F O R M A T The format of the data file FENDLA-2.dat is essentially that of the MF=3 file of ENDF-5 format with the following deviations: (a) The material number MAT consists of Z and two last digits of A. To describe metastable targets MAT has been increased by 50 or 70 (m1 or m2, respectively). For example, for stable and m1 metastable target nucleus 67-Ho-166 the material numbers are MAT=6766 and MAT=6816, respectively. For stable and m2 metastable target nucleus 65-Tb-156 the material numbers are MAT=6556 and 6626, respectively. Consequently, the order of the target nuclides (according to increasing MAT numbers) is not always in accordance with the increasing Z and A. This applies only to the pointwise format data, not to the multi-group constant library, for which another MAT number with more digits is used (b) The identifiers LIS and LFS are used to indicate the (isomeric) states of the target and final nucleus, respectively. Here the convention has been adopted that LFS = 99 means total production cross-section; LFS is 0 for ground state, 1 for m1, and 2 for m2. The reaction nomenclature is that of ENDF format, except that reaction numbers leading to metastable states have been increased by 300 and 600 (for m1 and m2, respectively). In case the isomer production data are included the standard ENDF format notation for the same reaction gives cross sections for production of the ground state (not total 'm+g' but simply 'g'). In the pointwise file the reaction to the ground state is given first, followed by reactions to the metastable states (if any). In order to enable fully automatic retrieval of the history of the previous renormalization procedures and execution of the new renormalization, the composition of the comment line has been recently simplified and only two major items of informa- tion are stored: (1) The source of the data adopted is quoted in a format FACTOR*SOURCE (e.g. 1.0000+00*JEF-2.2 means, the data are taken from JEF-2.2 with no renormalization; 8.2500-01*ENDF/B- VI, the excitation curve has been renormalized to 82.5% of its original value). (2) The flag RN displays the information for experimental or systematics renormalizations, respectively, formatted as RN - XXX/YYY. The first item stands for the total cross sec- tion at 14.5 MeV, while the second refers to the isomeric branching (e.g.RN - EXP/SYS means that =E5(tot) has been renor- malized to the experiment, while the =E5(gs) and =E5(m1) have been generated by applying the branching systematics). ******************************************************************************* For any clarifications/suggestions, please contact: H.Wienke, Tel: 0043-1-2060-21714, e-mail: wienke@iaeand.iaea.org or M. Herman, Tel: 0043-1-2060-21713, e-mail: herman@iaeand.iaea.org International Atomic Energy Agency, Division of Physical and Chemical Sciences, Nuclear Data Section, Wagramer Strasse 5, P.O.Box 100, Vienna, A-1400 AUSTRIA *******************************************************************************