(FENDL/E-2.0 processed into ACE format)
The directory FENDLMC/ contains neutron and coupled neutron-photon
pointwise cross section data files in ACE (ASCII) format for use in
the Monte-Carlo code MCNP. Data have been derived from the FENDL/E-2.0
sublibrary using nuclear data processing code NJOY (output of the module
Specifications used for processing:
- Temperature: 300 Kelvin = 2.585E-8 eV
- No thinning
- Reactions included:
* All reactions present in evaluations.
* Damage (MT = 444, only for Al-27, Fe-56,
Si-28, -29, -30, Ta-181 and Au-197).
* No thermal data.
* Gas production data (see Table 1).
Following examples illustrate name convention adopted for the files:
H002BR2.ACE H-2 data from BROND-2
SI030E6.ACE Si-30 data from ENDF/B-VI
MO000JFF.ACE Mo-nat data from JENDL-FF
FE056EFF3.ACE Fe-56 data from EFF-3
TA181J3.ACE Ta-181 data from JENDL-3.1
The atomic number is always represented by three digits, using '0' in front
whenever appropriate.
The same convention is also used for the files with extension ".XSDIR".
These files, consist of one line with the correct "file" and "route" entries.
The .XSDIR files have also been included in the index file XSDIR-FENDL used
by MCNP.
A file named 'NJOY-INPUT.DAT' contains the NJOY input files for processing
the data into MCNP compatible (ACE) fromat.
ATTENTION: files with -GZ suffix are compressed with GNU gzip
(use gzip -d "file.name" to uncompress downloaded file).
Table 1: Status of gas production cross sections present in
the FENDL/MC-2.0 sublibrary.
| MT203 | MT204 | MT205 | MT206 | MT207
Nuclide | H-1 | H-2 | H-3 | He-3 | He-4
H-2 | X | | X | |
Be-9 | | | | | X
C-12 | | | | | X
N-14 | X | X | X | | X
O-16 | X | X | | | X
Al-27 | X | | | | X
Si-28 | X | X | | | X
Si-29 | X | | | | X
Si-30 | X | | | | X
V-51 | X | X | X | | X
Fe-56 | X | X | X | X | X
Ga-nat | X | X | X | X | X
Zr-nat | X | X | X | X | X
Nb-93 | X | X | | | X
Mo-nat | X | X | X | X | X
Sn-nat | X | X | X | X | X
Ta-181 | X | | | | X
W-nat | X | X | | | X
Au-197 | X | | | | X
page modified: 24.4.1998