Integral Experiment on Beryllium Cylindrical Assembly
Version 1.0 compiled on March 8, 1994
Authors H. Maekawa, S. Yamaguchi, C. Konno, Y. Ikeda,
Y. Oyama, K. Sekiyama and K. Kosako
Organization Department of Reactor Engineering, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, Ibaraki-ken, 319-11, Japan
Facility FNS, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Measured Quantities
(i) In-System Neutron Spectrum
2 MeV < En 14 mm Diam. Spherical NE213 Scintillator
3 keV < En < 600 keV Proton Recoil Gas Proportional Counters
(ii) Tritium Production Rate of Lithium-6 with Li-Glass Counters
(iii) Reaction Rate by Foil Activation Technique
(iv) Fission Rate with Micro-Fission Chambers of U-235
read.me Full text of above paper.
T8-4.txt Tritium production rates in the Be assembly measured by
Li-glass scintillators.
T8-5.txt Fission rates in the Be assembly measured by 235U micro-
fission chambers.
T8-6.txt Reaction rate distributions measured by the foil activation
T8-7.txt Neutron spectrum in the beryllium assembly (z=214mm).
T8-8.txt Neutron spectrum in the beryllium assembly (z=265mm).
T8-9.txt Neutron spectrum in the beryllium assembly (z=316mm).
T8-10.txt Neutron spectrum in the beryllium assembly (z=327mm).
T8-11.txt Neutron spectrum in the beryllium assembly (z=417mm).
T8-12.txt Neutron spectrum in the beryllium assembly (z=479mm).
T8-13.txt Neutron spectrum in the beryllium assembly (z=519mm).
T8-14.txt Neutron spectrum in the beryllium assembly (z=620mm).
T8-15.txt Neutron spectra in the beryllium assembly measured by
proton recoil gas proportional counter. Measurement
points are at 127 mm and 279 mm from the front surface
of the assembly.
T8-16.txt Neutron source spectrum of FNS new water cooled D-T target for
0 degree to the d+-beam. The spectrum is calculated by MORSE-DD.
The units of energy and spectrum are [eV] and
[neutrons/energy-bin/D-T reaction], respectively.
F8-8.txt Example of input data for MCNP-3 analysis.
F8-9.txt Example of input data of GRTUNCL for DOT analysis.
F8-10.txt Example of input data for DOT analysis.