02 1 1 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.000E+01 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 27 0.000E+00 -4.631E-01 2.976E-01 1 1 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.000E+01 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 28 0.000E+00 7.845E-02 -2.240E-01 1 1 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.000E+01 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 29 0.000E+00 1.154E-01 3.201E-01 1 1 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.000E+01 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 30 0.000E+00 6.908E-02 1.041E-02 1 1 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.000E+01 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 31 0.000E+00 4.014E-01 3.162E-01 1 1 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.000E+01 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 32 0.000E+00 3.602E-01 -1.495E-01 1 1 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.000E+01 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 33 0.000E+00 3.810E-01 -1.242E-01 1 1 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.000E+01 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 34 0.000E+00 4.983E-01 3.323E-01 1 1 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.000E+01 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 35 0.000E+00 -4.852E-01 2.993E-01 1 1 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.000E+01 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 36 0.000E+00 8.637E-02 1.785E-01 1 1 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.000E+01 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 37 0.000E+00 -1.367E-02 -3.052E-02 1 1 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.000E+01 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 38 0.000E+00 4.620E-01 -1.335E-01 1 1 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.000E+01 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 39 0.000E+00 8.330E-02 -3.481E-01 1 1 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.000E+01 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 40 0.000E+00 -2.884E-01 -3.641E-02 1 1 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.000E+01 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 42 0.000E+00 1.467E-01 -1.599E-01 1 1 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.000E+01 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 41 0.000E+00 2.863E-01 1.562E-01 1 1 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.000E+01 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 43 0.000E+00 -5.107E-01 -2.563E-01 1 1 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.000E+01 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 44 0.000E+00 2.350E-01 5.129E-01 1 1 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.000E+01 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 45 0.000E+00 2.162E-01 3.361E-01 1 1 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.000E+01 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 46 0.000E+00 1.927E-01 1.573E-01 1 1 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.000E+01 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 47 0.000E+00 -5.970E-01 -2.118E-02 1 1 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.000E+01 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 48 0.000E+00 -1.655E-02 6.096E-01 1 1 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.000E+01 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 49 0.000E+00 3.742E-01 -3.894E-01 1 1 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.000E+01 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 50 0.000E+00 -8.991E-02 2.461E-01 1 1 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 0.000E+00 2.000E+01 1.000E+00 0.000E+00 1problem summary run terminated when 250000000 particle histories were done. + 07/06/23 18:48:50 =====> 1415.07 M histories/hr (based on wall-clock time in mcrun) Title: Example photonuclear simulation probid = 07/06/23 18:38:13 neutron creation tracks weight energy neutron loss tracks weight energy (per source particle) (per source particle) source 0 0. 0. escape 310678 4.0185E-04 4.6134E-04 nucl. interaction 0 0. 0. energy cutoff 0 0. 0. particle decay 0 0. 0. time cutoff 0 0. 0. weight window 0 0. 0. weight window 0 0. 0. cell importance 0 0. 0. cell importance 0 0. 0. weight cutoff 0 0. 0. weight cutoff 0 0. 0. e or t importance 0 0. 0. e or t importance 0 0. 0. dxtran 0 0. 0. dxtran 0 0. 0. forced collisions 0 0. 0. forced collisions 0 0. 0. exp. transform 0 0. 0. exp. transform 0 0. 0. upscattering 0 0. 0. downscattering 0 0. 2.9761E-05 photonuclear 317371 4.1046E-04 4.9891E-04 capture 6693 8.6042E-06 7.8097E-06 (n,xn) 0 0. 0. loss to (n,xn) 0 0. 0. prompt fission 0 0. 0. loss to fission 0 0. 0. delayed fission 0 0. 0. nucl. interaction 0 0. 0. prompt photofis 0 0. 0. particle decay 0 0. 0. tabular boundary 0 0. 0. tabular boundary 0 0. 0. tabular sampling 0 0. 0. elastic scatter 0 0. 0. total 317371 4.1046E-04 4.9891E-04 total 317371 4.1046E-04 4.9891E-04 number of neutrons banked 317371 average time of (shakes) cutoffs neutron tracks per source particle 1.2695E-03 escape 1.7559E-01 tco 1.0000E+33 neutron collisions per source particle 6.3089E-04 capture 2.2059E-01 eco 0.0000E+00 total neutron collisions 157723 capture or escape 1.7653E-01 wc1 -5.0000E-01 net multiplication 0.0000E+00 0.0000 any termination 1.7653E-01 wc2 -2.5000E-01 photon creation tracks weight energy photon loss tracks weight energy (per source particle) (per source particle) source 0 0. 0. escape 33724873 9.3690E-02 1.1206E+00 nucl. interaction 0 0. 0. energy cutoff 8838992 1.0072E-02 4.3992E+00 particle decay 0 0. 0. time cutoff 0 0. 0. weight window 0 0. 0. weight window 0 0. 0. cell importance 0 0. 0. cell importance 0 0. 0. weight cutoff 0 6.6795E-05 6.8551E-04 weight cutoff 91557 6.6912E-05 6.8636E-04 e or t importance 0 0. 0. e or t importance 0 0. 0. dxtran 0 0. 0. dxtran 0 0. 0. forced collisions 33724873 0. 0. forced collisions 0 0. 0. exp. transform 0 0. 0. exp. transform 0 0. 0. from neutrons 16044 6.4199E-05 9.4702E-05 compton scatter 0 0. 8.9894E-02 bremsstrahlung 32908855 1.3139E-01 5.9501E+00 capture 69560 7.8796E-05 9.0784E-04 p-annihilation 0 0. 0. pair production 23582593 2.7204E-02 3.3389E-01 photonuclear 135 1.7302E-07 1.8911E-06 photonuclear abs 342332 4.1079E-04 5.7233E-03 electron x-rays 0 0. 0. loss to photofis 0 0. 0. compton fluores 0 0. 0. muon capt fluores 0 0. 0. 1st fluorescence 0 0. 0. 2nd fluorescence 0 0. 0. cerenkov 0 0. 0. (gamma,xgamma) 0 0. 0. tabular sampling 0 0. 0. prompt photofis 0 0. 0. total 66649907 1.3152E-01 5.9509E+00 total 66649907 1.3152E-01 5.9509E+00 number of photons banked 66633863 average time of (shakes) cutoffs photon tracks per source particle 2.6660E-01 escape 4.6022E-03 tco 1.0000E+33 photon collisions per source particle 1.3490E-01 capture 2.6609E-03 eco 9.0379E+00 total photon collisions 33724873 capture or escape 4.5921E-03 wc1 -5.0000E-01 any termination 4.1028E-03 wc2 -2.5000E-01 electron creation tracks weight energy electron loss tracks weight energy (per source particle) (per source particle) source 250000000 1.0000E+00 2.0000E+01 escape 2057644 4.7032E-03 5.7711E-02 nucl. interaction 0 0. 0. energy cutoff 256232265 1.0058E+00 7.7955E+00 particle decay 0 0. 0. time cutoff 0 0. 0. weight window 0 0. 0. weight window 0 0. 0. cell importance 0 0. 0. cell importance 0 0. 0. weight cutoff 0 0. 0. weight cutoff 0 0. 0. e or t importance 0 0. 0. e or t importance 0 0. 0. pair production 6818527 8.3127E-03 9.1775E-02 scattering 0 0. 6.3230E+00 compton recoil 4221130 4.9163E-03 5.6118E-02 bremsstrahlung 0 0. 5.9501E+00 photo-electric 68872 7.8056E-05 8.9921E-04 p-annihilation 3051603 3.7356E-03 3.1402E-02 photon auger 0 0. 0. atomic excitation 0 0. 0. electron auger 0 0. 0. knock-on 232983 9.3193E-04 8.9460E-03 electroionization 0 0. 0. (gamma,xelectron) 0 0. 0. rejection > emax 0 0. 0. total 261341512 1.0142E+00 2.0158E+01 total 261341512 1.0142E+00 2.0158E+01 number of electrons banked 11341512 cutoffs electron tracks per source particle 1.0454E+00 tco 1.0000E+33 electron sub-steps per source particle 7.7521E+01 eco 9.0379E+00 total electron sub-steps 19380175042 wc1 0.0000E+00 wc2 0.0000E+00 computer time so far in this run 190.88 minutes maximum number ever in bank 5 computer time in mcrun 190.72 minutes bank overflows to backup file 0 source particles per minute 1.3108E+06 random numbers generated 203786521376 most random numbers used was 2046 in history 221493800 range of sampled source weights = 1.0000E+00 to 1.0000E+00 photonuclear production mt loop failed 499 times. number of histories processed by each thread 13669664 14101530 14052676 14107026 14127397 13417283 14073318 14062105 13898883 13980105 14036605 13791271 13730569 13557404 14069188 13753441 13761372 13810163 1neutron activity in each cell print table 126 tracks population collisions collisions number flux average average cell entering * weight weighted weighted track weight track mfp (per history) energy energy (relative) (cm) 1 1 0 317371 157723 2.0382E-04 7.6234E-01 1.1574E+00 3.2303E-01 3.8399E+00 total 0 317371 157723 2.0382E-04 1photon activity in each cell print table 126 tracks population collisions collisions number flux average average cell entering * weight weighted weighted track weight track mfp (per history) energy energy (relative) (cm) 1 1 0 66633863 33724873 3.8768E-02 1.1991E+01 1.1991E+01 5.5276E-01 3.3445E+00 total 0 66633863 33724873 3.8768E-02 1electron activity in each cell print table 126 tracks population substeps substeps number flux average average cell entering * weight weighted weighted track weight substep (per history) energy energy (relative) (cm) 1 1 250000000 261341512 19380175042 7.6895E+01 1.4966E+01 1.4967E+01 9.9269E-01 8.1025E-03 total 250000000 261341512 19380175042 7.6895E+01 1neutron weight balance in each cell print table 130 cell index 1 cell number 1 total external events: entering 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 source 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 energy cutoff 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 time cutoff 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 exiting -4.0185E-04 -4.0185E-04 ---------- ---------- total -4.0185E-04 -4.0185E-04 variance reduction events: weight window 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 cell importance 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 weight cutoff 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 e or t importance 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 dxtran 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 forced collisions 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 exp. transform 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 ---------- ---------- total 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 physical events: capture -8.6042E-06 -8.6042E-06 (n,xn) 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 loss to (n,xn) 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 fission 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 loss to fission 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 photonuclear 4.1046E-04 4.1046E-04 nucl. interaction 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 tabular boundary 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 decay gain 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 tabular sampling 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 decay loss 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 photofission 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 ---------- ---------- total 4.0185E-04 4.0185E-04 ---------- ---------- total 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 1photon weight balance in each cell print table 130 cell index 1 cell number 1 total external events: entering 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 source 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 energy cutoff -1.0072E-02 -1.0072E-02 time cutoff 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 exiting -9.3690E-02 -9.3690E-02 ---------- ---------- total -1.0376E-01 -1.0376E-01 variance reduction events: weight window 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 cell importance 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 weight cutoff -1.1744E-07 -1.1744E-07 e or t importance 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 dxtran 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 forced collisions 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 exp. transform 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 ---------- ---------- total -1.1744E-07 -1.1744E-07 physical events: from neutrons 6.4199E-05 6.4199E-05 bremsstrahlung 1.3139E-01 1.3139E-01 capture -7.8796E-05 -7.8796E-05 p-annihilation 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 pair production -2.7204E-02 -2.7204E-02 photonuclear 1.7302E-07 1.7302E-07 photonuclear abs -4.1079E-04 -4.1079E-04 electron x-rays 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 compton fluores 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 muon capt fluores 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 fluorescence 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 cerenkov 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 decay gain 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 nucl. interaction 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 tabular sampling 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 photofission 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 loss to photofis 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 ---------- ---------- total 1.0376E-01 1.0376E-01 ---------- ---------- total 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 1electron weight balance in each cell print table 130 cell index 1 cell number 1 total external events: entering 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 source 1.0000E+00 1.0000E+00 energy cutoff -1.0058E+00 -1.0058E+00 time cutoff 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 exiting -4.7032E-03 -4.7032E-03 ---------- ---------- total -1.0503E-02 -1.0503E-02 variance reduction events: weight window 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 cell importance 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 weight cutoff 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 e or t importance 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 ---------- ---------- total 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 physical events: pair production 8.3127E-03 8.3127E-03 compton recoil 4.9163E-03 4.9163E-03 photo-electric 7.8056E-05 7.8056E-05 photon auger 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 electron auger 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 knock-on 9.3193E-04 9.3193E-04 nucl. interaction 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 decay gain 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 p-annihilation -3.7356E-03 -3.7356E-03 rejection > emax 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 ---------- ---------- total 1.0503E-02 1.0503E-02 ---------- ---------- total 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 1neutron activity of each nuclide in each cell, per source particle print table 140 cell cell nuclides atom total collisions wgt. lost wgt. gain wgt. gain photons photon wgt avg photon index name fraction collisions * weight to capture by fission by (n,xn) produced produced energy 1 1 49113.21c 4.29E-02 6376 8.2321E-06 3.3055E-07 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 49115.21c 9.57E-01 151347 1.9559E-04 8.2736E-06 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 total 157723 2.0382E-04 8.6042E-06 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 total over all cells by nuclide total collisions wgt. lost wgt. gain wgt. gain photons photon wgt avg photon collisions * weight to capture by fission by (n,xn) produced produced energy 49113.21c 6376 8.2321E-06 3.3055E-07 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 49115.21c 151347 1.9559E-04 8.2736E-06 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 1photoatomic activity of each nuclide in each cell, per source particle print table 140 cell cell nuclides atom total collisions wgt. lost weight of total weight of total weight of index name fraction collisions * weight to capture pair prod incoherent incoherent coherent coherent 1 1 49000.14p 4.29E-02 1431869 1.6449E-03 0.0000E+00 1.1671E-03 416787 4.7407E-04 318 3.6434E-07 49000.14p 9.57E-01 31950672 3.6713E-02 0.0000E+00 2.6037E-02 9305986 1.0592E-02 7297 8.2078E-06 total 33382541 3.8358E-02 0.0000E+00 2.7204E-02 9722773 1.1066E-02 7615 8.5721E-06 total over all cells by nuclide total collisions wgt. lost weight of total weight of total weight of collisions * weight to capture pair prod incoherent incoherent coherent coherent 49000.14p 33382541 3.8358E-02 0.0000E+00 2.7204E-02 9722773 1.1066E-02 7615 8.5721E-06 1photonuclear activity of each nuclide in each cell, per source particle print table 140 cell cell nuclides atom total collisions photons photon wgt avg photon neutrons neutron wgt avg neutron index name fraction collisions * weight produced produced energy produced produced energy 1 1 49113.21u 4.29E-02 13592 1.6337E-05 3 3.6051E-09 1.1260E+01 12346 1.5910E-05 1.1283E+00 49115.21u 9.57E-01 328740 3.9445E-04 132 1.6941E-07 1.0923E+01 305025 3.9455E-04 1.2190E+00 total 342332 4.1079E-04 135 1.7302E-07 1.0930E+01 317371 4.1046E-04 1.2155E+00 total over all cells by nuclide total collisions photons photon wgt avg photon neutrons neutron wgt avg neutron collisions * weight produced produced energy produced produced energy 49113.21u 13592 1.6337E-05 3 3.6051E-09 1.1260E+01 12346 1.5910E-05 1.1283E+00 49115.21u 328740 3.9445E-04 132 1.6941E-07 1.0923E+01 305025 3.9455E-04 1.2190E+00 1summary of photons produced in neutron collisions in the tabular range production by cell of photons created with energies above local photon energy cutoffs cell number of weight per energy per avg photon mev/gm per weight/neut energy/neut photons source neut source neut energy source neut collision collision 1 1 0 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 2 2 0 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 total 0 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 energy distribution of photons produced in neutron collisions in the tabular range all sampled photons from neutron collisions in the tabular range, without regard to energy cutoffs energy number of number cum number weight of weight cum weight interval photons frequency distribution photons frequency distribution 20.000 0 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 15.000 0 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 10.000 0 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 9.000 1 6.23286E-05 6.23286E-05 4.00000E-09 6.23064E-05 6.23064E-05 <-------- energy interval containing the global photon energy cutoff, 9.038E+00 MeV 8.000 1 6.23286E-05 1.24657E-04 4.00000E-09 6.23064E-05 1.24613E-04 7.000 14 8.72600E-04 9.97258E-04 5.60000E-08 8.72289E-04 9.96902E-04 6.000 55 3.42807E-03 4.42533E-03 2.20000E-07 3.42685E-03 4.42375E-03 5.000 196 1.22164E-02 1.66417E-02 7.84000E-07 1.22120E-02 1.66358E-02 4.000 509 3.17253E-02 4.83670E-02 2.04198E-06 3.18072E-02 4.84430E-02 3.000 1163 7.24882E-02 1.20855E-01 4.65200E-06 7.24623E-02 1.20905E-01 2.000 2337 1.45662E-01 2.66517E-01 9.35771E-06 1.45761E-01 2.66667E-01 1.000 4654 2.90077E-01 5.56594E-01 1.86203E-05 2.90040E-01 5.56707E-01 0.500 3132 1.95213E-01 7.51808E-01 1.25282E-05 1.95146E-01 7.51853E-01 0.100 2934 1.82872E-01 9.34680E-01 1.17376E-05 1.82832E-01 9.34684E-01 0.010 1047 6.52580E-02 9.99938E-01 4.18919E-06 6.52534E-02 9.99938E-01 0.000 1 6.23286E-05 1.00000E+00 4.00000E-09 6.23064E-05 1.00000E+00 total 16044 1.00000E+00 6.41989E-05 1.00000E+00 warning. 16044 photons from neutron collisions were created below a local photon energy cutoff and were not followed. 1tally 1 nps = 250000000 + Neutrons/electron emission through target surfaces and summed over the entire target tally type 1 number of particles crossing a surface. particle(s): neutrons surface 1 1.87565E-04 0.0027 surface 2 1.97175E-04 0.0027 surface 11 4.27937E-06 0.0179 surface 12 4.32413E-06 0.0180 surface 21 4.31929E-06 0.0179 surface 22 4.18833E-06 0.0182 surface (1 2 11 12 21 22) 4.01851E-04 0.0019 =================================================================================================================================== results of 10 statistical checks for the estimated answer for the tally fluctuation chart (tfc) bin of tally 1 tfc bin --mean-- ---------relative error--------- ----variance of the variance---- --figure of merit-- -pdf- behavior behavior value decrease decrease rate value decrease decrease rate value behavior slope desired random <0.10 yes 1/sqrt(nps) <0.10 yes 1/nps constant random >3.00 observed random 0.00 yes yes 0.00 yes yes constant random 1.80 passed? yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no =================================================================================================================================== warning. the tally in the tally fluctuation chart bin did not pass 1 of the 10 statistical checks. 1analysis of the results in the tally fluctuation chart bin (tfc) for tally 1 with nps = 250000000 print table 160 normed average tally per history = 4.01851E-04 unnormed average tally per history = 4.01851E-04 estimated tally relative error = 0.0019 estimated variance of the variance = 0.0000 relative error from zero tallies = 0.0018 relative error from nonzero scores = 0.0005 number of nonzero history tallies = 300485 efficiency for the nonzero tallies = 0.0012 history number of largest tally = 112014539 largest unnormalized history tally = 1.85982E+00 (largest tally)/(average tally) = 4.62814E+03 (largest tally)/(avg nonzero tally)= 5.56274E+00 (confidence interval shift)/mean = 0.0000 shifted confidence interval center = 4.01852E-04 if the largest history score sampled so far were to occur on the next history, the tfc bin quantities would change as follows: estimated quantities value at nps value at nps+1 value(nps+1)/value(nps)-1. mean 4.01851E-04 4.01858E-04 0.000019 relative error 1.89722E-03 1.89727E-03 0.000029 variance of the variance 5.31074E-06 5.31879E-06 0.001515 shifted center 4.01852E-04 4.01852E-04 0.000000 figure of merit 1.45667E+03 1.45659E+03 -0.000058 the estimated inverse power slope of the 196 largest tallies starting at 8.97138E-01 is 1.8045 the empirical history score probability density function appears to be increasing at the largest history scores: please examine. see print table 161. the large score tail of the empirical history score probability density function appears to have no unsampled regions. fom = (histories/minute)*(f(x) signal-to-noise ratio)**2 = (1.311E+06)*( 3.334E-02)**2 = (1.311E+06)*(1.111E-03) = 1.457E+03 1unnormed tally density for tally 1 nonzero tally mean(m) = 3.343E-01 nps = 250000000 print table 161 abscissa ordinate log plot of tally probability density function in tally fluctuation chart bin(d=decade,slope= 1.8) tally number num den log den:d------------------d-------------------d-------------------d-------------------d-------------------d 2.51-01 1205 9.33-05 -4.030 *******************|*******************|****************** | | | 3.16-01 185570 1.14-02 -1.943 *******************|*******************|*******************|*******************|*******************| 3.98-01 77227 3.77-03 -2.423 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm|mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm|mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm|mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm|mmmmmmmmmm | 5.01-01 20323 7.89-04 -3.103 *******************|*******************|*******************|***************** | | 6.31-01 4805 1.48-04 -3.829 *******************|*******************|*******************|** | | 7.94-01 9605 2.35-04 -3.629 *******************|*******************|*******************|****** | | 1.00+00 1697 3.30-05 -4.481 *******************|*******************|********* s| | | 1.26+00 30 4.63-07 -6.334 ************ | | s | | | 1.58+00 10 1.23-07 -6.911 * | | s | | | 2.00+00 13 1.27-07 -6.897 * | | s | | | total 300485 1.20-03 d------------------d-------------------d-------------------d-------------------d-------------------d cumulative tally number for tally 1 nonzero tally mean(m) = 3.343E-01 nps = 250000000 print table 162 abscissa cum ordinate plot of the cumulative number of tallies in the tally fluctuation chart bin from 0 to 100 percent tally number cum pct:--------10--------20--------30--------40--------50--------60--------70--------80--------90-------100 2.51189E-01 1205 0.401| | | | | | | | | | | 3.16228E-01 186775 62.158|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|** | | | | 3.98107E-01 264002 87.859|mmmmmmmmm|mmmmmmmmm|mmmmmmmmm|mmmmmmmmm|mmmmmmmmm|mmmmmmmmm|mmmmmmmmm|mmmmmmmmm|mmmmmmmm | | 5.01187E-01 284325 94.622|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|***** | 6.30957E-01 289130 96.221|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|****** | 7.94328E-01 298735 99.418|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********| 1.00000E+00 300432 99.982|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********| 1.25893E+00 300462 99.992|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********| 1.58489E+00 300472 99.996|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********| 1.99526E+00 300485 100.000|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********| total 300485 100.000:--------10--------20--------30--------40--------50--------60--------70--------80--------90-------100 cumulative unnormed tally for tally 1 nonzero tally mean(m) = 3.343E-01 nps = 250000000 print table 162 abscissa cum ordinate plot of the cumulative tally in the tally fluctuation chart bin from 0 to 100 percent tally tally/nps cum pct:--------10--------20--------30--------40--------50--------60--------70--------80--------90-------100 2.512E-01 1.208E-06 0.301| | | | | | | | | | | 3.162E-01 2.174E-04 54.093|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|**** | | | | | 3.981E-01 3.198E-04 79.587|mmmmmmmmm|mmmmmmmmm|mmmmmmmmm|mmmmmmmmm|mmmmmmmmm|mmmmmmmmm|mmmmmmmmm|mmmmmmmmm| | | 5.012E-01 3.590E-04 89.324|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********| | 6.310E-01 3.701E-04 92.094|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|** | 7.943E-01 3.958E-04 98.501|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********| 1.000E+00 4.016E-04 99.931|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********| 1.259E+00 4.017E-04 99.964|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********| 1.585E+00 4.018E-04 99.978|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********| 1.995E+00 4.019E-04 100.000|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********|*********| total 4.01851E-04 100.000:--------10--------20--------30--------40--------50--------60--------70--------80--------90-------100 1status of the statistical checks used to form confidence intervals for the mean for each tally bin tally result of statistical checks for the tfc bin (the first check not passed is listed) and error magnitude check for all bins 1 missed 1 of 10 tfc bin checks: the slope of decrease of largest tallies is less than the minimum acceptable value of 3.0 passed all bin error check: 7 tally bins all have relative errors less than 0.10 with no zero bins the 10 statistical checks are only for the tally fluctuation chart bin and do not apply to other tally bins. warning. 1 of the 1 tally fluctuation chart bins did not pass all 10 statistical checks. 1tally fluctuation charts tally 1 nps mean error vov slope fom 16384000 4.0385E-04 0.0074 0.0001 10.0 1488 32768000 4.0508E-04 0.0052 0.0000 5.2 1485 49152000 4.0469E-04 0.0043 0.0000 3.0 1482 65536000 4.0397E-04 0.0037 0.0000 3.1 1480 81920000 4.0197E-04 0.0033 0.0000 2.7 1474 98304000 4.0212E-04 0.0030 0.0000 2.4 1472 114688000 4.0272E-04 0.0028 0.0000 2.4 1475 131072000 4.0289E-04 0.0026 0.0000 2.2 1475 147456000 4.0285E-04 0.0025 0.0000 2.1 1474 163840000 4.0258E-04 0.0023 0.0000 1.9 1472 180224000 4.0252E-04 0.0022 0.0000 1.9 1472 196608000 4.0230E-04 0.0021 0.0000 1.9 1469 212992000 4.0234E-04 0.0021 0.0000 1.8 1464 229376000 4.0218E-04 0.0020 0.0000 1.8 1461 245760000 4.0187E-04 0.0019 0.0000 1.8 1457 250000000 4.0185E-04 0.0019 0.0000 1.8 1457 *********************************************************************************************************************** dump no. 2 on file runIn nps = 250000000 coll = 19414057638 ctm = 190.72 nrn = 203786521376 5 warning messages so far. run terminated when 250000000 particle histories were done. computer time = 190.89 minutes mcnp version 6 02/20/18 07/06/23 18:48:50 probid = 07/06/23 18:38:13