Contains the descriptions of the calculational benchmarks on NEUTRONICS AND
SHIELDING and on ACTIVATION problems, which represent the steel/water
shielding blanket design in the ITER outline design, as well as the
responses to be calculated, provided by Professor Mohamed E. Sawan, Fusion Technology
Institute, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA.
ITERDESIGNCALC.TXT - Specifications for the calculational neutronics and
shielding benchmark
ACTIVATION.CALC - Specifications for the calculational activation benchmark.
GAMMA.ADJ - Calculated gamma adjoint flux.
GAMMA.ADJZ - Calculated zone (coarse mesh) averaged adjoint gamma flux.
NFLUX.ACT - Calculated neutron flux in the 175 energy groups listed for
each of the 468 mesh intervals.
NFLUX.ACTZ - Calculated zone (coarse mesh) averaged neutron flux.