ENTRY 10822 20230622 15061082200000001 SUBENT 10822001 20230622 15061082200100001 BIB 10 18 1082200100002 TITLE Nonstatistical effects in the 4s giant resonance 1082200100003 AUTHOR (S.F.Mughabghab,M.R.Bhat,G.A.Bartholomew,R.E.Chrien, 1082200100004 G.W.Cole, O.A.Wasson,G.G.Slaughter) 1082200100005 REFERENCE (C,72BUD,,214,1972) Main publication. 1082200100006 (J,BAP,17,580(JF3),197204) 1082200100007 INSTITUTE (1USAORL,1USABNL) 1082200100008 FACILITY (LINAC,1USAORL) 1082200100009 DETECTOR (GELI) 30-cc Ge-Li detector. 1082200100010 METHOD (TRN) Up to 48m station. 1082200100011 ANALYSIS The spins of neutron resonances were determined by 1082200100012 examination of the low-energy gamma rays. 1082200100013 STATUS (APRVD) Approved by S.F.Mughabghab, 1982/1/7. 1082200100014 HISTORY (19811116C) 1082200100015 (20230622A) BP: Updated to new date formats, lower 1082200100016 case. Corrections according last EXFOR rules and 1082200100017 Dict. Entry was updated to reflect Budapest 1082200100018 conference as the main publication. Added METHOD, 1082200100019 corrected ANALYSIS, included subentry 3. 1082200100020 ENDBIB 18 0 1082200100021 NOCOMMON 0 0 1082200100022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 1082200199999 SUBENT 10822002 20230622 15061082200200001 BIB 2 3 1082200200002 REACTION (66-DY-163(N,0),,J) 1082200200003 STATUS (TABLE,,S.F.Mughabghab+,C,72BUD,,214,1972) 1082200200004 page 214 of C,72BUD,,214,1972. 1082200200005 ENDBIB 3 0 1082200200006 NOCOMMON 0 0 1082200200007 DATA 2 38 1082200200008 EN-RES DATA 1082200200009 EV NO-DIM 1082200200010 16.2 3. 1082200200011 19.6 3. 1082200200012 35.7 2. 1082200200013 50.0 3. 1082200200014 55.7 3. 1082200200015 58.8 2. 1082200200016 66.0 3. 1082200200017 71.3 2. 1082200200018 72.3 3. 1082200200019 75.2 2. 1082200200020 78.7 2. 1082200200021 85.9 3. 1082200200022 93.9 3. 1082200200023 105.9 3. 1082200200024 106.7 2. 1082200200025 120. 3. 1082200200026 128. 3. 1082200200027 136. 3. 1082200200028 143. 2. 1082200200029 146. 2. 1082200200030 148. 2. 1082200200031 156. 2. 1082200200032 164. 3. 1082200200033 178. 3. 1082200200034 186. 3. 1082200200035 189. 2. 1082200200036 204. 2. 1082200200037 207. 3. 1082200200038 215. 3. 1082200200039 225. 2. 1082200200040 235. 3. 1082200200041 253. 3. 1082200200042 263. 3. 1082200200043 270. 3. 1082200200044 277. 2. 1082200200045 283. 3. 1082200200046 291. 2. 1082200200047 299. 2. 1082200200048 ENDDATA 40 0 1082200200049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 1082200299999 SUBENT 10822003 20230615 15061082200300001 BIB 3 4 1082200300002 REACTION (70-YB-173(N,0),,J) 1082200300003 STATUS (TABLE,,S.F.Mughabghab+,C,72BUD,,214,1972) 1082200300004 page 214 of C,72BUD,,214,1972. 1082200300005 HISTORY (20230622C) BP 1082200300006 ENDBIB 4 0 1082200300007 NOCOMMON 0 0 1082200300008 DATA 2 1 1082200300009 EN-RES DATA 1082200300010 EV NO-DIM 1082200300011 105.0 2. 1082200300012 ENDDATA 3 0 1082200300013 ENDSUBENT 12 0 1082200399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 1082299999999