Full EXFOR in C4 format. (Under development) V.Zerkin, 2007/05/08-2007/05/10 ******************************************************************************* ver1/ x4index.txt index of EXFOR data c4index.txt index of C4 data (lines: 55931, dictionary: EXFOR14A.DAT) exfor/ directory with full EXFOR in EXFOR and C4 formats: for every ENTRY one file in sub-directory structure. Naming convension: accession number -> EXFOR file C4 file 12345 -> 123/12345.x4 123/12345.c4 Total files: 26,917 ******************************************************************************* ver2/ x4index.txt index of EXFOR data c4index2.txt index of C4 data (lines: 63236, dictionary: EXFOR14A.DAT_ext) exfor/ directory with full EXFOR in EXFOR and C4 formats: one file for group Entries with naming convension: accession number -> EXFOR file C4 file 123* -> exfor123.x4 exfor123.c4 Total files: 440 ******************************************************************************* ver3/ c4index3.txt index of C4 data exfor/ directory with full EXFOR in extended C4 format*: one file for every dataset (SUBENT+Pointer) in sub-directories. Naming convension: accession number -> extended C4 file 12345678 -> 123/12345678P.xc (P - Reaction Pointer) Total: files:62,859, size:910Mb ******************************************************************************* ver4/ c4index3.txt index of C4 data (same as in ver3\) exfor/ directory with full EXFOR in extended-2 C4 format**: one file for every dataset (SUBENT+Pointer) in sub-directories. Naming convension: accession number -> extended C4 file 12345678 -> 123/12345678P.xc (P - Reaction Pointer) Total: files:62,859, size:484Mb (fitts to one CD-ROM) ******************************************************************************* ver5/ x4bck.x4.xc4 (size:462Mb, deleted) full EXFOR in extended-2 C4 format**: one file full EXFOR library. X4C4-2007-05-15.zip (size:69Mb) contains: X4C4-2007-05-15.xc4 (size:871Mb) contains: full EXFOR in extended C4 format* sorted by Entry-Subentry-Pointer Note. Users can store C4-data in a form they wish, e.g.: a) index file + directory structure sorting data by EXFOR numbers, b) index file + directory structure sorting data by target/reaction, c) ENDF-like directory structure: ZAProjectile/ZAMaterial/MF/MT d) database e) etc. (full freedom) ******************************************************************************* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Extended C4 format - C4 with identification information, given as comment starting with #: File consists of 3 parts: 1) comment: description (reference, title, full list of authors) 2) C4 lines as is in pure C4 file 3) comment: ending lines ....Software reading C4 update: - ingnore lines starting with # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- **Extended-2 C4 format - short version of extended C4 File consists of 3 parts: 1) comment: description (reference, title, full list of authors) 2) C4 lines, but cut after column 98 - author's name and SUBENT number - missing information should be taken from the comment lines 3) comment: ending lines ....Software reading C4 update: a) use information from comment lines to define Author(year) b) ingnore other lines starting with #