ENTRY 10827 20230707 15071082700000001 SUBENT 10827001 20230707 15071082700100001 BIB 11 42 1082700100002 INSTITUTE (1USALRL) 1082700100003 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,19,2127,1979) 1082700100004 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.19.2127 1082700100005 (C,80BNL,1,245,198007) Updated values. 1082700100006 AUTHOR (S.M.Grimes,R.C.Haight,K.R.Alvar,H.H.Barschall, 1082700100007 R.R.Borchers) 1082700100008 TITLE Charged particle emission in reactions of 15-MeV 1082700100009 neutrons with isotopes of chromium, iron, nickel, and 1082700100010 copper. 1082700100011 INC-SOURCE (D-T) 400-keV deuterons on rotating titanium tritide 1082700100012 target 1082700100013 SAMPLE 2.5-cm diameter foil with diaphragm to avoid 1082700100014 contaminants from foil holders. 1082700100015 METHOD Triple lens magnetic quadrupole spectrometer used. 1082700100016 Different reaction angles obtained by moving transport1082700100017 system along its axis. Nine different current settings1082700100018 used for magnets to cover energy range of emitted 1082700100019 particles 1082700100020 DETECTOR (MAGSP) Triple lens magnetic quadrupole spectrometer 1082700100021 (SIBAR) Pair of silicon surface barrier detectors, 15 1082700100022 and 1500 micro-meters thick, spaced 19-mm apart. 1082700100023 CORRECTION Energy spectra corrected for energy loss in target foil1082700100024 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1,,3.) polyethylene stopping power (<3%), 1082700100025 (ERR-2) solid angle of target to neutron source ratio 1082700100026 for CH2 or CD2 compared to that of sample foils (8%),1082700100027 (ERR-3) target foil thickness errors (2.5%) 1082700100028 Other sources are described in Subents. 1082700100029 Combined errors were 11-15% for protons, 15-20% for 1082700100030 alpha particles, and 20-30% for deuterons. 1082700100031 HISTORY (19790605C) 1082700100032 (19820819A) REFERENCE update, BIB corrections. 1082700100033 (19830830A) BIB corrections. 1082700100034 (19860422A) BIB updates. 1082700100035 (19860709A) BIB updated, SUBENTS 71-103 added. 1082700100036 (20030602A) Converted to new date formats. 1082700100037 (20091012A) Added subents 104-128, digitized from 1082700100038 reference PR/C 1082700100039 (20110731A) SD: DOI was corrected. Values of ERR-ANALYS1082700100040 added to COMMON in appropriate Subents according to 1082700100041 new EXFOR rules. STATUS moved to the Subents 002-128. 1082700100042 Subent 112 deleted - duplication with 111. 1082700100043 (20230526A) OS. Correction in sub.17 1082700100044 ENDBIB 42 0 1082700100045 COMMON 3 3 1082700100046 EN ERR-2 ERR-3 1082700100047 MEV PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082700100048 14.8 8. 2.5 1082700100049 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082700100050 ENDSUBENT 49 0 1082700199999 SUBENT 10827002 20110731 13741082700200001 BIB 6 15 1082700200002 REACTION (24-CR-50(N,X)1-H-1,PAR,SIG) 1082700200003 SAMPLE (24-CR-50,ENR=0.959) Sample is 3.5 milli-gms/sq-cm 1082700200004 thick, enriched to 95.9% 50Cr. 1082700200005 MONITOR (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,SIG) Neutrons on thick polyethylene 1082700200006 radiator 1082700200007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082700200008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082700200009 (MONIT-ERR,,1.) elastic cross sections from 1082700200010 hydrogen (<1%),1082700200011 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082700200012 polynomial fit (7% for protons). 1082700200013 STATUS (TABLE) from private comm., Grimes, 1979/5. 1082700200014 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082700200015 HISTORY (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082700200016 from Subent 001. 1082700200017 ENDBIB 15 0 1082700200018 COMMON 1 3 1082700200019 DATA-ERR 1082700200020 PER-CENT 1082700200021 7. 1082700200022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082700200023 DATA 4 28 1082700200024 E-MIN E-MAX DATA ERR-T 1082700200025 MEV MEV MB MB 1082700200026 1. 1.5 12.7 2. 1082700200027 1.5 2.0 64.7 9. 1082700200028 2.0 2.5 76.3 9. 1082700200029 2.5 3.0 111.0 14. 1082700200030 3.0 3.5 105.0 13. 1082700200031 3.5 4.0 69.0 9. 1082700200032 4.0 4.5 64.7 8. 1082700200033 4.5 5.0 49.5 7. 1082700200034 5.0 5.5 44.4 7. 1082700200035 5.5 6.0 42.5 7. 1082700200036 6.0 6.5 35.3 6.5 1082700200037 6.5 7.0 31.7 6. 1082700200038 7.0 7.5 22.0 5.5 1082700200039 7.5 8.0 24.0 5.5 1082700200040 8.0 8.5 18.7 4.5 1082700200041 8.5 9.0 15.0 4. 1082700200042 9.0 9.5 11.1 3. 1082700200043 9.5 10.0 9.5 3. 1082700200044 10.0 10.5 6.9 2.5 1082700200045 10.5 11.0 5.2 2.0 1082700200046 11.0 11.5 3.7 1.5 1082700200047 11.5 12.0 3.8 1.5 1082700200048 12.0 12.5 1.8 1082700200049 12.5 13.0 2.0 1082700200050 13.0 13.5 1.0 1082700200051 13.5 14.0 0.6 1082700200052 14.0 14.5 0.6 1082700200053 14.5 15.0 0.4 1082700200054 ENDDATA 30 0 1082700200055 ENDSUBENT 54 0 1082700299999 SUBENT 10827003 20110731 13741082700300001 BIB 6 17 1082700300002 REACTION (24-CR-50(N,X)1-H-1,,SIG) 1082700300003 SAMPLE (24-CR-50,ENR=0.959) Sample is 3.5 milli-gms/sq-cm 1082700300004 thick, enriched to 95.9% 50Cr. 1082700300005 MONITOR (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,SIG) Neutrons on thick polyethylene 1082700300006 radiator. 1082700300007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082700300008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082700300009 (MONIT-ERR,,1.) elastic cross sections from 1082700300010 hydrogen (<1%),1082700300011 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082700300012 polynomial fit (7% for protons). 1082700300013 STATUS (DEP,10827002) 1082700300014 (TABLE) tbl. III from PR/C,19,2127,1979 1082700300015 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082700300016 HISTORY (19820819A) DATA correction. 1082700300017 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS added according to new 1082700300018 EXFOR rules. 1082700300019 ENDBIB 17 0 1082700300020 COMMON 1 3 1082700300021 DATA-ERR 1082700300022 PER-CENT 1082700300023 7. 1082700300024 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082700300025 DATA 2 1 1082700300026 DATA ERR-T 1082700300027 MB MB 1082700300028 830. 100. 1082700300029 ENDDATA 3 0 1082700300030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 1082700399999 SUBENT 10827004 20110731 13741082700400001 BIB 6 17 1082700400002 REACTION (24-CR-50(N,X)2-HE-4,PAR,SIG) 1082700400003 SAMPLE (24-CR-50,ENR=0.959) Sample is 3.5 milli-gms/sq-cm 1082700400004 thick, enriched to 95.9% 50Cr. 1082700400005 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082700400006 radiator 1082700400007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082700400008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082700400009 (MONIT-ERR) uncertainty in elastic cross sections 1082700400010 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082700400011 polynomial fit (7% for alphas). 1082700400012 (ERR-5) Additional 4% error included to account for 1082700400013 increased uncertainty in using deuteron transmission 1082700400014 functions for alphas. 1082700400015 STATUS (TABLE) from private comm., Grimes, 1979/5. 1082700400016 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082700400017 HISTORY (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082700400018 from Subent 001. 1082700400019 ENDBIB 17 0 1082700400020 COMMON 3 3 1082700400021 DATA-ERR ERR-5 MONIT-ERR 1082700400022 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082700400023 7. 4. 10. 1082700400024 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082700400025 DATA 4 23 1082700400026 E-MIN E-MAX DATA ERR-T 1082700400027 MEV MEV MB MB 1082700400028 4.0 4.5 0.2 0.1 1082700400029 4.5 5.0 1.0 0.3 1082700400030 5.0 5.5 2.4 0.5 1082700400031 5.5 6.0 4.1 0.6 1082700400032 6.0 6.5 7.3 1.0 1082700400033 6.5 7.0 8.7 1.4 1082700400034 7.0 7.5 11.1 1.6 1082700400035 7.5 8.0 10.9 1.6 1082700400036 8.0 8.5 8.3 1.4 1082700400037 8.5 9.0 8.9 1.5 1082700400038 9.0 9.5 8.4 1.5 1082700400039 9.5 10.0 5.7 0.9 1082700400040 10.0 10.5 4.8 0.65 1082700400041 10.5 11.0 3.8 0.6 1082700400042 11.0 11.5 2.1 0.5 1082700400043 11.5 12.0 1.9 0.4 1082700400044 12.0 12.5 1.1 0.4 1082700400045 12.5 13.0 0.6 0.25 1082700400046 13.0 13.5 1.0 0.4 1082700400047 13.5 14.0 0.5 0.2 1082700400048 14.0 14.5 0.9 0.4 1082700400049 14.5 15.0 0.3 0.2 1082700400050 15.0 15.5 0.2 0.15 1082700400051 ENDDATA 25 0 1082700400052 ENDSUBENT 51 0 1082700499999 SUBENT 10827005 20110731 13741082700500001 BIB 6 18 1082700500002 REACTION (24-CR-50(N,X)2-HE-4,,SIG) 1082700500003 SAMPLE (24-CR-50,ENR=0.959) Sample is 3.5 milli-gms/sq-cm 1082700500004 thick, enriched to 95.9% 50Cr. 1082700500005 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082700500006 radiator 1082700500007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082700500008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082700500009 (MONIT-ERR) uncertainty in elastic cross sections 1082700500010 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082700500011 polynomial fit (7% for alphas). 1082700500012 (ERR-5) Additional 4% error included to account for 1082700500013 increased uncertainty in using deuteron transmission 1082700500014 functions for alphas. 1082700500015 STATUS (DEP,10827004) 1082700500016 (TABLE) tbl. III from PR/C,19,2127,1979 1082700500017 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082700500018 HISTORY (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082700500019 from Subent 001. 1082700500020 ENDBIB 18 0 1082700500021 COMMON 3 3 1082700500022 DATA-ERR ERR-5 MONIT-ERR 1082700500023 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082700500024 7. 4. 10. 1082700500025 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082700500026 DATA 2 1 1082700500027 DATA ERR-T 1082700500028 MB MB 1082700500029 94. 15. 1082700500030 ENDDATA 3 0 1082700500031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 1082700599999 SUBENT 10827006 20110731 13741082700600001 BIB 6 14 1082700600002 REACTION (24-CR-50(N,D)23-V-49,PAR,SIG) 1082700600003 SAMPLE (24-CR-50,ENR=0.959) Sample is 3.5 milli-gms/sq-cm 1082700600004 thick, enriched to 95.9% 50Cr. 1082700600005 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082700600006 radiator 1082700600007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082700600008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082700600009 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082700600010 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082700600011 polynomial fit (15% for deuterons). 1082700600012 STATUS (TABLE) from private comm., Grimes, 1979/5. 1082700600013 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082700600014 HISTORY (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082700600015 from Subent 001. 1082700600016 ENDBIB 14 0 1082700600017 COMMON 2 3 1082700600018 MONIT-ERR DATA-ERR 1082700600019 PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082700600020 10. 15. 1082700600021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082700600022 DATA 4 11 1082700600023 E-MIN E-MAX DATA ERR-T 1082700600024 MEV MEV MB MB 1082700600025 2.0 2.5 0.25 0.15 1082700600026 2.5 3.0 0.45 0.15 1082700600027 3.0 3.5 0.7 0.3 1082700600028 3.5 4.0 0.8 0.3 1082700600029 4.0 4.5 0.55 0.2 1082700600030 4.5 5.0 0.95 0.3 1082700600031 5.0 5.5 1.3 0.35 1082700600032 5.5 6.0 1.6 0.5 1082700600033 6.0 6.5 2.1 0.6 1082700600034 6.5 7.0 1.25 0.35 1082700600035 7.0 7.5 2.5 0.6 1082700600036 ENDDATA 13 0 1082700600037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 1082700699999 SUBENT 10827007 20110731 13741082700700001 BIB 6 16 1082700700002 REACTION (24-CR-50(N,D)23-V-49,,SIG) 1082700700003 SAMPLE (24-CR-50,ENR=0.959) Sample is 3.5 milli-gms/sq-cm 1082700700004 thick, enriched to 95.9% 50Cr. 1082700700005 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082700700006 radiator 1082700700007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082700700008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082700700009 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082700700010 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082700700011 polynomial fit (15% for deuterons). 1082700700012 STATUS (DEP,10827006) 1082700700013 (TABLE) tbl. III from PR/C,19,2127,1979 1082700700014 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082700700015 HISTORY (19820819A) DATA correction. 1082700700016 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082700700017 from Subent 001. 1082700700018 ENDBIB 16 0 1082700700019 COMMON 2 3 1082700700020 MONIT-ERR DATA-ERR 1082700700021 PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082700700022 10. 15. 1082700700023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082700700024 DATA 2 1 1082700700025 DATA ERR-T 1082700700026 MB MB 1082700700027 12. 4. 1082700700028 ENDDATA 3 0 1082700700029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 1082700799999 SUBENT 10827008 20110731 13741082700800001 BIB 6 15 1082700800002 REACTION (24-CR-52(N,X)1-H-1,PAR,SIG) 1082700800003 SAMPLE (24-CR-52,ENR=0.999) Sample is 2.1 milli-gms/sq-cm 1082700800004 thick, enriched to 99.9% 52Cr. 1082700800005 MONITOR (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,SIG) Neutrons on thick polyethylene 1082700800006 radiator 1082700800007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082700800008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082700800009 (MONIT-ERR,,1.) elastic cross sections from 1082700800010 hydrogen (<1%), 1082700800011 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082700800012 polynomial fit (7% for protons). 1082700800013 STATUS (TABLE) from private comm., Grimes, 1979/5. 1082700800014 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082700800015 HISTORY (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082700800016 from Subent 001. 1082700800017 ENDBIB 15 0 1082700800018 COMMON 1 3 1082700800019 DATA-ERR 1082700800020 PER-CENT 1082700800021 7. 1082700800022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082700800023 DATA 4 22 1082700800024 E-MIN E-MAX DATA ERR-T 1082700800025 MEV MEV MB MB 1082700800026 1.0 1.5 3.5 0.5 1082700800027 1.5 2.0 16.2 2.0 1082700800028 2.0 2.5 17.3 2.1 1082700800029 2.5 3.0 15.2 2.0 1082700800030 3.0 3.5 19.0 2.2 1082700800031 3.5 4.0 14.5 2.0 1082700800032 4.0 4.5 11.4 1.8 1082700800033 4.5 5.0 12.4 1.8 1082700800034 5.0 5.5 10.8 1.6 1082700800035 5.5 6.0 10.6 1.6 1082700800036 6.0 6.5 8.8 1.5 1082700800037 6.5 7.0 9.5 1.5 1082700800038 7.0 7.5 7.1 1.4 1082700800039 7.5 8.0 5.4 1.4 1082700800040 8.0 8.5 4.2 1.2 1082700800041 8.5 9.0 4.1 1.2 1082700800042 9.0 9.5 2.8 0.8 1082700800043 9.5 10.0 2.25 0.7 1082700800044 10.0 10.5 1.95 0.7 1082700800045 10.5 11.0 1.4 0.5 1082700800046 11.0 11.5 1.1 0.6 1082700800047 11.5 12.0 0.6 0.25 1082700800048 ENDDATA 24 0 1082700800049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 1082700899999 SUBENT 10827009 20110731 13741082700900001 BIB 6 16 1082700900002 REACTION (24-CR-52(N,X)1-H-1,,SIG) 1082700900003 SAMPLE (24-CR-52,ENR=0.999) Sample is 2.1 milli-gms/sq-cm 1082700900004 thick, enriched to 99.9% 52Cr. 1082700900005 MONITOR (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,SIG) Neutrons on thick polyethylene 1082700900006 radiator 1082700900007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082700900008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082700900009 (MONIT-ERR,,1.) elastic cross sections from 1082700900010 hydrogen (<1%), 1082700900011 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082700900012 polynomial fit (7% for protons). 1082700900013 STATUS (DEP,10827008) 1082700900014 (TABLE) tbl. III from PR/C,19,2127,1979 1082700900015 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082700900016 HISTORY (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082700900017 from Subent 001. 1082700900018 ENDBIB 16 0 1082700900019 COMMON 1 3 1082700900020 DATA-ERR 1082700900021 PER-CENT 1082700900022 7. 1082700900023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082700900024 DATA 2 1 1082700900025 DATA ERR-T 1082700900026 MB MB 1082700900027 180. 25. 1082700900028 ENDDATA 3 0 1082700900029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 1082700999999 SUBENT 10827010 20110731 13741082701000001 BIB 6 17 1082701000002 REACTION (24-CR-52(N,X)2-HE-4,PAR,SIG) 1082701000003 SAMPLE (24-CR-52,ENR=0.999) Sample is 2.1 milli-gms/sq-cm 1082701000004 thick, enriched to 99.9% 52Cr. 1082701000005 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082701000006 radiator 1082701000007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082701000008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082701000009 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082701000010 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082701000011 polynomial fit (7% for alphas). 1082701000012 (ERR-5) Additional 4% error included to account for 1082701000013 increased uncertainty in using deuteron transmission 1082701000014 functions for alphas. 1082701000015 STATUS (TABLE) from private comm., Grimes, 1979/5. 1082701000016 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082701000017 HISTORY (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082701000018 from Subent 001. 1082701000019 ENDBIB 17 0 1082701000020 COMMON 3 3 1082701000021 DATA-ERR ERR-5 MONIT-ERR 1082701000022 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082701000023 7. 4. 10. 1082701000024 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082701000025 DATA 4 20 1082701000026 E-MIN E-MAX DATA ERR-T 1082701000027 MEV MEV MB MB 1082701000028 4.0 4.5 0.3 0.15 1082701000029 4.5 5.0 0.5 0.2 1082701000030 5.0 5.5 1.1 0.3 1082701000031 5.5 6.0 2.1 0.4 1082701000032 6.0 6.5 1.7 0.4 1082701000033 6.5 7.0 2.9 0.5 1082701000034 7.0 7.5 4.7 0.65 1082701000035 7.5 8.0 3.7 0.6 1082701000036 8.0 8.5 3.9 0.6 1082701000037 8.5 9.0 3.4 0.5 1082701000038 9.0 9.5 2.1 0.4 1082701000039 9.5 10.0 2.4 0.4 1082701000040 10.0 10.5 1.7 0.4 1082701000041 10.5 11.0 1.25 0.3 1082701000042 11.0 11.5 1.00 0.25 1082701000043 11.5 12.0 1.3 0.3 1082701000044 12.0 12.5 0.4 0.2 1082701000045 12.5 13.0 1.2 0.4 1082701000046 13.0 13.5 0.4 0.2 1082701000047 13.5 14.0 0.2 0.15 1082701000048 ENDDATA 22 0 1082701000049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 1082701099999 SUBENT 10827011 20110731 13741082701100001 BIB 6 18 1082701100002 REACTION (24-CR-52(N,X)2-HE-4,,SIG) 1082701100003 SAMPLE (24-CR-52,ENR=0.999) Sample is 2.1 milli-gms/sq-cm 1082701100004 thick, enriched to 99.9% 52Cr. 1082701100005 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082701100006 radiator 1082701100007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082701100008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082701100009 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082701100010 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082701100011 polynomial fit (7% for alphas). 1082701100012 (ERR-5) Additional 4% error included to account for 1082701100013 increased uncertainty in using deuteron transmission 1082701100014 functions for alphas. 1082701100015 STATUS (DEP,10827010) 1082701100016 (TABLE) tbl. III from PR/C,19,2127,1979 1082701100017 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082701100018 HISTORY (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082701100019 from Subent 001. 1082701100020 ENDBIB 18 0 1082701100021 COMMON 3 3 1082701100022 DATA-ERR ERR-5 MONIT-ERR 1082701100023 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082701100024 7. 4. 10. 1082701100025 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082701100026 DATA 2 1 1082701100027 DATA ERR-T 1082701100028 MB MB 1082701100029 36. 6. 1082701100030 ENDDATA 3 0 1082701100031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 1082701199999 SUBENT 10827012 20110731 13741082701200001 BIB 6 14 1082701200002 REACTION (24-CR-52(N,D)23-V-51,PAR,SIG) 1082701200003 SAMPLE (24-CR-52,ENR=0.999) Sample is 2.1 milli-gms/sq-cm 1082701200004 thick, enriched to 99.9% 52Cr. 1082701200005 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082701200006 radiator 1082701200007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082701200008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082701200009 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082701200010 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082701200011 polynomial fit (15% for deuterons). 1082701200012 STATUS (TABLE) from private comm., Grimes, 1979/5. 1082701200013 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082701200014 HISTORY (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082701200015 from Subent 001. 1082701200016 ENDBIB 14 0 1082701200017 COMMON 2 3 1082701200018 MONIT-ERR DATA-ERR 1082701200019 PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082701200020 10. 15. 1082701200021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082701200022 DATA 4 11 1082701200023 E-MIN E-MAX DATA ERR-T 1082701200024 MEV MEV MB MB 1082701200025 1.5 2.0 0.2 0.15 1082701200026 2.0 2.5 0.5 0.2 1082701200027 2.5 3.0 0.7 0.25 1082701200028 3.0 3.5 0.6 0.2 1082701200029 3.5 4.0 1.0 0.3 1082701200030 4.0 4.5 0.3 0.15 1082701200031 4.5 5.0 0.9 0.3 1082701200032 5.0 5.5 0.5 0.2 1082701200033 5.5 6.0 0.3 0.15 1082701200034 6.0 6.5 1.9 0.6 1082701200035 6.5 7.0 1.4 0.45 1082701200036 ENDDATA 13 0 1082701200037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 1082701299999 SUBENT 10827013 20110731 13741082701300001 BIB 6 16 1082701300002 REACTION (24-CR-52(N,D)23-V-51,,SIG) 1082701300003 SAMPLE (24-CR-52,ENR=0.999) Sample is 2.1 milli-gms/sq-cm 1082701300004 thick, enriched to 99.9% 52Cr. 1082701300005 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082701300006 radiator 1082701300007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082701300008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082701300009 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082701300010 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082701300011 polynomial fit (15% for deuterons). 1082701300012 STATUS (DEP,10827012) 1082701300013 (TABLE) tbl. III from PR/C,19,2127,1979 1082701300014 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082701300015 HISTORY (19820819A) DATA correction. 1082701300016 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082701300017 from Subent 001. 1082701300018 ENDBIB 16 0 1082701300019 COMMON 2 3 1082701300020 MONIT-ERR DATA-ERR 1082701300021 PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082701300022 10. 15. 1082701300023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082701300024 DATA 2 1 1082701300025 DATA ERR-T 1082701300026 MB MB 1082701300027 8. 3. 1082701300028 ENDDATA 3 0 1082701300029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 1082701399999 SUBENT 10827014 20110731 13741082701400001 BIB 6 15 1082701400002 REACTION (24-CR-0(N,X)1-H-1,PAR,SIG) 1082701400003 SAMPLE Sample is 2.3 milli-gms/sq-cm thick, 4.3% 50Cr, 1082701400004 83.8% 52Cr, 9.5% 53Cr, and 2.4% 54Cr. 1082701400005 MONITOR (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,SIG) Neutrons on thick polyethylene 1082701400006 radiator 1082701400007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082701400008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082701400009 (MONIT-ERR,,1.) elastic cross sections from 1082701400010 hydrogen (<1%), 1082701400011 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082701400012 polynomial fit (7% for protons). 1082701400013 STATUS (TABLE) from private comm., Grimes, 1979/5. 1082701400014 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082701400015 HISTORY (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082701400016 from Subent 001. 1082701400017 ENDBIB 15 0 1082701400018 COMMON 1 3 1082701400019 DATA-ERR 1082701400020 PER-CENT 1082701400021 7. 1082701400022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082701400023 DATA 4 22 1082701400024 E-MIN E-MAX DATA ERR-T 1082701400025 MEV MEV MB MB 1082701400026 1.0 1.5 4.3 0.5 1082701400027 1.5 2.0 13.6 1.8 1082701400028 2.0 2.5 17.4 2.0 1082701400029 2.5 3.0 14.9 2.0 1082701400030 3.0 3.5 18.6 2.1 1082701400031 3.5 4.0 17.2 2.1 1082701400032 4.0 4.5 12.8 1.8 1082701400033 4.5 5.0 10.4 1.6 1082701400034 5.0 5.5 9.7 1.5 1082701400035 5.5 6.0 11.8 1.7 1082701400036 6.0 6.5 9.5 1.5 1082701400037 6.5 7.0 9.3 1.5 1082701400038 7.0 7.5 7.2 1.4 1082701400039 7.5 8.0 6.8 1.4 1082701400040 8.0 8.5 3.4 1.1 1082701400041 8.5 9.0 4.2 1.1 1082701400042 9.0 9.5 2.7 0.8 1082701400043 9.5 10.0 2.2 0.8 1082701400044 10.0 10.5 1.8 0.7 1082701400045 10.5 11.0 1.1 0.5 1082701400046 11.0 11.5 2.0 0.6 1082701400047 11.5 12.0 1.2 0.5 1082701400048 ENDDATA 24 0 1082701400049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 1082701499999 SUBENT 10827015 20110731 13741082701500001 BIB 6 17 1082701500002 REACTION (24-CR-0(N,X)1-H-1,,SIG) 1082701500003 SAMPLE Sample is 2.3 milli-gms/sq-cm thick, 4.3% 50Cr, 1082701500004 83.8% 52Cr, 9.5% 53Cr, and 2.4% 54Cr. 1082701500005 MONITOR (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,SIG) Neutrons on thick polyethylene 1082701500006 radiator 1082701500007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082701500008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082701500009 (MONIT-ERR,,1.) elastic cross sections from 1082701500010 hydrogen (<1%), 1082701500011 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082701500012 polynomial fit (7% for protons). 1082701500013 STATUS (DEP,10827014) 1082701500014 (TABLE) Tbl. III from PR/C,19,2127,1979 1082701500015 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082701500016 HISTORY (19820819A) DATA correction. 1082701500017 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082701500018 from Subent 001. 1082701500019 ENDBIB 17 0 1082701500020 COMMON 1 3 1082701500021 DATA-ERR 1082701500022 PER-CENT 1082701500023 7. 1082701500024 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082701500025 DATA 2 1 1082701500026 DATA ERR-T 1082701500027 MB MB 1082701500028 180. 25. 1082701500029 ENDDATA 3 0 1082701500030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 1082701599999 SUBENT 10827016 20110731 13741082701600001 BIB 6 17 1082701600002 REACTION (24-CR-0(N,X)2-HE-4,PAR,SIG) 1082701600003 SAMPLE Sample is 2.3 milli-gms/sq-cm thick, 4.3% 50Cr, 1082701600004 83.8% 52Cr, 9.5% 53Cr, and 2.4% 54Cr. 1082701600005 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082701600006 radiator 1082701600007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082701600008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082701600009 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082701600010 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082701600011 polynomial fit (7% for alphas). 1082701600012 (ERR-5) Additional 4% error included to account for 1082701600013 increased uncertainty in using deuteron transmission 1082701600014 functions for alphas. 1082701600015 STATUS (TABLE) from private comm., Grimes, 1979/5. 1082701600016 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082701600017 HISTORY (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082701600018 from Subent 001. 1082701600019 ENDBIB 17 0 1082701600020 COMMON 3 3 1082701600021 DATA-ERR ERR-5 MONIT-ERR 1082701600022 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082701600023 7. 4. 10. 1082701600024 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082701600025 DATA 4 19 1082701600026 E-MIN E-MAX DATA ERR-T 1082701600027 MEV MEV MB MB 1082701600028 4.0 4.5 0.1 0.1 1082701600029 4.5 5.0 0.4 0.2 1082701600030 5.0 5.5 0.8 0.3 1082701600031 5.5 6.0 1.9 0.5 1082701600032 6.0 6.5 2.5 0.5 1082701600033 6.5 7.0 2.85 0.5 1082701600034 7.0 7.5 3.7 0.6 1082701600035 7.5 8.0 3.8 0.6 1082701600036 8.0 8.5 3.7 0.6 1082701600037 8.5 9.0 4.3 0.7 1082701600038 9.0 9.5 2.6 0.4 1082701600039 9.5 10.0 2.4 0.4 1082701600040 10.0 10.5 2.2 0.4 1082701600041 10.5 11.0 1.3 0.3 1082701600042 11.0 11.5 1.35 0.3 1082701600043 11.5 12.0 1.0 0.25 1082701600044 12.0 12.5 0.7 0.35 1082701600045 12.5 13.0 0.9 0.4 1082701600046 13.0 13.5 1.2 0.3 1082701600047 ENDDATA 21 0 1082701600048 ENDSUBENT 47 0 1082701699999 SUBENT 10827017 20230707 15071082701700001 BIB 6 19 1082701700002 REACTION (24-CR-0(N,X)2-HE-4,,SIG) 1082701700003 SAMPLE Sample is 2.3 milli-gms/sq-cm thick, 4.3% 50Cr, 1082701700004 83.8% 52Cr, 9.5% 53Cr, and 2.4% 54Cr. 1082701700005 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082701700006 radiator 1082701700007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082701700008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082701700009 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082701700010 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082701700011 polynomial fit (7% for alphas). 1082701700012 (ERR-5) Additional 4% error included to account for 1082701700013 increased uncertainty in using deuteron transmission 1082701700014 functions for alphas. 1082701700015 STATUS (DEP,10827016) 1082701700016 (TABLE,,S.M.Grimes+,J,PR/C,19,2127,1979) Table III 1082701700017 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082701700018 HISTORY (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082701700019 from Subent 001. 1082701700020 (20230526A) DATA-ERR -> ERR-T in DATA section 1082701700021 ENDBIB 19 0 1082701700022 COMMON 3 3 1082701700023 DATA-ERR ERR-5 MONIT-ERR 1082701700024 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082701700025 7. 4. 10. 1082701700026 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082701700027 DATA 2 1 1082701700028 DATA ERR-T 1082701700029 MB MB 1082701700030 38. 6. 1082701700031 ENDDATA 3 0 1082701700032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 1082701799999 SUBENT 10827018 20110731 13741082701800001 BIB 6 14 1082701800002 REACTION (24-CR-0(N,D),PAR,SIG) 1082701800003 SAMPLE Sample is 2.3 milli-gms/sq-cm thick, 4.3% 50Cr, 1082701800004 83.8% 52Cr, 9.5% 53Cr, and 2.4% 54Cr. 1082701800005 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082701800006 radiator 1082701800007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082701800008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082701800009 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082701800010 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082701800011 polynomial fit (15% for deuterons). 1082701800012 STATUS (TABLE) from private comm., Grimes, 1979/5. 1082701800013 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082701800014 HISTORY (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082701800015 from Subent 001. 1082701800016 ENDBIB 14 0 1082701800017 COMMON 2 3 1082701800018 MONIT-ERR DATA-ERR 1082701800019 PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082701800020 10. 15. 1082701800021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082701800022 DATA 4 13 1082701800023 E-MIN E-MAX DATA ERR-T 1082701800024 MEV MEV MB MB 1082701800025 1.5 2.0 0.2 0.15 1082701800026 2.0 2.5 0.4 0.2 1082701800027 2.5 3.0 0.35 0.2 1082701800028 3.0 3.5 0.27 0.15 1082701800029 3.5 4.0 0.55 0.2 1082701800030 4.0 4.5 0.3 0.15 1082701800031 4.5 5.0 0.2 0.15 1082701800032 5.0 5.5 0.55 0.2 1082701800033 5.5 6.0 1.1 0.4 1082701800034 6.0 6.5 2.9 0.6 1082701800035 6.5 7.0 2.7 0.8 1082701800036 7.0 7.5 0.55 0.2 1082701800037 7.5 8.0 0.22 0.15 1082701800038 ENDDATA 15 0 1082701800039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 1082701899999 SUBENT 10827019 20110731 13741082701900001 BIB 6 17 1082701900002 REACTION (24-CR-0(N,D),,SIG) 1082701900003 SAMPLE Sample is 2.3 milli-gms/sq-cm thick, 4.3% 50Cr, 1082701900004 83.8% 52Cr, 9.5% 53Cr, and 2.4% 54Cr. 1082701900005 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082701900006 radiator 1082701900007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082701900008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082701900009 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082701900010 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082701900011 polynomial fit (15% for deuterons). 1082701900012 STATUS (DEP,10827018) 1082701900013 (TABLE) Partial cross sections taken from private comm.1082701900014 Grimes, 1979/5. 1082701900015 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082701900016 HISTORY (19820819A) DATA correction. 1082701900017 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082701900018 from Subent 001. 1082701900019 ENDBIB 17 0 1082701900020 COMMON 2 3 1082701900021 MONIT-ERR DATA-ERR 1082701900022 PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082701900023 10. 15. 1082701900024 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082701900025 DATA 2 1 1082701900026 DATA ERR-T 1082701900027 MB MB 1082701900028 10. 3. 1082701900029 ENDDATA 3 0 1082701900030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 1082701999999 SUBENT 10827020 20110731 13741082702000001 BIB 6 15 1082702000002 REACTION (26-FE-54(N,X)1-H-1,PAR,SIG) 1082702000003 SAMPLE (26-FE-54,ENR=0.968) Sample is 5.0 milli-gms/sq-cm 1082702000004 thick, enriched to 96.8% 54Fe. 1082702000005 MONITOR (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,SIG) Neutrons on thick polyethylene 1082702000006 radiator 1082702000007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082702000008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082702000009 (MONIT-ERR,,1.) elastic cross sections from 1082702000010 hydrogen (<1%), 1082702000011 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082702000012 polynomial fit (7% for protons). 1082702000013 STATUS (TABLE) from private comm., Grimes, 1979/5. 1082702000014 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082702000015 HISTORY (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082702000016 from Subent 001. 1082702000017 ENDBIB 15 0 1082702000018 COMMON 1 3 1082702000019 DATA-ERR 1082702000020 PER-CENT 1082702000021 7. 1082702000022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082702000023 DATA 4 26 1082702000024 E-MIN E-MAX DATA ERR-T 1082702000025 MEV MEV MB MB 1082702000026 1.0 1.5 10.3 2. 1082702000027 1.5 2.0 45.0 7. 1082702000028 2.0 2.5 79.7 11. 1082702000029 2.5 3.0 80.2 11. 1082702000030 3.0 3.5 97.6 13. 1082702000031 3.5 4.0 107. 15. 1082702000032 4.0 4.5 81.5 12. 1082702000033 4.5 5.0 64.1 9. 1082702000034 5.0 5.5 53. 8. 1082702000035 5.5 6.0 47.6 8. 1082702000036 6.0 6.5 39.5 6.5 1082702000037 6.5 7.0 37.6 6.5 1082702000038 7.0 7.5 28.2 6.0 1082702000039 7.5 8.0 26.8 5.5 1082702000040 8.0 8.5 19.8 4.5 1082702000041 8.5 9.0 16.9 4.0 1082702000042 9.0 9.5 13.6 3.5 1082702000043 9.5 10.0 10.0 3. 1082702000044 10.0 10.5 9.5 3. 1082702000045 10.5 11.0 6.9 2. 1082702000046 11.0 11.5 6.8 2. 1082702000047 11.5 12.0 4.5 1.5 1082702000048 12.0 12.5 4.4 1.5 1082702000049 12.5 13.0 2.2 1. 1082702000050 13.0 13.5 2.9 1. 1082702000051 13.5 14.0 0.7 0.3 1082702000052 ENDDATA 28 0 1082702000053 ENDSUBENT 52 0 1082702099999 SUBENT 10827021 20110731 13741082702100001 BIB 6 17 1082702100002 REACTION (26-FE-54(N,X)1-H-1,,SIG) 1082702100003 SAMPLE (26-FE-54,ENR=0.968) Sample is 5.0 milli-gms/sq-cm 1082702100004 thick, enriched to 96.8% 54Fe. 1082702100005 MONITOR (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,SIG) Neutrons on thick polyethylene 1082702100006 radiator 1082702100007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082702100008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082702100009 (MONIT-ERR,,1.) elastic cross sections from 1082702100010 hydrogen (<1%), 1082702100011 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082702100012 polynomial fit (7% for protons). 1082702100013 STATUS (DEP,10827020) 1082702100014 (TABLE) tbl. III from PR/C,19,2127,1979 1082702100015 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082702100016 HISTORY (19820819A) DATA correction. 1082702100017 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082702100018 from Subent 001. 1082702100019 ENDBIB 17 0 1082702100020 COMMON 1 3 1082702100021 DATA-ERR 1082702100022 PER-CENT 1082702100023 7. 1082702100024 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082702100025 DATA 2 1 1082702100026 DATA ERR-T 1082702100027 MB MB 1082702100028 900. 110. 1082702100029 ENDDATA 3 0 1082702100030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 1082702199999 SUBENT 10827022 20110731 13741082702200001 BIB 6 17 1082702200002 REACTION (26-FE-54(N,X)2-HE-4,PAR,SIG) 1082702200003 SAMPLE (26-FE-54,ENR=0.968) Sample is 5.0 milli-gms/sq-cm 1082702200004 thick, enriched to 96.8% 54Fe. 1082702200005 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082702200006 radiator 1082702200007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082702200008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082702200009 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082702200010 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082702200011 polynomial fit (7% for alphas). 1082702200012 (ERR-5) Additional 4% error included to account for 1082702200013 increased uncertainty in using deuteron transmission 1082702200014 functions for alphas. 1082702200015 STATUS (TABLE) from private comm., Grimes, 1979/5. 1082702200016 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082702200017 HISTORY (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082702200018 from Subent 001. 1082702200019 ENDBIB 17 0 1082702200020 COMMON 3 3 1082702200021 DATA-ERR ERR-5 MONIT-ERR 1082702200022 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082702200023 7. 4. 10. 1082702200024 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082702200025 DATA 4 19 1082702200026 E-MIN E-MAX DATA ERR-T 1082702200027 MEV MEV MB MB 1082702200028 4.5 5.0 0.1 0.1 1082702200029 5.0 5.5 1.3 0.3 1082702200030 5.5 6.0 2.7 0.5 1082702200031 6.0 6.5 4.1 0.7 1082702200032 6.5 7.0 6.0 0.85 1082702200033 7.0 7.5 6.3 0.9 1082702200034 7.5 8.0 9.1 1.3 1082702200035 8.0 8.5 8.4 1.2 1082702200036 8.5 9.0 9.2 1.3 1082702200037 9.0 9.5 6.9 0.9 1082702200038 9.5 10.0 6. 0.9 1082702200039 10.0 10.5 5.1 0.8 1082702200040 10.5 11.0 3.2 0.6 1082702200041 11.0 11.5 3.8 0.7 1082702200042 11.5 12.0 2.7 0.6 1082702200043 12.0 12.5 1.4 0.45 1082702200044 12.5 13.0 1.1 0.4 1082702200045 13.0 13.5 0.55 0.25 1082702200046 13.5 14.0 0.6 0.25 1082702200047 ENDDATA 21 0 1082702200048 ENDSUBENT 47 0 1082702299999 SUBENT 10827023 20110731 13741082702300001 BIB 6 19 1082702300002 REACTION (26-FE-54(N,X)2-HE-4,,SIG) 1082702300003 SAMPLE (26-FE-54,ENR=0.968) Sample is 5.0 milli-gms/sq-cm 1082702300004 thick, enriched to 96.8% 54Fe. 1082702300005 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082702300006 radiator 1082702300007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082702300008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082702300009 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082702300010 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082702300011 polynomial fit (7% for alphas). 1082702300012 (ERR-5) Additional 4% error included to account for 1082702300013 increased uncertainty in using deuteron transmission 1082702300014 functions for alphas. 1082702300015 STATUS (DEP,10827022) 1082702300016 (TABLE) tbl. III from PR/C,19,2127,1979 1082702300017 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082702300018 HISTORY (19820819A) DATA correction. 1082702300019 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082702300020 from Subent 001. 1082702300021 ENDBIB 19 0 1082702300022 COMMON 3 3 1082702300023 DATA-ERR ERR-5 MONIT-ERR 1082702300024 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082702300025 7. 4. 10. 1082702300026 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082702300027 DATA 2 1 1082702300028 DATA ERR-T 1082702300029 MB MB 1082702300030 79. 13. 1082702300031 ENDDATA 3 0 1082702300032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 1082702399999 SUBENT 10827024 20110731 13741082702400001 BIB 6 14 1082702400002 REACTION (26-FE-54(N,D)25-MN-53,PAR,SIG) 1082702400003 SAMPLE (26-FE-54,ENR=0.968) Sample is 5.0 milli-gms/sq-cm 1082702400004 thick, enriched to 96.8% 54Fe. 1082702400005 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082702400006 radiator 1082702400007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082702400008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082702400009 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082702400010 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082702400011 polynomial fit (15% for deuterons). 1082702400012 STATUS (TABLE) from private comm., Grimes, 1979/5. 1082702400013 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082702400014 HISTORY (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082702400015 from Subent 001. 1082702400016 ENDBIB 14 0 1082702400017 COMMON 2 3 1082702400018 MONIT-ERR DATA-ERR 1082702400019 PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082702400020 10. 15. 1082702400021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082702400022 DATA 4 14 1082702400023 E-MIN E-MAX DATA ERR-T 1082702400024 MEV MEV MB MB 1082702400025 1.5 2.0 0.3 0.15 1082702400026 2.0 2.5 0.1 0.1 1082702400027 2.5 3.0 0.25 0.15 1082702400028 3.0 3.5 0.4 0.15 1082702400029 3.5 4.0 0.9 0.3 1082702400030 4.0 4.5 1.0 0.3 1082702400031 4.5 5.0 1.0 0.3 1082702400032 5.0 5.5 0.9 0.3 1082702400033 5.5 6.0 0.8 0.3 1082702400034 6.0 6.5 0.7 0.3 1082702400035 6.5 7.0 0.25 0.15 1082702400036 7.0 7.5 1.2 0.35 1082702400037 7.5 8.0 1.7 0.5 1082702400038 8.0 8.5 0.3 0.1 1082702400039 ENDDATA 16 0 1082702400040 ENDSUBENT 39 0 1082702499999 SUBENT 10827025 20110731 13741082702500001 BIB 6 16 1082702500002 REACTION (26-FE-54(N,D)25-MN-53,,SIG) 1082702500003 SAMPLE (26-FE-54,ENR=0.968) Sample is 5.0 milli-gms/sq-cm 1082702500004 thick, enriched to 96.8% 54Fe. 1082702500005 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082702500006 radiator 1082702500007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082702500008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082702500009 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082702500010 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082702500011 polynomial fit (15% for deuterons). 1082702500012 STATUS (DEP,10827024) 1082702500013 (TABLE) tbl. III from PR/C,19,2127,1979 1082702500014 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082702500015 HISTORY (19820819A) DATA correction. 1082702500016 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082702500017 from Subent 001. 1082702500018 ENDBIB 16 0 1082702500019 COMMON 2 3 1082702500020 MONIT-ERR DATA-ERR 1082702500021 PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082702500022 10. 15. 1082702500023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082702500024 DATA 2 1 1082702500025 DATA ERR-T 1082702500026 MB MB 1082702500027 10. 4. 1082702500028 ENDDATA 3 0 1082702500029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 1082702599999 SUBENT 10827026 20110731 13741082702600001 BIB 6 15 1082702600002 REACTION (26-FE-56(N,X)1-H-1,PAR,SIG) 1082702600003 SAMPLE (26-FE-56,ENR=0.999) Sample is 5.0 milli-gms/sq-cm 1082702600004 thick, enriched to 99.9% 56Fe. 1082702600005 MONITOR (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,SIG) Neutrons on thick polyethylene 1082702600006 radiator 1082702600007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082702600008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082702600009 (MONIT-ERR,,1.) elastic cross sections from 1082702600010 hydrogen (<1%), 1082702600011 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082702600012 polynomial fit (7% for protons). 1082702600013 STATUS (TABLE) from private comm., Grimes, 1979/5. 1082702600014 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082702600015 HISTORY (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082702600016 from Subent 001. 1082702600017 ENDBIB 15 0 1082702600018 COMMON 1 3 1082702600019 DATA-ERR 1082702600020 PER-CENT 1082702600021 7. 1082702600022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082702600023 DATA 4 24 1082702600024 E-MIN E-MAX DATA ERR-T 1082702600025 MEV MEV MB MB 1082702600026 1.0 1.5 3.9 0.5 1082702600027 1.5 2.0 12.5 1.8 1082702600028 2.0 2.5 10.6 1.6 1082702600029 2.5 3.0 11.2 1.7 1082702600030 3.0 3.5 16.5 2. 1082702600031 3.5 4.0 18.9 2.2 1082702600032 4.0 4.5 15.7 1.9 1082702600033 4.5 5.0 12.8 1.8 1082702600034 5.0 5.5 13.5 1.9 1082702600035 5.5 6.0 10.9 1.6 1082702600036 6.0 6.5 10.7 1.6 1082702600037 6.5 7.0 9.5 1.5 1082702600038 7.0 7.5 8.3 1.5 1082702600039 7.5 8.0 6.8 1.5 1082702600040 8.0 8.5 5.6 1.4 1082702600041 8.5 9.0 5.0 1.3 1082702600042 9.0 9.5 4.0 1.0 1082702600043 9.5 10.0 2.4 0.6 1082702600044 10.0 10.5 1.9 0.5 1082702600045 10.5 11.0 1.5 0.45 1082702600046 11.0 11.5 1.5 0.5 1082702600047 11.5 12.0 1.1 0.4 1082702600048 12.0 12.5 0.65 0.3 1082702600049 12.5 13.0 0.4 0.15 1082702600050 ENDDATA 26 0 1082702600051 ENDSUBENT 50 0 1082702699999 SUBENT 10827027 20110731 13741082702700001 BIB 6 17 1082702700002 REACTION (26-FE-56(N,X)1-H-1,,SIG) 1082702700003 SAMPLE (26-FE-56,ENR=0.999) Sample is 5.0 milli-gms/sq-cm 1082702700004 thick, enriched to 99.9% 56Fe. 1082702700005 MONITOR (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,SIG) Neutrons on thick polyethylene 1082702700006 radiator 1082702700007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082702700008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082702700009 (MONIT-ERR,,1.) elastic cross sections from 1082702700010 hydrogen (<1%), 1082702700011 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082702700012 polynomial fit (7% for protons). 1082702700013 STATUS (DEP,10827026) 1082702700014 (TABLE) tbl. III from PR/C,19,2127,1979 1082702700015 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082702700016 HISTORY (19820819A) DATA correction. 1082702700017 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082702700018 from Subent 001. 1082702700019 ENDBIB 17 0 1082702700020 COMMON 1 3 1082702700021 DATA-ERR 1082702700022 PER-CENT 1082702700023 7. 1082702700024 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082702700025 DATA 2 1 1082702700026 DATA ERR-T 1082702700027 MB MB 1082702700028 190. 22. 1082702700029 ENDDATA 3 0 1082702700030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 1082702799999 SUBENT 10827028 20110731 13741082702800001 BIB 6 17 1082702800002 REACTION (26-FE-56(N,X)2-HE-4,PAR,SIG) 1082702800003 SAMPLE (26-FE-56,ENR=0.999) Sample is 5.0 milli-gms/sq-cm 1082702800004 thick, enriched to 99.9% 56Fe. 1082702800005 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082702800006 radiator 1082702800007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082702800008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082702800009 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082702800010 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082702800011 polynomial fit (7% for alphas). 1082702800012 (ERR-5) Additional 4% error included to account for 1082702800013 increased uncertainty in using deuteron transmission 1082702800014 functions for alphas. 1082702800015 STATUS (TABLE) from private comm., Grimes, 1979/5. 1082702800016 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082702800017 HISTORY (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082702800018 from Subent 001. 1082702800019 ENDBIB 17 0 1082702800020 COMMON 3 3 1082702800021 DATA-ERR ERR-5 MONIT-ERR 1082702800022 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082702800023 7. 4. 10. 1082702800024 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082702800025 DATA 4 20 1082702800026 E-MIN E-MAX DATA ERR-T 1082702800027 MEV MEV MB MB 1082702800028 4.5 5.0 0.12 0.10 1082702800029 5.0 5.5 0.45 0.2 1082702800030 5.5 6.0 1.2 0.3 1082702800031 6.0 6.5 1.75 0.4 1082702800032 6.5 7.0 2.9 0.5 1082702800033 7.0 7.5 3.5 0.5 1082702800034 7.5 8.0 4.6 0.7 1082702800035 8.0 8.5 5.2 1.0 1082702800036 8.5 9.0 4.9 0.8 1082702800037 9.0 9.5 3.7 0.6 1082702800038 9.5 10.0 3.2 0.6 1082702800039 10.0 10.5 2.6 0.5 1082702800040 10.5 11.0 1.4 0.35 1082702800041 11.0 11.5 1.7 0.4 1082702800042 11.5 12.0 1.3 0.35 1082702800043 12.0 12.5 0.8 0.3 1082702800044 12.5 13.0 0.6 0.2 1082702800045 13.0 13.5 0.3 0.2 1082702800046 13.5 14.0 0.2 0.15 1082702800047 14.0 14.5 0.3 0.2 1082702800048 ENDDATA 22 0 1082702800049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 1082702899999 SUBENT 10827029 20110731 13741082702900001 BIB 6 18 1082702900002 REACTION (26-FE-56(N,X)2-HE-4,,SIG) 1082702900003 SAMPLE (26-FE-56,ENR=0.999) Sample is 5.0 milli-gms/sq-cm 1082702900004 thick, enriched to 99.9% 56Fe. 1082702900005 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082702900006 radiator 1082702900007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082702900008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082702900009 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082702900010 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082702900011 polynomial fit (7% for alphas). 1082702900012 (ERR-5) Additional 4% error included to account for 1082702900013 increased uncertainty in using deuteron transmission 1082702900014 functions for alphas. 1082702900015 STATUS (DEP,10827028) 1082702900016 (TABLE) tbl. III from PR/C,19,2127,1979 1082702900017 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082702900018 HISTORY (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082702900019 from Subent 001. 1082702900020 ENDBIB 18 0 1082702900021 COMMON 3 3 1082702900022 DATA-ERR ERR-5 MONIT-ERR 1082702900023 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082702900024 7. 4. 10. 1082702900025 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082702900026 DATA 2 1 1082702900027 DATA ERR-T 1082702900028 MB MB 1082702900029 41. 7. 1082702900030 ENDDATA 3 0 1082702900031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 1082702999999 SUBENT 10827030 20110731 13741082703000001 BIB 6 14 1082703000002 REACTION (26-FE-56(N,D)25-MN-55,PAR,SIG) 1082703000003 SAMPLE (26-FE-56,ENR=0.999) Sample is 5.0 milli-gms/sq-cm 1082703000004 thick, enriched to 99.9% 56Fe. 1082703000005 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082703000006 radiator 1082703000007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082703000008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082703000009 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082703000010 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082703000011 polynomial fit (15% for deuterons). 1082703000012 STATUS (TABLE) from private comm., Grimes, 1979/5. 1082703000013 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082703000014 HISTORY (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082703000015 from Subent 001. 1082703000016 ENDBIB 14 0 1082703000017 COMMON 2 3 1082703000018 MONIT-ERR DATA-ERR 1082703000019 PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082703000020 10. 15. 1082703000021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082703000022 DATA 4 12 1082703000023 E-MIN E-MAX DATA ERR-T 1082703000024 MEV MEV MB MB 1082703000025 2.0 2.5 0.1 0.1 1082703000026 2.5 3.0 0.17 0.1 1082703000027 3.0 3.5 0.16 0.1 1082703000028 3.5 4.0 0.6 0.2 1082703000029 4.0 4.5 1.1 0.35 1082703000030 4.5 5.0 0.4 0.15 1082703000031 5.0 5.5 1.1 0.35 1082703000032 5.5 6.0 0.5 0.2 1082703000033 6.0 6.5 1.9 0.6 1082703000034 6.5 7.0 1.4 0.45 1082703000035 7.0 7.5 0.3 0.15 1082703000036 7.5 8.0 0.3 1082703000037 ENDDATA 14 0 1082703000038 ENDSUBENT 37 0 1082703099999 SUBENT 10827031 20110731 13741082703100001 BIB 6 16 1082703100002 REACTION (26-FE-56(N,D)25-MN-55,,SIG) 1082703100003 SAMPLE (26-FE-56,ENR=0.999) Sample is 5.0 milli-gms/sq-cm 1082703100004 thick, enriched to 99.9% 56Fe. 1082703100005 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082703100006 radiator 1082703100007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082703100008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082703100009 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082703100010 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082703100011 polynomial fit (15% for deuterons). 1082703100012 STATUS (DEP,10827030) 1082703100013 (TABLE) tbl. III from PR/C,19,2127,1979 1082703100014 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082703100015 HISTORY (19820819A) DATA correction. 1082703100016 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082703100017 from Subent 001. 1082703100018 ENDBIB 16 0 1082703100019 COMMON 2 3 1082703100020 MONIT-ERR DATA-ERR 1082703100021 PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082703100022 10. 15. 1082703100023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082703100024 DATA 2 1 1082703100025 DATA ERR-T 1082703100026 MB MB 1082703100027 8. 3. 1082703100028 ENDDATA 3 0 1082703100029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 1082703199999 SUBENT 10827032 20110731 13741082703200001 BIB 6 15 1082703200002 REACTION (26-FE-0(N,X)1-H-1,PAR,SIG) 1082703200003 SAMPLE Sample is 2.9 milli-gms/sq-cm, 5.8% 54Fe, 91.7% 56Fe, 1082703200004 2.2% 57Fe. 1082703200005 MONITOR (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,SIG) Neutrons on thick polyethylene 1082703200006 radiator 1082703200007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082703200008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082703200009 (MONIT-ERR,,1.) elastic cross sections from 1082703200010 hydrogen (<1%), 1082703200011 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082703200012 polynomial fit (7% for protons). 1082703200013 STATUS (TABLE) from private comm., Grimes, 1979/5. 1082703200014 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082703200015 HISTORY (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082703200016 from Subent 001. 1082703200017 ENDBIB 15 0 1082703200018 COMMON 1 3 1082703200019 DATA-ERR 1082703200020 PER-CENT 1082703200021 7. 1082703200022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082703200023 DATA 4 24 1082703200024 E-MIN E-MAX DATA ERR-T 1082703200025 MEV MEV MB MB 1082703200026 1.0 1.5 3. 0.5 1082703200027 1.5 2.0 14.8 1.9 1082703200028 2.0 2.5 16.4 2. 1082703200029 2.5 3.0 18.1 2.4 1082703200030 3.0 3.5 19.4 2.4 1082703200031 3.5 4.0 22.4 2.5 1082703200032 4.0 4.5 21.4 2.5 1082703200033 4.5 5.0 17.6 2.2 1082703200034 5.0 5.5 16.8 2.2 1082703200035 5.5 6.0 14.9 2.0 1082703200036 6.0 6.5 14.0 1.9 1082703200037 6.5 7.0 10.7 1.6 1082703200038 7.0 7.5 9.0 1.5 1082703200039 7.5 8.0 6.9 1.4 1082703200040 8.0 8.5 5.9 1.4 1082703200041 8.5 9.0 5.8 1.3 1082703200042 9.0 9.5 4.8 1.2 1082703200043 9.5 10.0 3.7 1.0 1082703200044 10.0 10.5 1.9 0.8 1082703200045 10.5 11.0 1.6 0.7 1082703200046 11.0 11.5 1.9 0.7 1082703200047 11.5 12.0 1.3 0.55 1082703200048 12.0 12.5 1.0 0.4 1082703200049 12.5 13.0 0.3 0.2 1082703200050 ENDDATA 26 0 1082703200051 ENDSUBENT 50 0 1082703299999 SUBENT 10827033 20110731 13741082703300001 BIB 6 17 1082703300002 REACTION (26-FE-0(N,X)1-H-1,,SIG) 1082703300003 SAMPLE Sample is 2.9 milli-gms/sq-cm, 5.8% 54Fe, 91.7% 56Fe, 1082703300004 2.2% 57Fe. 1082703300005 MONITOR (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,SIG) Neutrons on thick polyethylene 1082703300006 radiator 1082703300007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082703300008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082703300009 (MONIT-ERR,,1.) elastic cross sections from 1082703300010 hydrogen (<1%), 1082703300011 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082703300012 polynomial fit (7% for protons). 1082703300013 STATUS (DEP,10827032) 1082703300014 (TABLE) tbl. III from PR/C,19,2127,1979 1082703300015 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082703300016 HISTORY (19820819A) DATA correction. 1082703300017 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082703300018 from Subent 001. 1082703300019 ENDBIB 17 0 1082703300020 COMMON 1 3 1082703300021 DATA-ERR 1082703300022 PER-CENT 1082703300023 7. 1082703300024 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082703300025 DATA 2 1 1082703300026 DATA ERR-T 1082703300027 MB MB 1082703300028 230. 30. 1082703300029 ENDDATA 3 0 1082703300030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 1082703399999 SUBENT 10827034 20110731 13741082703400001 BIB 6 17 1082703400002 REACTION (26-FE-0(N,X)2-HE-4,PAR,SIG) 1082703400003 SAMPLE Sample is 2.9 milli-gms/sq-cm, 5.8% 54Fe, 91.7% 56Fe, 1082703400004 2.2% 57Fe. 1082703400005 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082703400006 radiator 1082703400007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082703400008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082703400009 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082703400010 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082703400011 polynomial fit (7% for alphas). 1082703400012 (ERR-5) Additional 4% error included to account for 1082703400013 increased uncertainty in using deuteron transmission 1082703400014 functions for alphas. 1082703400015 STATUS (TABLE) from private comm., Grimes, 1979/5. 1082703400016 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082703400017 HISTORY (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082703400018 from Subent 001. 1082703400019 ENDBIB 17 0 1082703400020 COMMON 3 3 1082703400021 DATA-ERR ERR-5 MONIT-ERR 1082703400022 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082703400023 7. 4. 10. 1082703400024 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082703400025 DATA 4 20 1082703400026 E-MIN E-MAX DATA ERR-T 1082703400027 MEV MEV MB MB 1082703400028 4.0 4.5 0.1 0.1 1082703400029 4.5 5.0 0.2 0.1 1082703400030 5.0 5.5 1.1 0.2 1082703400031 5.5 6.0 1.2 0.25 1082703400032 6.0 6.5 1.95 0.3 1082703400033 6.5 7.0 2.7 0.45 1082703400034 7.0 7.5 3.5 0.5 1082703400035 7.5 8.0 4.4 0.6 1082703400036 8.0 8.5 5.2 0.7 1082703400037 8.5 9.0 4.7 0.6 1082703400038 9.0 9.5 3.9 0.6 1082703400039 9.5 10.0 3.3 0.6 1082703400040 10.0 10.5 2.4 0.5 1082703400041 10.5 11.0 2.3 0.5 1082703400042 11.0 11.5 1.8 0.5 1082703400043 11.5 12.0 1.2 0.4 1082703400044 12.0 12.5 1.0 0.35 1082703400045 12.5 13.0 1.0 0.35 1082703400046 13.0 13.5 0.8 0.3 1082703400047 13.5 14.0 0.4 0.2 1082703400048 ENDDATA 22 0 1082703400049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 1082703499999 SUBENT 10827035 20110731 13741082703500001 BIB 6 18 1082703500002 REACTION (26-FE-0(N,X)2-HE-4,,SIG) 1082703500003 SAMPLE Sample is 2.9 milli-gms/sq-cm, 5.8% 54Fe, 91.7% 56Fe, 1082703500004 2.2% 57Fe. 1082703500005 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082703500006 radiator 1082703500007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082703500008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082703500009 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082703500010 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082703500011 polynomial fit (7% for alphas). 1082703500012 (ERR-5) Additional 4% error included to account for 1082703500013 increased uncertainty in using deuteron transmission 1082703500014 functions for alphas. 1082703500015 STATUS (DEP,10827034) 1082703500016 (TABLE) tbl. III from PR/C,19,2127,1979 1082703500017 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082703500018 HISTORY (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082703500019 from Subent 001. 1082703500020 ENDBIB 18 0 1082703500021 COMMON 3 3 1082703500022 DATA-ERR ERR-5 MONIT-ERR 1082703500023 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082703500024 7. 4. 10. 1082703500025 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082703500026 DATA 2 1 1082703500027 DATA ERR-T 1082703500028 MB MB 1082703500029 43. 7. 1082703500030 ENDDATA 3 0 1082703500031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 1082703599999 SUBENT 10827036 20110731 13741082703600001 BIB 6 14 1082703600002 REACTION (26-FE-0(N,D),PAR,SIG) 1082703600003 SAMPLE Sample is 2.9 milli-gms/sq-cm, 5.8% 54Fe, 91.7% 56Fe, 1082703600004 2.2% 57Fe. 1082703600005 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082703600006 radiator 1082703600007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082703600008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082703600009 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082703600010 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082703600011 polynomial fit (15% for deuterons). 1082703600012 STATUS (TABLE) from private comm., Grimes, 1979/5. 1082703600013 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082703600014 HISTORY (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082703600015 from Subent 001. 1082703600016 ENDBIB 14 0 1082703600017 COMMON 2 3 1082703600018 MONIT-ERR DATA-ERR 1082703600019 PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082703600020 10. 15. 1082703600021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082703600022 DATA 4 11 1082703600023 E-MIN E-MAX DATA ERR-T 1082703600024 MEV MEV MB MB 1082703600025 2.0 2.5 0.18 0.1 1082703600026 2.5 3.0 0.1 0.1 1082703600027 3.0 3.5 0.25 0.1 1082703600028 3.5 4.0 0.71 0.2 1082703600029 4.0 4.5 0.76 0.25 1082703600030 4.5 5.0 0.63 0.2 1082703600031 5.0 5.5 1.1 0.4 1082703600032 5.5 6.0 0.5 0.2 1082703600033 6.0 6.5 1.9 0.6 1082703600034 6.5 7.0 1.4 0.5 1082703600035 7.0 7.5 0.3 0.2 1082703600036 ENDDATA 13 0 1082703600037 ENDSUBENT 36 0 1082703699999 SUBENT 10827037 20110731 13741082703700001 BIB 6 16 1082703700002 REACTION (26-FE-0(N,D),PAR,SIG) 1082703700003 SAMPLE Sample is 2.9 milli-gms/sq-cm, 5.8% 54Fe, 91.7% 56Fe, 1082703700004 2.2% 57Fe. 1082703700005 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082703700006 radiator 1082703700007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082703700008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082703700009 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082703700010 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082703700011 polynomial fit (15% for deuterons). 1082703700012 STATUS (DEP,10827036) 1082703700013 (TABLE) tbl. III from PR/C,19,2127,1979 1082703700014 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082703700015 HISTORY (19820819A) DATA, REACTION corrections. 1082703700016 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082703700017 from Subent 001. 1082703700018 ENDBIB 16 0 1082703700019 COMMON 2 3 1082703700020 MONIT-ERR DATA-ERR 1082703700021 PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082703700022 10. 15. 1082703700023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082703700024 DATA 4 1 1082703700025 E-MIN E-MAX DATA ERR-T 1082703700026 MEV MEV MB MB 1082703700027 2.0 7.5 8. 3. 1082703700028 ENDDATA 3 0 1082703700029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 1082703799999 SUBENT 10827038 20110731 13741082703800001 BIB 6 15 1082703800002 REACTION (28-NI-58(N,X)1-H-1,PAR,SIG) 1082703800003 SAMPLE (28-NI-58,ENR=0.999) Sample is 4.8 milli-gms/sq-cm 1082703800004 thick, enriched to 99.9% 58Ni. 1082703800005 MONITOR (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,SIG) Neutrons on thick polyethylene 1082703800006 radiator 1082703800007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082703800008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082703800009 (MONIT-ERR,,1.) elastic cross sections from 1082703800010 hydrogen (<1%), 1082703800011 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082703800012 polynomial fit (7% for protons). 1082703800013 STATUS (TABLE) from private comm., Grimes, 1979/5. 1082703800014 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082703800015 HISTORY (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082703800016 from Subent 001. 1082703800017 ENDBIB 15 0 1082703800018 COMMON 1 3 1082703800019 DATA-ERR 1082703800020 PER-CENT 1082703800021 7. 1082703800022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082703800023 DATA 4 27 1082703800024 E-MIN E-MAX DATA ERR-T 1082703800025 MEV MEV MB MB 1082703800026 1.0 1.5 8.8 2. 1082703800027 1.5 2.0 37. 5.5 1082703800028 2.0 2.5 71. 10. 1082703800029 2.5 3.0 78. 10. 1082703800030 3.0 3.5 101. 13. 1082703800031 3.5 4.0 111. 14. 1082703800032 4.0 4.5 88. 12. 1082703800033 4.5 5.0 77. 10. 1082703800034 5.0 5.5 70. 9. 1082703800035 5.5 6.0 61. 8. 1082703800036 6.0 6.5 52. 7. 1082703800037 6.5 7.0 47. 7. 1082703800038 7.0 7.5 38. 6. 1082703800039 7.5 8.0 33. 6. 1082703800040 8.0 8.5 29. 6. 1082703800041 8.5 9.0 21. 5. 1082703800042 9.0 9.5 17. 4.5 1082703800043 9.5 10.0 12. 3.5 1082703800044 10.0 10.5 9.8 3. 1082703800045 10.5 11.0 7.6 2. 1082703800046 11.0 11.5 8.8 2.5 1082703800047 11.5 12.0 7.2 2.0 1082703800048 12.0 12.5 6. 2. 1082703800049 12.5 13.0 4.3 1.5 1082703800050 13.0 13.5 3.9 1.5 1082703800051 13.5 14.0 1.8 0.8 1082703800052 14.0 14.5 1.0 0.7 1082703800053 ENDDATA 29 0 1082703800054 ENDSUBENT 53 0 1082703899999 SUBENT 10827039 20110731 13741082703900001 BIB 6 17 1082703900002 REACTION (28-NI-58(N,X)1-H-1,,SIG) 1082703900003 SAMPLE (28-NI-58,ENR=0.999) Sample is 4.8 milli-gms/sq-cm 1082703900004 thick, enriched to 99.9% 58Ni. 1082703900005 MONITOR (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,SIG) Neutrons on thick polyethylene 1082703900006 radiator 1082703900007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082703900008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082703900009 (MONIT-ERR,,1.) elastic cross sections from 1082703900010 hydrogen (<1%), 1082703900011 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082703900012 polynomial fit (7% for protons). 1082703900013 STATUS (DEP,10827038) 1082703900014 (TABLE) tbl. III from PR/C,19,2127,1979 1082703900015 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082703900016 HISTORY (19820819A) DATA correction. 1082703900017 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082703900018 from Subent 001. 1082703900019 ENDBIB 17 0 1082703900020 COMMON 1 3 1082703900021 DATA-ERR 1082703900022 PER-CENT 1082703900023 7. 1082703900024 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082703900025 DATA 2 1 1082703900026 DATA ERR-T 1082703900027 MB MB 1082703900028 1000. 120. 1082703900029 ENDDATA 3 0 1082703900030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 1082703999999 SUBENT 10827040 20110731 13741082704000001 BIB 6 17 1082704000002 REACTION (28-NI-58(N,X)2-HE-4,PAR,SIG) 1082704000003 SAMPLE (28-NI-58,ENR=0.999) Sample is 4.8 milli-gms/sq-cm 1082704000004 thick, enriched to 99.9% 58Ni. 1082704000005 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082704000006 radiator 1082704000007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082704000008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082704000009 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082704000010 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082704000011 polynomial fit (7% for alphas). 1082704000012 (ERR-5) Additional 4% error included to account for 1082704000013 increased uncertainty in using deuteron transmission 1082704000014 functions for alphas. 1082704000015 STATUS (TABLE) from private comm., Grimes, 1979/5. 1082704000016 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082704000017 HISTORY (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082704000018 from Subent 001. 1082704000019 ENDBIB 17 0 1082704000020 COMMON 3 3 1082704000021 DATA-ERR ERR-5 MONIT-ERR 1082704000022 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082704000023 7. 4. 10. 1082704000024 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082704000025 DATA 4 25 1082704000026 E-MIN E-MAX DATA ERR-T 1082704000027 MEV MEV MB MB 1082704000028 4.5 5.0 0.15 0.10 1082704000029 5.0 5.5 0.7 0.25 1082704000030 5.5 6.0 1.4 0.3 1082704000031 6.0 6.5 2.9 0.6 1082704000032 6.5 7.0 5.5 0.7 1082704000033 7.0 7.5 6.9 1.1 1082704000034 7.5 8.0 9.9 1.2 1082704000035 8.0 8.5 10.3 1.3 1082704000036 8.5 9.0 12.1 1.5 1082704000037 9.0 9.5 11.3 1.2 1082704000038 9.5 10.0 8.8 1.0 1082704000039 10.0 10.5 7.4 0.9 1082704000040 10.5 11.0 6.4 0.8 1082704000041 11.0 11.5 5.0 0.7 1082704000042 11.5 12.0 4.8 0.7 1082704000043 12.0 12.5 3.2 0.7 1082704000044 12.5 13.0 2.0 0.6 1082704000045 13.0 13.5 1.6 0.6 1082704000046 13.5 14.0 1.1 0.5 1082704000047 14.0 14.5 1.3 0.5 1082704000048 14.5 15.0 0.8 0.3 1082704000049 15.0 15.5 0.8 0.3 1082704000050 15.5 16.0 0.6 0.25 1082704000051 16.0 16.5 0.5 0.2 1082704000052 16.5 17.0 0.35 0.2 1082704000053 ENDDATA 27 0 1082704000054 ENDSUBENT 53 0 1082704099999 SUBENT 10827041 20110731 13741082704100001 BIB 6 18 1082704100002 REACTION (28-NI-58(N,X)2-HE-4,,SIG) 1082704100003 SAMPLE (28-NI-58,ENR=0.999) Sample is 4.8 milli-gms/sq-cm 1082704100004 thick, enriched to 99.9% 58Ni. 1082704100005 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082704100006 radiator 1082704100007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082704100008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082704100009 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082704100010 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082704100011 polynomial fit (7% for alphas). 1082704100012 (ERR-5) Additional 4% error included to account for 1082704100013 increased uncertainty in using deuteron transmission 1082704100014 functions for alphas. 1082704100015 STATUS (DEP,10827040) 1082704100016 (TABLE) tbl. III from PR/C,19,2127,1979 1082704100017 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082704100018 HISTORY (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082704100019 from Subent 001. 1082704100020 ENDBIB 18 0 1082704100021 COMMON 3 3 1082704100022 DATA-ERR ERR-5 MONIT-ERR 1082704100023 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082704100024 7. 4. 10. 1082704100025 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082704100026 DATA 2 1 1082704100027 DATA ERR-T 1082704100028 MB MB 1082704100029 106. 17. 1082704100030 ENDDATA 3 0 1082704100031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 1082704199999 SUBENT 10827042 20110731 13741082704200001 BIB 6 14 1082704200002 REACTION (28-NI-58(N,D)27-CO-57,PAR,SIG) 1082704200003 SAMPLE (28-NI-58,ENR=0.999) Sample is 4.8 milli-gms/sq-cm 1082704200004 thick, enriched to 99.9% 58Ni. 1082704200005 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082704200006 radiator 1082704200007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082704200008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082704200009 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082704200010 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082704200011 polynomial fit (15% for deuterons). 1082704200012 STATUS (TABLE) from private comm., Grimes, 1979/5. 1082704200013 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082704200014 HISTORY (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082704200015 from Subent 001. 1082704200016 ENDBIB 14 0 1082704200017 COMMON 2 3 1082704200018 MONIT-ERR DATA-ERR 1082704200019 PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082704200020 10. 15. 1082704200021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082704200022 DATA 4 16 1082704200023 E-MIN E-MAX DATA ERR-T 1082704200024 MEV MEV MB MB 1082704200025 1.5 2.0 0.1 0.1 1082704200026 2.0 2.5 0.15 0.1 1082704200027 2.5 3.0 0.2 0.1 1082704200028 3.0 3.5 0.2 0.1 1082704200029 3.5 4.0 0.65 0.2 1082704200030 4.0 4.5 0.8 0.3 1082704200031 4.5 5.0 0.85 0.3 1082704200032 5.0 5.5 1.3 0.35 1082704200033 5.5 6.0 1.15 0.3 1082704200034 6.0 6.5 1.5 0.45 1082704200035 6.5 7.0 1.6 0.5 1082704200036 7.0 7.5 1.1 0.3 1082704200037 7.5 8.0 1.3 0.35 1082704200038 8.0 8.5 0.6 0.3 1082704200039 8.5 9.0 1.8 0.7 1082704200040 9.0 9.5 0.9 0.5 1082704200041 ENDDATA 18 0 1082704200042 ENDSUBENT 41 0 1082704299999 SUBENT 10827043 20110731 13741082704300001 BIB 6 15 1082704300002 REACTION (28-NI-58(N,D)27-CO-57,,SIG) 1082704300003 SAMPLE (28-NI-58,ENR=0.999) Sample is 4.8 milli-gms/sq-cm 1082704300004 thick, enriched to 99.9% 58Ni. 1082704300005 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082704300006 radiator 1082704300007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082704300008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082704300009 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082704300010 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082704300011 polynomial fit (15% for deuterons). 1082704300012 STATUS (DEP,10827042) 1082704300013 (TABLE) from private comm., Grimes, 1979/5. 1082704300014 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082704300015 HISTORY (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082704300016 from Subent 001. 1082704300017 ENDBIB 15 0 1082704300018 COMMON 2 3 1082704300019 MONIT-ERR DATA-ERR 1082704300020 PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082704300021 10. 15. 1082704300022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082704300023 DATA 2 1 1082704300024 DATA ERR-T 1082704300025 MB MB 1082704300026 14. 6. 1082704300027 ENDDATA 3 0 1082704300028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 1082704399999 SUBENT 10827044 20110731 13741082704400001 BIB 6 15 1082704400002 REACTION (28-NI-60(N,X)1-H-1,PAR,SIG) 1082704400003 SAMPLE (28-NI-60,ENR=0.998) Sample is 4.0 milli-gms/sq-cm 1082704400004 thick, enriched to 99.8% 60Ni. 1082704400005 MONITOR (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,SIG) Neutrons on thick polyethylene 1082704400006 target 1082704400007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082704400008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082704400009 (MONIT-ERR,,1.) elastic cross sections from 1082704400010 hydrogen (<1%), 1082704400011 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082704400012 polynomial fit (7% for protons). 1082704400013 STATUS (TABLE) from private comm., Grimes, 1979/5. 1082704400014 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082704400015 HISTORY (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082704400016 from Subent 001. 1082704400017 ENDBIB 15 0 1082704400018 COMMON 1 3 1082704400019 DATA-ERR 1082704400020 PER-CENT 1082704400021 7. 1082704400022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082704400023 DATA 4 24 1082704400024 E-MIN E-MAX DATA ERR-T 1082704400025 MEV MEV MB MB 1082704400026 1.0 1.5 3.1 0.6 1082704400027 1.5 2.0 22.0 3.5 1082704400028 2.0 2.5 25.0 4.0 1082704400029 2.5 3.0 26.0 4.0 1082704400030 3.0 3.5 33.0 5.5 1082704400031 3.5 4.0 28.0 4.0 1082704400032 4.0 4.5 25.0 4.0 1082704400033 4.5 5.0 27.0 4.0 1082704400034 5.0 5.5 22.0 4.0 1082704400035 5.5 6.0 19.0 3.0 1082704400036 6.0 6.5 17.3 2.8 1082704400037 6.5 7.0 15.9 2.7 1082704400038 7.0 7.5 12.0 2.1 1082704400039 7.5 8.0 10.0 1.8 1082704400040 8.0 8.5 8.1 1.5 1082704400041 8.5 9.0 6.8 1.4 1082704400042 9.0 9.5 6.3 1.3 1082704400043 9.5 10.0 4.5 1.0 1082704400044 10.0 10.5 4.1 1.0 1082704400045 10.5 11.0 3.0 0.8 1082704400046 11.0 11.5 2.2 0.7 1082704400047 11.5 12.0 2.2 0.7 1082704400048 12.0 12.5 2.1 0.65 1082704400049 12.5 13.0 0.9 0.4 1082704400050 ENDDATA 26 0 1082704400051 ENDSUBENT 50 0 1082704499999 SUBENT 10827045 20110731 13741082704500001 BIB 6 17 1082704500002 REACTION (28-NI-60(N,X)1-H-1,,SIG) 1082704500003 SAMPLE (28-NI-60,ENR=0.998) Sample is 4.0 milli-gms/sq-cm 1082704500004 thick, enriched to 99.8% 60Ni. 1082704500005 MONITOR (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,SIG) Neutrons on thick polyethylene 1082704500006 target 1082704500007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082704500008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082704500009 (MONIT-ERR,,1.) elastic cross sections from 1082704500010 hydrogen (<1%), 1082704500011 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082704500012 polynomial fit (7% for protons). 1082704500013 STATUS (DEP,10827044) 1082704500014 (TABLE) tbl. III from PR/C,19,2127,1979 1082704500015 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082704500016 HISTORY (19820819A) DATA correction. 1082704500017 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082704500018 from Subent 001. 1082704500019 ENDBIB 17 0 1082704500020 COMMON 1 3 1082704500021 DATA-ERR 1082704500022 PER-CENT 1082704500023 7. 1082704500024 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082704500025 DATA 2 1 1082704500026 DATA ERR-T 1082704500027 MB MB 1082704500028 325. 40. 1082704500029 ENDDATA 3 0 1082704500030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 1082704599999 SUBENT 10827046 20110731 13741082704600001 BIB 6 17 1082704600002 REACTION (28-NI-60(N,X)2-HE-4,PAR,SIG) 1082704600003 SAMPLE (28-NI-60,ENR=0.998) Sample is 4.0 milli-gms/sq-cm 1082704600004 thick, enriched to 99.8% 60Ni. 1082704600005 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082704600006 radiator 1082704600007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082704600008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082704600009 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082704600010 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082704600011 polynomial fit (7% for alphas). 1082704600012 (ERR-5) Additional 4% error included to account for 1082704600013 increased uncertainty in using deuteron transmission 1082704600014 functions for alphas. 1082704600015 STATUS (TABLE) from private comm., Grimes, 1979/5. 1082704600016 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082704600017 HISTORY (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082704600018 from Subent 001. 1082704600019 ENDBIB 17 0 1082704600020 COMMON 3 3 1082704600021 DATA-ERR ERR-5 MONIT-ERR 1082704600022 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082704600023 7. 4. 10. 1082704600024 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082704600025 DATA 4 21 1082704600026 E-MIN E-MAX DATA ERR-T 1082704600027 MEV MEV MB MB 1082704600028 4.5 5.0 0.1 0.1 1082704600029 5.0 5.5 1.0 0.25 1082704600030 5.5 6.0 1.7 0.35 1082704600031 6.0 6.5 3.7 0.45 1082704600032 6.5 7.0 4.0 0.55 1082704600033 7.0 7.5 6.4 0.7 1082704600034 7.5 8.0 6.6 0.8 1082704600035 8.0 8.5 9.5 1.1 1082704600036 8.5 9.0 8.0 0.9 1082704600037 9.0 9.5 8.5 1.0 1082704600038 9.5 10.0 6.1 0.8 1082704600039 10.0 10.5 5.9 0.8 1082704600040 10.5 11.0 4.4 0.65 1082704600041 11.0 11.5 2.8 0.5 1082704600042 11.5 12.0 2.4 0.5 1082704600043 12.0 12.5 1.4 0.4 1082704600044 12.5 13.0 1.0 0.4 1082704600045 13.0 13.5 1.1 0.4 1082704600046 13.5 14.0 0.4 0.25 1082704600047 14.0 14.5 0.35 0.2 1082704600048 14.5 15.0 0.4 0.25 1082704600049 ENDDATA 23 0 1082704600050 ENDSUBENT 49 0 1082704699999 SUBENT 10827047 20110731 13741082704700001 BIB 6 18 1082704700002 REACTION (28-NI-60(N,X)2-HE-4,,SIG) 1082704700003 SAMPLE (28-NI-60,ENR=0.998) Sample is 4.0 milli-gms/sq-cm 1082704700004 thick, enriched to 99.8% 60Ni. 1082704700005 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082704700006 radiator 1082704700007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082704700008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082704700009 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082704700010 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082704700011 polynomial fit (7% for alphas). 1082704700012 (ERR-5) Additional 4% error included to account for 1082704700013 increased uncertainty in using deuteron transmission 1082704700014 functions for alphas. 1082704700015 STATUS (DEP,10827046) 1082704700016 (TABLE) tbl. III from PR/C,19,2127,1979 1082704700017 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082704700018 HISTORY (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082704700019 from Subent 001. 1082704700020 ENDBIB 18 0 1082704700021 COMMON 3 3 1082704700022 DATA-ERR ERR-5 MONIT-ERR 1082704700023 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082704700024 7. 4. 10. 1082704700025 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082704700026 DATA 2 1 1082704700027 DATA ERR-T 1082704700028 MB MB 1082704700029 76. 12. 1082704700030 ENDDATA 3 0 1082704700031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 1082704799999 SUBENT 10827048 20110731 13741082704800001 BIB 6 14 1082704800002 REACTION (28-NI-60(N,D)27-CO-59,PAR,SIG) 1082704800003 SAMPLE (28-NI-60,ENR=0.998) Sample is 4.0 milli-gms/sq-cm 1082704800004 thick, enriched to 99.8% 60Ni. 1082704800005 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082704800006 radiator 1082704800007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082704800008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082704800009 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082704800010 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082704800011 polynomial fit (15% for deuterons). 1082704800012 STATUS (TABLE) from private comm., Grimes, 1979/5. 1082704800013 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082704800014 HISTORY (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082704800015 from Subent 001. 1082704800016 ENDBIB 14 0 1082704800017 COMMON 2 3 1082704800018 MONIT-ERR DATA-ERR 1082704800019 PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082704800020 10. 15. 1082704800021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082704800022 DATA 4 13 1082704800023 E-MIN E-MAX DATA ERR-T 1082704800024 MEV MEV MB MB 1082704800025 2.0 2.5 0.1 0.1 1082704800026 2.5 3.0 0.3 0.15 1082704800027 3.0 3.5 0.2 0.1 1082704800028 3.5 4.0 0.3 0.15 1082704800029 4.0 4.5 0.8 0.3 1082704800030 4.5 5.0 1.35 0.4 1082704800031 5.0 5.5 1.6 0.5 1082704800032 5.5 6.0 1.1 0.4 1082704800033 6.0 6.5 0.8 0.3 1082704800034 6.5 7.0 1.1 0.5 1082704800035 7.0 7.5 2.0 0.7 1082704800036 7.5 8.0 1.5 0.6 1082704800037 8.0 8.5 0.2 0.1 1082704800038 ENDDATA 15 0 1082704800039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 1082704899999 SUBENT 10827049 20110731 13741082704900001 BIB 6 15 1082704900002 REACTION (28-NI-60(N,D)27-CO-59,,SIG) 1082704900003 SAMPLE (28-NI-60,ENR=0.998) Sample is 4.0 milli-gms/sq-cm 1082704900004 thick, enriched to 99.8% 60Ni. 1082704900005 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082704900006 radiator 1082704900007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082704900008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082704900009 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082704900010 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082704900011 polynomial fit (15% for deuterons). 1082704900012 STATUS (DEP,10827048) 1082704900013 (TABLE) tbl. III from PR/C,19,2127,1979 1082704900014 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082704900015 HISTORY (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082704900016 from Subent 001. 1082704900017 ENDBIB 15 0 1082704900018 COMMON 2 3 1082704900019 MONIT-ERR DATA-ERR 1082704900020 PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082704900021 10. 15. 1082704900022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082704900023 DATA 2 1 1082704900024 DATA ERR-T 1082704900025 MB MB 1082704900026 11. 4. 1082704900027 ENDDATA 3 0 1082704900028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 1082704999999 SUBENT 10827050 20110731 13741082705000001 BIB 6 15 1082705000002 REACTION (28-NI-0(N,X)1-H-1,PAR,SIG) 1082705000003 SAMPLE Sample is 5.7 milli-gms/sq-cm, 67.8% 58Ni, 26.2% 60Ni, 1082705000004 1.2% 61Ni, 3.7% 62Ni, 1.1% 64Ni. 1082705000005 MONITOR (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,SIG) Neutrons on thick polyethylene 1082705000006 radiator. 1082705000007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082705000008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082705000009 (MONIT-ERR,,1.) elastic cross sections from 1082705000010 hydrogen (<1%), 1082705000011 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082705000012 polynomial fit (7% for protons). 1082705000013 STATUS (TABLE) from private comm., Grimes, 1979/5. 1082705000014 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082705000015 HISTORY (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082705000016 from Subent 001. 1082705000017 ENDBIB 15 0 1082705000018 COMMON 1 3 1082705000019 DATA-ERR 1082705000020 PER-CENT 1082705000021 7. 1082705000022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082705000023 DATA 4 27 1082705000024 E-MIN E-MAX DATA ERR-T 1082705000025 MEV MEV MB MB 1082705000026 1.0 1.5 5.7 2. 1082705000027 1.5 2.0 28.5 3. 1082705000028 2.0 2.5 46.7 5. 1082705000029 2.5 3.0 70.1 8. 1082705000030 3.0 3.5 78.4 9. 1082705000031 3.5 4.0 91.5 10.5 1082705000032 4.0 4.5 74.0 9.0 1082705000033 4.5 5.0 66.9 8.0 1082705000034 5.0 5.5 59.8 8.0 1082705000035 5.5 6.0 53.6 7.5 1082705000036 6.0 6.5 45.6 7.0 1082705000037 6.5 7.0 33.7 5.5 1082705000038 7.0 7.5 29.1 5.0 1082705000039 7.5 8.0 29.2 5.0 1082705000040 8.0 8.5 19.3 4.5 1082705000041 8.5 9.0 15.4 4.0 1082705000042 9.0 9.5 12.1 3.0 1082705000043 9.5 10.0 11.6 3.0 1082705000044 10.0 10.5 7.9 2.5 1082705000045 10.5 11.0 5.5 2.0 1082705000046 11.0 11.5 3.7 1.3 1082705000047 11.5 12.0 1.7 0.7 1082705000048 12.0 12.5 0.6 0.25 1082705000049 12.5 13.0 0.55 0.25 1082705000050 13.0 13.5 1.5 0.5 1082705000051 13.5 14.0 0.7 0.3 1082705000052 14.0 14.5 0.2 0.15 1082705000053 ENDDATA 29 0 1082705000054 ENDSUBENT 53 0 1082705099999 SUBENT 10827051 20110731 13741082705100001 BIB 6 17 1082705100002 REACTION (28-NI-0(N,X)1-H-1,,SIG) 1082705100003 SAMPLE Sample is 5.7 milli-gms/sq-cm, 67.8% 58Ni, 26.2% 60Ni, 1082705100004 1.2% 61Ni, 3.7% 62Ni, 1.1% 64Ni. 1082705100005 MONITOR (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,SIG) Neutrons on thick polyethylene 1082705100006 radiator. 1082705100007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082705100008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082705100009 (MONIT-ERR,,1.) elastic cross sections from 1082705100010 hydrogen (<1%), 1082705100011 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082705100012 polynomial fit (7% for protons). 1082705100013 STATUS (DEP,10827050) 1082705100014 (TABLE) from private comm., Grimes, 1979/5. 1082705100015 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082705100016 HISTORY (19820819A) Data correction. 1082705100017 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082705100018 from Subent 001. 1082705100019 ENDBIB 17 0 1082705100020 COMMON 1 3 1082705100021 DATA-ERR 1082705100022 PER-CENT 1082705100023 7. 1082705100024 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082705100025 DATA 2 1 1082705100026 DATA ERR-T 1082705100027 MB MB 1082705100028 790. 100. 1082705100029 ENDDATA 3 0 1082705100030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 1082705199999 SUBENT 10827052 20110731 13741082705200001 BIB 6 17 1082705200002 REACTION (28-NI-0(N,X)2-HE-4,PAR,SIG) 1082705200003 SAMPLE Sample is 5.7 milli-gms/sq-cm, 67.8% 58Ni, 26.2% 60Ni, 1082705200004 1.2% 61Ni, 3.7% 62Ni, 1.1% 64Ni. 1082705200005 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082705200006 radiator 1082705200007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082705200008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082705200009 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082705200010 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082705200011 polynomial fit (7% for alphas). 1082705200012 (ERR-5) Additional 4% error included to account for 1082705200013 increased uncertainty in using deuteron transmission 1082705200014 functions for alphas. 1082705200015 STATUS (TABLE) from private comm., Grimes, 1979/5. 1082705200016 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082705200017 HISTORY (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082705200018 from Subent 001. 1082705200019 ENDBIB 17 0 1082705200020 COMMON 3 3 1082705200021 DATA-ERR ERR-5 MONIT-ERR 1082705200022 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082705200023 7. 4. 10. 1082705200024 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082705200025 DATA 4 21 1082705200026 E-MIN E-MAX DATA ERR-T 1082705200027 MEV MEV MB MB 1082705200028 4.5 5.0 0.15 0.1 1082705200029 5.0 5.5 0.45 0.15 1082705200030 5.5 6.0 2.0 0.3 1082705200031 6.0 6.5 3.2 0.45 1082705200032 6.5 7.0 4.9 0.65 1082705200033 7.0 7.5 6.7 0.9 1082705200034 7.5 8.0 8.1 1.2 1082705200035 8.0 8.5 10.7 1.4 1082705200036 8.5 9.0 11.0 1.5 1082705200037 9.0 9.5 11.5 1.6 1082705200038 9.5 10.0 8.7 1.2 1082705200039 10.0 10.5 9.4 1.3 1082705200040 10.5 11.0 5.7 0.8 1082705200041 11.0 11.5 5.0 0.7 1082705200042 11.5 12.0 3.2 0.6 1082705200043 12.0 12.5 3.0 0.6 1082705200044 12.5 13.0 1.0 0.4 1082705200045 13.0 13.5 0.8 0.4 1082705200046 13.5 14.0 0.5 0.3 1082705200047 14.0 14.5 0.9 0.4 1082705200048 14.5 15.0 0.4 0.25 1082705200049 ENDDATA 23 0 1082705200050 ENDSUBENT 49 0 1082705299999 SUBENT 10827053 20110731 13741082705300001 BIB 6 19 1082705300002 REACTION (28-NI-0(N,X)2-HE-4,,SIG) 1082705300003 SAMPLE Sample is 5.7 milli-gms/sq-cm, 67.8% 58Ni, 26.2% 60Ni, 1082705300004 1.2% 61Ni, 3.7% 62Ni, 1.1% 64Ni. 1082705300005 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082705300006 radiator 1082705300007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082705300008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082705300009 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082705300010 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082705300011 polynomial fit (7% for alphas). 1082705300012 (ERR-5) Additional 4% error included to account for 1082705300013 increased uncertainty in using deuteron transmission 1082705300014 functions for alphas. 1082705300015 STATUS (DEP,10827052) 1082705300016 (TABLE) tbl. III from PR/C,19,2127,1979 1082705300017 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082705300018 HISTORY (19820819A) DATA correction. 1082705300019 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082705300020 from Subent 001. 1082705300021 ENDBIB 19 0 1082705300022 COMMON 3 3 1082705300023 DATA-ERR ERR-5 MONIT-ERR 1082705300024 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082705300025 7. 4. 10. 1082705300026 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082705300027 DATA 2 1 1082705300028 DATA ERR-T 1082705300029 MB MB 1082705300030 97. 16. 1082705300031 ENDDATA 3 0 1082705300032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 1082705399999 SUBENT 10827054 20110731 13741082705400001 BIB 6 14 1082705400002 REACTION (28-NI-0(N,D),PAR,SIG) 1082705400003 SAMPLE Sample is 5.7 milli-gms/sq-cm, 67.8% 58Ni, 26.2% 60Ni, 1082705400004 1.2% 61Ni, 3.7% 62Ni, 1.1% 64Ni. 1082705400005 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082705400006 radiator 1082705400007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082705400008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082705400009 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082705400010 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082705400011 polynomial fit (15% for deuterons). 1082705400012 STATUS (TABLE) from private comm., Grimes, 1979/5. 1082705400013 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082705400014 HISTORY (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082705400015 from Subent 001. 1082705400016 ENDBIB 14 0 1082705400017 COMMON 2 3 1082705400018 MONIT-ERR DATA-ERR 1082705400019 PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082705400020 10. 15. 1082705400021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082705400022 DATA 4 15 1082705400023 E-MIN E-MAX DATA ERR-T 1082705400024 MEV MEV MB MB 1082705400025 1.5 2.0 0.05 0.05 1082705400026 2.0 2.5 0.2 0.1 1082705400027 2.5 3.0 0.45 0.15 1082705400028 3.0 3.5 0.75 0.3 1082705400029 3.5 4.0 0.9 0.3 1082705400030 4.0 4.5 0.8 0.3 1082705400031 4.5 5.0 1.25 0.4 1082705400032 5.0 5.5 1.1 0.4 1082705400033 5.5 6.0 1.7 0.5 1082705400034 6.0 6.5 1.35 0.4 1082705400035 6.5 7.0 0.85 0.3 1082705400036 7.0 7.5 1.0 0.35 1082705400037 7.5 8.0 0.8 0.3 1082705400038 8.0 8.5 1.3 0.4 1082705400039 8.5 9.0 0.4 0.2 1082705400040 ENDDATA 17 0 1082705400041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 1082705499999 SUBENT 10827055 20110731 13741082705500001 BIB 6 16 1082705500002 REACTION (28-NI-0(N,D),,SIG) 1082705500003 SAMPLE Sample is 5.7 milli-gms/sq-cm, 67.8% 58Ni, 26.2% 60Ni, 1082705500004 1.2% 61Ni, 3.7% 62Ni, 1.1% 64Ni. 1082705500005 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082705500006 radiator 1082705500007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082705500008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082705500009 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082705500010 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082705500011 polynomial fit (15% for deuterons). 1082705500012 STATUS (DEP,10827054) 1082705500013 (TABLE) tbl. III from PR/C,19,2127,1979 1082705500014 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082705500015 HISTORY (19820819A) DATA correction. 1082705500016 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082705500017 from Subent 001. 1082705500018 ENDBIB 16 0 1082705500019 COMMON 2 3 1082705500020 MONIT-ERR DATA-ERR 1082705500021 PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082705500022 10. 15. 1082705500023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082705500024 DATA 2 1 1082705500025 DATA ERR-T 1082705500026 MB MB 1082705500027 13. 5. 1082705500028 ENDDATA 3 0 1082705500029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 1082705599999 SUBENT 10827056 20110731 13741082705600001 BIB 6 15 1082705600002 REACTION (29-CU-63(N,X)1-H-1,PAR,SIG) 1082705600003 SAMPLE (29-CU-63,ENR=0.999) Sample is 3.9 milli-gms/sq-cm 1082705600004 thick, enriched to 99.9% 63Cu. 1082705600005 MONITOR (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,SIG) Neutrons on thick polyethylene 1082705600006 radiator 1082705600007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082705600008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082705600009 (MONIT-ERR,,1.) elastic cross sections from 1082705600010 hydrogen (<1%), 1082705600011 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082705600012 polynomial fit (7% for protons). 1082705600013 STATUS (TABLE) from private comm., Grimes, 1979/5. 1082705600014 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082705600015 HISTORY (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082705600016 from Subent 001. 1082705600017 ENDBIB 15 0 1082705600018 COMMON 1 3 1082705600019 DATA-ERR 1082705600020 PER-CENT 1082705600021 7. 1082705600022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082705600023 DATA 4 25 1082705600024 E-MIN E-MAX DATA ERR-T 1082705600025 MEV MEV MB MB 1082705600026 1.0 1.5 2.2 0.4 1082705600027 1.5 2.0 9.0 1.25 1082705600028 2.0 2.5 32.4 3.5 1082705600029 2.5 3.0 40.0 4.5 1082705600030 3.0 3.5 48.0 5.0 1082705600031 3.5 4.0 43.0 4.5 1082705600032 4.0 4.5 30.0 4.5 1082705600033 4.5 5.0 25.6 4.5 1082705600034 5.0 5.5 19.2 4.0 1082705600035 5.5 6.0 14.4 3.0 1082705600036 6.0 6.5 11.4 2.2 1082705600037 6.5 7.0 8.5 2.0 1082705600038 7.0 7.5 8.5 2.0 1082705600039 7.5 8.0 7.3 2.0 1082705600040 8.0 8.5 4.7 1.5 1082705600041 8.5 9.0 4.4 1.5 1082705600042 9.0 9.5 2.9 0.8 1082705600043 9.5 10.0 2.2 0.5 1082705600044 10.0 10.5 1.3 0.4 1082705600045 10.5 11.0 1.5 0.4 1082705600046 11.0 11.5 1.8 0.4 1082705600047 11.5 12.0 1.3 0.4 1082705600048 12.0 12.5 1.1 0.3 1082705600049 12.5 13.0 0.7 0.3 1082705600050 13.0 13.5 0.9 0.3 1082705600051 ENDDATA 27 0 1082705600052 ENDSUBENT 51 0 1082705699999 SUBENT 10827057 20110731 13741082705700001 BIB 6 17 1082705700002 REACTION (29-CU-63(N,X)1-H-1,,SIG) 1082705700003 SAMPLE (29-CU-63,ENR=0.999) Sample is 3.9 milli-gms/sq-cm 1082705700004 thick, enriched to 99.9% 63Cu. 1082705700005 MONITOR (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,SIG) Neutrons on thick polyethylene 1082705700006 radiator 1082705700007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082705700008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082705700009 (MONIT-ERR,,1.) elastic cross sections from 1082705700010 hydrogen (<1%), 1082705700011 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082705700012 polynomial fit (7% for protons). 1082705700013 STATUS (DEP,10827056) 1082705700014 (TABLE) tbl. III from PR/C,19,2127,1979 1082705700015 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082705700016 HISTORY (19820819A) DATA correction. 1082705700017 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082705700018 from Subent 001. 1082705700019 ENDBIB 17 0 1082705700020 COMMON 1 3 1082705700021 DATA-ERR 1082705700022 PER-CENT 1082705700023 7. 1082705700024 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082705700025 DATA 2 1 1082705700026 DATA ERR-T 1082705700027 MB MB 1082705700028 320. 45. 1082705700029 ENDDATA 3 0 1082705700030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 1082705799999 SUBENT 10827058 20110731 13741082705800001 BIB 6 17 1082705800002 REACTION (29-CU-63(N,X)2-HE-4,PAR,SIG) 1082705800003 SAMPLE (29-CU-63,ENR=0.999) Sample is 3.9 milli-gms/sq-cm 1082705800004 thick, enriched to 99.9% 63Cu. 1082705800005 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082705800006 radiator 1082705800007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082705800008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082705800009 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082705800010 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082705800011 polynomial fit (7% for alphas). 1082705800012 (ERR-5) Additional 4% error included to account for 1082705800013 increased uncertainty in using deuteron transmission 1082705800014 functions for alphas. 1082705800015 STATUS (TABLE) from private comm., Grimes, 1979/5. 1082705800016 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082705800017 HISTORY (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082705800018 from Subent 001. 1082705800019 ENDBIB 17 0 1082705800020 COMMON 3 3 1082705800021 DATA-ERR ERR-5 MONIT-ERR 1082705800022 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082705800023 7. 4. 10. 1082705800024 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082705800025 DATA 4 25 1082705800026 E-MIN E-MAX DATA ERR-T 1082705800027 MEV MEV MB MB 1082705800028 4.0 4.5 0.75 0.25 1082705800029 4.5 5.0 0.90 0.25 1082705800030 5.0 5.5 1.45 0.4 1082705800031 5.5 6.0 3.4 0.5 1082705800032 6.0 6.5 2.5 0.4 1082705800033 6.5 7.0 2.6 0.4 1082705800034 7.0 7.5 4.2 0.5 1082705800035 7.5 8.0 5.1 0.55 1082705800036 8.0 8.5 4.9 0.55 1082705800037 8.5 9.0 5.2 0.6 1082705800038 9.0 9.5 5.0 0.6 1082705800039 9.5 10.0 4.8 0.6 1082705800040 10.0 10.5 3.4 0.5 1082705800041 10.5 11.0 2.4 0.4 1082705800042 11.0 11.5 1.8 0.4 1082705800043 11.5 12.0 2.1 0.4 1082705800044 12.0 12.5 1.2 0.35 1082705800045 12.5 13.0 1.1 0.35 1082705800046 13.0 13.5 0.7 0.25 1082705800047 13.5 14.0 0.55 0.25 1082705800048 14.0 14.5 0.6 0.25 1082705800049 14.5 15.0 0.35 0.25 1082705800050 15.0 15.5 0.45 0.25 1082705800051 15.5 16.0 0.3 0.2 1082705800052 16.0 16.5 0.2 0.15 1082705800053 ENDDATA 27 0 1082705800054 ENDSUBENT 53 0 1082705899999 SUBENT 10827059 20110731 13741082705900001 BIB 6 18 1082705900002 REACTION (29-CU-63(N,X)2-HE-4,,SIG) 1082705900003 SAMPLE (29-CU-63,ENR=0.999) Sample is 3.9 milli-gms/sq-cm 1082705900004 thick, enriched to 99.9% 63Cu. 1082705900005 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082705900006 radiator 1082705900007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082705900008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082705900009 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082705900010 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082705900011 polynomial fit (7% for alphas). 1082705900012 (ERR-5) Additional 4% error included to account for 1082705900013 increased uncertainty in using deuteron transmission 1082705900014 functions for alphas. 1082705900015 STATUS (DEP,10827058) 1082705900016 (TABLE) tbl. III from PR/C,19,2127,1979 1082705900017 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082705900018 HISTORY (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082705900019 from Subent 001. 1082705900020 ENDBIB 18 0 1082705900021 COMMON 3 3 1082705900022 DATA-ERR ERR-5 MONIT-ERR 1082705900023 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082705900024 7. 4. 10. 1082705900025 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082705900026 DATA 2 1 1082705900027 DATA ERR-T 1082705900028 MB MB 1082705900029 56. 10. 1082705900030 ENDDATA 3 0 1082705900031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 1082705999999 SUBENT 10827060 20110731 13741082706000001 BIB 6 14 1082706000002 REACTION (29-CU-63(N,D)28-NI-62,PAR,SIG) 1082706000003 SAMPLE (29-CU-63,ENR=0.999) Sample is 3.9 milli-gms/sq-cm 1082706000004 thick, enriched to 99.9% 63Cu. 1082706000005 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082706000006 radiator 1082706000007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082706000008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082706000009 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082706000010 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082706000011 polynomial fit (15% for deuterons). 1082706000012 STATUS (TABLE) from private comm., Grimes, 1979/5. 1082706000013 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082706000014 HISTORY (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082706000015 from Subent 001. 1082706000016 ENDBIB 14 0 1082706000017 COMMON 2 3 1082706000018 MONIT-ERR DATA-ERR 1082706000019 PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082706000020 10. 15. 1082706000021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082706000022 DATA 4 17 1082706000023 E-MIN E-MAX DATA ERR-T 1082706000024 MEV MEV MB MB 1082706000025 2.0 2.5 0.13 0.08 1082706000026 2.5 3.0 0.25 0.1 1082706000027 3.0 3.5 0.37 0.15 1082706000028 3.5 4.0 0.35 0.15 1082706000029 4.0 4.5 0.45 0.15 1082706000030 4.5 5.0 0.75 0.3 1082706000031 5.0 5.5 1.0 0.3 1082706000032 5.5 6.0 0.55 0.2 1082706000033 6.0 6.5 0.9 0.3 1082706000034 6.5 7.0 0.8 0.3 1082706000035 7.0 7.5 0.55 0.25 1082706000036 7.5 8.0 0.65 0.3 1082706000037 8.0 8.5 0.45 0.15 1082706000038 8.5 9.0 0.5 0.2 1082706000039 9.0 9.5 0.75 0.3 1082706000040 9.5 10.0 0.4 0.15 1082706000041 10.0 10.5 0.15 0.10 1082706000042 ENDDATA 19 0 1082706000043 ENDSUBENT 42 0 1082706099999 SUBENT 10827061 20110731 13741082706100001 BIB 6 15 1082706100002 REACTION (29-CU-63(N,D)28-NI-62,,SIG) 1082706100003 SAMPLE (29-CU-63,ENR=0.999) Sample is 3.9 milli-gms/sq-cm 1082706100004 thick, enriched to 99.9% 63Cu. 1082706100005 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082706100006 radiator 1082706100007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082706100008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082706100009 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082706100010 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082706100011 polynomial fit (15% for deuterons). 1082706100012 STATUS (DEP,10827060) 1082706100013 (TABLE) tbl. III from PR/C,19,2127,1979 1082706100014 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082706100015 HISTORY (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082706100016 from Subent 001. 1082706100017 ENDBIB 15 0 1082706100018 COMMON 2 3 1082706100019 MONIT-ERR DATA-ERR 1082706100020 PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082706100021 10. 15. 1082706100022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082706100023 DATA 2 1 1082706100024 DATA ERR-T 1082706100025 MB MB 1082706100026 9. 4. 1082706100027 ENDDATA 3 0 1082706100028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 1082706199999 SUBENT 10827062 20110731 13741082706200001 BIB 6 15 1082706200002 REACTION (29-CU-65(N,X)1-H-1,PAR,SIG) 1082706200003 SAMPLE (29-CU-65,ENR=0.997) Sample is 4.0 milli-gms/sq-cm 1082706200004 thick, enriched to 99.7% 65Cu. 1082706200005 MONITOR (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,SIG) Neutrons on thick polyethylene 1082706200006 radiator 1082706200007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082706200008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082706200009 (MONIT-ERR,,1.) elastic cross sections from 1082706200010 hydrogen (<1%), 1082706200011 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082706200012 polynomial fit (7% for protons). 1082706200013 STATUS (TABLE) from private comm., Grimes, 1979/5. 1082706200014 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082706200015 HISTORY (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082706200016 from Subent 001. 1082706200017 ENDBIB 15 0 1082706200018 COMMON 1 3 1082706200019 DATA-ERR 1082706200020 PER-CENT 1082706200021 7. 1082706200022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082706200023 DATA 4 24 1082706200024 E-MIN E-MAX DATA ERR-T 1082706200025 MEV MEV MB MB 1082706200026 1.5 2.0 1.3 0.25 1082706200027 2.0 2.5 2.6 0.4 1082706200028 2.5 3.0 2.1 0.35 1082706200029 3.0 3.5 2.0 0.35 1082706200030 3.5 4.0 3.4 0.5 1082706200031 4.0 4.5 3.0 0.5 1082706200032 4.5 5.0 3.5 0.5 1082706200033 5.0 5.5 3.4 0.5 1082706200034 5.5 6.0 3.0 0.5 1082706200035 6.0 6.5 2.4 0.5 1082706200036 6.5 7.0 2.0 0.4 1082706200037 7.0 7.5 1.8 0.4 1082706200038 7.5 8.0 1.8 0.4 1082706200039 8.0 8.5 1.6 0.4 1082706200040 8.5 9.0 1.5 0.4 1082706200041 9.0 9.5 1.6 0.4 1082706200042 9.5 10.0 1.3 0.35 1082706200043 10.0 10.5 0.9 0.35 1082706200044 10.5 11.0 1.0 0.35 1082706200045 11.0 11.5 0.9 0.3 1082706200046 11.5 12.0 1.1 0.35 1082706200047 12.0 12.5 0.8 0.3 1082706200048 12.5 13.0 0.7 0.3 1082706200049 13.0 13.5 0.4 0.2 1082706200050 ENDDATA 26 0 1082706200051 ENDSUBENT 50 0 1082706299999 SUBENT 10827063 20110731 13741082706300001 BIB 6 16 1082706300002 REACTION (29-CU-65(N,X)1-H-1,,SIG) 1082706300003 SAMPLE (29-CU-65,ENR=0.997) Sample is 4.0 milli-gms/sq-cm 1082706300004 thick, enriched to 99.7% 65Cu. 1082706300005 MONITOR (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,SIG) Neutrons on thick polyethylene 1082706300006 radiator 1082706300007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082706300008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082706300009 (MONIT-ERR,,1.) elastic cross sections from 1082706300010 hydrogen (<1%), 1082706300011 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082706300012 polynomial fit (7% for protons). 1082706300013 STATUS (DEP,10827062) 1082706300014 (TABLE) tbl. III from PR/C,19,2127,1979 1082706300015 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082706300016 HISTORY (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082706300017 from Subent 001. 1082706300018 ENDBIB 16 0 1082706300019 COMMON 1 3 1082706300020 DATA-ERR 1082706300021 PER-CENT 1082706300022 7. 1082706300023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082706300024 DATA 2 1 1082706300025 DATA ERR-T 1082706300026 MB MB 1082706300027 44. 5. 1082706300028 ENDDATA 3 0 1082706300029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 1082706399999 SUBENT 10827064 20110731 13741082706400001 BIB 6 17 1082706400002 REACTION (29-CU-65(N,X)2-HE-4,PAR,SIG) 1082706400003 SAMPLE (29-CU-65,ENR=0.997) Sample is 4.0 milli-gms/sq-cm 1082706400004 thick, enriched to 99.7% 65Cu. 1082706400005 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082706400006 radiator 1082706400007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082706400008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082706400009 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082706400010 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082706400011 polynomial fit (15% for deuterons). 1082706400012 (ERR-5) Additional 4% error included to account for 1082706400013 increased uncertainty in using deuteron transmission 1082706400014 functions for alphas. 1082706400015 STATUS (TABLE) from private comm., Grimes, 1979/5. 1082706400016 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082706400017 HISTORY (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082706400018 from Subent 001. 1082706400019 ENDBIB 17 0 1082706400020 COMMON 3 3 1082706400021 MONIT-ERR DATA-ERR ERR-5 1082706400022 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082706400023 10. 15. 4. 1082706400024 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082706400025 DATA 4 21 1082706400026 E-MIN E-MAX DATA ERR-T 1082706400027 MEV MEV MB MB 1082706400028 4.5 5.0 0.2 0.1 1082706400029 5.0 5.5 0.2 0.1 1082706400030 5.5 6.0 0.15 0.1 1082706400031 6.0 6.5 0.3 0.1 1082706400032 6.5 7.0 0.5 0.15 1082706400033 7.0 7.5 0.85 0.25 1082706400034 7.5 8.0 1.4 0.3 1082706400035 8.0 8.5 1.2 0.3 1082706400036 8.5 9.0 1.2 0.3 1082706400037 9.0 9.5 1.4 0.3 1082706400038 9.5 10.0 1.3 0.3 1082706400039 10.0 10.5 1.0 0.25 1082706400040 10.5 11.0 0.75 0.2 1082706400041 11.0 11.5 0.4 0.15 1082706400042 11.5 12.0 0.5 0.15 1082706400043 12.0 12.5 0.5 0.15 1082706400044 12.5 13.0 0.25 0.10 1082706400045 13.0 13.5 0.45 0.15 1082706400046 13.5 14.0 0.15 0.1 1082706400047 14.0 14.5 0.3 0.15 1082706400048 14.5 15.0 0.35 0.15 1082706400049 ENDDATA 23 0 1082706400050 ENDSUBENT 49 0 1082706499999 SUBENT 10827065 20110731 13741082706500001 BIB 6 18 1082706500002 REACTION (29-CU-65(N,X)2-HE-4,,SIG) 1082706500003 SAMPLE (29-CU-65,ENR=0.997) Sample is 4.0 milli-gms/sq-cm 1082706500004 thick, enriched to 99.7% 65Cu. 1082706500005 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082706500006 radiator 1082706500007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082706500008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082706500009 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082706500010 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082706500011 polynomial fit (15% for deuterons). 1082706500012 (ERR-5) Additional 4% error included to account for 1082706500013 increased uncertainty in using deuteron transmission 1082706500014 functions for alphas. 1082706500015 STATUS (DEP,10827064) 1082706500016 (TABLE) tbl. III from PR/C,19,2127,1979 1082706500017 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082706500018 HISTORY (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082706500019 from Subent 001. 1082706500020 ENDBIB 18 0 1082706500021 COMMON 3 3 1082706500022 MONIT-ERR DATA-ERR ERR-5 1082706500023 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082706500024 10. 15. 4. 1082706500025 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082706500026 DATA 2 1 1082706500027 DATA ERR-T 1082706500028 MB MB 1082706500029 13. 3. 1082706500030 ENDDATA 3 0 1082706500031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 1082706599999 SUBENT 10827066 20110731 13741082706600001 BIB 6 14 1082706600002 REACTION (29-CU-65(N,D)28-NI-64,PAR,SIG) 1082706600003 SAMPLE (29-CU-65,ENR=0.997) Sample is 4.0 milli-gms/sq-cm 1082706600004 thick, enriched to 99.7% 65Cu. 1082706600005 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082706600006 radiator 1082706600007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082706600008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082706600009 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082706600010 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082706600011 polynomial fit (15% for deuterons). 1082706600012 STATUS (TABLE) from private comm., Grimes, 1979/5. 1082706600013 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082706600014 HISTORY (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082706600015 from Subent 001. 1082706600016 ENDBIB 14 0 1082706600017 COMMON 2 3 1082706600018 MONIT-ERR DATA-ERR 1082706600019 PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082706600020 10. 15. 1082706600021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082706600022 DATA 4 17 1082706600023 E-MIN E-MAX DATA ERR-T 1082706600024 MEV MEV MB MB 1082706600025 2.0 2.5 0.35 0.2 1082706600026 2.5 3.0 0.25 0.15 1082706600027 3.0 3.5 0.35 0.2 1082706600028 3.5 4.0 0.45 0.2 1082706600029 4.0 4.5 0.25 0.15 1082706600030 4.5 5.0 0.6 0.25 1082706600031 5.0 5.5 1.05 0.35 1082706600032 5.5 6.0 0.7 0.25 1082706600033 6.0 6.5 0.5 0.2 1082706600034 6.5 7.0 0.9 0.35 1082706600035 7.0 7.5 0.7 0.25 1082706600036 7.5 8.0 0.6 0.25 1082706600037 8.0 8.5 0.8 0.35 1082706600038 8.5 9.0 0.9 0.35 1082706600039 9.0 9.5 0.35 0.2 1082706600040 9.5 10.0 0.8 0.3 1082706600041 10.0 10.5 0.2 0.1 1082706600042 ENDDATA 19 0 1082706600043 ENDSUBENT 42 0 1082706699999 SUBENT 10827067 20110731 13741082706700001 BIB 6 15 1082706700002 REACTION (29-CU-65(N,D)28-NI-64,,SIG) 1082706700003 SAMPLE (29-CU-65,ENR=0.997) Sample is 4.0 milli-gms/sq-cm 1082706700004 thick, enriched to 99.7% 65Cu. 1082706700005 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082706700006 radiator 1082706700007 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082706700008 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082706700009 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082706700010 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082706700011 polynomial fit (15% for deuterons). 1082706700012 STATUS (DEP,10827066) 1082706700013 (TABLE) Tbl. III from PR/C,19,2127,1979 1082706700014 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082706700015 HISTORY (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082706700016 from Subent 001. 1082706700017 ENDBIB 15 0 1082706700018 COMMON 2 3 1082706700019 MONIT-ERR DATA-ERR 1082706700020 PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082706700021 10. 15. 1082706700022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082706700023 DATA 2 1 1082706700024 DATA ERR-T 1082706700025 MB MB 1082706700026 10. 4. 1082706700027 ENDDATA 3 0 1082706700028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 1082706799999 SUBENT 10827068 20110731 13741082706800001 BIB 5 11 1082706800002 REACTION (29-CU-0(N,X)1-H-1,,SIG,,,DERIV) 1082706800003 ANALYSIS Inferred from isotopic data. 1082706800004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Total uncertainty 1082706800005 STATUS (DEP,10827057) 1082706800006 (DEP,10827063) 1082706800007 (TABLE) Tbl. III from PR/C,19,2127,1979 1082706800008 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082706800009 HISTORY (19860422A) DATA corrected. 1082706800010 (20030602A) Data type added to REACTION. 1082706800011 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082706800012 from Subent 001. 1082706800013 ENDBIB 11 0 1082706800014 NOCOMMON 0 0 1082706800015 DATA 2 1 1082706800016 DATA DATA-ERR 1082706800017 MB MB 1082706800018 237. 28. 1082706800019 ENDDATA 3 0 1082706800020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 1082706899999 SUBENT 10827069 20110731 13741082706900001 BIB 5 11 1082706900002 REACTION (29-CU-0(N,D),,SIG,,,DERIV) 1082706900003 ANALYSIS Inferred from isotopic data. 1082706900004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Total uncertainty 1082706900005 STATUS (DEP,10827061) 1082706900006 (DEP,10827067) 1082706900007 (TABLE) Tbl. III from PR/C,19,2127,1979 1082706900008 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082706900009 HISTORY (19860422A) DATA corrected. 1082706900010 (20030602A) Data type added to REACTION. 1082706900011 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082706900012 from Subent 001. 1082706900013 ENDBIB 11 0 1082706900014 NOCOMMON 0 0 1082706900015 DATA 2 1 1082706900016 DATA DATA-ERR 1082706900017 MB MB 1082706900018 10. 4. 1082706900019 ENDDATA 3 0 1082706900020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 1082706999999 SUBENT 10827070 20110731 13741082707000001 BIB 5 11 1082707000002 REACTION (29-CU-0(N,X)2-HE-4,,SIG,,,DERIV) 1082707000003 ANALYSIS Inferred from isotopic data. 1082707000004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Total uncertainty 1082707000005 STATUS (DEP,10827059) 1082707000006 (DEP,10827065) 1082707000007 (TABLE) From private comm., Grimes, 1979/5. 1082707000008 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082707000009 HISTORY (19860422A) DATA corrected. 1082707000010 (20030602A) Data type added to REACTION. 1082707000011 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082707000012 from Subent 001. 1082707000013 ENDBIB 11 0 1082707000014 NOCOMMON 0 0 1082707000015 DATA 2 1 1082707000016 DATA DATA-ERR 1082707000017 MB MB 1082707000018 42. 7. 1082707000019 ENDDATA 3 0 1082707000020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 1082707099999 SUBENT 10827071 20110731 13741082707100001 BIB 4 12 1082707100002 REACTION (24-CR-50(N,X)1-H-1,PAR,DA,,AV) 1082707100003 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082707100004 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082707100005 (MONIT-ERR,,1.) elastic cross sections from 1082707100006 hydrogen (<1%), 1082707100007 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082707100008 polynomial fit (7% for protons). 1082707100009 STATUS (TABLE) Taken from private comm., Grimes, 1979/11/13. 1082707100010 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082707100011 HISTORY (19860709C) 1082707100012 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082707100013 from Subent 001. 1082707100014 ENDBIB 12 0 1082707100015 COMMON 1 3 1082707100016 DATA-ERR 1082707100017 PER-CENT 1082707100018 7. 1082707100019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082707100020 DATA 5 110 1082707100021 E-MIN E-MAX ANG DATA ERR-T 1082707100022 MEV MEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR 1082707100023 1.0 1.5 45. 0.86 0.3 1082707100024 1.0 1.5 90. 0.97 0.3 1082707100025 1.0 1.5 135. 1.2 0.4 1082707100026 1.5 2.0 30. 3.8 0.4 1082707100027 1.5 2.0 45. 4.9 0.6 1082707100028 1.5 2.0 90. 5.4 0.6 1082707100029 1.5 2.0 135. 6.5 0.7 1082707100030 2.0 2.5 30. 6.1 0.7 1082707100031 2.0 2.5 45. 5.8 0.7 1082707100032 2.0 2.5 90. 5.6 0.7 1082707100033 2.0 2.5 135. 6.9 0.7 1082707100034 2.5 3.0 30. 9.0 0.9 1082707100035 2.5 3.0 45. 8.6 0.9 1082707100036 2.5 3.0 90. 8.5 0.9 1082707100037 2.5 3.0 135. 9.3 0.8 1082707100038 3.0 3.5 30. 8.8 0.9 1082707100039 3.0 3.5 45. 8.8 0.9 1082707100040 3.0 3.5 90. 7.9 0.8 1082707100041 3.0 3.5 135. 7.9 0.8 1082707100042 3.5 4.0 30. 5.5 0.6 1082707100043 3.5 4.0 45. 5.7 0.7 1082707100044 3.5 4.0 90. 5.3 0.7 1082707100045 3.5 4.0 135. 5.4 0.6 1082707100046 4.0 4.5 30. 5.5 0.7 1082707100047 4.0 4.5 45. 5.6 0.7 1082707100048 4.0 4.5 90. 4.7 0.6 1082707100049 4.0 4.5 135. 4.7 0.6 1082707100050 4.5 5.0 30. 4.0 0.6 1082707100051 4.5 5.0 45. 4.2 0.6 1082707100052 4.5 5.0 90. 3.7 0.5 1082707100053 4.5 5.0 135. 3.9 0.6 1082707100054 5.0 5.5 30. 3.5 0.5 1082707100055 5.0 5.5 45. 3.7 0.5 1082707100056 5.0 5.5 90. 3.6 0.5 1082707100057 5.0 5.5 135. 3.4 0.5 1082707100058 5.5 6.0 30. 3.2 0.5 1082707100059 5.5 6.0 45. 3.5 0.5 1082707100060 5.5 6.0 90. 3.5 0.5 1082707100061 5.5 6.0 135. 3.3 0.5 1082707100062 6.0 6.5 30. 3.0 0.5 1082707100063 6.0 6.5 45. 3.1 0.5 1082707100064 6.0 6.5 90. 2.6 0.4 1082707100065 6.0 6.5 135. 2.5 0.4 1082707100066 6.5 7.0 30. 2.5 0.4 1082707100067 6.5 7.0 45. 3.0 0.5 1082707100068 6.5 7.0 90. 2.4 0.4 1082707100069 6.5 7.0 135. 2.2 0.4 1082707100070 7.0 7.5 30. 1.7 0.4 1082707100071 7.0 7.5 45. 2.2 0.4 1082707100072 7.0 7.5 90. 1.7 0.4 1082707100073 7.0 7.5 135. 1.3 0.3 1082707100074 7.5 8.0 30. 2.2 0.4 1082707100075 7.5 8.0 45. 2.1 0.4 1082707100076 7.5 8.0 90. 1.7 0.4 1082707100077 7.5 8.0 135. 1.7 0.4 1082707100078 8.0 8.5 30. 1.6 0.4 1082707100079 8.0 8.5 45. 1.7 0.4 1082707100080 8.0 8.5 90. 1.3 0.4 1082707100081 8.0 8.5 135. 1.4 0.4 1082707100082 8.5 9.0 30. 1.3 0.4 1082707100083 8.5 9.0 45. 1.5 0.4 1082707100084 8.5 9.0 90. 1.2 0.4 1082707100085 8.5 9.0 135. 0.9 0.3 1082707100086 9.0 9.5 30. 1.3 0.4 1082707100087 9.0 9.5 45. 0.9 0.3 1082707100088 9.0 9.5 90. 0.8 0.3 1082707100089 9.0 9.5 135. 0.6 0.2 1082707100090 9.5 10.0 30. 0.9 0.3 1082707100091 9.5 10.0 45. 0.8 0.3 1082707100092 9.5 10.0 90. 0.7 0.3 1082707100093 9.5 10.0 135. 0.6 0.2 1082707100094 10.0 10.5 30. 0.7 0.3 1082707100095 10.0 10.5 45. 0.7 0.3 1082707100096 10.0 10.5 90. 0.5 0.2 1082707100097 10.0 10.5 135. 0.4 0.2 1082707100098 10.5 11.0 30. 0.5 0.2 1082707100099 10.5 11.0 45. 0.5 0.2 1082707100100 10.5 11.0 90. 0.3 0.2 1082707100101 10.5 11.0 135. 0.3 0.2 1082707100102 11.0 11.5 30. 0.4 0.15 1082707100103 11.0 11.5 45. 0.25 0.15 1082707100104 11.0 11.5 90. 0.2 0.12 1082707100105 11.0 11.5 135. 0.27 0.12 1082707100106 11.5 12.0 30. 0.32 0.12 1082707100107 11.5 12.0 45. 0.4 0.15 1082707100108 11.5 12.0 90. 0.3 0.12 1082707100109 11.5 12.0 135. 0.19 0.1 1082707100110 12.0 12.5 30. 0.3 0.15 1082707100111 12.0 12.5 45. 0.15 0.10 1082707100112 12.0 12.5 90. 0.1 0.08 1082707100113 12.0 12.5 135. 0.02 0.04 1082707100114 12.5 13.0 30. .32 .15 1082707100115 12.5 13.0 45. .18 .1 1082707100116 12.5 13.0 90. .08 .06 1082707100117 12.5 13.0 135. .07 .05 1082707100118 13.0 13.5 30. .17 .1 1082707100119 13.0 13.5 45. .1 .07 1082707100120 13.0 13.5 90. .04 .04 1082707100121 13.0 13.5 135. .02 .04 1082707100122 13.5 14.0 30. .09 .05 1082707100123 13.5 14.0 45. .05 .04 1082707100124 13.5 14.0 90. .05 .04 1082707100125 14.0 14.5 30. .11 .06 1082707100126 14.0 14.5 45. .06 .03 1082707100127 14.0 14.5 90. .01 .03 1082707100128 14.0 14.5 135. .03 .04 1082707100129 14.5 15.0 30. .08 .06 1082707100130 14.5 15.0 45. .03 .03 1082707100131 14.5 15.0 90. .02 .03 1082707100132 14.5 15.0 135. .01 .03 1082707100133 ENDDATA 112 0 1082707100134 ENDSUBENT 133 0 1082707199999 SUBENT 10827072 20110731 13741082707200001 BIB 5 13 1082707200002 REACTION (24-CR-50(N,D)23-V-49,PAR,DA,,AV) 1082707200003 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082707200004 radiator 1082707200005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082707200006 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082707200007 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082707200008 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082707200009 polynomial fit (15% for deuterons). 1082707200010 STATUS (TABLE) Taken from private comm., Grimes, 1979/11/13. 1082707200011 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082707200012 HISTORY (19860709C) 1082707200013 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082707200014 from Subent 001. 1082707200015 ENDBIB 13 0 1082707200016 COMMON 2 3 1082707200017 MONIT-ERR DATA-ERR 1082707200018 PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082707200019 10. 15. 1082707200020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082707200021 DATA 5 43 1082707200022 E-MIN E-MAX ANG DATA ERR-T 1082707200023 MEV MEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR 1082707200024 2.0 2.5 30. .01 .03 1082707200025 2.0 2.5 45. .02 .04 1082707200026 2.0 2.5 90. .04 .04 1082707200027 2.0 2.5 135. .01 .03 1082707200028 2.5 3.0 45. .03 .02 1082707200029 2.5 3.0 90. .04 .04 1082707200030 2.5 3.0 135. .04 .04 1082707200031 3.0 3.5 30. .03 .03 1082707200032 3.0 3.5 45. .07 .04 1082707200033 3.0 3.5 90. .05 .03 1082707200034 3.0 3.5 135. .08 .04 1082707200035 3.5 4.0 30. .14 .07 1082707200036 3.5 4.0 45. .04 .03 1082707200037 3.5 4.0 90. .04 .03 1082707200038 3.5 4.0 135. .03 .03 1082707200039 4.0 4.5 30. .06 .03 1082707200040 4.0 4.5 45. .06 .03 1082707200041 4.0 4.5 90. .02 .01 1082707200042 4.0 4.5 135. .04 .02 1082707200043 4.5 5.0 30. .11 .04 1082707200044 4.5 5.0 45. .03 .02 1082707200045 4.5 5.0 90. .04 .02 1082707200046 4.5 5.0 135. .12 .04 1082707200047 5.0 5.5 30. .18 .04 1082707200048 5.0 5.5 45. .18 .04 1082707200049 5.0 5.5 90. .05 .02 1082707200050 5.0 5.5 135. .01 .01 1082707200051 5.5 6.0 30. .21 .05 1082707200052 5.5 6.0 45. .20 .05 1082707200053 5.5 6.0 90. .05 .02 1082707200054 5.5 6.0 135. .05 .02 1082707200055 6.0 6.5 30. .35 .06 1082707200056 6.0 6.5 45. .22 .05 1082707200057 6.0 6.5 90. .09 .03 1082707200058 6.0 6.5 135. .01 .01 1082707200059 6.5 7.0 30. .13 .04 1082707200060 6.5 7.0 45. .09 .03 1082707200061 6.5 7.0 90. .10 .03 1082707200062 6.5 7.0 135. .08 .03 1082707200063 7.0 7.5 30. .12 .04 1082707200064 7.0 7.5 45. .38 .06 1082707200065 7.0 7.5 90. .19 .04 1082707200066 7.0 7.5 135. .10 .03 1082707200067 ENDDATA 45 0 1082707200068 ENDSUBENT 67 0 1082707299999 SUBENT 10827073 20110731 13741082707300001 BIB 5 16 1082707300002 REACTION (24-CR-50(N,X)2-HE-4,PAR,DA,,AV) 1082707300003 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082707300004 radiator 1082707300005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082707300006 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082707300007 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082707300008 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082707300009 polynomial fit (7% for alphas). 1082707300010 (ERR-5) Additional 4% error included to account for 1082707300011 increased uncertainty in using deuteron transmission 1082707300012 functions for alphas. 1082707300013 STATUS (TABLE) Taken from private comm., Grimes, 1979/11/13. 1082707300014 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082707300015 HISTORY (19860709C) 1082707300016 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082707300017 from Subent 001. 1082707300018 ENDBIB 16 0 1082707300019 COMMON 3 3 1082707300020 DATA-ERR ERR-5 MONIT-ERR 1082707300021 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082707300022 7. 4. 10. 1082707300023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082707300024 DATA 5 89 1082707300025 E-MIN E-MAX ANG DATA ERR-T 1082707300026 MEV MEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR 1082707300027 4.0 4.5 45. .02 .01 1082707300028 4.0 4.5 90. .01 .01 1082707300029 4.5 5.0 30. .09 .03 1082707300030 4.5 5.0 45. .06 .02 1082707300031 4.5 5.0 90. .09 .03 1082707300032 5.0 5.5 30. .22 .05 1082707300033 5.0 5.5 45. .15 .04 1082707300034 5.0 5.5 90. .16 .04 1082707300035 5.0 5.5 135. .25 .05 1082707300036 5.5 6.0 30. .23 .05 1082707300037 5.5 6.0 45. .22 .05 1082707300038 5.5 6.0 90. .34 .07 1082707300039 5.5 6.0 135. .51 .1 1082707300040 6.0 6.5 30. .45 .07 1082707300041 6.0 6.5 45. .55 .08 1082707300042 6.0 6.5 90. .68 .10 1082707300043 6.0 6.5 135. .86 .15 1082707300044 6.5 7.0 30. .50 .08 1082707300045 6.5 7.0 45. .58 .09 1082707300046 6.5 7.0 90. .78 .12 1082707300047 6.5 7.0 135. .90 .15 1082707300048 7.0 7.5 30. .74 .1 1082707300049 7.0 7.5 45. .96 .15 1082707300050 7.0 7.5 90. .87 .12 1082707300051 7.0 7.5 135. .96 .15 1082707300052 7.5 8.0 30. .8 .1 1082707300053 7.5 8.0 45. .9 .12 1082707300054 7.5 8.0 90. .77 .1 1082707300055 7.5 8.0 135. 1.0 .15 1082707300056 8.0 8.5 30. .8 .1 1082707300057 8.0 8.5 45. .72 .09 1082707300058 8.0 8.5 90. .59 .08 1082707300059 8.0 8.5 135. .53 .07 1082707300060 8.5 9.0 30. .78 .1 1082707300061 8.5 9.0 45. .84 .1 1082707300062 8.5 9.0 90. .62 .08 1082707300063 8.5 9.0 135. .6 .08 1082707300064 9.0 9.5 30. .83 .1 1082707300065 9.0 9.5 45. .7 .09 1082707300066 9.0 9.5 90. .6 .08 1082707300067 9.0 9.5 135. .55 .08 1082707300068 9.5 10.0 30. .59 .08 1082707300069 9.5 10.0 45. .58 .08 1082707300070 9.5 10.0 90. .4 .07 1082707300071 9.5 10.0 135. .25 .06 1082707300072 10.0 10.5 30. .52 0.08 1082707300073 10.0 10.5 45. .52 0.08 1082707300074 10.0 10.5 90. .28 0.06 1082707300075 10.0 10.5 135. .21 0.06 1082707300076 10.5 11.0 30. .47 .08 1082707300077 10.5 11.0 45. .36 .07 1082707300078 10.5 11.0 90. .23 .06 1082707300079 10.5 11.0 135. .16 .05 1082707300080 11.0 11.5 30. .26 .06 1082707300081 11.0 11.5 45. .21 .05 1082707300082 11.0 11.5 90. .11 .04 1082707300083 11.0 11.5 135. .09 .03 1082707300084 11.5 12.0 30. .26 .06 1082707300085 11.5 12.0 45. .19 .05 1082707300086 11.5 12.0 90. .08 .03 1082707300087 11.5 12.0 135. .08 .03 1082707300088 12.0 12.5 30. .14 .04 1082707300089 12.0 12.5 45. .14 .04 1082707300090 12.0 12.5 90. .05 .02 1082707300091 12.0 12.5 135. .03 .02 1082707300092 12.5 13.0 30. .06 .02 1082707300093 12.5 13.0 45. .07 .02 1082707300094 12.5 13.0 90. .04 .02 1082707300095 12.5 13.0 135. .02 .01 1082707300096 13.0 13.5 30. .14 .05 1082707300097 13.0 13.5 45. .10 .04 1082707300098 13.0 13.5 90. .05 .02 1082707300099 13.0 13.5 135. .02 .01 1082707300100 13.5 14.0 30. .11 .04 1082707300101 13.5 14.0 45. .03 .02 1082707300102 13.5 14.0 90. .01 .01 1082707300103 13.5 14.0 135. .01 .01 1082707300104 14.0 14.5 30. .06 .03 1082707300105 14.0 14.5 45. .14 .05 1082707300106 14.0 14.5 90. .08 .03 1082707300107 14.0 14.5 135. .01 .01 1082707300108 14.5 15.0 30. .06 .02 1082707300109 14.5 15.0 45. .01 .01 1082707300110 14.5 15.0 90. .01 .01 1082707300111 14.5 15.0 135. .02 .01 1082707300112 15.0 15.5 30. .04 .02 1082707300113 15.0 15.5 45. .01 .01 1082707300114 15.0 15.5 90. .01 .01 1082707300115 15.0 15.5 135. .01 .01 1082707300116 ENDDATA 91 0 1082707300117 ENDSUBENT 116 0 1082707399999 SUBENT 10827074 20110731 13741082707400001 BIB 5 14 1082707400002 REACTION (24-CR-52(N,X)1-H-1,PAR,DA,,AV) 1082707400003 MONITOR (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,SIG) Neutrons on thick polyethylene 1082707400004 radiator 1082707400005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082707400006 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082707400007 (MONIT-ERR,,1.) elastic cross sections from 1082707400008 hydrogen (<1%), 1082707400009 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082707400010 polynomial fit (7% for protons). 1082707400011 STATUS (TABLE) Taken from private comm., Grimes, 1979/11/13. 1082707400012 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082707400013 HISTORY (19860709C) 1082707400014 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082707400015 from Subent 001. 1082707400016 ENDBIB 14 0 1082707400017 COMMON 1 3 1082707400018 DATA-ERR 1082707400019 PER-CENT 1082707400020 7. 1082707400021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082707400022 DATA 5 86 1082707400023 E-MIN E-MAX ANG DATA ERR-T 1082707400024 MEV MEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR 1082707400025 1.0 1.5 30. .16 .08 1082707400026 1.0 1.5 90. .30 .07 1082707400027 1.0 1.5 135. .4 .07 1082707400028 1.5 2.0 30. 1.44 .18 1082707400029 1.5 2.0 45. 1.22 .17 1082707400030 1.5 2.0 90. 1.14 .15 1082707400031 1.5 2.0 135. 1.36 .18 1082707400032 2.0 2.5 30. 1.32 .2 1082707400033 2.0 2.5 45. 1.39 .2 1082707400034 2.0 2.5 90. 1.17 .18 1082707400035 2.0 2.5 135. 1.63 .2 1082707400036 2.5 3.0 30. 1.0 .16 1082707400037 2.5 3.0 45. 1.31 .17 1082707400038 2.5 3.0 90. 1.17 .14 1082707400039 2.5 3.0 135. 1.36 .16 1082707400040 3.0 3.5 30. 1.38 .18 1082707400041 3.0 3.5 45. 1.46 .17 1082707400042 3.0 3.5 90. 1.58 .18 1082707400043 3.0 3.5 135. 1.54 .18 1082707400044 3.5 4.0 30. 1.12 .15 1082707400045 3.5 4.0 45. 1.17 .15 1082707400046 3.5 4.0 90. 1.24 .15 1082707400047 3.5 4.0 135. 1.09 .14 1082707400048 4.0 4.5 30. .84 .13 1082707400049 4.0 4.5 45. .84 .14 1082707400050 4.0 4.5 90. 1.0 .15 1082707400051 4.0 4.5 135. .94 .14 1082707400052 4.5 5.0 30. 1.02 .16 1082707400053 4.5 5.0 45. 1.0 .14 1082707400054 4.5 5.0 90. .86 .13 1082707400055 4.5 5.0 135. 1.07 .15 1082707400056 5.0 5.5 30. .88 .12 1082707400057 5.0 5.5 45. .97 .14 1082707400058 5.0 5.5 90. .78 .1 1082707400059 5.0 5.5 135. .81 .11 1082707400060 5.5 6.0 30. .85 .12 1082707400061 5.5 6.0 45. .89 .13 1082707400062 5.5 6.0 90. .89 .13 1082707400063 5.5 6.0 135. .75 .10 1082707400064 6.0 6.5 30. .73 .09 1082707400065 6.0 6.5 45. .86 .12 1082707400066 6.0 6.5 90. .66 .08 1082707400067 6.0 6.5 135. .55 .08 1082707400068 6.5 7.0 30. 1.02 .13 1082707400069 6.5 7.0 45. .72 .1 1082707400070 6.5 7.0 90. .68 .08 1082707400071 6.5 7.0 135. .6 .08 1082707400072 7.0 7.5 30. .71 .1 1082707400073 7.0 7.5 45. .62 .1 1082707400074 7.0 7.5 90. .51 .07 1082707400075 7.0 7.5 135. .43 .06 1082707400076 7.5 8.0 30. .63 .08 1082707400077 7.5 8.0 45. .41 .08 1082707400078 7.5 8.0 90. .39 .07 1082707400079 7.5 8.0 135. .3 .06 1082707400080 8.0 8.5 30. .47 .07 1082707400081 8.0 8.5 45. .37 .07 1082707400082 8.0 8.5 90. .31 .07 1082707400083 8.0 8.5 135. .2 .06 1082707400084 8.5 9.0 30. .54 .09 1082707400085 8.5 9.0 45. .42 .07 1082707400086 8.5 9.0 90. .25 .06 1082707400087 8.5 9.0 135. .1 .05 1082707400088 9.0 9.5 30. .35 .08 1082707400089 9.0 9.5 45. .28 .06 1082707400090 9.0 9.5 90. .21 .06 1082707400091 9.0 9.5 135. .06 .04 1082707400092 9.5 10.0 30. .28 .06 1082707400093 9.5 10.0 45. .24 .06 1082707400094 9.5 10.0 90. .13 .05 1082707400095 9.5 10.0 135. .07 .04 1082707400096 10.0 10.5 30. .17 .05 1082707400097 10.0 10.5 45. .19 .06 1082707400098 10.0 10.5 90. .15 .05 1082707400099 10.0 10.5 135. .11 .05 1082707400100 10.5 11.0 30. .15 .05 1082707400101 10.5 11.0 45. .09 .04 1082707400102 10.5 11.0 90. .11 .04 1082707400103 10.5 11.0 135. .10 .04 1082707400104 11.0 11.5 30. .15 .05 1082707400105 11.0 11.5 45. .13 .05 1082707400106 11.0 11.5 90. .06 .03 1082707400107 11.0 11.5 135. .02 .03 1082707400108 11.5 12.0 30. .06 .03 1082707400109 11.5 12.0 45. .06 .03 1082707400110 11.5 12.0 90. .03 .03 1082707400111 ENDDATA 88 0 1082707400112 ENDSUBENT 111 0 1082707499999 SUBENT 10827075 20110731 13741082707500001 BIB 5 13 1082707500002 REACTION (24-CR-52(N,D)23-V-51,PAR,DA,,AV) 1082707500003 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082707500004 radiator 1082707500005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082707500006 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082707500007 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082707500008 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082707500009 polynomial fit (15% for deuterons). 1082707500010 STATUS (TABLE) Taken from private comm., Grimes, 1979/11/13. 1082707500011 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082707500012 HISTORY (19860709C) 1082707500013 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082707500014 from Subent 001. 1082707500015 ENDBIB 13 0 1082707500016 COMMON 2 3 1082707500017 MONIT-ERR DATA-ERR 1082707500018 PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082707500019 10. 15. 1082707500020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082707500021 DATA 5 42 1082707500022 E-MIN E-MAX ANG DATA ERR-T 1082707500023 MEV MEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR 1082707500024 1.5 2.0 30. .006 .008 1082707500025 1.5 2.0 45. .016 .01 1082707500026 1.5 2.0 90. .026 .01 1082707500027 2.0 2.5 30. .025 .01 1082707500028 2.0 2.5 45. .078 .025 1082707500029 2.0 2.5 90. .017 .01 1082707500030 2.5 3.0 30. .06 .02 1082707500031 2.5 3.0 45. .07 .02 1082707500032 2.5 3.0 90. .08 .025 1082707500033 2.5 3.0 135. .04 .02 1082707500034 3.0 3.5 30. .07 .025 1082707500035 3.0 3.5 45. .08 .025 1082707500036 3.0 3.5 90. .04 .015 1082707500037 3.0 3.5 135. .01 .01 1082707500038 3.5 4.0 30. .13 .04 1082707500039 3.5 4.0 45. .08 .025 1082707500040 3.5 4.0 90. .06 .02 1082707500041 3.5 4.0 135. .05 .02 1082707500042 4.0 4.5 30. .03 .01 1082707500043 4.0 4.5 45. .04 .015 1082707500044 4.0 4.5 90. .01 .008 1082707500045 4.0 4.5 135. .02 .01 1082707500046 4.5 5.0 30. .1 .03 1082707500047 4.5 5.0 45. .08 .025 1082707500048 4.5 5.0 90. .07 .02 1082707500049 4.5 5.0 135. .05 .02 1082707500050 5.0 5.5 30. .08 .025 1082707500051 5.0 5.5 45. .06 .02 1082707500052 5.0 5.5 90. .04 .02 1082707500053 5.0 5.5 135. .02 .01 1082707500054 5.5 6.0 30. .06 .02 1082707500055 5.5 6.0 45. .02 .01 1082707500056 5.5 6.0 90. .01 .01 1082707500057 5.5 6.0 135. .01 .01 1082707500058 6.0 6.5 30. .19 .05 1082707500059 6.0 6.5 45. .23 .05 1082707500060 6.0 6.5 90. .12 .04 1082707500061 6.0 6.5 135. .06 .02 1082707500062 6.5 7.0 30. .27 .06 1082707500063 6.5 7.0 45. .19 .05 1082707500064 6.5 7.0 90. .02 .01 1082707500065 6.5 7.0 135. .005 .005 1082707500066 ENDDATA 44 0 1082707500067 ENDSUBENT 66 0 1082707599999 SUBENT 10827076 20110731 13741082707600001 BIB 5 16 1082707600002 REACTION (24-CR-52(N,X)2-HE-4,PAR,DA,,AV) 1082707600003 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082707600004 radiator 1082707600005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082707600006 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082707600007 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082707600008 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082707600009 polynomial fit (7% for alphas). 1082707600010 (ERR-5) Additional 4% error included to account for 1082707600011 increased uncertainty in using deuteron transmission 1082707600012 functions for alphas. 1082707600013 STATUS (TABLE) Taken from private comm., Grimes, 1979/11/13. 1082707600014 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082707600015 HISTORY (19860709C) 1082707600016 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082707600017 from Subent 001. 1082707600018 ENDBIB 16 0 1082707600019 COMMON 3 3 1082707600020 DATA-ERR ERR-5 MONIT-ERR 1082707600021 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082707600022 7. 4. 10. 1082707600023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082707600024 DATA 5 80 1082707600025 E-MIN E-MAX ANG DATA ERR-T 1082707600026 MEV MEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR 1082707600027 4.0 4.5 30. .04 .02 1082707600028 4.0 4.5 45. .03 .015 1082707600029 4.0 4.5 90. .01 .01 1082707600030 4.0 4.5 135. .02 .01 1082707600031 4.5 5.0 30. .048 .02 1082707600032 4.5 5.0 45. .04 .015 1082707600033 4.5 5.0 90. .03 .01 1082707600034 4.5 5.0 135. .043 .015 1082707600035 5.0 5.5 30. .07 .03 1082707600036 5.0 5.5 45. .09 .03 1082707600037 5.0 5.5 90. .11 .04 1082707600038 5.0 5.5 135. .09 .03 1082707600039 5.5 6.0 30. .18 .05 1082707600040 5.5 6.0 45. .16 .04 1082707600041 5.5 6.0 90. .12 .04 1082707600042 5.5 6.0 135. .21 .05 1082707600043 6.0 6.5 30. .11 .035 1082707600044 6.0 6.5 45. .17 .04 1082707600045 6.0 6.5 90. .11 .03 1082707600046 6.0 6.5 135. .15 .03 1082707600047 6.5 7.0 30. .19 .04 1082707600048 6.5 7.0 45. .18 .04 1082707600049 6.5 7.0 90. .26 .06 1082707600050 6.5 7.0 135. .29 .06 1082707600051 7.0 7.5 30. .3 .06 1082707600052 7.0 7.5 45. .42 .07 1082707600053 7.0 7.5 90. .47 .08 1082707600054 7.0 7.5 135. .41 .07 1082707600055 7.5 8.0 30. .28 .06 1082707600056 7.5 8.0 45. .37 .07 1082707600057 7.5 8.0 90. .29 .06 1082707600058 7.5 8.0 135. .25 .06 1082707600059 8.0 8.5 30. .36 .08 1082707600060 8.0 8.5 45. .33 .06 1082707600061 8.0 8.5 90. .28 .06 1082707600062 8.0 8.5 135. .28 .06 1082707600063 8.5 9.0 30. .39 .08 1082707600064 8.5 9.0 45. .36 .06 1082707600065 8.5 9.0 90. .16 .04 1082707600066 8.5 9.0 135. .18 .04 1082707600067 9.0 9.5 30. .19 .05 1082707600068 9.0 9.5 45. .24 .05 1082707600069 9.0 9.5 90. .14 .03 1082707600070 9.0 9.5 135. .11 .03 1082707600071 9.5 10.0 30. .21 .06 1082707600072 9.5 10.0 45. .31 .07 1082707600073 9.5 10.0 90. .18 .05 1082707600074 9.5 10.0 135. .06 .025 1082707600075 10.0 10.5 30. .19 .05 1082707600076 10.0 10.5 45. .15 .04 1082707600077 10.0 10.5 90. .14 .03 1082707600078 10.0 10.5 135. .07 .02 1082707600079 10.5 11.0 30. .12 .03 1082707600080 10.5 11.0 45. .13 .03 1082707600081 10.5 11.0 90. .06 .02 1082707600082 10.5 11.0 135. .09 .03 1082707600083 11.0 11.5 30. .16 .04 1082707600084 11.0 11.5 45. .11 .03 1082707600085 11.0 11.5 90. .03 .015 1082707600086 11.0 11.5 135. .02 .01 1082707600087 11.5 12.0 30. .14 .04 1082707600088 11.5 12.0 45. .2 .05 1082707600089 11.5 12.0 90. .06 .02 1082707600090 11.5 12.0 135. .01 .01 1082707600091 12.0 12.5 30. .05 .02 1082707600092 12.0 12.5 45. .05 .02 1082707600093 12.0 12.5 90. .02 .01 1082707600094 12.0 12.5 135. .003 .005 1082707600095 12.5 13.0 30. .18 .05 1082707600096 12.5 13.0 45. .12 .05 1082707600097 12.5 13.0 90. .07 .02 1082707600098 12.5 13.0 135. .01 .01 1082707600099 13.0 13.5 30. .06 .02 1082707600100 13.0 13.5 45. .04 .02 1082707600101 13.0 13.5 90. .02 .01 1082707600102 13.0 13.5 135. .005 .005 1082707600103 13.5 14.0 30. .04 .02 1082707600104 13.5 14.0 45. .02 .01 1082707600105 13.5 14.0 90. .002 .005 1082707600106 13.5 14.0 135. .004 .005 1082707600107 ENDDATA 82 0 1082707600108 ENDSUBENT 107 0 1082707699999 SUBENT 10827077 20110731 13741082707700001 BIB 5 14 1082707700002 REACTION (24-CR-0(N,X)1-H-1,PAR,DA,,AV) 1082707700003 MONITOR (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,SIG) Neutrons on thick polyethylene 1082707700004 radiator 1082707700005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082707700006 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082707700007 (MONIT-ERR,,1.) elastic cross sections from 1082707700008 hydrogen (<1%), 1082707700009 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082707700010 polynomial fit (7% for protons). 1082707700011 STATUS (TABLE) Taken from private comm., Grimes, 1979/11/13. 1082707700012 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082707700013 HISTORY (19860709C) 1082707700014 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082707700015 from Subent 001. 1082707700016 ENDBIB 14 0 1082707700017 COMMON 1 3 1082707700018 DATA-ERR 1082707700019 PER-CENT 1082707700020 7. 1082707700021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082707700022 DATA 5 88 1082707700023 E-MIN E-MAX ANG DATA ERR-T 1082707700024 MEV MEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR 1082707700025 1.0 1.5 30. .15 .04 1082707700026 1.0 1.5 45. .22 .05 1082707700027 1.0 1.5 90. .39 .08 1082707700028 1.0 1.5 135. .61 .12 1082707700029 1.5 2.0 30. .71 .14 1082707700030 1.5 2.0 45. 1.0 .2 1082707700031 1.5 2.0 90. 1.17 .2 1082707700032 1.5 2.0 135. 1.44 .2 1082707700033 2.0 2.5 30. 1.2 .18 1082707700034 2.0 2.5 45. 1.43 .18 1082707700035 2.0 2.5 90. 1.35 .16 1082707700036 2.0 2.5 135. 1.58 .2 1082707700037 2.5 3.0 30. 1.13 .17 1082707700038 2.5 3.0 45. 1.17 .16 1082707700039 2.5 3.0 90. .96 .12 1082707700040 2.5 3.0 135. 1.48 .18 1082707700041 3.0 3.5 30. 1.49 .19 1082707700042 3.0 3.5 45. 1.54 .18 1082707700043 3.0 3.5 90. 1.48 .16 1082707700044 3.0 3.5 135. 1.42 .17 1082707700045 3.5 4.0 30. 1.5 .2 1082707700046 3.5 4.0 45. 1.28 .17 1082707700047 3.5 4.0 90. 1.17 .15 1082707700048 3.5 4.0 135. 1.53 .19 1082707700049 4.0 4.5 30. 1.06 .15 1082707700050 4.0 4.5 45. 1.01 .14 1082707700051 4.0 4.5 90. .97 .12 1082707700052 4.0 4.5 135. 1.04 .14 1082707700053 4.5 5.0 30. .75 .13 1082707700054 4.5 5.0 45. .83 .12 1082707700055 4.5 5.0 90. .87 .11 1082707700056 4.5 5.0 135. .86 .12 1082707700057 5.0 5.5 30. .92 .14 1082707700058 5.0 5.5 45. .7 .11 1082707700059 5.0 5.5 90. .79 .12 1082707700060 5.0 5.5 135. .69 .11 1082707700061 5.5 6.0 30. .91 .13 1082707700062 5.5 6.0 45. 1.13 .14 1082707700063 5.5 6.0 90. .91 .11 1082707700064 5.5 6.0 135. .8 .11 1082707700065 6.0 6.5 30. .92 .13 1082707700066 6.0 6.5 45. .94 .13 1082707700067 6.0 6.5 90. .63 .09 1082707700068 6.0 6.5 135. .55 .09 1082707700069 6.5 7.0 30. .84 .13 1082707700070 6.5 7.0 45. .90 .13 1082707700071 6.5 7.0 90. .65 .09 1082707700072 6.5 7.0 135. .58 .1 1082707700073 7.0 7.5 30. .59 .1 1082707700074 7.0 7.5 45. .84 .11 1082707700075 7.0 7.5 90. .51 .08 1082707700076 7.0 7.5 135. .35 .07 1082707700077 7.5 8.0 30. .85 .12 1082707700078 7.5 8.0 45. .56 .09 1082707700079 7.5 8.0 90. .47 .08 1082707700080 7.5 8.0 135. .29 .06 1082707700081 8.0 8.5 30. .37 .06 1082707700082 8.0 8.5 45. .26 .06 1082707700083 8.0 8.5 90. .26 .06 1082707700084 8.0 8.5 135. .2 .06 1082707700085 8.5 9.0 30. .44 .07 1082707700086 8.5 9.0 45. .44 .07 1082707700087 8.5 9.0 90. .27 .06 1082707700088 8.5 9.0 135. .19 .06 1082707700089 9.0 9.5 30. .34 .06 1082707700090 9.0 9.5 45. .31 .06 1082707700091 9.0 9.5 90. .12 .04 1082707700092 9.0 9.5 135. .1 .04 1082707700093 9.5 10.0 30. .25 .06 1082707700094 9.5 10.0 45. .23 .06 1082707700095 9.5 10.0 90. .16 .05 1082707700096 9.5 10.0 135. .06 .03 1082707700097 10.0 10.5 30. .19 .05 1082707700098 10.0 10.5 45. .11 .04 1082707700099 10.0 10.5 90. .11 .04 1082707700100 10.0 10.5 135. .16 .05 1082707700101 10.5 11.0 30. .16 .04 1082707700102 10.5 11.0 45. .09 .04 1082707700103 10.5 11.0 90. .07 .03 1082707700104 10.5 11.0 135. .03 .02 1082707700105 11.0 11.5 30. .32 .06 1082707700106 11.0 11.5 45. .19 .06 1082707700107 11.0 11.5 90. .06 .03 1082707700108 11.0 11.5 135. .06 .03 1082707700109 11.5 12.0 30. .2 .05 1082707700110 11.5 12.0 45. .12 .04 1082707700111 11.5 12.0 90. .06 .03 1082707700112 11.5 12.0 135. .02 .01 1082707700113 ENDDATA 90 0 1082707700114 ENDSUBENT 113 0 1082707799999 SUBENT 10827078 20110731 13741082707800001 BIB 5 13 1082707800002 REACTION (24-CR-0(N,D),PAR,DA,,AV) 1082707800003 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082707800004 radiator 1082707800005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082707800006 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082707800007 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082707800008 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082707800009 polynomial fit (15% for deuterons). 1082707800010 STATUS (TABLE) Taken from private comm., Grimes, 1979/11/13. 1082707800011 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082707800012 HISTORY (19860709C) 1082707800013 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved from 1082707800014 Subent 001. REACTON code corrected (SF3 moved to SF4) 1082707800015 ENDBIB 13 0 1082707800016 COMMON 2 3 1082707800017 MONIT-ERR DATA-ERR 1082707800018 PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082707800019 10. 15. 1082707800020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082707800021 DATA 5 49 1082707800022 E-MIN E-MAX ANG DATA ERR-T 1082707800023 MEV MEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR 1082707800024 1.5 2.0 45. .01 .01 1082707800025 1.5 2.0 90. .018 .01 1082707800026 1.5 2.0 135. .02 .012 1082707800027 2.0 2.5 45. .035 .02 1082707800028 2.0 2.5 90. .025 .015 1082707800029 2.0 2.5 135. .036 .02 1082707800030 2.5 3.0 30. .025 .01 1082707800031 2.5 3.0 45. .03 .015 1082707800032 2.5 3.0 90. .03 .015 1082707800033 2.5 3.0 135. .025 .015 1082707800034 3.0 3.5 30. .03 .015 1082707800035 3.0 3.5 45. .05 .02 1082707800036 3.0 3.5 90. .013 .006 1082707800037 3.0 3.5 135. .001 .001 1082707800038 3.5 4.0 30. .12 .04 1082707800039 3.5 4.0 45. .03 .015 1082707800040 3.5 4.0 90. .01 .01 1082707800041 3.5 4.0 135. .003 .005 1082707800042 4.0 4.5 30. .043 .02 1082707800043 4.0 4.5 45. .022 .01 1082707800044 4.0 4.5 90. .003 .005 1082707800045 4.0 4.5 135. .004 .005 1082707800046 4.5 5.0 30. .027 .015 1082707800047 4.5 5.0 45. .021 .015 1082707800048 4.5 5.0 90. .01 .008 1082707800049 4.5 5.0 135. .005 .005 1082707800050 5.0 5.5 30. .054 .02 1082707800051 5.0 5.5 45. .057 .02 1082707800052 5.0 5.5 90. .045 .02 1082707800053 5.0 5.5 135. .02 .01 1082707800054 5.5 6.0 30. .14 .04 1082707800055 5.5 6.0 45. .1 .03 1082707800056 5.5 6.0 90. .068 .02 1082707800057 5.5 6.0 135. .05 .02 1082707800058 6.0 6.5 30. .49 .08 1082707800059 6.0 6.5 45. .31 .06 1082707800060 6.0 6.5 90. .09 .03 1082707800061 6.0 6.5 135. .03 .015 1082707800062 6.5 7.0 30. .48 .09 1082707800063 6.5 7.0 45. .26 .06 1082707800064 6.5 7.0 90. .11 .04 1082707800065 6.5 7.0 135. .016 .01 1082707800066 7.0 7.5 30. .13 .03 1082707800067 7.0 7.5 45. .045 .02 1082707800068 7.0 7.5 90. .003 .003 1082707800069 7.0 7.5 135. .002 .003 1082707800070 7.5 8.0 30. .04 .02 1082707800071 7.5 8.0 45. .013 .008 1082707800072 7.5 8.0 90. .001 .001 1082707800073 ENDDATA 51 0 1082707800074 ENDSUBENT 73 0 1082707899999 SUBENT 10827079 20110731 13741082707900001 BIB 5 16 1082707900002 REACTION (24-CR-0(N,X)2-HE-4,PAR,DA,,AV) 1082707900003 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082707900004 radiator 1082707900005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082707900006 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082707900007 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082707900008 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082707900009 polynomial fit (7% for alphas). 1082707900010 (ERR-5) Additional 4% error included to account for 1082707900011 increased uncertainty in using deuteron transmission 1082707900012 functions for alphas. 1082707900013 STATUS (TABLE) Taken from private comm., Grimes, 1979/11/13. 1082707900014 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082707900015 HISTORY (19860709C) 1082707900016 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082707900017 from Subent 001. 1082707900018 ENDBIB 16 0 1082707900019 COMMON 3 3 1082707900020 DATA-ERR ERR-5 MONIT-ERR 1082707900021 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082707900022 7. 4. 10. 1082707900023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082707900024 DATA 5 72 1082707900025 E-MIN E-MAX ANG DATA ERR-T 1082707900026 MEV MEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR 1082707900027 4.0 4.5 45. .006 .008 1082707900028 4.0 4.5 135. .01 .008 1082707900029 4.5 5.0 45. .024 .01 1082707900030 4.5 5.0 135. .04 .015 1082707900031 5.0 5.5 30. .04 .015 1082707900032 5.0 5.5 45. .04 .015 1082707900033 5.0 5.5 90. .07 .03 1082707900034 5.0 5.5 135. .1 .035 1082707900035 5.5 6.0 30. .09 .03 1082707900036 5.5 6.0 45. .16 .04 1082707900037 5.5 6.0 90. .15 .04 1082707900038 5.5 6.0 135. .2 .04 1082707900039 6.0 6.5 30. .16 .05 1082707900040 6.0 6.5 45. .13 .04 1082707900041 6.0 6.5 90. .23 .05 1082707900042 6.0 6.5 135. .27 .06 1082707900043 6.5 7.0 30. .21 .05 1082707900044 6.5 7.0 45. .25 .05 1082707900045 6.5 7.0 90. .26 .05 1082707900046 6.5 7.0 135. .22 .04 1082707900047 7.0 7.5 30. .26 .06 1082707900048 7.0 7.5 45. .39 .08 1082707900049 7.0 7.5 90. .26 .07 1082707900050 7.0 7.5 135. .27 .07 1082707900051 7.5 8.0 30. .32 .07 1082707900052 7.5 8.0 45. .28 .06 1082707900053 7.5 8.0 90. .25 .05 1082707900054 7.5 8.0 135. .37 .07 1082707900055 8.0 8.5 30. .46 .08 1082707900056 8.0 8.5 45. .25 .05 1082707900057 8.0 8.5 90. .26 .05 1082707900058 8.0 8.5 135. .21 .05 1082707900059 8.5 9.0 30. .44 .08 1082707900060 8.5 9.0 45. .4 .07 1082707900061 8.5 9.0 90. .32 .06 1082707900062 8.5 9.0 135. .21 .05 1082707900063 9.0 9.5 30. .34 .07 1082707900064 9.0 9.5 45. .23 .05 1082707900065 9.0 9.5 90. .19 .06 1082707900066 9.0 9.5 135. .07 .025 1082707900067 9.5 10.0 30. .27 .06 1082707900068 9.5 10.0 45. .22 .05 1082707900069 9.5 10.0 90. .17 .04 1082707900070 9.5 10.0 135. .10 .035 1082707900071 10.0 10.5 30. .25 .06 1082707900072 10.0 10.5 45. .18 .04 1082707900073 10.0 10.5 90. .15 .04 1082707900074 10.0 10.5 135. .11 .04 1082707900075 10.5 11.0 30. .15 .03 1082707900076 10.5 11.0 45. .14 .03 1082707900077 10.5 11.0 90. .07 .02 1082707900078 10.5 11.0 135. .06 .02 1082707900079 11.0 11.5 30. .17 .04 1082707900080 11.0 11.5 45. .17 .04 1082707900081 11.0 11.5 90. .05 .015 1082707900082 11.0 11.5 135. .04 .015 1082707900083 11.5 12.0 30. .12 .03 1082707900084 11.5 12.0 45. .09 .03 1082707900085 11.5 12.0 90. .07 .02 1082707900086 11.5 12.0 135. .04 .015 1082707900087 12.0 12.5 30. .12 .03 1082707900088 12.0 12.5 45. .06 .02 1082707900089 12.0 12.5 90. .04 .02 1082707900090 12.0 12.5 135. .02 .01 1082707900091 12.5 13.0 30. .1 .03 1082707900092 12.5 13.0 45. .05 .02 1082707900093 12.5 13.0 90. .08 .02 1082707900094 12.5 13.0 135. .05 .02 1082707900095 13.0 13.5 30. .15 .03 1082707900096 13.0 13.5 45. .12 .03 1082707900097 13.0 13.5 90. .08 .02 1082707900098 13.0 13.5 135. .03 .015 1082707900099 ENDDATA 74 0 1082707900100 ENDSUBENT 99 0 1082707999999 SUBENT 10827080 20110731 13741082708000001 BIB 5 14 1082708000002 REACTION (26-FE-54(N,X)1-H-1,PAR,DA,,AV) 1082708000003 MONITOR (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,SIG) Neutrons on thick polyethylene 1082708000004 radiator 1082708000005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082708000006 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082708000007 (MONIT-ERR,,1.) elastic cross sections from 1082708000008 hydrogen (<1%), 1082708000009 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082708000010 polynomial fit (7% for protons). 1082708000011 STATUS (TABLE) Taken from private comm., Grimes, 1979/11/13. 1082708000012 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082708000013 HISTORY (19860709C) 1082708000014 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082708000015 from Subent 001. 1082708000016 ENDBIB 14 0 1082708000017 COMMON 1 3 1082708000018 DATA-ERR 1082708000019 PER-CENT 1082708000020 7. 1082708000021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082708000022 DATA 5 99 1082708000023 E-MIN E-MAX ANG DATA ERR-T 1082708000024 MEV MEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR 1082708000025 1.0 1.5 45. .75 .15 1082708000026 1.0 1.5 90. .69 .14 1082708000027 1.0 1.5 135. 1.03 .2 1082708000028 1.5 2.0 45. 2.99 .32 1082708000029 1.5 2.0 90. 3.78 .4 1082708000030 1.5 2.0 135. 3.98 .4 1082708000031 2.0 2.5 45. 5.8 .45 1082708000032 2.0 2.5 90. 6.5 .6 1082708000033 2.0 2.5 135. 6.7 .6 1082708000034 2.5 3.0 30. 6.4 .65 1082708000035 2.5 3.0 45. 7.5 .68 1082708000036 2.5 3.0 90. 6.1 .55 1082708000037 2.5 3.0 135. 5.6 .5 1082708000038 3.0 3.5 30. 6.6 .55 1082708000039 3.0 3.5 45. 7.8 .7 1082708000040 3.0 3.5 90. 8.9 .85 1082708000041 3.0 3.5 135. 7.7 .7 1082708000042 3.5 4.0 30. 7.8 .7 1082708000043 3.5 4.0 45. 8.5 .8 1082708000044 3.5 4.0 90. 9.7 .9 1082708000045 3.5 4.0 135. 8.0 .8 1082708000046 4.0 4.5 30. 7.2 .7 1082708000047 4.0 4.5 45. 5.3 .5 1082708000048 4.0 4.5 90. 6.8 .7 1082708000049 4.0 4.5 135. 6.7 .6 1082708000050 4.5 5.0 30. 5.3 .5 1082708000051 4.5 5.0 45. 4.7 .5 1082708000052 4.5 5.0 90. 5.5 .6 1082708000053 4.5 5.0 135. 5.0 .5 1082708000054 5.0 5.5 30. 4.4 .4 1082708000055 5.0 5.5 45. 4.2 .4 1082708000056 5.0 5.5 90. 4.4 .5 1082708000057 5.0 5.5 135. 3.9 .4 1082708000058 5.5 6.0 30. 4.5 .4 1082708000059 5.5 6.0 45. 3.1 .4 1082708000060 5.5 6.0 90. 4.0 .4 1082708000061 5.5 6.0 135. 3.5 .4 1082708000062 6.0 6.5 30. 3.5 .4 1082708000063 6.0 6.5 45. 3.3 .3 1082708000064 6.0 6.5 90. 3.2 .3 1082708000065 6.0 6.5 135. 2.5 .3 1082708000066 6.5 7.0 30. 4.1 .4 1082708000067 6.5 7.0 45. 3.2 .3 1082708000068 6.5 7.0 90. 2.5 .3 1082708000069 6.5 7.0 135. 2.1 .3 1082708000070 7.0 7.5 30. 2.8 .3 1082708000071 7.0 7.5 45. 2.3 .3 1082708000072 7.0 7.5 90. 2.4 .3 1082708000073 7.0 7.5 135. 1.5 .25 1082708000074 7.5 8.0 30. 2.8 .3 1082708000075 7.5 8.0 45. 2.6 .3 1082708000076 7.5 8.0 90. 1.7 .2 1082708000077 7.5 8.0 135. 1.5 .25 1082708000078 8.0 8.5 30. 2.0 .3 1082708000079 8.0 8.5 45. 1.5 .25 1082708000080 8.0 8.5 90. 1.7 .25 1082708000081 8.0 8.5 135. 1.1 .15 1082708000082 8.5 9.0 30. 1.9 .3 1082708000083 8.5 9.0 45. 1.0 .2 1082708000084 8.5 9.0 90. 1.4 .2 1082708000085 8.5 9.0 135. 1.0 .2 1082708000086 9.0 9.5 30. 1.5 .25 1082708000087 9.0 9.5 45. 1.3 .2 1082708000088 9.0 9.5 90. .8 .2 1082708000089 9.0 9.5 135. .7 .2 1082708000090 9.5 10.0 30. 1.1 .2 1082708000091 9.5 10.0 45. .8 .2 1082708000092 9.5 10.0 90. .8 .2 1082708000093 9.5 10.0 135. .6 .2 1082708000094 10.0 10.5 30. 1.2 .2 1082708000095 10.0 10.5 45. .5 .15 1082708000096 10.0 10.5 90. .7 .15 1082708000097 10.0 10.5 135. .6 .2 1082708000098 10.5 11.0 30. .8 .15 1082708000099 10.5 11.0 45. .5 .15 1082708000100 10.5 11.0 90. .6 .15 1082708000101 10.5 11.0 135. .3 .1 1082708000102 11.0 11.5 30. .9 .15 1082708000103 11.0 11.5 45. .6 .2 1082708000104 11.0 11.5 90. .4 .15 1082708000105 11.0 11.5 135. .2 .08 1082708000106 11.5 12.0 30. .6 .1 1082708000107 11.5 12.0 45. .4 .1 1082708000108 11.5 12.0 90. .3 .1 1082708000109 11.5 12.0 135. .2 .08 1082708000110 12.0 12.5 30. .7 .15 1082708000111 12.0 12.5 45. .3 .1 1082708000112 12.0 12.5 90. .2 .08 1082708000113 12.0 12.5 135. .2 .08 1082708000114 12.5 13.0 30. .3 .1 1082708000115 12.5 13.0 45. .2 .08 1082708000116 12.5 13.0 90. .2 .07 1082708000117 12.5 13.0 135. .1 .06 1082708000118 13.0 13.5 30. .4 .15 1082708000119 13.0 13.5 90. .2 .08 1082708000120 13.0 13.5 135. .1 .06 1082708000121 13.5 14.0 30. .12 .05 1082708000122 13.5 14.0 90. .04 .02 1082708000123 13.5 14.0 135. .01 .01 1082708000124 ENDDATA 101 0 1082708000125 ENDSUBENT 124 0 1082708099999 SUBENT 10827081 20110731 13741082708100001 BIB 5 13 1082708100002 REACTION (26-FE-54(N,D)25-MN-53,PAR,DA,,AV) 1082708100003 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082708100004 radiator 1082708100005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082708100006 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082708100007 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082708100008 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082708100009 polynomial fit (15% for deuterons). 1082708100010 STATUS (TABLE) Taken from private comm., Grimes, 1979/11/13. 1082708100011 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082708100012 HISTORY (19860709C) 1082708100013 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082708100014 from Subent 001. 1082708100015 ENDBIB 13 0 1082708100016 COMMON 2 3 1082708100017 MONIT-ERR DATA-ERR 1082708100018 PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082708100019 10. 15. 1082708100020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082708100021 DATA 5 56 1082708100022 E-MIN E-MAX ANG DATA ERR-T 1082708100023 MEV MEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR 1082708100024 1.5 2.0 30. .025 .015 1082708100025 1.5 2.0 45. .03 .02 1082708100026 1.5 2.0 90. .02 .01 1082708100027 1.5 2.0 135. .027 .015 1082708100028 2.0 2.5 30. .008 .005 1082708100029 2.0 2.5 45. .01 .008 1082708100030 2.0 2.5 90. .006 .005 1082708100031 2.0 2.5 135. .008 .005 1082708100032 2.5 3.0 30. .029 .015 1082708100033 2.5 3.0 45. .01 .005 1082708100034 2.5 3.0 90. .017 .01 1082708100035 2.5 3.0 135. .023 .01 1082708100036 3.0 3.5 30. .03 .015 1082708100037 3.0 3.5 45. .048 .02 1082708100038 3.0 3.5 90. .024 .01 1082708100039 3.0 3.5 135. .026 .012 1082708100040 3.5 4.0 30. .1 .03 1082708100041 3.5 4.0 45. .06 .02 1082708100042 3.5 4.0 90. .05 .015 1082708100043 3.5 4.0 135. .08 .02 1082708100044 4.0 4.5 30. .1 .03 1082708100045 4.0 4.5 45. .08 .02 1082708100046 4.0 4.5 90. .076 .02 1082708100047 4.0 4.5 135. .06 .02 1082708100048 4.5 5.0 30. .1 .03 1082708100049 4.5 5.0 45. .11 .03 1082708100050 4.5 5.0 90. .07 .02 1082708100051 4.5 5.0 135. .05 .02 1082708100052 5.0 5.5 30. .18 .04 1082708100053 5.0 5.5 45. .04 .02 1082708100054 5.0 5.5 90. .06 .02 1082708100055 5.0 5.5 135. .01 .008 1082708100056 5.5 6.0 30. .13 .03 1082708100057 5.5 6.0 45. .05 .02 1082708100058 5.5 6.0 90. .04 .02 1082708100059 5.5 6.0 135. .03 .01 1082708100060 6.0 6.5 30. .09 .03 1082708100061 6.0 6.5 45. .05 .02 1082708100062 6.0 6.5 90. .06 .02 1082708100063 6.0 6.5 135. .02 .01 1082708100064 6.5 7.0 30. .045 .02 1082708100065 6.5 7.0 45. .013 .006 1082708100066 6.5 7.0 90. .02 .01 1082708100067 6.5 7.0 135. .002 .003 1082708100068 7.0 7.5 30. .04 .02 1082708100069 7.0 7.5 45. .23 .04 1082708100070 7.0 7.5 90. .03 .015 1082708100071 7.0 7.5 135. .08 .03 1082708100072 7.5 8.0 30. .17 .04 1082708100073 7.5 8.0 45. .25 .04 1082708100074 7.5 8.0 90. .11 .03 1082708100075 7.5 8.0 135. .013 .008 1082708100076 8.0 8.5 30. .068 .02 1082708100077 8.0 8.5 45. .01 .008 1082708100078 8.0 8.5 90. .018 .01 1082708100079 8.0 8.5 135. .001 .003 1082708100080 ENDDATA 58 0 1082708100081 ENDSUBENT 80 0 1082708199999 SUBENT 10827082 20110731 13741082708200001 BIB 5 16 1082708200002 REACTION (26-FE-54(N,X)2-HE-4,PAR,DA,,AV) 1082708200003 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082708200004 radiator 1082708200005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082708200006 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082708200007 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082708200008 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082708200009 polynomial fit (7% for alphas). 1082708200010 (ERR-5) Additional 4% error included to account for 1082708200011 increased uncertainty in using deuteron transmission 1082708200012 functions for alphas. 1082708200013 STATUS (TABLE) Taken from private comm., Grimes, 1979/11/13. 1082708200014 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082708200015 HISTORY (19860709C) 1082708200016 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082708200017 from Subent 001. 1082708200018 ENDBIB 16 0 1082708200019 COMMON 3 3 1082708200020 DATA-ERR ERR-5 MONIT-ERR 1082708200021 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082708200022 7. 4. 10. 1082708200023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082708200024 DATA 5 76 1082708200025 E-MIN E-MAX ANG DATA ERR-T 1082708200026 MEV MEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR 1082708200027 4.5 5.0 30. .002 .004 1082708200028 4.5 5.0 45. .008 .005 1082708200029 4.5 5.0 90. .007 .005 1082708200030 4.5 5.0 135. .015 .01 1082708200031 5.0 5.5 30. .05 .02 1082708200032 5.0 5.5 45. .08 .025 1082708200033 5.0 5.5 90. .1 .025 1082708200034 5.0 5.5 135. .18 .04 1082708200035 5.5 6.0 30. .10 .03 1082708200036 5.5 6.0 45. .20 .04 1082708200037 5.5 6.0 90. .30 .05 1082708200038 5.5 6.0 135. .25 .04 1082708200039 6.0 6.5 30. .23 .04 1082708200040 6.0 6.5 45. .31 .05 1082708200041 6.0 6.5 90. .38 .06 1082708200042 6.0 6.5 135. .38 .06 1082708200043 6.5 7.0 30. .36 .06 1082708200044 6.5 7.0 45. .49 .07 1082708200045 6.5 7.0 90. .50 .07 1082708200046 6.5 7.0 135. .56 .08 1082708200047 7.0 7.5 30. .37 .06 1082708200048 7.0 7.5 45. .55 .07 1082708200049 7.0 7.5 90. .52 .07 1082708200050 7.0 7.5 135. .57 .08 1082708200051 7.5 8.0 30. .73 .09 1082708200052 7.5 8.0 45. .73 .09 1082708200053 7.5 8.0 90. .82 .09 1082708200054 7.5 8.0 135. .51 .07 1082708200055 8.0 8.5 30. .8 .09 1082708200056 8.0 8.5 45. .54 .07 1082708200057 8.0 8.5 90. .73 .09 1082708200058 8.0 8.5 135. .6 .08 1082708200059 8.5 9.0 30. .9 .12 1082708200060 8.5 9.0 45. .81 .09 1082708200061 8.5 9.0 90. .73 .09 1082708200062 8.5 9.0 135. .5 .07 1082708200063 9.0 9.5 30. .76 .1 1082708200064 9.0 9.5 45. .59 .07 1082708200065 9.0 9.5 90. .53 .07 1082708200066 9.0 9.5 135. .32 .05 1082708200067 9.5 10.0 30. .69 .09 1082708200068 9.5 10.0 45. .49 .06 1082708200069 9.5 10.0 90. .52 .07 1082708200070 9.5 10.0 135. .22 .04 1082708200071 10.0 10.5 30. .54 .07 1082708200072 10.0 10.5 45. .44 .06 1082708200073 10.0 10.5 90. .44 .06 1082708200074 10.0 10.5 135. .22 .04 1082708200075 10.5 11.0 30. .45 .06 1082708200076 10.5 11.0 45. .15 .04 1082708200077 10.5 11.0 90. .27 .05 1082708200078 10.5 11.0 135. .15 .04 1082708200079 11.0 11.5 30. .52 .07 1082708200080 11.0 11.5 45. .25 .05 1082708200081 11.0 11.5 90. .30 .05 1082708200082 11.0 11.5 135. .14 .04 1082708200083 11.5 12.0 30. .38 .05 1082708200084 11.5 12.0 45. .24 .05 1082708200085 11.5 12.0 90. .13 .04 1082708200086 11.5 12.0 135. .12 .03 1082708200087 12.0 12.5 30. .22 .04 1082708200088 12.0 12.5 45. .12 .03 1082708200089 12.0 12.5 90. .07 .02 1082708200090 12.0 12.5 135. .04 .015 1082708200091 12.5 13.0 30. .20 .04 1082708200092 12.5 13.0 45. .08 .02 1082708200093 12.5 13.0 90. .04 .015 1082708200094 12.5 13.0 135. .03 .01 1082708200095 13.0 13.5 30. .096 .03 1082708200096 13.0 13.5 45. .044 .015 1082708200097 13.0 13.5 90. .026 .01 1082708200098 13.0 13.5 135. .008 .005 1082708200099 13.5 14.0 30. .08 .02 1082708200100 13.5 14.0 45. .05 .02 1082708200101 13.5 14.0 90. .038 .015 1082708200102 13.5 14.0 135. .024 .01 1082708200103 ENDDATA 78 0 1082708200104 ENDSUBENT 103 0 1082708299999 SUBENT 10827083 20110731 13741082708300001 BIB 5 14 1082708300002 REACTION (26-FE-56(N,X)1-H-1,PAR,DA,,AV) 1082708300003 MONITOR (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,SIG) Neutrons on thick polyethylene 1082708300004 radiator 1082708300005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082708300006 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082708300007 (MONIT-ERR,,1.) elastic cross sections from 1082708300008 hydrogen (<1%), 1082708300009 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082708300010 polynomial fit (7% for protons). 1082708300011 STATUS (TABLE) Taken from private comm., Grimes, 1979/11/13. 1082708300012 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082708300013 HISTORY (19860709C) 1082708300014 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082708300015 from Subent 001. 1082708300016 ENDBIB 14 0 1082708300017 COMMON 1 3 1082708300018 DATA-ERR 1082708300019 PER-CENT 1082708300020 7. 1082708300021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082708300022 DATA 5 93 1082708300023 E-MIN E-MAX ANG DATA ERR-T 1082708300024 MEV MEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR 1082708300025 1.0 1.5 45. .25 .04 1082708300026 1.0 1.5 90. .27 .04 1082708300027 1.0 1.5 135. .41 .05 1082708300028 1.5 2.0 45. .68 .09 1082708300029 1.5 2.0 90. .92 .1 1082708300030 1.5 2.0 135. 1.40 .15 1082708300031 2.0 2.5 45. .67 .09 1082708300032 2.0 2.5 90. .91 .1 1082708300033 2.0 2.5 135. .95 .1 1082708300034 2.5 3.0 30. .88 .1 1082708300035 2.5 3.0 45. .89 .1 1082708300036 2.5 3.0 90. .85 .1 1082708300037 2.5 3.0 135. .94 .1 1082708300038 3.0 3.5 30. 1.3 .15 1082708300039 3.0 3.5 45. 1.05 .11 1082708300040 3.0 3.5 90. 1.48 .16 1082708300041 3.0 3.5 135. 1.42 .15 1082708300042 3.5 4.0 30. 1.45 .16 1082708300043 3.5 4.0 45. 1.43 .15 1082708300044 3.5 4.0 90. 1.70 .19 1082708300045 3.5 4.0 135. 1.39 .15 1082708300046 4.0 4.5 30. 1.0 .12 1082708300047 4.0 4.5 45. 1.32 .14 1082708300048 4.0 4.5 90. 1.4 .16 1082708300049 4.0 4.5 135. 1.28 .14 1082708300050 4.5 5.0 30. 1.09 .13 1082708300051 4.5 5.0 45. .88 .12 1082708300052 4.5 5.0 90. 1.12 .13 1082708300053 4.5 5.0 135. 1.0 .13 1082708300054 5.0 5.5 30. .99 .12 1082708300055 5.0 5.5 45. 1.12 .13 1082708300056 5.0 5.5 90. 1.25 .13 1082708300057 5.0 5.5 135. .95 .11 1082708300058 5.5 6.0 30. 1.05 .13 1082708300059 5.5 6.0 45. .86 .1 1082708300060 5.5 6.0 90. .92 .1 1082708300061 5.5 6.0 135. .64 .08 1082708300062 6.0 6.5 30. 1.11 .14 1082708300063 6.0 6.5 45. .85 .1 1082708300064 6.0 6.5 90. .88 .1 1082708300065 6.0 6.5 135. .57 .07 1082708300066 6.5 7.0 30. 1.07 .14 1082708300067 6.5 7.0 45. .85 .1 1082708300068 6.5 7.0 90. .58 .08 1082708300069 6.5 7.0 135. .52 .07 1082708300070 7.0 7.5 30. .79 .09 1082708300071 7.0 7.5 45. .71 .08 1082708300072 7.0 7.5 90. .66 .07 1082708300073 7.0 7.5 135. .49 .06 1082708300074 7.5 8.0 30. .80 .1 1082708300075 7.5 8.0 45. .64 .08 1082708300076 7.5 8.0 90. .39 .05 1082708300077 7.5 8.0 135. .33 .05 1082708300078 8.0 8.5 30. .56 .07 1082708300079 8.0 8.5 45. .43 .06 1082708300080 8.0 8.5 90. .48 .07 1082708300081 8.0 8.5 135. .32 .05 1082708300082 8.5 9.0 30. .71 .09 1082708300083 8.5 9.0 45. .42 .06 1082708300084 8.5 9.0 90. .25 .05 1082708300085 8.5 9.0 135. .21 .04 1082708300086 9.0 9.5 30. .58 .07 1082708300087 9.0 9.5 45. .28 .04 1082708300088 9.0 9.5 90. .23 .04 1082708300089 9.0 9.5 135. .19 .03 1082708300090 9.5 10.0 30. .33 .05 1082708300091 9.5 10.0 45. .20 .04 1082708300092 9.5 10.0 90. .15 .03 1082708300093 9.5 10.0 135. .09 .03 1082708300094 10.0 10.5 30. .26 .05 1082708300095 10.0 10.5 45. .18 .04 1082708300096 10.0 10.5 90. .1 .03 1082708300097 10.0 10.5 135. .06 .015 1082708300098 10.5 11.0 30. .16 .04 1082708300099 10.5 11.0 45. .14 .03 1082708300100 10.5 11.0 90. .12 .03 1082708300101 10.5 11.0 135. .07 .02 1082708300102 11.0 11.5 30. .15 .04 1082708300103 11.0 11.5 45. .13 .03 1082708300104 11.0 11.5 90. .12 .03 1082708300105 11.0 11.5 135. .08 .02 1082708300106 11.5 12.0 30. .17 .04 1082708300107 11.5 12.0 45. .1 .03 1082708300108 11.5 12.0 90. .06 .02 1082708300109 11.5 12.0 135. .03 .01 1082708300110 12.0 12.5 30. .11 .03 1082708300111 12.0 12.5 45. .05 .02 1082708300112 12.0 12.5 90. .03 .01 1082708300113 12.0 12.5 135. .01 .01 1082708300114 12.5 13.0 30. .08 .02 1082708300115 12.5 13.0 45. .04 .02 1082708300116 12.5 13.0 90. .01 .01 1082708300117 12.5 13.0 135. .005 .01 1082708300118 ENDDATA 95 0 1082708300119 ENDSUBENT 118 0 1082708399999 SUBENT 10827084 20110731 13741082708400001 BIB 5 13 1082708400002 REACTION (26-FE-56(N,D)25-MN-55,PAR,DA,,AV) 1082708400003 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082708400004 radiator 1082708400005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082708400006 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082708400007 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082708400008 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082708400009 polynomial fit (15% for deuterons). 1082708400010 STATUS (TABLE) Taken from private comm., Grimes, 1979/11/13. 1082708400011 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082708400012 HISTORY (19860709C) 1082708400013 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082708400014 from Subent 001. 1082708400015 ENDBIB 13 0 1082708400016 COMMON 2 3 1082708400017 MONIT-ERR DATA-ERR 1082708400018 PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082708400019 10. 15. 1082708400020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082708400021 DATA 5 44 1082708400022 E-MIN E-MAX ANG DATA ERR-T 1082708400023 MEV MEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR 1082708400024 2.0 2.5 30. .013 .008 1082708400025 2.0 2.5 45. .004 .003 1082708400026 2.0 2.5 90. .012 .008 1082708400027 2.0 2.5 135. .003 .003 1082708400028 2.5 3.0 30. .017 .006 1082708400029 2.5 3.0 45. .01 .007 1082708400030 2.5 3.0 90. .015 .007 1082708400031 2.5 3.0 135. .012 .007 1082708400032 3.0 3.5 30. .011 .006 1082708400033 3.0 3.5 45. .015 .006 1082708400034 3.0 3.5 90. .016 .007 1082708400035 3.0 3.5 135. .009 .006 1082708400036 3.5 4.0 30. .076 .02 1082708400037 3.5 4.0 45. .034 .012 1082708400038 3.5 4.0 90. .043 .015 1082708400039 3.5 4.0 135. .039 .012 1082708400040 4.0 4.5 30. .13 .03 1082708400041 4.0 4.5 45. .09 .03 1082708400042 4.0 4.5 90. .08 .02 1082708400043 4.0 4.5 135. .07 .02 1082708400044 4.5 5.0 30. .026 .01 1082708400045 4.5 5.0 45. .05 .02 1082708400046 4.5 5.0 90. .033 .01 1082708400047 4.5 5.0 135. .018 .005 1082708400048 5.0 5.5 30. .20 .04 1082708400049 5.0 5.5 45. .05 .02 1082708400050 5.0 5.5 90. .09 .02 1082708400051 5.0 5.5 135. .015 .01 1082708400052 5.5 6.0 30. .042 .01 1082708400053 5.5 6.0 45. .07 .02 1082708400054 5.5 6.0 90. .007 .003 1082708400055 5.5 6.0 135. .042 .01 1082708400056 6.0 6.5 30. .15 .04 1082708400057 6.0 6.5 45. .33 .06 1082708400058 6.0 6.5 90. .09 .02 1082708400059 6.0 6.5 135. .03 .01 1082708400060 6.5 7.0 30. .22 .06 1082708400061 6.5 7.0 45. .11 .03 1082708400062 6.5 7.0 90. .09 .02 1082708400063 6.5 7.0 135. .026 .01 1082708400064 7.0 7.5 30. .068 .02 1082708400065 7.0 7.5 45. .003 .002 1082708400066 7.0 7.5 90. .022 .01 1082708400067 7.0 7.5 135. .001 .002 1082708400068 ENDDATA 46 0 1082708400069 ENDSUBENT 68 0 1082708499999 SUBENT 10827085 20110731 13741082708500001 BIB 5 16 1082708500002 REACTION (26-FE-56(N,X)2-HE-4,PAR,DA,,AV) 1082708500003 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082708500004 radiator 1082708500005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082708500006 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082708500007 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082708500008 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082708500009 polynomial fit (7% for alphas). 1082708500010 (ERR-5) Additional 4% error included to account for 1082708500011 increased uncertainty in using deuteron transmission 1082708500012 functions for alphas. 1082708500013 STATUS (TABLE) Taken from private comm., Grimes, 1979/11/13. 1082708500014 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082708500015 HISTORY (19860709C) 1082708500016 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082708500017 from Subent 001. 1082708500018 ENDBIB 16 0 1082708500019 COMMON 3 3 1082708500020 DATA-ERR ERR-5 MONIT-ERR 1082708500021 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082708500022 7. 4. 10. 1082708500023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082708500024 DATA 5 80 1082708500025 E-MIN E-MAX ANG DATA ERR-T 1082708500026 MEV MEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR 1082708500027 4.5 5.0 30. .006 .004 1082708500028 4.5 5.0 45. .014 .01 1082708500029 4.5 5.0 90. .008 .006 1082708500030 4.5 5.0 135. .011 .007 1082708500031 5.0 5.5 30. .051 .02 1082708500032 5.0 5.5 45. .026 .01 1082708500033 5.0 5.5 90. .031 .01 1082708500034 5.0 5.5 135. .035 .01 1082708500035 5.5 6.0 30. .06 .02 1082708500036 5.5 6.0 45. .07 .025 1082708500037 5.5 6.0 90. .10 .025 1082708500038 5.5 6.0 135. .15 .03 1082708500039 6.0 6.5 30. .13 .03 1082708500040 6.0 6.5 45. .12 .025 1082708500041 6.0 6.5 90. .165 .03 1082708500042 6.0 6.5 135. .15 .03 1082708500043 6.5 7.0 30. .21 .04 1082708500044 6.5 7.0 45. .22 .04 1082708500045 6.5 7.0 90. .25 .04 1082708500046 6.5 7.0 135. .25 .04 1082708500047 7.0 7.5 30. .24 .04 1082708500048 7.0 7.5 45. .35 .06 1082708500049 7.0 7.5 90. .28 .05 1082708500050 7.0 7.5 135. .24 .04 1082708500051 7.5 8.0 30. .37 .06 1082708500052 7.5 8.0 45. .38 .06 1082708500053 7.5 8.0 90. .41 .06 1082708500054 7.5 8.0 135. .31 .06 1082708500055 8.0 8.5 30. .51 .07 1082708500056 8.0 8.5 45. .46 .06 1082708500057 8.0 8.5 90. .38 .06 1082708500058 8.0 8.5 135. .31 .05 1082708500059 8.5 9.0 30. .47 .06 1082708500060 8.5 9.0 45. .43 .06 1082708500061 8.5 9.0 90. .35 .06 1082708500062 8.5 9.0 135. .32 .05 1082708500063 9.0 9.5 30. .40 .06 1082708500064 9.0 9.5 45. .28 .04 1082708500065 9.0 9.5 90. .32 .04 1082708500066 9.0 9.5 135. .18 .04 1082708500067 9.5 10.0 30. .38 .06 1082708500068 9.5 10.0 45. .34 .05 1082708500069 9.5 10.0 90. .17 .04 1082708500070 9.5 10.0 135. .13 .03 1082708500071 10.0 10.5 30. .41 .06 1082708500072 10.0 10.5 45. .2 .04 1082708500073 10.0 10.5 90. .14 .03 1082708500074 10.0 10.5 135. .08 .02 1082708500075 10.5 11.0 30. .21 .04 1082708500076 10.5 11.0 45. .13 .03 1082708500077 10.5 11.0 90. .06 .015 1082708500078 10.5 11.0 135. .04 .015 1082708500079 11.0 11.5 30. .24 .04 1082708500080 11.0 11.5 45. .11 .03 1082708500081 11.0 11.5 90. .11 .03 1082708500082 11.0 11.5 135. .08 .02 1082708500083 11.5 12.0 30. .19 .04 1082708500084 11.5 12.0 45. .11 .03 1082708500085 11.5 12.0 90. .08 .02 1082708500086 11.5 12.0 135. .04 .015 1082708500087 12.0 12.5 30. .11 .025 1082708500088 12.0 12.5 45. .06 .02 1082708500089 12.0 12.5 90. .06 .015 1082708500090 12.0 12.5 135. .03 .01 1082708500091 12.5 13.0 30. .096 .025 1082708500092 12.5 13.0 45. .04 .015 1082708500093 12.5 13.0 90. .029 .01 1082708500094 12.5 13.0 135. .024 .01 1082708500095 13.0 13.5 30. .068 .02 1082708500096 13.0 13.5 45. .013 .005 1082708500097 13.0 13.5 90. .008 .003 1082708500098 13.0 13.5 135. .006 .002 1082708500099 13.5 14.0 30. .035 .01 1082708500100 13.5 14.0 45. .02 .008 1082708500101 13.5 14.0 90. .007 .003 1082708500102 13.5 14.0 135. .002 .004 1082708500103 14.0 14.5 30. .05 .02 1082708500104 14.0 14.5 45. .03 .01 1082708500105 14.0 14.5 90. .012 .004 1082708500106 14.0 14.5 135. .003 .004 1082708500107 ENDDATA 82 0 1082708500108 ENDSUBENT 107 0 1082708599999 SUBENT 10827086 20110731 13741082708600001 BIB 5 13 1082708600002 REACTION (26-FE-0(N,D),PAR,DA,,AV) 1082708600003 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082708600004 radiator 1082708600005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082708600006 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082708600007 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082708600008 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082708600009 polynomial fit (15% for deuterons). 1082708600010 STATUS (TABLE) Taken from private comm., Grimes, 1979/11/13. 1082708600011 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082708600012 HISTORY (19860709C) 1082708600013 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082708600014 from Subent 001. 1082708600015 ENDBIB 13 0 1082708600016 COMMON 2 3 1082708600017 MONIT-ERR DATA-ERR 1082708600018 PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082708600019 10. 15. 1082708600020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082708600021 DATA 5 93 1082708600022 E-MIN E-MAX ANG DATA ERR-T 1082708600023 MEV MEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR 1082708600024 1.0 1.5 30. .33 .15 1082708600025 1.0 1.5 90. .15 .10 1082708600026 1.0 1.5 135. .23 .13 1082708600027 1.5 2.0 30. 1.05 .16 1082708600028 1.5 2.0 45. 1.27 .19 1082708600029 1.5 2.0 90. 1.12 .15 1082708600030 1.5 2.0 135. 1.28 .16 1082708600031 2.0 2.5 30. 1.50 .16 1082708600032 2.0 2.5 45. 1.25 .17 1082708600033 2.0 2.5 90. 1.21 .17 1082708600034 2.0 2.5 135. 1.26 .16 1082708600035 2.5 3.0 30. 1.60 .19 1082708600036 2.5 3.0 45. 1.32 .18 1082708600037 2.5 3.0 90. 1.42 .17 1082708600038 2.5 3.0 135. 1.43 .17 1082708600039 3.0 3.5 30. 1.51 .18 1082708600040 3.0 3.5 45. 1.65 .18 1082708600041 3.0 3.5 90. 1.55 .17 1082708600042 3.0 3.5 135. 1.46 .16 1082708600043 3.5 4.0 30. 1.82 .22 1082708600044 3.5 4.0 45. 1.87 .19 1082708600045 3.5 4.0 90. 1.94 .20 1082708600046 3.5 4.0 135. 1.51 .16 1082708600047 4.0 4.5 30. 1.67 .18 1082708600048 4.0 4.5 45. 1.8 .19 1082708600049 4.0 4.5 90. 1.67 .18 1082708600050 4.0 4.5 135. 1.68 .17 1082708600051 4.5 5.0 30. 1.39 .16 1082708600052 4.5 5.0 45. 1.62 .17 1082708600053 4.5 5.0 90. 1.48 .14 1082708600054 4.5 5.0 135. 1.12 .12 1082708600055 5.0 5.5 30. 1.34 .15 1082708600056 5.0 5.5 45. 1.54 .16 1082708600057 5.0 5.5 90. 1.25 .12 1082708600058 5.0 5.5 135. 1.23 .13 1082708600059 5.5 6.0 30. 1.34 .15 1082708600060 5.5 6.0 45. 1.32 .14 1082708600061 5.5 6.0 90. 1.20 .11 1082708600062 5.5 6.0 135. .89 .1 1082708600063 6.0 6.5 30. 1.25 .15 1082708600064 6.0 6.5 45. 1.27 .15 1082708600065 6.0 6.5 90. 1.05 .1 1082708600066 6.0 6.5 135. .88 .1 1082708600067 6.5 7.0 30. 1.15 .12 1082708600068 6.5 7.0 45. .81 .11 1082708600069 6.5 7.0 90. .74 .08 1082708600070 6.5 7.0 135. .71 .09 1082708600071 7.0 7.5 30. 1.00 .12 1082708600072 7.0 7.5 45. .71 .09 1082708600073 7.0 7.5 90. .75 .08 1082708600074 7.0 7.5 135. .41 .065 1082708600075 7.5 8.0 30. .77 .09 1082708600076 7.5 8.0 45. .52 .07 1082708600077 7.5 8.0 90. .49 .07 1082708600078 7.5 8.0 135. .42 .06 1082708600079 8.0 8.5 30. .78 .10 1082708600080 8.0 8.5 45. .44 .05 1082708600081 8.0 8.5 90. .35 .05 1082708600082 8.0 8.5 135. .31 .05 1082708600083 8.5 9.0 30. .69 .07 1082708600084 8.5 9.0 45. .41 .05 1082708600085 8.5 9.0 90. .45 .06 1082708600086 8.5 9.0 135. .30 .05 1082708600087 9.0 9.5 30. .74 .1 1082708600088 9.0 9.5 45. .41 .06 1082708600089 9.0 9.5 90. .26 .04 1082708600090 9.0 9.5 135. .12 .03 1082708600091 9.5 10.0 30. .41 .07 1082708600092 9.5 10.0 45. .35 .05 1082708600093 9.5 10.0 90. .23 .04 1082708600094 9.5 10.0 135. .19 .04 1082708600095 10.0 10.5 30. .24 .04 1082708600096 10.0 10.5 45. .15 .03 1082708600097 10.0 10.5 90. .095 .02 1082708600098 10.0 10.5 135. .12 .04 1082708600099 10.5 11.0 30. .22 .04 1082708600100 10.5 11.0 45. .14 .03 1082708600101 10.5 11.0 90. .09 .02 1082708600102 10.5 11.0 135. .055 .02 1082708600103 11.0 11.5 30. .27 .04 1082708600104 11.0 11.5 45. .15 .03 1082708600105 11.0 11.5 90. .126 .03 1082708600106 11.0 11.5 135. .06 .02 1082708600107 11.5 12.0 30. .19 .04 1082708600108 11.5 12.0 45. .12 .03 1082708600109 11.5 12.0 90. .07 .025 1082708600110 11.5 12.0 135. .029 .015 1082708600111 12.0 12.5 30. .105 .03 1082708600112 12.0 12.5 45. .069 .025 1082708600113 12.0 12.5 90. .065 .025 1082708600114 12.5 13.0 30. .054 .03 1082708600115 12.5 13.0 45. .015 .01 1082708600116 12.5 13.0 90. .003 .01 1082708600117 ENDDATA 95 0 1082708600118 ENDSUBENT 117 0 1082708699999 SUBENT 10827087 20110731 13741082708700001 BIB 5 16 1082708700002 REACTION (26-FE-0(N,X)2-HE-4,PAR,DA,,AV) 1082708700003 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082708700004 radiator 1082708700005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082708700006 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082708700007 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082708700008 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082708700009 polynomial fit (7% for alphas). 1082708700010 (ERR-5) Additional 4% error included to account for 1082708700011 increased uncertainty in using deuteron transmission 1082708700012 functions for alphas. 1082708700013 STATUS (TABLE) Taken from private comm., Grimes, 1979/11/13. 1082708700014 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082708700015 HISTORY (19860709C) 1082708700016 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082708700017 from Subent 001. 1082708700018 ENDBIB 16 0 1082708700019 COMMON 3 3 1082708700020 DATA-ERR ERR-5 MONIT-ERR 1082708700021 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082708700022 7. 4. 10. 1082708700023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082708700024 DATA 5 44 1082708700025 E-MIN E-MAX ANG DATA ERR-T 1082708700026 MEV MEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR 1082708700027 2.0 2.5 30. .025 .015 1082708700028 2.0 2.5 45. .011 .01 1082708700029 2.0 2.5 90. .017 .01 1082708700030 2.0 2.5 135. .004 .01 1082708700031 2.5 3.0 30. .016 .01 1082708700032 2.5 3.0 45. .013 .01 1082708700033 2.5 3.0 90. .005 .01 1082708700034 2.5 3.0 135. .002 .006 1082708700035 3.0 3.5 30. .02 .01 1082708700036 3.0 3.5 45. .029 .01 1082708700037 3.0 3.5 90. .005 .01 1082708700038 3.0 3.5 135. .02 .01 1082708700039 3.5 4.0 30. .069 .02 1082708700040 3.5 4.0 45. .052 .02 1082708700041 3.5 4.0 90. .054 .02 1082708700042 3.5 4.0 135. .052 .02 1082708700043 4.0 4.5 30. .132 .04 1082708700044 4.0 4.5 45. .072 .025 1082708700045 4.0 4.5 90. .024 .01 1082708700046 4.0 4.5 135. .013 .01 1082708700047 4.5 5.0 30. .057 .025 1082708700048 4.5 5.0 45. .065 .022 1082708700049 4.5 5.0 90. .036 .015 1082708700050 4.5 5.0 135. .042 .017 1082708700051 5.0 5.5 30. .14 .04 1082708700052 5.0 5.5 45. .1 .03 1082708700053 5.0 5.5 90. .07 .02 1082708700054 5.0 5.5 135. .04 .018 1082708700055 5.5 6.0 30. .05 .02 1082708700056 5.5 6.0 45. .03 .018 1082708700057 5.5 6.0 90. .04 .02 1082708700058 5.5 6.0 135. .04 .02 1082708700059 6.0 6.5 30. .32 .06 1082708700060 6.0 6.5 45. .15 .04 1082708700061 6.0 6.5 90. .10 .03 1082708700062 6.0 6.5 135. .03 .015 1082708700063 6.5 7.0 30. .22 .05 1082708700064 6.5 7.0 45. .14 .03 1082708700065 6.5 7.0 90. .06 .02 1082708700066 6.5 7.0 135. .02 .01 1082708700067 7.0 7.5 30. .044 .02 1082708700068 7.0 7.5 45. .038 .02 1082708700069 7.0 7.5 90. .01 .008 1082708700070 7.0 7.5 135. .004 .008 1082708700071 ENDDATA 46 0 1082708700072 ENDSUBENT 71 0 1082708799999 SUBENT 10827088 20110731 13741082708800001 BIB 5 14 1082708800002 REACTION (26-FE-0(N,X)1-H-1,PAR,DA,,AV) 1082708800003 MONITOR (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,SIG) Neutrons on thick polyethylene 1082708800004 radiator 1082708800005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082708800006 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082708800007 (MONIT-ERR,,1.) elastic cross sections from 1082708800008 hydrogen (<1%), 1082708800009 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082708800010 polynomial fit (7% for protons). 1082708800011 STATUS (TABLE) Taken from private comm., Grimes, 1979/11/13. 1082708800012 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082708800013 HISTORY (19860709C) 1082708800014 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082708800015 from Subent 001. 1082708800016 ENDBIB 14 0 1082708800017 COMMON 1 3 1082708800018 DATA-ERR 1082708800019 PER-CENT 1082708800020 7. 1082708800021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082708800022 DATA 5 80 1082708800023 E-MIN E-MAX ANG DATA ERR-T 1082708800024 MEV MEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR 1082708800025 4.0 4.5 30. .008 .005 1082708800026 4.0 4.5 45. .003 .005 1082708800027 4.0 4.5 90. .008 .004 1082708800028 4.0 4.5 135. .013 .008 1082708800029 4.5 5.0 30. .021 .01 1082708800030 4.5 5.0 45. .015 .01 1082708800031 4.5 5.0 90. .016 .01 1082708800032 4.5 5.0 135. .011 .008 1082708800033 5.0 5.5 30. .07 .025 1082708800034 5.0 5.5 45. .112 .03 1082708800035 5.0 5.5 90. .11 .03 1082708800036 5.0 5.5 135. .058 .02 1082708800037 5.5 6.0 30. .098 .03 1082708800038 5.5 6.0 45. .073 .03 1082708800039 5.5 6.0 90. .09 .025 1082708800040 5.5 6.0 135. .12 .03 1082708800041 6.0 6.5 30. .15 .03 1082708800042 6.0 6.5 45. .13 .03 1082708800043 6.0 6.5 90. .13 .03 1082708800044 6.0 6.5 135. .21 .04 1082708800045 6.5 7.0 30. .22 .04 1082708800046 6.5 7.0 45. .16 .03 1082708800047 6.5 7.0 90. .23 .04 1082708800048 6.5 7.0 135. .27 .04 1082708800049 7.0 7.5 30. .27 .04 1082708800050 7.0 7.5 45. .24 .04 1082708800051 7.0 7.5 90. .27 .05 1082708800052 7.0 7.5 135. .33 .05 1082708800053 7.5 8.0 30. .39 .05 1082708800054 7.5 8.0 45. .30 .05 1082708800055 7.5 8.0 90. .40 .05 1082708800056 7.5 8.0 135. .32 .05 1082708800057 8.0 8.5 30. .44 .06 1082708800058 8.0 8.5 45. .45 .06 1082708800059 8.0 8.5 90. .29 .04 1082708800060 8.0 8.5 135. .48 .06 1082708800061 8.5 9.0 30. .55 .08 1082708800062 8.5 9.0 45. .44 .06 1082708800063 8.5 9.0 90. .31 .04 1082708800064 8.5 9.0 135. .20 .05 1082708800065 9.0 9.5 30. .47 .07 1082708800066 9.0 9.5 45. .35 .05 1082708800067 9.0 9.5 90. .26 .04 1082708800068 9.0 9.5 135. .22 .04 1082708800069 9.5 10.0 30. .42 .06 1082708800070 9.5 10.0 45. .29 .05 1082708800071 9.5 10.0 90. .24 .04 1082708800072 9.5 10.0 135. .11 .03 1082708800073 10.0 10.5 30. .29 .04 1082708800074 10.0 10.5 45. .22 .04 1082708800075 10.0 10.5 90. .15 .04 1082708800076 10.0 10.5 135. .096 .025 1082708800077 10.5 11.0 30. .25 .04 1082708800078 10.5 11.0 45. .23 .04 1082708800079 10.5 11.0 90. .09 .03 1082708800080 10.5 11.0 135. .17 .04 1082708800081 11.0 11.5 30. .22 .04 1082708800082 11.0 11.5 45. .18 .03 1082708800083 11.0 11.5 90. .11 .03 1082708800084 11.0 11.5 135. .06 .02 1082708800085 11.5 12.0 30. .16 .03 1082708800086 11.5 12.0 45. .14 .03 1082708800087 11.5 12.0 90. .07 .03 1082708800088 11.5 12.0 135. .02 .01 1082708800089 12.0 12.5 30. .12 .03 1082708800090 12.0 12.5 45. .12 .03 1082708800091 12.0 12.5 90. .05 .02 1082708800092 12.0 12.5 135. .03 .015 1082708800093 12.5 13.0 30. .14 .03 1082708800094 12.5 13.0 45. .10 .03 1082708800095 12.5 13.0 90. .07 .02 1082708800096 12.5 13.0 135. .01 .01 1082708800097 13.0 13.5 30. .13 .03 1082708800098 13.0 13.5 45. .09 .03 1082708800099 13.0 13.5 90. .026 .01 1082708800100 13.0 13.5 135. .005 .008 1082708800101 13.5 14.0 30. .07 .02 1082708800102 13.5 14.0 45. .05 .02 1082708800103 13.5 14.0 90. .006 .008 1082708800104 13.5 14.0 135. .004 .008 1082708800105 ENDDATA 82 0 1082708800106 ENDSUBENT 105 0 1082708899999 SUBENT 10827089 20110731 13741082708900001 BIB 5 14 1082708900002 REACTION (28-NI-58(N,X)1-H-1,PAR,DA,,AV) 1082708900003 MONITOR (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,SIG) Neutrons on thick polyethylene 1082708900004 radiator 1082708900005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082708900006 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082708900007 (MONIT-ERR,,1.) elastic cross sections from 1082708900008 hydrogen (<1%), 1082708900009 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082708900010 polynomial fit (7% for protons). 1082708900011 STATUS (TABLE) Taken from private comm., Grimes, 1979/11/13. 1082708900012 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082708900013 HISTORY (19860709C) 1082708900014 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082708900015 from Subent 001. 1082708900016 ENDBIB 14 0 1082708900017 COMMON 1 3 1082708900018 DATA-ERR 1082708900019 PER-CENT 1082708900020 7. 1082708900021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082708900022 DATA 5 104 1082708900023 E-MIN E-MAX ANG DATA ERR-T 1082708900024 MEV MEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR 1082708900025 1.0 1.5 30. .51 .09 1082708900026 1.0 1.5 45. .71 .10 1082708900027 1.0 1.5 90. .86 .10 1082708900028 1.0 1.5 135. .73 .10 1082708900029 2.0 2.5 30. 5.13 .45 1082708900030 2.0 2.5 45. 5.64 .5 1082708900031 2.0 2.5 90. 5.96 .5 1082708900032 2.0 2.5 135. 5.97 .55 1082708900033 2.5 3.0 30. 6.2 .5 1082708900034 2.5 3.0 45. 6.58 .5 1082708900035 2.5 3.0 90. 6.08 .5 1082708900036 2.5 3.0 135. 5.95 .55 1082708900037 3.0 3.5 30. 8.0 .7 1082708900038 3.0 3.5 45. 7.17 .6 1082708900039 3.0 3.5 90. 9.0 .7 1082708900040 3.0 3.5 135. 7.97 .7 1082708900041 3.5 4.0 30. 8.2 .65 1082708900042 3.5 4.0 45. 9.83 .75 1082708900043 3.5 4.0 90. 8.8 .65 1082708900044 3.5 4.0 135. 8.5 .65 1082708900045 4.0 4.5 30. 5.8 .45 1082708900046 4.0 4.5 45. 7.28 .6 1082708900047 4.0 4.5 90. 7.7 .6 1082708900048 4.0 4.5 135. 7.4 .6 1082708900049 4.5 5.0 30. 6.57 .5 1082708900050 4.5 5.0 45. 6.03 .45 1082708900051 4.5 5.0 90. 6.15 .5 1082708900052 4.5 5.0 135. 5.77 .5 1082708900053 5.0 5.5 30. 6.12 .5 1082708900054 5.0 5.5 45. 6.38 .5 1082708900055 5.0 5.5 90. 5.1 .4 1082708900056 5.0 5.5 135. 4.68 .4 1082708900057 5.5 6.0 30. 5.51 .45 1082708900058 5.5 6.0 45. 5.33 .4 1082708900059 5.5 6.0 90. 4.4 .35 1082708900060 5.5 6.0 135. 4.2 .35 1082708900061 6.0 6.5 30. 4.97 .45 1082708900062 6.0 6.5 45. 4.28 .36 1082708900063 6.0 6.5 90. 4.08 .35 1082708900064 6.0 6.5 135. 3.23 .29 1082708900065 6.5 7.0 30. 4.74 .45 1082708900066 6.5 7.0 45. 4.3 .4 1082708900067 6.5 7.0 90. 2.99 .35 1082708900068 6.5 7.0 135. 2.94 .35 1082708900069 7.0 7.5 30. 3.45 .35 1082708900070 7.0 7.5 45. 2.98 .29 1082708900071 7.0 7.5 90. 3.27 .3 1082708900072 7.0 7.5 135. 2.41 .28 1082708900073 7.5 8.0 30. 3.06 .35 1082708900074 7.5 8.0 45. 3.04 .35 1082708900075 7.5 8.0 90. 2.18 .26 1082708900076 7.5 8.0 135. 2.22 .25 1082708900077 8.0 8.5 30. 2.97 .36 1082708900078 8.0 8.5 45. 2.70 .31 1082708900079 8.0 8.5 90. 1.83 .23 1082708900080 8.0 8.5 135. 1.73 .20 1082708900081 8.5 9.0 30. 2.11 .26 1082708900082 8.5 9.0 45. 1.87 .25 1082708900083 8.5 9.0 90. 1.44 .2 1082708900084 8.5 9.0 135. 1.27 .2 1082708900085 9.0 9.5 30. 1.83 .25 1082708900086 9.0 9.5 45. 1.53 .23 1082708900087 9.0 9.5 90. 1.12 .17 1082708900088 9.0 9.5 135. .94 .15 1082708900089 9.5 10.0 30. 1.40 .17 1082708900090 9.5 10.0 45. 1.00 .15 1082708900091 9.5 10.0 90. .86 .11 1082708900092 9.5 10.0 135. .56 .08 1082708900093 10.0 10.5 30. 1.08 .15 1082708900094 10.0 10.5 45. .99 .15 1082708900095 10.0 10.5 90. .55 .08 1082708900096 10.0 10.5 135. .50 .08 1082708900097 10.5 11.0 30. .82 .14 1082708900098 10.5 11.0 45. .61 .08 1082708900099 10.5 11.0 90. .58 .08 1082708900100 10.5 11.0 135. .41 .07 1082708900101 11.0 11.5 30. 1.08 .15 1082708900102 11.0 11.5 45. .71 .09 1082708900103 11.0 11.5 90. .08 .08 1082708900104 11.0 11.5 135. .53 .07 1082708900105 11.5 12.0 30. .84 .13 1082708900106 11.5 12.0 45. .56 .08 1082708900107 11.5 12.0 90. .50 .08 1082708900108 11.5 12.0 135. .39 .06 1082708900109 12.0 12.5 30. .88 .13 1082708900110 12.0 12.5 45. .50 .08 1082708900111 12.0 12.5 90. .23 .05 1082708900112 12.0 12.5 135. .31 .06 1082708900113 12.5 13.0 30. .54 .08 1082708900114 12.5 13.0 45. .34 .05 1082708900115 12.5 13.0 90. .34 .06 1082708900116 12.5 13.0 135. .15 .035 1082708900117 13.0 13.5 30. .46 .07 1082708900118 13.0 13.5 45. .31 .06 1082708900119 13.0 13.5 90. .34 .07 1082708900120 13.0 13.5 135. .14 .03 1082708900121 13.5 14.0 30. .25 .05 1082708900122 13.5 14.0 45. .14 .03 1082708900123 13.5 14.0 90. .10 .03 1082708900124 13.5 14.0 135. .08 .03 1082708900125 14.0 14.5 30. .17 .04 1082708900126 14.0 14.5 45. .08 .025 1082708900127 14.0 14.5 90. .05 .02 1082708900128 14.0 14.5 135. .02 .01 1082708900129 ENDDATA 106 0 1082708900130 ENDSUBENT 129 0 1082708999999 SUBENT 10827090 20110731 13741082709000001 BIB 5 13 1082709000002 REACTION (28-NI-58(N,D)27-CO-57,PAR,DA,,AV) 1082709000003 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082709000004 radiator 1082709000005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082709000006 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082709000007 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082709000008 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082709000009 polynomial fit (15% for deuterons). 1082709000010 STATUS (TABLE) Taken from private comm., Grimes, 1979/11/13. 1082709000011 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082709000012 HISTORY (19860709C) 1082709000013 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082709000014 from Subent 001. 1082709000015 ENDBIB 13 0 1082709000016 COMMON 2 3 1082709000017 MONIT-ERR DATA-ERR 1082709000018 PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082709000019 10. 15. 1082709000020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082709000021 DATA 5 61 1082709000022 E-MIN E-MAX ANG DATA ERR-T 1082709000023 MEV MEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR 1082709000024 1.5 2.0 90. .01 .01 1082709000025 1.5 2.0 135. .006 .008 1082709000026 2.0 2.5 45. .012 .01 1082709000027 2.0 2.5 90. .015 .01 1082709000028 2.0 2.5 135. .009 .01 1082709000029 2.5 3.0 30. .016 .01 1082709000030 2.5 3.0 45. .02 .015 1082709000031 2.5 3.0 90. .013 .01 1082709000032 2.5 3.0 135. .015 .01 1082709000033 3.0 3.5 30. .013 .01 1082709000034 3.0 3.5 45. .01 .01 1082709000035 3.0 3.5 90. .013 .01 1082709000036 3.0 3.5 135. .022 .015 1082709000037 3.5 4.0 30. .032 .02 1082709000038 3.5 4.0 45. .042 .02 1082709000039 3.5 4.0 90. .07 .03 1082709000040 3.5 4.0 135. .063 .025 1082709000041 4.0 4.5 30. .05 .025 1082709000042 4.0 4.5 45. .067 .03 1082709000043 4.0 4.5 90. .062 .03 1082709000044 4.0 4.5 135. .075 .03 1082709000045 4.5 5.0 30. .086 .03 1082709000046 4.5 5.0 45. .073 .025 1082709000047 4.5 5.0 90. .074 .03 1082709000048 4.5 5.0 135. .038 .02 1082709000049 5.0 5.5 30. .098 .03 1082709000050 5.0 5.5 45. .105 .03 1082709000051 5.0 5.5 90. .095 .03 1082709000052 5.0 5.5 135. .117 .036 1082709000053 5.5 6.0 30. .133 .03 1082709000054 5.5 6.0 45. .091 .025 1082709000055 5.5 6.0 90. .100 .03 1082709000056 5.5 6.0 135. .042 .02 1082709000057 6.0 6.5 30. .254 .05 1082709000058 6.0 6.5 45. .122 .03 1082709000059 6.0 6.5 90. .059 .02 1082709000060 6.0 6.5 135. .043 .02 1082709000061 6.5 7.0 30. .19 .04 1082709000062 6.5 7.0 45. .12 .03 1082709000063 6.5 7.0 90. .123 .03 1082709000064 6.5 7.0 135. .077 .03 1082709000065 7.0 7.5 30. .188 .04 1082709000066 7.0 7.5 45. .092 .025 1082709000067 7.0 7.5 90. .063 .02 1082709000068 7.0 7.5 135. .007 .01 1082709000069 7.5 8.0 30. .242 .04 1082709000070 7.5 8.0 45. .10 .025 1082709000071 7.5 8.0 90. .062 .02 1082709000072 7.5 8.0 135. .011 .01 1082709000073 8.0 8.5 30. .074 .025 1082709000074 8.0 8.5 45. .05 .02 1082709000075 8.0 8.5 90. .039 .015 1082709000076 8.0 8.5 135. .028 .014 1082709000077 8.5 9.0 30. .18 .04 1082709000078 8.5 9.0 45. .24 .06 1082709000079 8.5 9.0 90. .09 .025 1082709000080 8.5 9.0 135. .06 .02 1082709000081 9.0 9.5 30. .165 .04 1082709000082 9.0 9.5 45. .066 .02 1082709000083 9.0 9.5 90. .055 .015 1082709000084 9.0 9.5 135. .004 .008 1082709000085 ENDDATA 63 0 1082709000086 ENDSUBENT 85 0 1082709099999 SUBENT 10827091 20110731 13741082709100001 BIB 5 16 1082709100002 REACTION (28-NI-58(N,X)2-HE-4,PAR,DA,,AV) 1082709100003 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082709100004 radiator 1082709100005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082709100006 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082709100007 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082709100008 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082709100009 polynomial fit (7% for alphas). 1082709100010 (ERR-5) Additional 4% error included to account for 1082709100011 increased uncertainty in using deuteron transmission 1082709100012 functions for alphas. 1082709100013 STATUS (TABLE) Taken from private comm., Grimes, 1979/11/13. 1082709100014 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082709100015 HISTORY (19860709C) 1082709100016 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082709100017 from Subent 001. 1082709100018 ENDBIB 16 0 1082709100019 COMMON 3 3 1082709100020 DATA-ERR ERR-5 MONIT-ERR 1082709100021 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082709100022 7. 4. 10. 1082709100023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082709100024 DATA 5 98 1082709100025 E-MIN E-MAX ANG DATA ERR-T 1082709100026 MEV MEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR 1082709100027 4.5 5.0 45. .006 .008 1082709100028 4.5 5.0 90. .005 .01 1082709100029 4.5 5.0 135. .025 .01 1082709100030 5.0 5.5 30. .04 .02 1082709100031 5.0 5.5 45. .068 .02 1082709100032 5.0 5.5 90. .042 1082709100033 5.0 5.5 135. .073 .02 1082709100034 5.5 6.0 30. .09 .03 1082709100035 5.5 6.0 45. .086 .03 1082709100036 5.5 6.0 90. .10 .03 1082709100037 5.5 6.0 135. .17 .04 1082709100038 6.0 6.5 30. .17 .04 1082709100039 6.0 6.5 45. .214 .04 1082709100040 6.0 6.5 90. .264 .05 1082709100041 6.0 6.5 135. .28 .05 1082709100042 6.5 7.0 30. .32 .05 1082709100043 6.5 7.0 45. .47 .06 1082709100044 6.5 7.0 90. .43 .06 1082709100045 6.5 7.0 135. .53 .06 1082709100046 7.0 7.5 30. .47 .06 1082709100047 7.0 7.5 45. .46 .06 1082709100048 7.0 7.5 90. .54 .07 1082709100049 7.0 7.5 135. .73 .08 1082709100050 7.5 8.0 30. .73 .08 1082709100051 7.5 8.0 45. .80 .09 1082709100052 7.5 8.0 90. .89 .09 1082709100053 7.5 8.0 135. .73 .08 1082709100054 8.0 8.5 30. .76 .09 1082709100055 8.0 8.5 45. .88 .095 1082709100056 8.0 8.5 90. .89 .1 1082709100057 8.0 8.5 135. .76 .09 1082709100058 8.5 9.0 30. .95 .11 1082709100059 8.5 9.0 45. .89 .1 1082709100060 8.5 9.0 90. 1.11 .14 1082709100061 8.5 9.0 135. .92 .12 1082709100062 9.0 9.5 30. 1.11 .14 1082709100063 9.0 9.5 45. .83 .11 1082709100064 9.0 9.5 90. .93 .1 1082709100065 9.0 9.5 135. .72 .09 1082709100066 9.5 10.0 30. .81 .09 1082709100067 9.5 10.0 45. .78 .08 1082709100068 9.5 10.0 90. .75 .09 1082709100069 9.5 10.0 135. .46 .06 1082709100070 10.0 10.5 30. .75 .09 1082709100071 10.0 10.5 45. .69 .075 1082709100072 10.0 10.5 90. .51 .06 1082709100073 10.0 10.5 135. .41 .06 1082709100074 10.5 11.0 30. .81 .09 1082709100075 10.5 11.0 45. .59 .07 1082709100076 10.5 11.0 90. .34 .05 1082709100077 10.5 11.0 135. .30 .05 1082709100078 11.0 11.5 30. .53 .06 1082709100079 11.0 11.5 45. .44 .06 1082709100080 11.0 11.5 90. .37 .055 1082709100081 11.0 11.5 135. .25 .05 1082709100082 11.5 12.0 30. .57 .06 1082709100083 11.5 12.0 45. .39 .06 1082709100084 11.5 12.0 90. .33 .06 1082709100085 11.5 12.0 135. .24 .05 1082709100086 12.0 12.5 30. .44 .055 1082709100087 12.0 12.5 45. .26 .05 1082709100088 12.0 12.5 90. .18 .04 1082709100089 12.0 12.5 135. .145 .04 1082709100090 12.5 13.0 30. .31 .06 1082709100091 12.5 13.0 45. .172 .04 1082709100092 12.5 13.0 90. .102 .03 1082709100093 12.5 13.0 135. .054 .02 1082709100094 13.0 13.5 30. .287 .05 1082709100095 13.0 13.5 45. .124 .03 1082709100096 13.0 13.5 90. .054 .02 1082709100097 13.0 13.5 135. .044 .02 1082709100098 13.5 14.0 30. .17 .04 1082709100099 13.5 14.0 45. .086 .025 1082709100100 13.5 14.0 90. .058 .02 1082709100101 13.5 14.0 135. .036 .02 1082709100102 14.0 14.5 30. .20 .04 1082709100103 14.0 14.5 45. .098 .025 1082709100104 14.0 14.5 90. .073 .025 1082709100105 14.0 14.5 135. .042 .02 1082709100106 14.5 15.0 30. .124 .03 1082709100107 14.5 15.0 45. .062 .02 1082709100108 14.5 15.0 90. .04 .015 1082709100109 14.5 15.0 135. .027 .015 1082709100110 15.0 15.5 30. .078 .025 1082709100111 15.0 15.5 45. .11 .03 1082709100112 15.0 15.5 90. .04 .012 1082709100113 15.0 15.5 135. .023 .01 1082709100114 15.5 16.0 30. .112 .03 1082709100115 15.5 16.0 45. .046 .02 1082709100116 15.5 16.0 90. .022 .012 1082709100117 15.5 16.0 135. .011 .008 1082709100118 16.0 16.5 30. .077 .025 1082709100119 16.0 16.5 45. .05 .02 1082709100120 16.0 16.5 90. .033 .015 1082709100121 16.0 16.5 135. .002 .008 1082709100122 16.5 17.0 30. .066 .02 1082709100123 16.5 17.0 90. .015 .01 1082709100124 16.5 17.0 135. .002 .008 1082709100125 ENDDATA 100 0 1082709100126 ENDSUBENT 125 0 1082709199999 SUBENT 10827092 20110731 13741082709200001 BIB 5 14 1082709200002 REACTION (28-NI-60(N,X)1-H-1,PAR,DA,,AV) 1082709200003 MONITOR (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,SIG) Neutrons on thick polyethylene 1082709200004 radiator 1082709200005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082709200006 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082709200007 (MONIT-ERR,,1.) elastic cross sections from 1082709200008 hydrogen (<1%), 1082709200009 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082709200010 polynomial fit (7% for protons). 1082709200011 STATUS (TABLE) Taken from private comm., Grimes, 1979/11/13. 1082709200012 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082709200013 HISTORY (19860709C) 1082709200014 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082709200015 from Subent 001. 1082709200016 ENDBIB 14 0 1082709200017 COMMON 1 3 1082709200018 DATA-ERR 1082709200019 PER-CENT 1082709200020 7. 1082709200021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082709200022 DATA 5 96 1082709200023 E-MIN E-MAX ANG DATA ERR-T 1082709200024 MEV MEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR 1082709200025 1.0 1.5 30. .34 .07 1082709200026 1.0 1.5 45. .19 .05 1082709200027 1.0 1.5 90. .21 .05 1082709200028 1.0 1.5 135. .24 .05 1082709200029 1.5 2.0 30. 1.77 .2 1082709200030 1.5 2.0 45. 1.83 .2 1082709200031 1.5 2.0 90. 1.79 .2 1082709200032 1.5 2.0 135. 1.62 .18 1082709200033 2.0 2.5 30. 2.22 .25 1082709200034 2.0 2.5 45. 2.27 .25 1082709200035 2.0 2.5 90. 1.72 .19 1082709200036 2.0 2.5 135. 1.76 .18 1082709200037 2.5 3.0 30. 2.20 .22 1082709200038 2.5 3.0 45. 2.08 .21 1082709200039 2.5 3.0 90. 2.04 .2 1082709200040 2.5 3.0 135. 1.86 .2 1082709200041 3.0 3.5 30. 2.93 .3 1082709200042 3.0 3.5 45. 2.72 .26 1082709200043 3.0 3.5 90. 2.42 .25 1082709200044 3.0 3.5 135. 2.35 .25 1082709200045 3.5 4.0 30. 2.53 .25 1082709200046 3.5 4.0 45. 2.32 .25 1082709200047 3.5 4.0 90. 2.17 .23 1082709200048 3.5 4.0 135. 1.89 .2 1082709200049 4.0 4.5 30. 2.13 .22 1082709200050 4.0 4.5 45. 2.23 .25 1082709200051 4.0 4.5 90. 1.91 .19 1082709200052 4.0 4.5 135. 1.72 .18 1082709200053 4.5 5.0 30. 2.41 .25 1082709200054 4.5 5.0 45. 2.32 .25 1082709200055 4.5 5.0 90. 2.21 .2 1082709200056 4.5 5.0 135. 1.6 .18 1082709200057 5.0 5.5 30. 1.98 .21 1082709200058 5.0 5.5 45. 1.93 .21 1082709200059 5.0 5.5 90. 1.72 .18 1082709200060 5.0 5.5 135. 1.40 .16 1082709200061 5.5 6.0 30. 1.71 .19 1082709200062 5.5 6.0 45. 1.76 .19 1082709200063 5.5 6.0 90. 1.43 .13 1082709200064 5.5 6.0 135. 1.27 .15 1082709200065 6.0 6.5 30. 1.58 .17 1082709200066 6.0 6.5 45. 1.48 .16 1082709200067 6.0 6.5 90. 1.30 .15 1082709200068 6.0 6.5 135. 1.15 .12 1082709200069 6.5 7.0 30. 1.61 .17 1082709200070 6.5 7.0 45. 1.50 .16 1082709200071 6.5 7.0 90. 1.04 .13 1082709200072 6.5 7.0 135. .92 .1 1082709200073 7.0 7.5 30. 1.25 .14 1082709200074 7.0 7.5 45. 1.18 .14 1082709200075 7.0 7.5 90. .81 .1 1082709200076 7.0 7.5 135. .58 .09 1082709200077 7.5 8.0 30. 1.05 .13 1082709200078 7.5 8.0 45. .99 .12 1082709200079 7.5 8.0 90. .66 .08 1082709200080 7.5 8.0 135. .48 .06 1082709200081 8.0 8.5 30. .81 .1 1082709200082 8.0 8.5 45. .81 .1 1082709200083 8.0 8.5 90. .54 .065 1082709200084 8.0 8.5 135. .42 .06 1082709200085 8.5 9.0 30. .66 .08 1082709200086 8.5 9.0 45. .62 .08 1082709200087 8.5 9.0 90. .46 .06 1082709200088 8.5 9.0 135. .42 .06 1082709200089 9.0 9.5 30. .77 .1 1082709200090 9.0 9.5 45. .62 .08 1082709200091 9.0 9.5 90. .37 .05 1082709200092 9.0 9.5 135. .25 .05 1082709200093 9.5 10.0 30. .70 .09 1082709200094 9.5 10.0 45. .40 .06 1082709200095 9.5 10.0 90. .19 .04 1082709200096 9.5 10.0 135. .15 .04 1082709200097 10.0 10.5 30. .58 .08 1082709200098 10.0 10.5 45. .34 .05 1082709200099 10.0 10.5 90. .22 .04 1082709200100 10.0 10.5 135. .17 .04 1082709200101 10.5 11.0 30. .46 .07 1082709200102 10.5 11.0 45. .24 .05 1082709200103 10.5 11.0 90. .19 .04 1082709200104 10.5 11.0 135. .07 .025 1082709200105 11.0 11.5 30. .29 .05 1082709200106 11.0 11.5 45. .21 .04 1082709200107 11.0 11.5 90. .13 .04 1082709200108 11.0 11.5 135. .06 .02 1082709200109 11.5 12.0 30. .29 .05 1082709200110 11.5 12.0 45. .18 .04 1082709200111 11.5 12.0 90. .15 .04 1082709200112 11.5 12.0 135. .09 .03 1082709200113 12.0 12.5 30. .28 .05 1082709200114 12.0 12.5 45. .19 .04 1082709200115 12.0 12.5 90. .13 .03 1082709200116 12.0 12.5 135. .05 .02 1082709200117 12.5 13.0 30. .16 .04 1082709200118 12.5 13.0 45. .08 .03 1082709200119 12.5 13.0 90. .025 .01 1082709200120 12.5 13.0 135. .01 .01 1082709200121 ENDDATA 98 0 1082709200122 ENDSUBENT 121 0 1082709299999 SUBENT 10827093 20110731 13741082709300001 BIB 5 13 1082709300002 REACTION (28-NI-60(N,D)27-CO-59,PAR,DA,,AV) 1082709300003 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082709300004 radiator 1082709300005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082709300006 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082709300007 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082709300008 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082709300009 polynomial fit (15% for deuterons). 1082709300010 STATUS (TABLE) Taken from private comm., Grimes, 1979/11/13. 1082709300011 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082709300012 HISTORY (19860709C) 1082709300013 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082709300014 from Subent 001. 1082709300015 ENDBIB 13 0 1082709300016 COMMON 2 3 1082709300017 MONIT-ERR DATA-ERR 1082709300018 PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082709300019 10. 15. 1082709300020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082709300021 DATA 5 51 1082709300022 E-MIN E-MAX ANG DATA ERR-T 1082709300023 MEV MEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR 1082709300024 2.0 2.5 30. .015 .008 1082709300025 2.0 2.5 45. .009 .006 1082709300026 2.0 2.5 90. .007 .008 1082709300027 2.0 2.5 135. .002 .006 1082709300028 2.5 3.0 30. .03 .015 1082709300029 2.5 3.0 45. .025 .02 1082709300030 2.5 3.0 90. .024 .02 1082709300031 2.5 3.0 135. .017 .01 1082709300032 3.0 3.5 30. .025 .01 1082709300033 3.0 3.5 45. .01 .008 1082709300034 3.0 3.5 90. .016 .01 1082709300035 3.0 3.5 135. .014 .01 1082709300036 3.5 4.0 30. .014 .01 1082709300037 3.5 4.0 45. .029 .01 1082709300038 3.5 4.0 90. .03 .012 1082709300039 3.5 4.0 135. .022 .01 1082709300040 4.0 4.5 30. .095 .025 1082709300041 4.0 4.5 45. .074 .02 1082709300042 4.0 4.5 90. .045 .015 1082709300043 4.0 4.5 135. .04 .02 1082709300044 4.5 5.0 30. .166 .04 1082709300045 4.5 5.0 45. .093 .03 1082709300046 4.5 5.0 90. .098 .03 1082709300047 4.5 5.0 135. .073 .03 1082709300048 5.0 5.5 30. .163 .04 1082709300049 5.0 5.5 45. .109 .03 1082709300050 5.0 5.5 90. .08 .03 1082709300051 5.0 5.5 135. .16 .04 1082709300052 5.5 6.0 30. .11 .03 1082709300053 5.5 6.0 45. .08 .03 1082709300054 5.5 6.0 90. .11 .03 1082709300055 5.5 6.0 135. .00 .015 1082709300056 6.0 6.5 30. .12 .03 1082709300057 6.0 6.5 45. .06 .02 1082709300058 6.0 6.5 90. .045 .02 1082709300059 6.0 6.5 135. .024 .015 1082709300060 6.5 7.0 30. .09 .03 1082709300061 6.5 7.0 45. .14 .04 1082709300062 6.5 7.0 90. .07 .025 1082709300063 6.5 7.0 135. .05 .02 1082709300064 7.0 7.5 30. .32 .075 1082709300065 7.0 7.5 45. .16 .04 1082709300066 7.0 7.5 90. .10 .025 1082709300067 7.0 7.5 135. .04 .015 1082709300068 7.5 8.0 30. .15 .04 1082709300069 7.5 8.0 45. .18 .05 1082709300070 7.5 8.0 90. .10 .025 1082709300071 7.5 8.0 135. .05 .02 1082709300072 8.0 8.5 30. .024 .01 1082709300073 8.0 8.5 45. .016 .01 1082709300074 8.0 8.5 90. .007 .008 1082709300075 ENDDATA 53 0 1082709300076 ENDSUBENT 75 0 1082709399999 SUBENT 10827094 20110731 13741082709400001 BIB 5 16 1082709400002 REACTION (28-NI-60(N,X)2-HE-4,PAR,DA,,AV) 1082709400003 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082709400004 radiator 1082709400005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082709400006 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082709400007 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082709400008 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082709400009 polynomial fit (7% for alphas). 1082709400010 (ERR-5) Additional 4% error included to account for 1082709400011 increased uncertainty in using deuteron transmission 1082709400012 functions for alphas. 1082709400013 STATUS (TABLE) Taken from private comm., Grimes, 1979/11/13. 1082709400014 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082709400015 HISTORY (19860709C) 1082709400016 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082709400017 from Subent 001. 1082709400018 ENDBIB 16 0 1082709400019 COMMON 3 3 1082709400020 DATA-ERR ERR-5 MONIT-ERR 1082709400021 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082709400022 7. 4. 10. 1082709400023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082709400024 DATA 5 82 1082709400025 E-MIN E-MAX ANG DATA ERR-T 1082709400026 MEV MEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR 1082709400027 4.5 5.0 30. .007 .008 1082709400028 4.5 5.0 45. .012 .01 1082709400029 4.5 5.0 90. .005 .009 1082709400030 4.5 5.0 135. .008 .008 1082709400031 5.0 5.5 30. .135 .03 1082709400032 5.0 5.5 45. .072 .025 1082709400033 5.0 5.5 90. .054 .015 1082709400034 5.0 5.5 135. .058 .02 1082709400035 5.5 6.0 30. .131 .04 1082709400036 5.5 6.0 45. .103 .03 1082709400037 5.5 6.0 90. .116 .03 1082709400038 5.5 6.0 135. .182 .04 1082709400039 6.0 6.5 30. .248 .04 1082709400040 6.0 6.5 45. .257 .04 1082709400041 6.0 6.5 90. .304 .05 1082709400042 6.0 6.5 135. .37 .05 1082709400043 6.5 7.0 30. .316 .06 1082709400044 6.5 7.0 45. .278 .06 1082709400045 6.5 7.0 90. .354 .07 1082709400046 6.5 7.0 135. .326 .06 1082709400047 7.0 7.5 30. .45 .07 1082709400048 7.0 7.5 45. .46 .07 1082709400049 7.0 7.5 90. .54 .07 1082709400050 7.0 7.5 135. .58 .08 1082709400051 7.5 8.0 30. .62 .08 1082709400052 7.5 8.0 45. .47 .06 1082709400053 7.5 8.0 90. .59 .08 1082709400054 7.5 8.0 135. .43 .06 1082709400055 8.0 8.5 30. .71 .08 1082709400056 8.0 8.5 45. .81 .08 1082709400057 8.0 8.5 90. .81 .08 1082709400058 8.0 8.5 135. .70 .08 1082709400059 8.5 9.0 30. .69 .08 1082709400060 8.5 9.0 45. .76 .08 1082709400061 8.5 9.0 90. .58 .07 1082709400062 8.5 9.0 135. .53 .07 1082709400063 9.0 9.5 30. .80 .09 1082709400064 9.0 9.5 45. .78 .08 1082709400065 9.0 9.5 90. .60 .07 1082709400066 9.0 9.5 135. .53 .07 1082709400067 9.5 10.0 30. .65 .07 1082709400068 9.5 10.0 45. .57 .06 1082709400069 9.5 10.0 90. .40 .06 1082709400070 9.5 10.0 135. .33 .06 1082709400071 10.0 10.5 30. .65 .07 1082709400072 10.0 10.5 45. .60 .07 1082709400073 10.0 10.5 90. .35 .045 1082709400074 10.0 10.5 135. .28 .04 1082709400075 10.5 11.0 30. .56 .065 1082709400076 10.5 11.0 45. .37 .06 1082709400077 10.5 11.0 90. .23 .04 1082709400078 10.5 11.0 135. .25 .05 1082709400079 11.0 11.5 30. .44 .06 1082709400080 11.0 11.5 45. .28 .05 1082709400081 11.0 11.5 90. .12 .03 1082709400082 11.0 11.5 135. .055 .02 1082709400083 11.5 12.0 30. .23 .05 1082709400084 11.5 12.0 45. .22 .06 1082709400085 11.5 12.0 90. .19 .05 1082709400086 11.5 12.0 135. .12 .04 1082709400087 12.0 12.5 30. .17 .05 1082709400088 12.0 12.5 45. .11 .04 1082709400089 12.0 12.5 90. .09 .03 1082709400090 12.0 12.5 135. .08 .03 1082709400091 12.5 13.0 30. .135 .04 1082709400092 12.5 13.0 45. .09 .03 1082709400093 12.5 13.0 90. .06 .02 1082709400094 12.5 13.0 135. .03 .015 1082709400095 13.0 13.5 30. .16 .04 1082709400096 13.0 13.5 45. .10 .03 1082709400097 13.0 13.5 90. .07 .025 1082709400098 13.0 13.5 135. .02 .015 1082709400099 13.5 14.0 30. .07 .025 1082709400100 13.5 14.0 45. .032 .015 1082709400101 13.5 14.0 90. .02 .01 1082709400102 13.5 14.0 135. .005 .007 1082709400103 14.0 14.5 30. .06 .02 1082709400104 14.0 14.5 45. .02 .01 1082709400105 14.0 14.5 90. .003 .006 1082709400106 14.5 15.0 30. .056 .02 1082709400107 14.5 15.0 45. .029 .01 1082709400108 14.5 15.0 90. .01 .007 1082709400109 ENDDATA 84 0 1082709400110 ENDSUBENT 109 0 1082709499999 SUBENT 10827095 20110731 13741082709500001 BIB 5 14 1082709500002 REACTION (28-NI-0(N,X)1-H-1,PAR,DA,,AV) 1082709500003 MONITOR (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,SIG) Neutrons on thick polyethylene 1082709500004 radiator 1082709500005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082709500006 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082709500007 (MONIT-ERR,,1.) elastic cross sections from 1082709500008 hydrogen (<1%), 1082709500009 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082709500010 polynomial fit (7% for protons). 1082709500011 STATUS (TABLE) Taken from private comm., Grimes, 1979/11/13. 1082709500012 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082709500013 HISTORY (19860709C) 1082709500014 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS added according to new 1082709500015 EXFOR rules. 1082709500016 ENDBIB 14 0 1082709500017 COMMON 1 3 1082709500018 DATA-ERR 1082709500019 PER-CENT 1082709500020 7. 1082709500021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082709500022 DATA 5 107 1082709500023 E-MIN E-MAX ANG DATA ERR-T 1082709500024 MEV MEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR 1082709500025 1.0 1.5 30. .45 .08 1082709500026 1.0 1.5 45. .49 .08 1082709500027 1.0 1.5 90. .46 .08 1082709500028 1.0 1.5 135. .41 .08 1082709500029 1.5 2.0 30. 2.33 .28 1082709500030 1.5 2.0 45. 2.10 .3 1082709500031 1.5 2.0 90. 2.21 .3 1082709500032 1.5 2.0 135. 2.45 .3 1082709500033 2.0 2.5 30. 3.9 .45 1082709500034 2.0 2.5 45. 3.79 .45 1082709500035 2.0 2.5 90. 3.51 .4 1082709500036 2.0 2.5 135. 3.67 .4 1082709500037 2.5 3.0 30. 5.95 .6 1082709500038 2.5 3.0 45. 5.9 .6 1082709500039 2.5 3.0 90. 5.26 .6 1082709500040 2.5 3.0 135. 5.2 .6 1082709500041 3.0 3.5 30. 6.66 .7 1082709500042 3.0 3.5 45. 6.53 .7 1082709500043 3.0 3.5 90. 6.05 .6 1082709500044 3.0 3.5 135. 5.73 .6 1082709500045 3.5 4.0 30. 7.43 .8 1082709500046 3.5 4.0 45. 7.9 .8 1082709500047 3.5 4.0 90. 7.0 .75 1082709500048 3.5 4.0 135. 6.77 .65 1082709500049 4.0 4.5 30. 6.51 .7 1082709500050 4.0 4.5 45. 6.46 .7 1082709500051 4.0 4.5 90. 5.67 .6 1082709500052 4.0 4.5 135. 4.92 .55 1082709500053 4.5 5.0 30. 5.66 .6 1082709500054 4.5 5.0 45. 5.71 .6 1082709500055 4.5 5.0 90. 5.27 .6 1082709500056 4.5 5.0 135. 4.68 .55 1082709500057 5.0 5.5 30. 5.27 .6 1082709500058 5.0 5.5 45. 5.16 .6 1082709500059 5.0 5.5 90. 4.51 .55 1082709500060 5.0 5.5 135. 3.8 .45 1082709500061 5.5 6.0 30. 5.14 .6 1082709500062 5.5 6.0 45. 4.96 .6 1082709500063 5.5 6.0 90. 4.01 .5 1082709500064 5.5 6.0 135. 2.96 .4 1082709500065 6.0 6.5 30. 4.32 .5 1082709500066 6.0 6.5 45. 4.26 .45 1082709500067 6.0 6.5 90. 3.37 .4 1082709500068 6.0 6.5 135. 2.57 .3 1082709500069 6.5 7.0 30. 3.32 .4 1082709500070 6.5 7.0 45. 2.99 .35 1082709500071 6.5 7.0 90. 2.43 .3 1082709500072 6.5 7.0 135. 1.99 .25 1082709500073 7.0 7.5 30. 2.81 .4 1082709500074 7.0 7.5 45. 2.63 .3 1082709500075 7.0 7.5 90. 2.22 .3 1082709500076 7.0 7.5 135. 1.61 .23 1082709500077 7.5 8.0 30. 2.80 .4 1082709500078 7.5 8.0 45. 2.79 .4 1082709500079 7.5 8.0 90. 2.17 .25 1082709500080 7.5 8.0 135. 1.54 .18 1082709500081 8.0 8.5 30. 1.89 .25 1082709500082 8.0 8.5 45. 1.92 .22 1082709500083 8.0 8.5 90. 1.35 .18 1082709500084 8.0 8.5 135. .99 .13 1082709500085 8.5 9.0 30. 1.58 .21 1082709500086 8.5 9.0 45. 1.54 .2 1082709500087 8.5 9.0 90. 1.04 .14 1082709500088 8.5 9.0 135. .74 .12 1082709500089 9.0 9.5 30. 1.34 .16 1082709500090 9.0 9.5 45. 1.23 .14 1082709500091 9.0 9.5 90. .88 .1 1082709500092 9.0 9.5 135. .41 .06 1082709500093 9.5 10.0 30. 1.41 .16 1082709500094 9.5 10.0 45. 1.13 .13 1082709500095 9.5 10.0 90. .79 .1 1082709500096 9.5 10.0 135. .37 .06 1082709500097 10.0 10.5 30. .96 .14 1082709500098 10.0 10.5 45. .77 .12 1082709500099 10.0 10.5 90. .58 .09 1082709500100 10.0 10.5 135. .21 .05 1082709500101 10.5 11.0 30. .71 .1 1082709500102 10.5 11.0 45. .49 .08 1082709500103 10.5 11.0 90. .30 .06 1082709500104 10.5 11.0 135. .25 .06 1082709500105 11.0 11.5 30. .49 .08 1082709500106 11.0 11.5 45. .32 .06 1082709500107 11.0 11.5 90. .25 .05 1082709500108 11.0 11.5 135. .12 .03 1082709500109 11.5 12.0 30. .27 .05 1082709500110 11.5 12.0 45. .20 .04 1082709500111 11.5 12.0 90. .10 .03 1082709500112 11.5 12.0 135. .024 .01 1082709500113 12.0 12.5 30. .10 .03 1082709500114 12.0 12.5 45. .06 .02 1082709500115 12.0 12.5 90. .03 .01 1082709500116 12.0 12.5 135. .002 .005 1082709500117 12.5 13.0 30. .067 .02 1082709500118 12.5 13.0 45. .061 .02 1082709500119 12.5 13.0 90. .04 .02 1082709500120 12.5 13.0 135. .004 .008 1082709500121 13.0 13.5 30. .20 .04 1082709500122 13.0 13.5 45. .18 .04 1082709500123 13.0 13.5 90. .09 .03 1082709500124 13.0 13.5 135. .015 .01 1082709500125 13.5 14.0 30. .08 .03 1082709500126 13.5 14.0 45. .08 .03 1082709500127 13.5 14.0 90. .04 .015 1082709500128 13.5 14.0 135. .01 .008 1082709500129 14.0 14.5 30. .03 .015 1082709500130 14.0 14.5 45. .01 .008 1082709500131 14.0 14.5 90. .008 .006 1082709500132 ENDDATA 109 0 1082709500133 ENDSUBENT 132 0 1082709599999 SUBENT 10827096 20110731 13741082709600001 BIB 5 13 1082709600002 REACTION (28-NI-0(N,D),PAR,DA,,AV) 1082709600003 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082709600004 radiator 1082709600005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082709600006 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082709600007 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082709600008 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082709600009 polynomial fit (15% for deuterons). 1082709600010 STATUS (TABLE) Taken from private comm., Grimes, 1979/11/13. 1082709600011 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082709600012 HISTORY (19860709C) 1082709600013 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082709600014 from Subent 001. 1082709600015 ENDBIB 13 0 1082709600016 COMMON 2 3 1082709600017 MONIT-ERR DATA-ERR 1082709600018 PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082709600019 10. 15. 1082709600020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082709600021 DATA 5 60 1082709600022 E-MIN E-MAX ANG DATA ERR-T 1082709600023 MEV MEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR 1082709600024 2.0 2.5 30. .002 .005 1082709600025 2.0 2.5 45. .005 .004 1082709600026 2.0 2.5 90. .003 .005 1082709600027 2.0 2.5 135. .006 .004 1082709600028 2.5 3.0 30. .023 .01 1082709600029 2.5 3.0 45. .018 .01 1082709600030 2.5 3.0 90. .009 .005 1082709600031 2.5 3.0 135. .021 .009 1082709600032 3.0 3.5 30. .034 .01 1082709600033 3.0 3.5 45. .03 .01 1082709600034 3.0 3.5 90. .051 .02 1082709600035 3.0 3.5 135. .028 .01 1082709600036 3.5 4.0 30. .102 .025 1082709600037 3.5 4.0 45. .08 .02 1082709600038 3.5 4.0 90. .045 .015 1082709600039 3.5 4.0 135. .06 .015 1082709600040 4.0 4.5 30. .08 .02 1082709600041 4.0 4.5 45. .057 .015 1082709600042 4.0 4.5 90. .05 .015 1082709600043 4.0 4.5 135. .046 .015 1082709600044 4.5 5.0 30. .12 .03 1082709600045 4.5 5.0 45. .08 .02 1082709600046 4.5 5.0 90. .034 .01 1082709600047 4.5 5.0 135. .019 .008 1082709600048 5.0 5.5 30. .143 .035 1082709600049 5.0 5.5 45. .088 .02 1082709600050 5.0 5.5 90. .10 .02 1082709600051 5.0 5.5 135. .068 .02 1082709600052 5.5 6.0 30. .139 .03 1082709600053 5.5 6.0 45. .09 .02 1082709600054 5.5 6.0 90. .085 .02 1082709600055 5.5 6.0 135. .039 .01 1082709600056 6.0 6.5 30. .17 .04 1082709600057 6.0 6.5 45. .14 .04 1082709600058 6.0 6.5 90. .13 .04 1082709600059 6.0 6.5 135. .10 .025 1082709600060 6.5 7.0 30. .16 .04 1082709600061 6.5 7.0 45. .15 .04 1082709600062 6.5 7.0 90. .09 .03 1082709600063 6.5 7.0 135. .04 .02 1082709600064 7.0 7.5 30. .11 .03 1082709600065 7.0 7.5 45. .12 .04 1082709600066 7.0 7.5 90. .05 .02 1082709600067 7.0 7.5 135. .004 .005 1082709600068 7.5 8.0 30. .15 .04 1082709600069 7.5 8.0 45. .09 .03 1082709600070 7.5 8.0 90. .03 .015 1082709600071 7.5 8.0 135. .05 .02 1082709600072 8.0 8.5 30. .12 .03 1082709600073 8.0 8.5 45. .13 .04 1082709600074 8.0 8.5 90. .02 .01 1082709600075 8.0 8.5 135. .01 .01 1082709600076 8.5 9.0 30. .17 .04 1082709600077 8.5 9.0 45. .12 .03 1082709600078 8.5 9.0 90. .08 .02 1082709600079 8.5 9.0 135. .06 .02 1082709600080 9.0 9.5 30. .05 .015 1082709600081 9.0 9.5 45. .03 .01 1082709600082 9.0 9.5 90. .01 .01 1082709600083 9.0 9.5 135. .004 .008 1082709600084 ENDDATA 62 0 1082709600085 ENDSUBENT 84 0 1082709699999 SUBENT 10827097 20110731 13741082709700001 BIB 5 16 1082709700002 REACTION (28-NI-0(N,X)2-HE-4,PAR,DA,,AV) 1082709700003 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082709700004 radiator 1082709700005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082709700006 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082709700007 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082709700008 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082709700009 polynomial fit (7% for alphas). 1082709700010 (ERR-5) Additional 4% error included to account for 1082709700011 increased uncertainty in using deuteron transmission 1082709700012 functions for alphas. 1082709700013 STATUS (TABLE) Taken from private comm., Grimes, 1979/11/13. 1082709700014 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082709700015 HISTORY (19860709C) 1082709700016 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082709700017 from Subent 001. 1082709700018 ENDBIB 16 0 1082709700019 COMMON 3 3 1082709700020 DATA-ERR ERR-5 MONIT-ERR 1082709700021 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082709700022 7. 4. 10. 1082709700023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082709700024 DATA 5 82 1082709700025 E-MIN E-MAX ANG DATA ERR-T 1082709700026 MEV MEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR 1082709700027 4.5 5.0 30. .007 .008 1082709700028 4.5 5.0 90. .011 .008 1082709700029 4.5 5.0 135. .014 .01 1082709700030 5.0 5.5 30. .035 .01 1082709700031 5.0 5.5 45. .02 .01 1082709700032 5.0 5.5 90. .047 .015 1082709700033 5.0 5.5 135. .043 .015 1082709700034 5.5 6.0 30. .13 .03 1082709700035 5.5 6.0 45. .15 .04 1082709700036 5.5 6.0 90. .16 .04 1082709700037 5.5 6.0 135. .20 .04 1082709700038 6.0 6.5 30. .22 .04 1082709700039 6.0 6.5 45. .23 .05 1082709700040 6.0 6.5 90. .27 .04 1082709700041 6.0 6.5 135. .32 .05 1082709700042 6.5 7.0 30. .39 .05 1082709700043 6.5 7.0 45. .35 .05 1082709700044 6.5 7.0 90. .38 .05 1082709700045 6.5 7.0 135. .44 .06 1082709700046 7.0 7.5 30. .46 .05 1082709700047 7.0 7.5 45. .47 .06 1082709700048 7.0 7.5 90. .58 .06 1082709700049 7.0 7.5 135. .62 .07 1082709700050 7.5 8.0 30. .63 .07 1082709700051 7.5 8.0 45. .62 .07 1082709700052 7.5 8.0 90. .70 .07 1082709700053 7.5 8.0 135. .64 .07 1082709700054 8.0 8.5 30. .90 .09 1082709700055 8.0 8.5 45. .88 .09 1082709700056 8.0 8.5 90. .86 .08 1082709700057 8.0 8.5 135. .78 .08 1082709700058 8.5 9.0 30. 1.09 .10 1082709700059 8.5 9.0 45. 1.04 .10 1082709700060 8.5 9.0 90. .79 .08 1082709700061 8.5 9.0 135. .59 .06 1082709700062 9.0 9.5 30. 1.27 .13 1082709700063 9.0 9.5 45. 1.03 .10 1082709700064 9.0 9.5 90. .78 .08 1082709700065 9.0 9.5 135. .59 .07 1082709700066 9.5 10.0 30. .96 .13 1082709700067 9.5 10.0 45. .81 .10 1082709700068 9.5 10.0 90. .60 .07 1082709700069 9.5 10.0 135. .41 .05 1082709700070 10.0 10.5 30. 1.03 .11 1082709700071 10.0 10.5 45. .91 .1 1082709700072 10.0 10.5 90. .57 .06 1082709700073 10.0 10.5 135. .49 .05 1082709700074 10.5 11.0 30. .69 .08 1082709700075 10.5 11.0 45. .59 .07 1082709700076 10.5 11.0 90. .36 .05 1082709700077 10.5 11.0 135. .17 .04 1082709700078 11.0 11.5 30. .51 .07 1082709700079 11.0 11.5 45. .50 .07 1082709700080 11.0 11.5 90. .31 .05 1082709700081 11.0 11.5 135. .27 .05 1082709700082 11.5 12.0 30. .47 .07 1082709700083 11.5 12.0 45. .37 .06 1082709700084 11.5 12.0 90. .13 .03 1082709700085 11.5 12.0 135. .05 .02 1082709700086 12.0 12.5 30. .34 .06 1082709700087 12.0 12.5 45. .25 .05 1082709700088 12.0 12.5 90. .21 .04 1082709700089 12.0 12.5 135. .16 .04 1082709700090 12.5 13.0 30. .15 .03 1082709700091 12.5 13.0 45. .10 .03 1082709700092 12.5 13.0 90. .05 .02 1082709700093 12.5 13.0 135. .02 .01 1082709700094 13.0 13.5 30. .11 .03 1082709700095 13.0 13.5 45. .09 .03 1082709700096 13.0 13.5 90. .06 .02 1082709700097 13.0 13.5 135. .02 .01 1082709700098 13.5 14.0 30. .09 .025 1082709700099 13.5 14.0 45. .06 .02 1082709700100 13.5 14.0 90. .01 .008 1082709700101 13.5 14.0 135. .004 .006 1082709700102 14.0 14.5 30. .125 .03 1082709700103 14.0 14.5 45. .09 .03 1082709700104 14.0 14.5 90. .04 .01 1082709700105 14.0 14.5 135. .03 .015 1082709700106 14.5 15.0 30. .056 .02 1082709700107 14.5 15.0 45. .039 .015 1082709700108 14.5 15.0 90. .002 .000 1082709700109 ENDDATA 84 0 1082709700110 ENDSUBENT 109 0 1082709799999 SUBENT 10827098 20110731 13741082709800001 BIB 5 14 1082709800002 REACTION (29-CU-63(N,X)1-H-1,PAR,DA,,AV) 1082709800003 MONITOR (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,SIG) Neutrons on thick polyethylene 1082709800004 radiator 1082709800005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082709800006 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082709800007 (MONIT-ERR,,1.) elastic cross sections from 1082709800008 hydrogen (<1%), 1082709800009 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082709800010 polynomial fit (7% for protons). 1082709800011 STATUS (TABLE) Taken from private comm., Grimes, 1979/11/13. 1082709800012 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082709800013 HISTORY (19860709C) 1082709800014 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082709800015 from Subent 001. 1082709800016 ENDBIB 14 0 1082709800017 COMMON 1 3 1082709800018 DATA-ERR 1082709800019 PER-CENT 1082709800020 7. 1082709800021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082709800022 DATA 5 131 1082709800023 E-MIN E-MAX ANG DATA ERR-T 1082709800024 MEV MEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR 1082709800025 1.0 1.5 45. .17 .09 1082709800026 1.0 1.5 75. .16 .07 1082709800027 1.0 1.5 105. .25 .09 1082709800028 1.0 1.5 135. .11 .06 1082709800029 1.5 2.0 45. .6 .12 1082709800030 1.5 2.0 75. .72 .13 1082709800031 1.5 2.0 105. .79 .13 1082709800032 1.5 2.0 135. .82 .14 1082709800033 1.5 2.0 145. 1.08 .29 1082709800034 2.0 2.5 45. 2.74 .25 1082709800035 2.0 2.5 75. 2.25 .23 1082709800036 2.0 2.5 105. 2.47 .22 1082709800037 2.0 2.5 135. 3.01 .3 1082709800038 2.0 2.5 145. 3.15 .35 1082709800039 2.5 3.0 45. 3.72 .32 1082709800040 2.5 3.0 75. 2.75 .25 1082709800041 2.5 3.0 105. 3.65 .31 1082709800042 2.5 3.0 135. 2.82 .25 1082709800043 2.5 3.0 145. 3.92 .36 1082709800044 3.0 3.5 45. 4.15 .4 1082709800045 3.0 3.5 75. 4.27 .38 1082709800046 3.0 3.5 105. 3.70 .32 1082709800047 3.0 3.5 135. 3.15 .29 1082709800048 3.0 3.5 145. 3.84 .36 1082709800049 3.5 4.0 45. 3.75 .4 1082709800050 3.5 4.0 75. 3.79 .35 1082709800051 3.5 4.0 105. 3.04 .27 1082709800052 3.5 4.0 135. 3.04 .29 1082709800053 3.5 4.0 145. 3.49 .35 1082709800054 4.0 4.5 23. 2.93 .4 1082709800055 4.0 4.5 45. 2.40 .26 1082709800056 4.0 4.5 75. 2.82 .28 1082709800057 4.0 4.5 105. 1.9 .18 1082709800058 4.0 4.5 135. 2.34 .24 1082709800059 4.0 4.5 145. 1.94 .25 1082709800060 4.5 5.0 23. 2.95 .28 1082709800061 4.5 5.0 45. 2.67 .3 1082709800062 4.5 5.0 75. 2.52 .24 1082709800063 4.5 5.0 105. 1.75 .17 1082709800064 4.5 5.0 135. 1.33 .16 1082709800065 4.5 5.0 145. 1.74 .2 1082709800066 5.0 5.5 23. 1.95 .3 1082709800067 5.0 5.5 45. 1.74 .18 1082709800068 5.0 5.5 75. 1.86 .19 1082709800069 5.0 5.5 105. 1.17 .12 1082709800070 5.0 5.5 135. 1.39 .18 1082709800071 5.0 5.5 145. 1.21 .16 1082709800072 5.5 6.0 23. 1.56 .21 1082709800073 5.5 6.0 45. 1.24 .13 1082709800074 5.5 6.0 75. 1.58 .16 1082709800075 5.5 6.0 105. .92 .1 1082709800076 5.5 6.0 135. 1.01 .16 1082709800077 5.5 6.0 145. .7 .13 1082709800078 6.0 6.5 23. 1.16 .15 1082709800079 6.0 6.5 45. 1.30 .14 1082709800080 6.0 6.5 75. .91 .12 1082709800081 6.0 6.5 105. .86 .09 1082709800082 6.0 6.5 135. .79 .1 1082709800083 6.0 6.5 145. .53 .07 1082709800084 6.5 7.0 23. .99 .14 1082709800085 6.5 7.0 45. .86 .1 1082709800086 6.5 7.0 75. .87 .12 1082709800087 6.5 7.0 105. .37 .05 1082709800088 6.5 7.0 135. .55 .1 1082709800089 6.5 7.0 145. .37 .06 1082709800090 7.0 7.5 23. 1.11 .18 1082709800091 7.0 7.5 45. .97 .12 1082709800092 7.0 7.5 75. .70 .09 1082709800093 7.0 7.5 105. .63 .09 1082709800094 7.0 7.5 135. .46 .07 1082709800095 7.0 7.5 145. .4 .09 1082709800096 7.5 8.0 23. .86 .14 1082709800097 7.5 8.0 45. .73 .1 1082709800098 7.5 8.0 75. .54 .06 1082709800099 7.5 8.0 105. .54 .06 1082709800100 7.5 8.0 135. .49 .1 1082709800101 7.5 8.0 145. .45 .1 1082709800102 8.0 8.5 23. .47 .1 1082709800103 8.0 8.5 45. .59 .09 1082709800104 8.0 8.5 75. .4 .07 1082709800105 8.0 8.5 105. .32 .06 1082709800106 8.0 8.5 135. .32 .07 1082709800107 8.0 8.5 145. .28 .07 1082709800108 8.5 9.0 23. .65 .13 1082709800109 8.5 9.0 45. .54 .09 1082709800110 8.5 9.0 75. .36 .07 1082709800111 8.5 9.0 105. .29 .06 1082709800112 8.5 9.0 135. .25 .08 1082709800113 8.5 9.0 145. .12 .05 1082709800114 9.0 9.5 23. .49 .11 1082709800115 9.0 9.5 45. .45 .07 1082709800116 9.0 9.5 75. .15 .04 1082709800117 9.0 9.5 105. .11 .04 1082709800118 9.0 9.5 135. .14 .04 1082709800119 9.0 9.5 145. .14 .05 1082709800120 9.5 10.0 23. .22 .08 1082709800121 9.5 10.0 45. .23 .07 1082709800122 9.5 10.0 75. .16 .04 1082709800123 9.5 10.0 105. .08 .03 1082709800124 9.5 10.0 135. .31 .1 1082709800125 9.5 10.0 145. .05 .03 1082709800126 10.0 10.5 23. .3 .09 1082709800127 10.0 10.5 45. .15 .06 1082709800128 10.0 10.5 75. .086 .02 1082709800129 10.0 10.5 105. .083 .03 1082709800130 10.0 10.5 135. .014 .01 1082709800131 10.0 10.5 145. .005 .005 1082709800132 10.5 11.0 23. .1 .06 1082709800133 10.5 11.0 45. .27 .08 1082709800134 10.5 11.0 75. .11 .03 1082709800135 10.5 11.0 105. .06 .02 1082709800136 10.5 11.0 145. .075 .04 1082709800137 11.0 11.5 23. .13 .06 1082709800138 11.0 11.5 45. .23 .07 1082709800139 11.0 11.5 75. .13 .04 1082709800140 11.0 11.5 105. .13 .04 1082709800141 11.0 11.5 135. .19 .05 1082709800142 11.0 11.5 145. .08 .04 1082709800143 11.5 12.0 23. .21 .07 1082709800144 11.5 12.0 45. .13 .03 1082709800145 11.5 12.0 75. .11 .03 1082709800146 11.5 12.0 105. .04 .015 1082709800147 11.5 12.0 145. .02 .01 1082709800148 12.0 12.5 23. .17 .07 1082709800149 12.0 12.5 45. .05 .02 1082709800150 12.0 12.5 75. .11 .04 1082709800151 12.0 12.5 105. .023 .01 1082709800152 12.5 13.0 23. .09 .05 1082709800153 12.5 13.0 45. .03 .01 1082709800154 13.0 13.5 23. .08 .05 1082709800155 13.0 13.5 45. .06 .03 1082709800156 ENDDATA 133 0 1082709800157 ENDSUBENT 156 0 1082709899999 SUBENT 10827099 20110731 13741082709900001 BIB 5 13 1082709900002 REACTION (29-CU-63(N,X)1-H-2,PAR,DA,,AV) 1082709900003 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082709900004 radiator 1082709900005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082709900006 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082709900007 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082709900008 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082709900009 polynomial fit (15% for deuterons). 1082709900010 STATUS (TABLE) Taken from private comm., Grimes, 1979/11/13. 1082709900011 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082709900012 HISTORY (19860709C) 1082709900013 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082709900014 from Subent 001. 1082709900015 ENDBIB 13 0 1082709900016 COMMON 2 3 1082709900017 MONIT-ERR DATA-ERR 1082709900018 PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082709900019 10. 15. 1082709900020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082709900021 DATA 5 66 1082709900022 E-MIN E-MAX ANG DATA ERR-T 1082709900023 MEV MEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR 1082709900024 2.0 2.5 75. .008 .005 1082709900025 2.0 2.5 135. .012 .007 1082709900026 2.0 2.5 145. .006 .004 1082709900027 2.5 3.0 75. .01 .006 1082709900028 2.5 3.0 135. .025 .012 1082709900029 2.5 3.0 145. .01 .007 1082709900030 3.0 3.5 23. .049 .025 1082709900031 3.0 3.5 75. .047 .02 1082709900032 3.0 3.5 105. .009 .004 1082709900033 3.0 3.5 135. .016 .007 1082709900034 3.0 3.5 145. .027 .015 1082709900035 3.5 4.0 23. .04 .02 1082709900036 3.5 4.0 75. .015 .01 1082709900037 3.5 4.0 105. .008 .005 1082709900038 3.5 4.0 135. .046 .02 1082709900039 3.5 4.0 145. .027 .015 1082709900040 4.0 4.5 23. .03 .02 1082709900041 4.0 4.5 45. .04 .02 1082709900042 4.0 4.5 75. .05 .02 1082709900043 4.0 4.5 105. .022 .01 1082709900044 4.0 4.5 135. .023 .015 1082709900045 4.5 5.0 23. .13 .05 1082709900046 4.5 5.0 45. .11 .04 1082709900047 4.5 5.0 75. .05 .02 1082709900048 4.5 5.0 105. .03 .015 1082709900049 4.5 5.0 135. .04 .025 1082709900050 4.5 5.0 145. .01 .007 1082709900051 5.0 5.5 23. .15 .05 1082709900052 5.0 5.5 45. .09 .03 1082709900053 5.0 5.5 75. .07 .025 1082709900054 5.0 5.5 105. .07 .02 1082709900055 5.0 5.5 145. .024 .01 1082709900056 5.5 6.0 23. .08 .02 1082709900057 5.5 6.0 45. .04 .015 1082709900058 5.5 6.0 75. .05 .01 1082709900059 5.5 6.0 105. .005 .003 1082709900060 6.0 6.5 23. .10 .04 1082709900061 6.0 6.5 45. .06 .02 1082709900062 6.0 6.5 75. .09 .02 1082709900063 6.0 6.5 105. .012 .008 1082709900064 6.5 7.0 23. .17 .05 1082709900065 6.5 7.0 45. .05 .012 1082709900066 6.5 7.0 75. .05 .018 1082709900067 6.5 7.0 105. .004 .003 1082709900068 7.0 7.5 23. .04 .015 1082709900069 7.0 7.5 45. .065 .03 1082709900070 7.0 7.5 75. .001 .001 1082709900071 7.5 8.0 23. .055 .02 1082709900072 7.5 8.0 45. .045 .015 1082709900073 7.5 8.0 75. .06 .02 1082709900074 7.5 8.0 105. .04 .02 1082709900075 8.0 8.5 23. .09 .04 1082709900076 8.0 8.5 45. .02 .01 1082709900077 8.0 8.5 75. .03 .015 1082709900078 8.0 8.5 105. .001 .002 1082709900079 8.5 9.0 45. .038 .02 1082709900080 8.5 9.0 75. .065 .03 1082709900081 8.5 9.0 105. .017 .01 1082709900082 9.0 9.5 45. .06 .02 1082709900083 9.0 9.5 75. .03 .01 1082709900084 9.0 9.5 105. .06 .025 1082709900085 9.5 10.0 45. .04 .015 1082709900086 9.5 10.0 75. .03 .01 1082709900087 9.5 10.0 105. .02 .01 1082709900088 10.0 10.5 45. .02 .01 1082709900089 10.0 10.5 75. .004 .003 1082709900090 ENDDATA 68 0 1082709900091 ENDSUBENT 90 0 1082709999999 SUBENT 10827100 20110731 13741082710000001 BIB 5 16 1082710000002 REACTION (29-CU-63(N,X)2-HE-4,PAR,DA,,AV) 1082710000003 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082710000004 radiator 1082710000005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082710000006 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082710000007 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082710000008 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082710000009 polynomial fit (7% for alphas). 1082710000010 (ERR-5) Additional 4% error included to account for 1082710000011 increased uncertainty in using deuteron transmission 1082710000012 functions for alphas. 1082710000013 STATUS (TABLE) Taken from private comm., Grimes, 1979/11/13. 1082710000014 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082710000015 HISTORY (19860709C) 1082710000016 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082710000017 from Subent 001. 1082710000018 ENDBIB 16 0 1082710000019 COMMON 3 3 1082710000020 DATA-ERR ERR-5 MONIT-ERR 1082710000021 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082710000022 7. 4. 10. 1082710000023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082710000024 DATA 5 129 1082710000025 E-MIN E-MAX ANG DATA ERR-T 1082710000026 MEV MEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR 1082710000027 4.0 4.5 75. .041 .02 1082710000028 4.0 4.5 135. .075 .04 1082710000029 4.0 4.5 145. .063 .03 1082710000030 4.5 5.0 45. .096 .03 1082710000031 4.5 5.0 75. .072 .03 1082710000032 4.5 5.0 105. .045 .02 1082710000033 4.5 5.0 135. .10 .04 1082710000034 4.5 5.0 145. .044 .025 1082710000035 5.0 5.5 45. .12 .03 1082710000036 5.0 5.5 75. .09 .03 1082710000037 5.0 5.5 105. .08 .03 1082710000038 5.0 5.5 135. .13 .04 1082710000039 5.0 5.5 145. .10 .04 1082710000040 5.5 6.0 23. .30 .08 1082710000041 5.5 6.0 45. .23 .05 1082710000042 5.5 6.0 75. .26 .06 1082710000043 5.5 6.0 105. .25 .045 1082710000044 5.5 6.0 135. .27 .045 1082710000045 5.5 6.0 145. .32 .07 1082710000046 6.0 6.5 23. .2 .07 1082710000047 6.0 6.5 45. .2 .04 1082710000048 6.0 6.5 75. .17 .04 1082710000049 6.0 6.5 105. .21 .04 1082710000050 6.0 6.5 135. .19 .05 1082710000051 6.0 6.5 145. .23 .06 1082710000052 6.5 7.0 23. .18 .04 1082710000053 6.5 7.0 45. .18 .04 1082710000054 6.5 7.0 75. .20 .05 1082710000055 6.5 7.0 105. .23 .035 1082710000056 6.5 7.0 135. .24 .04 1082710000057 6.5 7.0 145. .17 .04 1082710000058 7.0 7.5 23. .26 .05 1082710000059 7.0 7.5 45. .25 .05 1082710000060 7.0 7.5 75. .4 .08 1082710000061 7.0 7.5 105. .26 .05 1082710000062 7.0 7.5 135. .35 .06 1082710000063 7.0 7.5 145. .36 .06 1082710000064 7.5 8.0 23. .37 .07 1082710000065 7.5 8.0 45. .37 .06 1082710000066 7.5 8.0 75. .46 .07 1082710000067 7.5 8.0 105. .36 .06 1082710000068 7.5 8.0 135. .39 .07 1082710000069 7.5 8.0 145. .47 .09 1082710000070 8.0 8.5 23. .32 .06 1082710000071 8.0 8.5 45. .37 .06 1082710000072 8.0 8.5 75. .44 .07 1082710000073 8.0 8.5 105. .3 .05 1082710000074 8.0 8.5 135. .43 .07 1082710000075 8.0 8.5 145. .27 .05 1082710000076 8.5 9.0 23. .44 .07 1082710000077 8.5 9.0 45. .45 .07 1082710000078 8.5 9.0 75. .44 .07 1082710000079 8.5 9.0 105. .33 .06 1082710000080 8.5 9.0 135. .3 .07 1082710000081 8.5 9.0 145. .39 .07 1082710000082 9.0 9.5 23. .6 .12 1082710000083 9.0 9.5 45. .39 .06 1082710000084 9.0 9.5 75. .42 .06 1082710000085 9.0 9.5 105. .31 .05 1082710000086 9.0 9.5 135. .33 .07 1082710000087 9.0 9.5 145. .31 .06 1082710000088 9.5 10.0 23. .51 .11 1082710000089 9.5 10.0 45. .45 .07 1082710000090 9.5 10.0 75. .47 .06 1082710000091 9.5 10.0 105. .31 .05 1082710000092 9.5 10.0 135. .21 .06 1082710000093 9.5 10.0 145. .26 .06 1082710000094 10.0 10.5 23. .3 .06 1082710000095 10.0 10.5 45. .34 .06 1082710000096 10.0 10.5 75. .33 .05 1082710000097 10.0 10.5 105. .18 .04 1082710000098 10.0 10.5 135. .27 .08 1082710000099 10.0 10.5 145. .16 .04 1082710000100 10.5 11.0 23. .25 .05 1082710000101 10.5 11.0 45. .24 .04 1082710000102 10.5 11.0 75. .25 .05 1082710000103 10.5 11.0 105. .15 .04 1082710000104 10.5 11.0 135. .1 .04 1082710000105 10.5 11.0 145. .09 .03 1082710000106 11.0 11.5 23. .22 .05 1082710000107 11.0 11.5 45. .19 .03 1082710000108 11.0 11.5 75. .15 .04 1082710000109 11.0 11.5 105. .08 .025 1082710000110 11.0 11.5 135. .15 .04 1082710000111 11.0 11.5 145. .07 .03 1082710000112 11.5 12.0 23. .34 .07 1082710000113 11.5 12.0 45. .2 .04 1082710000114 11.5 12.0 75. .23 .04 1082710000115 11.5 12.0 105. .05 .015 1082710000116 11.5 12.0 135. .06 .02 1082710000117 11.5 12.0 145. .05 .02 1082710000118 12.0 12.5 23. .24 .05 1082710000119 12.0 12.5 45. .11 .03 1082710000120 12.0 12.5 75. .08 .02 1082710000121 12.0 12.5 105. .020 .007 1082710000122 12.0 12.5 145. .02 .01 1082710000123 12.5 13.0 23. .24 .05 1082710000124 12.5 13.0 45. .10 .03 1082710000125 12.5 13.0 75. .08 .02 1082710000126 12.5 13.0 105. .023 .01 1082710000127 12.5 13.0 145. .002 .002 1082710000128 13.0 13.5 23. .17 .04 1082710000129 13.0 13.5 45. .04 .015 1082710000130 13.0 13.5 75. .03 .01 1082710000131 13.0 13.5 105. .006 .003 1082710000132 13.5 14.0 23. .15 .06 1082710000133 13.5 14.0 45. .04 .015 1082710000134 13.5 14.0 75. .03 .01 1082710000135 13.5 14.0 105. .008 .004 1082710000136 14.0 14.5 23. .13 .05 1082710000137 14.0 14.5 45. .03 .009 1082710000138 14.0 14.5 75. .024 .01 1082710000139 14.0 14.5 105. .002 .002 1082710000140 14.5 15.0 23. .08 .03 1082710000141 14.5 15.0 45. .013 .005 1082710000142 14.5 15.0 75. .016 .006 1082710000143 14.5 15.0 105. .001 .002 1082710000144 15.0 15.5 23. .13 .05 1082710000145 15.0 15.5 45. .03 .008 1082710000146 15.0 15.5 75. .013 .006 1082710000147 15.0 15.5 105. .002 .002 1082710000148 15.5 16.0 23. .07 .03 1082710000149 15.5 16.0 45. .01 .004 1082710000150 15.5 16.0 75. .01 .005 1082710000151 15.5 16.0 105. .004 .003 1082710000152 16.0 16.5 23. .05 .03 1082710000153 16.0 16.5 45. .01 .004 1082710000154 16.0 16.5 75. .004 .002 1082710000155 16.0 16.5 105. .001 .002 1082710000156 ENDDATA 131 0 1082710000157 ENDSUBENT 156 0 1082710099999 SUBENT 10827101 20110731 13741082710100001 BIB 5 14 1082710100002 REACTION (29-CU-65(N,X)1-H-1,PAR,DA,,AV) 1082710100003 MONITOR (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,SIG) Neutrons on thick polyethylene 1082710100004 radiator 1082710100005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082710100006 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082710100007 (MONIT-ERR,,1.) elastic cross sections 1082710100008 from hydrogen (<1%), 1082710100009 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082710100010 polynomial fit (7% for protons). 1082710100011 STATUS (TABLE) Taken from private comm., Grimes, 1979/11/13. 1082710100012 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082710100013 HISTORY (19860709C) 1082710100014 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082710100015 from Subent 001. 1082710100016 ENDBIB 14 0 1082710100017 COMMON 1 3 1082710100018 DATA-ERR 1082710100019 PER-CENT 1082710100020 7. 1082710100021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082710100022 DATA 5 117 1082710100023 E-MIN E-MAX ANG DATA ERR-T 1082710100024 MEV MEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR 1082710100025 1.5 2.0 75. .06 .02 1082710100026 1.5 2.0 105. .08 .03 1082710100027 1.5 2.0 135. .16 .05 1082710100028 1.5 2.0 145. .11 .04 1082710100029 2.0 2.5 45. .25 .05 1082710100030 2.0 2.5 75. .20 .05 1082710100031 2.0 2.5 105. .20 .05 1082710100032 2.0 2.5 135. .23 .05 1082710100033 2.0 2.5 145. .15 .05 1082710100034 2.5 3.0 45. .17 .05 1082710100035 2.5 3.0 75. .19 .05 1082710100036 2.5 3.0 105. .17 .05 1082710100037 2.5 3.0 135. .13 .04 1082710100038 3.0 3.5 45. .14 .04 1082710100039 3.0 3.5 75. .13 .04 1082710100040 3.0 3.5 105. .19 .04 1082710100041 3.0 3.5 135. .17 .04 1082710100042 3.0 3.5 145. .17 .04 1082710100043 3.5 4.0 45. .36 .06 1082710100044 3.5 4.0 75. .34 .06 1082710100045 3.5 4.0 105. .23 .05 1082710100046 3.5 4.0 135. .20 .05 1082710100047 3.5 4.0 145. .22 .05 1082710100048 4.0 4.5 45. .40 .07 1082710100049 4.0 4.5 75. .25 .05 1082710100050 4.0 4.5 105. .20 .05 1082710100051 4.0 4.5 135. .18 .05 1082710100052 4.0 4.5 145. .18 .05 1082710100053 4.5 5.0 23. .43 .09 1082710100054 4.5 5.0 45. .38 .08 1082710100055 4.5 5.0 75. .23 .05 1082710100056 4.5 5.0 105. .21 .05 1082710100057 4.5 5.0 135. .24 .05 1082710100058 4.5 5.0 145. .27 .06 1082710100059 5.0 5.5 23. .40 .08 1082710100060 5.0 5.5 45. .30 .06 1082710100061 5.0 5.5 75. .24 .05 1082710100062 5.0 5.5 105. .26 .06 1082710100063 5.0 5.5 135. .22 .05 1082710100064 5.0 5.5 145. .23 .05 1082710100065 5.5 6.0 23. .29 .05 1082710100066 5.5 6.0 45. .23 .05 1082710100067 5.5 6.0 75. .28 .05 1082710100068 5.5 6.0 105. .22 .04 1082710100069 5.5 6.0 135. .24 .05 1082710100070 5.5 6.0 145. .18 .04 1082710100071 6.0 6.5 23. .27 .05 1082710100072 6.0 6.5 45. .25 .05 1082710100073 6.0 6.5 75. .22 .04 1082710100074 6.0 6.5 105. .13 .03 1082710100075 6.0 6.5 135. .15 .03 1082710100076 6.0 6.5 145. .11 .03 1082710100077 6.5 7.0 23. .31 .06 1082710100078 6.5 7.0 45. .14 .03 1082710100079 6.5 7.0 75. .20 .04 1082710100080 6.5 7.0 105. .08 .03 1082710100081 6.5 7.0 135. .09 .03 1082710100082 6.5 7.0 145. .06 .02 1082710100083 7.0 7.5 23. .18 .04 1082710100084 7.0 7.5 45. .11 .03 1082710100085 7.0 7.5 75. .13 .04 1082710100086 7.0 7.5 105. .17 .04 1082710100087 7.0 7.5 135. .14 .04 1082710100088 7.0 7.5 145. .14 .04 1082710100089 7.5 8.0 23. .19 .04 1082710100090 7.5 8.0 45. .14 .03 1082710100091 7.5 8.0 75. .13 .04 1082710100092 7.5 8.0 105. .18 .04 1082710100093 7.5 8.0 135. .16 .03 1082710100094 7.5 8.0 145. .09 .03 1082710100095 8.0 8.5 23. .15 .04 1082710100096 8.0 8.5 45. .18 .04 1082710100097 8.0 8.5 75. .15 .05 1082710100098 8.0 8.5 105. .09 .03 1082710100099 8.0 8.5 135. .07 .02 1082710100100 8.0 8.5 145. .11 .05 1082710100101 8.5 9.0 23. .17 .04 1082710100102 8.5 9.0 45. .16 .04 1082710100103 8.5 9.0 75. .12 .03 1082710100104 8.5 9.0 105. .10 .03 1082710100105 8.5 9.0 135. .11 .03 1082710100106 8.5 9.0 145. .07 .02 1082710100107 9.0 9.5 23. .22 .04 1082710100108 9.0 9.5 45. .21 .04 1082710100109 9.0 9.5 75. .1 .03 1082710100110 9.0 9.5 105. .065 .02 1082710100111 9.0 9.5 145. .05 .015 1082710100112 9.5 10.0 23. .28 .05 1082710100113 9.5 10.0 45. .085 .03 1082710100114 9.5 10.0 75. .12 .04 1082710100115 9.5 10.0 105. .01 .01 1082710100116 10.0 10.5 23. .13 .04 1082710100117 10.0 10.5 45. .07 .03 1082710100118 10.0 10.5 75. .05 .02 1082710100119 10.0 10.5 105. .07 .03 1082710100120 10.5 11.0 23. .12 .04 1082710100121 10.5 11.0 45. .10 .03 1082710100122 10.5 11.0 75. .06 .02 1082710100123 10.5 11.0 105. .02 .01 1082710100124 11.0 11.5 23. .10 .03 1082710100125 11.0 11.5 45. .06 .02 1082710100126 11.0 11.5 75. .065 .02 1082710100127 11.0 11.5 105. .07 .02 1082710100128 11.5 12.0 23. .16 .04 1082710100129 11.5 12.0 45. .07 .02 1082710100130 11.5 12.0 75. .05 .02 1082710100131 11.5 12.0 105. .07 .02 1082710100132 12.0 12.5 23. .14 .03 1082710100133 12.0 12.5 45. .05 .015 1082710100134 12.0 12.5 75. .04 .015 1082710100135 12.0 12.5 105. .036 .02 1082710100136 12.5 13.0 23. .11 .03 1082710100137 12.5 13.0 45. .04 .02 1082710100138 12.5 13.0 105. .03 .015 1082710100139 13.0 13.5 23. .07 .03 1082710100140 13.0 13.5 45. .03 .02 1082710100141 13.0 13.5 105. .04 .02 1082710100142 ENDDATA 119 0 1082710100143 ENDSUBENT 142 0 1082710199999 SUBENT 10827102 20110731 13741082710200001 BIB 5 13 1082710200002 REACTION (29-CU-65(N,X)1-H-2,PAR,DA,,AV) 1082710200003 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082710200004 radiator 1082710200005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082710200006 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082710200007 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082710200008 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082710200009 polynomial fit (15% for deuterons). 1082710200010 STATUS (TABLE) Taken from private comm., Grimes, 1979/11/13. 1082710200011 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082710200012 HISTORY (19860709C) 1082710200013 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082710200014 from Subent 001. 1082710200015 ENDBIB 13 0 1082710200016 COMMON 2 3 1082710200017 MONIT-ERR DATA-ERR 1082710200018 PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082710200019 10. 15. 1082710200020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082710200021 DATA 5 74 1082710200022 E-MIN E-MAX ANG DATA ERR-T 1082710200023 MEV MEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR 1082710200024 2.0 2.5 45. .016 .01 1082710200025 2.0 2.5 75. .034 .02 1082710200026 2.0 2.5 105. .033 .02 1082710200027 2.5 3.0 45. .018 .01 1082710200028 2.5 3.0 75. .03 .02 1082710200029 2.5 3.0 105. .042 .02 1082710200030 3.0 3.5 23. .037 .02 1082710200031 3.0 3.5 45. .03 .015 1082710200032 3.0 3.5 75. .033 .02 1082710200033 3.0 3.5 105. .027 .015 1082710200034 3.0 3.5 135. .043 .015 1082710200035 3.0 3.5 145. .013 .01 1082710200036 3.5 4.0 23. .08 .03 1082710200037 3.5 4.0 45. .04 .015 1082710200038 3.5 4.0 75. .014 .01 1082710200039 3.5 4.0 105. .04 .015 1082710200040 3.5 4.0 135. .047 .015 1082710200041 3.5 4.0 145. .026 .01 1082710200042 4.0 4.5 23. .01 .01 1082710200043 4.0 4.5 45. .035 .015 1082710200044 4.0 4.5 75. .015 .01 1082710200045 4.0 4.5 105. .02 .01 1082710200046 4.0 4.5 135. .022 .015 1082710200047 4.5 5.0 23. .13 .04 1082710200048 4.5 5.0 45. .06 .015 1082710200049 4.5 5.0 75. .034 .01 1082710200050 4.5 5.0 105. .05 .02 1082710200051 4.5 5.0 135. .004 .004 1082710200052 4.5 5.0 145. .03 .01 1082710200053 5.0 5.5 23. .16 .03 1082710200054 5.0 5.5 45. .11 .03 1082710200055 5.0 5.5 75. .09 .023 1082710200056 5.0 5.5 105. .022 .01 1082710200057 5.0 5.5 145. .034 .01 1082710200058 5.5 6.0 23. .04 .015 1082710200059 5.5 6.0 45. .057 .02 1082710200060 5.5 6.0 75. .09 .025 1082710200061 5.5 6.0 105. .04 .015 1082710200062 5.5 6.0 145. .01 .01 1082710200063 6.0 6.5 23. .072 .02 1082710200064 6.0 6.5 45. .04 .015 1082710200065 6.0 6.5 75. .038 .015 1082710200066 6.0 6.5 105. .01 .01 1082710200067 6.5 7.0 23. .05 .02 1082710200068 6.5 7.0 45. .075 .02 1082710200069 6.5 7.0 75. .082 .03 1082710200070 6.5 7.0 105. .07 .02 1082710200071 7.0 7.5 23. .035 .015 1082710200072 7.0 7.5 45. .064 .015 1082710200073 7.0 7.5 75. .062 .02 1082710200074 7.5 8.0 23. .04 .02 1082710200075 7.5 8.0 45. .07 .03 1082710200076 7.5 8.0 75. .06 .02 1082710200077 7.5 8.0 105. .03 .01 1082710200078 8.0 8.5 23. .07 .02 1082710200079 8.0 8.5 45. .09 .03 1082710200080 8.0 8.5 75. .06 .02 1082710200081 8.0 8.5 105. .04 .015 1082710200082 8.5 9.0 23. .09 .03 1082710200083 8.5 9.0 45. .1 .03 1082710200084 8.5 9.0 75. .08 .03 1082710200085 8.5 9.0 105. .025 .01 1082710200086 9.0 9.5 23. .03 .015 1082710200087 9.0 9.5 45. .045 .02 1082710200088 9.0 9.5 75. .02 .01 1082710200089 9.0 9.5 105. .02 .01 1082710200090 9.5 10.0 23. .1 .03 1082710200091 9.5 10.0 45. .08 .03 1082710200092 9.5 10.0 75. .06 .02 1082710200093 9.5 10.0 105. .03 .01 1082710200094 10.0 10.5 23. .05 .02 1082710200095 10.0 10.5 45. .03 .015 1082710200096 10.0 10.5 75. .006 .005 1082710200097 10.0 10.5 105. .004 .004 1082710200098 ENDDATA 76 0 1082710200099 ENDSUBENT 98 0 1082710299999 SUBENT 10827103 20110731 13741082710300001 BIB 5 16 1082710300002 REACTION (29-CU-65(N,X)2-HE-4,PAR,DA,,AV) 1082710300003 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082710300004 radiator 1082710300005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082710300006 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082710300007 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082710300008 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082710300009 polynomial fit (7% for alphas). 1082710300010 (ERR-5) Additional 4% error included to account for 1082710300011 increased uncertainty in using deuteron transmission 1082710300012 functions for alphas. 1082710300013 STATUS (TABLE) Taken from private comm., Grimes, 1979/11/13. 1082710300014 (APRVD) Approved by S.M.Grimes, 1986/11/21. 1082710300015 HISTORY (19860709C) 1082710300016 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082710300017 from Subent 001. 1082710300018 ENDBIB 16 0 1082710300019 COMMON 3 3 1082710300020 DATA-ERR ERR-5 MONIT-ERR 1082710300021 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082710300022 7. 4. 10. 1082710300023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082710300024 DATA 5 112 1082710300025 E-MIN E-MAX ANG DATA ERR-T 1082710300026 MEV MEV ADEG MB/SR MB/SR 1082710300027 4.5 5.0 45. .019 .01 1082710300028 4.5 5.0 135. .012 .008 1082710300029 5.0 5.5 45. .012 .008 1082710300030 5.0 5.5 75. .018 .01 1082710300031 5.0 5.5 105. .01 .008 1082710300032 5.0 5.5 135. .022 .01 1082710300033 5.0 5.5 145. .016 .01 1082710300034 5.5 6.0 23. .024 .01 1082710300035 5.5 6.0 45. .008 .008 1082710300036 5.5 6.0 75. .011 .008 1082710300037 5.5 6.0 105. .01 .008 1082710300038 5.5 6.0 135. .008 .008 1082710300039 5.5 6.0 145. .006 .008 1082710300040 6.0 6.5 23. .028 .01 1082710300041 6.0 6.5 45. .016 .01 1082710300042 6.0 6.5 75. .018 .01 1082710300043 6.0 6.5 105. .016 .01 1082710300044 6.0 6.5 135. .035 .015 1082710300045 6.0 6.5 145. .034 .015 1082710300046 6.5 7.0 23. .04 .015 1082710300047 6.5 7.0 45. .024 .015 1082710300048 6.5 7.0 75. .053 .02 1082710300049 6.5 7.0 105. .034 .01 1082710300050 6.5 7.0 135. .032 .01 1082710300051 6.5 7.0 145. .022 .01 1082710300052 7.0 7.5 23. .07 .025 1082710300053 7.0 7.5 45. .052 .02 1082710300054 7.0 7.5 75. .073 .025 1082710300055 7.0 7.5 105. .072 .025 1082710300056 7.0 7.5 135. .085 .025 1082710300057 7.0 7.5 145. .05 .02 1082710300058 7.5 8.0 23. .12 .035 1082710300059 7.5 8.0 45. .093 .025 1082710300060 7.5 8.0 75. .095 .03 1082710300061 7.5 8.0 105. .096 .02 1082710300062 7.5 8.0 135. .155 .04 1082710300063 7.5 8.0 145. .12 .03 1082710300064 8.0 8.5 23. .07 .025 1082710300065 8.0 8.5 45. .078 .03 1082710300066 8.0 8.5 75. .12 .03 1082710300067 8.0 8.5 105. .074 .025 1082710300068 8.0 8.5 135. .123 .03 1082710300069 8.0 8.5 145. .063 .025 1082710300070 8.5 9.0 23. .12 .03 1082710300071 8.5 9.0 45. .085 .025 1082710300072 8.5 9.0 75. .11 .03 1082710300073 8.5 9.0 105. .06 .02 1082710300074 8.5 9.0 135. .1 .025 1082710300075 8.5 9.0 145. .075 .03 1082710300076 9.0 9.5 23. .1 .025 1082710300077 9.0 9.5 45. .12 .025 1082710300078 9.0 9.5 75. .13 .025 1082710300079 9.0 9.5 105. .09 .025 1082710300080 9.0 9.5 135. .12 .025 1082710300081 9.0 9.5 145. .1 .03 1082710300082 9.5 10.0 23. .165 .03 1082710300083 9.5 10.0 45. .14 .03 1082710300084 9.5 10.0 75. .09 .025 1082710300085 9.5 10.0 105. .11 .03 1082710300086 9.5 10.0 135. .07 .025 1082710300087 9.5 10.0 145. .06 .02 1082710300088 10.0 10.5 23. .10 .025 1082710300089 10.0 10.5 45. .065 .02 1082710300090 10.0 10.5 75. .07 .02 1082710300091 10.0 10.5 105. .09 .02 1082710300092 10.0 10.5 135. .08 .02 1082710300093 10.0 10.5 145. .08 .02 1082710300094 10.5 11.0 23. .105 .03 1082710300095 10.5 11.0 45. .06 .02 1082710300096 10.5 11.0 75. .06 .02 1082710300097 10.5 11.0 105. .05 .02 1082710300098 10.5 11.0 135. .04 .015 1082710300099 10.5 11.0 145. .06 .02 1082710300100 11.0 11.5 23. .06 .02 1082710300101 11.0 11.5 45. .05 .015 1082710300102 11.0 11.5 75. .03 .015 1082710300103 11.0 11.5 105. .02 .01 1082710300104 11.0 11.5 135. .01 .008 1082710300105 11.0 11.5 145. .015 .01 1082710300106 11.5 12.0 23. .07 .025 1082710300107 11.5 12.0 45. .04 .015 1082710300108 11.5 12.0 75. .025 .01 1082710300109 11.5 12.0 105. .03 .01 1082710300110 11.5 12.0 135. .04 .015 1082710300111 11.5 12.0 145. .04 .015 1082710300112 12.0 12.5 23. .06 .02 1082710300113 12.0 12.5 45. .05 .015 1082710300114 12.0 12.5 75. .03 .01 1082710300115 12.0 12.5 105. .02 .01 1082710300116 12.5 13.0 23. .045 .015 1082710300117 12.5 13.0 45. .03 .01 1082710300118 12.5 13.0 75. .01 .008 1082710300119 12.5 13.0 105. .01 .008 1082710300120 12.5 13.0 135. .005 .005 1082710300121 13.0 13.5 23. .08 .02 1082710300122 13.0 13.5 45. .05 .02 1082710300123 13.0 13.5 75. .02 .01 1082710300124 13.0 13.5 105. .02 .01 1082710300125 13.0 13.5 135. .01 .008 1082710300126 13.5 14.0 23. .04 .015 1082710300127 13.5 14.0 45. .01 .008 1082710300128 13.5 14.0 75. .005 .005 1082710300129 13.5 14.0 105. .007 .01 1082710300130 13.5 14.0 135. .005 .005 1082710300131 14.0 14.5 23. .05 .015 1082710300132 14.0 14.5 45. .02 .01 1082710300133 14.0 14.5 75. .02 .01 1082710300134 14.0 14.5 105. .005 .005 1082710300135 14.5 15.0 23. .03 .01 1082710300136 14.5 15.0 45. .04 .015 1082710300137 14.5 15.0 75. .02 .01 1082710300138 14.5 15.0 105. .004 .006 1082710300139 ENDDATA 114 0 1082710300140 ENDSUBENT 139 0 1082710399999 SUBENT 10827104 20110731 13741082710400001 BIB 5 14 1082710400002 REACTION (24-CR-50(N,X)1-H-1,,DE) 1082710400003 MONITOR (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,SIG) Neutrons on thick polyethylene 1082710400004 radiator 1082710400005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082710400006 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082710400007 (MONIT-ERR,,1.) elastic cross sections from 1082710400008 hydrogen (<1%), 1082710400009 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082710400010 polynomial fit (7% for protons). 1082710400011 STATUS (CURVE) Data taken from fig. 5 of the PR/C,19,2127,19791082710400012 (DEP,10827071) 1082710400013 HISTORY (20091012C) SH: Digitized from Ref. PR/C,19,2127,1979 1082710400014 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082710400015 from Subent 001. 1082710400016 ENDBIB 14 0 1082710400017 COMMON 1 3 1082710400018 DATA-ERR 1082710400019 PER-CENT 1082710400020 7. 1082710400021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082710400022 DATA 4 27 1082710400023 E-MIN E-MAX DATA ERR-T 1082710400024 MEV MEV MB/MEV MB/MEV 1082710400025 1.0 1.5 2.39E+01 1082710400026 1.5 2.0 1.30E+02 2.28E+01 1082710400027 2.0 2.5 1.53E+02 1082710400028 2.5 3.0 2.21E+02 1082710400029 3.0 3.5 2.09E+02 2.65E+01 1082710400030 3.5 4.0 1.42E+02 1082710400031 4.0 4.5 1.29E+02 1082710400032 4.5 5.0 9.85E+01 1082710400033 5.0 5.5 8.69E+01 1082710400034 5.5 6.0 8.29E+01 1082710400035 6.0 6.5 7.11E+01 1082710400036 6.5 7.0 6.27E+01 1082710400037 7.0 7.5 4.26E+01 1082710400038 7.5 8.0 4.70E+01 1082710400039 8.0 8.5 3.52E+01 1082710400040 8.5 9.0 2.87E+01 4.82E+00 1082710400041 9.0 9.5 2.15E+01 1082710400042 9.5 10.0 1.81E+01 1082710400043 10.0 10.5 1.29E+01 1082710400044 10.5 11.0 9.85E+00 1082710400045 11.0 11.5 6.89E+00 1082710400046 11.5 12.0 7.10E+00 1082710400047 12.0 12.5 3.31E+00 8.81E-01 1082710400048 12.5 13.0 3.79E+00 1082710400049 13.0 13.5 1.87E+00 1082710400050 13.5 14.0 1.09E+00 1082710400051 14.0 14.5 9.18E-01 1082710400052 ENDDATA 29 0 1082710400053 ENDSUBENT 52 0 1082710499999 SUBENT 10827105 20110731 13741082710500001 BIB 5 14 1082710500002 REACTION (24-CR-52(N,X)1-H-1,,DE) 1082710500003 MONITOR (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,SIG) Neutrons on thick polyethylene 1082710500004 radiator 1082710500005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082710500006 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082710500007 (MONIT-ERR,,1.) elastic cross sections from 1082710500008 hydrogen (<1%), 1082710500009 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082710500010 polynomial fit (7% for protons). 1082710500011 STATUS (CURVE) Data taken from fig. 5 of the PR/C,19,2127,19791082710500012 (DEP,10827074) 1082710500013 HISTORY (20091012C) SH: Digitized from Ref. PR/C,19,2127,1979 1082710500014 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082710500015 from Subent 001. 1082710500016 ENDBIB 14 0 1082710500017 COMMON 1 3 1082710500018 DATA-ERR 1082710500019 PER-CENT 1082710500020 7. 1082710500021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082710500022 DATA 4 22 1082710500023 E-MIN E-MAX DATA ERR-T 1082710500024 MEV MEV MB/MEV MB/MEV 1082710500025 1.0 1.5 6.62E+00 1082710500026 1.5 2.0 3.10E+01 1082710500027 2.0 2.5 3.34E+01 5.20E+00 1082710500028 2.5 3.0 2.85E+01 1082710500029 3.0 3.5 3.67E+01 1082710500030 3.5 4.0 2.75E+01 1082710500031 4.0 4.5 2.13E+01 1082710500032 4.5 5.0 2.35E+01 1082710500033 5.0 5.5 2.02E+01 1082710500034 5.5 6.0 1.97E+01 1082710500035 6.0 6.5 1.66E+01 1082710500036 6.5 7.0 1.81E+01 1082710500037 7.0 7.5 1.38E+01 2.68E+00 1082710500038 7.5 8.0 1.03E+01 1082710500039 8.0 8.5 8.00E+00 1082710500040 8.5 9.0 7.57E+00 1082710500041 9.0 9.5 5.40E+00 1082710500042 9.5 10.0 4.39E+00 1082710500043 10.0 10.5 3.78E+00 1082710500044 10.5 11.0 2.75E+00 1082710500045 11.0 11.5 2.18E+00 5.50E-01 1082710500046 11.5 12.0 1.18E+00 1082710500047 ENDDATA 24 0 1082710500048 ENDSUBENT 47 0 1082710599999 SUBENT 10827106 20110731 13741082710600001 BIB 5 14 1082710600002 REACTION (26-FE-54(N,X)1-H-1,,DE) 1082710600003 MONITOR (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,SIG) Neutrons on thick polyethylene 1082710600004 radiator 1082710600005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082710600006 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082710600007 (MONIT-ERR,,1.) elastic cross sections from 1082710600008 hydrogen (<1%), 1082710600009 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082710600010 polynomial fit (7% for protons). 1082710600011 STATUS (CURVE) Data taken from fig. 5 of the PR/C,19,2127,19791082710600012 (DEP,10827080) 1082710600013 HISTORY (20091012C) SH: Digitized from Ref. PR/C,19,2127,1979 1082710600014 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082710600015 from Subent 001. 1082710600016 ENDBIB 14 0 1082710600017 COMMON 1 3 1082710600018 DATA-ERR 1082710600019 PER-CENT 1082710600020 7. 1082710600021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082710600022 DATA 4 26 1082710600023 E-MIN E-MAX DATA ERR-T 1082710600024 MEV MEV MB/MEV MB/MEV 1082710600025 1.0 1.5 2.08E+01 1082710600026 1.5 2.0 8.80E+01 1082710600027 2.0 2.5 1.52E+02 1082710600028 2.5 3.0 1.61E+02 1082710600029 3.0 3.5 1.88E+02 1082710600030 3.5 4.0 2.05E+02 2.36E+01 1082710600031 4.0 4.5 1.59E+02 1082710600032 4.5 5.0 1.25E+02 1082710600033 5.0 5.5 1.05E+02 1082710600034 5.5 6.0 9.36E+01 1082710600035 6.0 6.5 7.62E+01 1082710600036 6.5 7.0 7.14E+01 1082710600037 7.0 7.5 5.55E+01 1082710600038 7.5 8.0 5.10E+01 1082710600039 8.0 8.5 3.82E+01 1082710600040 8.5 9.0 3.23E+01 5.27E+00 1082710600041 9.0 9.5 2.63E+01 1082710600042 9.5 10.0 1.99E+01 1082710600043 10.0 10.5 1.81E+01 1082710600044 10.5 11.0 1.37E+01 1082710600045 11.0 11.5 1.29E+01 1082710600046 11.5 12.0 8.98E+00 1082710600047 12.0 12.5 8.57E+00 2.28E+00 1082710600048 12.5 13.0 4.41E+00 1082710600049 13.0 13.5 5.79E+00 1082710600050 13.5 14.0 1.45E+00 1082710600051 ENDDATA 28 0 1082710600052 ENDSUBENT 51 0 1082710699999 SUBENT 10827107 20110731 13741082710700001 BIB 5 14 1082710700002 REACTION (26-FE-56(N,X)1-H-1,,DE) 1082710700003 MONITOR (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,SIG) Neutrons on thick polyethylene 1082710700004 radiator 1082710700005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082710700006 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082710700007 (MONIT-ERR,,1.) elastic cross sections from 1082710700008 hydrogen (<1%), 1082710700009 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082710700010 polynomial fit (7% for protons). 1082710700011 STATUS (CURVE) Data taken from fig. 5 of the PR/C,19,2127,19791082710700012 (DEP,10827083) 1082710700013 HISTORY (20091012C) SH: Digitized from Ref. PR/C,19,2127,1979 1082710700014 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082710700015 from Subent 001. 1082710700016 ENDBIB 14 0 1082710700017 COMMON 1 3 1082710700018 DATA-ERR 1082710700019 PER-CENT 1082710700020 7. 1082710700021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082710700022 DATA 4 22 1082710700023 E-MIN E-MAX DATA ERR-T 1082710700024 MEV MEV MB/MEV MB/MEV 1082710700025 1.5 2.0 2.50E+01 1082710700026 2.0 2.5 2.17E+01 1082710700027 2.5 3.0 2.32E+01 1082710700028 3.0 3.5 3.29E+01 3.24E+00 1082710700029 3.5 4.0 3.79E+01 1082710700030 4.0 4.5 3.11E+01 1082710700031 4.5 5.0 2.51E+01 1082710700032 5.0 5.5 2.73E+01 1082710700033 5.5 6.0 2.16E+01 1082710700034 6.0 6.5 2.16E+01 1082710700035 6.5 7.0 1.91E+01 1082710700036 7.0 7.5 1.68E+01 1082710700037 7.5 8.0 1.40E+01 1082710700038 8.0 8.5 1.16E+01 2.53E+00 1082710700039 8.5 9.0 1.02E+01 1082710700040 9.0 9.5 8.14E+00 1082710700041 9.5 10.0 4.90E+00 1082710700042 10.0 10.5 3.87E+00 1082710700043 10.5 11.0 3.09E+00 1082710700044 11.0 11.5 2.24E+00 5.21E-01 1082710700045 11.5 12.0 1.35E+00 1082710700046 12.0 12.5 8.20E-01 1082710700047 ENDDATA 24 0 1082710700048 ENDSUBENT 47 0 1082710799999 SUBENT 10827108 20110731 13741082710800001 BIB 5 14 1082710800002 REACTION (28-NI-58(N,X)1-H-1,,DE) 1082710800003 MONITOR (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,SIG) Neutrons on thick polyethylene 1082710800004 radiator 1082710800005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082710800006 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082710800007 (MONIT-ERR,,1.) elastic cross sections from 1082710800008 hydrogen (<1%), 1082710800009 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082710800010 polynomial fit (7% for protons). 1082710800011 STATUS (CURVE) Data taken from fig. 5 of the PR/C,19,2127,19791082710800012 (DEP,10827089) 1082710800013 HISTORY (20091012C) SH: Digitized from Ref. PR/C,19,2127,1979 1082710800014 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082710800015 from Subent 001. 1082710800016 ENDBIB 14 0 1082710800017 COMMON 1 3 1082710800018 DATA-ERR 1082710800019 PER-CENT 1082710800020 7. 1082710800021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082710800022 DATA 4 27 1082710800023 E-MIN E-MAX DATA ERR-T 1082710800024 MEV MEV MB/MEV MB/MEV 1082710800025 1.0 1.5 1.71E+01 1082710800026 1.5 2.0 7.31E+01 1082710800027 2.0 2.5 1.42E+02 1.43E+01 1082710800028 2.5 3.0 1.52E+02 1082710800029 3.0 3.5 1.99E+02 1082710800030 3.5 4.0 2.25E+02 1082710800031 4.0 4.5 1.73E+02 1082710800032 4.5 5.0 1.53E+02 1082710800033 5.0 5.5 1.35E+02 1082710800034 5.5 6.0 1.19E+02 1082710800035 6.0 6.5 1.01E+02 1082710800036 6.5 7.0 9.42E+01 1082710800037 7.0 7.5 7.31E+01 1.49E+01 1082710800038 7.5 8.0 6.37E+01 1082710800039 8.0 8.5 5.59E+01 1082710800040 8.5 9.0 4.12E+01 1082710800041 9.0 9.5 3.17E+01 1082710800042 9.5 10.0 2.26E+01 1082710800043 10.0 10.5 1.88E+01 1082710800044 10.5 11.0 1.46E+01 1082710800045 11.0 11.5 1.66E+01 1082710800046 11.5 12.0 1.37E+01 1082710800047 12.0 12.5 1.11E+01 1082710800048 12.5 13.0 8.01E+00 2.02E+00 1082710800049 13.0 13.5 6.93E+00 1082710800050 13.5 14.0 3.35E+00 1082710800051 14.0 14.5 1.84E+00 1082710800052 ENDDATA 29 0 1082710800053 ENDSUBENT 52 0 1082710899999 SUBENT 10827109 20110731 13741082710900001 BIB 5 14 1082710900002 REACTION (28-NI-60(N,X)1-H-1,,DE) 1082710900003 MONITOR (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,SIG) Neutrons on thick polyethylene 1082710900004 radiator 1082710900005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082710900006 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082710900007 (MONIT-ERR,,1.) elastic cross sections from 1082710900008 hydrogen (<1%), 1082710900009 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082710900010 polynomial fit (7% for protons). 1082710900011 STATUS (CURVE) Data taken from fig. 5 of the PR/C,19,2127,19791082710900012 (DEP,10827092) 1082710900013 HISTORY (20091012C) SH: Digitized from Ref. PR/C,19,2127,1979 1082710900014 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082710900015 from Subent 001. 1082710900016 ENDBIB 14 0 1082710900017 COMMON 1 3 1082710900018 DATA-ERR 1082710900019 PER-CENT 1082710900020 7. 1082710900021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082710900022 DATA 4 23 1082710900023 E-MIN E-MAX DATA ERR-T 1082710900024 MEV MEV MB/MEV MB/MEV 1082710900025 1.0 1.5 6.26E+00 1082710900026 1.5 2.0 4.25E+01 1082710900027 2.0 2.5 4.84E+01 5.57E+00 1082710900028 2.5 3.0 5.09E+01 1082710900029 3.0 3.5 6.29E+01 1082710900030 3.5 4.0 5.39E+01 1082710900031 4.0 4.5 4.77E+01 1082710900032 4.5 5.0 5.09E+01 1082710900033 5.0 5.5 4.12E+01 1082710900034 5.5 6.0 3.58E+01 1082710900035 6.0 6.5 3.25E+01 1082710900036 6.5 7.0 3.05E+01 6.02E+00 1082710900037 7.0 7.5 2.33E+01 1082710900038 7.5 8.0 1.91E+01 1082710900039 8.0 8.5 1.55E+01 1082710900040 8.5 9.0 1.27E+01 1082710900041 9.0 9.5 1.18E+01 1082710900042 9.5 10.0 8.61E+00 1082710900043 10.0 10.5 7.88E+00 1082710900044 10.5 11.0 5.78E+00 1082710900045 11.0 11.5 4.21E+00 1082710900046 11.5 12.0 3.94E+00 1.07E+00 1082710900047 12.0 12.5 1.80E+00 1082710900048 ENDDATA 25 0 1082710900049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 1082710999999 SUBENT 10827110 20110731 13741082711000001 BIB 5 14 1082711000002 REACTION (29-CU-63(N,X)1-H-1,,DE) 1082711000003 MONITOR (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,SIG) Neutrons on thick polyethylene 1082711000004 radiator 1082711000005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082711000006 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082711000007 (MONIT-ERR,,1.) elastic cross sections from 1082711000008 hydrogen (<1%), 1082711000009 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082711000010 polynomial fit (7% for protons). 1082711000011 STATUS (CURVE) Data taken from fig. 5 of the PR/C,19,2127,19791082711000012 (DEP,10827098) 1082711000013 HISTORY (20091012C) SH: Digitized from Ref. PR/C,19,2127,1979 1082711000014 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082711000015 from Subent 001. 1082711000016 ENDBIB 14 0 1082711000017 COMMON 1 3 1082711000018 DATA-ERR 1082711000019 PER-CENT 1082711000020 7. 1082711000021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082711000022 DATA 4 25 1082711000023 E-MIN E-MAX DATA ERR-T 1082711000024 MEV MEV MB/MEV MB/MEV 1082711000025 1.0 1.5 9.94E+00 1082711000026 1.5 2.0 1.92E+01 1082711000027 2.0 2.5 6.46E+01 7.98E+00 1082711000028 2.5 3.0 8.00E+01 1082711000029 3.0 3.5 9.84E+01 1082711000030 3.5 4.0 8.62E+01 1082711000031 4.0 4.5 5.76E+01 1082711000032 4.5 5.0 4.88E+01 1082711000033 5.0 5.5 3.72E+01 1082711000034 5.5 6.0 2.93E+01 5.65E+00 1082711000035 6.0 6.5 2.27E+01 1082711000036 6.5 7.0 1.70E+01 1082711000037 7.0 7.5 1.70E+01 1082711000038 7.5 8.0 1.43E+01 1082711000039 8.0 8.5 9.16E+00 1082711000040 8.5 9.0 8.51E+00 1082711000041 9.0 9.5 5.73E+00 1082711000042 9.5 10.0 4.33E+00 1.06E+00 1082711000043 10.0 10.5 2.53E+00 1082711000044 10.5 11.0 2.89E+00 1082711000045 11.0 11.5 3.52E+00 1082711000046 11.5 12.0 2.55E+00 1082711000047 12.0 12.5 2.15E+00 1082711000048 12.5 13.0 1.37E+00 1082711000049 13.0 13.5 1.73E+00 1082711000050 ENDDATA 27 0 1082711000051 ENDSUBENT 50 0 1082711099999 SUBENT 10827111 20110731 13741082711100001 BIB 5 14 1082711100002 REACTION (29-CU-65(N,X)1-H-1,,DE) 1082711100003 MONITOR (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,SIG) Neutrons on thick polyethylene 1082711100004 radiator 1082711100005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082711100006 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082711100007 (MONIT-ERR,,1.) elastic cross sections from 1082711100008 hydrogen (<1%), 1082711100009 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082711100010 polynomial fit (7% for protons). 1082711100011 STATUS (CURVE) Data taken from fig. 5 of the PR/C,19,2127,19791082711100012 (DEP,10827101) 1082711100013 HISTORY (20091012C) SH: Digitized from Ref. PR/C,19,2127,1979 1082711100014 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082711100015 from Subent 001. 1082711100016 ENDBIB 14 0 1082711100017 COMMON 1 3 1082711100018 DATA-ERR 1082711100019 PER-CENT 1082711100020 7. 1082711100021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082711100022 DATA 4 24 1082711100023 E-MIN E-MAX DATA ERR-T 1082711100024 MEV MEV MB/MEV MB/MEV 1082711100025 1.0 1.5 2.59E+00 1082711100026 1.5 2.0 5.18E+00 5.64E-01 1082711100027 2.0 2.5 4.18E+00 1082711100028 2.5 3.0 3.91E+00 1082711100029 3.0 3.5 6.69E+00 1082711100030 3.5 4.0 5.86E+00 1082711100031 4.0 4.5 6.80E+00 1082711100032 4.5 5.0 6.63E+00 1082711100033 5.0 5.5 5.86E+00 1082711100034 5.5 6.0 4.69E+00 1082711100035 6.0 6.5 3.92E+00 8.06E-01 1082711100036 6.5 7.0 3.61E+00 1082711100037 7.0 7.5 3.49E+00 1082711100038 7.5 8.0 3.11E+00 1082711100039 8.0 8.5 2.89E+00 1082711100040 8.5 9.0 3.11E+00 1082711100041 9.0 9.5 2.53E+00 1082711100042 9.5 10.0 1.74E+00 1082711100043 10.0 10.5 1.93E+00 1082711100044 10.5 11.0 1.74E+00 1082711100045 11.0 11.5 2.13E+00 1082711100046 11.5 12.0 1.52E+00 1082711100047 12.0 12.5 1.37E+00 4.00E-01 1082711100048 12.5 13.0 7.62E-01 1082711100049 ENDDATA 26 0 1082711100050 ENDSUBENT 49 0 1082711199999 NOSUBENT 10827112 20110731 13741082711200001 SUBENT 10827113 20110731 13741082711300001 BIB 5 16 1082711300002 REACTION (24-CR-50(N,X)2-HE-4,,DE) 1082711300003 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082711300004 radiator 1082711300005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082711300006 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082711300007 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082711300008 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082711300009 polynomial fit (7% for alphas). 1082711300010 (ERR-5) Additional 4% error included to account for 1082711300011 increased uncertainty in using deuteron transmission 1082711300012 functions for alphas. 1082711300013 STATUS (CURVE) Data taken from fig. 6 of the PR/C,19,2127,19791082711300014 (DEP,10827073) 1082711300015 HISTORY (20091012C) SH: Digitized from Ref. PR/C,19,2127,1979 1082711300016 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082711300017 from Subent 001. 1082711300018 ENDBIB 16 0 1082711300019 COMMON 3 3 1082711300020 DATA-ERR ERR-5 MONIT-ERR 1082711300021 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082711300022 7. 4. 10. 1082711300023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082711300024 DATA 4 23 1082711300025 E-MIN E-MAX DATA ERR-T 1082711300026 MEV MEV MB/MEV MB/MEV 1082711300027 4.0 4.5 3.63E-01 1082711300028 4.5 5.0 2.03E+00 1082711300029 5.0 5.5 4.85E+00 1082711300030 5.5 6.0 8.35E+00 1.33E+00 1082711300031 6.0 6.5 1.49E+01 1082711300032 6.5 7.0 1.73E+01 1082711300033 7.0 7.5 2.24E+01 1082711300034 7.5 8.0 2.14E+01 1082711300035 8.0 8.5 1.68E+01 1082711300036 8.5 9.0 1.80E+01 1082711300037 9.0 9.5 1.68E+01 1082711300038 9.5 10.0 1.16E+01 1082711300039 10.0 10.5 9.44E+00 1082711300040 10.5 11.0 7.67E+00 1082711300041 11.0 11.5 4.35E+00 1082711300042 11.5 12.0 3.88E+00 1082711300043 12.0 12.5 2.28E+00 6.69E-01 1082711300044 12.5 13.0 1.22E+00 1082711300045 13.0 13.5 1.94E+00 1082711300046 13.5 14.0 1.01E+00 1082711300047 14.0 14.5 1.73E+00 1082711300048 14.5 15.0 6.05E-01 1082711300049 15.0 15.5 4.09E-01 1082711300050 ENDDATA 25 0 1082711300051 ENDSUBENT 50 0 1082711399999 SUBENT 10827114 20110731 13741082711400001 BIB 5 16 1082711400002 REACTION (24-CR-52(N,X)2-HE-4,,DE) 1082711400003 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082711400004 radiator 1082711400005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082711400006 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082711400007 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082711400008 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082711400009 polynomial fit (7% for alphas). 1082711400010 (ERR-5) Additional 4% error included to account for 1082711400011 increased uncertainty in using deuteron transmission 1082711400012 functions for alphas. 1082711400013 STATUS (CURVE) Data taken from fig. 6 of the PR/C,19,2127,19791082711400014 (DEP,10827076) 1082711400015 HISTORY (20091012C) SH: Digitized from Ref. PR/C,19,2127,1979 1082711400016 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082711400017 from Subent 001. 1082711400018 ENDBIB 16 0 1082711400019 COMMON 3 3 1082711400020 DATA-ERR ERR-5 MONIT-ERR 1082711400021 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082711400022 7. 4. 10. 1082711400023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082711400024 DATA 4 16 1082711400025 E-MIN E-MAX DATA ERR-T 1082711400026 MEV MEV MB/MEV MB/MEV 1082711400027 4.0 4.5 6.45E-01 1082711400028 4.5 5.0 1.00E+00 1082711400029 5.0 5.5 2.34E+00 1082711400030 5.5 6.0 4.18E+00 1082711400031 6.0 6.5 3.47E+00 5.89E-01 1082711400032 6.5 7.0 5.86E+00 1082711400033 7.0 7.5 9.43E+00 1082711400034 7.5 8.0 7.40E+00 1082711400035 8.0 8.5 7.94E+00 1082711400036 8.5 9.0 6.83E+00 1082711400037 9.0 9.5 4.45E+00 1082711400038 9.5 10.0 4.78E+00 1.28E+00 1082711400039 10.0 10.5 3.54E+00 1082711400040 10.5 11.0 2.59E+00 1082711400041 11.0 11.5 2.10E+00 1082711400042 11.5 12.0 2.56E+00 1082711400043 ENDDATA 18 0 1082711400044 ENDSUBENT 43 0 1082711499999 SUBENT 10827115 20110731 13741082711500001 BIB 5 16 1082711500002 REACTION (26-FE-54(N,X)2-HE-4,,DE) 1082711500003 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082711500004 radiator 1082711500005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082711500006 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082711500007 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082711500008 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082711500009 polynomial fit (7% for alphas). 1082711500010 (ERR-5) Additional 4% error included to account for 1082711500011 increased uncertainty in using deuteron transmission 1082711500012 functions for alphas. 1082711500013 STATUS (CURVE) Data taken from fig. 6 of the PR/C,19,2127,19791082711500014 (DEP,10827082) 1082711500015 HISTORY (20091012C) SH: Digitized from Ref. PR/C,19,2127,1979 1082711500016 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082711500017 from Subent 001. 1082711500018 ENDBIB 16 0 1082711500019 COMMON 3 3 1082711500020 DATA-ERR ERR-5 MONIT-ERR 1082711500021 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082711500022 7. 4. 10. 1082711500023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082711500024 DATA 4 22 1082711500025 E-MIN E-MAX DATA ERR-T 1082711500026 MEV MEV MB/MEV MB/MEV 1082711500027 4.5 5.0 2.07E-01 1082711500028 5.0 5.5 2.72E+00 1082711500029 5.5 6.0 5.50E+00 1082711500030 6.0 6.5 8.24E+00 1082711500031 6.5 7.0 1.21E+01 1.80E+00 1082711500032 7.0 7.5 1.31E+01 1082711500033 7.5 8.0 1.85E+01 1082711500034 8.0 8.5 1.71E+01 1082711500035 8.5 9.0 1.88E+01 1082711500036 9.0 9.5 1.39E+01 1082711500037 9.5 10.0 1.20E+01 1082711500038 10.0 10.5 1.06E+01 1082711500039 10.5 11.0 6.43E+00 1082711500040 11.0 11.5 7.84E+00 2.54E+00 1082711500041 11.5 12.0 5.55E+00 1082711500042 12.0 12.5 2.91E+00 1082711500043 12.5 13.0 2.21E+00 1082711500044 13.0 13.5 1.09E+00 1082711500045 13.5 14.0 1.23E+00 1082711500046 14.0 14.5 1.43E+00 1082711500047 14.5 15.0 1.08E+00 1082711500048 15.0 15.5 1.33E+00 1082711500049 ENDDATA 24 0 1082711500050 ENDSUBENT 49 0 1082711599999 SUBENT 10827116 20110731 13741082711600001 BIB 5 16 1082711600002 REACTION (26-FE-56(N,X)2-HE-4,,DE) 1082711600003 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082711600004 radiator 1082711600005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082711600006 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082711600007 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082711600008 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082711600009 polynomial fit (7% for alphas). 1082711600010 (ERR-5) Additional 4% error included to account for 1082711600011 increased uncertainty in using deuteron transmission 1082711600012 functions for alphas. 1082711600013 STATUS (CURVE) Data taken from fig. 6 of the PR/C,19,2127,19791082711600014 (DEP,10827085) 1082711600015 HISTORY (20091012C) SH: Digitized from Ref. PR/C,19,2127,1979 1082711600016 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082711600017 from Subent 001. 1082711600018 ENDBIB 16 0 1082711600019 COMMON 3 3 1082711600020 DATA-ERR ERR-5 MONIT-ERR 1082711600021 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082711600022 7. 4. 10. 1082711600023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082711600024 DATA 4 20 1082711600025 E-MIN E-MAX DATA ERR-T 1082711600026 MEV MEV MB/MEV MB/MEV 1082711600027 4.5 5.0 2.37E-01 1082711600028 5.0 5.5 8.96E-01 1082711600029 5.5 6.0 2.43E+00 1082711600030 6.0 6.5 3.42E+00 5.07E-01 1082711600031 6.5 7.0 5.60E+00 1082711600032 7.0 7.5 6.97E+00 1082711600033 7.5 8.0 9.07E+00 1082711600034 8.0 8.5 1.05E+01 1082711600035 8.5 9.0 9.62E+00 1082711600036 9.0 9.5 7.40E+00 1082711600037 9.5 10.0 6.38E+00 1082711600038 10.0 10.5 5.08E+00 1082711600039 10.5 11.0 2.84E+00 1082711600040 11.0 11.5 3.45E+00 1082711600041 11.5 12.0 2.65E+00 7.05E-01 1082711600042 12.0 12.5 1.66E+00 1082711600043 12.5 13.0 1.22E+00 1082711600044 13.0 13.5 6.14E-01 1082711600045 13.5 14.0 4.12E-01 1082711600046 14.0 14.5 6.08E-01 1082711600047 ENDDATA 22 0 1082711600048 ENDSUBENT 47 0 1082711699999 SUBENT 10827117 20110731 13741082711700001 BIB 5 16 1082711700002 REACTION (28-NI-58(N,X)2-HE-4,,DE) 1082711700003 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082711700004 radiator 1082711700005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082711700006 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082711700007 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082711700008 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082711700009 polynomial fit (7% for alphas). 1082711700010 (ERR-5) Additional 4% error included to account for 1082711700011 increased uncertainty in using deuteron transmission 1082711700012 functions for alphas. 1082711700013 STATUS (CURVE) Data taken from fig. 6 of the PR/C,19,2127,19791082711700014 (DEP,10827090) 1082711700015 HISTORY (20091012C) SH: Digitized from Ref. PR/C,19,2127,1979 1082711700016 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082711700017 from Subent 001. 1082711700018 ENDBIB 16 0 1082711700019 COMMON 3 3 1082711700020 DATA-ERR ERR-5 MONIT-ERR 1082711700021 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082711700022 7. 4. 10. 1082711700023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082711700024 DATA 4 25 1082711700025 E-MIN E-MAX DATA ERR-T 1082711700026 MEV MEV MB/MEV MB/MEV 1082711700027 4.5 5.0 2.88E-01 1082711700028 5.0 5.5 1.37E+00 1082711700029 5.5 6.0 2.75E+00 1082711700030 6.0 6.5 5.52E+00 9.08E-01 1082711700031 6.5 7.0 1.11E+01 1082711700032 7.0 7.5 1.33E+01 1082711700033 7.5 8.0 1.93E+01 1082711700034 8.0 8.5 2.08E+01 1082711700035 8.5 9.0 2.43E+01 1082711700036 9.0 9.5 2.26E+01 1082711700037 9.5 10.0 1.74E+01 1082711700038 10.0 10.5 1.46E+01 1082711700039 10.5 11.0 1.29E+01 1082711700040 11.0 11.5 9.94E+00 1082711700041 11.5 12.0 9.38E+00 1082711700042 12.0 12.5 6.25E+00 1082711700043 12.5 13.0 3.92E+00 9.80E-01 1082711700044 13.0 13.5 3.12E+00 1082711700045 13.5 14.0 2.16E+00 1082711700046 14.0 14.5 2.52E+00 1082711700047 14.5 15.0 1.54E+00 1082711700048 15.0 15.5 1.53E+00 1082711700049 15.5 16.0 1.12E+00 1082711700050 16.0 16.5 9.60E-01 1082711700051 16.5 17.0 6.87E-01 1082711700052 ENDDATA 27 0 1082711700053 ENDSUBENT 52 0 1082711799999 SUBENT 10827118 20110731 13741082711800001 BIB 5 16 1082711800002 REACTION (28-NI-60(N,X)2-HE-4,,DE) 1082711800003 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082711800004 radiator 1082711800005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082711800006 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082711800007 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082711800008 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082711800009 polynomial fit (7% for alphas). 1082711800010 (ERR-5) Additional 4% error included to account for 1082711800011 increased uncertainty in using deuteron transmission 1082711800012 functions for alphas. 1082711800013 STATUS (CURVE) Data taken from fig. 6 of the PR/C,19,2127,19791082711800014 (DEP,10827094) 1082711800015 HISTORY (20091012C) SH: Digitized from Ref. PR/C,19,2127,1979 1082711800016 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082711800017 from Subent 001. 1082711800018 ENDBIB 16 0 1082711800019 COMMON 3 3 1082711800020 DATA-ERR ERR-5 MONIT-ERR 1082711800021 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082711800022 7. 4. 10. 1082711800023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082711800024 DATA 4 19 1082711800025 E-MIN E-MAX DATA ERR-T 1082711800026 MEV MEV MB/MEV MB/MEV 1082711800027 4.5 5.0 1.95E+00 1082711800028 5.0 5.5 3.35E+00 1082711800029 5.5 6.0 7.18E+00 1082711800030 6.0 6.5 7.91E+00 1.30E+00 1082711800031 6.5 7.0 1.22E+01 1082711800032 7.0 7.5 1.26E+01 1082711800033 7.5 8.0 1.81E+01 1082711800034 8.0 8.5 1.51E+01 1082711800035 8.5 9.0 1.64E+01 1082711800036 9.0 9.5 1.19E+01 1082711800037 9.5 10.0 1.12E+01 1082711800038 10.0 10.5 8.35E+00 1082711800039 10.5 11.0 5.25E+00 1082711800040 11.0 11.5 4.61E+00 1.39E+00 1082711800041 11.5 12.0 2.66E+00 1082711800042 12.0 12.5 1.91E+00 1082711800043 12.5 13.0 2.10E+00 1082711800044 13.0 13.5 7.63E-01 1082711800045 13.5 14.0 7.46E-01 1082711800046 ENDDATA 21 0 1082711800047 ENDSUBENT 46 0 1082711899999 SUBENT 10827119 20110731 13741082711900001 BIB 5 16 1082711900002 REACTION (29-CU-63(N,X)2-HE-4,,DE) 1082711900003 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082711900004 radiator 1082711900005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082711900006 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082711900007 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082711900008 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082711900009 polynomial fit (7% for alphas). 1082711900010 (ERR-5) Additional 4% error included to account for 1082711900011 increased uncertainty in using deuteron transmission 1082711900012 functions for alphas. 1082711900013 STATUS (CURVE) Data taken from fig. 6 of the PR/C,19,2127,19791082711900014 (DEP,10827100) 1082711900015 HISTORY (20091012C) SH: Digitized from Ref. PR/C,19,2127,1979 1082711900016 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082711900017 from Subent 001. 1082711900018 ENDBIB 16 0 1082711900019 COMMON 3 3 1082711900020 DATA-ERR ERR-5 MONIT-ERR 1082711900021 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082711900022 7. 4. 10. 1082711900023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082711900024 DATA 4 21 1082711900025 E-MIN E-MAX DATA ERR-T 1082711900026 MEV MEV MB/MEV MB/MEV 1082711900027 4.5 5.0 1.82E+00 1082711900028 5.0 5.5 2.90E+00 1082711900029 5.5 6.0 7.76E+00 1082711900030 6.0 6.5 4.89E+00 1.08E+00 1082711900031 6.5 7.0 5.19E+00 1082711900032 7.0 7.5 8.35E+00 1082711900033 7.5 8.0 1.05E+01 1082711900034 8.0 8.5 9.53E+00 1082711900035 8.5 9.0 1.05E+01 1082711900036 9.0 9.5 9.66E+00 1082711900037 9.5 10.0 9.33E+00 1082711900038 10.0 10.5 6.78E+00 1082711900039 10.5 11.0 4.81E+00 1082711900040 11.0 11.5 3.54E+00 1082711900041 11.5 12.0 4.08E+00 1082711900042 12.0 12.5 2.40E+00 6.98E-01 1082711900043 12.5 13.0 2.16E+00 1082711900044 13.0 13.5 1.41E+00 1082711900045 13.5 14.0 1.09E+00 1082711900046 14.0 14.5 1.21E+00 1082711900047 14.5 15.0 8.90E-01 1082711900048 ENDDATA 23 0 1082711900049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 1082711999999 SUBENT 10827120 20110731 13741082712000001 BIB 5 16 1082712000002 REACTION (29-CU-65(N,X)2-HE-4,,DE) 1082712000003 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082712000004 radiator 1082712000005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082712000006 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082712000007 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082712000008 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082712000009 polynomial fit (7% for alphas). 1082712000010 (ERR-5) Additional 4% error included to account for 1082712000011 increased uncertainty in using deuteron transmission 1082712000012 functions for alphas. 1082712000013 STATUS (CURVE) Data taken from fig. 6 of the PR/C,19,2127,19791082712000014 (DEP,10827103) 1082712000015 HISTORY (20091012C) SH: Digitized from Ref. PR/C,19,2127,1979 1082712000016 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082712000017 from Subent 001. 1082712000018 ENDBIB 16 0 1082712000019 COMMON 3 3 1082712000020 DATA-ERR ERR-5 MONIT-ERR 1082712000021 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082712000022 7. 4. 10. 1082712000023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082712000024 DATA 4 21 1082712000025 E-MIN E-MAX DATA ERR-T 1082712000026 MEV MEV MB/MEV MB/MEV 1082712000027 4.5 5.0 3.98E-01 1082712000028 5.0 5.5 3.99E-01 1082712000029 5.5 6.0 2.97E-01 1082712000030 6.0 6.5 5.88E-01 1082712000031 6.5 7.0 9.87E-01 1082712000032 7.0 7.5 1.68E+00 2.54E-01 1082712000033 7.5 8.0 2.75E+00 1082712000034 8.0 8.5 2.36E+00 1082712000035 8.5 9.0 2.39E+00 1082712000036 9.0 9.5 2.75E+00 1082712000037 9.5 10.0 2.57E+00 1082712000038 10.0 10.5 1.99E+00 1082712000039 10.5 11.0 1.48E+00 1082712000040 11.0 11.5 7.96E-01 1082712000041 11.5 12.0 9.17E-01 1082712000042 12.0 12.5 9.18E-01 1082712000043 12.5 13.0 4.99E-01 1.40E-01 1082712000044 13.0 13.5 9.08E-01 1082712000045 13.5 14.0 3.05E-01 1082712000046 14.0 14.5 6.10E-01 1082712000047 14.5 15.0 7.12E-01 1082712000048 ENDDATA 23 0 1082712000049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 1082712099999 SUBENT 10827121 20110731 13741082712100001 BIB 5 13 1082712100002 REACTION (24-CR-50(N,X)1-H-2,,DE) 1082712100003 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082712100004 radiator 1082712100005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082712100006 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082712100007 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082712100008 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082712100009 polynomial fit (15% for deuterons). 1082712100010 STATUS (CURVE) Data taken from fig. 7 of the PR/C,19,2127,19791082712100011 (DEP,10827072) 1082712100012 HISTORY (20091012C) SH: Digitized from Ref. PR/C,19,2127,1979 1082712100013 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082712100014 from Subent 001. 1082712100015 ENDBIB 13 0 1082712100016 COMMON 2 3 1082712100017 MONIT-ERR DATA-ERR 1082712100018 PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082712100019 10. 15. 1082712100020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082712100021 DATA 4 11 1082712100022 E-MIN E-MAX DATA ERR-T 1082712100023 MEV MEV MB/MEV MB/MEV 1082712100024 2.0 2.5 4.98E-01 1082712100025 2.5 3.0 8.50E-01 1082712100026 3.0 3.5 1.37E+00 1082712100027 3.5 4.0 1.59E+00 3.39E-01 1082712100028 4.0 4.5 1.06E+00 1082712100029 4.5 5.0 1.83E+00 1082712100030 5.0 5.5 2.51E+00 1082712100031 5.5 6.0 2.96E+00 1082712100032 6.0 6.5 4.07E+00 1082712100033 6.5 7.0 2.47E+00 1082712100034 7.0 7.5 4.91E+00 1.92E+00 1082712100035 ENDDATA 13 0 1082712100036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 1082712199999 SUBENT 10827122 20110731 13741082712200001 BIB 5 13 1082712200002 REACTION (24-CR-52(N,X)1-H-2,,DE) 1082712200003 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082712200004 radiator 1082712200005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082712200006 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082712200007 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082712200008 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082712200009 polynomial fit (15% for deuterons). 1082712200010 STATUS (CURVE) Data taken from fig. 7 of the PR/C,19,2127,19791082712200011 (DEP,10827075) 1082712200012 HISTORY (20091012C) SH: Digitized from Ref. PR/C,19,2127,1979 1082712200013 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082712200014 from Subent 001. 1082712200015 ENDBIB 13 0 1082712200016 COMMON 2 3 1082712200017 MONIT-ERR DATA-ERR 1082712200018 PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082712200019 10. 15. 1082712200020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082712200021 DATA 4 8 1082712200022 E-MIN E-MAX DATA ERR-T 1082712200023 MEV MEV MB/MEV MB/MEV 1082712200024 2.0 2.5 4.92E-01 1082712200025 2.5 3.0 6.86E-01 1082712200026 3.0 3.5 5.88E-01 1.18E-01 1082712200027 3.5 4.0 9.80E-01 1082712200028 4.0 4.5 2.94E-01 1082712200029 4.5 5.0 8.74E-01 1082712200030 5.0 5.5 4.94E-01 1082712200031 5.5 6.0 2.95E-01 1.20E-01 1082712200032 ENDDATA 10 0 1082712200033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 1082712299999 SUBENT 10827123 20110731 13741082712300001 BIB 5 13 1082712300002 REACTION (26-FE-54(N,X)1-H-2,,DE) 1082712300003 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082712300004 radiator 1082712300005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082712300006 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082712300007 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082712300008 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082712300009 polynomial fit (15% for deuterons). 1082712300010 STATUS (CURVE) Data taken from fig. 7 of the PR/C,19,2127,19791082712300011 (DEP,10827081) 1082712300012 HISTORY (20091012C) SH: Digitized from Ref. PR/C,19,2127,1979 1082712300013 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082712300014 from Subent 001. 1082712300015 ENDBIB 13 0 1082712300016 COMMON 2 3 1082712300017 MONIT-ERR DATA-ERR 1082712300018 PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082712300019 10. 15. 1082712300020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082712300021 DATA 4 13 1082712300022 E-MIN E-MAX DATA ERR-T 1082712300023 MEV MEV MB/MEV MB/MEV 1082712300024 2.0 2.5 1.93E-01 1082712300025 2.5 3.0 5.05E-01 1.03E-01 1082712300026 3.0 3.5 7.53E-01 1082712300027 3.5 4.0 1.68E+00 1082712300028 4.0 4.5 2.00E+00 1082712300029 4.5 5.0 1.88E+00 1082712300030 5.0 5.5 1.76E+00 1082712300031 5.5 6.0 1.56E+00 1082712300032 6.0 6.5 1.39E+00 1082712300033 6.5 7.0 4.84E-01 2.42E-01 1082712300034 7.0 7.5 2.40E+00 1082712300035 7.5 8.0 3.21E+00 1082712300036 8.0 8.5 5.83E-01 1082712300037 ENDDATA 15 0 1082712300038 ENDSUBENT 37 0 1082712399999 SUBENT 10827124 20110731 13741082712400001 BIB 5 13 1082712400002 REACTION (26-FE-56(N,X)1-H-2,,DE) 1082712400003 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082712400004 radiator 1082712400005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082712400006 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082712400007 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082712400008 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082712400009 polynomial fit (15% for deuterons). 1082712400010 STATUS (CURVE) Data taken from fig. 7 of the PR/C,19,2127,19791082712400011 (DEP,10827084) 1082712400012 HISTORY (20091012C) SH: Digitized from Ref. PR/C,19,2127,1979 1082712400013 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082712400014 from Subent 001. 1082712400015 ENDBIB 13 0 1082712400016 COMMON 2 3 1082712400017 MONIT-ERR DATA-ERR 1082712400018 PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082712400019 10. 15. 1082712400020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082712400021 DATA 4 11 1082712400022 E-MIN E-MAX DATA ERR-T 1082712400023 MEV MEV MB/MEV MB/MEV 1082712400024 2.0 2.5 2.15E-01 1082712400025 2.5 3.0 3.35E-01 1082712400026 3.0 3.5 3.11E-01 1082712400027 3.5 4.0 1.13E+00 2.86E-01 1082712400028 4.0 4.5 2.08E+00 1082712400029 4.5 5.0 7.80E-01 1082712400030 5.0 5.5 2.18E+00 1082712400031 5.5 6.0 1.05E+00 4.27E-01 1082712400032 6.0 6.5 3.73E+00 1082712400033 6.5 7.0 2.74E+00 1082712400034 7.0 7.5 5.94E-01 1082712400035 ENDDATA 13 0 1082712400036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 1082712499999 SUBENT 10827125 20110731 13741082712500001 BIB 5 13 1082712500002 REACTION (28-NI-58(N,X)1-H-2,,DE) 1082712500003 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082712500004 radiator 1082712500005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082712500006 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082712500007 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082712500008 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082712500009 polynomial fit (15% for deuterons). 1082712500010 STATUS (CURVE) Data taken from fig. 7 of the PR/C,19,2127,19791082712500011 (DEP,10827090) 1082712500012 HISTORY (20091012C) SH: Digitized from Ref. PR/C,19,2127,1979 1082712500013 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082712500014 from Subent 001. 1082712500015 ENDBIB 13 0 1082712500016 COMMON 2 3 1082712500017 MONIT-ERR DATA-ERR 1082712500018 PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082712500019 10. 15. 1082712500020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082712500021 DATA 4 16 1082712500022 E-MIN E-MAX DATA ERR-T 1082712500023 MEV MEV MB/MEV MB/MEV 1082712500024 1.5 2.0 2.02E-01 1082712500025 2.0 2.5 3.10E-01 1082712500026 2.5 3.0 4.07E-01 1082712500027 3.0 3.5 4.04E-01 1082712500028 3.5 4.0 1.33E+00 2.40E-01 1082712500029 4.0 4.5 1.58E+00 1082712500030 4.5 5.0 1.70E+00 1082712500031 5.0 5.5 2.62E+00 1082712500032 5.5 6.0 2.29E+00 1082712500033 6.0 6.5 2.95E+00 1082712500034 6.5 7.0 3.23E+00 1.32E+00 1082712500035 7.0 7.5 2.19E+00 1082712500036 7.5 8.0 2.60E+00 1082712500037 8.0 8.5 1.19E+00 1082712500038 8.5 9.0 3.58E+00 1082712500039 9.0 9.5 1.83E+00 1082712500040 ENDDATA 18 0 1082712500041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 1082712599999 SUBENT 10827126 20110731 13741082712600001 BIB 5 13 1082712600002 REACTION (28-NI-60(N,X)1-H-2,,DE) 1082712600003 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082712600004 radiator 1082712600005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082712600006 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082712600007 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082712600008 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082712600009 polynomial fit (15% for deuterons). 1082712600010 STATUS (CURVE) Data taken from fig. 7 of the PR/C,19,2127,19791082712600011 (DEP,10827093) 1082712600012 HISTORY (20091012C) SH: Digitized from Ref. PR/C,19,2127,1979 1082712600013 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082712600014 from Subent 001. 1082712600015 ENDBIB 13 0 1082712600016 COMMON 2 3 1082712600017 MONIT-ERR DATA-ERR 1082712600018 PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082712600019 10. 15. 1082712600020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082712600021 DATA 4 13 1082712600022 E-MIN E-MAX DATA ERR-T 1082712600023 MEV MEV MB/MEV MB/MEV 1082712600024 2.0 2.5 1.99E-01 1082712600025 2.5 3.0 5.86E-01 1082712600026 3.0 3.5 3.96E-01 1082712600027 3.5 4.0 5.82E-01 1082712600028 4.0 4.5 1.59E+00 3.37E-01 1082712600029 4.5 5.0 2.71E+00 1082712600030 5.0 5.5 3.17E+00 1082712600031 5.5 6.0 2.18E+00 1082712600032 6.0 6.5 1.59E+00 1082712600033 6.5 7.0 2.18E+00 1082712600034 7.0 7.5 3.95E+00 1082712600035 7.5 8.0 3.00E+00 1.36E+00 1082712600036 8.0 8.5 3.90E-01 1082712600037 ENDDATA 15 0 1082712600038 ENDSUBENT 37 0 1082712699999 SUBENT 10827127 20110731 13741082712700001 BIB 5 13 1082712700002 REACTION (29-CU-63(N,X)1-H-2,,DE) 1082712700003 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082712700004 radiator 1082712700005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082712700006 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082712700007 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082712700008 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082712700009 polynomial fit (15% for deuterons). 1082712700010 STATUS (CURVE) Data taken from fig. 7 of the PR/C,19,2127,19791082712700011 (DEP,10827099) 1082712700012 HISTORY (20091012C) SH: Digitized from Ref. PR/C,19,2127,1979 1082712700013 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082712700014 from Subent 001. 1082712700015 ENDBIB 13 0 1082712700016 COMMON 2 3 1082712700017 MONIT-ERR DATA-ERR 1082712700018 PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082712700019 10. 15. 1082712700020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082712700021 DATA 4 17 1082712700022 E-MIN E-MAX DATA ERR-T 1082712700023 MEV MEV MB/MEV MB/MEV 1082712700024 2.0 2.5 2.66E-01 1082712700025 2.5 3.0 4.97E-01 1082712700026 3.0 3.5 7.27E-01 1082712700027 3.5 4.0 6.95E-01 1.79E-01 1082712700028 4.0 4.5 8.80E-01 1082712700029 4.5 5.0 1.47E+00 1082712700030 5.0 5.5 1.97E+00 1082712700031 5.5 6.0 1.09E+00 1082712700032 6.0 6.5 1.80E+00 1082712700033 6.5 7.0 1.59E+00 1082712700034 7.0 7.5 1.09E+00 1082712700035 7.5 8.0 1.30E+00 5.39E-01 1082712700036 8.0 8.5 8.75E-01 1082712700037 8.5 9.0 9.94E-01 1082712700038 9.0 9.5 1.48E+00 1082712700039 9.5 10.0 6.80E-01 1082712700040 10.0 10.5 4.91E-01 1082712700041 ENDDATA 19 0 1082712700042 ENDSUBENT 41 0 1082712799999 SUBENT 10827128 20110731 13741082712800001 BIB 5 13 1082712800002 REACTION (29-CU-65(N,X)1-H-2,,DE) 1082712800003 MONITOR (1-H-2(N,EL)1-H-2,,SIG) Neutrons on thick CD2 1082712800004 radiator 1082712800005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Uncertainty given includes uncertainty in: 1082712800006 ERR-1,ERR-2,ERR-3 described in Subent 001 and 1082712800007 (MONIT-ERR) elastic cross sections from deuterium (10%)1082712800008 (DATA-ERR) effect of statistics and the Legendre 1082712800009 polynomial fit (15% for deuterons). 1082712800010 STATUS (CURVE) Data taken from fig. 7 of the PR/C,19,2127,19791082712800011 (DEP,10827102) 1082712800012 HISTORY (20091012C) SH: Digitized from Ref. PR/C,19,2127,1979 1082712800013 (20110731A) SD: ERR-ANALYS and STATUS moved 1082712800014 from Subent 001. 1082712800015 ENDBIB 13 0 1082712800016 COMMON 2 3 1082712800017 MONIT-ERR DATA-ERR 1082712800018 PER-CENT PER-CENT 1082712800019 10. 15. 1082712800020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1082712800021 DATA 4 17 1082712800022 E-MIN E-MAX DATA ERR-T 1082712800023 MEV MEV MB/MEV MB/MEV 1082712800024 2.0 2.5 7.37E-01 1082712800025 2.5 3.0 5.26E-01 1082712800026 3.0 3.5 7.31E-01 1082712800027 3.5 4.0 9.38E-01 1.87E-01 1082712800028 4.0 4.5 5.26E-01 1082712800029 4.5 5.0 1.25E+00 1082712800030 5.0 5.5 2.18E+00 1082712800031 5.5 6.0 1.48E+00 1082712800032 6.0 6.5 1.05E+00 1082712800033 6.5 7.0 1.88E+00 1082712800034 7.0 7.5 1.47E+00 1082712800035 7.5 8.0 1.27E+00 4.92E-01 1082712800036 8.0 8.5 1.68E+00 1082712800037 8.5 9.0 1.90E+00 1082712800038 9.0 9.5 7.34E-01 1082712800039 9.5 10.0 1.72E+00 1082712800040 10.0 10.5 4.43E-01 1082712800041 ENDDATA 19 0 1082712800042 ENDSUBENT 41 0 1082712899999 ENDENTRY 128 0 1082799999999