ENTRY            10794   20101022                             13681079400000001 
SUBENT        10794001   20101022                             13681079400100001 
BIB                 12         19                                 1079400100002 
INSTITUTE  (1USAAUB)                                              1079400100003 
REFERENCE  (J,DA/B,33,4954,197304)                                1079400100004 
           (T,MOORE,197212)                                       1079400100005 
AUTHOR     (J.D.M.Moore)                                          1079400100006 
TITLE      Neutron differential elastic scattering cross sections 1079400100007 
            for deuterium at selected neutron energies            1079400100008 
INC-SOURCE (D-T) Tritons on deuterium                             1079400100009 
SAMPLE     50% deuterated benzene                                 1079400100010 
DETECTOR   (SCIN) Liquid scintillator.                            1079400100011 
METHOD     (TOF) Scattered neutrons selected by flight            1079400100012 
            times. Neutron gamma discrimination                   1079400100013 
            provided by electronic pulse shape selection.         1079400100014 
CORRECTION Data corrected for detector efficiency and out-        1079400100015 
            scattering                                            1079400100016 
ERR-ANALYS No information on uncertainties.                       1079400100017 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data taken from tables in thesis.              1079400100018 
HISTORY    (19781024C)                                            1079400100019 
           (20101022A) VM:Updated to new date formats,lower case. 1079400100020 
                       BIB updates.                               1079400100021 
ENDBIB              19          0                                 1079400100022 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1079400100023 
ENDSUBENT           22          0                                 1079400199999 
SUBENT        10794002   20101022                             13681079400200001 
BIB                  4          4                                 1079400200002 
REACTION   (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,DA)                                 1079400200003 
MONITOR    (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,DA)                                 1079400200004 
FLAG       (1.) Renormalized values due to accelerator failure    1079400200005 
HISTORY    (19790928U) BIB correction.                            1079400200006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 1079400200007 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1079400200008 
DATA                 5         41                                 1079400200009 
EN         ANG        DATA       MONIT      FLAG                  1079400200010 
MEV        ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR      NO-DIM                1079400200011 
 15.58      30.        74.4                                       1079400200012 
 15.58      30.        89.1                                       1079400200013 
 15.58      40.        67.9                                       1079400200014 
 15.58      50.        52.6                                       1079400200015 
 15.58      60.        40.1       50.3                            1079400200016 
 15.58      70.        29.1                                       1079400200017 
 15.58      80.        16.3                                       1079400200018 
 15.58      90.        23.9                                       1079400200019 
 15.83      30.        75.2                                       1079400200020 
 15.83      30.        82.9                  1.                   1079400200021 
 15.83      40.        62.5                                       1079400200022 
 15.83      50.        49.6                                       1079400200023 
 15.83      60.        34.1       49.5                            1079400200024 
 15.83      70.        24.5                                       1079400200025 
 15.83      70.        24.5                  1.                   1079400200026 
 15.83      80.        14.8                  1.                   1079400200027 
 15.83      90.        23.9                  1.                   1079400200028 
 16.31      30.        55.3                                       1079400200029 
 16.31      30.        63.0                                       1079400200030 
 16.31      40.        58.1                                       1079400200031 
 16.31      50.        45.4                                       1079400200032 
 16.31      60.        31.2       48.0                            1079400200033 
 16.31      70.        23.5                                       1079400200034 
 16.31      80.        12.3                                       1079400200035 
 16.31      90.        17.7                                       1079400200036 
 16.75      30.        56.5                                       1079400200037 
 16.75      30.        54.7                                       1079400200038 
 16.75      40.        51.7                                       1079400200039 
 16.75      50.        40.1                                       1079400200040 
 16.75      60.        30.4       46.7                            1079400200041 
 16.75      70.        18.5                                       1079400200042 
 16.75      80.        12.0                                       1079400200043 
 16.75      90.         9.4                                       1079400200044 
 17.54      30.        53.2                                       1079400200045 
 17.54      30.        54.4                                       1079400200046 
 17.54      40.        51.9                                       1079400200047 
 17.54      50.        37.7                                       1079400200048 
 17.54      60.        28.6       44.5                            1079400200049 
 17.54      70.        18.8                                       1079400200050 
 17.54      80.        10.5                                       1079400200051 
 17.54      90.        15.5                                       1079400200052 
ENDDATA             43          0                                 1079400200053 
ENDSUBENT           52          0                                 1079400299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 1079499999999