CM on the Fission Product Yield Experimental Database

27-30 May 2019

1st floor of the North-1 Building, Laboratory for Advanced Nuclear Energy, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Scientific Secretary: N.Otsuka

Despite recent progress in theoretical description of fission fragmentation, theories are still not capable for applying to the fission product yield (FPY) evaluation, and the quality of evaluated FPY is strongly affected by the experimental data included. The pioneers in this field (e.g., Meek & Rider for ENDF, Crouch for UKFY) carefully prepared their own experimental databases. Japan and China also need to maintain such databases for the JENDL and CENDL projects. The evaluation of FPY in these nuclear data libraries continues for upgrading the FPY sublibraries, and the IAEA Nuclear Data Section (NDS) is also planning to initiate a new Coordinated Research Project(CRP) on this subject.

EXFOR should serve as a common base of these national and international projects, and its importance was emphasized in the "Workshop on Fission Product Yield Experimental Data" organized by LANL in August 2018. The purpose of the Consultancy Meeting in Tokyo is to collect requests on compilation and dissemination of FPY related experimental data based on experimental, evaluation and theoretical research activities of the participants.

Summary Report

