Consultants' Meeting on the FENDL Library for fusion neutronics calculations

15-18 October 2018, IAEA, Vienna


- Discuss current experience with the library.
- Identify any deficiencies that need to be resolved, particularly regarding heating and damage calculations (e.g. is there anything new in the newly-released data processing codes like FRENDY, ACEMAKER, etc.).
- In view of the new releases of ENDF/B-VIII and JEFF-3.3, is there a need to redo the FENDL library from scratch?


The current version is FENDL-3.1d and is available on the IAEA web site "" It has gone through a few iterations and extensive benchmarking and we believe it is THE library for fusion neutronics at present.
However, nuclear data evaluation work is always in progress and it is necessary to consider if any changes to the current FENDL library are urgently needed.

Summary Report

The summary report INDC(NDS)-0769 is available.
