Regularly Scanned Journals

pink: last scan more than 3 month ago.

Last updated: 2025-03-11

Journal First scanned Last scanned Remark (scanned by NDS unless specified)
code full name volume issue published volume issue published
AE/TAtomic Energy9412003-01-01 13342023-02-01
AJThe Astrophysical Journal63612006-01-01 98022025-02-20 Scanned by NNDC
AJ/LThe Astrophysical Journal Letters63612006-01-01 95822023-12-01 Scanned by NNDC
AJ/SThe Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series16212006-01-01 26922023-12-01 Scanned by NNDC
ANEAnnals of Nuclear Energy2712000-01-01 21612025-06-15
APP/BActa Physica Polonica B3412003-01-01 54102023-10-01
ARIApplied Radiation and Isotopes5412001-01-01 21912025-05-01
ASIActa Physica Sinica6912020-01-05 7422024-01-20 Scanned by CNDC
BASBulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics6412000-01-01 88122024-12-01 Scanned by CNPD and NDS
CHPChinese Journal of Physics111963-04-04 8412023-08-01
CNPRNuclear Physics Review (Yuanzihe Wuli Pinglun)1411997-03-20 4132024-09-20 Scanned by CNDC
CNSTNuclear Science and Techniques3112020-01-20 3612025-01-01 Scanned by CNDC
CPH/CChinese Physics C4412020-01-15 4912025-01-15 Scanned by CNDC
CPLChinese Physics Letters2212005-01-01 4212025-01-01 Scanned by CNDC
CSTAtomic Energy Science and Technology (Yuanzineng Kexue Jishu)111959-10-01 5912025-01-20 Scanned by CNDC
EEJPEast European Journal of Physics112014-03-01 202442024-12-08 Scanned by UkrNDC
EPJ/AEuropean Physical Journal A111998-01-01 6112025-01-01
FEDFusion Engineering and Design8612011-01-01 19612023-11-01
HFHJournal of Nuclear and Radiochemistry (He Huaxue yu Fangshe Huaxue)3612014-02-20 4662024-12-20 Scanned by CNDC
IJPIndian Journal of Physics7862004-06-01 97132023-11-01
IMP/EInternational Journal of Modern Physics E1412005-02-01 33102024-10-01 Scanned by NNDC
IPAIndian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics111963-01-01 6152023-05-01
JELJETP Letters111965-01-10 12062024-09-01
JETJournal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics111955-07-01 13732023-09-01
JP/GJournal of Physics G3012004-01-01 5222025-02-01
JPJJournal of the Physical Society of Japan7412005-01-01 9432025-03-15
JRNJournal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry24312000-01-01 33422025-02-01
KPSJournal of the Korean Physical Society111968-03-01 8382023-10-01
KTKerntechnik691-22004-01-01 8852023-10-11
NIM/ANuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A51612004-01-01 107412025-05-01
NIM/BNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B21312004-01-01 56212025-05-01
NP/ANuclear Physics A6971-22002-01-12 105712025-05-01
NSENuclear Science and Engineering12811998-01-01 19932025-03-01
NSTJournal of Nuclear Science and Technology3611999-01-01 6232025-03-01
NTNuclear Technology14512004-01-01 209122023-12-01
NTCNuclear Techniques (He Jishu)4312020-01-15 4812025-01-15 Scanned by CNDC
PANPhysics of Atomic Nuclei6312000-01-01 87122024-12-01 Scanned by CNPD and NDS
PL/BPhysics Letters B6051-22005-01-06 86212025-03-01
PNEProgress in Nuclear Energy5312011-01-01 16512023-11-01
PPN/LPhysics of Particles and Nuclei Letters112004-01-01 2052023-10-01
PR/CPhysical Review C6512002-01-01 11122025-02-01
PRLPhysical Review Letters9412005-01-14 13492025-03-07
PRMPramana111973-07-01 9832024-09-01
PTEPProgress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics201312013-01-01 202522025-02-01
RBFBrazilian Journal of Physics3112001-03-01 5412024-02-01
RCARadiochimica Acta9012002-01-01 111112023-11-03
RDCRadiochemistry4612004-01-01 6542023-08-01
RJPRoumanian Journal of Physics501-22005-01-01 687-82023-09-01
RMRadiation Measurements3912005-01-01 16812023-11-01
RPCRadiation Physics and Chemistry9412014-01-01 21512024-02-01
UJPUkrainian Journal of Physics4912004-01-01 7012025-01-18 Scanned by UkrNDC
VAT/IVopr.Atomn.Nauki i Tekhn.,Ser.Yad.Fiz.Issledo.201812018-02-01 202462024-12-01 Scanned by UkrNDC
YFENuclear Physics and Atomic Energy (Yaderna Fizika ta Energetika)71/172006-05-01 2542024-12-01 Scanned by UkrNDC
YKVopr.Atomn.Nauki i Tekhn. Ser.Yad.Konst.201712017-03-01 202442024-12-01 Scanned by CJD