ENTRY 10473 20240624 15131047300000001 SUBENT 10473001 20240624 15131047300100001 BIB 14 44 1047300100002 TITLE Neutron scattering cross sections of uranium-238 1047300100003 AUTHOR (L.E.Beghian,G.H.R.Kegel,T.V.Marcella,B.K.Barnes, 1047300100004 G.P.Couchell,J.J.Egan,A.Mittler,D.J.Pullen,W.A.Schier) 1047300100005 REFERENCE (J,NSE,69,191,197902) 1047300100006 #doi:10.13182/NSE79-A20610 1047300100007 (J,ANS,27,871,197712) integrated angular distributions 1047300100008 (C,75WASH,2,950,197503) 1047300100009 INSTITUTE (1USALTI,1USABNL) 1047300100010 FACILITY (VDG,1USALTI) LTI 5.5 MeV Van de Graaff 1047300100011 INC-SOURCE (P-LI7) Protons on lithium-7. 1047300100012 SAMPLE Disk with 1.91-cm radius, 0.53-cm thick, enriched to 1047300100013 99.8% 238U. 1047300100014 METHOD (TOF) Time-of-flight 1047300100015 DETECTOR (SCIN) Pilot U scintillator, 10.2-cm diameter and 1047300100016 0.64-cm thick. Shielded with 5-cm thick lead and 1047300100017 48-cm thick paraffin loaded with lithium carbonate. 1047300100018 Neutron beam monitored with pilot U scintillator, 1047300100019 3.8-cm diameter, 0.64-cm thick. 1047300100020 MONITOR Monitor detector measured time distribution of 431 1047300100021 and 473-kev gammas from the 7Li(p,n gamma) and 1047300100022 7Li(p,p'gamma) reactions.) 1047300100023 CORRECTION Unfolding procedure was applied to resolve 1047300100024 elastically and inelastically scattered neutrons. 1047300100025 Data given have been corrected for 1047300100026 . neutron attenuation, 1047300100027 . multiple scattering, 1047300100028 . geometric factors. 1047300100029 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Absolute uncertainties given include 1047300100030 . statistical errors, 1047300100031 . error in the multiple scattering and attenuation 1047300100032 corrections, 1047300100033 . errors in target to sample distance, 1047300100034 . detector efficiency error, 1047300100035 . error in number of nuclei in the sample. 1047300100036 STATUS (APRVD) Approved by author 1975/11/11. 1047300100037 HISTORY (19750309C) 1047300100038 (19781011A) Final data coded. BIB update. 1047300100039 Converted to reaction formalism. 1047300100040 (19790521A) Reference update. BIB additions. 1047300100041 (19840423A) BIB corrections. 1047300100042 (20031103A) Converted to new date formats, lower case. 1047300100043 BIB updates. 1047300100044 (20240624A) BP: Updated CORRECTION per NRDC Memo 1047300100045 4C-3/0420, added doi. 1047300100046 ENDBIB 44 0 1047300100047 NOCOMMON 0 0 1047300100048 ENDSUBENT 47 0 1047300199999 SUBENT 10473002 20031103 00001047300200001 BIB 2 4 1047300200002 REACTION (92-U-238(N,EL)92-U-238,,DA) 1047300200003 MONITOR Absolute cross sections obtained without reference 1047300200004 to a standard since incident and scattered neutron 1047300200005 fluxes were measured with the same detector. 1047300200006 ENDBIB 4 0 1047300200007 COMMON 1 3 1047300200008 ANG 1047300200009 ADEG 1047300200010 90. 1047300200011 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1047300200012 DATA 3 12 1047300200013 EN DATA DATA-ERR 1047300200014 MEV MB/SR MB/SR 1047300200015 0.89 211. 19. 1047300200016 1.1 169. 15. 1047300200017 1.31 147. 12. 1047300200018 1.51 159. 14. 1047300200019 1.71 164. 16. 1047300200020 1.97 177. 15. 1047300200021 2.02 173. 17. 1047300200022 2.32 147. 15. 1047300200023 2.52 135. 12. 1047300200024 2.72 125. 13. 1047300200025 2.92 122. 13. 1047300200026 3.10 110. 9.5 1047300200027 ENDDATA 14 0 1047300200028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 1047300299999 SUBENT 10473004 20031103 00001047300400001 BIB 2 5 1047300400002 REACTION (92-U-238(N,INL)92-U-238,PAR,DA) 1047300400003 MONITOR Relative efficiency of detector as a function of 1047300400004 neutron energy obtained by comparison with the 1047300400005 relative 7Li(p,n0)7Be angular distribution using 1047300400006 a second time-of-flight system as a monitor. 1047300400007 ENDBIB 5 0 1047300400008 COMMON 1 3 1047300400009 ANG 1047300400010 ADEG 1047300400011 90. 1047300400012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1047300400013 DATA 4 24 1047300400014 E-LVL EN DATA DATA-ERR 1047300400015 KEV MEV MB/SR MB/SR 1047300400016 45. 0.89 111. 12. 1047300400017 45. 1.1 76.7 8.3 1047300400018 45. 1.31 54.6 5.4 1047300400019 45. 1.51 47.9 5.0 1047300400020 45. 1.71 43.5 5.3 1047300400021 45. 1.92 38.2 4.4 1047300400022 45. 2.02 44.2 4.5 1047300400023 45. 2.32 40.7 5.8 1047300400024 45. 2.52 35.6 4.9 1047300400025 45. 2.72 37.9 4.5 1047300400026 45. 2.92 36.5 4.8 1047300400027 45. 3.10 27.0 3.1 1047300400028 148. 0.89 36. 5.4 1047300400029 148. 1.1 34.8 5.2 1047300400030 148. 1.31 30.2 4.8 1047300400031 148. 1.51 26.9 4.8 1047300400032 148. 1.71 17.9 3.9 1047300400033 148. 1.92 16.8 2.5 1047300400034 148. 2.02 15.8 2.4 1047300400035 148. 2.32 9.5 1.7 1047300400036 148. 2.53 9.7 1.9 1047300400037 148. 2.73 8.9 1.4 1047300400038 148. 2.92 10.4 1.5 1047300400039 148. 3.10 10.1 1.2 1047300400040 ENDDATA 26 0 1047300400041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 1047300499999 SUBENT 10473005 20031103 00001047300500001 BIB 3 5 1047300500002 REACTION (92-U-238(N,EL)92-U-238,,DA) 1047300500003 MONITOR Absolute cross sections obtained without reference 1047300500004 to a standard since incident and scattered neutron 1047300500005 fluxes were measured with the same detector. 1047300500006 HISTORY (19781011C) 1047300500007 ENDBIB 5 0 1047300500008 NOCOMMON 0 0 1047300500009 DATA 5 28 1047300500010 EN ANG ANG-RSL DATA DATA-ERR 1047300500011 MEV ADEG ADEG MB/SR MB/SR 1047300500012 1.1 45. 4. 486. 42. 1047300500013 1.1 75. 6. 167. 17. 1047300500014 1.1 90. 7. 169. 15. 1047300500015 1.1 125. 8. 179. 16. 1047300500016 1.1 152. 8. 99. 9. 1047300500017 1.9 45. 4. 329. 30. 1047300500018 1.9 60. 5. 44. 4.7 1047300500019 1.9 75. 7. 88. 8.3 1047300500020 1.9 90. 7. 177. 15. 1047300500021 1.9 105. 7. 161. 13.7 1047300500022 1.9 115. 7. 80.5 6.9 1047300500023 1.9 137. 10. 22.4 2.3 1047300500024 1.9 141.3 11. 19.4 2.1 1047300500025 1.9 152. 9. 30.0 3.1 1047300500026 2.5 45. 3. 216. 21.4 1047300500027 2.5 55. 5. 37.5 4.4 1047300500028 2.5 70. 6. 132. 12.1 1047300500029 2.5 90. 6. 136. 12.2 1047300500030 2.5 110. 7. 49.3 5.2 1047300500031 2.5 125. 8. 14.2 2.0 1047300500032 2.5 140. 8. 12.7 1.8 1047300500033 2.5 152. 9. 33.7 3.5 1047300500034 3.1 55. 4. 46.2 5.5 1047300500035 3.1 75. 5. 168. 14.3 1047300500036 3.1 90. 6. 110. 9.5 1047300500037 3.1 115. 8. 16.8 2.0 1047300500038 3.1 140. 8. 15.0 2.0 1047300500039 3.1 152. 8. 29.2 3.0 1047300500040 ENDDATA 30 0 1047300500041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 1047300599999 SUBENT 10473006 20031103 00001047300600001 BIB 3 6 1047300600002 REACTION (92-U-238(N,INL)92-U-238,PAR,DA) 1047300600003 MONITOR Relative efficiency of detector as a function of 1047300600004 of neutron energy obtained by comparison with the 1047300600005 relative 7Li(p,n0)7Be angular distribution using 1047300600006 a second time-of-flight system as a monitor. 1047300600007 HISTORY (19781011C) 1047300600008 ENDBIB 6 0 1047300600009 NOCOMMON 0 0 1047300600010 DATA 6 56 1047300600011 E-LVL EN ANG ANG-RSL DATA DATA-ERR 1047300600012 KEV MEV ADEG ADEG MB/SR MB/SR 1047300600013 45. 1.1 45. 4. 109. 12. 1047300600014 45. 1.1 75. 6. 93.7 12. 1047300600015 45. 1.1 90. 7. 76.7 8.3 1047300600016 45. 1.1 125. 9. 82.5 7.9 1047300600017 45. 1.1 152. 8. 89.4 8.4 1047300600018 45. 1.9 45. 4. 53.1 5.7 1047300600019 45. 1.9 60. 5. 58.5 5.6 1047300600020 45. 1.9 75. 6. 46.2 5.0 1047300600021 45. 1.9 90. 7. 38.2 4.4 1047300600022 45. 1.9 105. 8. 37.3 3.8 1047300600023 45. 1.9 115. 8. 36.4 3.6 1047300600024 45. 1.9 137. 9. 39.1 3.9 1047300600025 45. 1.9 141.3 9. 36.1 3.4 1047300600026 45. 1.9 152. 9. 35.7 3.6 1047300600027 45. 2.5 45. 5. 38.5 5.6 1047300600028 45. 2.5 55. 5. 46.8 4.7 1047300600029 45. 2.5 70. 5. 42.1 5.5 1047300600030 45. 2.5 90. 6. 35.6 4.9 1047300600031 45. 2.5 110. 7. 23.0 3.2 1047300600032 45. 2.5 125. 8. 31.1 3.2 1047300600033 45. 2.5 140. 7. 31.8 3.5 1047300600034 45. 2.5 152. 9. 29.5 3.1 1047300600035 45. 3.1 55. 4. 39.0 4.2 1047300600036 45. 3.1 75. 6. 34.4 4.3 1047300600037 45. 3.1 90. 6. 27.0 3.1 1047300600038 45. 3.1 115. 7. 11.4 1.7 1047300600039 45. 3.1 140. 8. 34.6 3.5 1047300600040 45. 3.1 152. 9. 22.6 2.6 1047300600041 148. 1.1 45. 4. 35.0 5.6 1047300600042 148. 1.1 75. 6. 40.0 5.5 1047300600043 148. 1.1 90. 7. 34.8 5.2 1047300600044 148. 1.1 125. 9. 25.6 4.1 1047300600045 148. 1.1 152. 9. 24.9 3.8 1047300600046 148. 1.9 45. 4. 10.5 2.4 1047300600047 148. 1.9 60. 5. 12.6 1.9 1047300600048 148. 1.9 75. 6. 15.5 3.4 1047300600049 148. 1.9 90. 7. 16.8 2.5 1047300600050 148. 1.9 105. 8. 11.7 1.9 1047300600051 148. 1.9 115. 8. 8.9 1.5 1047300600052 148. 1.9 137. 9. 5.2 1.3 1047300600053 148. 1.9 141.3 9. 4.2 1.1 1047300600054 148. 1.9 152. 9. 4.0 1.2 1047300600055 148. 2.5 45. 4. 6.5 1.2 1047300600056 148. 2.5 55. 4. 6.8 1.4 1047300600057 148. 2.5 70. 5. 11.5 2.0 1047300600058 148. 2.5 90. 6. 9.7 1.9 1047300600059 148. 2.5 110. 8. 11.0 2.3 1047300600060 148. 2.5 125. 9. 10.1 1.5 1047300600061 148. 2.5 140. 8. 5.4 0.9 1047300600062 148. 2.5 152. 9. 4.0 1.2 1047300600063 148. 3.1 55. 5. 9.0 1.8 1047300600064 148. 3.1 75. 5. 8.9 1.5 1047300600065 148. 3.1 90. 6. 10.1 1.2 1047300600066 148. 3.1 115. 8. 8.0 1.4 1047300600067 148. 3.1 140. 8. 5.5 1.2 1047300600068 148. 3.1 152. 9. 2.9 0.7 1047300600069 ENDDATA 58 0 1047300600070 ENDSUBENT 69 0 1047300699999 SUBENT 10473007 20031103 00001047300700001 BIB 3 5 1047300700002 REACTION (92-U-238(N,INL)92-U-238,PAR,SIG) 1047300700003 STATUS (DEP,10473004) 1047300700004 (DEP,10473006) 1047300700005 HISTORY (19781011C) 1047300700006 (19830614A) REACTION corrected. 1047300700007 ENDBIB 5 0 1047300700008 NOCOMMON 0 0 1047300700009 DATA 4 24 1047300700010 E-LVL EN DATA DATA-ERR 1047300700011 KEV MEV MB MB 1047300700012 45. 0.89 1630. 190. 1047300700013 45. 1.10 1140. 110. 1047300700014 45. 1.31 811. 91. 1047300700015 45. 1.51 705. 84. 1047300700016 45. 1.71 623. 85. 1047300700017 45. 1.92 522. 52. 1047300700018 45. 2.02 578. 71. 1047300700019 45. 2.32 495. 84. 1047300700020 45. 2.52 424. 42. 1047300700021 45. 2.72 458. 70. 1047300700022 45. 2.92 472. 67. 1047300700023 45. 3.10 370. 37. 1047300700024 148. 0.89 426. 68. 1047300700025 148. 1.10 403. 48. 1047300700026 148. 1.31 334. 61. 1047300700027 148. 1.51 277. 58. 1047300700028 148. 1.71 159. 37. 1047300700029 148. 1.92 135. 14. 1047300700030 148. 2.02 125. 21. 1047300700031 148. 2.32 82. 13. 1047300700032 148. 2.52 116. 14. 1047300700033 148. 2.72 91. 14. 1047300700034 148. 2.92 111. 19. 1047300700035 148. 3.10 111. 12. 1047300700036 ENDDATA 26 0 1047300700037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 1047300799999 ENDENTRY 6 0 1047399999999