STAYSL PNNL Suite (2015-08-05 distribution) ======================================================================= Software Notice This material was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor the United States Department of Energy, nor Battelle, nor any of their employees, nor any jurisdiction or organization that has cooperated in the development of these materials, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness or any information, apparatus, product, software, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof, or Battelle Memorial Institute. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof. PACIFIC NORTHWEST NATIONAL LABORATORY operated by BATTELLE for the UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract DE-AC05-76RL01830 ======================================================================= ------------------------------- About This Software ------------------------------- The STAYSL PNNL Suite of software provides a set of tools for working with neutron activation rates measured in a nuclear fission reactor, an accelerator-based neutron source, or any neutron field to determine the neutron flux spectrum through a generalized least-squares approach. This process is referred to as neutron spectral adjustment since the preferred approach is to use measured data to adjust neutron spectra provided by neutron physics calculations. The input data consist of the reaction rates based on measured activities, an initial estimate of the neutron flux spectrum, neutron activation cross sections and their associated uncertainties (covariances), and relevant correction factors. The output consists of the adjusted neutron flux spectrum and associated covariance matrix, which is useful for neutron dosimetry and radiation damage calculations. The software suite consists of the STAYSL PNNL, SHIELD, BCF, and NJpp Fortran codes and the SigPhi Calculator spreadsheet tool. In addition, the development of this software suite and associated data libraries used the third-party NJOY99 Fortran code ( njoy99/). The NJOY99 and NJpp codes are used to assemble cross section and covariance input data libraries (for both SHIELD and STAYSL PNNL) from the International Reactor Dosimetry and Fusion File (IRDFF v. 1.05; developed by the Nuclear Data Section of the International Atomic Energy Agency (Vienna, Austria). The BCF, SigPhi Calculator, and SHIELD software tools are used to calculate corrected activation rates and neutron self-shielding correction factors, which are inputs to the STAYSL PNNL code. For more information, see: --------------------------------- About this Installation --------------------------------- The installation program included in this distribution installs a user-selectable set of the STAYSL PNNL Suite of software programs. The software is installed in a user-specified directory, and the executables are also installed into a generic directory (c:\bin\ by default) that is included in the PATH, if not already there (for convenience when running the codes). Data libraries and input files must be in the working directory, but the executables can reside in any directory in the command prompt PATH environment variable. Installation may require elevated privileges to update the PATH environment variable. The User Guide has not yet been updated to reflect changes in this version, so users are strongly encouraged to read the Release Notes for information on items that have changed. An example (XA_HE) included with this installation demonstrates the application of STAYSL PNNL to a high energy case. This installation will overwrite any existing previous installations of the PNNL STAYSL Suite (unless you choose different directories). The software included with this distribution include the following versions: Code Version ----------------- ------------- BCF 1.0.0 06/22/2012 NJOY 99.364.pnnl (PNNL modifications only, no Fortran or *.exe) NJpp 1.2.0 08/05/2015 SHIELD 1.2.0 08/05/2015 SigPhi_Calculator 1.2.0 08/05/2015 STAYSL_PNNL 1.2.0 08/05/2015 --------------------------------- Contents of a Full Installation --------------------------------- • braces, {}, indicate a directory • indentation indicates the object is in a subdirectory -------------------------------------------------------------- {c:\bin} prep_STAYSL_PNNL.bat BCF.exe NJpp.exe SHIELD.exe STAYSL_PNNL.exe {%userappdata%\Microsoft\Templates} SigPhi_Calculator_1.2.0.xlt {STAYSL_PNNL_Suite} PNNL-22253_R0_-_User_Guide_STAYSL_PNNL_Suite.pdf Release_Notes_for_STAYSL_PNNL_Suite_v_1.2.0_2015-08-05.pdf {BCF} BCF.exe halflives.dat {Example_Case} flux_history.dat flux_history_Fig_19a.dat halflives.dat {Output} flux_history.out flux_history.txt flux_history_Fig_19a.out flux_history_Fig_19a.txt {NJOY99} Readme_NJOY99.txt PNNL_NJOY_Modifications.txt irdf2002.1p_draft.dat IRDFF-v1-05.endf {Example_Case} eStruct____69__eV.dat eStruct___129__eV.dat eStruct___140__eV.dat eStruct___175__eV.dat eStruct___640__eV.dat eStruct___725__eV.dat eStruct_14468__eV.dat in_xsect_covar_irdff__69.dat in_xsect_covar_irdff_129.dat in_xsect_covar_irdff_140.dat in_xsect_covar_irdff_175.dat in_xsect_covar_irdff_640.dat in_xsect_covar_irdff_725.dat in_xsect_shield_irdff_14468.dat in_xsect_covar_irdf-2002.dat in_xsect_shield_irdf-2002.dat {Output} output_irdff__69.dat output_irdff_129.dat output_irdff_140.dat output_irdff_175.dat output_irdff_640.dat output_irdff_725.dat output_irdff_shield_14468.dat output_xsect_covar.dat output_xsect_shield.dat {NJpp} NJpp.exe {Example_Case} See_Output_Folder_of_NJOY99_Example_for_all_NJpp_Inputs.txt README_Cross_Section_Library.txt README_Covariance_Library.txt README_Self-Shielding_Library.txt output_irdff_140.dat output_irdff_shield_14468.dat {Output} output_irdff_140_covar.out output_irdff_140_covar.txt output_irdff_140_xsect.out output_irdff_140_xsect.txt output_irdff_shield_14468_xsect.out output_irdff_shield_14468_xsect.txt output_irdff_shield_14468_xsect_as_produced.out {SHIELD} SHIELD.exe shld_xsect.out {Example_Case} README_SHIELD_Library.txt runExample.bat shldinput.dat shldinput_old_format.dat {Output} shldinput_140.out shldinput_140.txt shldinput.out shldinput.txt {SigPhi_Calculator} SigPhi_Calculator_1.2.0.xlt {Example_Case} SigPhi_Calculator_1.2.0_Example_Case.xls SigPhi_Calculator_1.2.0_Example_Case_-_hard_numbers.xls {STAYSL_PNNL} STAYSL_PNNL.exe xsectlib_140.dat covarlib_140.dat {Example_Cases} runCases.bat resetFiles.bat xsectlib_140.dat covarlib_140.dat sshldlib_140.dat {TC_01a__Base_Case} TC_01a.dat {Output} sta_dam.dat sta_xfr.dat TC_01a.out {TC_03d__SPE(3)} TC_03d.dat {Output} sta_spe.dat sta_dam.dat sta_xfr.dat TC_03d.out {TC_03e__SPE(4)} TC_03e.dat {Output} sta_spe.dat sta_dam.dat sta_xfr.dat TC_03e.out {TC_04b__Activity_Run} TC_04b.dat {Output} TC_04b.out {TC_06c__Activity_covariance_matrix} TC_06c.dat {Output} sta_dam.dat sta_xfr.dat TC_06c.out {TC_07d__Flux_covariance_matrix} TC_07d.dat {Output} sta_dam.dat sta_xfr.dat TC_07d.out {TC_14d2__FIR_Run} TC_14d2.dat {Output} sta_fir.dat TC_14d2.out {TC_14o__Cover_and_Self-shielding} TC_14o.dat {Output} sta_dam.dat sta_xfr.dat TC_14o.out {V__TC_14d2FIR_Iteration_1} TC_14d2FIR_i1.dat {Output} sta_dam.dat sta_xfr.dat TC_14d2FIR_i1.out {V__U235} U235v2.dat {Output} sta_dam.dat sta_xfr.dat U235v2.out {XA_HE} HE_Example.dat {Output} sta_dam.dat sta_xfr.dat HE_Example.out