analysis of cylindrical copper assembly (target gamma-ray only) 1992.11.30 c ************************************** c * cell card * c ************************************** 1 2 4.9210-5 1 -2 -22 2 2 4.9210-5 2 -3 -22 3 1 8.4627-2 3 -4 -22 4 1 8.4627-2 4 -5 -22 5 1 8.4627-2 5 -6 -22 6 1 8.4627-2 6 -7 -22 7 1 8.4627-2 7 -8 -22 8 1 8.4627-2 8 -9 -22 9 1 8.4627-2 9 -10 -22 10 1 8.4627-2 10 -11 -22 11 1 8.4627-2 11 -12 -22 12 1 8.4627-2 12 -13 -22 13 1 8.4627-2 13 -14 -22 14 1 8.4627-2 14 -15 -22 15 1 8.4627-2 15 -16 -22 16 1 8.4627-2 16 -17 -22 17 1 8.4627-2 17 -18 -22 18 1 8.4627-2 18 -19 -22 19 2 4.9210-5 19 -20 -22 20 0 -1 : 20 : 22 c ******* blank delimiter ******* c ************************************** c * surface card * c ************************************** c -----------------------------< surfaces normal to z-axis >-- 1 pz -21.00 2 pz -1.00 $ n & gamma spectrum 3 pz 0.00 $ foil & tld 4 pz 5.77 $ tld 5 pz 7.605 $ n & gamma spectrum 6 pz 10.11 $ foil 7 pz 15.00 $ change cell importance 8 pz 20.37 $ foil 9 pz 20.98 $ tld 10 pz 22.815 $ n & gamma spectrum 11 pz 30.00 $ change cell importance 12 pz 35.61 $ foil 13 pz 36.19 $ tld 14 pz 38.025 $ n & gamma spectrum 15 pz 45.00 $ change cell importance 16 pz 50.85 $ foil 17 pz 51.40 $ tld 18 pz 53.235 $ n & gamma spectrum 19 pz 60.84 $ foil & tld 20 pz 61.84 $ n & gamma spectrum c -----------------------------< cylinders centered on z-axis >-- 21 cz 3.00 22 cz 31.50 c ******* blank delimiter ******* c ************************************** c * mode card - neutron & photon * c ************************************** mode p c ************************************** c * cell importance card * c ************************************** imp:p 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 8 8 8 8 8 0 c **************************************************** c * source specificatio cards * c * si(eng.) and sp(prob.) are taken from 125 group * c * spectrum of 1tr new water cooled target * c **************************************************** sc1 fns 1tr new water cooled target (40-g) by mcnp sdef erg=d1 dir=d2 vec=0 0 1 pos=0 0 -20 wgt=0.1637 sb2 -31 4.0 si1 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.045 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.52 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.13 1.25 1.38 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 6.50 7.00 7.50 8.00 9.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 sp1 0.0 0.0013 0.0043 0.0250 0.0696 0.2318 0.5007 2.5609 3.4125 7.2808 5.7247 3.7319 1.8434 2.0816 4.7853 5.7954 5.3656 3.1294 4.6562 6.1254 6.3671 2.3627 4.9191 3.1199 2.4592 2.2063 4.1378 3.7776 3.2119 2.6491 2.0481 1.5872 1.2038 1.0247 0.7557 0.5420 0.3557 0.4102 0.2306 0.1075 0.0054 c ********************************************* c * material specification cards * c ********************************************* c --------------------------------< copper >-- m1 29000. 1.0 c --------------------------------< air >-- m2 7014. 3.8810-5 8016. 1.0400-5 c ********************************************** c * tally specification cards * c ********************************************** fc32 -- gamma-ray spectrum surface ----------------------------- f32:p 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 fs32 -21 e32 1.0000-02 2.0000-02 3.0000-02 4.5000-02 6.0000-02 8.0000-02 1.0000-01 1.5000-01 2.0000-01 3.0000-01 4.0000-01 5.0000-01 5.2000-01 6.0000-01 7.0000-01 8.0000-01 9.0000-01 1.0000+00 1.1300+00 1.2500+00 1.3800+00 1.5000+00 1.7500+00 2.0000+00 2.2500+00 2.5000+00 3.0000+00 3.5000+00 4.0000+00 4.5000+00 5.0000+00 5.5000+00 6.0000+00 6.5000+00 7.0000+00 7.5000+00 8.0000+00 9.0000+00 1.0000+01 1.2000+01 1.4000+01 fq32 s m e f c *********************************************** c * problem cutoff cards * c *********************************************** phys:p 20 1 0 phys:e 20 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 cut:p 0 0.999-02 -0.5 -0.25 0 nps 100000000 ctme 10 c *********************************************** c * peripheral cards * c *********************************************** prdmp 99999999 99999999 1 1 lost 10 10 print c ******* blank terminator *******