ENTRY            10892   20200229                             14641089200000001 
SUBENT        10892001   20200229                             14641089200100001 
BIB                 14         54                                 1089200100002 
INSTITUTE  (1USALAS,1USATAM,1USATEX,1USANMX,2SWTGVE)              1089200100003 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,26,2525,1982)                                  1089200100004 
           (J,PRL,36,497,1976)                                    1089200100005 
           ((R,LA-7733,1979)=(T,EVANS,1979))                      1089200100006 
AUTHOR     (M.L.Evans,G.Glass,J.C.Hiebert,M.Jain,R.A.Kenefick,    1089200100007 
            L.C.Northcliffe,B.E.Bonner,J.E.Simmons,C.W.Bjork,     1089200100008 
            P.J.Riley,H.C.Bryant,C.G.Cassapakis,B.Dieterle,       1089200100009 
            C.P.Leavitt,D.M.Wolfe,D.W.Werren)                     1089200100010 
TITLE      Differential cross section for n-p elastic scattering  1089200100011 
            in the angular range 51 deg. to 180 deg. at 647.5 MeV.1089200100012 
FACILITY   (MESON,1USALAS) Los Alamos meson physics facility      1089200100013 
INC-SOURCE (P-D) Protons on deuterium with steel collimator       1089200100014 
SAMPLE     Liquid hydrogen with refrigeration system. Surrounded  1089200100015 
            with 0.013-mm aluminized mylar, vacuum space, and     1089200100016 
            mylar jacket.                                         1089200100017 
DETECTOR   (TELES,SCIN,SCIN) Differential range telescope with 4  1089200100018 
            scintillation counters and copper absorbers used to   1089200100019 
            detect scattered protons. Neutron flux monitored with 1089200100020 
            two telescopes looking at a polyethylene scatterer,   1089200100021 
            each using two scintillation counters separated by    1089200100022 
            copper absorbers.                                     1089200100023 
           (MAGSP) Magnetic spectrometer system using four multi- 1089200100024 
            wire proportional counters and three scintillation    1089200100025 
            detectors used to detect scattered protons            1089200100026 
MONITOR    Absolute normalization uses known cross sections for   1089200100027 
            neutron-proton collisions yielding deuterium and      1089200100028 
            neutral pions.                                        1089200100029 
METHOD     (TOF) Magnetic spectrometer used to obtain time of     1089200100030 
            flight information for scattered protons. Background  1089200100031 
            measured using empty target. Computer program KIOWA   1089200100032 
            used to derive cross sections from raw data. Since    1089200100033 
            monitor only good for angles less than 13.2-degrees,  1089200100034 
            average value of absolute normalization to dual-flux- 1089200100035 
            monitor-counts ratio used for relative normalization  1089200100036 
            of larger angles.                                     1089200100037 
CORRECTION Cross sections generated by computer program KIOWA     1089200100038 
            corrected for proton and deuteron absorption in       1089200100039 
            spectrometer system.                                  1089200100040 
ERR-ANALYS Errors in angles due to systematic errors in           1089200100041 
            -spectrometer alignment                               1089200100042 
            -multiple scattering and geometric resolution effects 1089200100043 
             in spectrometer                                      1089200100044 
            -multiple scattering of protons in target and         1089200100045 
             scintillators                                        1089200100046 
           (ERR-S) Only statistical errors are quoted,            1089200100047 
            does not include                                      1089200100048 
           (ERR-1) normalization uncertainty of 7%.               1089200100049 
STATUS     (APRVD) Approved by M.L.Evans, 80/1/28.                1089200100050 
           (TABLE) Table I, Phys.Rev.C26,2525,1982                1089200100051 
HISTORY    (19791211C)                                            1089200100052 
           (19830620A) BIB  update                                1089200100053 
           (20200204A) OS. Heading in sub.2 changed, ERR-ANALYS,  1089200100054 
            STATUS updated, converted to lower case,              1089200100055 
            minor BIB changes                                     1089200100056 
ENDBIB              54          0                                 1089200100057 
COMMON               2          3                                 1089200100058 
EN         ERR-1                                                  1089200100059 
MEV        PER-CENT                                               1089200100060 
 647.5      7.                                                    1089200100061 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 1089200100062 
ENDSUBENT           61          0                                 1089200199999 
SUBENT        10892002   20200229                             14641089200200001 
BIB                  2          2                                 1089200200002 
REACTION   (1-H-1(N,EL)1-H-1,,DA)                                 1089200200003 
HISTORY    (20200204A) Changed DATA -> DATA-CM                    1089200200004 
ENDBIB               2          0                                 1089200200005 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1089200200006 
DATA                 3        146                                 1089200200007 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    ERR-S                                       1089200200008 
ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                                       1089200200009 
  51.1      3.16       0.12                                       1089200200010 
  51.7      3.19       0.11                                       1089200200011 
  52.3      3.06       0.11                                       1089200200012 
  52.9      2.87       0.11                                       1089200200013 
  53.4      2.92       0.10                                       1089200200014 
  54.0      2.78       0.10                                       1089200200015 
  54.6      2.82       0.10                                       1089200200016 
  55.2      2.80       0.10                                       1089200200017 
  58.7      2.22       0.08                                       1089200200018 
  59.3      2.39       0.09                                       1089200200019 
  59.8      2.13       0.08                                       1089200200020 
  60.4      2.27       0.08                                       1089200200021 
  61.0      2.18       0.08                                       1089200200022 
  61.6      2.11       0.08                                       1089200200023 
  62.2      2.13       0.08                                       1089200200024 
  62.8      2.08       0.08                                       1089200200025 
  63.4      2.05       0.08                                       1089200200026 
  63.8      1.83       0.08                                       1089200200027 
  64.4      1.69       0.08                                       1089200200028 
  65.0      1.75       0.07                                       1089200200029 
  65.6      1.79       0.08                                       1089200200030 
  66.2      1.85       0.08                                       1089200200031 
  66.8      1.70       0.07                                       1089200200032 
  67.4      1.71       0.08                                       1089200200033 
  68.0      1.60       0.07                                       1089200200034 
  68.6      1.68       0.07                                       1089200200035 
  72.1      1.54       0.06                                       1089200200036 
  72.7      1.41       0.06                                       1089200200037 
  73.3      1.36       0.06                                       1089200200038 
  73.9      1.46       0.06                                       1089200200039 
  74.5      1.39       0.06                                       1089200200040 
  75.1      1.34       0.06                                       1089200200041 
  75.7      1.18       0.06                                       1089200200042 
  76.4      1.21       0.06                                       1089200200043 
  77.0      1.25       0.06                                       1089200200044 
  77.6      1.21       0.06                                       1089200200045 
  81.7      0.98       0.05                                       1089200200046 
  82.4      1.03       0.05                                       1089200200047 
  83.0      1.01       0.05                                       1089200200048 
  83.6      1.03       0.05                                       1089200200049 
  84.3      0.91       0.05                                       1089200200050 
  84.9      1.02       0.05                                       1089200200051 
  85.5      0.87       0.04                                       1089200200052 
  86.1      0.81       0.05                                       1089200200053 
  86.8      0.83       0.05                                       1089200200054 
  87.7      0.79       0.05                                       1089200200055 
  88.4      0.90       0.05                                       1089200200056 
  89.0      0.87       0.04                                       1089200200057 
  89.7      0.86       0.04                                       1089200200058 
  90.3      0.83       0.04                                       1089200200059 
  90.9      0.81       0.04                                       1089200200060 
  91.6      0.73       0.04                                       1089200200061 
  92.2      0.78       0.04                                       1089200200062 
  92.9      0.77       0.04                                       1089200200063 
  93.5      0.77       0.04                                       1089200200064 
  94.7      0.73       0.05                                       1089200200065 
  95.4      0.69       0.04                                       1089200200066 
  96.0      0.74       0.04                                       1089200200067 
  96.7      0.70       0.04                                       1089200200068 
  97.3      0.73       0.05                                       1089200200069 
  98.0      0.75       0.04                                       1089200200070 
  98.6      0.69       0.04                                       1089200200071 
  99.3      0.72       0.04                                       1089200200072 
 104.8      0.70       0.03                                       1089200200073 
 105.5      0.75       0.04                                       1089200200074 
 106.2      0.71       0.04                                       1089200200075 
 106.8      0.73       0.04                                       1089200200076 
 107.5      0.76       0.04                                       1089200200077 
 108.2      0.75       0.04                                       1089200200078 
 108.8      0.75       0.04                                       1089200200079 
 109.5      0.83       0.04                                       1089200200080 
 110.2      0.84       0.04                                       1089200200081 
 110.8      0.72       0.04                                       1089200200082 
 112.2      0.70       0.04                                       1089200200083 
 112.9      0.79       0.04                                       1089200200084 
 113.6      0.77       0.04                                       1089200200085 
 114.3      0.85       0.04                                       1089200200086 
 114.9      0.80       0.04                                       1089200200087 
 115.6      0.75       0.04                                       1089200200088 
 116.3      0.89       0.04                                       1089200200089 
 117.0      0.77       0.04                                       1089200200090 
 117.6      0.80       0.04                                       1089200200091 
 118.3      0.77       0.04                                       1089200200092 
 123.6      0.96       0.05                                       1089200200093 
 124.2      1.00       0.05                                       1089200200094 
 124.9      1.01       0.05                                       1089200200095 
 125.6      1.00       0.05                                       1089200200096 
 126.3      1.01       0.05                                       1089200200097 
 127.0      1.09       0.05                                       1089200200098 
 127.7      1.11       0.05                                       1089200200099 
 128.4      1.23       0.05                                       1089200200100 
 129.1      1.19       0.05                                       1089200200101 
 130.9      1.21       0.05                                       1089200200102 
 131.6      1.24       0.06                                       1089200200103 
 132.3      1.31       0.06                                       1089200200104 
 133.0      1.31       0.06                                       1089200200105 
 133.7      1.38       0.06                                       1089200200106 
 134.4      1.41       0.06                                       1089200200107 
 135.1      1.47       0.06                                       1089200200108 
 135.8      1.51       0.06                                       1089200200109 
 136.5      1.44       0.06                                       1089200200110 
 137.2      1.52       0.06                                       1089200200111 
 139.4      1.65       0.06                                       1089200200112 
 140.1      1.72       0.06                                       1089200200113 
 140.8      1.91       0.07                                       1089200200114 
 141.5      1.98       0.07                                       1089200200115 
 142.2      1.99       0.07                                       1089200200116 
 142.9      2.00       0.07                                       1089200200117 
 143.6      2.06       0.07                                       1089200200118 
 144.3      2.15       0.07                                       1089200200119 
 145.1      2.20       0.07                                       1089200200120 
 145.8      2.19       0.07                                       1089200200121 
 152.0      2.78       0.09                                       1089200200122 
 152.7      3.09       0.09                                       1089200200123 
 153.4      2.89       0.09                                       1089200200124 
 154.2      3.13       0.09                                       1089200200125 
 154.9      3.03       0.09                                       1089200200126 
 155.6      3.17       0.09                                       1089200200127 
 156.3      3.16       0.09                                       1089200200128 
 157.0      3.25       0.10                                       1089200200129 
 159.4      3.64       0.13                                       1089200200130 
 160.1      3.69       0.13                                       1089200200131 
 160.8      3.63       0.13                                       1089200200132 
 161.6      3.86       0.13                                       1089200200133 
 162.3      3.84       0.13                                       1089200200134 
 163.0      3.98       0.14                                       1089200200135 
 163.7      4.18       0.14                                       1089200200136 
 164.5      4.14       0.14                                       1089200200137 
 165.2      4.17       0.14                                       1089200200138 
 168.5      4.77       0.17                                       1089200200139 
 169.2      4.98       0.17                                       1089200200140 
 170.0      5.50       0.18                                       1089200200141 
 170.7      5.64       0.18                                       1089200200142 
 171.4      5.86       0.18                                       1089200200143 
 172.1      6.53       0.19                                       1089200200144 
 172.9      6.36       0.19                                       1089200200145 
 173.6      7.10       0.20                                       1089200200146 
 174.3      7.15       0.20                                       1089200200147 
 174.5      7.35       0.16                                       1089200200148 
 175.2      7.77       0.08                                       1089200200149 
 176.0      8.34       0.08                                       1089200200150 
 176.7      8.59       0.07                                       1089200200151 
 177.4      8.73       0.05                                       1089200200152 
 178.2      9.06       0.06                                       1089200200153 
 178.9      9.04       0.08                                       1089200200154 
 179.6      9.19       0.15                                       1089200200155 
ENDDATA            148          0                                 1089200200156 
ENDSUBENT          155          0                                 1089200299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 1089299999999