Fusion Evaluated Nuclear Data Library Ver.3.1d
Released on 24 January 2018
(Supersedes the version 3.1c from 19 September 2017)
(Supersedes the version 3.1b from 1 July 2016)
(Supersedes the version 3.1a from 17 September 2015)
(Since 15 Oct. 2015 only Sn-116 and Sn-117 ACE files were added)
Beta version of neutron, photon, and deuteron sublibrary of FENDL-3.2 available
Nuclear Data Libraries for Advanced Systems: Fusion Devices
Participants of the Technical Meeting in October/November 2007 (INDC(NDS)-0525) defined the objective of the CRP, which was to update and extend the FENDL-2.1 library to make it applicable to both fusion devices such as ITER and DEMO and to material test facilities such as IFMIF. The extension required the addition of several materials, an extension of the energy range to higher energies and the addition of data for charged particle-induced reactions. Special attention was needed to ensure realistic covariance data that would make the library suitable for all fusion technology studies. The reports of the three RCMs are available (INDC(NDS)-0547, INDC(NDS)-0567 and INDC(NDS)-0602) as well as the summary documentation of the FENDL-3.0 library (INDC(NDS)-0628). A summary of the contributions by participants in the CRP is given in INDC(NDS)-0645.
To prepare data for deterministic calculations with TRANSX, patches to the code are needed. Detailed explanation, including the patches, was provided by C. Konno starting on slide 47.WARNING
FENDL-3.1d: The only change is the substitution of the minor isotopes K-40 and K-41 with TENDL-2015 for consistency. No impact on any transport calculations is expected.
FENDL-3.1c: An extensive validation exercise by R. Grove from ORNL revealed a problem with the K-39 data. The origin of is as follows. At the last RCM Meeting on FENDL a brand new resonance evaluation was announced by the evaluator and recommended for inclusion in FENDL and TENDL. The TENDL team prepared a quick update, and this modified version was used for FENDL-3.1. The afore-mentioned resonance file was later rejected and did not make it into TENDL-2015, but the information was not conveyed to FENDL. The QA procedures at the IAEA were designed to trap processing errors, but the error in the source evaluated data file slipped through. We apologise for the inconvenience.The K-39 data from TENDL-2015 were processed and the relevant files were uploaded. The corrected library is labelled FENDL-3.1c. Except for K-39, no other changes were made.
FENDL-3.1b: Due to an error in setting up the processing sequence the uncorrected version of the source ENDF files was used in the version FENDL-3.1, released on 1-st July 2015. The source data were corrected and processing of the whole library was repeated, complete with QA procedures, and is labelled FENDL-3.1b for uniqueness of identification. A few additional problems processing FENDL-3.1 evaluated data were noted, but mostly they had been resolved, or else they originate from the source data and require updating the evaluated data files. They are not expected to affect the results of calculations.
The exception are the MATXS files for Li-7, F-19 and Fe-57. The NJOY patch that forced Doppler-broadening over the entire resolved resonance range resulted in the low-threshold reactions being omitted from the total. The ACE files were not affected. The bug has been fixed. The files for these three nuclides are the only difference between FENDL-3.1a and FENDL-3.1b.
New in Version FENDL-3.1b
Materials C-13, O-18, P-31, S-34, S-36, La-138, La-139 originally taken from TENDL-2010 were replaced by TENDL-2014. In addition to the correction of the source library, all plots are now available as "pdf" because they are more compact and more easily displayed by the browsers. Also, a complete set of plots from the quality assurance (QA) procedures is available for individual materials in the the "Neutron" Sublibrary for the data in ACE and MATXSR formats, respectively. The QA procedures involve converting the cross sections in ACE and MATXS libraries into ENDF format and comparing them with the output of an (approximately) equivalent processing sequence with the PREPRO codes.
Due to a processing problem in NJOY the two tin isotopes Sn-116 and Sn-117 could not be processed to produce ACE files. With NJOY patches (contributed by C. Konno and O. Cabellos) the problem was solved. The ACE files were added on 1 July 2016.
New in Version FENDL-3.1
Several problems were reported by Chikara Konno from JAEA in his slides and a summary document regarding the KERMA and DPA data in the processed FENDL-3.0 libraries in ACE and MATXS format. To conform with the decision of the FENDL project participants, the choice of the source data files was not changed, except for a trivial correction to the Q-value in the N-15 evaluation. To address processing problems, patches for NJOY2012 were prepared and the library assembly process was repeated. As recommended by Konno, the upper kinematic limit for heating was applied in all cases. Further details can be found in the summary report by D.L. Aldama. The Neutron (shadow) library, the Proton, the Deuteron and the FENDL/A-3.0 data were not changed.
The "Sublibrary" column leads to the selection of data by material. The zipped files contain the entire library of a certain type. Note that only "Neutron" data had changed since version FENDL-3.0.
Library | Sublibrary | ENDF | PENDF | ACE | MATXS | GENDF | GND |
FENDL-3.1d | Neutron | [zip] | [zip] | [zip] | [zip] | ||
Photo-atomic | [zip] | [zip] | |||||
Neutron (shadow) | [zip] | [zip] | |||||
Proton | [zip] | [zip] | |||||
Deuteron | [zip] | [zip] | |||||
FENDL/A-3.0 | Neutron | [zip] | [zip] | [zip] | [zip] | [zip] | |
Proton | [zip] | [zip] | |||||
Deuteron | [zip] | [zip] | |||||
Deuteron (renorm) | [zip] | [zip] |
The FENDL-3.1b package contains evaluated nuclear data in ENDF-6 format both as General Purpose and Activation Files. In each case data are given for neutron-, proton- and deuteron-induced reactions up to a typical energy of 150 MeV for General Purpose and 60 MeV for Activation files. Not all targets in the General Purpose library contain covariance data and so an extract of the TENDL-2011 library with all the 180 targets of FENDL-3.1b is provided as a "shadow library" so that complete uncertainty calculations can be done. Processing of the basic files has been done so that a series of files are available for applications (INDC(NDS)-0611).
- FENDL/MC-3.1b: Pointwise continuous-energy cross section data in ACE format for MCNP calculations; also includes probability tables (PT) in the unresolved resonance range.
- FENDL/MG-3.1b: Contains multigroup cross section data in the 211n/42g Vitamin J+
energy structures (the 211n Vitamin J+ energy structure matches with the 175n
Vitamin J energy structure below 19.64 MeV) for multigroup transport codes in two formats:
- FENDL/MG-3.1b (MATXS), which includes files in MATXS format from the NJOY module MATXSR.
- FENDL/MG-3.1b (GENDF), which contains data in GENDF format from the NJOY modules GROUPR and GAMINR.
- Data are available for 180 materials relevant for fusion at 300K. Additionally, the SIGACE package can be downloaded for Doppler broadening of ACE-formatted file - useful for generating ACE-formatted files at temperatures higher than 300K.
- For the sake of completeness, NJOY inputs to generate ACE, MATXS and GENDF files are supplied. Furthermore, NJOY-99.90 local updates, as well as the auxiliary programs and WINDOWS batch files used to update and verify the FENDL-3.1 transport sublibraries, are also available.
- FENDL/A-3.0 is available in PENDF and GENDF formats. In addition the neutron-induced file is also available in a Generalised Nuclear Data (GND) format.
Verification and Validation
To verify the processing of the FENDL-3.1 library into ACE format the QA procedure as described in the (INDC(SEC)-0107) document was applied. It consists of converting the ACE and MATXS cross sections back into ENDF format and comparing with the pointwise cross sections prepared with the PREPRO package. The procedure does not test all features of the ACE and MATXS files, but is useful for trapping severe processing errors.
The complete validation of the various parts of FENDL-3.1b is expected to be carried out following its release. However, the validation of preliminary files is reported in the presentations at the various RCMs and also for the activation file as reports (INDC(NED)-011, INDC(NED)-012, and INDC(UK)-0094).