Consultant's Meeting on
Evaluation of Nuclear Moments
The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the measured values available in the compilation table of N. Stone (INDC(NDS)-0658) and the online nuclear moments database (Nuclear Moments database). The ultimate goal of the IAEA is to produce a table of recommended (evaluated) nuclear moments that will be readily available to the user community. How this can be achieved will be discussed at this meeting and will lead to concrete recommendations.The meeting will address the following items through a series of shorter/longer presentations and subsequent discussions: -assessment of the techniques used to measure nuclear moments (magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole) -understanding what are the required corrections to obtain a consistency of treatment and compare values -evaluation of the existing values and recommendation of the best value (through future actions).
There will be four sessions dedicated to different topics/types of corrections that should be considered in the evaluation process:
- Diamagnetism
- Hyperfine Anomaly
- Measurements on short-lived states
- Nuclear Electric Quadrupole moments
The preliminary Agenda is available here.
The summary report is available as INDC(NDS)-0732.