ENTRY 10327 20241001 15151032700000001 SUBENT 10327001 20241001 15151032700100001 BIB 13 23 1032700100002 INSTITUTE (1USALRL) 1032700100003 REFERENCE (J,NP/A,265,77,1976) 1032700100004 #doi:10.1016/0375-9474(76)90116-0 1032700100005 AUTHOR (M.A.Gardner,D.G.Gardner) 1032700100006 TITLE Structure in the 27Al(n,alpha)24Na cross section 1032700100007 around 14 MeV 1032700100008 FACILITY (ICTR,1USALRL) Insulated core transformer. 1032700100009 INC-SOURCE (D-T) 1032700100010 INC-SPECT Energy resolution varied as a function of emission 1032700100011 angle from 65 keV to more than 300 keV. 1032700100012 METHOD (ACTIV). 1032700100013 DETECTOR (NAICR) NaI(Tl) scintillation detector 1032700100014 ANALYSIS Data given obtained from smoothed curve fit to 1032700100015 experimental data. 1032700100016 CORRECTION Corrected for anisotropy, scattering effects, 1032700100017 background, and decay time. 1032700100018 STATUS (APRVD) Approved by author 1032700100019 HISTORY (19740513C) 1032700100020 (19760205U) INSTITUTE corrected 1032700100021 (19771206A) BIB update. Converted to REACTION 1032700100022 formalism. 1032700100023 (20020926A) Updated to new date formats, lower case. 1032700100024 (20240930A) OS. DECAY-DATA in sub.2 corrected 1032700100025 ENDBIB 23 0 1032700100026 NOCOMMON 0 0 1032700100027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 1032700199999 SUBENT 10327002 20241001 15151032700200001 BIB 5 7 1032700200002 REACTION (13-AL-27(N,A)11-NA-24,,SIG,,REL) 1032700200003 DECAY-DATA (11-NA-24,15.HR,DG,1368.) 1032700200004 ERR-ANALYS No information on uncertainties. 1032700200005 STATUS (TABLE) Tabulated data received from D. Gardner, 1032700200006 August 1973. 1032700200007 HISTORY (20240930A) DECAY-DATA energy corrected, STATUS code 1032700200008 added 1032700200009 ENDBIB 7 0 1032700200010 COMMON 1 3 1032700200011 EN-RSL 1032700200012 KEV 1032700200013 150.0 1032700200014 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1032700200015 DATA 2 94 1032700200016 EN DATA 1032700200017 MEV ARB-UNITS 1032700200018 13.500 49.60 1032700200019 13.515 49.80 1032700200020 13.530 50.00 1032700200021 13.545 50.20 1032700200022 13.560 50.27 1032700200023 13.575 50.20 1032700200024 13.590 50.06 1032700200025 13.605 49.88 1032700200026 13.620 49.68 1032700200027 13.635 49.50 1032700200028 13.650 49.27 1032700200029 13.665 49.03 1032700200030 13.680 48.83 1032700200031 13.695 48.86 1032700200032 13.710 49.15 1032700200033 13.725 49.57 1032700200034 13.740 49.67 1032700200035 13.755 49.55 1032700200036 13.770 48.87 1032700200037 13.785 48.73 1032700200038 13.800 48.78 1032700200039 13.815 49.10 1032700200040 13.830 49.56 1032700200041 13.845 49.70 1032700200042 13.860 49.66 1032700200043 13.875 49.27 1032700200044 13.890 48.86 1032700200045 13.905 48.77 1032700200046 13.920 48.75 1032700200047 13.935 48.78 1032700200048 13.950 48.87 1032700200049 13.965 49.13 1032700200050 13.980 49.37 1032700200051 13.995 49.43 1032700200052 14.010 49.33 1032700200053 14.025 48.20 1032700200054 14.040 47.58 1032700200055 14.055 47.63 1032700200056 14.070 48.98 1032700200057 14.085 49.34 1032700200058 14.100 49.42 1032700200059 14.115 48.75 1032700200060 14.130 47.61 1032700200061 14.145 47.55 1032700200062 14.160 47.58 1032700200063 14.175 48.40 1032700200064 14.190 49.48 1032700200065 14.205 49.58 1032700200066 14.220 49.50 1032700200067 14.235 49.25 1032700200068 14.250 48.96 1032700200069 14.265 48.56 1032700200070 14.280 48.17 1032700200071 14.295 47.80 1032700200072 14.310 47.39 1032700200073 14.325 46.99 1032700200074 14.340 46.66 1032700200075 14.355 46.53 1032700200076 14.370 46.54 1032700200077 14.385 46.73 1032700200078 14.400 46.92 1032700200079 14.415 47.00 1032700200080 14.430 46.97 1032700200081 14.445 46.89 1032700200082 14.460 46.75 1032700200083 14.475 46.53 1032700200084 14.490 46.19 1032700200085 14.505 45.75 1032700200086 14.520 45.35 1032700200087 14.535 45.26 1032700200088 14.550 45.26 1032700200089 14.565 45.35 1032700200090 14.580 45.48 1032700200091 14.595 45.56 1032700200092 14.610 45.53 1032700200093 14.625 45.52 1032700200094 14.640 45.50 1032700200095 14.655 45.50 1032700200096 14.670 45.57 1032700200097 14.685 45.75 1032700200098 14.700 45.95 1032700200099 14.715 46.12 1032700200100 14.730 46.12 1032700200101 14.745 45.84 1032700200102 14.760 45.50 1032700200103 14.775 45.18 1032700200104 14.790 44.93 1032700200105 14.805 44.60 1032700200106 14.820 44.23 1032700200107 14.835 44.07 1032700200108 14.850 44.09 1032700200109 14.865 44.20 1032700200110 14.880 44.26 1032700200111 14.895 44.27 1032700200112 ENDDATA 96 0 1032700200113 ENDSUBENT 112 0 1032700299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 1032799999999