ENTRY 11132 20230301 15051113200000001 SUBENT 11132001 20230301 15051113200100001 BIB 9 21 1113200100002 TITLE Absolute activation cross-sections for 14.8 MeV neutron1113200100003 identification of new nuclear species 1113200100004 AUTHOR (D.M.Chittenden, D.G.Gardner) 1113200100005 INSTITUTE (1USAARK) 1113200100006 REFERENCE (P,ORO-367,1,196101) 1113200100007 REL-REF (O,11718001,D.M.Chittenden II+,J,PR,122,860,1961) 1113200100008 54Fe+n cross sections compiled separately 1113200100009 METHOD (ACTIV) 1113200100010 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainty 1113200100011 STATUS (TABLE,,D.M.Chittenden+,P,ORO-367,1,196101) 1113200100012 Data from the text of ORO-367 1113200100013 HISTORY (19760924T) Translated from SCISRS 1113200100014 (19800814A) converted to REACTION formalism 1113200100015 (19870204A) BIB update. Energy moved to subentry 1. 1113200100016 (20120412A) SD:Updated to new date formats,lower case. 1113200100017 corrected according to last EXFOR rules and Dict. 1113200100018 Number of report in ref. corrected (61 => 60). 1113200100019 (20140413U) SD: Code of report was changed 1113200100020 (A-ARK-60 -> ORO-367). 1113200100021 (20230301D) On. 002, 006-023 deleted. Not seen in ref. 1113200100022 (20230301A) On. Major alterations in 003-005. 1113200100023 ENDBIB 21 0 1113200100024 NOCOMMON 0 0 1113200100025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 1113200199999 NOSUBENT 11132002 20230301 15051113200200001 SUBENT 11132003 20230301 15051113200300001 BIB 3 3 1113200300002 REACTION (24-CR-50(N,2N)24-CR-49,,SIG) 1113200300003 SAMPLE Enriched 50Cr 1113200300004 HISTORY (20230301A) On. Published numbers in mb adopted. 1113200300005 ENDBIB 3 0 1113200300006 NOCOMMON 0 0 1113200300007 DATA 3 1 1113200300008 EN DATA DATA-ERR 1113200300009 MEV MB MB 1113200300010 14.8 18.8 1.9 1113200300011 ENDDATA 3 0 1113200300012 ENDSUBENT 11 0 1113200399999 SUBENT 11132004 20230301 15051113200400001 BIB 3 3 1113200400002 REACTION (24-CR-52(N,P)23-V-52,,SIG) 1113200400003 SAMPLE (24-CR-52,NAT=0.83) 1113200400004 HISTORY (20230301A) On. Published numbers in mb adopted. 1113200400005 ENDBIB 3 0 1113200400006 NOCOMMON 0 0 1113200400007 DATA 3 1 1113200400008 EN DATA DATA-ERR 1113200400009 MEV B B 1113200400010 14.8 82.7 9.0 1113200400011 ENDDATA 3 0 1113200400012 ENDSUBENT 11 0 1113200499999 SUBENT 11132005 20230301 15051113200500001 BIB 3 3 1113200500002 REACTION (24-CR-53(N,P)23-V-53,,SIG) 1113200500003 SAMPLE Enriched 53Cr 1113200500004 HISTORY (20230301A) On. Published numbers in mb adopted. 1113200500005 ENDBIB 3 0 1113200500006 NOCOMMON 0 0 1113200500007 DATA 3 1 1113200500008 EN DATA DATA-ERR 1113200500009 MEV B B 1113200500010 14.8 37.3 3.7 1113200500011 ENDDATA 3 0 1113200500012 ENDSUBENT 11 0 1113200599999 NOSUBENT 11132006 20230301 15051113200600001 NOSUBENT 11132007 20230301 15051113200700001 NOSUBENT 11132008 20230301 15051113200800001 NOSUBENT 11132009 20230301 15051113200900001 NOSUBENT 11132010 20230301 15051113201000001 NOSUBENT 11132011 20230301 15051113201100001 NOSUBENT 11132012 20230301 15051113201200001 NOSUBENT 11132013 20230301 15051113201300001 NOSUBENT 11132014 20230301 15051113201400001 NOSUBENT 11132015 20230301 15051113201500001 NOSUBENT 11132016 20230301 15051113201600001 NOSUBENT 11132017 20230301 15051113201700001 NOSUBENT 11132018 20230301 15051113201800001 NOSUBENT 11132019 20230301 15051113201900001 NOSUBENT 11132020 20230301 15051113202000001 NOSUBENT 11132021 20230301 15051113202100001 NOSUBENT 11132022 20230301 15051113202200001 NOSUBENT 11132023 20230301 15051113202300001 ENDENTRY 23 0 1113299999999