ENTRY            10540   20210803                             14901054000000001 
SUBENT        10540001   20210803                             14901054000100001 
BIB                 10         35                                 1054000100002 
TITLE      Neutron Cross Sections of Ni-59                        1054000100003 
AUTHOR     (G.J.Kirouac,H.M.Eiland)                               1054000100004 
REFERENCE  (C,75WASH,2,776,1975)                                  1054000100005 
           (R,KAPL-3980,197204)                                   1054000100006 
INSTITUTE  (1USAKAP)                                              1054000100007 
FACILITY   (LINAC,1USARPI)                                        1054000100008 
SAMPLE     Two samples of NiO, the average values are given. The  1054000100009 
           total weight was 4.57 g. The thick sample was 117      1054000100010 
           mg/cm2 of 59Ni, thin sample was 26.5 mg/cm2 of 59Ni.   1054000100011 
           (28-NI-58,ENR=0.8735)                                  1054000100012 
           (28-NI-59,ENR=0.0428)                                  1054000100013 
           (28-NI-60,ENR=0.0809)                                  1054000100014 
           (28-NI-62,ENR=0.000007)                                1054000100015 
           (28-NI-64,ENR=0.0000001)                               1054000100016 
DETECTOR   (GLASD) A 0.5 in. thick Li-6 enriched glass            1054000100017 
           scintillation neutron detector.                        1054000100018 
METHOD     (TOF) A flight path of 25.1 meters. The neutron        1054000100019 
           background was determined by measuring the counting    1054000100020 
           rate under Co and Mn notch filters which were in the   1054000100021 
           beam for about one half of the total measuring time.   1054000100022 
           The resonances in the filters conveniently bracketed   1054000100023 
           the Ni-59 resonance. The background was about 3% of    1054000100024 
           the blank sample counting rate in the neighborhood of  1054000100025 
           the resonance. A 120 mg/cm2 B-10 filter was used to    1054000100026 
           prevent the overlap of neutrons from successive        1054000100027 
           neutron bursts.                                        1054000100028 
STATUS     (APRVD) Approved by author, 1975/10/30.                1054000100029 
HISTORY    (19750912C)                                            1054000100030 
           (19770322U) BIB corrections.                           1054000100031 
           (19830901A) Converted to reaction formalism.           1054000100032 
           (20040511A) Updated to new date formats, lower case.   1054000100033 
           (20210803A) BP: Updated entry, deleted subentry 7      1054000100034 
                       (unobtainable data) per a NRDC decision for1054000100035 
                        data sets that are published before 2000  1054000100036 
                       (C32 of WP2022-01).                        1054000100037 
ENDBIB              35          0                                 1054000100038 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1054000100039 
ENDSUBENT           38          0                                 1054000199999 
NOSUBENT      10540002   19830901                             00001054000200001 
SUBENT        10540003   20210803                             14901054000300001 
BIB                  5         16                                 1054000300002 
REACTION  1(28-NI-59(N,0),,EN)                                    1054000300003 
          2(28-NI-59(N,EL),,WID/RED)                              1054000300004 
          3(28-NI-59(N,0),,J)                                     1054000300005 
          4(28-NI-59(N,0),,PTY)                                   1054000300006 
          5(28-NI-59(N,TOT),,WID)                                 1054000300007 
          6(28-NI-59(N,EL),,WID)                                  1054000300008 
ANALYSIS   (AREA,SHAPE) Data given is the weighted average of     1054000300009 
           several runs, with and without filters in the beam,    1054000300010 
           analyzed using both area and shape analysis.           1054000300011 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) These are standard deviations which represent  1054000300012 
           the projection of the statistical uncertainties in     1054000300013 
           the measured transmission onto the resonance           1054000300014 
           parameters.                                            1054000300015 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table III, page 779 of C,75WASH,2,776,1975.    1054000300016 
HISTORY    (19830901A) Subentries 2,3 combined.                   1054000300017 
           (20210803A) BP: Verified data, added ERR-ANALYS.       1054000300018 
ENDBIB              16          0                                 1054000300019 
COMMON               2          3                                 1054000300020 
MOMENTUM L STAT-W G                                               1054000300021 
NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                                 1054000300022 
        0.0      0.375                                            1054000300023 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 1054000300024 
DATA                10          1                                 1054000300025 
DATA      1ERR-S     1DATA      2ERR-S     2DATA      3DATA      41054000300026 
DATA      5ERR-S     5DATA      6ERR-S     6                      1054000300027 
EV         EV         EV         EV         NO-DIM     NO-DIM     1054000300028 
EV         EV         EV         EV                               1054000300029 
      203.1        0.5       0.73       0.02         1.        -1.1054000300030 
       13.9        1.0       10.5        0.3                      1054000300031 
ENDDATA              6          0                                 1054000300032 
ENDSUBENT           31          0                                 1054000399999 
SUBENT        10540004   20210803                             14901054000400001 
BIB                  7         28                                 1054000400002 
REACTION   (28-NI-59(N,ABS),,SIG)                                 1054000400003 
METHOD     The pile oscillator technique.                         1054000400004 
REL-REF    (M,,F.Feiner+,R,KAPL-1703,1956) The pile oscillator    1054000400005 
           technique description.                                 1054000400006 
MONITOR    (27-CO-59(N,ABS),,SIG)                                 1054000400007 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) The uncertainty quoted for the initial,        1054000400008 
           uncorrected value contains the following five          1054000400009 
           components:                                            1054000400010 
           (ERR-1) uncertainty in the Co standard cross           1054000400011 
           sections, 1.6%;                                        1054000400012 
           (ERR-2) standard deviations of cobalt                  1054000400013 
           amplitudes, 1.8%;                                      1054000400014 
           The amplitude uncertainties were obtained              1054000400015 
           from the standard deviation observed for a             1054000400016 
           distribution of four separate measurements.            1054000400017 
           (ERR-3) standard deviations of the Ni-59               1054000400018 
           amplitudes, 1.5%;                                      1054000400019 
           The amplitude uncertainties were obtained              1054000400020 
           from the standard deviation observed for a             1054000400021 
           distribution of four separate measurements.            1054000400022 
           (ERR-4) Co mass uncertainty 1%.                        1054000400023 
           (ERR-5) Ni mass uncertainties 1.5%.                    1054000400024 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table II, page 778 of C,75WASH,2,776,1975.     1054000400025 
HISTORY    (19830901A) Data removed. Calculated from resonance    1054000400026 
                       parameters.                                1054000400027 
           (20210803A) BP: Included data, added uncertainties.    1054000400028 
                       The previous compiler comment is very      1054000400029 
                       confusing.                                 1054000400030 
ENDBIB              28          0                                 1054000400031 
COMMON               6          3                                 1054000400032 
MONIT      ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3      ERR-4      ERR-5      1054000400033 
B          PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   1054000400034 
       37.2        1.6        1.8        1.5        1.0        1.51054000400035 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 1054000400036 
DATA                 3          1                                 1054000400037 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       1054000400038 
EV         B          B                                           1054000400039 
     0.0253       92.0        4.0                                 1054000400040 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 1054000400041 
ENDSUBENT           40          0                                 1054000499999 
SUBENT        10540005   20210803                             14901054000500001 
BIB                  5         12                                 1054000500002 
REACTION   (28-NI-59(N,ABS),,RI,,,DERIV)                          1054000500003 
ANALYSIS   Calculated from resonance parameters.                  1054000500004 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) The uncertainty on the uncorrected             1054000500005 
           resonance integral includes:                           1054000500006 
           (ERR-1) the standard 197Au resonance integral, 2.6%;   1054000500007 
           (ERR-2) standard deviation in Ni-59 amplitude, 1.2%;   1054000500008 
           (ERR-3) standard deviation in  197Au amplitude, 3.3%;  1054000500009 
           (ERR-4) the Ni mass uncertainties, 1.5%;               1054000500010 
           (ERR-5) the 197Au mass uncertainties, 1.0%.            1054000500011 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table II, page 778 of C,75WASH,2,776,1975.     1054000500012 
HISTORY    (20210803A) BP: Corrected absolute values, added       1054000500013 
                       uncertainties.                             1054000500014 
ENDBIB              12          0                                 1054000500015 
COMMON               5          3                                 1054000500016 
ERR-1      ERR-2      ERR-3      ERR-4      ERR-5                 1054000500017 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT   PER-CENT              1054000500018 
        2.6        1.2        3.3        1.5        1.0           1054000500019 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 1054000500020 
DATA                 3          1                                 1054000500021 
EN-MIN     DATA       ERR-T                                       1054000500022 
EV         B          B                                           1054000500023 
        0.5       125.         8.                                 1054000500024 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 1054000500025 
ENDSUBENT           24          0                                 1054000599999 
SUBENT        10540006   20210803                             14901054000600001 
BIB                  5         10                                 1054000600002 
REACTION  1(28-NI-59(N,0),,EN)                                    1054000600003 
          2(28-NI-59(N,G),,WID)                                   1054000600004 
ANALYSIS   Individual values were weighted with their standard    1054000600005 
           deviations and averaged. The evaluated results for     1054000600006 
           Gamman and Gamma then gave the absorption width.       1054000600007 
ERR-ANALYS1(ERR-S)                                                1054000600008 
          2(DATA-ERR) No details on sources of uncertainties.     1054000600009 
STATUS     (DEP,10540003)                                         1054000600010 
           (TABLE) page 779 of C,75WASH,2,776,1975.               1054000600011 
HISTORY    (20210803A) BP: Added analysis and ERR-ANALYS.         1054000600012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 1054000600013 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1054000600014 
DATA                 4          1                                 1054000600015 
DATA      1ERR-S     1DATA      2DATA-ERR  2                      1054000600016 
EV         EV         EV         EV                               1054000600017 
      203.1        0.5        3.4        1.0                      1054000600018 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 1054000600019 
ENDSUBENT           18          0                                 1054000699999 
NOSUBENT      10540007   20210803                             14901054000700001 
ENDENTRY             7          0                                 1054099999999