FENDL-3.0: Fusion Evaluated Nuclear Data Library Ver.3.0
The FENDL-3.0 library is superseded by an updated version
Library | Sublibrary | ENDF | PENDF | ACE | MATXS | GENDF | GND |
FENDL-3.0 | Neutron | [zip] | [zip] | [zip] | [zip] | ||
Photo-atomic | [zip] | [zip] | |||||
Neutron (shadow) | [zip] | [zip] | |||||
Proton | [zip] | [zip] | |||||
Deuteron | [zip] | [zip] | |||||
FENDL/A-3.0 | Neutron | [zip] | [zip] | [zip] | [zip] | [zip] | |
Proton | [zip] | [zip] | |||||
Deuteron | [zip] | [zip] | |||||
Deuteron (renorm) | [zip] | [zip] |
The FENDL-3.0 package contains evaluated nuclear data in ENDF-6 format both as General Purpose and Activation Files. In each case data are given for neutron-, proton- and deuteron-induced reactions up to a typical energy of 150 MeV for General Purpose and 60 MeV for Activation files. Not all targets in the General Purpose library contain covariance data and so an extract of the TENDL-2011 library with all the 180 targets of FENDL-3.0 is provided as a "shadow library" so that complete uncertainty calculations can be done. Processing of the basic files has been done so that a series of files are available for applications (INDC(NDS)-0611).
- FENDL/MC-3.0: Pointwise continuous-energy cross section data in ACE format for MCNP calculations; also includes probability tables (PT) in the unresolved resonance range.
- FENDL/MG-3.0: Contains multigroup cross section data in the 211n/42g Vitamin J+ energy structures (the 211n Vitamin J+ energy structure matches with the 175n Vitamin J energy structure below 19.64 MeV) for multigroup transport codes in two formats:
- FENDL/MG-3.0 (MATXS), which includes files in MATXS format from the NJOY module MATXSR.
- FENDL/MG-3.0 (GENDF), which contains data in GENDF format from the NJOY modules GROUPR and GAMINR.
- Data are available for 180 materials relevant for fusion at 300K. Additionally, the SIGACE package can be downloaded for Doppler broadening of ACE-formatted file - useful for generating ACE-formatted files at temperatures higher than 300K.
- For the sake of completeness, NJOY inputs to generate ACE, MATXS and GENDF files are supplied. Furthermore, NJOY-99.90 local updates, as well as the auxiliary programs and WINDOWS batch files used to update and verify the FENDL-3.0 transport sublibraries, are also available.
- FENDL/A-3.0 is available in PENDF and GENDF formats. In addition the neutron-induced file is also available in a Generalised Nuclear Data (GND) format.
The complete validation of the various parts of FENDL-3.0 is expected to be carried out following its release. However, the validation of preliminary files is reported in the presentations at the various RCMs and also for the activation file as reports (INDC(NED)-011, INDC(NED)-012, and INDC(UK)-0094).