EAF-2010/A n-activation library 1.0e-5 eV - 60 MeV 6000 0 0 0 2004.00000 3.96821900 0 0 9 0 228 1451 1 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 6 228 1451 2 1.00000000 60000000.0 0 0 10 0 228 1451 3 293.600000 0.0 1 0 46 5 228 1451 4 2-HE- 4 CCFE,NRG EVAL-SEP11 228 1451 5 CCFE-R (10) 05 : DIST-SEP11 228 1451 6 ----EAF-20100_A Material 228 228 1451 7 -----Incident neutron data 228 1451 8 ------ENDF-6 Format 228 1451 9 228 1451 10 REFERENCES: 228 1451 11 The European Activation File: EAF-2010 neutron-induced 228 1451 12 cross section Library - CCFE-R (10) 05 228 1451 13 J-Ch Sublet, L W Packer, J Kopecky, R A Forrest 228 1451 14 A J Koning and D A Rochman 228 1451 15 HISTORY: 228 1451 16 NOV10 - Conversion of EAF-2010 into ENDF6-format 228 1451 17 228 1451 18 FORMAT AND PROCESSING: 228 1451 19 MF-3 Total reaction channels 228 1451 20 MF-8 Dictionary 228 1451 21 MF-9 Isomeric branching ratio 228 1451 22 MF-10 Split threshold reaction channels 228 1451 23 228 1451 24 CONTENTS: 228 1451 25 The description of file 3 has been copied directly from the EAF 228 1451 26 comment lines (i.e. including the original EAF MT-numbers). 228 1451 27 228 1451 28 MF MT DESCRIPTION DATA SOURCE ; MODIFICATION 228 1451 29 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 228 1451 30 1 451 Info 228 1451 31 2 151 Resonance parameters 228 1451 32 3 16 N,2N IEAF-2001; DEL [5, 7, 8] 228 1451 33 ***************** Program LINEAR (VERSION 2010-1) *************** 228 1451 34 For All Data Greater than 1.0000E-10 barns in Absolute Value 228 1451 35 Data Linearized to Within an Accuracy of .010000000 per-cent 228 1451 36 ***************** Program SIGMA1 (VERSION 2010-1) *************** 228 1451 37 Data Doppler Broadened to 293.600000 Kelvin 228 1451 38 for All Data Greater than 1.0000E-10 barns in Absolute Value 228 1451 39 Data Linearized Using Energy Dependent Uncertainty 228 1451 40 Energy Accuracy 228 1451 41 (eV) (per-cent) 228 1451 42 ----------- ----------- 228 1451 43 0.0 .010000000 228 1451 44 1.00000000 .010000000 228 1451 45 2.00000000 .100000000 228 1451 46 20000000.0 .100000000 228 1451 47 ***************** Program GROUPIE (VERSION 2011-1) ************** 228 1451 48 Unshielded Group Averages Using 211 Groups 228 1451 49 Weighting Spectrum: Flat (Constant) Spectrum 228 1451 50 1 451 38 0 228 1451 51 2 151 4 0 228 1451 52 3 16 15 0 228 1451 53 8 16 2 0 228 1451 54 33 16 4 0 228 1451 55 228 1 0 56 228 0 0 57 2004.00000 3.96821900 0 0 1 0 228 2151 58 2004.00000 1.00000000 0 0 1 0 228 2151 59 1.00000E-5 2.00000E-5 0 0 0 0 228 2151 60 0.0 .214299000 0 0 0 0 228 2151 61 228 2 0 62 228 0 0 63 2004.00000 3.96821900 0 0 0 0 228 3 16 64 -20577630.0-20577630.0 0 0 1 31 228 3 16 65 31 1 228 3 16 66 25000000.0 5.84802E-7 26000000.0 5.27624E-5 27000000.0 1.93122E-4 228 3 16 67 28000000.0 4.01733E-4 29000000.0 6.46820E-4 30000000.0 9.07262E-4 228 3 16 68 31000000.0 .001169200 32000000.0 .001423745 33000000.0 .001665405 228 3 16 69 34000000.0 .001891005 35000000.0 .002098945 36000000.0 .002288675 228 3 16 70 37000000.0 .002460345 38000000.0 .002614540 39000000.0 .002752125 228 3 16 71 40000000.0 .002874130 41000000.0 .002981635 42000000.0 .003075760 228 3 16 72 43000000.0 .003157605 44000000.0 .003228215 45000000.0 .003288590 228 3 16 73 46000000.0 .003339675 47000000.0 .003382345 48000000.0 .003417400 228 3 16 74 49000000.0 .003445580 50000000.0 .003467560 51000000.0 .003483965 228 3 16 75 52000000.0 .003495365 53000000.0 .003502265 54000000.0 .003505130 228 3 16 76 55000000.0 0.0 228 3 16 77 228 3 0 78 228 0 0 79 2004.00000 3.96821900 0 0 1 1 228 8 16 80 2.003000+3 0.000000+0 3 0 0 0 228 8 16 81 228 8 0 82 228 0 0 83 2004.00000 3.96820000 0 0 0 1 22833 16 84 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0 16 0 1 22833 16 85 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0 1 6 3 22833 16 86 1.0000E-05 0.0000E+00 2.5763E+07 1.7778E-02 6.0000E+07 0.0000E+00 22833 16 87 22833 0 88 228 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -1 0 0 0