"expData/DickensPu241tpulse.dat" usi 1:6:7 notitle with yerrorbars lt 5 lc 1, \ "expData/DickensPu241tpulse.dat" usi 1:6:7 title "Dickens total" with yerrorbars lt 1 lc 1, \ "expData/DickensPu241tpulse.dat" usi 1:2:3 notitle with yerrorbars lt 5 lc 2, \ "expData/DickensPu241tpulse.dat" usi 1:2:3 title "Dickens beta" with yerrorbars lt 1 lc 2, \ "expData/DickensPu241tpulse.dat" usi 1:4:5 notitle with yerrorbars lt 5 lc 3, \ "expData/DickensPu241tpulse.dat" usi 1:4:5 title "Dickens gamma" with yerrorbars lt 1 lc 3