ENTRY            10855   20200229                             14641085500000001 
SUBENT        10855001   20200229                             14641085500100001 
BIB                 12         23                                 1085500100002 
INSTITUTE  (1USAYAL)                                              1085500100003 
REFERENCE  (C,80SANTA,,389,1980)                                  1085500100004 
           (T,AHMED,198105)                                       1085500100005 
AUTHOR     (M.Ahmed,F.W.K.Firk)                                   1085500100006 
TITLE      Polarization effects in the small-angle scattering of  1085500100007 
            fast neutrons by bismuth.                             1085500100008 
FACILITY   (LINAC,1USAYAL) Yale electron linac                    1085500100009 
INC-SOURCE (POLNS) Polarized neutrons produced by scatter from    1085500100010 
            graphite through an angle of 50 degr.                 1085500100011 
           Beam polarization not given.                           1085500100012 
METHOD     (TOF)                                                  1085500100013 
DETECTOR   (SCIN) Array of plastic scintillators with             1085500100014 
            photomultipliers.                                     1085500100015 
MONITOR    Energy scale calibrated using well-known neutron       1085500100016 
            resonances in 12-C elastic scattering.                1085500100017 
CORRECTION Corrected for multiple scattering, finite-geometry     1085500100018 
            effects.                                              1085500100019 
STATUS     No reply to author proof.                              1085500100020 
           Numerical data probably from Ahmed, May 1981           1085500100021 
            (compiler's comment, Jan.2020)                        1085500100022 
HISTORY    (19830519C)                                            1085500100023 
           (20200124U) OS. Updated ERR-ANALYS, STATUS. Converted  1085500100024 
            to lower case. Minor BIB changes                      1085500100025 
ENDBIB              23          0                                 1085500100026 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1085500100027 
ENDSUBENT           26          0                                 1085500199999 
SUBENT        10855002   20200229                             14641085500200001 
BIB                  2          4                                 1085500200002 
REACTION   (83-BI-209(N,EL)83-BI-209,,POL/DA,,ANA)                1085500200003 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty given.                 1085500200004 
            Systematic error is, typically, about 15%             1085500200005 
            of statistical uncertainty.                           1085500200006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 1085500200007 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1085500200008 
DATA                 4         48                                 1085500200009 
EN         ANG        DATA       ERR-S                            1085500200010 
MEV        ADEG       NO-DIM     NO-DIM                           1085500200011 
 2.16       3.1       -0.358      0.061                           1085500200012 
 2.16       4.0       -0.265      0.022                           1085500200013 
 2.16       5.0       -0.237      0.038                           1085500200014 
 2.16       6.5       -0.138      0.016                           1085500200015 
 2.16       7.5       -0.143      0.047                           1085500200016 
 2.16      10.0       -0.071      0.016                           1085500200017 
 2.16      12.0       -0.052      0.031                           1085500200018 
 2.16      13.0       -0.031      0.008                           1085500200019 
 2.16      15.0       -0.005      0.005                           1085500200020 
 2.16      18.0        0.005      0.006                           1085500200021 
 2.16      20.0        0.012      0.019                           1085500200022 
 2.16      30.0        0.040      0.008                           1085500200023 
 2.57       3.1       -0.373      0.025                           1085500200024 
 2.57       4.0       -0.285      0.008                           1085500200025 
 2.57       5.0       -0.215      0.010                           1085500200026 
 2.57       6.5       -0.164      0.005                           1085500200027 
 2.57       7.5       -0.144      0.010                           1085500200028 
 2.57      10.0       -0.117      0.006                           1085500200029 
 2.57      12.0       -0.078      0.015                           1085500200030 
 2.57      13.0       -0.063      0.006                           1085500200031 
 2.57      15.0       -0.045      0.003                           1085500200032 
 2.57      18.0       -0.035      0.004                           1085500200033 
 2.57      20.0       -0.033      0.012                           1085500200034 
 2.57      30.0       -0.012      0.006                           1085500200035 
 3.5        3.1       -0.652      0.172                           1085500200036 
 3.5        4.0       -0.285      0.024                           1085500200037 
 3.5        5.0       -0.193      0.036                           1085500200038 
 3.5        6.5       -0.176      0.013                           1085500200039 
 3.5        7.5       -0.135      0.026                           1085500200040 
 3.5       10.0       -0.145      0.009                           1085500200041 
 3.5       12.0       -0.096      0.025                           1085500200042 
 3.5       13.0       -0.086      0.009                           1085500200043 
 3.5       15.0       -0.087      0.009                           1085500200044 
 3.5       18.0       -0.079      0.009                           1085500200045 
 3.5       20.0       -0.077      0.031                           1085500200046 
 3.5       30.0       -0.076      0.015                           1085500200047 
 4.5        3.1       -0.414      0.072                           1085500200048 
 4.5        4.0       -0.231      0.026                           1085500200049 
 4.5        5.0       -0.199      0.044                           1085500200050 
 4.5        6.5       -0.143      0.014                           1085500200051 
 4.5        7.5       -0.120      0.046                           1085500200052 
 4.5       10.0       -0.126      0.011                           1085500200053 
 4.5       12.0       -0.118      0.033                           1085500200054 
 4.5       13.0       -0.090      0.024                           1085500200055 
 4.5       15.0       -0.084      0.008                           1085500200056 
 4.5       18.0       -0.079      0.009                           1085500200057 
 4.5       20.0       -0.075      0.027                           1085500200058 
 4.5       30.0       -0.082      0.011                           1085500200059 
ENDDATA             50          0                                 1085500200060 
ENDSUBENT           59          0                                 1085500299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 1085599999999