ENTRY 10510 20230912 15081051000000001 SUBENT 10510001 20230912 15081051000100001 BIB 11 29 1051000100002 INSTITUTE (1USABRL) 1051000100003 REFERENCE (C,75WASH,2,945,1975) 1051000100004 (J,PRL,35,1419,1975) 1051000100005 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.35.1419 1051000100006 (J,BAP,20,174(IB25),1975) 1051000100007 (J,NIM,111,237,1973) Description of experiment 1051000100008 #doi:10.1016/0029-554X(73)90069-4 1051000100009 AUTHOR (W.Bucher,C.E.Hollandsworth,J.E.Youngblood) 1051000100010 TITLE Small-angle scattering of fast neutrons 1051000100011 FACILITY (VDGT,1USABRL) BRL Tandem Van de Graaff 1051000100012 INC-SOURCE (D-D) 1051000100013 DETECTOR (SCIN) Array of scintillators 1051000100014 CORRECTION Corrections have been made to the data for multiple 1051000100015 scattering, air scattering, finite geometry, 1051000100016 attenuation of neutrons in sample, and Mott-Schwinger 1051000100017 scattering 1051000100018 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Errors given represent total uncertainty in 1051000100019 absolute cross sections, and include statistical 1051000100020 errors, uncertainties in corrections, detector 1051000100021 efficiency, and errors in measured transmission of 1051000100022 the sample. 1051000100023 STATUS (APRVD) Approved by author 1975/8/1. 1051000100024 (TABLE) Data taken from private comm., Bucher, 1975/5.1051000100025 HISTORY (19750512C) 1051000100026 (19760908U) BIB additions. 1051000100027 (19830823A) Converted to REACTION formalism 1051000100028 (19860529A) BIB updates. 1051000100029 (20040427A) Updated to new date formats, lower case. 1051000100030 (20230817A) OS. REACTION corrected in sub.3 1051000100031 ENDBIB 29 0 1051000100032 NOCOMMON 0 0 1051000100033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 1051000199999 SUBENT 10510002 20040427 00001051000200001 BIB 3 3 1051000200002 REFERENCE (J,PL/B,58,277,197509) 1051000200003 REACTION (82-PB-0(N,EL)82-PB-0,,DA) 1051000200004 METHOD (TOF) Time-of-flight, ring geometry 1051000200005 ENDBIB 3 0 1051000200006 NOCOMMON 0 0 1051000200007 DATA 4 39 1051000200008 EN ANG-CM DATA-CM DATA-ERR 1051000200009 MEV ADEG B/SR PER-CENT 1051000200010 7.0 3.44 7.115 3.5 1051000200011 7.0 6.87 6.403 1.9 1051000200012 7.0 10.75 5.542 1.7 1051000200013 7.0 14.64 4.340 1.7 1051000200014 7.0 19.87 2.679 1.8 1051000200015 7.55 3.48 7.017 3.1 1051000200016 7.55 6.97 6.342 2.4 1051000200017 7.55 10.90 5.091 2.1 1051000200018 7.55 14.85 3.858 1.9 1051000200019 8.00 3.45 7.150 3.0 1051000200020 8.00 6.89 6.188 1.9 1051000200021 8.00 10.77 5.164 1.7 1051000200022 8.00 14.68 3.745 1.8 1051000200023 8.00 19.89 2.038 1.8 1051000200024 8.55 3.45 6.917 2.3 1051000200025 8.55 6.89 6.402 1.8 1051000200026 8.55 10.77 4.876 1.7 1051000200027 8.55 14.68 3.489 1.7 1051000200028 9.00 3.45 7.335 2.3 1051000200029 9.00 6.89 6.334 1.8 1051000200030 9.00 10.77 4.991 1.7 1051000200031 9.00 14.68 3.337 1.8 1051000200032 9.50 3.48 7.468 2.4 1051000200033 9.50 6.97 6.481 2.8 1051000200034 9.50 10.90 4.854 2.0 1051000200035 9.50 14.85 3.222 2.4 1051000200036 11.00 3.44 8.441 2.7 1051000200037 11.00 6.87 7.281 1.8 1051000200038 11.00 10.75 5.302 1.6 1051000200039 11.00 14.64 3.151 1.7 1051000200040 12.5 3.44 10.15 2.5 1051000200041 12.5 6.87 8.420 1.8 1051000200042 12.5 10.75 6.036 1.6 1051000200043 12.5 14.64 3.452 1.7 1051000200044 14.0 3.44 11.82 3.0 1051000200045 14.0 6.87 9.951 1.6 1051000200046 14.0 10.75 6.830 1.7 1051000200047 14.0 14.64 3.863 1.9 1051000200048 14.0 19.87 1.043 3.4 1051000200049 ENDDATA 41 0 1051000200050 ENDSUBENT 49 0 1051000299999 SUBENT 10510003 20230912 15081051000300001 BIB 5 8 1051000300002 REACTION (92-U-238(N,EL)92-U-238,EXL,DA) 1051000300003 METHOD (TOF) Time-of-flight. New experimental geometry 1051000300004 developed especially for small-angle scattering. 1051000300005 CRITIQUE Possible inclusion of inelastic scattering below 1051000300006 E(exc) ~ 210 keV at 7 MeV, 270 keV at 9 MeV, 330 keV 1051000300007 at 11 MeV, 420 keV at 14 MeV was found by S.Simakov 1051000300008 REL-REF (C,,S.Simakov+,S,INDC(NDS)-0857,91,2022) 1051000300009 HISTORY (20230817A) Added REACTION SF5, CRITIQUE, REL-REF 1051000300010 ENDBIB 8 0 1051000300011 NOCOMMON 0 0 1051000300012 DATA 4 16 1051000300013 EN ANG-CM DATA-CM DATA-ERR 1051000300014 MEV ADEG B/SR PER-CENT 1051000300015 7.0 3.16 9.34 4.3 1051000300016 7.0 7.14 8.42 3.8 1051000300017 7.0 10.60 7.04 3.6 1051000300018 7.0 15.18 5.07 3.6 1051000300019 9.0 3.11 10.14 4.7 1051000300020 9.0 7.05 8.23 3.8 1051000300021 9.0 10.60 6.51 3.6 1051000300022 9.0 15.18 4.34 3.6 1051000300023 11.0 3.16 10.71 3.6 1051000300024 11.0 7.14 8.86 3.5 1051000300025 11.0 10.61 6.51 3.4 1051000300026 11.0 14.85 3.94 3.6 1051000300027 14.0 3.16 13.52 3.5 1051000300028 14.0 7.14 11.20 3.5 1051000300029 14.0 10.61 8.09 3.6 1051000300030 14.0 14.85 3.90 3.8 1051000300031 ENDDATA 18 0 1051000300032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 1051000399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 1051099999999