ENTRY            10737   20140413                             14011073700000001 
SUBENT        10737001   20140413                             14011073700100001 
BIB                  8         15                                 1073700100002 
INSTITUTE  (1USALAS,2SWDLND,2SWDUPP)                              1073700100003 
REFERENCE  (J,NP/A,295,256,197801)                                1073700100004 
AUTHOR     (I.Bergqvist,B.Palsson,L.Nilsson,A.Lindholm,D.M.Drake, 1073700100005 
           E.Arthur,D.K.Mc Daniels,P.Varghese)                    1073700100006 
TITLE      Radiactive capture of fast neutrons by 89Y and 140Ce   1073700100007 
FACILITY   (VDGT,1USALAS)                                         1073700100008 
COMMENT    From Dr. P.Johnson: "... the principal objective of    1073700100009 
           the measurements, is now compiled as 21295, I suggest  1073700100010 
           you delete Entry 10737..."                             1073700100011 
STATUS     (COREL,21295001) Data from Studsvik and Uppsala        1073700100012 
HISTORY    (19790821C)                                            1073700100013 
           (19800812D) subentries deleted.  See an 21295.         1073700100014 
           (20071109A) reference corrected                        1073700100015 
           (20090910A) VM:Updated to new date formats,lower case. 1073700100016 
           (20140413U) SD: Comment from Dr. P.Johnson added.      1073700100017 
ENDBIB              15          0                                 1073700100018 
COMMON               3          3                                 1073700100019 
ANG        EN-MIN     EN-MAX                                      1073700100020 
ADEG       MEV        MEV                                         1073700100021 
 90.        6.2        15.6                                       1073700100022 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 1073700100023 
ENDSUBENT           22          0                                 1073700199999 
NOSUBENT      10737002   19800812                             13551073700200001 
NOSUBENT      10737003   19800812                             13551073700300001 
NOSUBENT      10737004   19800812                             13551073700400001 
NOSUBENT      10737005   19800812                             13551073700500001 
ENDENTRY             5          0                                 1073799999999