ENTRY 10577 20230707 15071057700000001 SUBENT 10577001 20230707 15071057700100001 BIB 8 35 1057700100002 TITLE Experimental Investigation of the Resonance Self- 1057700100003 Shielding and Doppler Effect in Uranium and Tantalum 1057700100004 AUTHOR (T.Y.Byoun,R.C.Block,T.Semler) 1057700100005 REFERENCE (R,NASA-TM-X-69565,1973) Journal style reference. 1057700100006 (P,COO-3058-34,7,197303) Experimental details. 1057700100007 (T,BYOUN,197305) RPI Thesis. 1057700100008 INSTITUTE (1USARPI,1USALRC) 1057700100009 FACILITY (LINAC,1USARPI) Gaerttner LINAC Laboratory. 1057700100010 INC-SOURCE (PHOTO) Neutron production beam: Electron. Nominal 1057700100011 beam energy: 45 to 70 MeV. Repetition rate 1057700100012 (pulse/sec), Pulse width: 20 ns. Nominal beam power: 1057700100013 450 to 980 W. Primary neutron production target: 1057700100014 Tantalum. Neutron source position in moderator: 1057700100015 Bounce target. Moderator Material: polyethylene. 1057700100016 Dimension (thickness, height x width x depth,...): 1057700100017 50.8 mm thick, 177.8 mm diameter. 1057700100018 STATUS (APRVD) Approved by R.C.Block on July 12, 2021. 1057700100019 HISTORY (19760211C) 1057700100020 (19780913U) Reference update. 1057700100021 (19781212A) Converted to reaction formalism. 1057700100022 (19830922A) BIB correction. 1057700100023 (20040702A) Updated to new date formats, lower case. 1057700100024 Superseded subentries 36, 37 deleted. 1057700100025 (20210608A) BP: Replaced the previously listed cross 1057700100026 section data for U and Ta with the transmission and 1057700100027 SIR data from the RPI thesis. Corrected reaction 1057700100028 strings from cross sections to transmission and self 1057700100029 indication functions, added ERR-ANALYS and 1057700100030 resolution data supplied by Prof. R.C.Block. 1057700100031 Corrected author list, changed subentry 11 from 1057700100032 transmission to SIF, otherwise it is a duplicate of 1057700100033 subentry 4. Deleted derived subentries 2-3 and 18-19 1057700100034 per Prof. R. Block request. 1057700100035 (20230525A) OS. Data headings corrections in 1057700100036 subs. 4-17 and 41-44 1057700100037 ENDBIB 35 0 1057700100038 NOCOMMON 0 0 1057700100039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 1057700199999 NOSUBENT 10577002 20210608 14881057700200001 NOSUBENT 10577003 20210608 14881057700300001 SUBENT 10577004 20230707 15071057700400001 BIB 9 33 1057700400002 REACTION (92-U-238(N,TOT),,TRN,,AV) 1057700400003 DETECTOR (SCIN) A 12.7-mm-thick 10B4C slab in the beam that is 1057700400004 viewed by two 203.2-mm-dia. by 50.8-mm thick NaI 1057700400005 crystals. Surface Dimensions: 101.6 mm x 101.6 mm. 1057700400006 10B4C Thickness (mm): 12.7. Distance from samples (mm):1057700400007 10000. 1057700400008 SAMPLE (92-U-238,ENR=0.998) 1057700400009 (92-U-235,ENR=0.002) Metal. Surface dimension (mm x mm,1057700400010 diameter in mm,...) Thickness (atom/barn): 0.00758+- 1057700400011 0.00008. Nominal thickness (mm): 1.58+-0.02. Sample 1057700400012 thermodynamic temperature was 293+-2 K, and effective 1057700400013 temperature was 301K (Thesis table VII-III, page 158). 1057700400014 METHOD (TRN) Flight path is 28.27+-0.005. The measurement 1057700400015 utilized electron burst widths and time-of-flight 1057700400016 channel widths that together resulted in 1057700400017 time-of-flight data that had an energy resolution 1057700400018 dE/E much smaller than 10%. Background subtraction 1057700400019 shape determined from a separate measurement of 1057700400020 sulfur at 111 keV, aluminum at 35.0 keV, manganese at 1057700400021 0.337 keV and cobalt at 0.132 keV. 1057700400022 ANALYSIS The measured time-of-flight data were grouped into 1057700400023 10% wide energy bins. 1057700400024 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Error in transmission (1 sigma error). 1057700400025 CORRECTION Dead time correction: <2.5%. 1057700400026 STATUS (TABLE) Data received from R.C.Block, 6/23/2021. Also 1057700400027 shown in Appendix D, pages 207-220 of the main 1057700400028 reference. 1057700400029 HISTORY (19781212A) BIB correction. Common correction. 1057700400030 (19830922A) Reaction corrected. 1057700400031 (20040702A) Temperature unit updated. 1057700400032 (20210623A) BP: Replaced data, corrected reaction 1057700400033 string, corrected experimental details. 1057700400034 (20230525A) Headings EN-MIN, EN-MAX swapped 1057700400035 ENDBIB 33 0 1057700400036 COMMON 2 3 1057700400037 TEMP THICKNESS 1057700400038 K ATOMS/B 1057700400039 301. 0.00758 1057700400040 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1057700400041 DATA 4 65 1057700400042 EN-MAX EN-MIN DATA DATA-ERR 1057700400043 EV EV NO-DIM NO-DIM 1057700400044 101566.030 91893.060 0.898 0.013 1057700400045 91893.060 83142.340 0.914 0.007 1057700400046 83142.340 75223.100 0.912 0.007 1057700400047 75223.100 68059.000 0.911 0.006 1057700400048 68059.000 61577.170 0.909 0.006 1057700400049 61577.170 55712.680 0.902 0.006 1057700400050 55712.680 50406.710 0.908 0.006 1057700400051 50406.710 45606.070 0.891 0.006 1057700400052 45606.070 41262.630 0.894 0.006 1057700400053 41262.630 37332.850 0.901 0.006 1057700400054 37332.850 33777.330 0.895 0.006 1057700400055 33777.330 30560.440 0.899 0.006 1057700400056 30560.440 27649.920 0.896 0.006 1057700400057 27649.920 25016.590 0.885 0.006 1057700400058 25016.590 22634.050 0.893 0.006 1057700400059 22634.050 20478.430 0.896 0.006 1057700400060 20478.430 18528.100 0.898 0.006 1057700400061 18528.100 16763.520 0.884 0.006 1057700400062 16763.520 15166.990 0.881 0.005 1057700400063 15166.990 13722.510 0.890 0.005 1057700400064 13722.510 12415.600 0.891 0.005 1057700400065 12415.600 11233.340 0.887 0.005 1057700400066 11233.340 10163.340 0.890 0.005 1057700400067 10163.340 9195.400 0.894 0.005 1057700400068 9195.400 8319.640 0.894 0.005 1057700400069 8319.640 7524.290 0.879 0.005 1057700400070 7524.290 6810.410 0.878 0.005 1057700400071 6810.410 6161.800 0.883 0.005 1057700400072 6161.800 5574.960 0.895 0.005 1057700400073 5574.960 5044.010 0.895 0.005 1057700400074 5044.010 4563.630 0.892 0.005 1057700400075 4563.630 4128.990 0.892 0.005 1057700400076 4128.990 3735.760 0.870 0.005 1057700400077 3735.760 3379.970 0.860 0.005 1057700400078 3379.970 3058.070 0.872 0.005 1057700400079 3058.070 2766.820 0.873 0.005 1057700400080 2766.820 2503.310 0.844 0.005 1057700400081 2503.310 2264.900 0.876 0.005 1057700400082 2264.900 2049.200 0.871 0.005 1057700400083 2049.200 1854.030 0.848 0.004 1057700400084 1854.030 1677.460 0.862 0.005 1057700400085 1677.460 1517.700 0.866 0.005 1057700400086 1517.700 1373.160 0.880 0.005 1057700400087 1373.160 1242.380 0.885 0.005 1057700400088 1242.380 1124.060 0.858 0.005 1057700400089 1124.060 1017.000 0.882 0.005 1057700400090 1017.000 920.140 0.835 0.004 1057700400091 920.140 832.510 0.868 0.005 1057700400092 832.510 753.220 0.894 0.005 1057700400093 753.220 681.490 0.881 0.005 1057700400094 681.490 616.580 0.870 0.005 1057700400095 616.580 557.860 0.871 0.005 1057700400096 557.860 504.730 0.874 0.005 1057700400097 504.730 456.660 0.907 0.005 1057700400098 456.660 413.170 0.893 0.005 1057700400099 413.170 373.820 0.878 0.005 1057700400100 373.820 338.220 0.861 0.005 1057700400101 338.220 306.000 0.900 0.005 1057700400102 306.000 276.860 0.869 0.005 1057700400103 276.860 250.490 0.863 0.005 1057700400104 250.490 226.640 0.857 0.005 1057700400105 226.640 205.050 0.882 0.005 1057700400106 205.050 185.520 0.744 0.005 1057700400107 185.520 167.850 0.950 0.006 1057700400108 167.850 151.870 0.892 0.006 1057700400109 ENDDATA 67 0 1057700400110 ENDSUBENT 109 0 1057700499999 SUBENT 10577005 20230707 15071057700500001 BIB 9 33 1057700500002 REACTION (92-U-238(N,TOT),,TRN,,AV) 1057700500003 DETECTOR (SCIN) A 12.7-mm-thick 10B4C slab in the beam that is 1057700500004 viewed by two 203.2-mm-dia. by 50.8-mm thick NaI 1057700500005 crystals. Surface Dimensions: 101.6 mm x 101.6 mm. 1057700500006 10B4C Thickness (mm): 12.7. Distance from samples (mm):1057700500007 10000. 1057700500008 SAMPLE (92-U-238,ENR=0.998) 1057700500009 (92-U-235,ENR=0.002) Metal. Surface dimension (mm x mm,1057700500010 diameter in mm,...) Thickness (atom/barn): 0.0155+- 1057700500011 0.0001. Nominal thickness (mm): 3.24+-0.03. Sample 1057700500012 thermodynamic temperature was 293+-2 K, and effective 1057700500013 temperature was 301K (Thesis table VII-III, page 158). 1057700500014 METHOD (TRN) Flight path is 28.27+-0.005. The measurement 1057700500015 utilized electron burst widths and time-of-flight 1057700500016 channel widths that together resulted in 1057700500017 time-of-flight data that had an energy resolution 1057700500018 dE/E much smaller than 10%. Background subtraction 1057700500019 shape determined from a separate measurement of 1057700500020 sulfur at 111 keV, aluminum at 35.0 keV, manganese at 1057700500021 0.337 keV and cobalt at 0.132 keV. 1057700500022 ANALYSIS The measured time-of-flight data were grouped into 1057700500023 10% wide energy bins. 1057700500024 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Error in transmission (1 sigma error). 1057700500025 CORRECTION Dead time correction: <2.5%. 1057700500026 STATUS (TABLE) Data received from R.C.Block, 6/23/2021. Also 1057700500027 shown in Appendix D, pages 207-220 of the main 1057700500028 reference. 1057700500029 HISTORY (19781212A) BIB correction. Common correction. 1057700500030 (19830922A) Reaction corrected. 1057700500031 (20040702A) Temperature unit updated. 1057700500032 (20210623A) BP: Replaced data, corrected reaction 1057700500033 string, corrected experimental details. 1057700500034 (20230525A) Headings EN-MIN, EN-MAX swapped 1057700500035 ENDBIB 33 0 1057700500036 COMMON 2 3 1057700500037 TEMP THICKNESS 1057700500038 K ATOMS/B 1057700500039 301. 0.0155 1057700500040 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1057700500041 DATA 4 65 1057700500042 EN-MAX EN-MIN DATA DATA-ERR 1057700500043 EV EV NO-DIM NO-DIM 1057700500044 101566.000 91893.060 0.826 0.012 1057700500045 91893.060 83142.340 0.837 0.007 1057700500046 83142.340 75223.100 0.825 0.006 1057700500047 75223.100 68059.000 0.828 0.006 1057700500048 68059.000 61577.170 0.826 0.006 1057700500049 61577.170 55712.680 0.818 0.006 1057700500050 55712.680 50406.710 0.831 0.006 1057700500051 50406.710 45606.070 0.818 0.006 1057700500052 45606.070 41262.630 0.815 0.006 1057700500053 41262.630 37332.850 0.821 0.006 1057700500054 37332.850 33777.330 0.809 0.006 1057700500055 33777.330 30560.440 0.818 0.006 1057700500056 30560.440 27649.920 0.805 0.005 1057700500057 27649.920 25016.590 0.808 0.005 1057700500058 25016.590 22634.050 0.807 0.005 1057700500059 22634.050 20478.430 0.808 0.005 1057700500060 20478.430 18528.100 0.809 0.005 1057700500061 18528.100 16763.520 0.792 0.005 1057700500062 16763.520 15166.990 0.796 0.005 1057700500063 15166.990 13722.510 0.793 0.005 1057700500064 13722.510 12415.600 0.798 0.005 1057700500065 12415.600 11233.340 0.801 0.005 1057700500066 11233.340 10163.340 0.798 0.005 1057700500067 10163.340 9195.400 0.811 0.005 1057700500068 9195.400 8319.640 0.798 0.005 1057700500069 8319.640 7524.290 0.780 0.004 1057700500070 7524.290 6810.410 0.795 0.004 1057700500071 6810.410 6161.800 0.789 0.004 1057700500072 6161.800 5574.960 0.798 0.004 1057700500073 5574.960 5044.010 0.805 0.004 1057700500074 5044.010 4563.630 0.797 0.004 1057700500075 4563.630 4128.990 0.798 0.004 1057700500076 4128.990 3735.760 0.771 0.004 1057700500077 3735.760 3379.970 0.764 0.004 1057700500078 3379.970 3058.070 0.777 0.004 1057700500079 3058.070 2766.820 0.776 0.004 1057700500080 2766.820 2503.310 0.735 0.004 1057700500081 2503.310 2264.900 0.779 0.004 1057700500082 2264.900 2049.200 0.772 0.004 1057700500083 2049.200 1854.030 0.766 0.004 1057700500084 1854.030 1677.460 0.776 0.004 1057700500085 1677.460 1517.700 0.782 0.004 1057700500086 1517.700 1373.160 0.798 0.004 1057700500087 1373.160 1242.380 0.791 0.004 1057700500088 1242.380 1124.060 0.769 0.004 1057700500089 1124.060 1017.000 0.793 0.004 1057700500090 1017.000 920.140 0.744 0.004 1057700500091 920.140 832.510 0.789 0.004 1057700500092 832.510 753.220 0.815 0.004 1057700500093 753.220 681.490 0.794 0.004 1057700500094 681.490 616.580 0.782 0.004 1057700500095 616.580 557.860 0.781 0.004 1057700500096 557.860 504.730 0.787 0.004 1057700500097 504.730 456.660 0.821 0.004 1057700500098 456.660 413.170 0.804 0.004 1057700500099 413.170 373.820 0.793 0.004 1057700500100 373.820 338.220 0.768 0.004 1057700500101 338.220 306.000 0.825 0.005 1057700500102 306.000 276.860 0.784 0.005 1057700500103 276.860 250.490 0.766 0.005 1057700500104 250.490 226.640 0.750 0.005 1057700500105 226.640 205.050 0.725 0.005 1057700500106 205.050 185.520 0.620 0.004 1057700500107 185.520 167.850 0.900 0.006 1057700500108 167.850 151.870 0.819 0.005 1057700500109 ENDDATA 67 0 1057700500110 ENDSUBENT 109 0 1057700599999 SUBENT 10577006 20230707 15071057700600001 BIB 9 33 1057700600002 REACTION (92-U-238(N,TOT),,TRN,,AV) 1057700600003 DETECTOR (SCIN) A 12.7-mm-thick 10B4C slab in the beam that is 1057700600004 viewed by two 203.2-mm-dia. by 50.8-mm thick NaI 1057700600005 crystals. Surface Dimensions: 101.6 mm x 101.6 mm. 1057700600006 10B4C Thickness (mm): 12.7. Distance from samples (mm):1057700600007 10000. 1057700600008 SAMPLE (92-U-238,ENR=0.998) 1057700600009 (92-U-235,ENR=0.002) Metal. Surface dimension (mm x mm,1057700600010 diameter in mm,...) Thickness (atom/barn): 0.0310+- 1057700600011 0.0003. Nominal thickness (mm): 6.64+-0.07. Sample 1057700600012 thermodynamic temperature was 973+-4 K, and effective 1057700600013 temperature was 975K (Thesis table VII-III, page 158). 1057700600014 METHOD (TRN) Flight path is 28.27+-0.005. The measurement 1057700600015 utilized electron burst widths and time-of-flight 1057700600016 channel widths that together resulted in 1057700600017 time-of-flight data that had an energy resolution 1057700600018 dE/E much smaller than 10%. Background subtraction 1057700600019 shape determined from a separate measurement of 1057700600020 sulfur at 111 keV, aluminum at 35.0 keV, manganese at 1057700600021 0.337 keV and cobalt at 0.132 keV. 1057700600022 ANALYSIS The measured time-of-flight data were grouped into 1057700600023 10% wide energy bins. 1057700600024 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Error in transmission (1 sigma error). 1057700600025 CORRECTION Dead time correction: <2.5%. 1057700600026 STATUS (TABLE) Data received from R.C.Block, 6/23/2021. Also 1057700600027 shown in Appendix D, pages 207-220 of the main 1057700600028 reference. 1057700600029 HISTORY (19781212A) BIB correction. COMMON correction. 1057700600030 (19830922A) Reaction corrected. 1057700600031 (20040702A) Temperature unit updated. 1057700600032 (20210623A) BP: Replaced data, corrected reaction 1057700600033 string, corrected experimental details. 1057700600034 (20230525A) Headings EN-MIN, EN-MAX swapped 1057700600035 ENDBIB 33 0 1057700600036 COMMON 2 3 1057700600037 TEMP THICKNESS 1057700600038 K ATOMS/B 1057700600039 975. 0.0310 1057700600040 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1057700600041 DATA 4 65 1057700600042 EN-MAX EN-MIN DATA DATA-ERR 1057700600043 EV EV NO-DIM NO-DIM 1057700600044 101566.000 91893.060 0.709 0.013 1057700600045 91893.060 83142.340 0.704 0.008 1057700600046 83142.340 75223.100 0.694 0.007 1057700600047 75223.100 68059.000 0.713 0.006 1057700600048 68059.000 61577.170 0.697 0.006 1057700600049 61577.170 55712.680 0.694 0.006 1057700600050 55712.680 50406.710 0.705 0.006 1057700600051 50406.710 45606.070 0.697 0.006 1057700600052 45606.070 41262.630 0.693 0.007 1057700600053 41262.630 37332.850 0.677 0.006 1057700600054 37332.850 33777.330 0.680 0.007 1057700600055 33777.330 30560.440 0.664 0.006 1057700600056 30560.440 27649.920 0.667 0.006 1057700600057 27649.920 25016.590 0.662 0.006 1057700600058 25016.590 22634.050 0.673 0.006 1057700600059 22634.050 20478.430 0.666 0.006 1057700600060 20478.430 18528.100 0.673 0.006 1057700600061 18528.100 16763.520 0.650 0.005 1057700600062 16763.520 15166.990 0.655 0.005 1057700600063 15166.990 13722.510 0.660 0.005 1057700600064 13722.510 12415.600 0.647 0.005 1057700600065 12415.600 11233.340 0.663 0.005 1057700600066 11233.340 10163.340 0.658 0.005 1057700600067 10163.340 9195.400 0.669 0.005 1057700600068 9195.400 8319.640 0.654 0.005 1057700600069 8319.640 7524.290 0.649 0.005 1057700600070 7524.290 6810.410 0.648 0.005 1057700600071 6810.410 6161.800 0.640 0.005 1057700600072 6161.800 5574.960 0.659 0.005 1057700600073 5574.960 5044.010 0.668 0.005 1057700600074 5044.010 4563.630 0.647 0.005 1057700600075 4563.630 4128.990 0.644 0.005 1057700600076 4128.990 3735.760 0.600 0.004 1057700600077 3735.760 3379.970 0.603 0.004 1057700600078 3379.970 3058.070 0.633 0.005 1057700600079 3058.070 2766.820 0.635 0.005 1057700600080 2766.820 2503.310 0.572 0.004 1057700600081 2503.310 2264.900 0.624 0.004 1057700600082 2264.900 2049.200 0.629 0.004 1057700600083 2049.200 1854.030 0.638 0.004 1057700600084 1854.030 1677.460 0.630 0.004 1057700600085 1677.460 1517.700 0.630 0.004 1057700600086 1517.700 1373.160 0.665 0.005 1057700600087 1373.160 1242.380 0.652 0.004 1057700600088 1242.380 1124.060 0.620 0.004 1057700600089 1124.060 1017.000 0.650 0.004 1057700600090 1017.000 920.140 0.597 0.004 1057700600091 920.140 832.510 0.650 0.005 1057700600092 832.510 753.220 0.693 0.005 1057700600093 753.220 681.490 0.659 0.005 1057700600094 681.490 616.580 0.636 0.005 1057700600095 616.580 557.860 0.647 0.005 1057700600096 557.860 504.730 0.652 0.005 1057700600097 504.730 456.660 0.689 0.005 1057700600098 456.660 413.170 0.677 0.005 1057700600099 413.170 373.820 0.645 0.005 1057700600100 373.820 338.220 0.623 0.005 1057700600101 338.220 306.000 0.699 0.005 1057700600102 306.000 276.860 0.640 0.005 1057700600103 276.860 250.490 0.628 0.005 1057700600104 250.490 226.640 0.604 0.005 1057700600105 226.640 205.050 0.553 0.005 1057700600106 205.050 185.520 0.481 0.004 1057700600107 185.520 167.850 0.825 0.006 1057700600108 167.850 151.870 0.683 0.006 1057700600109 ENDDATA 67 0 1057700600110 ENDSUBENT 109 0 1057700699999 SUBENT 10577007 20230707 15071057700700001 BIB 9 35 1057700700002 REACTION (92-U-238(N,TOT),,TRN,,AV) 1057700700003 DETECTOR (SCIN) A 12.7-mm-thick 10B4C slab in the beam that is 1057700700004 viewed by two 203.2-mm-dia. by 50.8-mm thick NaI 1057700700005 crystals. Surface Dimensions: 101.6 mm x 101.6 mm. 1057700700006 10B4C Thickness (mm): 12.7. Distance from samples (mm):1057700700007 10000. 1057700700008 SAMPLE (92-U-238,ENR=0.998) 1057700700009 (92-U-235,ENR=0.002) Metal. Surface dimension (mm x mm,1057700700010 diameter in mm,...) Thickness (atom/barn): 0.0317+- 1057700700011 0.0003. Nominal thickness (mm): 6.56+-0.07. Sample 1057700700012 thermodynamic temperature was 79+-2 K, and effective 1057700700013 temperature was 101K (Thesis table VII-III, page 158). 1057700700014 METHOD (TRN) Flight path is 28.27+-0.005. The measurement 1057700700015 utilized electron burst widths and time-of-flight 1057700700016 channel widths that together resulted in 1057700700017 time-of-flight data that had an energy resolution 1057700700018 dE/E much smaller than 10%. Background subtraction 1057700700019 shape determined from a separate measurement of 1057700700020 sulfur at 111 keV, aluminum at 35.0 keV, manganese at 1057700700021 0.337 keV and cobalt at 0.132 keV. 1057700700022 ANALYSIS The measured time-of-flight data were grouped into 1057700700023 10% wide energy bins. 1057700700024 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Error in transmission (1 sigma error). 1057700700025 CORRECTION Dead time correction: <2.5%. 1057700700026 STATUS (TABLE) Data received from R.C.Block, 6/23/2021. Also 1057700700027 shown in Appendix D, pages 207-220 of the main 1057700700028 reference. 1057700700029 HISTORY (19781212A) BIB correction. COMMON correction. 1057700700030 (19830922A) Reaction corrected. 1057700700031 (20040702A) Temperature unit updated. 1057700700032 (20210623A) BP: Replaced data, corrected reaction 1057700700033 string, corrected experimental details, moved 301 K 1057700700034 into a separate subentry 41 because of sample 1057700700035 differences. 1057700700036 (20230525A) Headings EN-MIN, EN-MAX swapped 1057700700037 ENDBIB 35 0 1057700700038 COMMON 2 3 1057700700039 TEMP THICKNESS 1057700700040 K ATOMS/B 1057700700041 101. 0.0317 1057700700042 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1057700700043 DATA 4 65 1057700700044 EN-MAX EN-MIN DATA DATA-ERR 1057700700045 EV EV NO-DIM NO-DIM 1057700700046 101566.000 91893.060 0.684 0.013 1057700700047 91893.060 83142.340 0.687 0.008 1057700700048 83142.340 75223.100 0.682 0.007 1057700700049 75223.100 68059.000 0.684 0.006 1057700700050 68059.000 61577.170 0.678 0.006 1057700700051 61577.170 55712.680 0.666 0.007 1057700700052 55712.680 50406.710 0.683 0.007 1057700700053 50406.710 45606.070 0.670 0.007 1057700700054 45606.070 41262.630 0.661 0.007 1057700700055 41262.630 37332.850 0.676 0.007 1057700700056 37332.850 33777.330 0.662 0.007 1057700700057 33777.330 30560.440 0.659 0.007 1057700700058 30560.440 27649.920 0.657 0.007 1057700700059 27649.920 25016.590 0.646 0.006 1057700700060 25016.590 22634.050 0.659 0.006 1057700700061 22634.050 20478.430 0.656 0.006 1057700700062 20478.430 18528.100 0.657 0.006 1057700700063 18528.100 16763.520 0.639 0.006 1057700700064 16763.520 15166.990 0.641 0.006 1057700700065 15166.990 13722.510 0.646 0.006 1057700700066 13722.510 12415.600 0.640 0.006 1057700700067 12415.600 11233.340 0.650 0.006 1057700700068 11233.340 10163.340 0.650 0.006 1057700700069 10163.340 9195.400 0.658 0.006 1057700700070 9195.400 8319.640 0.645 0.006 1057700700071 8319.640 7524.290 0.641 0.006 1057700700072 7524.290 6810.410 0.644 0.005 1057700700073 6810.410 6161.800 0.649 0.005 1057700700074 6161.800 5574.960 0.657 0.005 1057700700075 5574.960 5044.010 0.666 0.005 1057700700076 5044.010 4563.630 0.645 0.005 1057700700077 4563.630 4128.990 0.642 0.005 1057700700078 4128.990 3735.760 0.606 0.005 1057700700079 3735.760 3379.970 0.617 0.005 1057700700080 3379.970 3058.070 0.630 0.005 1057700700081 3058.070 2766.820 0.633 0.006 1057700700082 2766.820 2503.310 0.593 0.005 1057700700083 2503.310 2264.900 0.631 0.005 1057700700084 2264.900 2049.200 0.637 0.005 1057700700085 2049.200 1854.030 0.643 0.005 1057700700086 1854.030 1677.460 0.637 0.005 1057700700087 1677.460 1517.700 0.649 0.005 1057700700088 1517.700 1373.160 0.677 0.005 1057700700089 1373.160 1242.380 0.655 0.005 1057700700090 1242.380 1124.060 0.640 0.005 1057700700091 1124.060 1017.000 0.646 0.005 1057700700092 1017.000 920.140 0.619 0.005 1057700700093 920.140 832.510 0.678 0.005 1057700700094 832.510 753.220 0.693 0.005 1057700700095 753.220 681.490 0.660 0.005 1057700700096 681.490 616.580 0.650 0.005 1057700700097 616.580 557.860 0.672 0.005 1057700700098 557.860 504.730 0.667 0.005 1057700700099 504.730 456.660 0.688 0.006 1057700700100 456.660 413.170 0.672 0.005 1057700700101 413.170 373.820 0.657 0.005 1057700700102 373.820 338.220 0.632 0.005 1057700700103 338.220 306.000 0.678 0.006 1057700700104 306.000 276.860 0.640 0.006 1057700700105 276.860 250.490 0.631 0.006 1057700700106 250.490 226.640 0.614 0.006 1057700700107 226.640 205.050 0.568 0.005 1057700700108 205.050 185.520 0.474 0.005 1057700700109 185.520 167.850 0.822 0.007 1057700700110 167.850 151.870 0.691 0.006 1057700700111 ENDDATA 67 0 1057700700112 ENDSUBENT 111 0 1057700799999 SUBENT 10577008 20230707 15071057700800001 BIB 9 33 1057700800002 REACTION (92-U-238(N,TOT),,TRN,,AV) 1057700800003 DETECTOR (SCIN) A 12.7-mm-thick 10B4C slab in the beam that is 1057700800004 viewed by two 203.2-mm-dia. by 50.8-mm thick NaI 1057700800005 crystals. Surface Dimensions: 101.6 mm x 101.6 mm. 1057700800006 10B4C Thickness (mm): 12.7. Distance from samples (mm):1057700800007 10000. 1057700800008 SAMPLE (92-U-238,ENR=0.998) 1057700800009 (92-U-235,ENR=0.002) Metal. Surface dimension (mm x mm,1057700800010 diameter in mm,...) Thickness (atom/barn): 0.0467+- 1057700800011 0.0005. Nominal thickness (mm): 9.74+0.10. Sample 1057700800012 thermodynamic temperature was 293+-2 K, and effective 1057700800013 temperature was 301K (Thesis table VII-III, page 158). 1057700800014 METHOD (TRN) Flight path is 28.27+-0.005. The measurement 1057700800015 utilized electron burst widths and time-of-flight 1057700800016 channel widths that together resulted in 1057700800017 time-of-flight data that had an energy resolution 1057700800018 dE/E much smaller than 10%. Background subtraction 1057700800019 shape determined from a separate measurement of 1057700800020 sulfur at 111 keV, aluminum at 35.0 keV, manganese at 1057700800021 0.337 keV and cobalt at 0.132 keV. 1057700800022 ANALYSIS The measured time-of-flight data were grouped into 1057700800023 10% wide energy bins. 1057700800024 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Error in transmission (1 sigma error). 1057700800025 CORRECTION Dead time correction: <2.5%. 1057700800026 STATUS (TABLE) Data received from R.C.Block, 6/23/2021. Also 1057700800027 shown in Appendix D, pages 207-220 of the main 1057700800028 reference. 1057700800029 HISTORY (19781212A) BIB correction. COMMON correction. 1057700800030 (19830922A) Reaction corrected. 1057700800031 (20040702A) Temperature unit updated. 1057700800032 (20210623A) BP: Replaced data, corrected reaction 1057700800033 string, corrected experimental details. 1057700800034 (20230525A) Headings EN-MIN, EN-MAX swapped 1057700800035 ENDBIB 33 0 1057700800036 COMMON 2 3 1057700800037 TEMP THICKNESS 1057700800038 K ATOMS/B 1057700800039 301. 0.04670 1057700800040 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1057700800041 DATA 4 65 1057700800042 EN-MAX EN-MIN DATA DATA-ERR 1057700800043 EV EV NO-DIM NO-DIM 1057700800044 101566.000 91893.060 0.584 0.008 1057700800045 91893.060 83142.340 0.574 0.005 1057700800046 83142.340 75223.100 0.576 0.004 1057700800047 75223.100 68059.000 0.576 0.004 1057700800048 68059.000 61577.170 0.571 0.004 1057700800049 61577.170 55712.680 0.555 0.004 1057700800050 55712.680 50406.710 0.566 0.004 1057700800051 50406.710 45606.070 0.562 0.004 1057700800052 45606.070 41262.630 0.546 0.004 1057700800053 41262.630 37332.850 0.555 0.004 1057700800054 37332.850 33777.330 0.548 0.004 1057700800055 33777.330 30560.440 0.545 0.004 1057700800056 30560.440 27649.920 0.529 0.004 1057700800057 27649.920 25016.590 0.543 0.003 1057700800058 25016.590 22634.050 0.538 0.003 1057700800059 22634.050 20478.430 0.533 0.003 1057700800060 20478.430 18528.100 0.544 0.003 1057700800061 18528.100 16763.520 0.521 0.003 1057700800062 16763.520 15166.990 0.522 0.003 1057700800063 15166.990 13722.510 0.536 0.003 1057700800064 13722.510 12415.600 0.526 0.003 1057700800065 12415.600 11233.340 0.532 0.003 1057700800066 11233.340 10163.340 0.531 0.003 1057700800067 10163.340 9195.400 0.544 0.003 1057700800068 9195.400 8319.640 0.531 0.003 1057700800069 8319.640 7524.290 0.523 0.003 1057700800070 7524.290 6810.410 0.530 0.003 1057700800071 6810.410 6161.800 0.520 0.003 1057700800072 6161.800 5574.960 0.535 0.003 1057700800073 5574.960 5044.010 0.547 0.003 1057700800074 5044.010 4563.630 0.528 0.003 1057700800075 4563.630 4128.990 0.531 0.003 1057700800076 4128.990 3735.760 0.488 0.003 1057700800077 3735.760 3379.970 0.502 0.003 1057700800078 3379.970 3058.070 0.514 0.003 1057700800079 3058.070 2766.820 0.518 0.003 1057700800080 2766.820 2503.310 0.484 0.003 1057700800081 2503.310 2264.900 0.516 0.003 1057700800082 2264.900 2049.200 0.527 0.003 1057700800083 2049.200 1854.030 0.535 0.003 1057700800084 1854.030 1677.460 0.528 0.003 1057700800085 1677.460 1517.700 0.541 0.003 1057700800086 1517.700 1373.160 0.560 0.003 1057700800087 1373.160 1242.380 0.541 0.003 1057700800088 1242.380 1124.060 0.532 0.003 1057700800089 1124.060 1017.000 0.537 0.003 1057700800090 1017.000 920.140 0.516 0.003 1057700800091 920.140 832.510 0.563 0.003 1057700800092 832.510 753.220 0.581 0.003 1057700800093 753.220 681.490 0.541 0.003 1057700800094 681.490 616.580 0.541 0.003 1057700800095 616.580 557.860 0.559 0.003 1057700800096 557.860 504.730 0.558 0.003 1057700800097 504.730 456.660 0.573 0.003 1057700800098 456.660 413.170 0.556 0.003 1057700800099 413.170 373.820 0.533 0.003 1057700800100 373.820 338.220 0.518 0.003 1057700800101 338.220 306.000 0.576 0.003 1057700800102 306.000 276.860 0.519 0.003 1057700800103 276.860 250.490 0.517 0.003 1057700800104 250.490 226.640 0.486 0.003 1057700800105 226.640 205.050 0.434 0.003 1057700800106 205.050 185.520 0.366 0.002 1057700800107 185.520 167.850 0.745 0.004 1057700800108 167.850 151.870 0.589 0.004 1057700800109 ENDDATA 67 0 1057700800110 ENDSUBENT 109 0 1057700899999 SUBENT 10577009 20230707 15071057700900001 BIB 9 33 1057700900002 REACTION (92-U-238(N,TOT),,TRN,,AV) 1057700900003 DETECTOR (SCIN) A 12.7-mm-thick 10B4C slab in the beam that is 1057700900004 viewed by two 203.2-mm-dia. by 50.8-mm thick NaI 1057700900005 crystals. Surface Dimensions: 101.6 mm x 101.6 mm. 1057700900006 10B4C Thickness (mm): 12.7. Distance from samples (mm):1057700900007 10000. 1057700900008 SAMPLE (92-U-238,ENR=0.998) 1057700900009 (92-U-235,ENR=0.002) Metal. Surface dimension (mm x mm,1057700900010 diameter in mm,...) Thickness (atom/barn): 0.0609+- 1057700900011 0.0006. Nominal thickness (mm): 13.1+-0.1. Sample 1057700900012 thermodynamic temperature was 973+-4 K, and effective 1057700900013 temperature was 975K (Thesis table VII-III, page 158). 1057700900014 METHOD (TRN) Flight path is 28.27+-0.005. The measurement 1057700900015 utilized electron burst widths and time-of-flight 1057700900016 channel widths that together resulted in 1057700900017 time-of-flight data that had an energy resolution 1057700900018 dE/E much smaller than 10%. Background subtraction 1057700900019 shape determined from a separate measurement of 1057700900020 sulfur at 111 keV, aluminum at 35.0 keV, manganese at 1057700900021 0.337 keV and cobalt at 0.132 keV. 1057700900022 ANALYSIS The measured time-of-flight data were grouped into 1057700900023 10% wide energy bins. 1057700900024 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Error in transmission (1 sigma error). 1057700900025 CORRECTION Dead time correction: <2.5%. 1057700900026 STATUS (TABLE) Data received from R.C.Block, 6/23/2021. Also 1057700900027 shown in Appendix D, pages 207-220 of the main 1057700900028 reference. 1057700900029 HISTORY (19781212A) BIB correction. COMMON correction. 1057700900030 (19830922A) Reaction corrected. 1057700900031 (20040702A) Temperature unit updated. 1057700900032 (20210623A) BP: Replaced data, corrected reaction 1057700900033 string, corrected experimental details. 1057700900034 (20230525A) Headings EN-MIN, EN-MAX swapped 1057700900035 ENDBIB 33 0 1057700900036 COMMON 2 3 1057700900037 TEMP THICKNESS 1057700900038 K ATOMS/B 1057700900039 975. 0.0609 1057700900040 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1057700900041 DATA 4 65 1057700900042 EN-MAX EN-MIN DATA DATA-ERR 1057700900043 EV EV NO-DIM NO-DIM 1057700900044 101566.000 91893.060 0.510 0.009 1057700900045 91893.060 83142.340 0.490 0.005 1057700900046 83142.340 75223.100 0.488 0.005 1057700900047 75223.100 68059.000 0.489 0.004 1057700900048 68059.000 61577.170 0.482 0.004 1057700900049 61577.170 55712.680 0.470 0.004 1057700900050 55712.680 50406.710 0.480 0.004 1057700900051 50406.710 45606.070 0.477 0.004 1057700900052 45606.070 41262.630 0.459 0.004 1057700900053 41262.630 37332.850 0.460 0.004 1057700900054 37332.850 33777.330 0.466 0.005 1057700900055 33777.330 30560.440 0.457 0.004 1057700900056 30560.440 27649.920 0.440 0.004 1057700900057 27649.920 25016.590 0.444 0.004 1057700900058 25016.590 22634.050 0.453 0.004 1057700900059 22634.050 20478.430 0.440 0.004 1057700900060 20478.430 18528.100 0.457 0.004 1057700900061 18528.100 16763.520 0.426 0.003 1057700900062 16763.520 15166.990 0.443 0.003 1057700900063 15166.990 13722.510 0.434 0.003 1057700900064 13722.510 12415.600 0.427 0.003 1057700900065 12415.600 11233.340 0.442 0.003 1057700900066 11233.340 10163.340 0.442 0.003 1057700900067 10163.340 9195.400 0.448 0.003 1057700900068 9195.400 8319.640 0.435 0.003 1057700900069 8319.640 7524.290 0.433 0.002 1057700900070 7524.290 6810.410 0.434 0.003 1057700900071 6810.410 6161.800 0.430 0.002 1057700900072 6161.800 5574.960 0.442 0.003 1057700900073 5574.960 5044.010 0.456 0.003 1057700900074 5044.010 4563.630 0.427 0.003 1057700900075 4563.630 4128.990 0.436 0.003 1057700900076 4128.990 3735.760 0.391 0.003 1057700900077 3735.760 3379.970 0.399 0.003 1057700900078 3379.970 3058.070 0.411 0.003 1057700900079 3058.070 2766.820 0.421 0.003 1057700900080 2766.820 2503.310 0.380 0.003 1057700900081 2503.310 2264.900 0.416 0.003 1057700900082 2264.900 2049.200 0.431 0.003 1057700900083 2049.200 1854.030 0.448 0.003 1057700900084 1854.030 1677.460 0.434 0.003 1057700900085 1677.460 1517.700 0.447 0.003 1057700900086 1517.700 1373.160 0.464 0.003 1057700900087 1373.160 1242.380 0.444 0.003 1057700900088 1242.380 1124.060 0.429 0.003 1057700900089 1124.060 1017.000 0.439 0.003 1057700900090 1017.000 920.140 0.420 0.003 1057700900091 920.140 832.510 0.466 0.003 1057700900092 832.510 753.220 0.492 0.003 1057700900093 753.220 681.490 0.446 0.003 1057700900094 681.490 616.580 0.434 0.003 1057700900095 616.580 557.860 0.460 0.003 1057700900096 557.860 504.730 0.451 0.003 1057700900097 504.730 456.660 0.479 0.003 1057700900098 456.660 413.170 0.466 0.003 1057700900099 413.170 373.820 0.426 0.003 1057700900100 373.820 338.220 0.425 0.003 1057700900101 338.220 306.000 0.485 0.003 1057700900102 306.000 276.860 0.419 0.003 1057700900103 276.860 250.490 0.420 0.003 1057700900104 250.490 226.640 0.393 0.003 1057700900105 226.640 205.050 0.335 0.003 1057700900106 205.050 185.520 0.293 0.003 1057700900107 185.520 167.850 0.677 0.005 1057700900108 167.850 151.870 0.496 0.004 1057700900109 ENDDATA 67 0 1057700900110 ENDSUBENT 109 0 1057700999999 SUBENT 10577010 20230707 15071057701000001 BIB 9 35 1057701000002 REACTION (92-U-238(N,TOT),,TRN,,AV) 1057701000003 DETECTOR (SCIN) A 12.7-mm-thick 10B4C slab in the beam that is 1057701000004 viewed by two 203.2-mm-dia. by 50.8-mm thick NaI 1057701000005 crystals. Surface Dimensions: 101.6 mm x 101.6 mm. 1057701000006 10B4C Thickness (mm): 12.7. Distance from samples (mm):1057701000007 10000. 1057701000008 SAMPLE (92-U-238,ENR=0.998) 1057701000009 (92-U-235,ENR=0.002) Metal. Surface dimension (mm x mm,1057701000010 diameter in mm,...) Thickness (atom/barn): 0.0624+- 1057701000011 0.0006. Nominal thickness (mm): 12.9+-0.1. Sample 1057701000012 thermodynamic temperature was 79+-2 K, and effective 1057701000013 temperature was 101K (Thesis table VII-III, page 158). 1057701000014 METHOD (TRN) Flight path is 28.27+-0.005. The measurement 1057701000015 utilized electron burst widths and time-of-flight 1057701000016 channel widths that together resulted in 1057701000017 time-of-flight data that had an energy resolution 1057701000018 dE/E much smaller than 10%. Background subtraction 1057701000019 shape determined from a separate measurement of 1057701000020 sulfur at 111 keV, aluminum at 35.0 keV, manganese at 1057701000021 0.337 keV and cobalt at 0.132 keV. 1057701000022 ANALYSIS The measured time-of-flight data were grouped into 1057701000023 10% wide energy bins. 1057701000024 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Error in transmission (1 sigma error). 1057701000025 CORRECTION Dead time correction: <2.5%. 1057701000026 STATUS (TABLE) Data received from R.C.Block, 6/23/2021. Also 1057701000027 shown in Appendix D, pages 207-220 of the main 1057701000028 reference. 1057701000029 HISTORY (19781212A) BIB correction. COMMON correction. 1057701000030 (19830922A) Reaction corrected. 1057701000031 (20040702A) Temperature unit updated. 1057701000032 (20210623A) BP: Replaced data, corrected reaction 1057701000033 string, corrected experimental details, moved 301 K 1057701000034 into a separate subentry 42 because of sample 1057701000035 differences. 1057701000036 (20230525A) Headings EN-MIN, EN-MAX swapped 1057701000037 ENDBIB 35 0 1057701000038 COMMON 2 3 1057701000039 TEMP THICKNESS 1057701000040 K ATOMS/B 1057701000041 101. 0.0624 1057701000042 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1057701000043 DATA 4 65 1057701000044 EN-MAX EN-MIN DATA DATA-ERR 1057701000045 EV EV NO-DIM NO-DIM 1057701000046 101566.000 91893.060 0.491 0.008 1057701000047 91893.060 83142.340 0.476 0.005 1057701000048 83142.340 75223.100 0.479 0.004 1057701000049 75223.100 68059.000 0.481 0.004 1057701000050 68059.000 61577.170 0.479 0.004 1057701000051 61577.170 55712.680 0.459 0.004 1057701000052 55712.680 50406.710 0.470 0.004 1057701000053 50406.710 45606.070 0.469 0.004 1057701000054 45606.070 41262.630 0.467 0.004 1057701000055 41262.630 37332.850 0.461 0.004 1057701000056 37332.850 33777.330 0.463 0.004 1057701000057 33777.330 30560.440 0.448 0.004 1057701000058 30560.440 27649.920 0.437 0.004 1057701000059 27649.920 25016.590 0.445 0.004 1057701000060 25016.590 22634.050 0.447 0.004 1057701000061 22634.050 20478.430 0.436 0.004 1057701000062 20478.430 18528.100 0.459 0.004 1057701000063 18528.100 16763.520 0.432 0.003 1057701000064 16763.520 15166.990 0.443 0.003 1057701000065 15166.990 13722.510 0.450 0.003 1057701000066 13722.510 12415.600 0.439 0.003 1057701000067 12415.600 11233.340 0.451 0.003 1057701000068 11233.340 10163.340 0.448 0.003 1057701000069 10163.340 9195.400 0.463 0.003 1057701000070 9195.400 8319.640 0.446 0.003 1057701000071 8319.640 7524.290 0.446 0.003 1057701000072 7524.290 6810.410 0.438 0.003 1057701000073 6810.410 6161.800 0.438 0.003 1057701000074 6161.800 5574.960 0.458 0.003 1057701000075 5574.960 5044.010 0.456 0.003 1057701000076 5044.010 4563.630 0.442 0.003 1057701000077 4563.630 4128.990 0.440 0.003 1057701000078 4128.990 3735.760 0.410 0.003 1057701000079 3735.760 3379.970 0.428 0.003 1057701000080 3379.970 3058.070 0.437 0.003 1057701000081 3058.070 2766.820 0.436 0.004 1057701000082 2766.820 2503.310 0.411 0.003 1057701000083 2503.310 2264.900 0.439 0.003 1057701000084 2264.900 2049.200 0.449 0.003 1057701000085 2049.200 1854.030 0.466 0.003 1057701000086 1854.030 1677.460 0.450 0.003 1057701000087 1677.460 1517.700 0.469 0.003 1057701000088 1517.700 1373.160 0.490 0.003 1057701000089 1373.160 1242.380 0.446 0.003 1057701000090 1242.380 1124.060 0.457 0.003 1057701000091 1124.060 1017.000 0.455 0.003 1057701000092 1017.000 920.140 0.446 0.003 1057701000093 920.140 832.510 0.494 0.003 1057701000094 832.510 753.220 0.503 0.003 1057701000095 753.220 681.490 0.453 0.003 1057701000096 681.490 616.580 0.455 0.003 1057701000097 616.580 557.860 0.481 0.003 1057701000098 557.860 504.730 0.471 0.003 1057701000099 504.730 456.660 0.475 0.003 1057701000100 456.660 413.170 0.463 0.003 1057701000101 413.170 373.820 0.445 0.003 1057701000102 373.820 338.220 0.427 0.003 1057701000103 338.220 306.000 0.474 0.003 1057701000104 306.000 276.860 0.423 0.003 1057701000105 276.860 250.490 0.428 0.003 1057701000106 250.490 226.640 0.398 0.003 1057701000107 226.640 205.050 0.342 0.003 1057701000108 205.050 185.520 0.294 0.003 1057701000109 185.520 167.850 0.667 0.005 1057701000110 167.850 151.870 0.510 0.004 1057701000111 ENDDATA 67 0 1057701000112 ENDSUBENT 111 0 1057701099999 SUBENT 10577011 20230707 15071057701100001 BIB 9 42 1057701100002 REACTION (92-U-238(N,G)92-U-239,,SIF,,AV) 1057701100003 DETECTOR (SCIN) Liquid scintillator detector. Scintillator 1057701100004 composition: Xylene, alphaNPO and methyl borate. 1057701100005 Dimensions: 1.25-m-dia. sphere with a 17.8-cm-dia. 1057701100006 cylindrical beam hole. Neutron absorption liner 1057701100007 (inside beam hole): 6LiH annulus 1.25-m-long by 1057701100008 17.8-cm-OD by 7.6-cm-ID. 1057701100009 SAMPLE (92-U-238,ENR=0.998) 1057701100010 (92-U-235,ENR=0.002) Metal. Surface dimension (mm x mm,1057701100011 diameter in mm,...) Transmission thickness 1057701100012 (atom/barn) : 0.00758+-0.00008. Nominal thickness 1057701100013 (mm) : 1.58+-0.02. Capture thickness (atom/barn): 1057701100014 0.00379+-0.00004. Nominal thickness (mm): 0.790+- 1057701100015 0.008. In the self indication measurements the 1057701100016 transmission sample is at different temperatures but 1057701100017 the self indication sample is always at room 1057701100018 temperature. Sample thermodynamic temperature was 1057701100019 293+-2 K, and effective temperature was 301K (Thesis 1057701100020 table VII-III, page 158). 1057701100021 METHOD (TOF) Flight path is 25.69+-0.005. The measurement 1057701100022 utilized electron burst widths and time-of-flight 1057701100023 channel widths that together resulted in 1057701100024 time-of-flight data that had an energy resolution 1057701100025 dE/E much smaller than 10%. Background subtraction 1057701100026 shape determined from a separate measurement of 1057701100027 sulfur at 111 keV, aluminum at 35.0 keV, manganese at 1057701100028 0.337 keV and cobalt at 0.132 keV. 1057701100029 ANALYSIS The measured time-of-flight data were grouped into 1057701100030 10% wide energy bins. 1057701100031 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Error in self-indication ratio (1 sigma 1057701100032 error). 1057701100033 CORRECTION Dead time correction: <2.5%. 1057701100034 STATUS (TABLE) Data received from R.C.Block, 6/23/2021. Also 1057701100035 shown in Appendix D, pages 207-220 of the main 1057701100036 reference. 1057701100037 HISTORY (19781212A) BIB correction. COMMON correction. 1057701100038 (19830922A) Reaction corrected. 1057701100039 (20040702A) Temperature unit updated. 1057701100040 (20210623A) BP: Changed from transmission to self- 1057701100041 indication ratio, otherwise it is a duplicate of 1057701100042 subentry 4. 1057701100043 (20230525A) Headings EN-MIN, EN-MAX swapped 1057701100044 ENDBIB 42 0 1057701100045 COMMON 3 3 1057701100046 TEMP THICKNESS THICKNESS 1057701100047 K ATOMS/B ATOMS/B 1057701100048 301. 0.00758 0.00379 1057701100049 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1057701100050 DATA 4 65 1057701100051 EN-MAX EN-MIN DATA DATA-ERR 1057701100052 EV EV NO-DIM NO-DIM 1057701100053 101566.000 91893.060 0.878 0.030 1057701100054 91893.060 83142.340 0.893 0.020 1057701100055 83142.340 75223.100 0.886 0.018 1057701100056 75223.100 68059.000 0.884 0.017 1057701100057 68059.000 61577.170 0.883 0.016 1057701100058 61577.170 55712.680 0.874 0.015 1057701100059 55712.680 50406.710 0.872 0.015 1057701100060 50406.710 45606.070 0.904 0.015 1057701100061 45606.070 41262.630 0.908 0.015 1057701100062 41262.630 37332.850 0.876 0.014 1057701100063 37332.850 33777.330 0.895 0.014 1057701100064 33777.330 30560.440 0.892 0.014 1057701100065 30560.440 27649.920 0.875 0.013 1057701100066 27649.920 25016.590 0.890 0.013 1057701100067 25016.590 22634.050 0.901 0.013 1057701100068 22634.050 20478.430 0.887 0.012 1057701100069 20478.430 18528.100 0.863 0.012 1057701100070 18528.100 16763.520 0.857 0.012 1057701100071 16763.520 15166.990 0.863 0.012 1057701100072 15166.990 13722.510 0.873 0.011 1057701100073 13722.510 12415.600 0.841 0.011 1057701100074 12415.600 11233.340 0.862 0.011 1057701100075 11233.340 10163.340 0.867 0.011 1057701100076 10163.340 9195.400 0.864 0.011 1057701100077 9195.400 8319.640 0.853 0.011 1057701100078 8319.640 7524.290 0.839 0.011 1057701100079 7524.290 6810.410 0.840 0.010 1057701100080 6810.410 6161.800 0.798 0.010 1057701100081 6161.800 5574.960 0.821 0.009 1057701100082 5574.960 5044.010 0.859 0.010 1057701100083 5044.010 4563.630 0.829 0.009 1057701100084 4563.630 4128.990 0.825 0.010 1057701100085 4128.990 3735.760 0.748 0.009 1057701100086 3735.760 3379.970 0.698 0.008 1057701100087 3379.970 3058.070 0.749 0.007 1057701100088 3058.070 2766.820 0.743 0.008 1057701100089 2766.820 2503.310 0.596 0.007 1057701100090 2503.310 2264.900 0.685 0.007 1057701100091 2264.900 2049.200 0.687 0.008 1057701100092 2049.200 1854.030 0.687 0.008 1057701100093 1854.030 1677.460 0.580 0.006 1057701100094 1677.460 1517.700 0.584 0.006 1057701100095 1517.700 1373.160 0.595 0.006 1057701100096 1373.160 1242.380 0.655 0.007 1057701100097 1242.380 1124.060 0.554 0.004 1057701100098 1124.060 1017.000 0.703 0.006 1057701100099 1017.000 920.140 0.415 0.004 1057701100100 920.140 832.510 0.453 0.004 1057701100101 832.510 753.220 0.621 0.006 1057701100102 753.220 681.490 0.556 0.005 1057701100103 681.490 616.580 0.469 0.004 1057701100104 616.580 557.860 0.348 0.004 1057701100105 557.860 504.730 0.339 0.003 1057701100106 504.730 456.660 0.722 0.008 1057701100107 456.660 413.170 0.630 0.007 1057701100108 413.170 373.820 0.504 0.004 1057701100109 373.820 338.220 0.347 0.004 1057701100110 338.220 306.000 0.865 0.013 1057701100111 306.000 276.860 0.342 0.003 1057701100112 276.860 250.490 0.290 0.003 1057701100113 250.490 226.640 0.246 0.002 1057701100114 226.640 205.050 0.228 0.002 1057701100115 205.050 185.520 0.252 0.002 1057701100116 185.520 167.850 0.796 0.023 1057701100117 167.850 151.870 0.468 0.004 1057701100118 ENDDATA 67 0 1057701100119 ENDSUBENT 118 0 1057701199999 SUBENT 10577012 20230707 15071057701200001 BIB 9 40 1057701200002 REACTION (92-U-238(N,G)92-U-239,,SIF,,AV) 1057701200003 DETECTOR (SCIN) Liquid scintillator detector. Scintillator 1057701200004 composition: Xylene, alphaNPO and methyl borate. 1057701200005 Dimensions: 1.25-m-dia. sphere with a 17.8-cm-dia. 1057701200006 cylindrical beam hole. Neutron absorption liner 1057701200007 (inside beam hole): 6LiH annulus 1.25-m-long by 1057701200008 17.8-cm-OD by 7.6-cm-ID. 1057701200009 SAMPLE (92-U-238,ENR=0.998) 1057701200010 (92-U-235,ENR=0.002) Metal. Surface dimension (mm x mm,1057701200011 diameter in mm,...) Transmission thickness 1057701200012 (atom/barn) : 0.0155+-0.0002. Nominal thickness (mm): 1057701200013 3.24+-0.03. Capture thickness (atom/barn): 0.0379+- 1057701200014 0.0004. Nominal thickness (mm): 0.790+-0.008. In the 1057701200015 self indication measurements the transmission sample 1057701200016 is at different temperatures but the self indication 1057701200017 sample is always at room temperature. Sample 1057701200018 thermodynamic temperature was 293+-2 K, and effective 1057701200019 temperature was 301K (Thesis table VII-III, page 158). 1057701200020 METHOD (TOF) Flight path is 25.69+-0.005. The measurement 1057701200021 utilized electron burst widths and time-of-flight 1057701200022 channel widths that together resulted in 1057701200023 time-of-flight data that had an energy resolution 1057701200024 dE/E much smaller than 10%. Background subtraction 1057701200025 shape determined from a separate measurement of 1057701200026 sulfur at 111 keV, aluminum at 35.0 keV, manganese at 1057701200027 0.337 keV and cobalt at 0.132 keV. 1057701200028 ANALYSIS The measured time-of-flight data were grouped into 1057701200029 10% wide energy bins. 1057701200030 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Error in self-indication ratio (1 sigma 1057701200031 error). 1057701200032 CORRECTION Dead time correction: <2.5%. 1057701200033 STATUS (TABLE) Data received from R.C.Block, 6/23/2021. Also 1057701200034 shown in Appendix D, pages 207-220 of the main 1057701200035 reference. 1057701200036 HISTORY (19781212A) BIB correction. COMMON correction. 1057701200037 (19830922A) Reaction corrected. 1057701200038 (20040702A) Temperature unit updated. 1057701200039 (20210623A) BP: Replaced data, corrected reaction 1057701200040 string, corrected experimental details. 1057701200041 (20230525A) Headings EN-MIN, EN-MAX swapped 1057701200042 ENDBIB 40 0 1057701200043 COMMON 3 3 1057701200044 TEMP THICKNESS THICKNESS 1057701200045 K ATOMS/B ATOMS/B 1057701200046 301. 0.0155 0.0379 1057701200047 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1057701200048 DATA 4 65 1057701200049 EN-MAX EN-MIN DATA DATA-ERR 1057701200050 EV EV NO-DIM NO-DIM 1057701200051 101566.000 91893.060 0.851 0.029 1057701200052 91893.060 83142.340 0.799 0.018 1057701200053 83142.340 75223.100 0.802 0.016 1057701200054 75223.100 68059.000 0.818 0.016 1057701200055 68059.000 61577.170 0.775 0.014 1057701200056 61577.170 55712.680 0.806 0.014 1057701200057 55712.680 50406.710 0.809 0.014 1057701200058 50406.710 45606.070 0.795 0.013 1057701200059 45606.070 41262.630 0.840 0.014 1057701200060 41262.630 37332.850 0.781 0.013 1057701200061 37332.850 33777.330 0.805 0.013 1057701200062 33777.330 30560.440 0.812 0.013 1057701200063 30560.440 27649.920 0.775 0.012 1057701200064 27649.920 25016.590 0.773 0.011 1057701200065 25016.590 22634.050 0.790 0.012 1057701200066 22634.050 20478.430 0.785 0.012 1057701200067 20478.430 18528.100 0.778 0.011 1057701200068 18528.100 16763.520 0.744 0.010 1057701200069 16763.520 15166.990 0.768 0.011 1057701200070 15166.990 13722.510 0.766 0.010 1057701200071 13722.510 12415.600 0.725 0.009 1057701200072 12415.600 11233.340 0.763 0.010 1057701200073 11233.340 10163.340 0.749 0.010 1057701200074 10163.340 9195.400 0.765 0.010 1057701200075 9195.400 8319.640 0.740 0.010 1057701200076 8319.640 7524.290 0.718 0.009 1057701200077 7524.290 6810.410 0.728 0.009 1057701200078 6810.410 6161.800 0.670 0.008 1057701200079 6161.800 5574.960 0.694 0.008 1057701200080 5574.960 5044.010 0.758 0.009 1057701200081 5044.010 4563.630 0.698 0.008 1057701200082 4563.630 4128.990 0.688 0.009 1057701200083 4128.990 3735.760 0.586 0.007 1057701200084 3735.760 3379.970 0.558 0.007 1057701200085 3379.970 3058.070 0.588 0.006 1057701200086 3058.070 2766.820 0.620 0.007 1057701200087 2766.820 2503.310 0.461 0.005 1057701200088 2503.310 2264.900 0.522 0.005 1057701200089 2264.900 2049.200 0.551 0.007 1057701200090 2049.200 1854.030 0.551 0.007 1057701200091 1854.030 1677.460 0.430 0.005 1057701200092 1677.460 1517.700 0.459 0.005 1057701200093 1517.700 1373.160 0.453 0.005 1057701200094 1373.160 1242.380 0.523 0.006 1057701200095 1242.380 1124.060 0.421 0.004 1057701200096 1124.060 1017.000 0.555 0.005 1057701200097 1017.000 920.140 0.320 0.003 1057701200098 920.140 832.510 0.307 0.003 1057701200099 832.510 753.220 0.498 0.005 1057701200100 753.220 681.490 0.397 0.004 1057701200101 681.490 616.580 0.331 0.003 1057701200102 616.580 557.860 0.229 0.003 1057701200103 557.860 504.730 0.220 0.002 1057701200104 504.730 456.660 0.578 0.007 1057701200105 456.660 413.170 0.456 0.006 1057701200106 413.170 373.820 0.328 0.003 1057701200107 373.820 338.220 0.287 0.003 1057701200108 338.220 306.000 0.821 0.013 1057701200109 306.000 276.860 0.225 0.002 1057701200110 276.860 250.490 0.216 0.002 1057701200111 250.490 226.640 0.175 0.002 1057701200112 226.640 205.050 0.171 0.002 1057701200113 205.050 185.520 0.177 0.002 1057701200114 185.520 167.850 0.938 0.026 1057701200115 167.850 151.870 0.281 0.003 1057701200116 ENDDATA 67 0 1057701200117 ENDSUBENT 116 0 1057701299999 SUBENT 10577013 20230707 15071057701300001 BIB 9 41 1057701300002 REACTION (92-U-238(N,G)92-U-239,,SIF,,AV) 1057701300003 DETECTOR (SCIN) Liquid scintillator detector. Scintillator 1057701300004 composition: Xylene, alphaNPO and methyl borate. 1057701300005 Dimensions: 1.25-m-dia. sphere with a 17.8-cm-dia. 1057701300006 cylindrical beam hole. Neutron absorption liner 1057701300007 (inside beam hole): 6LiH annulus 1.25-m-long by 1057701300008 17.8-cm-OD by 7.6-cm-ID. 1057701300009 SAMPLE (92-U-238,ENR=0.998) 1057701300010 (92-U-235,ENR=0.002) Metal. Surface dimension (mm x mm,1057701300011 diameter in mm,...) Transmission thickness 1057701300012 (atom/barn) : 0.0310+-0.0003. Nominal thickness (mm): 1057701300013 6.64+-0.07. Capture thickness (atom/barn): 1057701300014 0.00379+-0.00004. Nominal thickness (mm): 0.790+- 1057701300015 0.008. In the self indication measurements the 1057701300016 transmission sample is at different temperatures but 1057701300017 the self indication sample is always at room 1057701300018 temperature. Sample thermodynamic temperature was 1057701300019 973+-4 K, and effective temperature was 975K (Thesis 1057701300020 table VII-III, page 158). 1057701300021 METHOD (TOF) Flight path is 25.69+-0.005. The measurement 1057701300022 utilized electron burst widths and time-of-flight 1057701300023 channel widths that together resulted in 1057701300024 time-of-flight data that had an energy resolution 1057701300025 dE/E much smaller than 10%. Background subtraction 1057701300026 shape determined from a separate measurement of 1057701300027 sulfur at 111 keV, aluminum at 35.0 keV, manganese at 1057701300028 0.337 keV and cobalt at 0.132 keV. 1057701300029 ANALYSIS The measured time-of-flight data were grouped into 1057701300030 10% wide energy bins. 1057701300031 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Error in self-indication ratio (1 sigma 1057701300032 error). 1057701300033 CORRECTION Dead time correction: <2.5%. 1057701300034 STATUS (TABLE) Data received from R.C.Block, 6/23/2021. Also 1057701300035 shown in Appendix D, pages 207-220 of the main 1057701300036 reference. 1057701300037 HISTORY (19781212A) BIB correction. COMMON correction. 1057701300038 (19830922A) Reaction corrected. 1057701300039 (20040702A) Temperature unit updated. 1057701300040 (20210623A) BP: Replaced data, corrected reaction 1057701300041 string SIG->SIF, updated experimental details. 1057701300042 (20230525A) Headings EN-MIN, EN-MAX swapped 1057701300043 ENDBIB 41 0 1057701300044 COMMON 3 3 1057701300045 TEMP THICKNESS THICKNESS 1057701300046 K ATOMS/B ATOMS/B 1057701300047 975. 0.0310 0.00379 1057701300048 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1057701300049 DATA 4 65 1057701300050 EN-MAX EN-MIN DATA DATA-ERR 1057701300051 EV EV NO-DIM NO-DIM 1057701300052 101566.000 91893.060 0.716 0.036 1057701300053 91893.060 83142.340 0.720 0.025 1057701300054 83142.340 75223.100 0.691 0.021 1057701300055 75223.100 68059.000 0.707 0.020 1057701300056 68059.000 61577.170 0.658 0.018 1057701300057 61577.170 55712.680 0.684 0.018 1057701300058 55712.680 50406.710 0.677 0.017 1057701300059 50406.710 45606.070 0.696 0.017 1057701300060 45606.070 41262.630 0.674 0.017 1057701300061 41262.630 37332.850 0.652 0.016 1057701300062 37332.850 33777.330 0.680 0.017 1057701300063 33777.330 30560.440 0.676 0.016 1057701300064 30560.440 27649.920 0.661 0.015 1057701300065 27649.920 25016.590 0.623 0.013 1057701300066 25016.590 22634.050 0.679 0.014 1057701300067 22634.050 20478.430 0.635 0.012 1057701300068 20478.430 18528.100 0.655 0.013 1057701300069 18528.100 16763.520 0.600 0.012 1057701300070 16763.520 15166.990 0.636 0.013 1057701300071 15166.990 13722.510 0.640 0.013 1057701300072 13722.510 12415.600 0.587 0.011 1057701300073 12415.600 11233.340 0.619 0.012 1057701300074 11233.340 10163.340 0.618 0.012 1057701300075 10163.340 9195.400 0.626 0.012 1057701300076 9195.400 8319.640 0.594 0.012 1057701300077 8319.640 7524.290 0.593 0.011 1057701300078 7524.290 6810.410 0.585 0.011 1057701300079 6810.410 6161.800 0.537 0.010 1057701300080 6161.800 5574.960 0.547 0.010 1057701300081 5574.960 5044.010 0.609 0.011 1057701300082 5044.010 4563.630 0.544 0.010 1057701300083 4563.630 4128.990 0.543 0.010 1057701300084 4128.990 3735.760 0.466 0.009 1057701300085 3735.760 3379.970 0.417 0.008 1057701300086 3379.970 3058.070 0.460 0.007 1057701300087 3058.070 2766.820 0.487 0.009 1057701300088 2766.820 2503.310 0.327 0.006 1057701300089 2503.310 2264.900 0.385 0.006 1057701300090 2264.900 2049.200 0.243 0.004 1057701300091 2049.200 1854.030 0.428 0.008 1057701300092 1854.030 1677.460 0.304 0.006 1057701300093 1677.460 1517.700 0.328 0.006 1057701300094 1517.700 1373.160 0.301 0.005 1057701300095 1373.160 1242.380 0.383 0.007 1057701300096 1242.380 1124.060 0.290 0.004 1057701300097 1124.060 1017.000 0.441 0.006 1057701300098 1017.000 920.140 0.210 0.004 1057701300099 920.140 832.510 0.195 0.003 1057701300100 832.510 753.220 0.368 0.006 1057701300101 753.220 681.490 0.265 0.004 1057701300102 681.490 616.580 0.210 0.003 1057701300103 616.580 557.860 0.132 0.002 1057701300104 557.860 504.730 0.119 0.002 1057701300105 504.730 456.660 0.435 0.008 1057701300106 456.660 413.170 0.308 0.006 1057701300107 413.170 373.820 0.207 0.003 1057701300108 373.820 338.220 0.158 0.003 1057701300109 338.220 306.000 0.637 0.016 1057701300110 306.000 276.860 0.115 0.002 1057701300111 276.860 250.490 0.105 0.002 1057701300112 250.490 226.640 0.083 0.001 1057701300113 226.640 205.050 0.079 0.001 1057701300114 205.050 185.520 0.098 0.001 1057701300115 185.520 167.850 0.658 0.024 1057701300116 167.850 151.870 0.154 0.003 1057701300117 ENDDATA 67 0 1057701300118 ENDSUBENT 117 0 1057701399999 SUBENT 10577014 20230707 15071057701400001 BIB 9 43 1057701400002 REACTION (92-U-238(N,G)92-U-239,,SIF,,AV) 1057701400003 DETECTOR (SCIN) Liquid scintillator detector. Scintillator 1057701400004 composition: Xylene, alphaNPO and methyl borate. 1057701400005 Dimensions: 1.25-m-dia. sphere with a 17.8-cm-dia. 1057701400006 cylindrical beam hole. Neutron absorption liner 1057701400007 (inside beam hole): 6LiH annulus 1.25-m-long by 1057701400008 17.8-cm-OD by 7.6-cm-ID. 1057701400009 SAMPLE (92-U-238,ENR=0.998) 1057701400010 (92-U-235,ENR=0.002) Metal. Surface dimension (mm x mm,1057701400011 diameter in mm,...) Transmission thickness 1057701400012 (atom/barn) : 0.0317+-0.0003. Nominal thickness (mm): 1057701400013 6.56+-0.07. Capture thickness (atom/barn): 1057701400014 0.00379+-0.00004. Nominal thickness (mm): 0.790+- 1057701400015 0.008. In the self indication measurements the 1057701400016 transmission sample is at different temperatures but 1057701400017 the self indication sample is always at room 1057701400018 temperature. Sample thermodynamic temperature was 1057701400019 79+-2 K, and effective temperature was 101K (Thesis 1057701400020 table VII-III, page 158). 1057701400021 METHOD (TOF) Flight path is 25.69+-0.005. The measurement 1057701400022 utilized electron burst widths and time-of-flight 1057701400023 channel widths that together resulted in 1057701400024 time-of-flight data that had an energy resolution 1057701400025 dE/E much smaller than 10%. Background subtraction 1057701400026 shape determined from a separate measurement of 1057701400027 sulfur at 111 keV, aluminum at 35.0 keV, manganese at 1057701400028 0.337 keV and cobalt at 0.132 keV. 1057701400029 ANALYSIS The measured time-of-flight data were grouped into 1057701400030 10% wide energy bins. 1057701400031 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Error in self-indication ratio (1 sigma 1057701400032 error). 1057701400033 CORRECTION Dead time correction: <2.5%. 1057701400034 STATUS (TABLE) Data received from R.C.Block, 6/23/2021. Also 1057701400035 shown in Appendix D, pages 207-220 of the main 1057701400036 reference. 1057701400037 HISTORY (19781212A) BIB correction. COMMON correction. 1057701400038 (19830922A) Reaction corrected. 1057701400039 (20040702A) Temperature unit updated. 1057701400040 (20210623A) BP: Replaced data, corrected reaction 1057701400041 string, corrected experimental details, moved 301 K 1057701400042 into a separate subentry 43 because of sample 1057701400043 differences. 1057701400044 (20230525A) Headings EN-MIN, EN-MAX swapped 1057701400045 ENDBIB 43 0 1057701400046 COMMON 3 3 1057701400047 TEMP THICKNESS THICKNESS 1057701400048 K ATOMS/B ATOMS/B 1057701400049 101. 0.0317 0.00379 1057701400050 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1057701400051 DATA 4 65 1057701400052 EN-MAX EN-MIN DATA DATA-ERR 1057701400053 EV EV NO-DIM NO-DIM 1057701400054 101566.000 91893.060 0.712 0.037 1057701400055 91893.060 83142.340 0.680 0.024 1057701400056 83142.340 75223.100 0.670 0.021 1057701400057 75223.100 68059.000 0.678 0.020 1057701400058 68059.000 61577.170 0.643 0.018 1057701400059 61577.170 55712.680 0.662 0.019 1057701400060 55712.680 50406.710 0.624 0.017 1057701400061 50406.710 45606.070 0.649 0.017 1057701400062 45606.070 41262.630 0.671 0.018 1057701400063 41262.630 37332.850 0.638 0.017 1057701400064 37332.850 33777.330 0.639 0.017 1057701400065 33777.330 30560.440 0.637 0.018 1057701400066 30560.440 27649.920 0.613 0.017 1057701400067 27649.920 25016.590 0.588 0.014 1057701400068 25016.590 22634.050 0.639 0.014 1057701400069 22634.050 20478.430 0.613 0.012 1057701400070 20478.430 18528.100 0.615 0.014 1057701400071 18528.100 16763.520 0.576 0.013 1057701400072 16763.520 15166.990 0.589 0.014 1057701400073 15166.990 13722.510 0.594 0.013 1057701400074 13722.510 12415.600 0.549 0.012 1057701400075 12415.600 11233.340 0.571 0.013 1057701400076 11233.340 10163.340 0.572 0.013 1057701400077 10163.340 9195.400 0.588 0.013 1057701400078 9195.400 8319.640 0.546 0.013 1057701400079 8319.640 7524.290 0.559 0.013 1057701400080 7524.290 6810.410 0.531 0.011 1057701400081 6810.410 6161.800 0.486 0.010 1057701400082 6161.800 5574.960 0.495 0.010 1057701400083 5574.960 5044.010 0.559 0.011 1057701400084 5044.010 4563.630 0.515 0.010 1057701400085 4563.630 4128.990 0.506 0.011 1057701400086 4128.990 3735.760 0.437 0.010 1057701400087 3735.760 3379.970 0.432 0.010 1057701400088 3379.970 3058.070 0.435 0.009 1057701400089 3058.070 2766.820 0.435 0.011 1057701400090 2766.820 2503.310 0.334 0.008 1057701400091 2503.310 2264.900 0.385 0.008 1057701400092 2264.900 2049.200 0.405 0.009 1057701400093 2049.200 1854.030 0.405 0.009 1057701400094 1854.030 1677.460 0.328 0.007 1057701400095 1677.460 1517.700 0.346 0.007 1057701400096 1517.700 1373.160 0.292 0.006 1057701400097 1373.160 1242.380 0.359 0.008 1057701400098 1242.380 1124.060 0.330 0.005 1057701400099 1124.060 1017.000 0.408 0.006 1057701400100 1017.000 920.140 0.260 0.006 1057701400101 920.140 832.510 0.246 0.005 1057701400102 832.510 753.220 0.359 0.007 1057701400103 753.220 681.490 0.272 0.006 1057701400104 681.490 616.580 0.245 0.005 1057701400105 616.580 557.860 0.194 0.004 1057701400106 557.860 504.730 0.213 0.005 1057701400107 504.730 456.660 0.376 0.008 1057701400108 456.660 413.170 0.322 0.008 1057701400109 413.170 373.820 0.233 0.005 1057701400110 373.820 338.220 0.232 0.005 1057701400111 338.220 306.000 0.584 0.015 1057701400112 306.000 276.860 0.189 0.004 1057701400113 276.860 250.490 0.183 0.004 1057701400114 250.490 226.640 0.161 0.003 1057701400115 226.640 205.050 0.144 0.003 1057701400116 205.050 185.520 0.111 0.002 1057701400117 185.520 167.850 0.760 0.032 1057701400118 167.850 151.870 0.194 0.005 1057701400119 ENDDATA 67 0 1057701400120 ENDSUBENT 119 0 1057701499999 SUBENT 10577015 20230707 15071057701500001 BIB 9 41 1057701500002 REACTION (92-U-238(N,G)92-U-239,,SIF,,AV) 1057701500003 DETECTOR (SCIN) Liquid scintillator detector. Scintillator 1057701500004 composition: Xylene, alphaNPO and methyl borate. 1057701500005 Dimensions: 1.25-m-dia. sphere with a 17.8-cm-dia. 1057701500006 cylindrical beam hole. Neutron absorption liner 1057701500007 (inside beam hole): 6LiH annulus 1.25-m-long by 1057701500008 17.8-cm-OD by 7.6-cm-ID. 1057701500009 SAMPLE (92-U-238,ENR=0.998) 1057701500010 (92-U-235,ENR=0.002) Metal. Surface dimension (mm x mm,1057701500011 diameter in mm,...) Transmission thickness 1057701500012 (atom/barn) : 0.0467+-0.0005. Nominal thickness (mm): 1057701500013 9.74+-0.010. Capture thickness (atom/barn): 1057701500014 0.00379+-0.00004. Nominal thickness (mm): 0.790+- 1057701500015 0.008. In the self indication measurements the 1057701500016 transmission sample is at different temperatures but 1057701500017 the self indication sample is always at room 1057701500018 temperature. Sample thermodynamic temperature was 1057701500019 293+-2 K, and effective temperature was 301K (Thesis 1057701500020 table VII-III, page 158). 1057701500021 METHOD (TOF) Flight path is 25.69+-0.005. The measurement 1057701500022 utilized electron burst widths and time-of-flight 1057701500023 channel widths that together resulted in 1057701500024 time-of-flight data that had an energy resolution 1057701500025 dE/E much smaller than 10%. Background subtraction 1057701500026 shape determined from a separate measurement of 1057701500027 sulfur at 111 keV, aluminum at 35.0 keV, manganese at 1057701500028 0.337 keV and cobalt at 0.132 keV. 1057701500029 ANALYSIS The measured time-of-flight data were grouped into 1057701500030 10% wide energy bins. 1057701500031 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Error in self-indication ratio (1 sigma 1057701500032 error). 1057701500033 CORRECTION Dead time correction: <2.5%. 1057701500034 STATUS (TABLE) Data received from R.C.Block, 6/23/2021. Also 1057701500035 shown in Appendix D, pages 207-220 of the main 1057701500036 reference. 1057701500037 HISTORY (19781212A) BIB correction. COMMON correction. 1057701500038 (19830922A) Reaction corrected. 1057701500039 (20040702A) Temperature unit updated. 1057701500040 (20210623A) BP: Replaced data, corrected reaction 1057701500041 string SIG->SIF, updated experimental details. 1057701500042 (20230525A) Headings EN-MIN, EN-MAX swapped 1057701500043 ENDBIB 41 0 1057701500044 COMMON 3 3 1057701500045 TEMP THICKNESS THICKNESS 1057701500046 K ATOMS/B ATOMS/B 1057701500047 301. 0.04670 0.00379 1057701500048 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1057701500049 DATA 4 65 1057701500050 EN-MAX EN-MIN DATA DATA-ERR 1057701500051 EV EV NO-DIM NO-DIM 1057701500052 101566.000 91893.060 0.613 0.023 1057701500053 91893.060 83142.340 0.548 0.014 1057701500054 83142.340 75223.100 0.556 0.012 1057701500055 75223.100 68059.000 0.562 0.012 1057701500056 68059.000 61577.170 0.539 0.011 1057701500057 61577.170 55712.680 0.515 0.010 1057701500058 55712.680 50406.710 0.547 0.010 1057701500059 50406.710 45606.070 0.548 0.010 1057701500060 45606.070 41262.630 0.540 0.010 1057701500061 41262.630 37332.850 0.530 0.010 1057701500062 37332.850 33777.330 0.514 0.009 1057701500063 33777.330 30560.440 0.515 0.009 1057701500064 30560.440 27649.920 0.508 0.009 1057701500065 27649.920 25016.590 0.500 0.008 1057701500066 25016.590 22634.050 0.524 0.009 1057701500067 22634.050 20478.430 0.481 0.012 1057701500068 20478.430 18528.100 0.494 0.008 1057701500069 18528.100 16763.520 0.463 0.007 1057701500070 16763.520 15166.990 0.479 0.008 1057701500071 15166.990 13722.510 0.469 0.007 1057701500072 13722.510 12415.600 0.438 0.006 1057701500073 12415.600 11233.340 0.462 0.007 1057701500074 11233.340 10163.340 0.446 0.007 1057701500075 10163.340 9195.400 0.463 0.007 1057701500076 9195.400 8319.640 0.427 0.006 1057701500077 8319.640 7524.290 0.441 0.006 1057701500078 7524.290 6810.410 0.428 0.006 1057701500079 6810.410 6161.800 0.384 0.005 1057701500080 6161.800 5574.960 0.389 0.005 1057701500081 5574.960 5044.010 0.443 0.006 1057701500082 5044.010 4563.630 0.391 0.005 1057701500083 4563.630 4128.990 0.394 0.006 1057701500084 4128.990 3735.760 0.309 0.004 1057701500085 3735.760 3379.970 0.322 0.005 1057701500086 3379.970 3058.070 0.310 0.004 1057701500087 3058.070 2766.820 0.348 0.005 1057701500088 2766.820 2503.310 0.243 0.003 1057701500089 2503.310 2264.900 0.270 0.003 1057701500090 2264.900 2049.200 0.292 0.004 1057701500091 2049.200 1854.030 0.292 0.004 1057701500092 1854.030 1677.460 0.229 0.003 1057701500093 1677.460 1517.700 0.263 0.003 1057701500094 1517.700 1373.160 0.218 0.003 1057701500095 1373.160 1242.380 0.263 0.004 1057701500096 1242.380 1124.060 0.236 0.002 1057701500097 1124.060 1017.000 0.303 0.003 1057701500098 1017.000 920.140 0.172 0.002 1057701500099 920.140 832.510 0.159 0.002 1057701500100 832.510 753.220 0.260 0.003 1057701500101 753.220 681.490 0.196 0.002 1057701500102 681.490 616.580 0.161 0.002 1057701500103 616.580 557.860 0.129 0.002 1057701500104 557.860 504.730 0.121 0.001 1057701500105 504.730 456.660 0.260 0.004 1057701500106 456.660 413.170 0.218 0.003 1057701500107 413.170 373.820 0.134 0.002 1057701500108 373.820 338.220 0.170 0.002 1057701500109 338.220 306.000 0.511 0.009 1057701500110 306.000 276.860 0.118 0.001 1057701500111 276.860 250.490 0.107 0.001 1057701500112 250.490 226.640 0.086 0.001 1057701500113 226.640 205.050 0.084 0.001 1057701500114 205.050 185.520 0.082 0.001 1057701500115 185.520 167.850 0.831 0.024 1057701500116 167.850 151.870 0.122 0.002 1057701500117 ENDDATA 67 0 1057701500118 ENDSUBENT 117 0 1057701599999 SUBENT 10577016 20230707 15071057701600001 BIB 9 41 1057701600002 REACTION (92-U-238(N,G)92-U-239,,SIF,,AV) 1057701600003 DETECTOR (SCIN) Liquid scintillator detector. Scintillator 1057701600004 composition: Xylene, alphaNPO and methyl borate. 1057701600005 Dimensions: 1.25-m-dia. sphere with a 17.8-cm-dia. 1057701600006 cylindrical beam hole. Neutron absorption liner 1057701600007 (inside beam hole): 6LiH annulus 1.25-m-long by 1057701600008 17.8-cm-OD by 7.6-cm-ID. 1057701600009 SAMPLE (92-U-238,ENR=0.998) 1057701600010 (92-U-235,ENR=0.002) Metal. Surface dimension (mm x mm,1057701600011 diameter in mm,...) Transmission thickness 1057701600012 (atom/barn) : 0.0609+-0006. Nominal thickness (mm): 1057701600013 13.1+-0.1. Capture thickness (atom/barn): 0.00379+- 1057701600014 0.00004. Nominal thickness (mm) : 0.790+-0.008. In 1057701600015 the self indication measurements the transmission 1057701600016 sample is at different temperatures but the self 1057701600017 indication sample is always at room temperature. 1057701600018 Sample thermodynamic temperature was 973+-4 K, and 1057701600019 effective temperature was 975K (Thesis table VII-III, 1057701600020 page 158). 1057701600021 METHOD (TOF) Flight path is 25.69+-0.005. The measurement 1057701600022 utilized electron burst widths and time-of-flight 1057701600023 channel widths that together resulted in 1057701600024 time-of-flight data that had an energy resolution 1057701600025 dE/E much smaller than 10%. Background subtraction 1057701600026 shape determined from a separate measurement of 1057701600027 sulfur at 111 keV, aluminum at 35.0 keV, manganese at 1057701600028 0.337 keV and cobalt at 0.132 keV. 1057701600029 ANALYSIS The measured time-of-flight data were grouped into 1057701600030 10% wide energy bins. 1057701600031 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Error in self-indication ratio (1 sigma 1057701600032 error). 1057701600033 CORRECTION Dead time correction: <2.5%. 1057701600034 STATUS (TABLE) Data received from R.C.Block, 6/23/2021. Also 1057701600035 shown in Appendix D, pages 207-220 of the main 1057701600036 reference. 1057701600037 HISTORY (19781212A) BIB correction. COMMON correction. 1057701600038 (19830922A) Reaction corrected. 1057701600039 (20040702A) Temperature unit updated. 1057701600040 (20210623A) BP: Replaced data, corrected reaction 1057701600041 string SIG->SIF, updated experimental details. 1057701600042 (20230525A) Headings EN-MIN, EN-MAX swapped 1057701600043 ENDBIB 41 0 1057701600044 COMMON 3 3 1057701600045 TEMP THICKNESS THICKNESS 1057701600046 K ATOMS/B ATOMS/B 1057701600047 975. 0.0609 0.00379 1057701600048 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1057701600049 DATA 4 65 1057701600050 EN-MAX EN-MIN DATA DATA-ERR 1057701600051 EV EV NO-DIM NO-DIM 1057701600052 101566.000 91893.060 0.530 0.030 1057701600053 91893.060 83142.340 0.452 0.018 1057701600054 83142.340 75223.100 0.446 0.015 1057701600055 75223.100 68059.000 0.456 0.014 1057701600056 68059.000 61577.170 0.478 0.014 1057701600057 61577.170 55712.680 0.440 0.013 1057701600058 55712.680 50406.710 0.463 0.013 1057701600059 50406.710 45606.070 0.451 0.013 1057701600060 45606.070 41262.630 0.435 0.012 1057701600061 41262.630 37332.850 0.428 0.012 1057701600062 37332.850 33777.330 0.415 0.012 1057701600063 33777.330 30560.440 0.427 0.012 1057701600064 30560.440 27649.920 0.409 0.011 1057701600065 27649.920 25016.590 0.406 0.010 1057701600066 25016.590 22634.050 0.428 0.011 1057701600067 22634.050 20478.430 0.639 0.014 1057701600068 20478.430 18528.100 0.402 0.010 1057701600069 18528.100 16763.520 0.375 0.009 1057701600070 16763.520 15166.990 0.389 0.009 1057701600071 15166.990 13722.510 0.401 0.009 1057701600072 13722.510 12415.600 0.369 0.008 1057701600073 12415.600 11233.340 0.388 0.009 1057701600074 11233.340 10163.340 0.376 0.008 1057701600075 10163.340 9195.400 0.393 0.009 1057701600076 9195.400 8319.640 0.356 0.008 1057701600077 8319.640 7524.290 0.355 0.008 1057701600078 7524.290 6810.410 0.355 0.008 1057701600079 6810.410 6161.800 0.323 0.007 1057701600080 6161.800 5574.960 0.315 0.007 1057701600081 5574.960 5044.010 0.367 0.008 1057701600082 5044.010 4563.630 0.322 0.007 1057701600083 4563.630 4128.990 0.312 0.007 1057701600084 4128.990 3735.760 0.245 0.006 1057701600085 3735.760 3379.970 0.248 0.006 1057701600086 3379.970 3058.070 0.242 0.005 1057701600087 3058.070 2766.820 0.298 0.006 1057701600088 2766.820 2503.310 0.180 0.004 1057701600089 2503.310 2264.900 0.205 0.004 1057701600090 2264.900 2049.200 0.233 0.005 1057701600091 2049.200 1854.030 0.211 0.005 1057701600092 1854.030 1677.460 0.166 0.004 1057701600093 1677.460 1517.700 0.194 0.004 1057701600094 1517.700 1373.160 0.161 0.003 1057701600095 1373.160 1242.380 0.207 0.005 1057701600096 1242.380 1124.060 0.164 0.003 1057701600097 1124.060 1017.000 0.240 0.004 1057701600098 1017.000 920.140 0.126 0.003 1057701600099 920.140 832.510 0.115 0.002 1057701600100 832.510 753.220 0.212 0.004 1057701600101 753.220 681.490 0.149 0.003 1057701600102 681.490 616.580 0.117 0.002 1057701600103 616.580 557.860 0.085 0.002 1057701600104 557.860 504.730 0.076 0.002 1057701600105 504.730 456.660 0.223 0.005 1057701600106 456.660 413.170 0.158 0.004 1057701600107 413.170 373.820 0.092 0.002 1057701600108 373.820 338.220 0.105 0.003 1057701600109 338.220 306.000 0.394 0.013 1057701600110 306.000 276.860 0.080 0.002 1057701600111 276.860 250.490 0.070 0.001 1057701600112 250.490 226.640 0.045 0.001 1057701600113 226.640 205.050 0.051 0.001 1057701600114 205.050 185.520 0.056 0.001 1057701600115 185.520 167.850 0.708 0.028 1057701600116 167.850 151.870 0.062 0.001 1057701600117 ENDDATA 67 0 1057701600118 ENDSUBENT 117 0 1057701699999 SUBENT 10577017 20230707 15071057701700001 BIB 9 43 1057701700002 REACTION (92-U-238(N,G)92-U-239,,SIF,,AV) 1057701700003 DETECTOR (SCIN) Liquid scintillator detector. Scintillator 1057701700004 composition: Xylene, alphaNPO and methyl borate. 1057701700005 Dimensions: 1.25-m-dia. sphere with a 17.8-cm-dia. 1057701700006 cylindrical beam hole. Neutron absorption liner 1057701700007 (inside beam hole): 6LiH annulus 1.25-m-long by 1057701700008 17.8-cm-OD by 7.6-cm-ID. 1057701700009 SAMPLE (92-U-238,ENR=0.998) 1057701700010 (92-U-235,ENR=0.002) Metal. Surface dimension (mm x mm,1057701700011 diameter in mm,...) Transmission thickness 1057701700012 (atom/barn) : 0.0624+-0.0006. Nominal thickness (mm): 1057701700013 12.9+-0.01. Capture thickness (atom/barn): 1057701700014 0.00379+-0.00004. Nominal thickness (mm): 0.790+- 1057701700015 0.008. In the self indication measurements the 1057701700016 transmission sample is at different temperatures but 1057701700017 the self indication sample is always at room 1057701700018 temperature. Sample thermodynamic temperature was 1057701700019 79+-2 K, and effective temperature was 101K (Thesis 1057701700020 table VII-III, page 158). 1057701700021 METHOD (TOF) Flight path is 25.69+-0.005. The measurement 1057701700022 utilized electron burst widths and time-of-flight 1057701700023 channel widths that together resulted in 1057701700024 time-of-flight data that had an energy resolution 1057701700025 dE/E much smaller than 10%. Background subtraction 1057701700026 shape determined from a separate measurement of 1057701700027 sulfur at 111 keV, aluminum at 35.0 keV, manganese at 1057701700028 0.337 keV and cobalt at 0.132 keV. 1057701700029 ANALYSIS The measured time-of-flight data were grouped into 1057701700030 10% wide energy bins. 1057701700031 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Error in self-indication ratio (1 sigma 1057701700032 error). 1057701700033 CORRECTION Dead time correction: <2.5%. 1057701700034 STATUS (TABLE) Data received from R.C.Block, 6/23/2021. Also 1057701700035 shown in Appendix D, pages 207-220 of the main 1057701700036 reference. 1057701700037 HISTORY (19781212A) BIB correction. COMMON correction. 1057701700038 (19830922A) Reaction corrected. 1057701700039 (20040702A) Temperature unit updated. 1057701700040 (20210623A) BP: Replaced data, corrected reaction 1057701700041 string, corrected experimental details, moved 301 K 1057701700042 into a separate subentry 44 because of sample 1057701700043 differences. 1057701700044 (20230525A) Headings EN-MIN, EN-MAX swapped 1057701700045 ENDBIB 43 0 1057701700046 COMMON 3 3 1057701700047 TEMP THICKNESS THICKNESS 1057701700048 K ATOMS/B ATOMS/B 1057701700049 101. 0.0624 0.00379 1057701700050 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1057701700051 DATA 4 65 1057701700052 EN-MAX EN-MIN DATA DATA-ERR 1057701700053 EV EV NO-DIM NO-DIM 1057701700054 101566.000 91893.060 0.472 0.015 1057701700055 91893.060 83142.340 0.460 0.009 1057701700056 83142.340 75223.100 0.456 0.008 1057701700057 75223.100 68059.000 0.447 0.007 1057701700058 68059.000 61577.170 0.451 0.007 1057701700059 61577.170 55712.680 0.430 0.006 1057701700060 55712.680 50406.710 0.439 0.006 1057701700061 50406.710 45606.070 0.441 0.005 1057701700062 45606.070 41262.630 0.427 0.006 1057701700063 41262.630 37332.850 0.411 0.005 1057701700064 37332.850 33777.330 0.421 0.005 1057701700065 33777.330 30560.440 0.408 0.006 1057701700066 30560.440 27649.920 0.391 0.005 1057701700067 27649.920 25016.590 0.389 0.005 1057701700068 25016.590 22634.050 0.408 0.005 1057701700069 22634.050 20478.430 0.391 0.012 1057701700070 20478.430 18528.100 0.381 0.004 1057701700071 18528.100 16763.520 0.358 0.004 1057701700072 16763.520 15166.990 0.377 0.004 1057701700073 15166.990 13722.510 0.372 0.004 1057701700074 13722.510 12415.600 0.350 0.004 1057701700075 12415.600 11233.340 0.362 0.004 1057701700076 11233.340 10163.340 0.363 0.004 1057701700077 10163.340 9195.400 0.382 0.004 1057701700078 9195.400 8319.640 0.337 0.004 1057701700079 8319.640 7524.290 0.347 0.004 1057701700080 7524.290 6810.410 0.346 0.003 1057701700081 6810.410 6161.800 0.319 0.003 1057701700082 6161.800 5574.960 0.302 0.003 1057701700083 5574.960 5044.010 0.351 0.004 1057701700084 5044.010 4563.630 0.321 0.003 1057701700085 4563.630 4128.990 0.298 0.003 1057701700086 4128.990 3735.760 0.253 0.003 1057701700087 3735.760 3379.970 0.258 0.003 1057701700088 3379.970 3058.070 0.251 0.002 1057701700089 3058.070 2766.820 0.287 0.004 1057701700090 2766.820 2503.310 0.205 0.003 1057701700091 2503.310 2264.900 0.227 0.002 1057701700092 2264.900 2049.200 0.258 0.003 1057701700093 2049.200 1854.030 0.258 0.003 1057701700094 1854.030 1677.460 0.187 0.002 1057701700095 1677.460 1517.700 0.232 0.003 1057701700096 1517.700 1373.160 0.188 0.002 1057701700097 1373.160 1242.380 0.215 0.002 1057701700098 1242.380 1124.060 0.214 0.002 1057701700099 1124.060 1017.000 0.261 0.002 1057701700100 1017.000 920.140 0.157 0.001 1057701700101 920.140 832.510 0.157 0.001 1057701700102 832.510 753.220 0.214 0.002 1057701700103 753.220 681.490 0.179 0.002 1057701700104 681.490 616.580 0.143 0.001 1057701700105 616.580 557.860 0.139 0.001 1057701700106 557.860 504.730 0.124 0.001 1057701700107 504.730 456.660 0.216 0.002 1057701700108 456.660 413.170 0.199 0.003 1057701700109 413.170 373.820 0.127 0.001 1057701700110 373.820 338.220 0.157 0.002 1057701700111 338.220 306.000 0.397 0.006 1057701700112 306.000 276.860 0.134 0.001 1057701700113 276.860 250.490 0.105 0.001 1057701700114 250.490 226.640 0.079 0.001 1057701700115 226.640 205.050 0.080 0.001 1057701700116 205.050 185.520 0.059 0.001 1057701700117 185.520 167.850 0.799 0.011 1057701700118 167.850 151.870 0.122 0.001 1057701700119 ENDDATA 67 0 1057701700120 ENDSUBENT 119 0 1057701799999 NOSUBENT 10577018 20210608 14881057701800001 NOSUBENT 10577019 20210608 14881057701900001 SUBENT 10577020 20210608 14881057702000001 BIB 7 21 1057702000002 REACTION (73-TA-181(N,TOT),,TRN,,AV) 1057702000003 SAMPLE Ntransmission sample = 0.00563+-0.00006 a/b. Sample 1057702000004 thermodynamic temperature was 293+-2 K, and effective 1057702000005 temperature was 300K (Thesis table VII-III, page 158). 1057702000006 DETECTOR (SCIN) B4C-NaI neutron detector. 1057702000007 METHOD (TRN) 28.27+-0.005 m flight path. The measurement 1057702000008 utilized electron burst widths and time-of-flight 1057702000009 channel widths that together resulted in 1057702000010 time-of-flight data that had an energy resolution 1057702000011 dE/E much smaller than 10%. The measured 1057702000012 time-of-flight data were then grouped into 10% wide 1057702000013 energy groups: (Emax - Emin) / Eave = 0.1 Thus an 1057702000014 energy resolution of 10% can be assumed for all the 1057702000015 grouped data listed below. 1057702000016 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Uncertainty of transmission. 1057702000017 STATUS (TABLE) Data received from R.C.Block, 6/23/2021. Also 1057702000018 shown in Appendix C, pages 188-206 of the main 1057702000019 reference. 1057702000020 HISTORY (20040702A) Temperature unit updated. 1057702000021 (20210623A) BP: Corrected reaction string SIG->TRN, 1057702000022 replaced data. 1057702000023 ENDBIB 21 0 1057702000024 COMMON 2 3 1057702000025 TEMP THICKNESS 1057702000026 K ATOMS/B 1057702000027 300. 0.00563 1057702000028 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1057702000029 DATA 4 62 1057702000030 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA DATA-ERR 1057702000031 EV EV NO-DIM NO-DIM 1057702000032 90476.200 100000.010 0.942 0.010 1057702000033 81859.420 90476.200 0.938 0.008 1057702000034 74063.260 81859.420 0.945 0.007 1057702000035 67009.617 74063.285 0.939 0.012 1057702000036 60627.749 67009.639 0.943 0.012 1057702000037 54853.678 60627.769 0.949 0.012 1057702000038 49629.480 54853.640 0.941 0.007 1057702000039 44902.850 49629.480 0.929 0.007 1057702000040 40262.390 44902.850 0.947 0.007 1057702000041 36757.210 40262.390 0.943 0.007 1057702000042 33256.510 36757.210 0.938 0.007 1057702000043 30089.220 33256.510 0.938 0.007 1057702000044 27223.580 30089.220 0.930 0.006 1057702000045 24630.850 27223.580 0.931 0.006 1057702000046 22285.060 24630.850 0.946 0.006 1057702000047 20162.670 22285.060 0.942 0.006 1057702000048 18242.410 20162.670 0.933 0.006 1057702000049 16505.040 18242.410 0.922 0.006 1057702000050 14933.130 16505.040 0.930 0.006 1057702000051 13510.920 14933.130 0.921 0.006 1057702000052 12224.170 13510.920 0.923 0.006 1057702000053 11059.960 12224.170 0.914 0.006 1057702000054 10006.630 11059.960 0.926 0.006 1057702000055 9053.610 10006.630 0.904 0.005 1057702000056 8191.360 9053.610 0.903 0.005 1057702000057 7411.230 8191.360 0.901 0.005 1057702000058 6705.400 7411.230 0.919 0.005 1057702000059 6066.790 6705.400 0.903 0.005 1057702000060 5489.000 6066.790 0.908 0.005 1057702000061 4966.240 5489.000 0.889 0.008 1057702000062 4493.260 4966.240 0.894 0.005 1057702000063 4065.330 4493.260 0.881 0.005 1057702000064 3678.160 4065.330 0.890 0.005 1057702000065 3327.850 3678.160 0.891 0.005 1057702000066 3010.910 3327.850 0.880 0.005 1057702000067 2724.160 3010.910 0.890 0.005 1057702000068 2464.720 2724.160 0.876 0.005 1057702000069 2229.980 2464.720 0.865 0.005 1057702000070 2017.600 2229.980 0.873 0.005 1057702000071 1825.450 2017.600 0.898 0.005 1057702000072 1651.590 1825.450 0.858 0.005 1057702000073 1494.300 1651.590 0.877 0.005 1057702000074 1351.980 1494.300 0.873 0.005 1057702000075 1223.220 1351.980 0.848 0.005 1057702000076 1106.720 1223.220 0.833 0.005 1057702000077 1001.320 1106.720 0.836 0.005 1057702000078 905.960 1001.320 0.815 0.005 1057702000079 819.670 905.960 0.875 0.005 1057702000080 741.610 819.670 0.861 0.005 1057702000081 670.980 741.610 0.845 0.005 1057702000082 607.080 670.980 0.841 0.005 1057702000083 549.260 607.080 0.841 0.005 1057702000084 496.950 549.260 0.823 0.005 1057702000085 449.620 496.950 0.841 0.005 1057702000086 406.800 449.620 0.791 0.005 1057702000087 368.050 406.800 0.884 0.005 1057702000088 333.000 368.050 0.870 0.005 1057702000089 301.290 333.000 0.830 0.005 1057702000090 272.590 301.290 0.786 0.005 1057702000091 246.630 272.590 0.446 0.005 1057702000092 223.140 246.630 0.429 0.004 1057702000093 201.890 223.140 0.446 0.003 1057702000094 ENDDATA 64 0 1057702000095 ENDSUBENT 94 0 1057702099999 SUBENT 10577021 20210608 14881057702100001 BIB 7 22 1057702100002 REACTION (73-TA-181(N,TOT),,TRN,,AV) 1057702100003 SAMPLE Ntransmission sample = 0.0275+-0.0003 a/b. Sample 1057702100004 thermodynamic temperature was 1073+-4 K, and effective 1057702100005 temperature was 1075K (Thesis table VII-III, page 1057702100006 158). 1057702100007 DETECTOR (SCIN) B4C-NaI neutron detector. 1057702100008 METHOD (TRN) 28.27+-0.005 m flight path. The measurement 1057702100009 utilized electron burst widths and time-of-flight 1057702100010 channel widths that together resulted in 1057702100011 time-of-flight data that had an energy resolution 1057702100012 dE/E much smaller than 10%. The measured 1057702100013 time-of-flight data were then grouped into 10% wide 1057702100014 energy groups: (Emax - Emin) / Eave = 0.1 Thus an 1057702100015 energy resolution of 10% can be assumed for all the 1057702100016 grouped data listed below. 1057702100017 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Uncertainty of transmission. 1057702100018 STATUS (TABLE) Data received from R.C.Block, 6/23/2021. Also 1057702100019 shown in Appendix C, pages 188-206 of the main 1057702100020 reference. 1057702100021 HISTORY (20040702A) Temperature unit updated. 1057702100022 (20210623A) BP: Corrected reaction string SIG->TRN, 1057702100023 replaced data. 1057702100024 ENDBIB 22 0 1057702100025 COMMON 2 3 1057702100026 TEMP THICKNESS 1057702100027 K ATOMS/B 1057702100028 1075. 0.02750 1057702100029 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1057702100030 DATA 4 62 1057702100031 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA DATA-ERR 1057702100032 EV EV NO-DIM NO-DIM 1057702100033 90476.200 100000.010 0.785 0.020 1057702100034 81859.420 90476.200 0.793 0.012 1057702100035 74063.260 81859.420 0.774 0.010 1057702100036 67009.617 74063.285 0.783 0.012 1057702100037 60627.749 67009.639 0.764 0.012 1057702100038 54853.678 60627.769 0.771 0.012 1057702100039 49629.480 54853.640 0.762 0.009 1057702100040 44902.850 49629.480 0.757 0.009 1057702100041 40262.390 44902.850 0.746 0.009 1057702100042 36757.210 40262.390 0.730 0.009 1057702100043 33256.510 36757.210 0.735 0.010 1057702100044 30089.220 33256.510 0.753 0.009 1057702100045 27223.580 30089.220 0.738 0.009 1057702100046 24630.850 27223.580 0.731 0.008 1057702100047 22285.060 24630.850 0.741 0.008 1057702100048 20162.670 22285.060 0.741 0.008 1057702100049 18242.410 20162.670 0.728 0.008 1057702100050 16505.040 18242.410 0.714 0.008 1057702100051 14933.130 16505.040 0.713 0.008 1057702100052 13510.920 14933.130 0.706 0.008 1057702100053 12224.170 13510.920 0.674 0.007 1057702100054 11059.960 12224.170 0.667 0.007 1057702100055 10006.630 11059.960 0.669 0.007 1057702100056 9053.610 10006.630 0.670 0.007 1057702100057 8191.360 9053.610 0.675 0.007 1057702100058 7411.230 8191.360 0.643 0.007 1057702100059 6705.400 7411.230 0.664 0.007 1057702100060 6066.790 6705.400 0.637 0.006 1057702100061 5489.000 6066.790 0.644 0.007 1057702100062 4966.240 5489.000 0.634 0.008 1057702100063 4493.260 4966.240 0.633 0.006 1057702100064 4065.330 4493.260 0.609 0.006 1057702100065 3678.160 4065.330 0.607 0.006 1057702100066 3327.850 3678.160 0.598 0.006 1057702100067 3010.910 3327.850 0.563 0.006 1057702100068 2724.160 3010.910 0.614 0.006 1057702100069 2464.720 2724.160 0.582 0.006 1057702100070 2229.980 2464.720 0.566 0.006 1057702100071 2017.600 2229.980 0.577 0.006 1057702100072 1825.450 2017.600 0.636 0.006 1057702100073 1651.590 1825.450 0.542 0.005 1057702100074 1494.300 1651.590 0.573 0.005 1057702100075 1351.980 1494.300 0.583 0.006 1057702100076 1223.220 1351.980 0.523 0.005 1057702100077 1106.720 1223.220 0.525 0.005 1057702100078 1001.320 1106.720 0.505 0.005 1057702100079 905.960 1001.320 0.449 0.005 1057702100080 819.670 905.960 0.577 0.006 1057702100081 741.610 819.670 0.558 0.006 1057702100082 670.980 741.610 0.551 0.005 1057702100083 607.080 670.980 0.542 0.005 1057702100084 549.260 607.080 0.582 0.006 1057702100085 496.950 549.260 0.516 0.005 1057702100086 449.620 496.950 0.525 0.005 1057702100087 406.800 449.620 0.472 0.005 1057702100088 368.050 406.800 0.635 0.006 1057702100089 333.000 368.050 0.590 0.006 1057702100090 301.290 333.000 0.535 0.006 1057702100091 272.590 301.290 0.466 0.005 1057702100092 246.630 272.590 0.003 0.628 1057702100093 223.140 246.630 0.004 0.882 1057702100094 201.890 223.140 0.455 0.005 1057702100095 ENDDATA 64 0 1057702100096 ENDSUBENT 95 0 1057702199999 SUBENT 10577022 20210608 14881057702200001 BIB 7 21 1057702200002 REACTION (73-TA-181(N,TOT),,TRN,,AV) 1057702200003 SAMPLE Ntransmission sample = 0.0278+-0.0003 a/b. Sample 1057702200004 thermodynamic temperature was 293+-2 K, and effective 1057702200005 temperature was 300K (Thesis table VII-III, page 158). 1057702200006 DETECTOR (SCIN) B4C-NaI neutron detector. 1057702200007 METHOD (TRN) 28.27+-0.005 m flight path. The measurement 1057702200008 utilized electron burst widths and time-of-flight 1057702200009 channel widths that together resulted in 1057702200010 time-of-flight data that had an energy resolution 1057702200011 dE/E much smaller than 10%. The measured 1057702200012 time-of-flight data were then grouped into 10% wide 1057702200013 energy groups: (Emax - Emin) / Eave = 0.1 Thus an 1057702200014 energy resolution of 10% can be assumed for all the 1057702200015 grouped data listed below. 1057702200016 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Uncertainty of transmission. 1057702200017 STATUS (TABLE) Data received from R.C.Block, 6/23/2021. Also 1057702200018 shown in Appendix C, pages 188-206 of the main 1057702200019 reference. 1057702200020 HISTORY (20040702A) Temperature unit updated. 1057702200021 (20210623A) BP: Corrected reaction string SIG->TRN, 1057702200022 replaced data. 1057702200023 ENDBIB 21 0 1057702200024 COMMON 2 3 1057702200025 TEMP THICKNESS 1057702200026 K ATOMS/B 1057702200027 300. 0.02780 1057702200028 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1057702200029 DATA 4 62 1057702200030 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA DATA-ERR 1057702200031 EV EV NO-DIM NO-DIM 1057702200032 90476.200 100000.010 0.770 0.008 1057702200033 81859.420 90476.200 0.781 0.006 1057702200034 74063.260 81859.420 0.772 0.006 1057702200035 67009.617 74063.285 0.774 0.012 1057702200036 60627.749 67009.639 0.764 0.012 1057702200037 54853.678 60627.769 0.768 0.012 1057702200038 49629.480 54853.640 0.756 0.005 1057702200039 44902.850 49629.480 0.753 0.005 1057702200040 40262.390 44902.850 0.746 0.005 1057702200041 36757.210 40262.390 0.736 0.005 1057702200042 33256.510 36757.210 0.733 0.005 1057702200043 30089.220 33256.510 0.741 0.005 1057702200044 27223.580 30089.220 0.732 0.005 1057702200045 24630.850 27223.580 0.725 0.005 1057702200046 22285.060 24630.850 0.726 0.005 1057702200047 20162.670 22285.060 0.727 0.005 1057702200048 18242.410 20162.670 0.716 0.005 1057702200049 16505.040 18242.410 0.712 0.005 1057702200050 14933.130 16505.040 0.708 0.004 1057702200051 13510.920 14933.130 0.690 0.004 1057702200052 12224.170 13510.920 0.675 0.004 1057702200053 11059.960 12224.170 0.675 0.004 1057702200054 10006.630 11059.960 0.673 0.004 1057702200055 9053.610 10006.630 0.664 0.004 1057702200056 8191.360 9053.610 0.668 0.004 1057702200057 7411.230 8191.360 0.651 0.004 1057702200058 6705.400 7411.230 0.671 0.004 1057702200059 6066.790 6705.400 0.647 0.004 1057702200060 5489.000 6066.790 0.649 0.004 1057702200061 4966.240 5489.000 0.642 0.008 1057702200062 4493.260 4966.240 0.642 0.004 1057702200063 4065.330 4493.260 0.620 0.003 1057702200064 3678.160 4065.330 0.622 0.003 1057702200065 3327.850 3678.160 0.611 0.003 1057702200066 3010.910 3327.850 0.579 0.003 1057702200067 2724.160 3010.910 0.633 0.003 1057702200068 2464.720 2724.160 0.610 0.003 1057702200069 2229.980 2464.720 0.587 0.003 1057702200070 2017.600 2229.980 0.604 0.003 1057702200071 1825.450 2017.600 0.648 0.003 1057702200072 1651.590 1825.450 0.566 0.003 1057702200073 1494.300 1651.590 0.607 0.003 1057702200074 1351.980 1494.300 0.611 0.003 1057702200075 1223.220 1351.980 0.559 0.003 1057702200076 1106.720 1223.220 0.572 0.003 1057702200077 1001.320 1106.720 0.543 0.003 1057702200078 905.960 1001.320 0.507 0.003 1057702200079 819.670 905.960 0.615 0.003 1057702200080 741.610 819.670 0.607 0.003 1057702200081 670.980 741.610 0.605 0.003 1057702200082 607.080 670.980 0.577 0.003 1057702200083 549.260 607.080 0.633 0.004 1057702200084 496.950 549.260 0.573 0.003 1057702200085 449.620 496.950 0.584 0.003 1057702200086 406.800 449.620 0.547 0.003 1057702200087 368.050 406.800 0.664 0.004 1057702200088 333.000 368.050 0.633 0.004 1057702200089 301.290 333.000 0.578 0.004 1057702200090 272.590 301.290 0.522 0.003 1057702200091 246.630 272.590 0.005 0.003 1057702200092 223.140 246.630 0.640 0.003 1057702200093 201.890 223.140 0.650 0.002 1057702200094 ENDDATA 64 0 1057702200095 ENDSUBENT 94 0 1057702299999 SUBENT 10577023 20210608 14881057702300001 BIB 7 21 1057702300002 REACTION (73-TA-181(N,TOT),,TRN,,AV) 1057702300003 SAMPLE Ntransmission sample = 0.0279+-0.0003 a/b. Sample 1057702300004 thermodynamic temperature was 79+-2 K, and effective 1057702300005 temperature was 110K (Thesis table VII-III, page 158). 1057702300006 DETECTOR (SCIN) B4C-NaI neutron detector. 1057702300007 METHOD (TRN) 28.27+-0.005 m flight path. The measurement 1057702300008 utilized electron burst widths and time-of-flight 1057702300009 channel widths that together resulted in 1057702300010 time-of-flight data that had an energy resolution 1057702300011 dE/E much smaller than 10%. The measured 1057702300012 time-of-flight data were then grouped into 10% wide 1057702300013 energy groups: (Emax - Emin) / eave = 0.1 Thus an 1057702300014 energy resolution of 10% can be assumed for all the 1057702300015 grouped data listed below. 1057702300016 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Uncertainty of transmission. 1057702300017 STATUS (TABLE) Data received from R.C.Block, 6/23/2021. Also 1057702300018 shown in Appendix C, pages 188-206 of the main 1057702300019 reference. 1057702300020 HISTORY (20040702A) Temperature unit updated. 1057702300021 (20210623A) BP: Corrected reaction string SIG->TRN, 1057702300022 replaced data. 1057702300023 ENDBIB 21 0 1057702300024 COMMON 2 3 1057702300025 TEMP THICKNESS 1057702300026 K ATOMS/B 1057702300027 110. 0.02790 1057702300028 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1057702300029 DATA 4 62 1057702300030 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA DATA-ERR 1057702300031 EV EV NO-DIM NO-DIM 1057702300032 90476.200 100000.010 0.733 0.015 1057702300033 81859.420 90476.200 0.778 0.009 1057702300034 74063.260 81859.420 0.766 0.008 1057702300035 67009.617 74063.285 0.777 0.012 1057702300036 60627.749 67009.639 0.764 0.012 1057702300037 54853.678 60627.769 0.771 0.012 1057702300038 49629.480 54853.640 0.747 0.007 1057702300039 44902.850 49629.480 0.743 0.007 1057702300040 40262.390 44902.850 0.734 0.007 1057702300041 36757.210 40262.390 0.725 0.007 1057702300042 33256.510 36757.210 0.725 0.007 1057702300043 30089.220 33256.510 0.729 0.007 1057702300044 27223.580 30089.220 0.733 0.006 1057702300045 24630.850 27223.580 0.717 0.006 1057702300046 22285.060 24630.850 0.715 0.006 1057702300047 20162.670 22285.060 0.720 0.006 1057702300048 18242.410 20162.670 0.711 0.006 1057702300049 16505.040 18242.410 0.704 0.006 1057702300050 14933.130 16505.040 0.701 0.006 1057702300051 13510.920 14933.130 0.683 0.005 1057702300052 12224.170 13510.920 0.673 0.005 1057702300053 11059.960 12224.170 0.676 0.005 1057702300054 10006.630 11059.960 0.672 0.005 1057702300055 9053.610 10006.630 0.671 0.005 1057702300056 8191.360 9053.610 0.666 0.005 1057702300057 7411.230 8191.360 0.643 0.005 1057702300058 6705.400 7411.230 0.674 0.005 1057702300059 6066.790 6705.400 0.654 0.005 1057702300060 5489.000 6066.790 0.643 0.005 1057702300061 4966.240 5489.000 0.637 0.008 1057702300062 4493.260 4966.240 0.645 0.004 1057702300063 4065.330 4493.260 0.622 0.004 1057702300064 3678.160 4065.330 0.619 0.004 1057702300065 3327.850 3678.160 0.620 0.004 1057702300066 3010.910 3327.850 0.579 0.004 1057702300067 2724.160 3010.910 0.638 0.004 1057702300068 2464.720 2724.160 0.620 0.004 1057702300069 2229.980 2464.720 0.595 0.004 1057702300070 2017.600 2229.980 0.618 0.004 1057702300071 1825.450 2017.600 0.656 0.004 1057702300072 1651.590 1825.450 0.582 0.004 1057702300073 1494.300 1651.590 0.620 0.004 1057702300074 1351.980 1494.300 0.626 0.004 1057702300075 1223.220 1351.980 0.583 0.003 1057702300076 1106.720 1223.220 0.589 0.003 1057702300077 1001.320 1106.720 0.562 0.003 1057702300078 905.960 1001.320 0.534 0.003 1057702300079 819.670 905.960 0.625 0.004 1057702300080 741.610 819.670 0.625 0.004 1057702300081 670.980 741.610 0.635 0.004 1057702300082 607.080 670.980 0.591 0.004 1057702300083 549.260 607.080 0.657 0.004 1057702300084 496.950 549.260 0.601 0.004 1057702300085 449.620 496.950 0.590 0.004 1057702300086 406.800 449.620 0.579 0.003 1057702300087 368.050 406.800 0.667 0.005 1057702300088 333.000 368.050 0.647 0.004 1057702300089 301.290 333.000 0.589 0.004 1057702300090 272.590 301.290 0.546 0.003 1057702300091 246.630 272.590 0.004 0.448 1057702300092 223.140 246.630 0.003 0.646 1057702300093 201.890 223.140 0.004 0.835 1057702300094 ENDDATA 64 0 1057702300095 ENDSUBENT 94 0 1057702399999 SUBENT 10577024 20210608 14881057702400001 BIB 7 22 1057702400002 REACTION (73-TA-181(N,TOT),,TRN,,AV) 1057702400003 SAMPLE Ntransmission sample = 0.0542+-0.0005 a/b. Sample 1057702400004 thermodynamic temperature was 1073+-4 K, and effective 1057702400005 temperature was 1075K (Thesis table VII-III, page 1057702400006 158). 1057702400007 DETECTOR (SCIN) B4C-NaI neutron detector. 1057702400008 METHOD (TRN) 28.27+-0.005 m flight path. The measurement 1057702400009 utilized electron burst widths and time-of-flight 1057702400010 channel widths that together resulted in 1057702400011 time-of-flight data that had an energy resolution 1057702400012 dE/E much smaller than 10%. The measured 1057702400013 time-of-flight data were then grouped into 10% wide 1057702400014 energy groups: (Emax - Emin) / Eave = 0.1 Thus an 1057702400015 energy resolution of 10% can be assumed for all the 1057702400016 grouped data listed below. 1057702400017 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Uncertainty of transmission. 1057702400018 STATUS (TABLE) Data received from R.C.Block, 6/23/2021. Also 1057702400019 shown in Appendix C, pages 188-206 of the main 1057702400020 reference. 1057702400021 HISTORY (20040702A) Temperature unit updated. 1057702400022 (20210623A) BP: Corrected reaction string SIG->TRN, 1057702400023 replaced data. 1057702400024 ENDBIB 22 0 1057702400025 COMMON 2 3 1057702400026 TEMP THICKNESS 1057702400027 K ATOMS/B 1057702400028 1075. 0.05420 1057702400029 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1057702400030 DATA 4 62 1057702400031 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA DATA-ERR 1057702400032 EV EV NO-DIM NO-DIM 1057702400033 90476.200 100000.010 0.634 0.047 1057702400034 81859.420 90476.200 0.629 0.013 1057702400035 74063.260 81859.420 0.600 0.010 1057702400036 67009.617 74063.285 0.608 0.012 1057702400037 60627.749 67009.639 0.611 0.012 1057702400038 54853.678 60627.769 0.605 0.012 1057702400039 49629.480 54853.640 0.589 0.009 1057702400040 44902.850 49629.480 0.590 0.009 1057702400041 40262.390 44902.850 0.560 0.009 1057702400042 36757.210 40262.390 0.562 0.009 1057702400043 33256.510 36757.210 0.555 0.009 1057702400044 30089.220 33256.510 0.569 0.009 1057702400045 27223.580 30089.220 0.556 0.009 1057702400046 24630.850 27223.580 0.547 0.008 1057702400047 22285.060 24630.850 0.547 0.008 1057702400048 20162.670 22285.060 0.558 0.008 1057702400049 18242.410 20162.670 0.526 0.008 1057702400050 16505.040 18242.410 0.518 0.008 1057702400051 14933.130 16505.040 0.516 0.008 1057702400052 13510.920 14933.130 0.498 0.007 1057702400053 12224.170 13510.920 0.481 0.007 1057702400054 11059.960 12224.170 0.477 0.007 1057702400055 10006.630 11059.960 0.485 0.007 1057702400056 9053.610 10006.630 0.471 0.007 1057702400057 8191.360 9053.610 0.464 0.007 1057702400058 7411.230 8191.360 0.454 0.007 1057702400059 6705.400 7411.230 0.461 0.007 1057702400060 6066.790 6705.400 0.440 0.007 1057702400061 5489.000 6066.790 0.457 0.007 1057702400062 4966.240 5489.000 0.430 0.008 1057702400063 4493.260 4966.240 0.437 0.006 1057702400064 4065.330 4493.260 0.396 0.006 1057702400065 3678.160 4065.330 0.413 0.006 1057702400066 3327.850 3678.160 0.385 0.006 1057702400067 3010.910 3327.850 0.361 0.006 1057702400068 2724.160 3010.910 0.417 0.008 1057702400069 2464.720 2724.160 0.392 0.007 1057702400070 2229.980 2464.720 0.390 0.006 1057702400071 2017.600 2229.980 0.408 0.006 1057702400072 1825.450 2017.600 0.434 0.006 1057702400073 1651.590 1825.450 0.364 0.006 1057702400074 1494.300 1651.590 0.384 0.006 1057702400075 1351.980 1494.300 0.396 0.006 1057702400076 1223.220 1351.980 0.336 0.006 1057702400077 1106.720 1223.220 0.352 0.006 1057702400078 1001.320 1106.720 0.332 0.006 1057702400079 905.960 1001.320 0.279 0.006 1057702400080 819.670 905.960 0.406 0.006 1057702400081 741.610 819.670 0.379 0.006 1057702400082 670.980 741.610 0.378 0.006 1057702400083 607.080 670.980 0.367 0.006 1057702400084 549.260 607.080 0.431 0.007 1057702400085 496.950 549.260 0.362 0.006 1057702400086 449.620 496.950 0.358 0.006 1057702400087 406.800 449.620 0.326 0.006 1057702400088 368.050 406.800 0.467 0.007 1057702400089 333.000 368.050 0.426 0.007 1057702400090 301.290 333.000 0.372 0.006 1057702400091 272.590 301.290 0.304 0.006 1057702400092 246.630 272.590 0.002 0.532 1057702400093 223.140 246.630 0.003 0.793 1057702400094 201.890 223.140 0.005 0.003 1057702400095 ENDDATA 64 0 1057702400096 ENDSUBENT 95 0 1057702499999 SUBENT 10577025 20210608 14881057702500001 BIB 7 21 1057702500002 REACTION (73-TA-181(N,TOT),,TRN,,AV) 1057702500003 SAMPLE Ntransmission sample = 0.0549+-0.0005 a/b. Sample 1057702500004 thermodynamic temperature was 293+-2 K, and effective 1057702500005 temperature was 300K (Thesis table VII-III, page 158). 1057702500006 DETECTOR (SCIN) B4C-NaI neutron detector. 1057702500007 METHOD (TRN) 28.27+-0.005 m flight path. The measurement 1057702500008 utilized electron burst widths and time-of-flight 1057702500009 channel widths that together resulted in 1057702500010 time-of-flight data that had an energy resolution 1057702500011 dE/E much smaller than 10%. The measured 1057702500012 time-of-flight data were then grouped into 10% wide 1057702500013 energy groups: (Emax - Emin) / Eave = 0.1 Thus an 1057702500014 energy resolution of 10% can be assumed for all the 1057702500015 grouped data listed below. 1057702500016 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Uncertainty of transmission. 1057702500017 STATUS (TABLE) Data received from R.C.Block, 6/23/2021. Also 1057702500018 shown in Appendix C, pages 188-206 of the main 1057702500019 reference. 1057702500020 HISTORY (20040702A) Temperature unit updated. 1057702500021 (20210623A) BP: Corrected reaction string SIG->TRN, 1057702500022 replaced data. 1057702500023 ENDBIB 21 0 1057702500024 COMMON 2 3 1057702500025 TEMP THICKNESS 1057702500026 K ATOMS/B 1057702500027 300. 0.05490 1057702500028 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1057702500029 DATA 4 62 1057702500030 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA DATA-ERR 1057702500031 EV EV NO-DIM NO-DIM 1057702500032 90476.200 100000.010 0.607 0.008 1057702500033 81859.420 90476.200 0.612 0.006 1057702500034 74063.260 81859.420 0.597 0.005 1057702500035 67009.617 74063.285 0.599 0.012 1057702500036 60627.749 67009.639 0.599 0.012 1057702500037 54853.678 60627.769 0.596 0.012 1057702500038 49629.480 54853.640 0.576 0.005 1057702500039 44902.850 49629.480 0.576 0.005 1057702500040 40262.390 44902.850 0.562 0.005 1057702500041 36757.210 40262.390 0.555 0.005 1057702500042 33256.510 36757.210 0.548 0.005 1057702500043 30089.220 33256.510 0.552 0.005 1057702500044 27223.580 30089.220 0.549 0.004 1057702500045 24630.850 27223.580 0.536 0.004 1057702500046 22285.060 24630.850 0.533 0.004 1057702500047 20162.670 22285.060 0.549 0.004 1057702500048 18242.410 20162.670 0.518 0.004 1057702500049 16505.040 18242.410 0.516 0.004 1057702500050 14933.130 16505.040 0.514 0.004 1057702500051 13510.920 14933.130 0.500 0.004 1057702500052 12224.170 13510.920 0.475 0.003 1057702500053 11059.960 12224.170 0.479 0.003 1057702500054 10006.630 11059.960 0.480 0.003 1057702500055 9053.610 10006.630 0.475 0.003 1057702500056 8191.360 9053.610 0.467 0.003 1057702500057 7411.230 8191.360 0.459 0.003 1057702500058 6705.400 7411.230 0.469 0.003 1057702500059 6066.790 6705.400 0.449 0.003 1057702500060 5489.000 6066.790 0.461 0.003 1057702500061 4966.240 5489.000 0.452 0.008 1057702500062 4493.260 4966.240 0.449 0.003 1057702500063 4065.330 4493.260 0.413 0.003 1057702500064 3678.160 4065.330 0.435 0.003 1057702500065 3327.850 3678.160 0.421 0.003 1057702500066 3010.910 3327.850 0.386 0.003 1057702500067 2724.160 3010.910 0.451 0.003 1057702500068 2464.720 2724.160 0.420 0.003 1057702500069 2229.980 2464.720 0.414 0.003 1057702500070 2017.600 2229.980 0.441 0.003 1057702500071 1825.450 2017.600 0.463 0.003 1057702500072 1651.590 1825.450 0.397 0.003 1057702500073 1494.300 1651.590 0.434 0.003 1057702500074 1351.980 1494.300 0.432 0.003 1057702500075 1223.220 1351.980 0.384 0.002 1057702500076 1106.720 1223.220 0.411 0.003 1057702500077 1001.320 1106.720 0.389 0.003 1057702500078 905.960 1001.320 0.350 0.002 1057702500079 819.670 905.960 0.452 0.003 1057702500080 741.610 819.670 0.439 0.003 1057702500081 670.980 741.610 0.444 0.003 1057702500082 607.080 670.980 0.407 0.003 1057702500083 549.260 607.080 0.481 0.003 1057702500084 496.950 549.260 0.429 0.003 1057702500085 449.620 496.950 0.416 0.003 1057702500086 406.800 449.620 0.409 0.003 1057702500087 368.050 406.800 0.515 0.004 1057702500088 333.000 368.050 0.475 0.003 1057702500089 301.290 333.000 0.417 0.003 1057702500090 272.590 301.290 0.358 0.003 1057702500091 246.630 272.590 0.004 0.858 1057702500092 223.140 246.630 0.457 0.005 1057702500093 201.890 223.140 0.439 0.004 1057702500094 ENDDATA 64 0 1057702500095 ENDSUBENT 94 0 1057702599999 SUBENT 10577026 20210608 14881057702600001 BIB 7 21 1057702600002 REACTION (73-TA-181(N,TOT),,TRN,,AV) 1057702600003 SAMPLE Ntransmission sample = 0.0551+-0.0006 a/b. Sample 1057702600004 thermodynamic temperature was 79+-2 K, and effective 1057702600005 temperature was 110K (Thesis table VII-III, page 158). 1057702600006 DETECTOR (SCIN) B4C-NaI neutron detector. 1057702600007 METHOD (TRN) 28.27+-0.005 m flight path. The measurement 1057702600008 utilized electron burst widths and time-of-flight 1057702600009 channel widths that together resulted in 1057702600010 time-of-flight data that had an energy resolution 1057702600011 dE/E much smaller than 10%. The measured 1057702600012 time-of-flight data were then grouped into 10% wide 1057702600013 energy groups: (Emax - Emin) / Eave = 0.1 Thus an 1057702600014 energy resolution of 10% can be assumed for all the 1057702600015 grouped data listed below. 1057702600016 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Uncertainty of transmission. 1057702600017 STATUS (TABLE) Data received from R.C.Block, 6/23/2021. Also 1057702600018 shown in Appendix C, pages 188-206 of the main 1057702600019 reference. 1057702600020 HISTORY (20040702A) Temperature unit updated. 1057702600021 (20210623A) BP: Corrected reaction string SIG->TRN, 1057702600022 replaced data. 1057702600023 ENDBIB 21 0 1057702600024 COMMON 2 3 1057702600025 TEMP THICKNESS 1057702600026 K ATOMS/B 1057702600027 110. 0.05510 1057702600028 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1057702600029 DATA 4 62 1057702600030 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA DATA-ERR 1057702600031 EV EV NO-DIM NO-DIM 1057702600032 90476.200 100000.010 0.609 0.010 1057702600033 81859.420 90476.200 0.616 0.008 1057702600034 74063.260 81859.420 0.606 0.008 1057702600035 67009.617 74063.285 0.605 0.012 1057702600036 60627.749 67009.639 0.605 0.012 1057702600037 54853.678 60627.769 0.599 0.012 1057702600038 49629.480 54853.640 0.590 0.007 1057702600039 44902.850 49629.480 0.586 0.007 1057702600040 40262.390 44902.850 0.572 0.007 1057702600041 36757.210 40262.390 0.555 0.007 1057702600042 33256.510 36757.210 0.556 0.007 1057702600043 30089.220 33256.510 0.557 0.007 1057702600044 27223.580 30089.220 0.552 0.006 1057702600045 24630.850 27223.580 0.536 0.006 1057702600046 22285.060 24630.850 0.536 0.006 1057702600047 20162.670 22285.060 0.549 0.006 1057702600048 18242.410 20162.670 0.519 0.006 1057702600049 16505.040 18242.410 0.524 0.006 1057702600050 14933.130 16505.040 0.520 0.005 1057702600051 13510.920 14933.130 0.512 0.005 1057702600052 12224.170 13510.920 0.485 0.005 1057702600053 11059.960 12224.170 0.492 0.005 1057702600054 10006.630 11059.960 0.488 0.005 1057702600055 9053.610 10006.630 0.485 0.005 1057702600056 8191.360 9053.610 0.475 0.005 1057702600057 7411.230 8191.360 0.471 0.005 1057702600058 6705.400 7411.230 0.483 0.005 1057702600059 6066.790 6705.400 0.464 0.004 1057702600060 5489.000 6066.790 0.471 0.004 1057702600061 4966.240 5489.000 0.465 0.008 1057702600062 4493.260 4966.240 0.460 0.004 1057702600063 4065.330 4493.260 0.429 0.004 1057702600064 3678.160 4065.330 0.452 0.004 1057702600065 3327.850 3678.160 0.442 0.004 1057702600066 3010.910 3327.850 0.409 0.004 1057702600067 2724.160 3010.910 0.472 0.005 1057702600068 2464.720 2724.160 0.442 0.004 1057702600069 2229.980 2464.720 0.439 0.004 1057702600070 2017.600 2229.980 0.463 0.004 1057702600071 1825.450 2017.600 0.483 0.004 1057702600072 1651.590 1825.450 0.421 0.004 1057702600073 1494.300 1651.590 0.467 0.004 1057702600074 1351.980 1494.300 0.455 0.004 1057702600075 1223.220 1351.980 0.413 0.004 1057702600076 1106.720 1223.220 0.441 0.004 1057702600077 1001.320 1106.720 0.420 0.004 1057702600078 905.960 1001.320 0.394 0.004 1057702600079 819.670 905.960 0.479 0.004 1057702600080 741.610 819.670 0.464 0.004 1057702600081 670.980 741.610 0.477 0.004 1057702600082 607.080 670.980 0.431 0.004 1057702600083 549.260 607.080 0.501 0.004 1057702600084 496.950 549.260 0.456 0.004 1057702600085 449.620 496.950 0.446 0.004 1057702600086 406.800 449.620 0.446 0.004 1057702600087 368.050 406.800 0.535 0.005 1057702600088 333.000 368.050 0.502 0.005 1057702600089 301.290 333.000 0.434 0.004 1057702600090 272.590 301.290 0.381 0.004 1057702600091 246.630 272.590 0.003 0.620 1057702600092 223.140 246.630 0.002 0.537 1057702600093 201.890 223.140 0.003 0.744 1057702600094 ENDDATA 64 0 1057702600095 ENDSUBENT 94 0 1057702699999 SUBENT 10577027 20210608 14881057702700001 BIB 7 21 1057702700002 REACTION (73-TA-181(N,TOT),,TRN,,AV) 1057702700003 SAMPLE Ntransmission sample = 0.0802+-0.0008 a/b. Sample 1057702700004 thermodynamic temperature was 293+-2 K, and effective 1057702700005 temperature was 300K (Thesis table VII-III, page 158). 1057702700006 DETECTOR (SCIN) B4C-NaI neutron detector. 1057702700007 METHOD (TRN) 28.27+-0.005 m flight path. The measurement 1057702700008 utilized electron burst widths and time-of-flight 1057702700009 channel widths that together resulted in 1057702700010 time-of-flight data that had an energy resolution 1057702700011 dE/E much smaller than 10%. The measured 1057702700012 time-of-flight data were then grouped into 10% wide 1057702700013 energy groups: (Emax - Emin) / Eave = 0.1 Thus an 1057702700014 energy resolution of 10% can be assumed for all the 1057702700015 grouped data listed below. 1057702700016 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Uncertainty of transmission. 1057702700017 STATUS (TABLE) Data received from R.C.Block, 6/23/2021. Also 1057702700018 shown in Appendix C, pages 188-206 of the main 1057702700019 reference. 1057702700020 HISTORY (20040702A) Temperature unit updated. 1057702700021 (20210623A) BP: Corrected reaction string SIG->TRN, 1057702700022 replaced data. 1057702700023 ENDBIB 21 0 1057702700024 COMMON 2 3 1057702700025 TEMP THICKNESS 1057702700026 K ATOMS/B 1057702700027 300. 0.08020 1057702700028 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1057702700029 DATA 4 62 1057702700030 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA DATA-ERR 1057702700031 EV EV NO-DIM NO-DIM 1057702700032 90476.200 100000.010 0.485 0.006 1057702700033 81859.420 90476.200 0.487 0.004 1057702700034 74063.260 81859.420 0.481 0.004 1057702700035 67009.617 74063.285 0.475 0.012 1057702700036 60627.749 67009.639 0.470 0.012 1057702700037 54853.678 60627.769 0.459 0.012 1057702700038 49629.480 54853.640 0.455 0.004 1057702700039 44902.850 49629.480 0.447 0.004 1057702700040 40262.390 44902.850 0.434 0.004 1057702700041 36757.210 40262.390 0.426 0.003 1057702700042 33256.510 36757.210 0.416 0.003 1057702700043 30089.220 33256.510 0.422 0.004 1057702700044 27223.580 30089.220 0.411 0.003 1057702700045 24630.850 27223.580 0.402 0.003 1057702700046 22285.060 24630.850 0.400 0.003 1057702700047 20162.670 22285.060 0.412 0.003 1057702700048 18242.410 20162.670 0.390 0.003 1057702700049 16505.040 18242.410 0.389 0.003 1057702700050 14933.130 16505.040 0.389 0.003 1057702700051 13510.920 14933.130 0.365 0.003 1057702700052 12224.170 13510.920 0.348 0.002 1057702700053 11059.960 12224.170 0.359 0.002 1057702700054 10006.630 11059.960 0.356 0.002 1057702700055 9053.610 10006.630 0.350 0.002 1057702700056 8191.360 9053.610 0.342 0.002 1057702700057 7411.230 8191.360 0.341 0.002 1057702700058 6705.400 7411.230 0.348 0.002 1057702700059 6066.790 6705.400 0.330 0.002 1057702700060 5489.000 6066.790 0.339 0.002 1057702700061 4966.240 5489.000 0.334 0.008 1057702700062 4493.260 4966.240 0.339 0.002 1057702700063 4065.330 4493.260 0.302 0.002 1057702700064 3678.160 4065.330 0.319 0.002 1057702700065 3327.850 3678.160 0.311 0.002 1057702700066 3010.910 3327.850 0.276 0.002 1057702700067 2724.160 3010.910 0.345 0.002 1057702700068 2464.720 2724.160 0.314 0.002 1057702700069 2229.980 2464.720 0.305 0.002 1057702700070 2017.600 2229.980 0.335 0.002 1057702700071 1825.450 2017.600 0.358 0.002 1057702700072 1651.590 1825.450 0.292 0.002 1057702700073 1494.300 1651.590 0.333 0.002 1057702700074 1351.980 1494.300 0.318 0.002 1057702700075 1223.220 1351.980 0.288 0.002 1057702700076 1106.720 1223.220 0.321 0.002 1057702700077 1001.320 1106.720 0.292 0.002 1057702700078 905.960 1001.320 0.265 0.002 1057702700079 819.670 905.960 0.357 0.002 1057702700080 741.610 819.670 0.336 0.002 1057702700081 670.980 741.610 0.349 0.002 1057702700082 607.080 670.980 0.306 0.002 1057702700083 549.260 607.080 0.386 0.002 1057702700084 496.950 549.260 0.336 0.002 1057702700085 449.620 496.950 0.323 0.002 1057702700086 406.800 449.620 0.318 0.002 1057702700087 368.050 406.800 0.420 0.003 1057702700088 333.000 368.050 0.368 0.002 1057702700089 301.290 333.000 0.326 0.002 1057702700090 272.590 301.290 0.267 0.002 1057702700091 246.630 272.590 0.003 0.769 1057702700092 223.140 246.630 0.005 0.003 1057702700093 201.890 223.140 0.646 0.003 1057702700094 ENDDATA 64 0 1057702700095 ENDSUBENT 94 0 1057702799999 SUBENT 10577028 20210608 14881057702800001 BIB 7 27 1057702800002 REACTION (73-TA-181(N,G)73-TA-182,,SIF,,AV) 1057702800003 SAMPLE Ntransmission sample = 0.00563+-0.00006 a/b. 1057702800004 Nself-indication sample = 0.00147+-0.00003 a/b. In 1057702800005 the self indication measurements the transmission 1057702800006 sample is at different temperatures but the self 1057702800007 indication sample is always at room temperature. 1057702800008 Sample thermodynamic temperature was 293+-2 K, and 1057702800009 effective temperature was 300K (Thesis table VII-III, 1057702800010 page 158). 1057702800011 DETECTOR (SCIN) A 1.25-m-diameter liquid scintillator (detects 1057702800012 capture gamma rays for self-indication measurement). 1057702800013 METHOD (TOF) 25.69+-0.005 m flight path. The measurement 1057702800014 utilized electron burst widths and time-of-flight 1057702800015 channel widths that together resulted in 1057702800016 time-of-flight data that had an energy resolution 1057702800017 dE/E much smaller than 10%. The measured 1057702800018 time-of-flight data were then grouped into 10% wide 1057702800019 energy groups: (Emax - Emin) / Eave = 0.1 Thus an 1057702800020 energy resolution of 10% can be assumed for all the 1057702800021 grouped data listed below. 1057702800022 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Uncertainty of self-indication ratio. 1057702800023 STATUS (TABLE) Data received from R.C.Block, 6/23/2021. Also 1057702800024 shown in Appendix C, pages 188-206 of the main 1057702800025 reference. 1057702800026 HISTORY (20040702A) Temperature unit updated. 1057702800027 (20210623A) BP: Corrected reaction string SIG->SIF, 1057702800028 replaced data. 1057702800029 ENDBIB 27 0 1057702800030 COMMON 3 3 1057702800031 TEMP THICKNESS THICKNESS 1057702800032 K ATOMS/B ATOMS/B 1057702800033 300. 0.00563 0.00147 1057702800034 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1057702800035 DATA 4 62 1057702800036 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA DATA-ERR 1057702800037 EV EV NO-DIM NO-DIM 1057702800038 90476.200 100000.010 0.958 0.024 1057702800039 81859.420 90476.200 0.934 0.018 1057702800040 74063.260 81859.420 0.922 0.017 1057702800041 67009.617 74063.285 0.960 0.017 1057702800042 60627.749 67009.639 0.933 0.017 1057702800043 54853.678 60627.769 0.853 0.017 1057702800044 49629.480 54853.640 0.972 0.016 1057702800045 44902.850 49629.480 0.937 0.016 1057702800046 40262.390 44902.850 0.954 0.016 1057702800047 36757.210 40262.390 0.951 0.015 1057702800048 33256.510 36757.210 0.910 0.014 1057702800049 30089.220 33256.510 0.896 0.014 1057702800050 27223.580 30089.220 0.897 0.013 1057702800051 24630.850 27223.580 0.934 0.013 1057702800052 22285.060 24630.850 0.937 0.012 1057702800053 20162.670 22285.060 0.949 0.012 1057702800054 18242.410 20162.670 0.914 0.011 1057702800055 16505.040 18242.410 0.904 0.011 1057702800056 14933.130 16505.040 0.912 0.011 1057702800057 13510.920 14933.130 0.894 0.010 1057702800058 12224.170 13510.920 0.908 0.010 1057702800059 11059.960 12224.170 0.916 0.010 1057702800060 10006.630 11059.960 0.897 0.010 1057702800061 9053.610 10006.630 0.885 0.009 1057702800062 8191.360 9053.610 0.891 0.009 1057702800063 7411.230 8191.360 0.883 0.008 1057702800064 6705.400 7411.230 0.888 0.008 1057702800065 6066.790 6705.400 0.869 0.008 1057702800066 5489.000 6066.790 0.864 0.008 1057702800067 4966.240 5489.000 0.853 0.013 1057702800068 4493.260 4966.240 0.863 0.007 1057702800069 4065.330 4493.260 0.852 0.006 1057702800070 3678.160 4065.330 0.852 0.007 1057702800071 3327.850 3678.160 0.819 0.006 1057702800072 3010.910 3327.850 0.815 0.006 1057702800073 2724.160 3010.910 0.806 0.006 1057702800074 2464.720 2724.160 0.799 0.005 1057702800075 2229.980 2464.720 0.784 0.005 1057702800076 2017.600 2229.980 0.746 0.005 1057702800077 1825.450 2017.600 0.811 0.005 1057702800078 1651.590 1825.450 0.708 0.004 1057702800079 1494.300 1651.590 0.717 0.004 1057702800080 1351.980 1494.300 0.715 0.004 1057702800081 1223.220 1351.980 0.678 0.004 1057702800082 1106.720 1223.220 0.572 0.003 1057702800083 1001.320 1106.720 0.643 0.003 1057702800084 905.960 1001.320 0.613 0.003 1057702800085 819.670 905.960 0.704 0.004 1057702800086 741.610 819.670 0.600 0.003 1057702800087 670.980 741.610 0.569 0.003 1057702800088 607.080 670.980 0.566 0.003 1057702800089 549.260 607.080 0.473 0.002 1057702800090 496.950 549.260 0.499 0.002 1057702800091 449.620 496.950 0.544 0.002 1057702800092 406.800 449.620 0.396 0.001 1057702800093 368.050 406.800 0.560 0.003 1057702800094 333.000 368.050 0.537 0.003 1057702800095 301.290 333.000 0.466 0.002 1057702800096 272.590 301.290 0.417 0.001 1057702800097 246.630 272.590 0.215 0.007 1057702800098 223.140 246.630 0.164 0.004 1057702800099 201.890 223.140 0.238 0.003 1057702800100 ENDDATA 64 0 1057702800101 ENDSUBENT 100 0 1057702899999 SUBENT 10577029 20210608 14881057702900001 BIB 7 27 1057702900002 REACTION (73-TA-181(N,G)73-TA-182,,SIF,,AV) 1057702900003 SAMPLE Ntransmission sample = 0.0275+-0.0003 a/b. 1057702900004 Nself-indication sample = 0.00147+-0.00003 a/b. In 1057702900005 the self indication measurements the transmission 1057702900006 sample is at different temperatures but the self 1057702900007 indication sample is always at room temperature. 1057702900008 Sample thermodynamic temperature was 1073+-4 K, and 1057702900009 effective temperature was 1075K (Thesis table VII- 1057702900010 III, page 158). 1057702900011 DETECTOR (SCIN) A 1.25-m-diameter liquid scintillator (detects 1057702900012 capture gamma rays for self-indication measurement). 1057702900013 METHOD (TOF) 25.69+-0.005 m flight path. The measurement 1057702900014 utilized electron burst widths and time-of-flight 1057702900015 channel widths that together resulted in 1057702900016 time-of-flight data that had an energy resolution 1057702900017 dE/E much smaller than 10%. The measured 1057702900018 time-of-flight data were then grouped into 10% wide 1057702900019 energy groups: (Emax - Emin) / Eave = 0.1 Thus an 1057702900020 energy resolution of 10% can be assumed for all the 1057702900021 grouped data listed below. 1057702900022 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Uncertainty of self-indication ratio. 1057702900023 STATUS (TABLE) Data received from R.C.Block, 6/23/2021. Also 1057702900024 shown in Appendix C, pages 188-206 of the main 1057702900025 reference. 1057702900026 HISTORY (20040702A) Temperature unit updated. 1057702900027 (20210623A) BP: Corrected reaction string SIG->SIF, 1057702900028 replaced data. 1057702900029 ENDBIB 27 0 1057702900030 COMMON 3 3 1057702900031 TEMP THICKNESS THICKNESS 1057702900032 K ATOMS/B ATOMS/B 1057702900033 1075. 0.02750 0.00147 1057702900034 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1057702900035 DATA 4 62 1057702900036 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA DATA-ERR 1057702900037 EV EV NO-DIM NO-DIM 1057702900038 90476.200 100000.010 0.751 0.046 1057702900039 81859.420 90476.200 0.735 0.032 1057702900040 74063.260 81859.420 0.727 0.028 1057702900041 67009.617 74063.285 0.740 0.028 1057702900042 60627.749 67009.639 0.750 0.028 1057702900043 54853.678 60627.769 0.767 0.028 1057702900044 49629.480 54853.640 0.752 0.027 1057702900045 44902.850 49629.480 0.744 0.026 1057702900046 40262.390 44902.850 0.746 0.025 1057702900047 36757.210 40262.390 0.760 0.025 1057702900048 33256.510 36757.210 0.702 0.022 1057702900049 30089.220 33256.510 0.696 0.025 1057702900050 27223.580 30089.220 0.715 0.021 1057702900051 24630.850 27223.580 0.730 0.022 1057702900052 22285.060 24630.850 0.714 0.020 1057702900053 20162.670 22285.060 0.726 0.019 1057702900054 18242.410 20162.670 0.682 0.019 1057702900055 16505.040 18242.410 0.689 0.019 1057702900056 14933.130 16505.040 0.692 0.018 1057702900057 13510.920 14933.130 0.661 0.016 1057702900058 12224.170 13510.920 0.631 0.016 1057702900059 11059.960 12224.170 0.654 0.015 1057702900060 10006.630 11059.960 0.642 0.014 1057702900061 9053.610 10006.630 0.649 0.014 1057702900062 8191.360 9053.610 0.629 0.013 1057702900063 7411.230 8191.360 0.609 0.012 1057702900064 6705.400 7411.230 0.612 0.013 1057702900065 6066.790 6705.400 0.583 0.012 1057702900066 5489.000 6066.790 0.563 0.011 1057702900067 4966.240 5489.000 0.557 0.013 1057702900068 4493.260 4966.240 0.567 0.011 1057702900069 4065.330 4493.260 0.519 0.009 1057702900070 3678.160 4065.330 0.523 0.009 1057702900071 3327.850 3678.160 0.479 0.008 1057702900072 3010.910 3327.850 0.467 0.008 1057702900073 2724.160 3010.910 0.470 0.008 1057702900074 2464.720 2724.160 0.457 0.007 1057702900075 2229.980 2464.720 0.426 0.007 1057702900076 2017.600 2229.980 0.374 0.006 1057702900077 1825.450 2017.600 0.474 0.008 1057702900078 1651.590 1825.450 0.312 0.005 1057702900079 1494.300 1651.590 0.325 0.005 1057702900080 1351.980 1494.300 0.339 0.005 1057702900081 1223.220 1351.980 0.286 0.004 1057702900082 1106.720 1223.220 0.217 0.003 1057702900083 1001.320 1106.720 0.242 0.003 1057702900084 905.960 1001.320 0.202 0.003 1057702900085 819.670 905.960 0.308 0.005 1057702900086 741.610 819.670 0.209 0.003 1057702900087 670.980 741.610 0.207 0.003 1057702900088 607.080 670.980 0.185 0.003 1057702900089 549.260 607.080 0.168 0.003 1057702900090 496.950 549.260 0.146 0.002 1057702900091 449.620 496.950 0.180 0.003 1057702900092 406.800 449.620 0.084 0.001 1057702900093 368.050 406.800 0.158 0.003 1057702900094 333.000 368.050 0.145 0.002 1057702900095 301.290 333.000 0.127 0.002 1057702900096 272.590 301.290 0.075 0.001 1057702900097 246.630 272.590 0.003 0.394 1057702900098 223.140 246.630 0.003 0.908 1057702900099 201.890 223.140 0.261 0.006 1057702900100 ENDDATA 64 0 1057702900101 ENDSUBENT 100 0 1057702999999 SUBENT 10577030 20210608 14881057703000001 BIB 7 27 1057703000002 REACTION (73-TA-181(N,G)73-TA-182,,SIF,,AV) 1057703000003 SAMPLE Ntransmission sample = 0.0278+-0.0003 a/b. 1057703000004 Nself-indication sample = 0.00147+-0.00003 a/b. In 1057703000005 the self indication measurements the transmission 1057703000006 sample is at different temperatures but the self 1057703000007 indication sample is always at room temperature. 1057703000008 Sample thermodynamic temperature was 293+-2 K, and 1057703000009 effective temperature was 300K (Thesis table VII-III, 1057703000010 page 158). 1057703000011 DETECTOR (SCIN) A 1.25-m-diameter liquid scintillator (detects 1057703000012 capture gamma rays for self-indication measurement). 1057703000013 METHOD (TOF) 25.69+-0.005 m flight path. The measurement 1057703000014 utilized electron burst widths and time-of-flight 1057703000015 channel widths that together resulted in 1057703000016 time-of-flight data that had an energy resolution 1057703000017 dE/E much smaller than 10%. The measured 1057703000018 time-of-flight data were then grouped into 10% wide 1057703000019 energy groups: (Emax - Emin) / Eave = 0.1 Thus an 1057703000020 energy resolution of 10% can be assumed for all the 1057703000021 grouped data listed below. 1057703000022 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Uncertainty of self-indication ratio. 1057703000023 STATUS (TABLE) Data received from R.C.Block, 6/23/2021. Also 1057703000024 shown in Appendix C, pages 188-206 of the main 1057703000025 reference. 1057703000026 HISTORY (20040702A) Temperature unit updated. 1057703000027 (20210623A) BP: Corrected reaction string SIG->SIF, 1057703000028 replaced data. 1057703000029 ENDBIB 27 0 1057703000030 COMMON 3 3 1057703000031 TEMP THICKNESS THICKNESS 1057703000032 K ATOMS/B ATOMS/B 1057703000033 300. 0.02780 0.00147 1057703000034 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1057703000035 DATA 4 62 1057703000036 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA DATA-ERR 1057703000037 EV EV NO-DIM NO-DIM 1057703000038 90476.200 100000.010 0.753 0.019 1057703000039 81859.420 90476.200 0.753 0.015 1057703000040 74063.260 81859.420 0.751 0.014 1057703000041 67009.617 74063.285 0.740 0.014 1057703000042 60627.749 67009.639 0.750 0.014 1057703000043 54853.678 60627.769 0.767 0.014 1057703000044 49629.480 54853.640 0.757 0.013 1057703000045 44902.850 49629.480 0.742 0.013 1057703000046 40262.390 44902.850 0.747 0.013 1057703000047 36757.210 40262.390 0.753 0.012 1057703000048 33256.510 36757.210 0.722 0.011 1057703000049 30089.220 33256.510 0.711 0.012 1057703000050 27223.580 30089.220 0.708 0.010 1057703000051 24630.850 27223.580 0.724 0.010 1057703000052 22285.060 24630.850 0.724 0.010 1057703000053 20162.670 22285.060 0.720 0.009 1057703000054 18242.410 20162.670 0.674 0.009 1057703000055 16505.040 18242.410 0.683 0.009 1057703000056 14933.130 16505.040 0.680 0.008 1057703000057 13510.920 14933.130 0.654 0.008 1057703000058 12224.170 13510.920 0.629 0.007 1057703000059 11059.960 12224.170 0.633 0.007 1057703000060 10006.630 11059.960 0.631 0.007 1057703000061 9053.610 10006.630 0.628 0.006 1057703000062 8191.360 9053.610 0.617 0.006 1057703000063 7411.230 8191.360 0.588 0.006 1057703000064 6705.400 7411.230 0.593 0.006 1057703000065 6066.790 6705.400 0.565 0.005 1057703000066 5489.000 6066.790 0.546 0.005 1057703000067 4966.240 5489.000 0.520 0.013 1057703000068 4493.260 4966.240 0.537 0.005 1057703000069 4065.330 4493.260 0.495 0.004 1057703000070 3678.160 4065.330 0.496 0.004 1057703000071 3327.850 3678.160 0.450 0.003 1057703000072 3010.910 3327.850 0.441 0.003 1057703000073 2724.160 3010.910 0.444 0.004 1057703000074 2464.720 2724.160 0.426 0.003 1057703000075 2229.980 2464.720 0.402 0.003 1057703000076 2017.600 2229.980 0.351 0.002 1057703000077 1825.450 2017.600 0.429 0.003 1057703000078 1651.590 1825.450 0.288 0.002 1057703000079 1494.300 1651.590 0.299 0.002 1057703000080 1351.980 1494.300 0.321 0.002 1057703000081 1223.220 1351.980 0.262 0.001 1057703000082 1106.720 1223.220 0.211 0.001 1057703000083 1001.320 1106.720 0.232 0.001 1057703000084 905.960 1001.320 0.187 0.001 1057703000085 819.670 905.960 0.277 0.002 1057703000086 741.610 819.670 0.197 0.001 1057703000087 670.980 741.610 0.205 0.001 1057703000088 607.080 670.980 0.186 0.001 1057703000089 549.260 607.080 0.173 0.001 1057703000090 496.950 549.260 0.157 0.001 1057703000091 449.620 496.950 0.176 0.001 1057703000092 406.800 449.620 0.096 0.001 1057703000093 368.050 406.800 0.158 0.001 1057703000094 333.000 368.050 0.148 0.001 1057703000095 301.290 333.000 0.135 0.001 1057703000096 272.590 301.290 0.089 0.001 1057703000097 246.630 272.590 0.006 0.002 1057703000098 223.140 246.630 0.330 0.003 1057703000099 201.890 223.140 0.441 0.002 1057703000100 ENDDATA 64 0 1057703000101 ENDSUBENT 100 0 1057703099999 SUBENT 10577031 20210608 14881057703100001 BIB 7 27 1057703100002 REACTION (73-TA-181(N,G)73-TA-182,,SIF,,AV) 1057703100003 SAMPLE Ntransmission sample = 0.0279+-0.0003 a/b. 1057703100004 Nself-indication sample = 0.00147+-0.00003 a/b. In 1057703100005 the self indication measurements the transmission 1057703100006 sample is at different temperatures but the self 1057703100007 indication sample is always at room temperature. 1057703100008 Sample thermodynamic temperature was 79+-2 K, and 1057703100009 effective temperature was 110K (Thesis table VII-III, 1057703100010 page 158). 1057703100011 DETECTOR (SCIN) A 1.25-m-diameter liquid scintillator (detects 1057703100012 capture gamma rays for self-indication measurement). 1057703100013 METHOD (TOF) 25.69+-0.005 m flight path. The measurement 1057703100014 utilized electron burst widths and time-of-flight 1057703100015 channel widths that together resulted in 1057703100016 time-of-flight data that had an energy resolution 1057703100017 dE/E much smaller than 10%. The measured 1057703100018 time-of-flight data were then grouped into 10% wide 1057703100019 energy groups: (Emax - Emin) / Eave = 0.1 Thus an 1057703100020 energy resolution of 10% can be assumed for all the 1057703100021 grouped data listed below. 1057703100022 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Uncertainty of self-indication ratio. 1057703100023 STATUS (TABLE) Data received from R.C.Block, 6/23/2021. Also 1057703100024 shown in Appendix C, pages 188-206 of the main 1057703100025 reference. 1057703100026 HISTORY (20040702A) Temperature unit updated. 1057703100027 (20210623A) BP: Corrected reaction string SIG->SIF, 1057703100028 replaced data. 1057703100029 ENDBIB 27 0 1057703100030 COMMON 3 3 1057703100031 TEMP THICKNESS THICKNESS 1057703100032 K ATOMS/B ATOMS/B 1057703100033 110. 0.02790 0.00147 1057703100034 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1057703100035 DATA 4 62 1057703100036 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA DATA-ERR 1057703100037 EV EV NO-DIM NO-DIM 1057703100038 90476.200 100000.010 0.704 0.048 1057703100039 81859.420 90476.200 0.674 0.038 1057703100040 74063.260 81859.420 0.652 0.035 1057703100041 67009.617 74063.285 0.740 0.035 1057703100042 60627.749 67009.639 0.750 0.035 1057703100043 54853.678 60627.769 0.767 0.035 1057703100044 49629.480 54853.640 0.729 0.032 1057703100045 44902.850 49629.480 0.760 0.030 1057703100046 40262.390 44902.850 0.743 0.031 1057703100047 36757.210 40262.390 0.729 0.028 1057703100048 33256.510 36757.210 0.720 0.027 1057703100049 30089.220 33256.510 0.689 0.031 1057703100050 27223.580 30089.220 0.693 0.025 1057703100051 24630.850 27223.580 0.708 0.026 1057703100052 22285.060 24630.850 0.688 0.023 1057703100053 20162.670 22285.060 0.687 0.023 1057703100054 18242.410 20162.670 0.652 0.023 1057703100055 16505.040 18242.410 0.699 0.023 1057703100056 14933.130 16505.040 0.681 0.021 1057703100057 13510.920 14933.130 0.657 0.019 1057703100058 12224.170 13510.920 0.650 0.019 1057703100059 11059.960 12224.170 0.601 0.018 1057703100060 10006.630 11059.960 0.639 0.018 1057703100061 9053.610 10006.630 0.610 0.017 1057703100062 8191.360 9053.610 0.607 0.016 1057703100063 7411.230 8191.360 0.593 0.014 1057703100064 6705.400 7411.230 0.587 0.015 1057703100065 6066.790 6705.400 0.560 0.014 1057703100066 5489.000 6066.790 0.544 0.013 1057703100067 4966.240 5489.000 0.517 0.013 1057703100068 4493.260 4966.240 0.558 0.013 1057703100069 4065.330 4493.260 0.494 0.011 1057703100070 3678.160 4065.330 0.493 0.011 1057703100071 3327.850 3678.160 0.461 0.010 1057703100072 3010.910 3327.850 0.437 0.010 1057703100073 2724.160 3010.910 0.466 0.013 1057703100074 2464.720 2724.160 0.428 0.009 1057703100075 2229.980 2464.720 0.395 0.008 1057703100076 2017.600 2229.980 0.349 0.007 1057703100077 1825.450 2017.600 0.425 0.009 1057703100078 1651.590 1825.450 0.302 0.006 1057703100079 1494.300 1651.590 0.318 0.007 1057703100080 1351.980 1494.300 0.331 0.007 1057703100081 1223.220 1351.980 0.295 0.005 1057703100082 1106.720 1223.220 0.241 0.005 1057703100083 1001.320 1106.720 0.249 0.005 1057703100084 905.960 1001.320 0.220 0.004 1057703100085 819.670 905.960 0.302 0.006 1057703100086 741.610 819.670 0.226 0.005 1057703100087 670.980 741.610 0.244 0.005 1057703100088 607.080 670.980 0.217 0.004 1057703100089 549.260 607.080 0.192 0.005 1057703100090 496.950 549.260 0.191 0.004 1057703100091 449.620 496.950 0.210 0.004 1057703100092 406.800 449.620 0.121 0.003 1057703100093 368.050 406.800 0.204 0.005 1057703100094 333.000 368.050 0.187 0.005 1057703100095 301.290 333.000 0.152 0.003 1057703100096 272.590 301.290 0.122 0.003 1057703100097 246.630 272.590 0.006 0.250 1057703100098 223.140 246.630 0.002 0.503 1057703100099 201.890 223.140 0.004 0.535 1057703100100 ENDDATA 64 0 1057703100101 ENDSUBENT 100 0 1057703199999 SUBENT 10577032 20210608 14881057703200001 BIB 7 27 1057703200002 REACTION (73-TA-181(N,G)73-TA-182,,SIF,,AV) 1057703200003 SAMPLE Ntransmission sample = 0.0542+-0005 a/b. 1057703200004 Nself-indication sample = 0.00147+-0.00003 a/b. In 1057703200005 the self indication measurements the transmission 1057703200006 sample is at different temperatures but the self 1057703200007 indication sample is always at room temperature. 1057703200008 Sample thermodynamic temperature was 1073+-4 K, and 1057703200009 effective temperature was 1075K (Thesis table VII- 1057703200010 III, page 158). 1057703200011 DETECTOR (SCIN) A 1.25-m-diameter liquid scintillator (detects 1057703200012 capture gamma rays for self-indication measurement). 1057703200013 METHOD (TOF) 25.69+-0.005 m flight path. The measurement 1057703200014 utilized electron burst widths and time-of-flight 1057703200015 channel widths that together resulted in 1057703200016 time-of-flight data that had an energy resolution 1057703200017 dE/E much smaller than 10%. The measured 1057703200018 time-of-flight data were then grouped into 10% wide 1057703200019 energy groups: (Emax - Emin) / Eave = 0.1 Thus an 1057703200020 energy resolution of 10% can be assumed for all the 1057703200021 grouped data listed below. 1057703200022 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Uncertainty of self-indication ratio. 1057703200023 STATUS (TABLE) Data received from R.C.Block, 6/23/2021. Also 1057703200024 shown in Appendix C, pages 188-206 of the main 1057703200025 reference. 1057703200026 HISTORY (20040702A) Temperature unit updated. 1057703200027 (20210623A) BP: Corrected reaction string SIG->SIF, 1057703200028 replaced data. 1057703200029 ENDBIB 27 0 1057703200030 COMMON 3 3 1057703200031 TEMP THICKNESS THICKNESS 1057703200032 K ATOMS/B ATOMS/B 1057703200033 1075. 0.05420 0.00147 1057703200034 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1057703200035 DATA 4 62 1057703200036 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA DATA-ERR 1057703200037 EV EV NO-DIM NO-DIM 1057703200038 90476.200 100000.010 0.610 0.053 1057703200039 81859.420 90476.200 0.596 0.038 1057703200040 74063.260 81859.420 0.628 0.036 1057703200041 67009.617 74063.285 0.600 0.036 1057703200042 60627.749 67009.639 0.580 0.036 1057703200043 54853.678 60627.769 0.613 0.036 1057703200044 49629.480 54853.640 0.614 0.032 1057703200045 44902.850 49629.480 0.557 0.030 1057703200046 40262.390 44902.850 0.569 0.030 1057703200047 36757.210 40262.390 0.523 0.028 1057703200048 33256.510 36757.210 0.499 0.027 1057703200049 30089.220 33256.510 0.518 0.028 1057703200050 27223.580 30089.220 0.521 0.024 1057703200051 24630.850 27223.580 0.519 0.024 1057703200052 22285.060 24630.850 0.506 0.022 1057703200053 20162.670 22285.060 0.505 0.022 1057703200054 18242.410 20162.670 0.524 0.022 1057703200055 16505.040 18242.410 0.498 0.021 1057703200056 14933.130 16505.040 0.515 0.021 1057703200057 13510.920 14933.130 0.464 0.019 1057703200058 12224.170 13510.920 0.451 0.018 1057703200059 11059.960 12224.170 0.419 0.016 1057703200060 10006.630 11059.960 0.438 0.017 1057703200061 9053.610 10006.630 0.427 0.015 1057703200062 8191.360 9053.610 0.424 0.015 1057703200063 7411.230 8191.360 0.365 0.013 1057703200064 6705.400 7411.230 0.388 0.014 1057703200065 6066.790 6705.400 0.358 0.013 1057703200066 5489.000 6066.790 0.336 0.012 1057703200067 4966.240 5489.000 0.323 0.013 1057703200068 4493.260 4966.240 0.333 0.011 1057703200069 4065.330 4493.260 0.307 0.010 1057703200070 3678.160 4065.330 0.275 0.009 1057703200071 3327.850 3678.160 0.251 0.008 1057703200072 3010.910 3327.850 0.244 0.007 1057703200073 2724.160 3010.910 0.271 0.009 1057703200074 2464.720 2724.160 0.248 0.008 1057703200075 2229.980 2464.720 0.217 0.006 1057703200076 2017.600 2229.980 0.180 0.006 1057703200077 1825.450 2017.600 0.238 0.007 1057703200078 1651.590 1825.450 0.151 0.005 1057703200079 1494.300 1651.590 0.165 0.005 1057703200080 1351.980 1494.300 0.187 0.006 1057703200081 1223.220 1351.980 0.141 0.004 1057703200082 1106.720 1223.220 0.099 0.003 1057703200083 1001.320 1106.720 0.098 0.003 1057703200084 905.960 1001.320 0.085 0.002 1057703200085 819.670 905.960 0.151 0.005 1057703200086 741.610 819.670 0.097 0.003 1057703200087 670.980 741.610 0.098 0.003 1057703200088 607.080 670.980 0.082 0.002 1057703200089 549.260 607.080 0.098 0.003 1057703200090 496.950 549.260 0.067 0.002 1057703200091 449.620 496.950 0.078 0.002 1057703200092 406.800 449.620 0.042 0.001 1057703200093 368.050 406.800 0.065 0.002 1057703200094 333.000 368.050 0.064 0.002 1057703200095 301.290 333.000 0.064 0.002 1057703200096 272.590 301.290 0.025 0.001 1057703200097 246.630 272.590 0.002 0.328 1057703200098 223.140 246.630 0.002 0.772 1057703200099 201.890 223.140 0.005 0.002 1057703200100 ENDDATA 64 0 1057703200101 ENDSUBENT 100 0 1057703299999 SUBENT 10577033 20210608 14881057703300001 BIB 7 27 1057703300002 REACTION (73-TA-181(N,G)73-TA-182,,SIF,,AV) 1057703300003 SAMPLE Ntransmission sample = 0.0549+-0.0005 a/b. 1057703300004 Nself-indication sample = 0.00147+-0.00003 a/b. In 1057703300005 the self indication measurements the transmission 1057703300006 sample is at different temperatures but the self 1057703300007 indication sample is always at room temperature. 1057703300008 Sample thermodynamic temperature was 293+-2 K, and 1057703300009 effective temperature was 300K (Thesis table VII-III, 1057703300010 page 158). 1057703300011 DETECTOR (SCIN) A 1.25-m-diameter liquid scintillator (detects 1057703300012 capture gamma rays for self-indication measurement). 1057703300013 METHOD (TOF) 25.69+-0.005 m flight path. The measurement 1057703300014 utilized electron burst widths and time-of-flight 1057703300015 channel widths that together resulted in 1057703300016 time-of-flight data that had an energy resolution 1057703300017 dE/E much smaller than 10%. The measured 1057703300018 time-of-flight data were then grouped into 10% wide 1057703300019 energy groups: (Emax - Emin) / Eave = 0.1 Thus an 1057703300020 energy resolution of 10% can be assumed for all the 1057703300021 grouped data listed below. 1057703300022 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Uncertainty of self-indication ratio. 1057703300023 STATUS (TABLE) Data received from R.C.Block, 6/23/2021. Also 1057703300024 shown in Appendix C, pages 188-206 of the main 1057703300025 reference. 1057703300026 HISTORY (20040702A) Temperature unit updated. 1057703300027 (20210623A) BP: Corrected reaction string SIG->SIF, 1057703300028 replaced data. 1057703300029 ENDBIB 27 0 1057703300030 COMMON 3 3 1057703300031 TEMP THICKNESS THICKNESS 1057703300032 K ATOMS/B ATOMS/B 1057703300033 300. 0.05490 0.00147 1057703300034 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1057703300035 DATA 4 62 1057703300036 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA DATA-ERR 1057703300037 EV EV NO-DIM NO-DIM 1057703300038 90476.200 100000.010 0.598 0.026 1057703300039 81859.420 90476.200 0.597 0.020 1057703300040 74063.260 81859.420 0.594 0.018 1057703300041 67009.617 74063.285 0.580 0.018 1057703300042 60627.749 67009.639 0.580 0.018 1057703300043 54853.678 60627.769 0.613 0.018 1057703300044 49629.480 54853.640 0.600 0.017 1057703300045 44902.850 49629.480 0.560 0.016 1057703300046 40262.390 44902.850 0.548 0.016 1057703300047 36757.210 40262.390 0.533 0.015 1057703300048 33256.510 36757.210 0.507 0.013 1057703300049 30089.220 33256.510 0.525 0.015 1057703300050 27223.580 30089.220 0.515 0.013 1057703300051 24630.850 27223.580 0.507 0.012 1057703300052 22285.060 24630.850 0.497 0.011 1057703300053 20162.670 22285.060 0.495 0.011 1057703300054 18242.410 20162.670 0.480 0.011 1057703300055 16505.040 18242.410 0.481 0.011 1057703300056 14933.130 16505.040 0.469 0.010 1057703300057 13510.920 14933.130 0.437 0.009 1057703300058 12224.170 13510.920 0.422 0.009 1057703300059 11059.960 12224.170 0.411 0.008 1057703300060 10006.630 11059.960 0.404 0.008 1057703300061 9053.610 10006.630 0.398 0.007 1057703300062 8191.360 9053.610 0.394 0.007 1057703300063 7411.230 8191.360 0.362 0.006 1057703300064 6705.400 7411.230 0.379 0.007 1057703300065 6066.790 6705.400 0.335 0.005 1057703300066 5489.000 6066.790 0.333 0.005 1057703300067 4966.240 5489.000 0.310 0.013 1057703300068 4493.260 4966.240 0.321 0.005 1057703300069 4065.330 4493.260 0.279 0.004 1057703300070 3678.160 4065.330 0.279 0.004 1057703300071 3327.850 3678.160 0.241 0.003 1057703300072 3010.910 3327.850 0.242 0.003 1057703300073 2724.160 3010.910 0.256 0.004 1057703300074 2464.720 2724.160 0.232 0.003 1057703300075 2229.980 2464.720 0.216 0.003 1057703300076 2017.600 2229.980 0.179 0.002 1057703300077 1825.450 2017.600 0.234 0.003 1057703300078 1651.590 1825.450 0.147 0.002 1057703300079 1494.300 1651.590 0.159 0.002 1057703300080 1351.980 1494.300 0.182 0.002 1057703300081 1223.220 1351.980 0.137 0.001 1057703300082 1106.720 1223.220 0.110 0.001 1057703300083 1001.320 1106.720 0.115 0.001 1057703300084 905.960 1001.320 0.091 0.001 1057703300085 819.670 905.960 0.145 0.002 1057703300086 741.610 819.670 0.113 0.001 1057703300087 670.980 741.610 0.112 0.001 1057703300088 607.080 670.980 0.099 0.001 1057703300089 549.260 607.080 0.110 0.001 1057703300090 496.950 549.260 0.083 0.001 1057703300091 449.620 496.950 0.090 0.001 1057703300092 406.800 449.620 0.057 0.001 1057703300093 368.050 406.800 0.087 0.001 1057703300094 333.000 368.050 0.082 0.001 1057703300095 301.290 333.000 0.074 0.001 1057703300096 272.590 301.290 0.048 0.001 1057703300097 246.630 272.590 0.005 0.720 1057703300098 223.140 246.630 0.214 0.005 1057703300099 201.890 223.140 0.240 0.006 1057703300100 ENDDATA 64 0 1057703300101 ENDSUBENT 100 0 1057703399999 SUBENT 10577034 20210608 14881057703400001 BIB 7 27 1057703400002 REACTION (73-TA-181(N,G)73-TA-182,,SIF,,AV) 1057703400003 SAMPLE Ntransmission sample = 0.0551+-0.0006 a/b. 1057703400004 Nself-indication sample = 0.00147+-0.00003 a/b. In 1057703400005 the self indication measurements the transmission 1057703400006 sample is at different temperatures but the self 1057703400007 indication sample is always at room temperature. 1057703400008 Sample thermodynamic temperature was 79+-2 K, and 1057703400009 effective temperature was 110K (Thesis table VII-III, 1057703400010 page 158). 1057703400011 DETECTOR (SCIN) A 1.25-m-diameter liquid scintillator (detects 1057703400012 capture gamma rays for self-indication measurement). 1057703400013 METHOD (TOF) 25.69+-0.005 m flight path. The measurement 1057703400014 utilized electron burst widths and time-of-flight 1057703400015 channel widths that together resulted in 1057703400016 time-of-flight data that had an energy resolution 1057703400017 dE/E much smaller than 10%. The measured 1057703400018 time-of-flight data were then grouped into 10% wide 1057703400019 energy groups: (Emax - Emin) / Eave = 0.1 Thus an 1057703400020 energy resolution of 10% can be assumed for all the 1057703400021 grouped data listed below. 1057703400022 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Uncertainty of self-indication ratio. 1057703400023 STATUS (TABLE) Data received from R.C.Block, 6/23/2021. Also 1057703400024 shown in Appendix C, pages 188-206 of the main 1057703400025 reference. 1057703400026 HISTORY (20040702A) Temperature unit updated. 1057703400027 (20210623A) BP: Corrected reaction string SIG->SIF, 1057703400028 replaced data. 1057703400029 ENDBIB 27 0 1057703400030 COMMON 3 3 1057703400031 TEMP THICKNESS THICKNESS 1057703400032 K ATOMS/B ATOMS/B 1057703400033 110. 0.05510 0.00147 1057703400034 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1057703400035 DATA 4 62 1057703400036 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA DATA-ERR 1057703400037 EV EV NO-DIM NO-DIM 1057703400038 90476.200 100000.010 0.586 0.035 1057703400039 81859.420 90476.200 0.615 0.031 1057703400040 74063.260 81859.420 0.559 0.027 1057703400041 67009.617 74063.285 0.570 0.027 1057703400042 60627.749 67009.639 0.613 0.027 1057703400043 54853.678 60627.769 0.613 0.027 1057703400044 49629.480 54853.640 0.592 0.027 1057703400045 44902.850 49629.480 0.563 0.025 1057703400046 40262.390 44902.850 0.540 0.024 1057703400047 36757.210 40262.390 0.529 0.023 1057703400048 33256.510 36757.210 0.519 0.022 1057703400049 30089.220 33256.510 0.524 0.023 1057703400050 27223.580 30089.220 0.510 0.020 1057703400051 24630.850 27223.580 0.504 0.021 1057703400052 22285.060 24630.850 0.493 0.019 1057703400053 20162.670 22285.060 0.495 0.018 1057703400054 18242.410 20162.670 0.478 0.017 1057703400055 16505.040 18242.410 0.482 0.017 1057703400056 14933.130 16505.040 0.465 0.017 1057703400057 13510.920 14933.130 0.440 0.015 1057703400058 12224.170 13510.920 0.417 0.014 1057703400059 11059.960 12224.170 0.409 0.014 1057703400060 10006.630 11059.960 0.403 0.013 1057703400061 9053.610 10006.630 0.396 0.012 1057703400062 8191.360 9053.610 0.379 0.011 1057703400063 7411.230 8191.360 0.363 0.011 1057703400064 6705.400 7411.230 0.382 0.011 1057703400065 6066.790 6705.400 0.342 0.010 1057703400066 5489.000 6066.790 0.324 0.009 1057703400067 4966.240 5489.000 0.320 0.013 1057703400068 4493.260 4966.240 0.334 0.008 1057703400069 4065.330 4493.260 0.284 0.008 1057703400070 3678.160 4065.330 0.282 0.008 1057703400071 3327.850 3678.160 0.244 0.007 1057703400072 3010.910 3327.850 0.236 0.006 1057703400073 2724.160 3010.910 0.261 0.008 1057703400074 2464.720 2724.160 0.235 0.006 1057703400075 2229.980 2464.720 0.233 0.006 1057703400076 2017.600 2229.980 0.190 0.005 1057703400077 1825.450 2017.600 0.249 0.006 1057703400078 1651.590 1825.450 0.164 0.004 1057703400079 1494.300 1651.590 0.184 0.005 1057703400080 1351.980 1494.300 0.199 0.005 1057703400081 1223.220 1351.980 0.160 0.004 1057703400082 1106.720 1223.220 0.133 0.003 1057703400083 1001.320 1106.720 0.136 0.003 1057703400084 905.960 1001.320 0.114 0.002 1057703400085 819.670 905.960 0.162 0.004 1057703400086 741.610 819.670 0.132 0.003 1057703400087 670.980 741.610 0.139 0.003 1057703400088 607.080 670.980 0.115 0.003 1057703400089 549.260 607.080 0.127 0.003 1057703400090 496.950 549.260 0.110 0.003 1057703400091 449.620 496.950 0.115 0.003 1057703400092 406.800 449.620 0.076 0.002 1057703400093 368.050 406.800 0.107 0.003 1057703400094 333.000 368.050 0.108 0.003 1057703400095 301.290 333.000 0.091 0.002 1057703400096 272.590 301.290 0.065 0.001 1057703400097 246.630 272.590 0.003 0.415 1057703400098 223.140 246.630 0.001 0.434 1057703400099 201.890 223.140 0.003 0.458 1057703400100 ENDDATA 64 0 1057703400101 ENDSUBENT 100 0 1057703499999 SUBENT 10577035 20210608 14881057703500001 BIB 7 27 1057703500002 REACTION (73-TA-181(N,G)73-TA-182,,SIF,,AV) 1057703500003 SAMPLE Ntransmission sample = 0.0802+-0.0008 a/b. 1057703500004 Nself-indication sample = 0.00147+-0.00003 a/b. In 1057703500005 the self indication measurements the transmission 1057703500006 sample is at different temperatures but the self 1057703500007 indication sample is always at room temperature. 1057703500008 Sample thermodynamic temperature was 293+-2 K, and 1057703500009 effective temperature was 300K (Thesis table VII-III, 1057703500010 page 158). 1057703500011 DETECTOR (SCIN) A 1.25-m-diameter liquid scintillator (detects 1057703500012 capture gamma rays for self-indication measurement). 1057703500013 METHOD (TOF) 25.69+-0.005 m flight path. The measurement 1057703500014 utilized electron burst widths and time-of-flight 1057703500015 channel widths that together resulted in 1057703500016 time-of-flight data that had an energy resolution 1057703500017 dE/E much smaller than 10%. The measured 1057703500018 time-of-flight data were then grouped into 10% wide 1057703500019 energy groups: (Emax - Emin) / Eave = 0.1 Thus an 1057703500020 energy resolution of 10% can be assumed for all the 1057703500021 grouped data listed below. 1057703500022 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Uncertainty of self-indication ratio. 1057703500023 STATUS (TABLE) Data received from R.C.Block, 6/23/2021. Also 1057703500024 shown in Appendix C, pages 188-206 of the main 1057703500025 reference. 1057703500026 HISTORY (20040702A) Temperature unit updated. 1057703500027 (20210623A) BP: Corrected reaction string SIG->SIF, 1057703500028 replaced data. 1057703500029 ENDBIB 27 0 1057703500030 COMMON 3 3 1057703500031 TEMP THICKNESS THICKNESS 1057703500032 K ATOMS/B ATOMS/B 1057703500033 300. 0.08020 0.00147 1057703500034 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1057703500035 DATA 4 62 1057703500036 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA DATA-ERR 1057703500037 EV EV NO-DIM NO-DIM 1057703500038 90476.200 100000.010 0.510 0.022 1057703500039 81859.420 90476.200 0.487 0.016 1057703500040 74063.260 81859.420 0.469 0.014 1057703500041 67009.617 74063.285 0.472 0.014 1057703500042 60627.749 67009.639 0.453 0.014 1057703500043 54853.678 60627.769 0.467 0.014 1057703500044 49629.480 54853.640 0.466 0.014 1057703500045 44902.850 49629.480 0.439 0.013 1057703500046 40262.390 44902.850 0.444 0.013 1057703500047 36757.210 40262.390 0.412 0.011 1057703500048 33256.510 36757.210 0.392 0.010 1057703500049 30089.220 33256.510 0.413 0.012 1057703500050 27223.580 30089.220 0.384 0.009 1057703500051 24630.850 27223.580 0.383 0.009 1057703500052 22285.060 24630.850 0.380 0.009 1057703500053 20162.670 22285.060 0.372 0.008 1057703500054 18242.410 20162.670 0.349 0.008 1057703500055 16505.040 18242.410 0.347 0.008 1057703500056 14933.130 16505.040 0.340 0.007 1057703500057 13510.920 14933.130 0.316 0.007 1057703500058 12224.170 13510.920 0.296 0.006 1057703500059 11059.960 12224.170 0.293 0.006 1057703500060 10006.630 11059.960 0.281 0.005 1057703500061 9053.610 10006.630 0.276 0.005 1057703500062 8191.360 9053.610 0.269 0.005 1057703500063 7411.230 8191.360 0.245 0.004 1057703500064 6705.400 7411.230 0.257 0.004 1057703500065 6066.790 6705.400 0.224 0.004 1057703500066 5489.000 6066.790 0.216 0.004 1057703500067 4966.240 5489.000 0.207 0.013 1057703500068 4493.260 4966.240 0.219 0.003 1057703500069 4065.330 4493.260 0.186 0.003 1057703500070 3678.160 4065.330 0.186 0.003 1057703500071 3327.850 3678.160 0.155 0.002 1057703500072 3010.910 3327.850 0.152 0.002 1057703500073 2724.160 3010.910 0.169 0.002 1057703500074 2464.720 2724.160 0.151 0.002 1057703500075 2229.980 2464.720 0.138 0.002 1057703500076 2017.600 2229.980 0.113 0.001 1057703500077 1825.450 2017.600 0.149 0.002 1057703500078 1651.590 1825.450 0.093 0.001 1057703500079 1494.300 1651.590 0.101 0.001 1057703500080 1351.980 1494.300 0.117 0.001 1057703500081 1223.220 1351.980 0.083 0.001 1057703500082 1106.720 1223.220 0.073 0.001 1057703500083 1001.320 1106.720 0.069 0.001 1057703500084 905.960 1001.320 0.057 0.001 1057703500085 819.670 905.960 0.088 0.001 1057703500086 741.610 819.670 0.074 0.001 1057703500087 670.980 741.610 0.076 0.001 1057703500088 607.080 670.980 0.061 0.001 1057703500089 549.260 607.080 0.077 0.001 1057703500090 496.950 549.260 0.054 0.001 1057703500091 449.620 496.950 0.054 0.001 1057703500092 406.800 449.620 0.038 0.001 1057703500093 368.050 406.800 0.059 0.001 1057703500094 333.000 368.050 0.055 0.001 1057703500095 301.290 333.000 0.047 0.001 1057703500096 272.590 301.290 0.028 0.001 1057703500097 246.630 272.590 0.004 0.569 1057703500098 223.140 246.630 0.004 0.002 1057703500099 201.890 223.140 0.408 0.004 1057703500100 ENDDATA 64 0 1057703500101 ENDSUBENT 100 0 1057703599999 NOSUBENT 10577036 20210608 14881057703600001 NOSUBENT 10577037 20210608 14881057703700001 SUBENT 10577038 20210608 14881057703800001 BIB 5 26 1057703800002 REACTION 1(92-U-238(N,EL),,STF) 1057703800003 2(92-U-238(N,0),,D) 1057703800004 3(92-U-238(N,G),,WID,,AV) 1057703800005 MISC-COL (MISC) Assumed scattering length in units of Fermis. 1057703800006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No details on sources of uncertainties. 1057703800007 STATUS (DEP,10577004) 1057703800008 (DEP,10577005) 1057703800009 (DEP,10577006) 1057703800010 (DEP,10577007) 1057703800011 (DEP,10577008) 1057703800012 (DEP,10577009) 1057703800013 (DEP,10577010) 1057703800014 (DEP,10577041) 1057703800015 (DEP,10577042) 1057703800016 (DEP,10577011) 1057703800017 (DEP,10577012) 1057703800018 (DEP,10577013) 1057703800019 (DEP,10577014) 1057703800020 (DEP,10577015) 1057703800021 (DEP,10577016) 1057703800022 (DEP,10577017) 1057703800023 (DEP,10577043) 1057703800024 (DEP,10577044) 1057703800025 (TABLE) Table I, page 17 of C00-3058-34,7(1973). 1057703800026 HISTORY (19781212U) BIB update. 1057703800027 (20210608A) BP: Corrected STATUS. 1057703800028 ENDBIB 26 0 1057703800029 COMMON 3 3 1057703800030 EN-MIN EN-MAX MOMENTUM L 1057703800031 KEV KEV NO-DIM 1057703800032 10. 100. 1. 1057703800033 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1057703800034 DATA 10 3 1057703800035 DATA 1+DATA-ERR 1-DATA-ERR 1DATA 2+DATA-ERR 2-DATA-ERR 21057703800036 DATA 3+DATA-ERR 3-DATA-ERR 3MISC 1057703800037 NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM EV EV EV 1057703800038 MILLI-EV MILLI-EV MILLI-EV FERMI 1057703800039 1.58E-04 0.1E-04 0.1E-04 11.3 2.0 2.01057703800040 47.5 8.4 8.4 9.30 1057703800041 1.94E-04 0.1E-04 0.2E-04 11.3 3.0 3.51057703800042 43.8 11.6 13.6 9.20 1057703800043 2.40E-04 0.1E-04 0.2E-04 11.3 3.0 2.01057703800044 37.0 9.8 6.6 9.0 1057703800045 ENDDATA 10 0 1057703800046 ENDSUBENT 45 0 1057703899999 SUBENT 10577039 20210608 14881057703900001 BIB 3 24 1057703900002 REACTION 1(92-U-238(N,EL),,STF) 1057703900003 2(92-U-238(N,0),,D) 1057703900004 3(92-U-238(N,G),,WID,,AV) 1057703900005 STATUS (DEP,10577004) 1057703900006 (DEP,10577005) 1057703900007 (DEP,10577006) 1057703900008 (DEP,10577007) 1057703900009 (DEP,10577008) 1057703900010 (DEP,10577009) 1057703900011 (DEP,10577010) 1057703900012 (DEP,10577041) 1057703900013 (DEP,10577042) 1057703900014 (DEP,10577011) 1057703900015 (DEP,10577012) 1057703900016 (DEP,10577013) 1057703900017 (DEP,10577014) 1057703900018 (DEP,10577015) 1057703900019 (DEP,10577016) 1057703900020 (DEP,10577017) 1057703900021 (DEP,10577043) 1057703900022 (DEP,10577044) 1057703900023 (TABLE) Table I, page 17 of C00-3058-34,7(1973). 1057703900024 HISTORY (19781212U) BIB update. 1057703900025 (20210608A) BP: Corrected STATUS. 1057703900026 ENDBIB 24 0 1057703900027 COMMON 3 3 1057703900028 EN-MIN EN-MAX MOMENTUM L 1057703900029 KEV KEV NO-DIM 1057703900030 10. 100. 0. 1057703900031 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1057703900032 DATA 3 1 1057703900033 DATA 1DATA 2DATA 3 1057703900034 NO-DIM EV MILLI-EV 1057703900035 1.0E-04 20.7 23.0 1057703900036 ENDDATA 3 0 1057703900037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 1057703999999 SUBENT 10577040 20210608 14881057704000001 BIB 5 25 1057704000002 REACTION 1(73-TA-181(N,EL),,STF) 1057704000003 2(73-TA-181(N,0),,D) 1057704000004 3(73-TA-181(N,G),,WID,,AV) 1057704000005 ANALYSIS Used scattering length of 8.19 fermis. 1057704000006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No details on sources of uncertainties. 1057704000007 STATUS (DEP,10577020) 1057704000008 (DEP,10577021) 1057704000009 (DEP,10577022) 1057704000010 (DEP,10577023) 1057704000011 (DEP,10577024) 1057704000012 (DEP,10577025) 1057704000013 (DEP,10577026) 1057704000014 (DEP,10577027) 1057704000015 (DEP,10577028) 1057704000016 (DEP,10577029) 1057704000017 (DEP,10577030) 1057704000018 (DEP,10577031) 1057704000019 (DEP,10577032) 1057704000020 (DEP,10577033) 1057704000021 (DEP,10577034) 1057704000022 (DEP,10577035) 1057704000023 (TABLE) Table 2, page 18 of C00-3058-34,7(1973). 1057704000024 HISTORY (19781212A) Data corrected. BIB update. 1057704000025 (19790621A) BIB correction. COMMON corrected. 1057704000026 (20210608A) BP: Corrected STATUS. 1057704000027 ENDBIB 25 0 1057704000028 COMMON 2 3 1057704000029 EN-MIN EN-MAX 1057704000030 KEV KEV 1057704000031 10. 100. 1057704000032 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1057704000033 DATA 10 2 1057704000034 MOMENTUM L DATA 1+DATA-ERR 1-DATA-ERR 1DATA 2+DATA-ERR 21057704000035 -DATA-ERR 2DATA 3+DATA-ERR 3-DATA-ERR 3 1057704000036 NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM EV EV 1057704000037 EV MILLI-EV MILLI-EV MILLI-EV 1057704000038 0. 1.6E-04 0.3E-04 0.2E-04 4.3 1.5 1057704000039 0.5 60.0 3.5 5.0 1057704000040 1. 0.4E-04 0.3E-04 0.2E-04 2.15 0.75 1057704000041 0.25 72.0 6.0 9.0 1057704000042 ENDDATA 8 0 1057704000043 ENDSUBENT 42 0 1057704099999 SUBENT 10577041 20230707 15071057704100001 BIB 9 30 1057704100002 REACTION (92-U-238(N,TOT),,TRN,,AV) 1057704100003 DETECTOR (SCIN) A 12.7-mm-thick 10B4C slab in the beam that is 1057704100004 viewed by two 203.2-mm-dia. by 50.8-mm thick NaI 1057704100005 crystals. Surface Dimensions: 101.6 mm x 101.6 mm. 1057704100006 10B4C Thickness (mm): 12.7. Distance from samples (mm):1057704100007 10000. 1057704100008 SAMPLE (92-U-238,ENR=0.998) 1057704100009 (92-U-235,ENR=0.002) Metal. Surface dimension (mm x mm,1057704100010 diameter in mm,...) Thickness (atom/barn): 0.0316+- 1057704100011 0.0003. Nominal thickness (mm): 6.58+-0.07. Sample 1057704100012 thermodynamic temperature was 293+-2 K, and effective 1057704100013 temperature was 301K (Thesis table VII-III, page 158). 1057704100014 METHOD (TRN) Flight path is 28.27+-0.005. The measurement 1057704100015 utilized electron burst widths and time-of-flight 1057704100016 channel widths that together resulted in 1057704100017 time-of-flight data that had an energy resolution 1057704100018 dE/E much smaller than 10%. Background subtraction 1057704100019 shape determined from a separate measurement of 1057704100020 sulfur at 111 keV, aluminum at 35.0 keV, manganese at 1057704100021 0.337 keV and cobalt at 0.132 keV. 1057704100022 ANALYSIS The measured time-of-flight data were grouped into 1057704100023 10% wide energy bins. 1057704100024 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Error in transmission (1 sigma error). 1057704100025 CORRECTION Dead time correction: <2.5%. 1057704100026 STATUS (TABLE) Data received from R.C.Block, 6/23/2021. Also 1057704100027 shown in Appendix D, pages 207-220 of the main 1057704100028 reference. 1057704100029 HISTORY (20210623C) BP: Moved from subentry 7 301 K data 1057704100030 because of sample differences. 1057704100031 (20230525A) Headings EN-MIN, EN-MAX swapped 1057704100032 ENDBIB 30 0 1057704100033 COMMON 2 3 1057704100034 TEMP THICKNESS 1057704100035 K ATOMS/B 1057704100036 301. 0.03155 1057704100037 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1057704100038 DATA 4 65 1057704100039 EN-MAX EN-MIN DATA DATA-ERR 1057704100040 EV EV NO-DIM NO-DIM 1057704100041 101566.000 91893.060 0.692 0.010 1057704100042 91893.060 83142.340 0.688 0.005 1057704100043 83142.340 75223.100 0.682 0.005 1057704100044 75223.100 68059.000 0.688 0.005 1057704100045 68059.000 61577.170 0.677 0.005 1057704100046 61577.170 55712.680 0.670 0.005 1057704100047 55712.680 50406.710 0.670 0.005 1057704100048 50406.710 45606.070 0.678 0.005 1057704100049 45606.070 41262.630 0.666 0.005 1057704100050 41262.630 37332.850 0.665 0.005 1057704100051 37332.850 33777.330 0.663 0.005 1057704100052 33777.330 30560.440 0.658 0.005 1057704100053 30560.440 27649.920 0.650 0.004 1057704100054 27649.920 25016.590 0.649 0.004 1057704100055 25016.590 22634.050 0.654 0.004 1057704100056 22634.050 20478.430 0.650 0.004 1057704100057 20478.430 18528.100 0.658 0.004 1057704100058 18528.100 16763.520 0.637 0.004 1057704100059 16763.520 15166.990 0.638 0.004 1057704100060 15166.990 13722.510 0.644 0.004 1057704100061 13722.510 12415.600 0.637 0.004 1057704100062 12415.600 11233.340 0.646 0.004 1057704100063 11233.340 10163.340 0.650 0.004 1057704100064 10163.340 9195.400 0.652 0.004 1057704100065 9195.400 8319.640 0.643 0.004 1057704100066 8319.640 7524.290 0.636 0.004 1057704100067 7524.290 6810.410 0.637 0.004 1057704100068 6810.410 6161.800 0.633 0.004 1057704100069 6161.800 5574.960 0.648 0.004 1057704100070 5574.960 5044.010 0.656 0.004 1057704100071 5044.010 4563.630 0.637 0.003 1057704100072 4563.630 4128.990 0.635 0.003 1057704100073 4128.990 3735.760 0.600 0.003 1057704100074 3735.760 3379.970 0.609 0.003 1057704100075 3379.970 3058.070 0.627 0.003 1057704100076 3058.070 2766.820 0.625 0.003 1057704100077 2766.820 2503.310 0.585 0.003 1057704100078 2503.310 2264.900 0.623 0.003 1057704100079 2264.900 2049.200 0.630 0.003 1057704100080 2049.200 1854.030 0.632 0.003 1057704100081 1854.030 1677.460 0.627 0.003 1057704100082 1677.460 1517.700 0.637 0.003 1057704100083 1517.700 1373.160 0.664 0.003 1057704100084 1373.160 1242.380 0.647 0.003 1057704100085 1242.380 1124.060 0.628 0.003 1057704100086 1124.060 1017.000 0.646 0.003 1057704100087 1017.000 920.140 0.612 0.003 1057704100088 920.140 832.510 0.656 0.003 1057704100089 832.510 753.220 0.684 0.004 1057704100090 753.220 681.490 0.647 0.003 1057704100091 681.490 616.580 0.639 0.003 1057704100092 616.580 557.860 0.655 0.004 1057704100093 557.860 504.730 0.658 0.004 1057704100094 504.730 456.660 0.682 0.004 1057704100095 456.660 413.170 0.665 0.004 1057704100096 413.170 373.820 0.645 0.004 1057704100097 373.820 338.220 0.623 0.004 1057704100098 338.220 306.000 0.680 0.004 1057704100099 306.000 276.860 0.635 0.004 1057704100100 276.860 250.490 0.623 0.004 1057704100101 250.490 226.640 0.603 0.004 1057704100102 226.640 205.050 0.554 0.003 1057704100103 205.050 185.520 0.466 0.004 1057704100104 185.520 167.850 0.813 0.005 1057704100105 167.850 151.870 0.682 0.004 1057704100106 ENDDATA 67 0 1057704100107 ENDSUBENT 106 0 1057704199999 SUBENT 10577042 20230707 15071057704200001 BIB 9 30 1057704200002 REACTION (92-U-238(N,TOT),,TRN,,AV) 1057704200003 DETECTOR (SCIN) A 12.7-mm-thick 10B4C slab in the beam that is 1057704200004 viewed by two 203.2-mm-dia. by 50.8-mm thick NaI 1057704200005 crystals. Surface Dimensions: 101.6 mm x 101.6 mm. 1057704200006 10B4C Thickness (mm): 12.7. Distance from samples (mm):1057704200007 10000. 1057704200008 SAMPLE (92-U-238,ENR=0.998) 1057704200009 (92-U-235,ENR=0.002) Metal. Surface dimension (mm x mm,1057704200010 diameter in mm,...) Thickness (atom/barn): 0.0621+- 1057704200011 0.0006. Nominal thickness (mm): 12.9+-0.1. Sample 1057704200012 thermodynamic temperature was 293+-2 K, and effective 1057704200013 temperature was 301K (Thesis table VII-III, page 158). 1057704200014 METHOD (TRN) Flight path is 28.27+-0.005. The measurement 1057704200015 utilized electron burst widths and time-of-flight 1057704200016 channel widths that together resulted in 1057704200017 time-of-flight data that had an energy resolution 1057704200018 dE/E much smaller than 10%. Background subtraction 1057704200019 shape determined from a separate measurement of 1057704200020 sulfur at 111 keV, aluminum at 35.0 keV, manganese at 1057704200021 0.337 keV and cobalt at 0.132 keV. 1057704200022 ANALYSIS The measured time-of-flight data were grouped into 1057704200023 10% wide energy bins. 1057704200024 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Error in transmission (1 sigma error). 1057704200025 CORRECTION Dead time correction: <2.5%. 1057704200026 STATUS (TABLE) Data received from R.C.Block, 6/23/2021. Also 1057704200027 shown in Appendix D, pages 207-220 of the main 1057704200028 reference. 1057704200029 HISTORY (20210623C) BP: Moved from subentry 10 301 K data 1057704200030 because of sample differences. 1057704200031 (20230525A) Headings EN-MIN, EN-MAX swapped 1057704200032 ENDBIB 30 0 1057704200033 COMMON 2 3 1057704200034 TEMP THICKNESS 1057704200035 K ATOMS/B 1057704200036 301. 0.06206 1057704200037 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1057704200038 DATA 4 65 1057704200039 EN-MAX EN-MIN DATA DATA-ERR 1057704200040 EV EV NO-DIM NO-DIM 1057704200041 101566.000 91893.060 0.490 0.007 1057704200042 91893.060 83142.340 0.480 0.004 1057704200043 83142.340 75223.100 0.480 0.004 1057704200044 75223.100 68059.000 0.480 0.003 1057704200045 68059.000 61577.170 0.478 0.003 1057704200046 61577.170 55712.680 0.459 2.000 1057704200047 55712.680 50406.710 0.469 0.003 1057704200048 50406.710 45606.070 0.469 0.003 1057704200049 45606.070 41262.630 0.457 0.003 1057704200050 41262.630 37332.850 0.457 0.003 1057704200051 37332.850 33777.330 0.459 0.003 1057704200052 33777.330 30560.440 0.448 0.003 1057704200053 30560.440 27649.920 0.438 0.003 1057704200054 27649.920 25016.590 0.442 0.003 1057704200055 25016.590 22634.050 0.447 0.004 1057704200056 22634.050 20478.430 0.430 0.003 1057704200057 20478.430 18528.100 0.452 0.003 1057704200058 18528.100 16763.520 0.428 0.003 1057704200059 16763.520 15166.990 0.439 0.003 1057704200060 15166.990 13722.510 0.440 0.003 1057704200061 13722.510 12415.600 0.433 0.003 1057704200062 12415.600 11233.340 0.442 0.003 1057704200063 11233.340 10163.340 0.443 0.003 1057704200064 10163.340 9195.400 0.448 0.003 1057704200065 9195.400 8319.640 0.437 0.003 1057704200066 8319.640 7524.290 0.438 0.002 1057704200067 7524.290 6810.410 0.433 0.002 1057704200068 6810.410 6161.800 0.430 0.002 1057704200069 6161.800 5574.960 0.450 0.003 1057704200070 5574.960 5044.010 0.454 0.002 1057704200071 5044.010 4563.630 0.433 0.002 1057704200072 4563.630 4128.990 0.437 0.002 1057704200073 4128.990 3735.760 0.401 0.002 1057704200074 3735.760 3379.970 0.419 0.002 1057704200075 3379.970 3058.070 0.426 0.002 1057704200076 3058.070 2766.820 0.425 0.002 1057704200077 2766.820 2503.310 0.398 0.002 1057704200078 2503.310 2264.900 0.432 0.002 1057704200079 2264.900 2049.200 0.442 0.002 1057704200080 2049.200 1854.030 0.457 0.002 1057704200081 1854.030 1677.460 0.445 0.002 1057704200082 1677.460 1517.700 0.460 0.002 1057704200083 1517.700 1373.160 0.480 0.002 1057704200084 1373.160 1242.380 0.444 0.002 1057704200085 1242.380 1124.060 0.448 0.002 1057704200086 1124.060 1017.000 0.446 0.002 1057704200087 1017.000 920.140 0.438 0.002 1057704200088 920.140 832.510 0.482 0.002 1057704200089 832.510 753.220 0.495 0.003 1057704200090 753.220 681.490 0.448 0.002 1057704200091 681.490 616.580 0.448 0.002 1057704200092 616.580 557.860 0.475 0.003 1057704200093 557.860 504.730 0.463 0.002 1057704200094 504.730 456.660 0.478 0.003 1057704200095 456.660 413.170 0.462 0.003 1057704200096 413.170 373.820 0.438 0.002 1057704200097 373.820 338.220 0.430 0.002 1057704200098 338.220 306.000 0.477 0.003 1057704200099 306.000 276.860 0.423 0.002 1057704200100 276.860 250.490 0.423 0.002 1057704200101 250.490 226.640 0.397 0.002 1057704200102 226.640 205.050 0.342 0.002 1057704200103 205.050 185.520 0.294 0.002 1057704200104 185.520 167.850 0.672 0.004 1057704200105 167.850 151.870 0.506 0.003 1057704200106 ENDDATA 67 0 1057704200107 ENDSUBENT 106 0 1057704299999 SUBENT 10577043 20230707 15071057704300001 BIB 9 38 1057704300002 REACTION (92-U-238(N,G)92-U-239,,SIF,,AV) 1057704300003 DETECTOR (SCIN) Liquid scintillator detector. Scintillator 1057704300004 composition: Xylene, alphaNPO and methyl borate. 1057704300005 Dimensions: 1.25-m-dia. sphere with a 17.8-cm-dia. 1057704300006 cylindrical beam hole. Neutron absorption liner 1057704300007 (inside beam hole): 6LiH annulus 1.25-m-long by 1057704300008 17.8-cm-OD by 7.6-cm-ID. 1057704300009 SAMPLE (92-U-238,ENR=0.998) 1057704300010 (92-U-235,ENR=0.002) Metal. Surface dimension (mm x mm,1057704300011 diameter in mm,...) Transmission thickness 1057704300012 (atom/barn) : 0.0316+-0.0003. Nominal thickness (mm): 1057704300013 6.58+-0.07. Capture thickness (atom/barn): 1057704300014 0.00379+-0.00004. Nominal thickness (mm): 0.790+- 1057704300015 0.008. In the self indication measurements the 1057704300016 transmission sample is at different temperatures but 1057704300017 the self indication sample is always at room 1057704300018 temperature. Sample thermodynamic temperature was 1057704300019 293+-2 K, and effective temperature was 301K (Thesis 1057704300020 table VII-III, page 158). 1057704300021 METHOD (TOF) Flight path is 25.69+-0.005. The measurement 1057704300022 utilized electron burst widths and time-of-flight 1057704300023 channel widths that together resulted in 1057704300024 time-of-flight data that had an energy resolution 1057704300025 dE/E much smaller than 10%. Background subtraction 1057704300026 shape determined from a separate measurement of 1057704300027 sulfur at 111 keV, aluminum at 35.0 keV, manganese at 1057704300028 0.337 keV and cobalt at 0.132 keV. 1057704300029 ANALYSIS The measured time-of-flight data were grouped into 1057704300030 10% wide energy bins. 1057704300031 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Error in self-indication ratio (1 sigma 1057704300032 error). 1057704300033 CORRECTION Dead time correction: <2.5%. 1057704300034 STATUS (TABLE) Data received from R.C.Block, 6/23/2021. Also 1057704300035 shown in Appendix D, pages 207-220 of the main 1057704300036 reference. 1057704300037 HISTORY (20210623C) BP: Moved from subentry 14 301 K data 1057704300038 because of sample differences. 1057704300039 (20230525A) Headings EN-MIN, EN-MAX swapped 1057704300040 ENDBIB 38 0 1057704300041 COMMON 3 3 1057704300042 TEMP THICKNESS THICKNESS 1057704300043 K ATOMS/B ATOMS/B 1057704300044 301. 0.03155 0.00379 1057704300045 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1057704300046 DATA 4 64 1057704300047 EN-MAX EN-MIN DATA DATA-ERR 1057704300048 EV EV NO-DIM NO-DIM 1057704300049 101566.000 91893.060 0.708 0.025 1057704300050 91893.060 83142.340 0.700 0.017 1057704300051 83142.340 75223.100 0.669 0.014 1057704300052 75223.100 68059.000 0.680 0.014 1057704300053 68059.000 61577.170 0.651 0.012 1057704300054 61577.170 55712.680 0.665 0.012 1057704300055 55712.680 50406.710 0.665 0.012 1057704300056 50406.710 45606.070 0.649 0.011 1057704300057 45606.070 41262.630 0.665 0.012 1057704300058 41262.630 37332.850 0.638 0.011 1057704300059 37332.850 33777.330 0.654 0.011 1057704300060 33777.330 30560.440 0.637 0.011 1057704300061 30560.440 27649.920 0.626 0.010 1057704300062 27649.920 25016.590 0.610 0.009 1057704300063 25016.590 22634.050 0.638 0.010 1057704300064 22634.050 20478.430 0.605 0.012 1057704300065 20478.430 18528.100 0.614 0.009 1057704300066 18528.100 16763.520 0.582 0.009 1057704300067 16763.520 15166.990 0.587 0.009 1057704300068 15166.990 13722.510 0.600 0.008 1057704300069 13722.510 12415.600 0.552 0.008 1057704300070 12415.600 11233.340 0.576 0.008 1057704300071 11233.340 10163.340 0.579 0.008 1057704300072 10163.340 9195.400 0.588 0.008 1057704300073 9195.400 8319.640 0.554 0.008 1057704300074 8319.640 7524.290 0.559 0.008 1057704300075 7524.290 6810.410 0.543 0.007 1057704300076 6810.410 6161.800 0.494 0.006 1057704300077 6161.800 5574.960 0.498 0.006 1057704300078 5574.960 5044.010 0.569 0.007 1057704300079 5044.010 4563.630 0.499 0.006 1057704300080 4563.630 4128.990 0.504 0.007 1057704300081 4128.990 3735.760 0.425 0.005 1057704300082 3735.760 3379.970 0.400 0.005 1057704300083 3379.970 3058.070 0.417 0.005 1057704300084 3058.070 2766.820 0.444 0.005 1057704300085 2766.820 2503.310 0.315 0.004 1057704300086 2503.310 2264.900 0.359 0.004 1057704300087 2264.900 2049.200 0.387 0.005 1057704300088 2049.200 1854.030 0.387 0.005 1057704300089 1854.030 1677.460 0.292 0.004 1057704300090 1677.460 1517.700 0.325 0.004 1057704300091 1517.700 1373.160 0.282 0.003 1057704300092 1373.160 1242.380 0.345 0.005 1057704300093 1242.380 1124.060 0.305 0.003 1057704300094 1124.060 1017.000 0.390 0.003 1057704300095 1017.000 920.140 0.215 0.002 1057704300096 920.140 832.510 0.205 0.002 1057704300097 832.510 753.220 0.339 0.004 1057704300098 753.220 681.490 0.253 0.003 1057704300099 681.490 616.580 0.210 0.002 1057704300100 616.580 557.860 0.156 0.002 1057704300101 557.860 504.730 0.152 0.002 1057704300102 504.730 456.660 0.371 0.005 1057704300103 456.660 413.170 0.291 0.004 1057704300104 413.170 373.820 0.189 0.002 1057704300105 373.820 338.220 0.203 0.002 1057704300106 338.220 306.000 0.631 0.010 1057704300107 306.000 276.860 0.149 0.002 1057704300108 276.860 250.490 0.141 0.002 1057704300109 250.490 226.640 0.111 0.001 1057704300110 226.640 205.050 0.110 0.001 1057704300111 205.050 185.520 0.177 0.002 1057704300112 185.520 167.850 0.753 0.022 1057704300113 ENDDATA 66 0 1057704300114 ENDSUBENT 113 0 1057704399999 SUBENT 10577044 20230707 15071057704400001 BIB 9 38 1057704400002 REACTION (92-U-238(N,G)92-U-239,,SIF,,AV) 1057704400003 DETECTOR (SCIN) Liquid scintillator detector. Scintillator 1057704400004 composition: Xylene, alphaNPO and methyl borate. 1057704400005 Dimensions: 1.25-m-dia. sphere with a 17.8-cm-dia. 1057704400006 cylindrical beam hole. Neutron absorption liner 1057704400007 (inside beam hole): 6LiH annulus 1.25-m-long by 1057704400008 17.8-cm-OD by 7.6-cm-ID. 1057704400009 SAMPLE (92-U-238,ENR=0.998) 1057704400010 (92-U-235,ENR=0.002) Metal. Surface dimension (mm x mm,1057704400011 diameter in mm,...) Transmission thickness 1057704400012 (atom/barn): 0.0621+-0.0006. Nominal thickness (mm): 1057704400013 12.9+-0.01. Capture thickness (atom/barn): 1057704400014 0.00379+-0.00004. Nominal thickness (mm : 0.790+- 1057704400015 0.008. In the self indication measurements the 1057704400016 transmission sample is at different temperatures but 1057704400017 the self indication sample is always at room 1057704400018 temperature. Sample thermodynamic temperature was 1057704400019 293+-2 K, and effective temperature was 301K (Thesis 1057704400020 table VII-III, page 158). 1057704400021 METHOD (TOF) Flight path is 25.69+-0.005. The measurement 1057704400022 utilized electron burst widths and time-of-flight 1057704400023 channel widths that together resulted in 1057704400024 time-of-flight data that had an energy resolution 1057704400025 dE/E much smaller than 10%. Background subtraction 1057704400026 shape determined from a separate measurement of 1057704400027 sulfur at 111 keV, aluminum at 35.0 keV, manganese at 1057704400028 0.337 keV and cobalt at 0.132 keV. 1057704400029 ANALYSIS The measured time-of-flight data were grouped into 1057704400030 10% wide energy bins. 1057704400031 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Error in self-indication ratio (1 sigma 1057704400032 error). 1057704400033 CORRECTION Dead time correction: <2.5%. 1057704400034 STATUS (TABLE) Data received from R.C.Block, 6/23/2021. Also 1057704400035 shown in Appendix D, pages 207-220 of the main 1057704400036 reference. 1057704400037 HISTORY (20210623C) BP: Moved 301 K data from a subentry 17 1057704400038 because of sample differences. 1057704400039 (20230525A) Headings EN-MIN, EN-MAX swapped 1057704400040 ENDBIB 38 0 1057704400041 COMMON 3 3 1057704400042 TEMP THICKNESS THICKNESS 1057704400043 K ATOMS/B ATOMS/B 1057704400044 301. 0.06206 0.00379 1057704400045 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1057704400046 DATA 4 65 1057704400047 EN-MAX EN-MIN DATA DATA-ERR 1057704400048 EV EV NO-DIM NO-DIM 1057704400049 101566.000 91893.060 0.506 0.020 1057704400050 91893.060 83142.340 0.458 0.013 1057704400051 83142.340 75223.100 0.556 0.012 1057704400052 75223.100 68059.000 0.451 0.010 1057704400053 68059.000 61577.170 0.456 0.010 1057704400054 61577.170 55712.680 0.439 0.009 1057704400055 55712.680 50406.710 0.448 0.009 1057704400056 50406.710 45606.070 0.435 0.009 1057704400057 45606.070 41262.630 0.433 0.009 1057704400058 41262.630 37332.850 0.422 0.008 1057704400059 37332.850 33777.330 0.425 0.008 1057704400060 33777.330 30560.440 0.416 0.008 1057704400061 30560.440 27649.920 0.403 0.008 1057704400062 27649.920 25016.590 0.398 0.007 1057704400063 25016.590 22634.050 0.408 0.005 1057704400064 22634.050 20478.430 0.390 0.012 1057704400065 20478.430 18528.100 0.389 0.007 1057704400066 18528.100 16763.520 0.364 0.006 1057704400067 16763.520 15166.990 0.377 0.007 1057704400068 15166.990 13722.510 0.375 0.006 1057704400069 13722.510 12415.600 0.356 0.006 1057704400070 12415.600 11233.340 0.368 0.006 1057704400071 11233.340 10163.340 0.364 0.006 1057704400072 10163.340 9195.400 0.376 0.006 1057704400073 9195.400 8319.640 0.344 0.006 1057704400074 8319.640 7524.290 0.346 0.005 1057704400075 7524.290 6810.410 0.341 0.005 1057704400076 6810.410 6161.800 0.316 0.005 1057704400077 6161.800 5574.960 0.303 0.004 1057704400078 5574.960 5044.010 0.356 0.005 1057704400079 5044.010 4563.630 0.313 0.005 1057704400080 4563.630 4128.990 0.307 0.005 1057704400081 4128.990 3735.760 0.248 0.004 1057704400082 3735.760 3379.970 0.255 0.004 1057704400083 3379.970 3058.070 0.245 0.003 1057704400084 3058.070 2766.820 0.283 0.004 1057704400085 2766.820 2503.310 0.194 0.003 1057704400086 2503.310 2264.900 0.211 0.003 1057704400087 2264.900 2049.200 0.243 0.004 1057704400088 2049.200 1854.030 0.243 0.004 1057704400089 1854.030 1677.460 0.182 0.003 1057704400090 1677.460 1517.700 0.211 0.003 1057704400091 1517.700 1373.160 0.173 0.002 1057704400092 1373.160 1242.380 0.213 0.003 1057704400093 1242.380 1124.060 0.194 0.002 1057704400094 1124.060 1017.000 0.238 0.002 1057704400095 1017.000 920.140 0.142 0.002 1057704400096 920.140 832.510 0.132 0.002 1057704400097 832.510 753.220 0.206 0.003 1057704400098 753.220 681.490 0.163 0.002 1057704400099 681.490 616.580 0.120 0.001 1057704400100 616.580 557.860 0.112 0.001 1057704400101 557.860 504.730 0.106 0.001 1057704400102 504.730 456.660 0.209 0.003 1057704400103 456.660 413.170 0.181 0.003 1057704400104 413.170 373.820 0.104 0.001 1057704400105 373.820 338.220 0.146 0.002 1057704400106 338.220 306.000 0.435 0.008 1057704400107 306.000 276.860 0.107 0.001 1057704400108 276.860 250.490 0.092 0.001 1057704400109 250.490 226.640 0.069 0.001 1057704400110 226.640 205.050 0.075 0.001 1057704400111 205.050 185.520 0.065 0.001 1057704400112 185.520 167.850 0.906 0.026 1057704400113 167.850 151.870 0.102 0.001 1057704400114 ENDDATA 67 0 1057704400115 ENDSUBENT 114 0 1057704499999 ENDENTRY 44 0 1057799999999