ENTRY            10635   20190722                             14541063500000001 
SUBENT        10635001   20190722                             14541063500100001 
BIB                 12         40                                 1063500100002 
TITLE      Measurement of the uranium-238 to uranium-235 fission  1063500100003 
            cross-section ratio between 0.1 and 25 MeV            1063500100004 
AUTHOR     (F.C.Difilippo, R.B.Perez, G.de Saussure, D.K.Olsen,   1063500100005 
            R.W.Ingle)                                            1063500100006 
INSTITUTE  (1USAORL)                                              1063500100007 
REFERENCE  (J,NSE,68,43,1978)                                     1063500100008 
           (C,76ANL,,114,1976) Prelim. data above 2 MeV in table  1063500100009 
FACILITY   (LINAC,1USAORL) ORELA                                  1063500100010 
INC-SOURCE (PHOTO)                                                1063500100011 
DETECTOR   (FISCH)                                                1063500100012 
           Ten-section large fission chamber has first 8 Al plates1063500100013 
            coated with 238U (less than 2-ppm impurities) and     1063500100014 
            last 2 plates coated with 235U (less than 0.12%       1063500100015 
            impurities). Only the counting rates from the last    1063500100016 
            238U plate and first 235U plate were utilized.        1063500100017 
           Three-section small fission chamber was uesd for       1063500100018 
            normalization. The inner section is mixture of 238U   1063500100019 
            and 235U sandwiched between sections of high purity   1063500100020 
            235U coatings.                                        1063500100021 
METHOD     (TOF) Chamber at 40 m station of flight path #6.       1063500100022 
           Pulse width was 5 ns and repetition rate was           1063500100023 
            800 pulse/sec.                                        1063500100024 
           Background minimized by collimation of beam and cadmium1063500100025 
            shield surrounding chamber.                           1063500100026 
ANALYSIS   Threshold method to obtain the absolute ratio          1063500100027 
CORRECTION Corrected for                                          1063500100028 
            - dead-time,                                          1063500100029 
            - background.                                         1063500100030 
            - neutrons scattered by Al plate.                     1063500100031 
           Not corrected for                                      1063500100032 
            - isotopic impurities (negligible)                    1063500100033 
STATUS     (APRVD) Approved by G.de Saussure, 1979/5/22.          1063500100034 
HISTORY    (19761001C)                                            1063500100035 
           (19761206R) Corrected data received from ORNL          1063500100036 
           (19790416A) Reference update. Converted to REACTION    1063500100037 
            Formalism.                                            1063500100038 
           (19840217A) BIB updated, COMMON added.                 1063500100039 
           (20080812A) BIB update. Error heading updated.         1063500100040 
           (20190722A) On. MONITOR and ERR-ANALYS to 002.         1063500100041 
            Major rev. in 002. BIB updated.                       1063500100042 
ENDBIB              40          0                                 1063500100043 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1063500100044 
ENDSUBENT           43          0                                 1063500199999 
SUBENT        10635002   20190722                             14541063500200001 
BIB                  5         17                                 1063500200002 
REACTION   ((92-U-238(N,F),,SIG,,AV)/(92-U-235(N,F),,SIG,,AV))    1063500200003 
MONITOR    ((92-U-238(N,F),,SIG,,AV)/(92-U-235(N,F),,SIG,,AV))    1063500200004 
ERR-ANALYS The total systematic uncertainty in Table XI of        1063500200005 
            Nucl.Sci.Eng.68(1978)43 is the quadrature sum of      1063500200006 
            ERR-1, ERR-2 and MONIT-ERR.                           1063500200007 
           (ERR-S)     Absolute statistical error.                1063500200008 
           (ERR-1)     Effect of scattered neutrons               1063500200009 
           (ERR-2)     Energy dependence of efficiency ratio      1063500200010 
           (MONIT-ERR) Normalization                              1063500200011 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table X of Nucl.Sci.Eng.68(1978)43             1063500200012 
           By G.de Saussure (1979-05-15):                         1063500200013 
            Data value for 1.01-1.03 MeV should have 0.0135,      1063500200014 
            not 0.1135 which is misquoted in Table X of           1063500200015 
            Nucl.Sci.Eng.68(1978)43.                              1063500200016 
HISTORY    (19790416A) Data replaced                              1063500200017 
           (20190722A) On. MONITOR and ERR-ANALYS from 001.       1063500200018 
            ERR-1 and ERR-2 added. EN-MIN:0.1 MEV-> 0.108 MeV     1063500200019 
ENDBIB              17          0                                 1063500200020 
COMMON               4          3                                 1063500200021 
EN-NRM-MIN EN-NRM-MAX MONIT      MONIT-ERR                        1063500200022 
MEV        MEV        NO-DIM     PER-CENT                         1063500200023 
 2.35       2.95       0.436      1.                              1063500200024 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 1063500200025 
DATA                 6        149                                 1063500200026 
EN-MIN     EN-MAX     DATA       ERR-S      ERR-1      ERR-2      1063500200027 
MEV        MEV        NO-DIM     NO-DIM     PER-CENT   PER-CENT   1063500200028 
  0.108      0.203      0.751E-04   0.572E-5 3.         1.        1063500200029 
  0.203      0.306      0.709E-04   0.571E-5 3.         1.        1063500200030 
  0.306      0.391      0.145E-03   0.883E-5 3.         1.        1063500200031 
  0.391      0.446      0.221E-03   0.139E-4 3.         1.        1063500200032 
  0.446      0.515      0.312E-03   0.144E-4 3.         1.        1063500200033 
  0.515      0.556      0.460E-03   0.242E-4 3.         1.        1063500200034 
  0.556      0.601      0.629E-03   0.268E-4 3.         1.        1063500200035 
  0.601      0.652      0.906E-03   0.323E-4 3.         1.        1063500200036 
  0.652      0.710      0.141E-02   0.372E-4 3.         1.        1063500200037 
  0.710      0.742      0.190E-02   0.593E-4 3.         1.        1063500200038 
  0.742      0.776      0.260E-02   0.676E-4 3.         1.        1063500200039 
  0.776      0.813      0.399E-02   0.847E-4 3.         1.        1063500200040 
  0.813      0.852      0.499E-02   0.943E-4 3.         1.        1063500200041 
  0.852      0.863      0.686E-02   0.220E-3 3.         1.        1063500200042 
  0.863      0.873      0.762E-02   0.214E-3 3.         1.        1063500200043 
  0.873      0.884      0.104E-01   0.263E-3 3.         1.        1063500200044 
  0.884      0.895      0.131E-01   0.290E-3 3.         1.        1063500200045 
  0.895      0.906      0.128E-01   0.281E-3 3.         1.        1063500200046 
  0.906      0.917      0.124E-01   0.260E-3 3.         1.        1063500200047 
  0.917      0.928      0.141E-01   0.293E-3 3.         1.        1063500200048 
  0.928      0.940      0.146E-01   0.294E-3 3.         1.        1063500200049 
  0.940      0.952      0.153E-01   0.312E-3 3.         1.        1063500200050 
  0.952      0.964      0.129E-01   0.264E-3 3.         1.        1063500200051 
  0.964      0.976      0.137E-01   0.287E-3 3.         1.        1063500200052 
  0.976      0.989      0.140E-01   0.292E-3 3.         1.        1063500200053 
  0.989      1.00       0.148E-01   0.295E-3 3.         1.        1063500200054 
  1.00       1.01       0.143E-01   0.292E-3 3.         1.        1063500200055 
  1.01       1.03       0.135E-01   0.272E-3 3.         1.        1063500200056 
  1.03       1.04       0.144E-01   0.292E-3 3.         1.        1063500200057 
  1.04       1.06       0.164E-01   0.311E-3 3.         1.        1063500200058 
  1.06       1.07       0.185E-01   0.324E-3 3.         1.        1063500200059 
  1.07       1.08       0.199E-01   0.314E-3 3.         1.        1063500200060 
  1.08       1.10       0.226E-01   0.363E-3 3.         1.        1063500200061 
  1.10       1.11       0.253E-01   0.386E-3 3.         1.        1063500200062 
  1.11       1.13       0.284E-01   0.413E-3 3.         1.        1063500200063 
  1.13       1.15       0.292E-01   0.395E-3 3.         1.        1063500200064 
  1.15       1.16       0.353E-01   0.464E-3 3.         1.        1063500200065 
  1.16       1.18       0.362E-01   0.463E-3 3.         1.        1063500200066 
  1.18       1.19       0.363E-01   0.458E-3 3.         1.        1063500200067 
  1.19       1.21       0.359E-01   0.425E-3 3.         1.        1063500200068 
  1.21       1.23       0.340E-01   0.438E-3 3.         1.        1063500200069 
  1.23       1.25       0.348E-01   0.450E-3 3.         1.        1063500200070 
  1.25       1.26       0.400E-01   0.481E-3 3.         1.        1063500200071 
  1.26       1.28       0.480E-01   0.536E-3 3.         1.        1063500200072 
  1.28       1.30       0.552E-01   0.555E-3 3.         1.        1063500200073 
  1.30       1.32       0.662E-01   0.643E-3 3.         1.        1063500200074 
  1.32       1.34       0.772E-01   0.690E-3 3.         1.        1063500200075 
  1.34       1.36       0.922E-01   0.768E-3 3.         1.        1063500200076 
  1.36       1.38       0.116       0.852E-3 3.         1.        1063500200077 
  1.38       1.40       0.151       0.105E-2 3.         1.        1063500200078 
  1.40       1.43       0.177       0.112E-2 3.         1.        1063500200079 
  1.43       1.45       0.218       0.131E-2 3.         1.        1063500200080 
  1.45       1.47       0.253       0.139E-2 3.         1.        1063500200081 
  1.47       1.49       0.278       0.153E-2 3.         1.        1063500200082 
  1.49       1.52       0.289       0.154E-2 3.         1.        1063500200083 
  1.52       1.54       0.302       0.163E-2 1.         1.        1063500200084 
  1.54       1.57       0.310       0.159E-2 1.         1.        1063500200085 
  1.57       1.59       0.328       0.172E-2 1.         1.        1063500200086 
  1.59       1.62       0.338       0.175E-2 1.         1.        1063500200087 
  1.62       1.65       0.346       0.181E-2 1.         1.        1063500200088 
  1.65       1.67       0.345       0.186E-2 1.         1.        1063500200089 
  1.67       1.70       0.358       0.186E-2 1.         1.        1063500200090 
  1.70       1.73       0.369       0.193E-2 1.         1.        1063500200091 
  1.73       1.76       0.377       0.201E-2 1.         1.        1063500200092 
  1.76       1.79       0.383       0.191E-2 1.         1.        1063500200093 
  1.79       1.82       0.393       0.203E-2 1.         1.        1063500200094 
  1.82       1.86       0.404       0.202E-2 1.         1.        1063500200095 
  1.86       1.89       0.415       0.213E-2 1.         1.        1063500200096 
  1.89       1.92       0.421       0.222E-2 1.         1.        1063500200097 
  1.92       1.96       0.419       0.215E-2 1.         1.        1063500200098 
  1.96       1.99       0.423       0.218E-2 1.         1.        1063500200099 
  1.99       2.03       0.423       0.227E-2 1.         1.        1063500200100 
  2.03       2.07       0.424       0.232E-2 1.         1.        1063500200101 
  2.07       2.11       0.433       0.229E-2 1.         1.        1063500200102 
  2.11       2.15       0.438       0.239E-2 1.         1.        1063500200103 
  2.15       2.19       0.438       0.236E-2 1.         1.        1063500200104 
  2.19       2.23       0.439       0.243E-2 1.         1.        1063500200105 
  2.23       2.28       0.441       0.249E-2 1.         1.        1063500200106 
  2.28       2.32       0.438       0.244E-2 1.         1.        1063500200107 
  2.32       2.37       0.434       0.243E-2 1.         1.        1063500200108 
  2.37       2.41       0.436       0.255E-2 1.         1.        1063500200109 
  2.41       2.46       0.437       0.255E-2 1.         1.        1063500200110 
  2.46       2.52       0.439       0.257E-2 1.         1.        1063500200111 
  2.52       2.57       0.436       0.258E-2 1.         1.        1063500200112 
  2.57       2.62       0.439       0.270E-2 1.         1.        1063500200113 
  2.62       2.68       0.438       0.275E-2 1.         1.        1063500200114 
  2.68       2.74       0.437       0.271E-2 1.         1.        1063500200115 
  2.74       2.79       0.434       0.279E-2 1.         1.        1063500200116 
  2.79       2.86       0.435       0.285E-2 1.         1.        1063500200117 
  2.86       2.92       0.435       0.292E-2 1.         1.        1063500200118 
  2.92       2.99       0.428       0.293E-2 1.         1.        1063500200119 
  2.99       3.05       0.432       0.279E-2 1.         1.        1063500200120 
  3.05       3.12       0.440       0.300E-2 1.         1.        1063500200121 
  3.12       3.20       0.435       0.298E-2 1.         1.        1063500200122 
  3.20       3.27       0.443       0.309E-2 1.         1.        1063500200123 
  3.27       3.35       0.449       0.308E-2 1.         1.        1063500200124 
  3.35       3.43       0.453       0.312E-2 1.         1.        1063500200125 
  3.43       3.51       0.463       0.328E-2 1.         1.        1063500200126 
  3.51       3.60       0.470       0.335E-2 1.         1.        1063500200127 
  3.60       3.69       0.477       0.333E-2 1.         1.        1063500200128 
  3.69       3.78       0.475       0.334E-2 1.         1.        1063500200129 
  3.78       3.88       0.479       0.343E-2 1.         1.        1063500200130 
  3.88       3.98       0.489       0.353E-2 1.         1.        1063500200131 
  3.98       4.09       0.493       0.348E-2 1.         1.        1063500200132 
  4.09       4.20       0.489       0.344E-2 1.         1.        1063500200133 
  4.20       4.31       0.492       0.355E-2 1.         1.        1063500200134 
  4.31       4.43       0.499       0.366E-2 1.         1.        1063500200135 
  4.43       4.55       0.502       0.365E-2 1.         1.        1063500200136 
  4.55       4.68       0.501       0.347E-2 1.         1.        1063500200137 
  4.68       4.82       0.504       0.365E-2 1.         1.        1063500200138 
  4.82       4.96       0.512       0.370E-2 1.         1.        1063500200139 
  4.96       5.10       0.513       0.373E-2 1.         1.        1063500200140 
  5.10       5.25       0.518       0.358E-2 1.         1.        1063500200141 
  5.25       5.41       0.520       0.378E-2 1.         1.        1063500200142 
  5.41       5.58       0.529       0.381E-2 1.         1.        1063500200143 
  5.58       5.76       0.529       0.377E-2 1.         1.        1063500200144 
  5.76       5.94       0.555       0.366E-2 1.         1.        1063500200145 
  5.94       6.13       0.561       0.374E-2 1.         1.        1063500200146 
  6.13       6.33       0.588       0.373E-2 1.         1.        1063500200147 
  6.33       6.55       0.605       0.367E-2 1.         1.        1063500200148 
  6.55       6.77       0.622       0.352E-2 1.         2.        1063500200149 
  6.77       7.00       0.616       0.337E-2 1.         2.        1063500200150 
  7.00       7.25       0.602       0.337E-2 1.         2.        1063500200151 
  7.25       7.51       0.593       0.334E-2 1.         2.        1063500200152 
  7.51       7.79       0.570       0.323E-2 1.         2.        1063500200153 
  7.79       8.08       0.567       0.310E-2 1.         2.        1063500200154 
  8.08       8.38       0.570       0.341E-2 1.         1.        1063500200155 
  8.38       8.71       0.563       0.350E-2 1.         1.        1063500200156 
  8.71       9.05       0.570       0.367E-2 1.         1.        1063500200157 
  9.05       9.42       0.575       0.368E-2 1.         1.        1063500200158 
  9.42       9.81       0.573       0.408E-2 1.         1.        1063500200159 
  9.81      10.2        0.569       0.426E-2 1.         1.        1063500200160 
 10.2       10.7        0.572       0.447E-2 1.         1.        1063500200161 
 10.7       11.1        0.578       0.451E-2 1.         1.        1063500200162 
 11.1       11.6        0.585       0.504E-2 1.         1.        1063500200163 
 11.6       12.2        0.560       0.505E-2 1.         1.        1063500200164 
 12.2       12.7        0.541       0.502E-2 1.         1.        1063500200165 
 12.7       13.3        0.532       0.477E-2 1.         1.        1063500200166 
 13.3       14.0        0.534       0.508E-2 1.         1.        1063500200167 
 14.0       14.7        0.551       0.531E-2 1.         1.        1063500200168 
 14.7       15.5        0.574       0.565E-2 1.         1.        1063500200169 
 15.5       16.3        0.598       0.591E-2 1.         1.        1063500200170 
 16.3       17.2        0.614       0.638E-2 1.         1.        1063500200171 
 17.2       18.2        0.616       0.687E-2 1.         1.        1063500200172 
 18.2       19.2        0.652       0.768E-2 1.         1.        1063500200173 
 19.2       20.4        0.691       0.848E-2 1.         1.        1063500200174 
 20.4       21.7        0.723       0.862E-2 1.         1.        1063500200175 
 21.7       23.1        0.746       0.983E-2 1.         1.        1063500200176 
 23.1       24.6        0.735       0.102E-1 1.         1.        1063500200177 
ENDDATA            151          0                                 1063500200178 
ENDSUBENT          177          0                                 1063500299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 1063599999999