The directory ACTIVATION/ contains the pointwise and processed
activation cross sections for stable and unstable target nuclides with
half-lives longer than 1/2 day.
Directory structure:
|-----> FENDLA/ (pointwise neutron activation cross sections
| | assembled by the Culham/ECN team at UKAEA
| | Culham in March 1996.
| | Includes non-zero cross sections below 20 MeV for
| | 13006 neutron reactions on 739 target nuclides
| | (including metastable states).)
| |
| |
| |---> EAF/ (data in EAF format)
| | |
| | |---> FENDL-2.DAT (entire pointwise activation file)
| | |
| | |---> FENDLA-2.* (the same data as in FENDL-2.DAT but
| | | divided into 7 smaller files)
| | |
| | |---> FENDLA2*/ (the same data as in FENDL-2.* but
| | | divided into even smaller files)
| | |
| | |---> M* (data)
| |
| |
| |---> ENDF/ (data in ENDF format)
| |
| |
| |---> FENDLA-2.* (pointwise data divided into 7 files)
|-----> PROCESSED/
|---> MCNP/ (FENDL/A-2.0 data processed into continuous
| energy format for input to the Monte Carlo
| neutron/photon transport code MCNP)
|---> VITJ_E/ (FENDL/A-2.0 data processed into VITAMIN-J
| | 175 multigroup structure (ASCII) weighted
| | with the VITAMIN-E weighting spectrum)
| |
| |---> LIBOUT/ (in LIBOUT format of the code
| | FOUR ACES (ENEA Bologna))
| |
| |---> REAC/ (input format for the REAC*2/3
| | transmutation code)
| |
| |---> PROG/ (ASCII source and header files
| of the FORTRAN code TRANREAC,
| which collapses the REAC (ASCII)
| groupwise data files and/or
| converts them into the format
| needed for input to the FISPACT
| and RACC codes)
|---> VITJ_FLAT/ (FENDL/A-2.0 data processed into Vitamin-J
175 structure (ASCII) weighted with a flat
(constant) weighting spectrum, in ENDF-6 format.)
page modified: 12.3.1998