This subdirectory contains a compilation of benchmarks for fusion neutronics
carried out at the D-T neutron sources FNS at JAERI and OKTAVIAN at
Osaka University, published in report JAERI-M 94014 ( 20 January 1994).
Directory structure:
|------Be/ (Integral Experiment on Beryllium Cylindrical Assembly)
|------C/ (Integral Experiment on Graphite Cylindrical Assembly)
|------COPPER/ (Integral Experiment on Copper Cylindrical Assembly)
| |
| |-------BE/ (TOF experiment on Beryllium Slabs)
| |
| |-------C/ (TOF experiment on Graphite Slabs)
| |
| |-------Li2O/ (TOF experiment on Lithium Oxide Slabs)
| |
| |-------FE/ (TOF Experiment on Iron Slabs)
| |
| |-------LQ-N/ (TOF Experiment on Liquid Nitrogen Slabs)
| |
| |-------LQ-O/ (TOF Experiment on Liquid Oxygen Slabs)
| |
| |-------PB/ (TOF Experiment on Lead Slabs)
| |
| |-------FOIL/
| |
| |-------NE213/
|-------LI20/ (Integral Experiment on Lithium-dioxide Cylindrical Assembly)
| |
| |-------BELI/ (Leakage Neutron Spectra from Beryllium Sphere and
| | Beryllium-Lithium Sphere)
| |
| |-------TBR/ (Tritium Breeding Ratio in Li, Pb-Li, Pb-Li-C, Be-Li,
| | Be-Li-C, Spheres Measured with Li2CO3 Pellets and/or LiF TLDs)
| |
| |-------N-LEAK/ (Leakage Neutron Spectra from Various Sphere Piles with
| | 14 MeV Neutrons)
| |
| |-------G-LEAK/ (Leakage Gamma Spectra from Various Sphere Piles with
| 14 MeV neutrons)
|------SS316L/ (Fast Neutron Spectrum amd Secondary Gamma-Ray Heating in a
Type 316L Stainless Steel Assembly Irradiated by 14 MeV Neutrons)