ENTRY 10916 20230316 15061091600000001 SUBENT 10916001 20230316 15061091600100001 BIB 12 31 1091600100002 TITLE Distribution of radiative strength from neutron 1091600100003 capture by 239-Pu. 1091600100004 AUTHOR (R.E.Chrien,J.Kopecky,H.I.Liou,O.A.Wasson,J.B.Garg, 1091600100005 M.Dritsa) 1091600100006 REFERENCE (J,NP/A,436,205,1985) 1091600100007 #doi:10.1016/0375-9474(85)90196-4 1091600100008 (C,70HELSINKI,1,377,1970) Preliminary results. 1091600100009 REL-REF (R,,M.R.Schromorak,J,ND/B,20,165,1977) Energy levels of1091600100010 240Pu. 1091600100011 INSTITUTE (1USABNL,1USAALB,2GRCATH) 1091600100012 FACILITY (CHOPF,1USABNL) BNL fast chopper at High Flux Beam 1091600100013 Reactor (HFBR). 1091600100014 SAMPLE (94-PU-239,ENR=0.96) 84 grams of 96 percent Pu-239. 1091600100015 DETECTOR (GELI) GeLi and intrinsic GeLi detectors. 1091600100016 METHOD (TRN) A large sample of 239Pu was placed at the 22 1091600100017 and 48 m stations of the BNL fast chopper at beam H2 1091600100018 of the BNL HFBR. With rotor speeds of 2500 and 10000 1091600100019 rev/min, the resonance structure from thermal-neutron 1091600100020 energies to about 50 eV could be observed, with 1091600100021 adequate separation of most of the resonances through 1091600100022 that range. 1091600100023 MONITOR (78-PT-195(N,G)78-PT-196,PAR,MLT) Absorption rate 1091600100024 from 11.9 eV resonance. 1091600100025 STATUS (APRVD) Approved by R.E.Chrien, 1985/12/4. 1091600100026 HISTORY (19810616C) 1091600100027 (19851213A) updated as per Nucl.Phys.A 436,205. 1091600100028 (20230316A) BP: Updated to new date formats, lower 1091600100029 case. Corrections according last EXFOR rules and 1091600100030 Dict. Added doi, HELSINKI conference, REL-REF, STATUS, 1091600100031 and METHOD. Updated MONIT units from GAM/PART --> 1091600100032 PRD/INC. 1091600100033 ENDBIB 31 0 1091600100034 COMMON 3 3 1091600100035 EN-NRM E-NRM MONIT 1091600100036 EV KEV PRT/REAC 1091600100037 11.9 7921. 0.048 1091600100038 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1091600100039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 1091600199999 SUBENT 10916002 20230316 15061091600200001 BIB 3 5 1091600200002 REACTION (94-PU-239(N,0),,J) 1091600200003 STATUS (TABLE,,R.E.Chrien+,J,NP/A,436,205,1985) 1091600200004 page 209 of J,NP/A,436,205,1985. 1091600200005 HISTORY (20230316A) BP: Corrected EN-RES value from 41.7 to 1091600200006 41.8 eV, added STATUS. 1091600200007 ENDBIB 5 0 1091600200008 NOCOMMON 0 0 1091600200009 DATA 2 2 1091600200010 EN-RES DATA 1091600200011 EV NO-DIM 1091600200012 0.3 1. 1091600200013 41.8 1. 1091600200014 ENDDATA 4 0 1091600200015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 1091600299999 SUBENT 10916003 20230316 15061091600300001 BIB 5 6 1091600300002 REACTION (94-PU-239(N,G),PAR,WID) 1091600300003 ASSUMED (ASSUM,94-PU-239(N,G),,WID) 1091600300004 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) Systematic uncertainty estimated as 15%. 1091600300005 STATUS (TABLE,,R.E.Chrien+,J,NP/A,436,205,1985) 1091600300006 Table I, page 210 of J,NP/A,436,205,1985. 1091600300007 HISTORY (20230316A) BP: Added STATUS, updated ERR-ANALYS. 1091600300008 ENDBIB 6 0 1091600300009 COMMON 3 3 1091600300010 ASSUM E-ERR ERR-SYS 1091600300011 EV PER-CENT PER-CENT 1091600300012 0.04 15. 15.0 1091600300013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1091600300014 DATA 3 30 1091600300015 EN-RES E DATA 1091600300016 EV KEV MICRO-EV 1091600300017 0.3 6491.2 65. 1091600300018 0.3 5936.3 80. 1091600300019 0.3 5674.6 96. 1091600300020 0.3 5575.2 295. 1091600300021 7.85 5936.3 726. 1091600300022 7.85 5597.3 227. 1091600300023 7.85 5575.2 64. 1091600300024 10.95 5575.2 156. 1091600300025 11.9 5936.3 120. 1091600300026 11.9 5597.3 286. 1091600300027 11.9 5095.4 344. 1091600300028 14.68 5936.3 28. 1091600300029 14.68 5597.3 25. 1091600300030 14.68 5575.2 38. 1091600300031 14.68 5292.3 78. 1091600300032 14.68 5095.4 44. 1091600300033 17.7 5597.3 192. 1091600300034 22.2 5597.3 72. 1091600300035 22.2 5575.2 136. 1091600300036 41.7 6491.2 66. 1091600300037 41.7 5936.3 48. 1091600300038 41.7 5674.6 76. 1091600300039 41.7 5597.3 76. 1091600300040 41.7 5292.3 110. 1091600300041 41.7 5095.4 160. 1091600300042 52.7 5936.3 126. 1091600300043 52.7 5575.2 103. 1091600300044 52.7 5095.4 96. 1091600300045 58. 5936.3 93. 1091600300046 58. 5575.2 99. 1091600300047 ENDDATA 32 0 1091600300048 ENDSUBENT 47 0 1091600399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 1091699999999