ENTRY 10100 20230707 15071010000000001 SUBENT 10100001 20230707 15071010000100001 BIB 12 27 1010000100002 INSTITUTE (1USAORL,1USARPI) 1010000100003 REFERENCE (J,NSE,42,143,1970) 1010000100004 #doi:10.13182/NSE70-A19495 1010000100005 AUTHOR (L.W.Weston,R.Gwin,G.de Saussure,R.W.Ingle,J.H.Todd, 1010000100006 C.W.Craven,R.W.Hockenbury,R.C.Block) 1010000100007 TITLE Neutron Fission and Capture Cross-Section Measurements 1010000100008 for Uranium-233 in the Energy Region 0.02 to 1 eV. 1010000100009 FACILITY (LINAC,1USARPI) Electron linac with polyethylene 1010000100010 moderator (thickness 2.54 cm) and gold neutron beam 1010000100011 filter (0.18 cm). Linac burst width 2 microsec. 1010000100012 INC-SOURCE (EVAP) Electron-neutron reaction. 1010000100013 SAMPLE U(3)0(2) sample - 0.968+-0.002 g weight. 1010000100014 99.99(+-0.005)% 233U. Sample temperature 25+-5 deg(C).1010000100015 METHOD (TOF) Time-of flight. 25.57(+-0.05)-m flight path. 1010000100016 DETECTOR (FISCH,SCIN) 233U fission chamber at center of a large 1010000100017 liquid scintillator. Prompt capture gamma-rays were 1010000100018 detected by the liquid scintillator. Fission events 1010000100019 detected by coincident signals from the liquid 1010000100020 scintillation detector and the fission chamber. 1010000100021 (BF3) Flux monitored by parallel plate BF3 chamber. 1010000100022 ERR-ANALYS No information 1010000100023 STATUS (APRVD) Approved by author. 1010000100024 (TABLE,,L.W.Weston+,J,NSE,42,143,1970) Table 2 1010000100025 HISTORY (19710419C) 1010000100026 (19811216A) Converted to REACTION formalism 1010000100027 (19991013A) Converted to new data formalism. 1010000100028 (20230523A) OS. Units in sub.4 corrected 1010000100029 ENDBIB 27 0 1010000100030 NOCOMMON 0 0 1010000100031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 1010000199999 SUBENT 10100002 19811216 00001010000200001 BIB 3 3 1010000200002 REACTION (92-U-233(N,F),,SIG,,RTE) 1010000200003 PART-DET (G,FF) Gammas and fission fragments. 1010000200004 MONITOR (92-U-233(N,F),,SIG) 1010000200005 ENDBIB 3 0 1010000200006 COMMON 2 3 1010000200007 EN-NRM MONIT 1010000200008 EV B 1010000200009 0.0253 527.7 1010000200010 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1010000200011 DATA 2 50 1010000200012 EN DATA 1010000200013 EV B*RT-EV 1010000200014 0.01679 82.688 1010000200015 0.01780 82.614 1010000200016 0.01889 82.997 1010000200017 0.02009 83.095 1010000200018 0.02141 83.268 1010000200019 0.02286 83.137 1010000200020 0.02447 83.263 1010000200021 0.02625 83.815 1010000200022 0.02824 83.779 1010000200023 0.03045 83.424 1010000200024 0.03295 83.432 1010000200025 0.03575 83.278 1010000200026 0.03894 83.194 1010000200027 0.04256 83.202 1010000200028 0.04673 83.163 1010000200029 0.05153 83.070 1010000200030 0.05710 83.030 1010000200031 0.06365 82.993 1010000200032 0.07138 82.775 1010000200033 0.08060 82.582 1010000200034 0.09174 82.121 1010000200035 0.09905 81.727 1010000200036 0.10405 81.352 1010000200037 0.10984 81.364 1010000200038 0.11613 80.726 1010000200039 0.12297 80.748 1010000200040 0.13044 80.805 1010000200041 0.13860 81.096 1010000200042 0.14756 81.225 1010000200043 0.15741 82.113 1010000200044 0.16828 82.976 1010000200045 0.18033 84.421 1010000200046 0.19371 86.269 1010000200047 0.20864 88.135 1010000200048 0.22537 89.097 1010000200049 0.24419 89.612 1010000200050 0.26547 90.100 1010000200051 0.28965 90.431 1010000200052 0.31730 90.978 1010000200053 0.34911 91.245 1010000200054 0.38595 92.424 1010000200055 0.42894 93.460 1010000200056 0.47954 95.260 1010000200057 0.53966 96.924 1010000200058 0.61183 97.508 1010000200059 0.69951 98.680 1010000200060 0.80746 106.570 1010000200061 0.94250 127.303 1010000200062 1.01881 143.486 1010000200063 1.06276 155.991 1010000200064 ENDDATA 52 0 1010000200065 ENDSUBENT 64 0 1010000299999 SUBENT 10100003 19811216 00001010000300001 BIB 2 6 1010000300002 REACTION (92-U-233(N,G)92-U-234,,SIG,,RTE) 1010000300003 MONITOR (92-U-233(N,TOT),,SIG) 1010000300004 Normalization derived from least-squares fit to total 1010000300005 cross section of Moore et al. below 1 eV and 1010000300006 Pattenden and Harvey above 1 eV, using scattering 1010000300007 from Drake et al. 1010000300008 ENDBIB 6 0 1010000300009 NOCOMMON 0 0 1010000300010 DATA 2 50 1010000300011 EN DATA 1010000300012 EV B*RT-EV 1010000300013 0.01679 6.860 1010000300014 0.01780 7.099 1010000300015 0.01889 7.331 1010000300016 0.02009 6.959 1010000300017 0.02141 7.111 1010000300018 0.02286 7.184 1010000300019 0.02447 7.208 1010000300020 0.02625 7.197 1010000300021 0.02824 7.165 1010000300022 0.03045 7.628 1010000300023 0.03295 7.324 1010000300024 0.03575 7.476 1010000300025 0.03894 7.337 1010000300026 0.04256 7.061 1010000300027 0.04673 7.464 1010000300028 0.05153 7.541 1010000300029 0.05710 7.491 1010000300030 0.06365 7.626 1010000300031 0.07138 7.605 1010000300032 0.08060 7.928 1010000300033 0.09174 8.333 1010000300034 0.09905 8.479 1010000300035 0.10405 8.616 1010000300036 0.10984 8.564 1010000300037 0.11613 8.990 1010000300038 0.12297 9.598 1010000300039 0.13044 9.792 1010000300040 0.13860 10.277 1010000300041 0.14756 11.104 1010000300042 0.15741 11.240 1010000300043 0.16828 11.199 1010000300044 0.18033 10.737 1010000300045 0.19371 10.660 1010000300046 0.20864 10.146 1010000300047 0.22537 9.716 1010000300048 0.24419 9.244 1010000300049 0.26547 8.176 1010000300050 0.28965 7.906 1010000300051 0.31730 7.485 1010000300052 0.34911 7.454 1010000300053 0.38595 7.267 1010000300054 0.42894 7.503 1010000300055 0.47954 7.288 1010000300056 0.53966 8.497 1010000300057 0.61183 7.395 1010000300058 0.69951 8.780 1010000300059 0.80746 9.903 1010000300060 0.94250 10.905 1010000300061 1.01881 12.188 1010000300062 1.06276 13.774 1010000300063 ENDDATA 52 0 1010000300064 ENDSUBENT 63 0 1010000399999 SUBENT 10100004 20230707 15071010000400001 BIB 4 5 1010000400002 REACTION (92-U-233(N,ABS),,ETA) 1010000400003 PART-DET (G,FF) Gammas and fission fragments. 1010000400004 STATUS (DEP,10100002) 1010000400005 (DEP,10100003) 1010000400006 HISTORY (20230523A) Data units corrected 1010000400007 ENDBIB 5 0 1010000400008 NOCOMMON 0 0 1010000400009 DATA 2 50 1010000400010 EN DATA 1010000400011 EV PRT/REAC 1010000400012 0.01679 2.3085 1010000400013 0.01780 2.3022 1010000400014 0.01889 2.2971 1010000400015 0.02009 2.3068 1010000400016 0.02141 2.3033 1010000400017 0.02286 2.3011 1010000400018 0.02447 2.3008 1010000400019 0.02625 2.3023 1010000400020 0.02824 2.3030 1010000400021 0.03045 2.2906 1010000400022 0.03295 2.2983 1010000400023 0.03575 2.2941 1010000400024 0.03894 2.2974 1010000400025 0.04256 2.3044 1010000400026 0.04673 2.2941 1010000400027 0.05153 2.2919 1010000400028 0.05710 2.2931 1010000400029 0.06365 2.2896 1010000400030 0.07138 2.2897 1010000400031 0.08060 2.2810 1010000400032 0.09174 2.2697 1010000400033 0.09905 2.2650 1010000400034 0.10405 2.2606 1010000400035 0.10984 2.2619 1010000400036 0.11613 2.2495 1010000400037 0.12297 2.2344 1010000400038 0.13044 2.2298 1010000400039 0.13860 2.2188 1010000400040 0.14756 2.1993 1010000400041 0.15741 2.1990 1010000400042 0.16828 2.2027 1010000400043 0.18033 2.2179 1010000400044 0.19371 2.2251 1010000400045 0.20864 2.2419 1010000400046 0.22537 2.2542 1010000400047 0.24419 2.2662 1010000400048 0.26547 2.2920 1010000400049 0.28965 2.2990 1010000400050 0.31730 2.3100 1010000400051 0.34911 2.3112 1010000400052 0.38595 2.3178 1010000400053 0.42894 2.3142 1010000400054 0.47954 2.3223 1010000400055 0.53966 2.2985 1010000400056 0.61183 2.3238 1010000400057 0.69951 2.2957 1010000400058 0.80746 2.2874 1010000400059 0.94250 2.3027 1010000400060 1.01881 2.3043 1010000400061 1.06276 2.2972 1010000400062 ENDDATA 52 0 1010000400063 ENDSUBENT 62 0 1010000499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 1010099999999