ENTRY 10031 20241001 15151003100000001 SUBENT 10031001 20241001 15151003100100001 BIB 13 38 1003100100002 INSTITUTE (1USALRL,1USASTF) 1003100100003 REFERENCE (J,NP/A,138,387,1969) 1003100100004 #doi:10.1016/0375-9474(69)90342-X 1003100100005 AUTHOR (R.C.Barrall,M.Silbergeld,D.G.Gardner) 1003100100006 TITLE Cross sections of some reactions of Al, S, Mn, Fe, Ni, 1003100100007 In, and I with 14.8 MeV neutrons. 1003100100008 FACILITY (ICTR,1USALRL) Insulated-core transformer accelerator. 1003100100009 INC-SOURCE (D-T) 200-keV deuterons on thick Ti-T target. 1003100100010 INC-SPECT Line shape of neutron spectrum indicated energy spread 1003100100011 approximately +-200 keV. 1003100100012 METHOD (ACTIV) 1003100100013 DETECTOR (NAICR) 7.6 x 7.6 cm NaI(Tl) detector, calibrated with 1003100100014 US National Bureau of Standards (NBS) point-source 1003100100015 gamma standards. 1003100100016 (PROPC) Windowless gas proportional counter used for 1003100100017 32S(n,alpha) measurement. Calibrated with 32P solution1003100100018 standardized by NBS. 1003100100019 (TELES) Proton-recoil counter telescope as absolute 1003100100020 flux monitor - bias approximately 9 MeV. 1003100100021 MONITOR (1-H-1(N,TOT),,SIG) Proton-recoil telescope. 1003100100022 Saturated 24Na activity from Al27(n,alpha) used to 1003100100023 intercalibrate runs. 1003100100024 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Estimated two-standard deviation limits 1003100100025 (approx. 8%), considering all known contributions 1003100100026 total uncertainty. Major error source from proton 1003100100027 recoil flux measurement at sample position. Relative 1003100100028 to each other, cross sections believed to be accurate 1003100100029 to about 3%. 1003100100030 STATUS (APRVD) Approved by author 1003100100031 (TABLE,,R.C.Barrall+,J,NP/A,138,387,1969) 1003100100032 Data from Table 2 in reference 1003100100033 HISTORY (19691222C) 1003100100034 (19800723A) Converted to REACTION formalism 1003100100035 (19830803A) INSTITUTE corrected 1003100100036 (19860613A) BIB updates. 1003100100037 (19990719A) Converted to new date formats, lower case. 1003100100038 (20240930A) OS. Correction in sub.2, updated STATUS, 1003100100039 BIB updates 1003100100040 ENDBIB 38 0 1003100100041 COMMON 2 3 1003100100042 EN EN-RSL 1003100100043 MEV MEV 1003100100044 14.8 .2 1003100100045 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1003100100046 ENDSUBENT 45 0 1003100199999 SUBENT 10031002 20241001 15151003100200001 BIB 4 6 1003100200002 REACTION (13-AL-27(N,A)11-NA-24,,SIG) 1003100200003 SAMPLE Metal foil, 7.6 x 7.6 cm, with thickness 0.1 cm or 1003100200004 less. 1003100200005 DECAY-DATA (11-NA-24,,DG,1370.,1.00) 1003100200006 Saturation activity (10**(-18)dps/nucleus) = 1.1717. 1003100200007 HISTORY (20240930A) DECAY-DATA corrected 1003100200008 ENDBIB 6 0 1003100200009 NOCOMMON 0 0 1003100200010 DATA 2 1 1003100200011 DATA DATA-ERR 1003100200012 MB MB 1003100200013 116. 8. 1003100200014 ENDDATA 3 0 1003100200015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 1003100299999 SUBENT 10031003 19990719 00001003100300001 BIB 3 3 1003100300002 REACTION (16-S-32(N,P)15-P-32,,SIG) 1003100300003 SAMPLE Cylindrical pressed pellets, 1.0 cm x 0.63 cm diameter.1003100300004 DECAY-DATA (15-P-32,,B-) 1003100300005 ENDBIB 3 0 1003100300006 NOCOMMON 0 0 1003100300007 DATA 2 1 1003100300008 DATA DATA-ERR 1003100300009 MB MB 1003100300010 184. 15. 1003100300011 ENDDATA 3 0 1003100300012 ENDSUBENT 11 0 1003100399999 SUBENT 10031004 19990719 00001003100400001 BIB 3 5 1003100400002 REACTION (25-MN-55(N,2N)25-MN-54,,SIG) 1003100400003 SAMPLE Mn02 powder, uniformly distributed between thin plastic1003100400004 sheets, 7.6 by 7.6 cm. 1003100400005 DECAY-DATA (25-MN-54,,DG,835.,1.00) 1003100400006 Saturation activity (10**(-18)dps/nucleus) = 11.06. 1003100400007 ENDBIB 5 0 1003100400008 NOCOMMON 0 0 1003100400009 DATA 2 1 1003100400010 DATA DATA-ERR 1003100400011 MB MB 1003100400012 750. 60. 1003100400013 ENDDATA 3 0 1003100400014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 1003100499999 SUBENT 10031005 19990719 00001003100500001 BIB 4 6 1003100500002 REACTION (26-FE-56(N,P)25-MN-56,,SIG) 1003100500003 SAMPLE Metal foil, 7.6 x 7.6 cm, with thickness 0.1 cm or 1003100500004 less. 1003100500005 DECAY-DATA (25-MN-56,,DG,854.,0.99) 1003100500006 Saturation activity (10**(-18)dps/nucleus) = 1.605. 1003100500007 HISTORY (19810423A) BIB correction to DECAY-DATA. 1003100500008 ENDBIB 6 0 1003100500009 NOCOMMON 0 0 1003100500010 DATA 2 1 1003100500011 DATA DATA-ERR 1003100500012 MB MB 1003100500013 109. 9. 1003100500014 ENDDATA 3 0 1003100500015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 1003100599999 SUBENT 10031006 19990719 00001003100600001 BIB 3 5 1003100600002 REACTION (26-FE-54(N,P)25-MN-54,,SIG) 1003100600003 SAMPLE Metal foil, 7.6 x 7.6 cm, with thickness 0.1 cm or 1003100600004 less. 1003100600005 DECAY-DATA (25-MN-54,,DG,835.,1.00) 1003100600006 Saturation activity (10**(-18)dps/nucleus) = 4.424. 1003100600007 ENDBIB 5 0 1003100600008 NOCOMMON 0 0 1003100600009 DATA 2 1 1003100600010 DATA DATA-ERR 1003100600011 MB MB 1003100600012 300. 20. 1003100600013 ENDDATA 3 0 1003100600014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 1003100699999 SUBENT 10031007 19990719 00001003100700001 BIB 4 6 1003100700002 REACTION (28-NI-58(N,P)27-CO-58,,SIG) 1003100700003 SAMPLE Metal foil, 7.6 x 7.6 cm, with thickness 0.1 cm or 1003100700004 less. 1003100700005 DECAY-DATA (27-CO-58-G,,DG,810.,0.99) 1003100700006 Saturation activity (10**(-18) dps/nucleus) = 4.708. 1003100700007 HISTORY (19810423A) BIB correction to DECAY-DATA. 1003100700008 ENDBIB 6 0 1003100700009 NOCOMMON 0 0 1003100700010 DATA 2 1 1003100700011 DATA DATA-ERR 1003100700012 MB MB 1003100700013 318. 25. 1003100700014 ENDDATA 3 0 1003100700015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 1003100799999 SUBENT 10031008 19990719 00001003100800001 BIB 5 10 1003100800002 REACTION (28-NI-58(N,X)27-CO-57,,SIG) 1003100800003 SAMPLE Metal foil, 7.6 x 7.6 cm, with thickness 0.1 cm or 1003100800004 less. 1003100800005 DECAY-DATA (27-CO-57,,DG,122.,0.87) 1003100800006 Saturation activity (10**(-18)dps/nucleus) = 11.11. 1003100800007 CORRECTION Corrected for presence of 0.136-MeV gamma (which 1003100800008 interferes with counting of 0.122 MeV gamma), and for 1003100800009 attenuation of 0.122 MeV gamma by foil. Corrected to 1003100800010 account for production of 57Co by decay of 57Ni. 1003100800011 HISTORY (19990719A) REACTION updated. 1003100800012 ENDBIB 10 0 1003100800013 NOCOMMON 0 0 1003100800014 DATA 2 1 1003100800015 DATA DATA-ERR 1003100800016 MB MB 1003100800017 750. 60. 1003100800018 ENDDATA 3 0 1003100800019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 1003100899999 SUBENT 10031009 19990719 00001003100900001 BIB 3 5 1003100900002 REACTION (28-NI-58(N,2N)28-NI-57,,SIG) 1003100900003 SAMPLE Metal foil, 7.6 x 7.6 cm, with thickness 0.1 cm or 1003100900004 less. 1003100900005 DECAY-DATA (28-NI-57,,DG,1370.,0.86) 1003100900006 Saturation activity (10**(-18)dps/nucleus) = 0.5335. 1003100900007 ENDBIB 5 0 1003100900008 NOCOMMON 0 0 1003100900009 DATA 2 1 1003100900010 DATA DATA-ERR 1003100900011 MB MB 1003100900012 36. 3. 1003100900013 ENDDATA 3 0 1003100900014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 1003100999999 SUBENT 10031010 19990719 00001003101000001 BIB 3 5 1003101000002 REACTION (49-IN-115(N,INL)49-IN-115-M,,SIG) 1003101000003 SAMPLE Metal foil, 7.6 x 7.6 cm, with thickness 0.1 cm or 1003101000004 less. 1003101000005 DECAY-DATA (49-IN-115-M1,,DG,335.,0.50) 1003101000006 Saturation activity (10**(-18) dps/nuclei) = 1.015. 1003101000007 ENDBIB 5 0 1003101000008 NOCOMMON 0 0 1003101000009 DATA 2 1 1003101000010 DATA DATA-ERR 1003101000011 MB MB 1003101000012 69. 5. 1003101000013 ENDDATA 3 0 1003101000014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 1003101099999 SUBENT 10031011 19990719 00001003101100001 BIB 3 5 1003101100002 REACTION (49-IN-115(N,2N)49-IN-114-M,,SIG) 1003101100003 SAMPLE Metal foil, 7.6 x 7.6 cm, with thickness 0.1 cm or 1003101100004 less. 1003101100005 DECAY-DATA (49-IN-114-M1,,DG,192.,0.17) 1003101100006 Saturation activity (10**(-18) dps/nuclei) = 20.60. 11003101100007 ENDBIB 5 0 1003101100008 NOCOMMON 0 0 1003101100009 DATA 2 1 1003101100010 DATA DATA-ERR 1003101100011 MB MB 1003101100012 1390. 110. 1003101100013 ENDDATA 3 0 1003101100014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 1003101199999 SUBENT 10031012 19990719 00001003101200001 BIB 3 5 1003101200002 REACTION (53-I-127(N,2N)53-I-126,,SIG) 1003101200003 SAMPLE I(2) powder, uniformly distributed between thin 1003101200004 plastic sheets, 7.6 by 7.6 cm. 1003101200005 DECAY-DATA (53-I-126,,DG,386.,0.34) 1003101200006 Saturation activity (10**(-18)dps/nucleus) = 24.58. 1003101200007 ENDBIB 5 0 1003101200008 NOCOMMON 0 0 1003101200009 DATA 2 1 1003101200010 DATA DATA-ERR 1003101200011 MB MB 1003101200012 1660. 140. 1003101200013 ENDDATA 3 0 1003101200014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 1003101299999 ENDENTRY 12 0 1003199999999