ENTRY 10828 20240913 15131082800000001 SUBENT 10828001 20240913 15131082800100001 BIB 15 98 1082800100002 TITLE Fission product yields from 6-9 MeV neutron-induced 1082800100003 fission of 235U and 238U 1082800100004 AUTHOR (T.C.Chapman,G.A.Anzelon,G.C.Spitale,D.R.Nethaway) 1082800100005 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,17,1089,1978) 1082800100006 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.17.1089 1082800100007 INSTITUTE (1USALRL) Mc Clellan Central Lab, USAF 1082800100008 FACILITY (ACCEL,1USALRL) Insulated core transformer accelerator 1082800100009 (CYGFF,1USALRL) Cyclograaff accelerator 1082800100010 INC-SOURCE (D-D) Deuterons on deuterium for neutron energies of 1082800100011 6,7,8, and 9-MeV. 1082800100012 SAMPLE Disk foils, 9.52-mm diameter, 1.27-mm thick, mass of 1082800100013 1.7-gms 1082800100014 DETECTOR (GELI) GeLi detectors used for measuring gammas 1082800100015 (PROPC) Gas flow proportional counters used for beta 1082800100016 detection 1082800100017 MONITOR Both detector efficiencies determined using 14.8-MeV 1082800100018 neutron induced fission of U-235 and U-238. Number of 1082800100019 fissions based on weighted average of results 1082800100020 calculated from Zr-97, Mo-99 and Ba-140. Linear 1082800100021 interpolations between published yields for fission 1082800100022 spectrum and 14 MeV neutrons. ) 1082800100023 METHOD (CHSEP) Sample foils wrapped in al to catch recoil 1082800100024 fission products. Cadmium used to minimize thermal 1082800100025 neutron effects. Gold monitor foils used to verify 1082800100026 negligible thermal neutron effects. For half-lives 1082800100027 greater than 9-hrs, irradiation time was 10-hrs. For 1082800100028 shorter half-lives, irradiation time was 50-min. 1082800100029 Chemical analysis used on 10-hr irradiated foils. 1082800100030 (GSPEC) Gamma spectroscopy analysis used on others. 1082800100031 CORRECTION Number of fissions corrected for non-primary- energy 1082800100032 induced fission. Corrected for fission product decay 1082800100033 during irradiation. 1082800100034 ERR-ANALYS Less than 5% uncertainty for weighted average of 1082800100035 number of fissions. 1082800100036 Number of atoms of each isotope taken to be the larger 1082800100037 of 2% or the statistical estimate from the computer 1082800100038 programs used in the calculation. 1082800100039 (DATA-ERR1) Total error with respect to 'true' value 1082800100040 Errors caused by uncertainties in- 1082800100041 -Nuclide measurement efficiency 1082800100042 -Radiochemical procedure 1082800100043 -Number of fissions by primary energy neutrons 1082800100044 -Uncertainty in fission yields and cross sections used1082800100045 in calculations 1082800100046 -Neutron spectra 1082800100047 -Measurement efficiency 1082800100048 (DATA-ERR2) Error relative to same nuclei at other 1082800100049 energies 1082800100050 DECAY-DATA ((1.)35-BR-84-G,31.8MIN,DG,881.5,0.42) 1082800100051 ((2.)36-KR-87,1.267HR,DG,402.47,0.473, 1082800100052 DG,2554.92,0.0847) 1082800100053 ((3.)38-SR-89,50.55D,B) 1082800100054 ((4.)38-SR-91,9.48HR,DG,555.63,0.58,DG,749.77,0.24, 1082800100055 DG,1024.25,0.33) 1082800100056 ((5.)40-ZR-95,65.0D,B,,,DG,756.72,0.546, 1082800100057 DG,765.80,0.990) 1082800100058 ((6.)40-ZR-97,16.82HR,B,,,DG,658.18,0.990, 1082800100059 DG,743.37,0.940) 1082800100060 ((7.)42-MO-99,2.752D,B,,,DG,140.514,0.805, 1082800100061 DG,181.092,0.0604,DG,739.481,0.120,DG,777.900,0.0424) 1082800100062 ((8.)44-RU-103,39.6D,DG,497.09,0.900) 1082800100063 ((9.)43-TC-104,18.2MIN,DG,358.0,0.90,DG,530.5,0.15, 1082800100064 DG,535.1,0.14) 1082800100065 ((10.)45-RH-105-G,1.476D,DG,319.24,0.196) 1082800100066 ((11.)47-AG-111-G,7.431D,B,,,DG,342.14,0.0668) 1082800100067 ((12.)46-PD-112,21.12HR,DG,617.40,0.435) 1082800100068 ((13.)48-CD-115-G,2.208D,B,,,DG,336.25,0.465, 1082800100069 DG,492.29,0.0826,DG,527.86,0.280) 1082800100070 ((14.)48-CD-115-M,44.6D,B) 1082800100071 ((15.)51-SB-127,3.87D,DG,473.20,0.248,DG,684.90,0.368) 1082800100072 ((16.)50-SN-128-G,1.00HR,DG,482.0,0.66) 1082800100073 ((17.)51-SB-130-G,0.667HR,DG,330.9,0.78,DG,839.4,1.00) 1082800100074 ((18.)52-TE-132,3.24D,DG,228.2,0.88,DG,522.60,0.156, 1082800100075 DG,630.20,0.135) 1082800100076 ((19.)53-I-133-G,21.0HR,DG,529.91,0.83) 1082800100077 ((20.)55-CS-136-G,12.98D,B) 1082800100078 ((21.)55-CS-137,30.174YR,B) 1082800100079 ((22.)56-BA-140,12.80D,B,,,DG,537.261,0.2446, 1082800100080 DG,1596.20,0.9552) 1082800100081 ((23.)58-CE-141,32.38D,B,,,DG,145.44,0.493) 1082800100082 ((24.)57-LA-142,1.545HR,DG,641.21,0.465, 1082800100083 DG,2398.0,0.117,DG,2542.9,0.088) 1082800100084 ((25.)58-CE-143,1.379D,DG,293.20,0.435) 1082800100085 ((26.)58-CE-144,284.6D,B,,,DG,133.50,0.110) 1082800100086 ((27.)60-ND-147,11.04D,B,,,DG,531.00,0.1295) 1082800100087 ((28.)61-PM-151,1.183D,DG,167.73/168.38,0.092, 1082800100088 DG,240.08,0.036,DG,340.08,0.224) 1082800100089 ((29.)63-EU-156,15.19D,B) 1082800100090 STATUS (APRVD) Approved by D.R.Nethaway, 1980/10/10. 1082800100091 (TABLE,,T.C.Chapman+,J,PR/C,17,1089,1978) 1082800100092 Table I, Phys.Rev.C17,1089,1978 1082800100093 HISTORY (19791214C) 1082800100094 (19811218A) Decay-data corrections. 1082800100095 (19880914A) Isomer field added. BIB corrections. 1082800100096 (19900404A) BIB update. data heading update. 1082800100097 (20171115A) OS. Correction in DECAY-DATA (Cs137). 1082800100098 Converted to lower case, several BIB changes. 1082800100099 (20240913A) BP: Updated entry, added doi. 1082800100100 ENDBIB 98 0 1082800100101 NOCOMMON 0 0 1082800100102 ENDSUBENT 101 0 1082800199999 SUBENT 10828002 20240913 15131082800200001 BIB 3 4 1082800200002 REACTION (92-U-235(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY) 1082800200003 SAMPLE (92-U-235,ENR=0.9764) 1082800200004 (92-U-238,ENR=0.0236) 1082800200005 HISTORY (20240913A) BP: Corrected Tc-103 -> Tc-104. 1082800200006 ENDBIB 4 0 1082800200007 NOCOMMON 0 0 1082800200008 DATA 9 116 1082800200009 EN EN-RSL-FW ELEMENT MASS ISOMER DATA 1082800200010 DATA-ERR1 DATA-ERR2 DECAY-FLAG 1082800200011 MEV MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM PC/FIS 1082800200012 PER-CENT PER-CENT NO-DIM 1082800200013 6.0 0.5 35. 84. 0. 1.15661082800200014 38.4 44.0 1. 1082800200015 6.0 0.5 36. 87. 2.94041082800200016 12.4 16.0 2. 1082800200017 6.0 0.5 38. 89. 3.82151082800200018 5.5 7.5 3. 1082800200019 6.0 0.5 38. 91. 5.30871082800200020 5.9 9.2 4. 1082800200021 6.0 0.5 40. 95. 5.85191082800200022 5.5 7.5 5. 1082800200023 6.0 0.5 40. 97. 5.71871082800200024 5.5 9.4 6. 1082800200025 6.0 0.5 42. 99. 6.16701082800200026 5.5 7.5 7. 1082800200027 6.0 0.5 43. 104. 2.81371082800200028 41.4 46.1 9. 1082800200029 6.0 0.5 44. 103. 3.10851082800200030 8.3 9.7 8. 1082800200031 6.0 0.5 45. 105. 1.71821082800200032 7.1 10.4 10. 1082800200033 6.0 0.5 46. 112. 0.21991082800200034 5.4 7.4 12. 1082800200035 6.0 0.5 47. 111. 0.24071082800200036 5.4 7.4 11. 1082800200037 6.0 0.5 48. 115. 0. 0.18411082800200038 5.4 7.4 13. 1082800200039 6.0 0.5 48. 115. 1. 0.01431082800200040 43.2 43.8 14. 1082800200041 6.0 0.5 50. 128. 0.80401082800200042 10.9 18.7 16. 1082800200043 6.0 0.5 51. 127. 0.82061082800200044 20.5 21.7 15. 1082800200045 6.0 0.5 51. 130. 0. 1.01711082800200046 11.6 19.1 17. 1082800200047 6.0 0.5 52. 132. 4.58301082800200048 5.6 7.6 18. 1082800200049 6.0 0.5 53. 133. 6.13571082800200050 8.0 12.9 19. 1082800200051 6.0 0.5 55. 136. 0.04891082800200052 7.8 10.5 20. 1082800200053 6.0 0.5 55. 137. 6.09341082800200054 11.1 13.4 21. 1082800200055 6.0 0.5 56. 140. 5.02631082800200056 5.5 7.5 22. 1082800200057 6.0 0.5 57. 142. 5.02541082800200058 11.2 19.0 24. 1082800200059 6.0 0.5 58. 141. 4.93301082800200060 5.5 9.0 23. 1082800200061 6.0 0.5 58. 143. 4.68871082800200062 6.4 10.0 25. 1082800200063 6.0 0.5 58. 144. 2.15971082800200064 5.8 9.3 26. 1082800200065 6.0 0.5 60. 147. 2.09341082800200066 5.5 9.0 27. 1082800200067 6.0 0.5 61. 151. 0.53361082800200068 101.5 102.0 28. 1082800200069 6.0 0.5 63. 156. 0.04641082800200070 6.0 9.7 29. 1082800200071 7.1 0.3 35. 84. 1.21711082800200072 34.1 40.3 1. 1082800200073 7.1 0.3 36. 87. 2.91551082800200074 10.0 14.3 2. 1082800200075 7.1 0.3 38. 89. 4.13481082800200076 5.7 7.7 3. 1082800200077 7.1 0.3 38. 91. 5.18761082800200078 7.5 10.4 4. 1082800200079 7.1 0.3 40. 95. 6.11091082800200080 5.7 7.7 5. 1082800200081 7.1 0.3 40. 97. 5.76891082800200082 5.7 9.6 6. 1082800200083 7.1 0.3 42. 99. 5.40481082800200084 5.7 7.7 7. 1082800200085 7.1 0.3 43. 104. 2.73911082800200086 27.4 34.2 9. 1082800200087 7.1 0.3 44. 103. 3.14181082800200088 6.4 8.2 8. 1082800200089 7.1 0.3 45. 105. 1.37041082800200090 6.0 9.7 10. 1082800200091 7.1 0.3 46. 112. 0.20171082800200092 5.5 7.4 12. 1082800200093 7.1 0.3 47. 111. 0.21791082800200094 5.5 7.5 11. 1082800200095 7.1 0.3 48. 115. 0.17901082800200096 5.5 7.5 13. 1082800200097 7.1 0.3 48. 115. 0.01961082800200098 12.9 14.7 14. 1082800200099 7.1 0.3 50. 128. 0.70801082800200100 13.6 20.5 16. 1082800200101 7.1 0.3 51. 127. 0.83231082800200102 20.9 22.0 15. 1082800200103 7.1 0.3 51. 130. 0.95541082800200104 11.7 19.1 17. 1082800200105 7.1 0.3 52. 132. 4.87121082800200106 6.1 8.0 18. 1082800200107 7.1 0.3 53. 133. 6.19331082800200108 7.4 12.7 19. 1082800200109 7.1 0.3 55. 136. 0.04571082800200110 8.2 10.8 20. 1082800200111 7.1 0.3 55. 137. 7.23821082800200112 10.2 12.8 21. 1082800200113 7.1 0.3 56. 140. 5.29811082800200114 5.7 7.7 22. 1082800200115 7.1 0.3 57. 142. 5.13401082800200116 8.6 17.6 24. 1082800200117 7.1 0.3 58. 141. 5.01481082800200118 5.7 9.2 23. 1082800200119 7.1 0.3 58. 143. 4.63591082800200120 5.8 9.6 25. 1082800200121 7.1 0.3 58. 144. 4.30811082800200122 5.8 9.2 26. 1082800200123 7.1 0.3 60. 147. 2.20441082800200124 5.7 9.2 27. 1082800200125 7.1 0.3 61. 151. 0.35941082800200126 13.4 16.9 28. 1082800200127 7.1 0.3 63. 156. 0.03881082800200128 6.4 9.9 29. 1082800200129 8.1 0.4 35. 84. 1.57661082800200130 26.1 34.6 1. 1082800200131 8.1 0.4 36. 87. 3.11061082800200132 11.6 16.0 2. 1082800200133 8.1 0.4 38. 89. 3.84681082800200134 7.9 9.8 3. 1082800200135 8.1 0.4 38. 91. 5.17571082800200136 9.2 12.2 4. 1082800200137 8.1 0.4 40. 95. 5.89961082800200138 6.6 8.7 5. 1082800200139 8.1 0.4 40. 97. 5.52101082800200140 6.5 10.8 6. 1082800200141 8.1 0.4 42. 99. 5.38881082800200142 6.6 8.8 7. 1082800200143 8.1 0.4 43. 104. 2.42171082800200144 21.5 31.2 9. 1082800200145 8.1 0.4 44. 103. 2.95891082800200146 8.0 9.8 8. 1082800200147 8.1 0.4 45. 105. 1.38721082800200148 7.5 11.3 10. 1082800200149 8.1 0.4 46. 112. 0.21721082800200150 6.0 7.9 12. 1082800200151 8.1 0.4 47. 111. 0.22661082800200152 6.3 8.1 11. 1082800200153 8.1 0.4 48. 115. 0.18181082800200154 6.1 8.0 13. 1082800200155 8.1 0.4 48. 115. 0.01541082800200156 20.1 21.3 14. 1082800200157 8.1 0.4 50. 128. 0.75291082800200158 11.2 19.9 16. 1082800200159 8.1 0.4 51. 127. 0.64231082800200160 11.6 13.9 15. 1082800200161 8.1 0.4 51. 130. 0.88841082800200162 12.2 20.1 17. 1082800200163 8.1 0.4 52. 132. 4.44541082800200164 6.6 8.7 18. 1082800200165 8.1 0.4 53. 133. 5.89011082800200166 9.6 14.9 19. 1082800200167 8.1 0.4 55. 136. 0.05671082800200168 6.9 10.0 20. 1082800200169 8.1 0.4 55. 137. 4.18401082800200170 12.9 15.7 21. 1082800200171 8.1 0.4 56. 140. 5.10261082800200172 6.7 8.8 22. 1082800200173 8.1 0.4 57. 142. 5.33881082800200174 10.7 20.1 24. 1082800200175 8.1 0.4 58. 141. 4.97531082800200176 6.6 10.4 23. 1082800200177 8.1 0.4 58. 143. 4.77341082800200178 6.7 11.0 25. 1082800200179 8.1 0.4 58. 144. 4.09631082800200180 6.7 10.5 26. 1082800200181 8.1 0.4 60. 147. 2.03081082800200182 7.7 11.1 27. 1082800200183 8.1 0.4 61. 151. 0.47571082800200184 11.6 16.1 28. 1082800200185 8.1 0.4 63. 156. 0.03421082800200186 9.0 12.1 29. 1082800200187 9.1 0.3 35. 84. 1.14441082800200188 28.4 38.1 1. 1082800200189 9.1 0.3 36. 87. 2.91081082800200190 15.4 19.6 2. 1082800200191 9.1 0.3 38. 89. 3.25391082800200192 13.3 14.9 3. 1082800200193 9.1 0.3 38. 91. 4.87851082800200194 9.3 12.9 4. 1082800200195 9.1 0.3 40. 95. 6.05431082800200196 8.4 10.5 5. 1082800200197 9.1 0.3 40. 97. 5.35441082800200198 8.5 12.8 6. 1082800200199 9.1 0.3 42. 99. 5.35521082800200200 8.7 10.8 7. 1082800200201 9.1 0.3 43. 104. 2.66651082800200202 19.5 31.5 9. 1082800200203 9.1 0.3 44. 103. 2.70141082800200204 12.6 14.2 8. 1082800200205 9.1 0.3 45. 105. 1.01651082800200206 13.7 17.0 10. 1082800200207 9.1 0.3 46. 112. 0.29171082800200208 6.8 8.5 12. 1082800200209 9.1 0.3 47. 111. 0.30641082800200210 7.1 8.8 11. 1082800200211 9.1 0.3 48. 115. 0.24221082800200212 7.0 8.7 13. 1082800200213 9.1 0.3 48. 115. 0.01531082800200214 32.3 33.1 14. 1082800200215 9.1 0.3 50. 128. 0.82781082800200216 13.3 22.0 16. 1082800200217 9.1 0.3 51. 127. 0.80831082800200218 9.3 12.2 15. 1082800200219 9.1 0.3 51. 130. 1.04431082800200220 12.3 20.7 17. 1082800200221 9.1 0.3 52. 132. 3.96481082800200222 8.9 11.1 18. 1082800200223 9.1 0.3 53. 133. 5.63981082800200224 12.7 18.1 19. 1082800200225 9.1 0.3 55. 136. 0.06231082800200226 7.4 10.4 20. 1082800200227 9.1 0.3 55. 137. 5.39871082800200228 11.6 15.1 21. 1082800200229 9.1 0.3 56. 140. 4.70901082800200230 9.2 11.3 22. 1082800200231 9.1 0.3 57. 142. 5.50381082800200232 13.3 22.9 24. 1082800200233 9.1 0.3 58. 141. 4.57501082800200234 9.0 12.9 23. 1082800200235 9.1 0.3 58. 143. 4.38951082800200236 9.2 13.5 25. 1082800200237 9.1 0.3 58. 144. 3.61561082800200238 9.5 13.3 26. 1082800200239 9.1 0.3 60. 147. 1.87211082800200240 11.9 14.9 27. 1082800200241 9.1 0.3 61. 151. 0.37041082800200242 45.8 47.5 28. 1082800200243 9.1 0.3 63. 156. 0.03811082800200244 13.1 15.6 29. 1082800200245 ENDDATA 236 0 1082800200246 ENDSUBENT 245 0 1082800299999 SUBENT 10828003 20240913 15131082800300001 BIB 2 3 1082800300002 REACTION (92-U-238(N,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,FY) 1082800300003 SAMPLE (92-U-238,ENR=0.9980) 1082800300004 (92-U-235,ENR=0.0020) 1082800300005 ENDBIB 3 0 1082800300006 NOCOMMON 0 0 1082800300007 DATA 9 116 1082800300008 EN EN-RSL-FW ELEMENT MASS ISOMER DATA 1082800300009 DATA-ERR1 DATA-ERR2 DECAY-FLAG 1082800300010 MEV MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM PC/FIS 1082800300011 PER-CENT PER-CENT NO-DIM 1082800300012 6.0 0.5 35. 84. 0. 0.76711082800300013 51.2 55.5 1. 1082800300014 6.0 0.5 36. 87. 1.54471082800300015 21.1 23.4 2. 1082800300016 6.0 0.5 38. 89. 2.68251082800300017 5.4 7.4 3. 1082800300018 6.0 0.5 38. 91. 3.91981082800300019 5.9 9.2 4. 1082800300020 6.0 0.5 40. 95. 5.19491082800300021 5.4 7.4 5. 1082800300022 6.0 0.5 40. 97. 5.64231082800300023 5.4 9.3 6. 1082800300024 6.0 0.5 42. 99. 6.25511082800300025 5.4 7.4 7. 1082800300026 6.0 0.5 43. 104. 4.47481082800300027 28.0 34.5 9. 1082800300028 6.0 0.5 44. 103. 5.22711082800300029 5.9 7.8 8. 1082800300030 6.0 0.5 45. 105. 3.98121082800300031 6.8 10.2 10. 1082800300032 6.0 0.5 46. 112. 0.15261082800300033 6.1 7.9 12. 1082800300034 6.0 0.5 47. 111. 0.19331082800300035 5.4 7.4 11. 1082800300036 6.0 0.5 48. 115. 0. 0.10261082800300037 5.4 7.4 13. 1082800300038 6.0 0.5 48. 115. 1. 0.02161082800300039 39.0 39.6 14. 1082800300040 6.0 0.5 50. 128. 0.47451082800300041 26.1 30.2 16. 1082800300042 6.0 0.5 51. 127. 0.57871082800300043 50.3 50.8 15. 1082800300044 6.0 0.5 51. 130. 0. 0.59611082800300045 21.7 26.4 17. 1082800300046 6.0 0.5 52. 132. 4.19811082800300047 5.7 7.6 18. 1082800300048 6.0 0.5 53. 133. 6.13231082800300049 11.4 15.2 19. 1082800300050 6.0 0.5 55. 136. 0.02201082800300051 60.9 61.3 20. 1082800300052 6.0 0.5 55. 137. 5.36441082800300053 15.1 16.9 21. 1082800300054 6.0 0.5 56. 140. 5.38361082800300055 5.4 7.4 22. 1082800300056 6.0 0.5 57. 142. 4.42611082800300057 12.1 19.4 24. 1082800300058 6.0 0.5 58. 141. 4.71881082800300059 5.4 8.9 23. 1082800300060 6.0 0.5 58. 143. 4.33291082800300061 8.7 11.6 25. 1082800300062 6.0 0.5 58. 144. 4.32561082800300063 5.6 9.0 26. 1082800300064 6.0 0.5 60. 147. 2.54901082800300065 5.4 8.9 27. 1082800300066 6.0 0.5 61. 151. 1.68581082800300067 45.0 46.1 28. 1082800300068 6.0 0.5 63. 156. 0.10471082800300069 5.6 9.4 29. 1082800300070 7.1 0.3 35. 84. 1.07001082800300071 34.3 40.3 1. 1082800300072 7.1 0.3 36. 87. 1.84061082800300073 12.0 15.7 2. 1082800300074 7.1 0.3 38. 89. 2.57001082800300075 5.5 7.5 3. 1082800300076 7.1 0.3 38. 91. 4.14021082800300077 6.0 9.3 4. 1082800300078 7.1 0.3 40. 95. 5.19071082800300079 5.5 7.5 5. 1082800300080 7.1 0.3 40. 97. 5.54061082800300081 5.5 9.4 6. 1082800300082 7.1 0.3 42. 99. 6.08151082800300083 5.5 7.5 7. 1082800300084 7.1 0.3 43. 104. 4.51121082800300085 15.9 25.9 9. 1082800300086 7.1 0.3 44. 103. 5.91561082800300087 6.8 8.5 8. 1082800300088 7.1 0.3 45. 105. 3.49191082800300089 6.8 10.2 10. 1082800300090 7.1 0.3 46. 112. 0.13931082800300091 5.7 7.6 12. 1082800300092 7.1 0.3 47. 111. 0.17311082800300093 5.5 7.4 11. 1082800300094 7.1 0.3 48. 115. 0.09811082800300095 5.8 7.7 13. 1082800300096 7.1 0.3 48. 115. 0.02261082800300097 31.4 32.1 14. 1082800300098 7.1 0.3 50. 128. 0.44161082800300099 12.1 19.5 16. 1082800300100 7.1 0.3 51. 127. 1.00651082800300101 50.3 50.8 15. 1082800300102 7.1 0.3 51. 130. 0.61611082800300103 14.4 20.8 17. 1082800300104 7.1 0.3 52. 132. 4.48891082800300105 5.7 7.6 18. 1082800300106 7.1 0.3 53. 133. 6.83911082800300107 8.7 13.4 19. 1082800300108 7.1 0.3 55. 136. 0.01661082800300109 32.2 33.0 20. 1082800300110 7.1 0.3 55. 137. 2.65931082800300111 44.5 45.2 21. 1082800300112 7.1 0.3 56. 140. 5.34581082800300113 5.5 7.5 22. 1082800300114 7.1 0.3 57. 142. 4.76171082800300115 9.6 18.0 24. 1082800300116 7.1 0.3 58. 141. 4.73721082800300117 5.5 9.0 23. 1082800300118 7.1 0.3 58. 143. 4.69131082800300119 6.0 9.7 25. 1082800300120 7.1 0.3 58. 144. 5.07951082800300121 5.8 9.1 26. 1082800300122 7.1 0.3 60. 147. 2.57561082800300123 5.5 9.0 27. 1082800300124 7.1 0.3 61. 151. 0.70151082800300125 27.9 29.7 28. 1082800300126 7.1 0.3 63. 156. 0.07731082800300127 6.2 9.8 29. 1082800300128 8.1 0.4 35. 84. 1.11021082800300129 33.0 39.8 1. 1082800300130 8.1 0.4 36. 87. 1.73951082800300131 15.0 18.5 2. 1082800300132 8.1 0.4 38. 89. 2.61251082800300133 6.4 8.4 3. 1082800300134 8.1 0.4 38. 91. 3.77171082800300135 6.6 10.0 4. 1082800300136 8.1 0.4 40. 95. 4.98101082800300137 6.0 8.1 5. 1082800300138 8.1 0.4 40. 97. 5.39681082800300139 5.9 10.1 6. 1082800300140 8.1 0.4 42. 99. 6.06231082800300141 5.9 8.0 7. 1082800300142 8.1 0.4 43. 104. 4.56111082800300143 16.3 27.4 9. 1082800300144 8.1 0.4 44. 103. 5.21951082800300145 7.3 9.2 8. 1082800300146 8.1 0.4 45. 105. 3.56431082800300147 7.4 10.9 10. 1082800300148 8.1 0.4 46. 112. 0.16881082800300149 6.9 8.6 12. 1082800300150 8.1 0.4 47. 111. 0.19451082800300151 6.9 8.6 11. 1082800300152 8.1 0.4 48. 115. 0.12291082800300153 6.0 7.9 13. 1082800300154 8.1 0.4 48. 115. 0.01231082800300155 32.3 33.1 14. 1082800300156 8.1 0.4 50. 128. 0.46041082800300157 12.9 20.9 16. 1082800300158 8.1 0.4 51. 127. 0.53901082800300159 51.1 51.6 15. 1082800300160 8.1 0.4 51. 130. 0.73261082800300161 11.6 19.3 17. 1082800300162 8.1 0.4 52. 132. 4.66211082800300163 5.9 8.1 18. 1082800300164 8.1 0.4 53. 133. 6.71321082800300165 9.9 14.6 19. 1082800300166 8.1 0.4 55. 136. 0.01051082800300167 27.8 28.7 20. 1082800300168 8.1 0.4 55. 137. 3.81481082800300169 18.4 20.2 21. 1082800300170 8.1 0.4 56. 140. 5.14551082800300171 6.0 8.2 22. 1082800300172 8.1 0.4 57. 142. 4.67221082800300173 33.9 37.6 24. 1082800300174 8.1 0.4 58. 141. 4.61971082800300175 5.9 9.7 23. 1082800300176 8.1 0.4 58. 143. 4.77491082800300177 5.9 10.1 25. 1082800300178 8.1 0.4 58. 144. 4.33961082800300179 6.0 9.7 26. 1082800300180 8.1 0.4 60. 147. 2.62851082800300181 6.4 9.9 27. 1082800300182 8.1 0.4 61. 151. 0.82081082800300183 13.5 17.3 28. 1082800300184 8.1 0.4 63. 156. 0.07701082800300185 11.8 14.3 29. 1082800300186 9.1 0.3 35. 84. 0.89411082800300187 31.8 39.9 1. 1082800300188 9.1 0.3 36. 87. 1.90901082800300189 18.3 21.7 2. 1082800300190 9.1 0.3 38. 89. 2.41761082800300191 9.1 10.9 3. 1082800300192 9.1 0.3 38. 91. 4.02001082800300193 7.8 11.2 4. 1082800300194 9.1 0.3 40. 95. 4.98781082800300195 7.3 9.4 5. 1082800300196 9.1 0.3 40. 97. 5.28201082800300197 7.3 11.5 6. 1082800300198 9.1 0.3 42. 99. 5.97581082800300199 7.2 9.3 7. 1082800300200 9.1 0.3 43. 104. 4.51041082800300201 12.6 27.3 9. 1082800300202 9.1 0.3 44. 103. 4.87411082800300203 10.5 12.1 8. 1082800300204 9.1 0.3 45. 105. 2.65641082800300205 11.9 14.9 10. 1082800300206 9.1 0.3 46. 112. 0.22251082800300207 8.5 10.0 12. 1082800300208 9.1 0.3 47. 111. 0.26871082800300209 8.3 9.9 11. 1082800300210 9.1 0.3 48. 115. 0.16871082800300211 6.8 8.5 13. 1082800300212 9.1 0.3 48. 115. 0.02211082800300213 32.4 33.1 14. 1082800300214 9.1 0.3 50. 128. 0.56711082800300215 15.2 23.0 16. 1082800300216 9.1 0.3 51. 127. 0.51131082800300217 17.1 18.5 15. 1082800300218 9.1 0.3 51. 130. 0.75241082800300219 15.7 22.2 17. 1082800300220 9.1 0.3 52. 132. 4.30101082800300221 7.3 9.5 18. 1082800300222 9.1 0.3 53. 133. 6.30751082800300223 10.9 16.0 19. 1082800300224 9.1 0.3 55. 136. 0.01721082800300225 97.2 97.5 20. 1082800300226 9.1 0.3 55. 137. 5.33481082800300227 16.7 18.9 21. 1082800300228 9.1 0.3 56. 140. 4.98241082800300229 7.6 9.7 22. 1082800300230 9.1 0.3 57. 142. 4.70601082800300231 11.6 21.2 24. 1082800300232 9.1 0.3 58. 141. 4.40501082800300233 7.3 11.2 23. 1082800300234 9.1 0.3 58. 143. 4.37021082800300235 7.4 11.6 25. 1082800300236 9.1 0.3 58. 144. 4.27171082800300237 7.3 11.1 26. 1082800300238 9.1 0.3 60. 147. 2.43781082800300239 8.9 12.2 27. 1082800300240 9.1 0.3 61. 151. 1.04071082800300241 55.0 56.2 28. 1082800300242 9.1 0.3 63. 156. 0.08341082800300243 14.1 16.5 29. 1082800300244 ENDDATA 236 0 1082800300245 ENDSUBENT 244 0 1082800399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 1082899999999