Title : Program CHEX Author : V.McLane, 1998-2001 Purpose: Checking EXFOR entries Current Version: 2005-September, produced in IAEA-NDS Run: see file 'howto.txt' Updated: 2002-March V.McLane: Provided source code on VMS (DEC-Fortran) 2002-May V.Zerkin: Ported from VMS to Windows, Linux: - Dictionaries were re-organized to direct-access files; - New program DANLO written to create new Dictionaries from dictionaries-backup file (DAN_BACK_NEW.XXXX) - Subroutines to access new Dictionaries 2004-May V.Zerkin: recompiled on Linux with Fortran: - Lahey/Fujitsu Fortran 95 Compiler Release L6.20b 2005-April V.Zerkin - Windows/Linux: EXFOR Dictionary 9086 - debugging: usage of Status-field in Dictionaries 2005-Sept. V.Zerkin - EXFOR Dictionaries were re-organized (9188): 7-->7+207, 13-->213, 27-->227+209, 36-->236 - debugging: correct checking N1, N2 in ENDENTRY, DATA History: 1998-2001 Originally written on VMS by: ----------------------------- Ms. Victoria McLane National Nuclear Data Center Bldg. 197D Brookhaven National Laboratory P.O. Box 5000 Upton, NY 11973-5000 U.S.A. PHONE :+1 631-344-5205 FAX :+1 631-344-2806 E-MAIL :vml@bnl.gov 2001 Adopted to Windows and Linux by: -------------------------------- Mr. Viktor Zerkin Room: A-2318 Nuclear Data Section International Atomic Energy Agency P.O. Box 100 A-1400 Vienna AUSTRIA PHONE :+43 1-2600-21714 FAX :+43 1-26007 E-MAIL :v.zerkin@iaea.org 2001-2005 Maintained on Windows and Linux by: ----------------------------------- Dr. V.Zerkin, IAEA-NDS