LIBOUT format
The format of the multigroup-constant
sublibrary is the LIBOUT format of the code FOUR ACES (ENEA Bologna), with two additional
comment lines for each reaction, which are copied from the pointwise EAF file. For the
reaction numbers, the ENDF-reaction number MT multiplied by 10 has been adopted,
with the convention that for the excitation of each metastable state the MT is increased
by one. The material numbers (MAT) consist of Z, A and an identifier to indicate ground or
metastable target (MAT =Z*10000 + A*10 + LIS). The order of the cross-sections in the file
is according to the increasing Z, A, LIS, MT and LFS ( the identifiers LIS and LFS are
used to indicate the states of the target and final nucleus, respectively). |