Consultant's Meeting on
R-matrix Codes for Charged-particle Reactions in the Resolved-Resonance Region
This meeting is a sequel of the Consultant's Meeting held from 7 to 9 December 2015 at the IAEA. The purpose is to gather R-matrix code developers from the various communities of practice (astrophysics, nuclear reactions, neutron data evaluation, etc.) to discuss their R-matrix codes capabilities, the physics and fitting procedures implemented, and how they can be used in evaluations of cross-section data for charged-particle-induced reactions in the Resolved-Resonance-Region (RRR).At this meeting we shall review the progress made so far and continue the discussions on the following issues:
- R-matrix theory (Angular distributions of decay gammas (i.e. residual polarization), Particle polarization (incoming, exit), Relativistic kinematics, Alternate R-matrix forms (Brune, Holcomb), S-matrix poles (complex), Unitarity, Unresolved-resonance region? (URR), Fits above 3-body thresholds, Low-energy predictions( Thermal neutron scattering, Astrophysical S-factors))
- Meanings of Approximations
- Using experimental data
- Fitting procedures
- Covariances
- Code bases
- Data formats
- Ferdinand: translation between R-matrix-code formats: ENDF, Fresco, AZURE, HYRMA
- Testing transformations and Ferdinand results (n + 16O, p + 27Al, others)
- Manpower for Fitting Reactions
- Publication of evaluations
- User requirements
- Allocation of effort
The provisional Agenda is available here.
The summary report is available as INDC(NDS)-0726.