ENTRY            11139   20210317                             14831113900000001 
SUBENT        11139001   20210317                             14831113900100001 
BIB                  8         29                                 1113900100002 
TITLE      The Slow Neutron Cross Sections of Indium, Gold,       1113900100003 
           Silver, Antimony, Lithium, and Mercury as Measured     1113900100004 
           with a Neutron Beam Spectrometer                       1113900100005 
AUTHOR     (W.W.Havens Jr,J.Rainwater)                            1113900100006 
REFERENCE  (J,PR,70,154,1946)                                     1113900100007 
           #doi:10.1103/PhysRev.70.154                            1113900100008 
INSTITUTE  (1USACOL)                                              1113900100009 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,1USACOL)                                        1113900100010 
METHOD     (TRN,TOF) The variations of the slow neutron           1113900100011 
           transmissions of In, Au, Ag, Sb, Li, and Hg have been  1113900100012 
           investigated as a function of the time-of-flight of    1113900100013 
           the incident neutrons for a 5.4-meter path by use of   1113900100014 
           a neutron beam spectrometer.                           1113900100015 
COMMENT    Compiler's comment: Plots were digitized vs. neutron   1113900100016 
           time of flight in  microsec/meter and converted to     1113900100017 
           energy by compiler using the relation                  1113900100018 
           E = (72.3/t)**2 eV which gives the neutron             1113900100019 
           energy for a timing t, microsec/meter from. Formula    1113900100020 
           was taken from Phys. Rev. 71, 165 (1947) and verified  1113900100021 
           using the method of visual inspection. Transmission    1113900100022 
           data are more reliable, while cross section scale is   1113900100023 
           less obvious.                                          1113900100024 
HISTORY    (19760628T) Translated from SCISRS.                    1113900100025 
           (19800814A) Converted to reaction formalism.           1113900100026 
           (20210317A) BP: Updated to new date formats, lower     1113900100027 
           case. Corrections according last EXFOR rules and       1113900100028 
           Dict. Added thermal cross section data based on cross  1113900100029 
           section curve approximations, sample, method and doi.  1113900100030 
           Digitized the data. Subentries 10-33 were added.       1113900100031 
ENDBIB              29          0                                 1113900100032 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1113900100033 
ENDSUBENT           32          0                                 1113900199999 
SUBENT        11139002   20210317                             14831113900200001 
BIB                  7         31                                 1113900200002 
REACTION   (3-LI-0(N,ABS),,SIG)                                   1113900200003 
REL-REF    (R,,H.H.Goldsmith+,J,PR,50,328,1936)                   1113900200004 
           (R,,G.A.Fink,J,PR,50,738,1936) Fluorine cross sections.1113900200005 
SAMPLE     This salt was tightly packed in an aluminum container  1113900200006 
           such that there were 4.85 g/cm2 of LiF and 0.418       1113900200007 
           g/cm2 of aluminum in the beam for the thicker sample   1113900200008 
           and 0.862 g/cm2 of LiF and 0.418 g/cm2 of aluminum in  1113900200009 
           the beam for the thinner sample. The lithium fluoride  1113900200010 
           was obtained from the City Chemical Corporation and    1113900200011 
           was of analytical reagent grade. The salt was dried    1113900200012 
           at 120 degrees C for 48 hours before being packed in   1113900200013 
           the container.                                         1113900200014 
ANALYSIS   If the cross section of aluminum is assumed to be      1113900200015 
           1.5x10**(-24) cm2/atom, and that of fluorine           1113900200016 
           2.5x10**(-24) cm2/atom and these cross sections are    1113900200017 
           assumed constant over the energy interval studied,     1113900200018 
           then the absorption due to the aluminum and the        1113900200019 
           fluorine will be equivalent to a reduction in the      1113900200020 
           transmission to T=0.938 for the 0.862 g/cm2 sample     1113900200021 
           and to T=0.826 for the 4.85 g/cm2 sample. The          1113900200022 
           experimental results then indicate that the slow       1113900200023 
           neutron cross section of lithium follows a 1/v law     1113900200024 
           and may be expressed as the sum of a constant term     1113900200025 
           and a 1/v term: sigma = [(11.5+- 0.2) *E**-1/2 +       1113900200026 
            (1.7+- 0.2) ]*10**-24 cm2/atom if the cross section   1113900200027 
           of fluorine is assumed to be constant at 2.5x10**24    1113900200028 
           cm2/atom. E is the neutron energy in eV.               1113900200029 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Cross section curve calculations.           1113900200030 
HISTORY    (20210317A) BP: Added sample and analysis, corrected   1113900200031 
           cross section values using formula.                    1113900200032 
STATUS     (TABLE) Page 169.                                      1113900200033 
ENDBIB              31          0                                 1113900200034 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1113900200035 
DATA                 3          1                                 1113900200036 
EN         DATA       DATA-ERR                                    1113900200037 
EV         B          B                                           1113900200038 
   2.53E-02   7.40E+01       1.45                                 1113900200039 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 1113900200040 
ENDSUBENT           39          0                                 1113900299999 
SUBENT        11139003   20210317                             14831113900300001 
BIB                  6         17                                 1113900300002 
REACTION   (3-LI-0(N,TOT),,SIG)                                   1113900300003 
SAMPLE     This salt was tightly packed in an aluminum container  1113900300004 
           such that there were 4.85 g/cm2 of LiF and 0.418       1113900300005 
           g/cm2. The lithium fluoride was obtained from the      1113900300006 
           City Chemical Corporation and was of analytical        1113900300007 
           reagent grade. The salt was dried at 120 degrees C     1113900300008 
           for 48 hours before being packed in the container.     1113900300009 
METHOD     Resolution width was approximately 20 microsec/meter.  1113900300010 
ANALYSIS   Outside resonances, the cross section from the         1113900300011 
           experimental transmission T by using the formula       1113900300012 
           T=exp(-n sigma), where n is the number of atoms per    1113900300013 
           cm2 in the sample.                                     1113900300014 
STATUS     (DEP,11139013)                                         1113900300015 
           (CURVE) Fig. 14, page 168; values converted by         1113900300016 
           compiler as described under the compiler's comment.    1113900300017 
HISTORY    (20210317A) BP: Replaced SCISRS data with plot         1113900300018 
           digitization.                                          1113900300019 
ENDBIB              17          0                                 1113900300020 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1113900300021 
DATA                 2         11                                 1113900300022 
EN         DATA                                                   1113900300023 
EV         B                                                      1113900300024 
     31.696      1.563                                            1113900300025 
     12.474      2.393                                            1113900300026 
      6.767      4.220                                            1113900300027 
      3.420      5.568                                            1113900300028 
      2.715      6.844                                            1113900300029 
      1.950      8.465                                            1113900300030 
      1.525      9.810                                            1113900300031 
      1.145     11.364                                            1113900300032 
      0.784     14.089                                            1113900300033 
      0.647     15.607                                            1113900300034 
      0.553     16.919                                            1113900300035 
ENDDATA             13          0                                 1113900300036 
ENDSUBENT           35          0                                 1113900399999 
SUBENT        11139004   20210317                             14831113900400001 
BIB                  6         22                                 1113900400002 
REACTION   (47-AG-0(N,TOT),,SIG)                                  1113900400003 
SAMPLE     A 19.8 g/cm2 disk of metallic silver was used. A       1113900400004 
           preliminary run on the thin sample in the thermal      1113900400005 
           region gave sufficient data to indicate the thickness  1113900400006 
           of the sample which would give best results in this    1113900400007 
           region. Therefore, the thick sample was cut            1113900400008 
           approximately in half and a sample containing 7.84     1113900400009 
           g/cm2 was used for the rest of the measurements an     1113900400010 
           silver.                                                1113900400011 
METHOD     Resolution width was approximately 50 microsec/meter.  1113900400012 
ANALYSIS   Outside resonances, the cross section from the         1113900400013 
           experimental transmission T by using the formula       1113900400014 
           T=exp(-n sigma), where n is the number of atoms per    1113900400015 
           cm2 in the sample.  Silver cross sections can be       1113900400016 
           expressed as sigma = [(4.2+-0.3) + (0.64+-0.02)*E**(-1/1113900400017 
           2)]x10**(-24) cm2/atom. E is the neutron energy in eV. 1113900400018 
STATUS     (DEP,11139016)                                         1113900400019 
           (CURVE) Fig. 10, page 164; values converted by         1113900400020 
           compiler as described under the compiler's comment.    1113900400021 
HISTORY    (19820107U) BIB update.                                1113900400022 
           (20210317A) BP: Replaced BNL-325 data with plot        1113900400023 
                      digitization.                               1113900400024 
ENDBIB              22          0                                 1113900400025 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1113900400026 
DATA                 2         49                                 1113900400027 
EN         DATA                                                   1113900400028 
EV         B                                                      1113900400029 
    432.879      7.676                                            1113900400030 
     93.878      9.714                                            1113900400031 
     88.902     12.710                                            1113900400032 
     48.581     14.749                                            1113900400033 
     11.067     12.151                                            1113900400034 
     10.907     14.466                                            1113900400035 
      8.703     33.797                                            1113900400036 
      8.084      9.969                                            1113900400037 
      6.838     60.753                                            1113900400038 
      5.235     99.417                                            1113900400039 
      4.342     70.005                                            1113900400040 
      2.766     29.967                                            1113900400041 
      2.670     22.614                                            1113900400042 
      2.284     18.934                                            1113900400043 
      2.064     17.706                                            1113900400044 
      1.705     16.612                                            1113900400045 
      1.367     17.423                                            1113900400046 
      1.005     17.549                                            1113900400047 
      0.771     16.995                                            1113900400048 
      0.723     19.443                                            1113900400049 
      0.531     20.110                                            1113900400050 
      0.457     21.464                                            1113900400051 
      0.436     20.236                                            1113900400052 
      0.334     24.578                                            1113900400053 
      0.246     25.239                                            1113900400054 
      0.204     26.995                                            1113900400055 
      0.165     29.837                                            1113900400056 
      0.136     31.453                                            1113900400057 
      0.119     34.300                                            1113900400058 
      0.098     35.232                                            1113900400059 
      0.084     36.576                                            1113900400060 
      0.074     40.508                                            1113900400061 
      0.065     42.262                                            1113900400062 
      0.057     45.782                                            1113900400063 
      0.051     47.535                                            1113900400064 
      0.045     50.375                                            1113900400065 
      0.037     53.337                                            1113900400066 
      0.033     56.042                                            1113900400067 
      0.032     59.162                                            1113900400068 
      0.028     61.454                                            1113900400069 
      0.026     64.432                                            1113900400070 
      0.024     64.275                                            1113900400071 
      0.022     69.159                                            1113900400072 
      0.020     70.504                                            1113900400073 
      0.019     70.757                                            1113900400074 
      0.018     75.779                                            1113900400075 
      0.017     73.993                                            1113900400076 
      0.016     74.925                                            1113900400077 
      0.015     81.720                                            1113900400078 
ENDDATA             51          0                                 1113900400079 
ENDSUBENT           78          0                                 1113900499999 
SUBENT        11139005   20210317                             14831113900500001 
BIB                  6         17                                 1113900500002 
REACTION   (80-HG-0(N,TOT),,SIG)                                  1113900500003 
SAMPLE     The mercury was U.S.P. XII redistilled - purchased     1113900500004 
           from the Mallinkrodt Chemical Works. For the           1113900500005 
           preliminary investigation of the entire transmission   1113900500006 
           curve of mercury, a sample containing 3.25 g/cm2 of    1113900500007 
           the liquid was used.                                   1113900500008 
METHOD     Resolution width was approximately 100 microsec/meter. 1113900500009 
ANALYSIS   Outside resonances, the cross section from the         1113900500010 
           experimental transmission T by using the formula       1113900500011 
           T=exp(-n sigma), where n is the number of atoms per    1113900500012 
           cm2 in the sample                                      1113900500013 
STATUS     (DEP,11139019)                                         1113900500014 
           (CURVE) Fig. 16, page 169; values converted by         1113900500015 
           compiler as described under the compiler's comment.    1113900500016 
HISTORY    (19820107U) BIB update.                                1113900500017 
           (20210317A) BP: Replaced BNL-325 data with plot        1113900500018 
                      digitization.                               1113900500019 
ENDBIB              17          0                                 1113900500020 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1113900500021 
DATA                 2         33                                 1113900500022 
EN         DATA                                                   1113900500023 
EV         B                                                      1113900500024 
   7661.548     13.106                                            1113900500025 
     72.078     19.348                                            1113900500026 
     67.563     15.603                                            1113900500027 
     16.428     21.220                                            1113900500028 
      7.841     21.220                                            1113900500029 
      3.194     21.220                                            1113900500030 
      2.106     33.078                                            1113900500031 
      1.256     44.936                                            1113900500032 
      0.958     54.922                                            1113900500033 
      0.755     61.787                                            1113900500034 
      0.592     81.759                                            1113900500035 
      0.478     77.390                                            1113900500036 
      0.412     91.121                                            1113900500037 
      0.351     98.610                                            1113900500038 
      0.316    117.333                                            1113900500039 
      0.254    127.319                                            1113900500040 
      0.241    134.809                                            1113900500041 
      0.206    139.177                                            1113900500042 
      0.181    145.418                                            1113900500043 
      0.170    154.780                                            1113900500044 
      0.151    168.511                                            1113900500045 
      0.118    192.851                                            1113900500046 
      0.097    210.326                                            1113900500047 
      0.086    225.929                                            1113900500048 
      0.077    247.149                                            1113900500049 
      0.065    257.759                                            1113900500050 
      0.051    288.340                                            1113900500051 
      0.046    306.440                                            1113900500052 
      0.040    327.035                                            1113900500053 
      0.037    340.142                                            1113900500054 
      0.031    365.730                                            1113900500055 
      0.028    386.326                                            1113900500056 
      0.026    404.426                                            1113900500057 
ENDDATA             35          0                                 1113900500058 
ENDSUBENT           57          0                                 1113900599999 
SUBENT        11139006   20210317                             14831113900600001 
BIB                  3          5                                 1113900600002 
REACTION  1(47-AG-0(N,0),,EN)                                     1113900600003 
          2(47-AG-0(N,TOT),,WID,,SQ/S0)                           1113900600004 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No details on sources of uncertainties.     1113900600005 
STATUS     (DEP,11139004)                                         1113900600006 
           (TABLE) page 166.                                      1113900600007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 1113900600008 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1113900600009 
DATA                 3          3                                 1113900600010 
DATA      1DATA-ERR  1DATA      2                                 1113900600011 
EV         EV         B*EV-SQ                                     1113900600012 
        5.1        0.2       300.                                 1113900600013 
       13.7         1.        14.                                 1113900600014 
        43.         5.       380.                                 1113900600015 
ENDDATA              5          0                                 1113900600016 
ENDSUBENT           15          0                                 1113900699999 
SUBENT        11139007   20210317                             14831113900700001 
BIB                  3          7                                 1113900700002 
REACTION  1(49-IN-0(N,0),,EN)                                     1113900700003 
          2(49-IN-0(N,TOT),,WID,,SQ/S0)                           1113900700004 
          3(49-IN-0(N,TOT),,WID)                                  1113900700005 
          4(49-IN-0(N,TOT),,SIG,,RES)                             1113900700006 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No details on sources of uncertainties.     1113900700007 
STATUS     (DEP,11139027)                                         1113900700008 
           (TABLE) page 162.                                      1113900700009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 1113900700010 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1113900700011 
DATA                 6          1                                 1113900700012 
DATA      1DATA-ERR  1DATA      2DATA-ERR  2DATA-MAX  3DATA-MIN  41113900700013 
EV         EV         B*EV-SQ    B*EV-SQ    EV         B          1113900700014 
       1.44       0.04       210.        60.        0.2      5200.1113900700015 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 1113900700016 
ENDSUBENT           15          0                                 1113900799999 
SUBENT        11139008   20210317                             14831113900800001 
BIB                  3          5                                 1113900800002 
REACTION  1(51-SB-0(N,0),,EN)                                     1113900800003 
          2(51-SB-0(N,TOT),,WID,,SQ/S0)                           1113900800004 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No details on sources of uncertainties.     1113900800005 
STATUS     (DEP,11139031)                                         1113900800006 
           (TABLE) pages 168-169.                                 1113900800007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 1113900800008 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1113900800009 
DATA                 3          2                                 1113900800010 
DATA      1DATA-ERR  1DATA      2                                 1113900800011 
EV         EV         B*EV-SQ                                     1113900800012 
        6.3        0.5        20.                                 1113900800013 
       19.2        1.0       210.                                 1113900800014 
ENDDATA              4          0                                 1113900800015 
ENDSUBENT           14          0                                 1113900899999 
SUBENT        11139009   20210317                             14831113900900001 
BIB                  3          8                                 1113900900002 
REACTION  1(79-AU-197(N,0),,EN)                                   1113900900003 
          2(79-AU-197(N,TOT),,WID,,SQ/S0)                         1113900900004 
          3(79-AU-197(N,TOT),,WID)                                1113900900005 
          4(79-AU-197(N,TOT),,SIG,,RES)                           1113900900006 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No details on sources of uncertainties.     1113900900007 
STATUS     (DEP,11139029)                                         1113900900008 
           (DEP,11139030)                                         1113900900009 
           (TABLE) page 163.                                      1113900900010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 1113900900011 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1113900900012 
DATA                 6          1                                 1113900900013 
DATA      1DATA-ERR  1DATA      2DATA-ERR  2DATA-MAX  3DATA-MIN  41113900900014 
EV         EV         B*EV-SQ    B*EV-SQ    EV         B          1113900900015 
        4.8        0.2       600.        80.        0.5      2400.1113900900016 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 1113900900017 
ENDSUBENT           16          0                                 1113900999999 
SUBENT        11139010   20210410                             14831113901000001 
BIB                  6         13                                 1113901000002 
REACTION   (47-AG-0(N,ABS),,SIG)                                  1113901000003 
SAMPLE     A 19.8 g/cm2 disk of metallic silver was used.         1113901000004 
           Transmission measurements were made using a thin       1113901000005 
           sample containing 1.043 g/cm2, in the vicinity of 32   1113901000006 
           microseconds/meter.                                    1113901000007 
ANALYSIS   In the thermal region, the Ag                          1113901000008 
           cross-section curves can be resolved into the sum of   1113901000009 
           a constant term and a 1/v term: sigma = [(9.05+-       1113901000010 
           0.10)*E**-1/2 + (6.6+-0.5)]*10**-24 cm2/atom.          1113901000011 
           E is the neutron energy in eV.                         1113901000012 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Cross section curve calculations.           1113901000013 
STATUS     (TABLE) page 165.                                      1113901000014 
HISTORY    (20210317C) BP                                         1113901000015 
ENDBIB              13          0                                 1113901000016 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1113901000017 
DATA                 3          1                                 1113901000018 
EN         DATA       DATA-ERR                                    1113901000019 
EV         B          B                                           1113901000020 
   2.53E-02   63.5E+01       0.62                                 1113901000021 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 1113901000022 
ENDSUBENT           21          0                                 1113901099999 
SUBENT        11139011   20210410                             14831113901100001 
BIB                  6         11                                 1113901100002 
REACTION   (51-SB-0(N,ABS),,SIG)                                  1113901100003 
SAMPLE     The sample used contained 22.41 g/cm2 of metallic      1113901100004 
              antimony.                                           1113901100005 
ANALYSIS   In the thermal region, the Sb                          1113901100006 
           cross-section curves can be resolved into the sum of   1113901100007 
           a constant term and a 1/v term: sigma = [(0.64+-       1113901100008 
           0.02)*E**-1/2 + (4.2+-0.3)]*10**-24 cm2/atom.          1113901100009 
           E is the neutron energy in eV.                         1113901100010 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Cross section curve calculations.           1113901100011 
STATUS     (TABLE) page 167.                                      1113901100012 
HISTORY    (20210317C) BP                                         1113901100013 
ENDBIB              11          0                                 1113901100014 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1113901100015 
DATA                 3          1                                 1113901100016 
EN         DATA       DATA-ERR                                    1113901100017 
EV         B          B                                           1113901100018 
   2.53E-02   8.22E+00       0.43                                 1113901100019 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 1113901100020 
ENDSUBENT           19          0                                 1113901199999 
SUBENT        11139012   20210410                             14831113901200001 
BIB                  6         13                                 1113901200002 
REACTION   (80-HG-0(N,ABS),,SIG)                                  1113901200003 
SAMPLE     The mercury was U.S.P. XII redistilled - purchased     1113901200004 
           from the Mallinkrodt Chemical Works. For the           1113901200005 
           preliminary investigation of the entire transmission   1113901200006 
           curve of mercury, a sample containing 3.25 g/cm2 of    1113901200007 
           the liquid was used.                                   1113901200008 
ANALYSIS   The Hg cross section below 5 eV was well matched       1113901200009 
           by the relation sigma = [((64+-3)*E**-1/2)*((1+E)/     1113901200010 
           2.0)**-2]*10**-24 cm2/atom.                            1113901200011 
           E is the neutron energy in eV.                         1113901200012 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Cross section curve calculations.           1113901200013 
STATUS     (TABLE) page 171.                                      1113901200014 
HISTORY    (20210317C) BP                                         1113901200015 
ENDBIB              13          0                                 1113901200016 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1113901200017 
DATA                 3          1                                 1113901200018 
EN         DATA       DATA-ERR                                    1113901200019 
EV         B          B                                           1113901200020 
   2.53E-02   3.81E-01      0.017                                 1113901200021 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 1113901200022 
ENDSUBENT           21          0                                 1113901299999 
SUBENT        11139013   20210417                             14831113901300001 
BIB                  5         12                                 1113901300002 
REACTION   (3-LI-0(N,TOT),,TRN)                                   1113901300003 
SAMPLE     This salt was tightly packed in an aluminum container  1113901300004 
           such that there were 4.85 g/cm2 of LiF and 0.418       1113901300005 
           g/cm2 of aluminum. The lithium fluoride was obtained   1113901300006 
           from the City Chemical Corporation and was of          1113901300007 
           analytical reagent grade. The salt was dried at 120    1113901300008 
           degrees C for 48 hours before being packed in the      1113901300009 
           container.                                             1113901300010 
METHOD     Resolution width was approximately 20 microsec/meter.  1113901300011 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig. 14, page 168; values converted by         1113901300012 
           compiler as described under the compiler's comment.    1113901300013 
HISTORY    (20210317C) BP.                                        1113901300014 
ENDBIB              12          0                                 1113901300015 
COMMON               1          3                                 1113901300016 
THICKNESS                                                         1113901300017 
G/CM-SQ                                                           1113901300018 
       4.85                                                       1113901300019 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 1113901300020 
DATA                 2         11                                 1113901300021 
EN         DATA                                                   1113901300022 
EV         NO-DIM                                                 1113901300023 
     31.696  6.214E-01                                            1113901300024 
     12.474  5.656E-01                                            1113901300025 
      6.767  4.600E-01                                            1113901300026 
      3.420  3.948E-01                                            1113901300027 
      2.715  3.417E-01                                            1113901300028 
      1.950  2.844E-01                                            1113901300029 
      1.525  2.442E-01                                            1113901300030 
      1.145  2.049E-01                                            1113901300031 
      0.784  1.505E-01                                            1113901300032 
      0.647  1.267E-01                                            1113901300033 
      0.553  1.092E-01                                            1113901300034 
ENDDATA             13          0                                 1113901300035 
ENDSUBENT           34          0                                 1113901399999 
SUBENT        11139014   20210417                             14831113901400001 
BIB                  6         17                                 1113901400002 
REACTION   (3-LI-0(N,TOT),,SIG)                                   1113901400003 
SAMPLE     This salt was tightly packed in an aluminum container  1113901400004 
           such that there were 0.862 g/cm2 of LiF and 0.418      1113901400005 
           g/cm2 of aluminum. The lithium fluoride was obtained   1113901400006 
           from the City Chemical Corporation and was of          1113901400007 
           analytical reagent grade. The salt was dried at 120    1113901400008 
           degrees C for 48 hours before being packed in the      1113901400009 
           container.                                             1113901400010 
METHOD     Resolution width was approximately 50 microsec/meter.  1113901400011 
ANALYSIS   Outside resonances, the cross section from the         1113901400012 
           experimental transmission T by using the formula       1113901400013 
           T=exp(-n sigma), where n is the number of atoms per    1113901400014 
           cm2 in the sample.                                     1113901400015 
STATUS     (DEP,11139015)                                         1113901400016 
           (CURVE) Fig. 15, page 168; values converted by         1113901400017 
           compiler as described under the compiler's comment.    1113901400018 
HISTORY    (20210317C) BP                                         1113901400019 
ENDBIB              17          0                                 1113901400020 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1113901400021 
DATA                 2         29                                 1113901400022 
EN         DATA                                                   1113901400023 
EV         B                                                      1113901400024 
    985.573      1.175                                            1113901400025 
     41.709      4.448                                            1113901400026 
      6.648      7.336                                            1113901400027 
      2.245     10.611                                            1113901400028 
      0.718     16.581                                            1113901400029 
      0.485     17.547                                            1113901400030 
      0.340     19.667                                            1113901400031 
      0.264     22.556                                            1113901400032 
      0.210     27.368                                            1113901400033 
      0.168     29.872                                            1113901400034 
      0.133     33.339                                            1113901400035 
      0.117     36.612                                            1113901400036 
      0.100     38.731                                            1113901400037 
      0.088     41.620                                            1113901400038 
      0.076     44.893                                            1113901400039 
      0.068     47.782                                            1113901400040 
      0.058     50.095                                            1113901400041 
      0.052     51.830                                            1113901400042 
      0.047     56.834                                            1113901400043 
      0.042     61.261                                            1113901400044 
      0.038     63.382                                            1113901400045 
      0.035     63.963                                            1113901400046 
      0.032     66.852                                            1113901400047 
      0.029     70.318                                            1113901400048 
      0.027     73.015                                            1113901400049 
      0.023     78.600                                            1113901400050 
      0.021     79.952                                            1113901400051 
      0.019     85.918                                            1113901400052 
      0.018     86.307                                            1113901400053 
ENDDATA             31          0                                 1113901400054 
ENDSUBENT           53          0                                 1113901499999 
SUBENT        11139015   20210417                             14831113901500001 
BIB                  5         13                                 1113901500002 
REACTION   (3-LI-0(N,TOT),,TRN)                                   1113901500003 
SAMPLE     This salt was tightly packed in an aluminum container  1113901500004 
           such that there were 0.862 g/cm2 of LiF and 0.418      1113901500005 
           g/cm2 of aluminum. The lithium fluoride was obtained   1113901500006 
           from the City Chemical Corporation and was of          1113901500007 
           analytical reagent grade. The salt was dried at 120    1113901500008 
           degrees C for 48 hours before being packed in the      1113901500009 
           container.                                             1113901500010 
METHOD     Resolution width was approximately 50 microsec/meter.  1113901500011 
STATUS     (DEP,11139015)                                         1113901500012 
           (CURVE) Fig. 15, page 168; values converted by         1113901500013 
           compiler as described under the compiler's comment.    1113901500014 
HISTORY    (20210317C) BP                                         1113901500015 
ENDBIB              13          0                                 1113901500016 
COMMON               1          3                                 1113901500017 
THICKNESS                                                         1113901500018 
G/CM-SQ                                                           1113901500019 
      0.862                                                       1113901500020 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 1113901500021 
DATA                 2         29                                 1113901500022 
EN         DATA                                                   1113901500023 
EV         NO-DIM                                                 1113901500024 
    985.573  9.079E-01                                            1113901500025 
     41.709  8.502E-01                                            1113901500026 
      6.648  8.023E-01                                            1113901500027 
      2.245  7.513E-01                                            1113901500028 
      0.718  6.665E-01                                            1113901500029 
      0.485  6.538E-01                                            1113901500030 
      0.340  6.266E-01                                            1113901500031 
      0.264  5.913E-01                                            1113901500032 
      0.210  5.369E-01                                            1113901500033 
      0.168  5.106E-01                                            1113901500034 
      0.133  4.763E-01                                            1113901500035 
      0.117  4.460E-01                                            1113901500036 
      0.100  4.274E-01                                            1113901500037 
      0.088  4.034E-01                                            1113901500038 
      0.076  3.777E-01                                            1113901500039 
      0.068  3.565E-01                                            1113901500040 
      0.058  3.403E-01                                            1113901500041 
      0.052  3.287E-01                                            1113901500042 
      0.047  2.973E-01                                            1113901500043 
      0.042  2.720E-01                                            1113901500044 
      0.038  2.607E-01                                            1113901500045 
      0.035  2.577E-01                                            1113901500046 
      0.032  2.432E-01                                            1113901500047 
      0.029  2.268E-01                                            1113901500048 
      0.027  2.149E-01                                            1113901500049 
      0.023  1.921E-01                                            1113901500050 
      0.021  1.870E-01                                            1113901500051 
      0.019  1.659E-01                                            1113901500052 
      0.018  1.646E-01                                            1113901500053 
ENDDATA             31          0                                 1113901500054 
ENDSUBENT           53          0                                 1113901599999 
SUBENT        11139016   20210417                             14831113901600001 
BIB                  5         13                                 1113901600002 
REACTION   (47-AG-0(N,TOT),,TRN)                                  1113901600003 
SAMPLE     A 19.8 g/cm2 disk of metallic silver was used. A       1113901600004 
           preliminary run on the thin sample in the thermal      1113901600005 
           region gave sufficient data to indicate the thickness  1113901600006 
           of the sample which would give best results in this    1113901600007 
           region. Therefore, the thick sample was cut            1113901600008 
           approximately in half and a sample containing 7.84     1113901600009 
           g/cm2 was used for the rest of the measurements an     1113901600010 
           silver.                                                1113901600011 
METHOD     Resolution width was approximately 50 microsec/meter.  1113901600012 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig. 10, page 164; values converted by         1113901600013 
           compiler as described under the compiler's comment.    1113901600014 
HISTORY    (20210317C) BP                                         1113901600015 
ENDBIB              13          0                                 1113901600016 
COMMON               1          3                                 1113901600017 
THICKNESS                                                         1113901600018 
G/CM-SQ                                                           1113901600019 
       7.84                                                       1113901600020 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 1113901600021 
DATA                 2         49                                 1113901600022 
EN         DATA                                                   1113901600023 
EV         NO-DIM                                                 1113901600024 
    432.879  7.302E-01                                            1113901600025 
     93.878  6.681E-01                                            1113901600026 
     88.902  5.863E-01                                            1113901600027 
     48.581  5.365E-01                                            1113901600028 
     11.067  6.007E-01                                            1113901600029 
     10.907  5.431E-01                                            1113901600030 
      8.703  2.338E-01                                            1113901600031 
      8.084  6.607E-01                                            1113901600032 
      6.838  7.222E-02                                            1113901600033 
      5.235  1.339E-02                                            1113901600034 
      4.342  4.825E-02                                            1113901600035 
      2.766  2.763E-01                                            1113901600036 
      2.670  3.807E-01                                            1113901600037 
      2.284  4.469E-01                                            1113901600038 
      2.064  4.715E-01                                            1113901600039 
      1.705  4.945E-01                                            1113901600040 
      1.367  4.773E-01                                            1113901600041 
      1.005  4.746E-01                                            1113901600042 
      0.771  4.862E-01                                            1113901600043 
      0.723  4.370E-01                                            1113901600044 
      0.531  4.244E-01                                            1113901600045 
      0.457  4.001E-01                                            1113901600046 
      0.436  4.221E-01                                            1113901600047 
      0.334  3.493E-01                                            1113901600048 
      0.246  3.393E-01                                            1113901600049 
      0.204  3.143E-01                                            1113901600050 
      0.165  2.776E-01                                            1113901600051 
      0.136  2.587E-01                                            1113901600052 
      0.119  2.285E-01                                            1113901600053 
      0.098  2.194E-01                                            1113901600054 
      0.084  2.069E-01                                            1113901600055 
      0.074  1.743E-01                                            1113901600056 
      0.065  1.614E-01                                            1113901600057 
      0.057  1.385E-01                                            1113901600058 
      0.051  1.283E-01                                            1113901600059 
      0.045  1.133E-01                                            1113901600060 
      0.037  9.957E-02                                            1113901600061 
      0.033  8.848E-02                                            1113901600062 
      0.032  7.723E-02                                            1113901600063 
      0.028  6.987E-02                                            1113901600064 
      0.026  6.136E-02                                            1113901600065 
      0.024  6.177E-02                                            1113901600066 
      0.022  4.992E-02                                            1113901600067 
      0.020  4.708E-02                                            1113901600068 
      0.019  4.655E-02                                            1113901600069 
      0.018  3.740E-02                                            1113901600070 
      0.017  4.042E-02                                            1113901600071 
      0.016  3.881E-02                                            1113901600072 
      0.015  2.886E-02                                            1113901600073 
ENDDATA             51          0                                 1113901600074 
ENDSUBENT           73          0                                 1113901699999 
SUBENT        11139017   20210417                             14831113901700001 
BIB                  5          8                                 1113901700002 
REACTION   (47-AG-0(N,TOT),,TRN)                                  1113901700003 
SAMPLE     Transmission measurements were made using a thin       1113901700004 
           sample containing 1.043 g/cm2, in the vicinity of 32   1113901700005 
           microseconds/meter.                                    1113901700006 
METHOD     Resolution width was approximately 15 microsec/meter.  1113901700007 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig. 9, page 164; values converted by compiler 1113901700008 
           as described under the compiler's comment.             1113901700009 
HISTORY    (20210317C) BP                                         1113901700010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 1113901700011 
COMMON               1          3                                 1113901700012 
THICKNESS                                                         1113901700013 
G/CM-SQ                                                           1113901700014 
      1.043                                                       1113901700015 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 1113901700016 
DATA                 2          8                                 1113901700017 
EN         DATA                                                   1113901700018 
EV         NO-DIM                                                 1113901700019 
      7.701      0.899                                            1113901700020 
      6.778      0.633                                            1113901700021 
      5.965      0.566                                            1113901700022 
      5.300      0.097                                            1113901700023 
      4.736      0.204                                            1113901700024 
      4.183      0.462                                            1113901700025 
      3.838      0.625                                            1113901700026 
      3.453      0.839                                            1113901700027 
ENDDATA             10          0                                 1113901700028 
ENDSUBENT           27          0                                 1113901799999 
SUBENT        11139018   20210417                             14831113901800001 
BIB                  5         13                                 1113901800002 
REACTION   (47-AG-0(N,TOT),,TRN)                                  1113901800003 
SAMPLE     A 19.8 g/cm2 disk of metallic silver was used. A       1113901800004 
           preliminary run on the thin sample in the thermal      1113901800005 
           region gave sufficient data to indicate the thickness  1113901800006 
           of the sample which would give best results in this    1113901800007 
           region. Therefore, the thick sample was cut            1113901800008 
           approximately in half and a sample containing 7.84     1113901800009 
           g/cm2 was used for the rest of the measurements an     1113901800010 
           silver.                                                1113901800011 
METHOD     Resolution width was approximately 5 microsec/meter.   1113901800012 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig. 11, page 165; values converted by         1113901800013 
           compiler as described under the compiler's comment.    1113901800014 
HISTORY    (20210317C) BP                                         1113901800015 
ENDBIB              13          0                                 1113901800016 
COMMON               1          3                                 1113901800017 
THICKNESS                                                         1113901800018 
G/CM-SQ                                                           1113901800019 
       7.84                                                       1113901800020 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 1113901800021 
DATA                 2         26                                 1113901800022 
EN         DATA                                                   1113901800023 
EV         NO-DIM                                                 1113901800024 
   1836.735      0.794                                            1113901800025 
    459.184      0.747                                            1113901800026 
    188.716      0.730                                            1113901800027 
    100.277      0.730                                            1113901800028 
     62.069      0.671                                            1113901800029 
     43.748      0.540                                            1113901800030 
     31.146      0.651                                            1113901800031 
     24.607      0.648                                            1113901800032 
     19.766      0.680                                            1113901800033 
     15.633      0.535                                            1113901800034 
     12.672      0.599                                            1113901800035 
     10.803      0.707                                            1113901800036 
      9.266      0.660                                            1113901800037 
      7.868      0.440                                            1113901800038 
      6.931      0.229                                            1113901800039 
      6.039      0.065                                            1113901800040 
      5.355      0.021                                            1113901800041 
      4.724      0.011                                            1113901800042 
      4.246      0.040                                            1113901800043 
      3.823      0.078                                            1113901800044 
      3.472      0.193                                            1113901800045 
      3.147      0.260                                            1113901800046 
      2.911      0.307                                            1113901800047 
      2.644      0.358                                            1113901800048 
      2.336      0.389                                            1113901800049 
      2.097      0.428                                            1113901800050 
ENDDATA             28          0                                 1113901800051 
ENDSUBENT           50          0                                 1113901899999 
SUBENT        11139019   20210417                             14831113901900001 
BIB                  5         10                                 1113901900002 
REACTION   (80-HG-0(N,TOT),,TRN)                                  1113901900003 
SAMPLE     The mercury was U.S.P. XII redistilled - purchased     1113901900004 
           from the Mallinkrodt Chemical Works. For the           1113901900005 
           preliminary investigation of the entire transmission   1113901900006 
           curve of mercury, a sample containing 3.25 g/cm2 of    1113901900007 
           the liquid was used.                                   1113901900008 
METHOD     Resolution width was approximately 100 microsec/meter. 1113901900009 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig. 16, page 169; values converted by         1113901900010 
           compiler as described under the compiler's comment.    1113901900011 
HISTORY    (20210317C) BP                                         1113901900012 
ENDBIB              10          0                                 1113901900013 
COMMON               1          3                                 1113901900014 
THICKNESS                                                         1113901900015 
G/CM-SQ                                                           1113901900016 
       3.25                                                       1113901900017 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 1113901900018 
DATA                 2         33                                 1113901900019 
EN         DATA                                                   1113901900020 
EV         NO-DIM                                                 1113901900021 
   7661.548      0.884                                            1113901900022 
     72.078      0.831                                            1113901900023 
     67.563      0.863                                            1113901900024 
     16.428      0.816                                            1113901900025 
      7.841      0.816                                            1113901900026 
      3.194      0.816                                            1113901900027 
      2.106      0.726                                            1113901900028 
      1.256      0.646                                            1113901900029 
      0.958      0.586                                            1113901900030 
      0.755      0.547                                            1113901900031 
      0.592      0.450                                            1113901900032 
      0.478      0.469                                            1113901900033 
      0.412      0.410                                            1113901900034 
      0.351      0.381                                            1113901900035 
      0.316      0.317                                            1113901900036 
      0.254      0.287                                            1113901900037 
      0.241      0.267                                            1113901900038 
      0.206      0.256                                            1113901900039 
      0.181      0.240                                            1113901900040 
      0.170      0.219                                            1113901900041 
      0.151      0.192                                            1113901900042 
      0.118      0.151                                            1113901900043 
      0.097      0.127                                            1113901900044 
      0.086      0.109                                            1113901900045 
      0.077      0.088                                            1113901900046 
      0.065      0.080                                            1113901900047 
      0.051      0.059                                            1113901900048 
      0.046      0.049                                            1113901900049 
      0.040      0.040                                            1113901900050 
      0.037      0.035                                            1113901900051 
      0.031      0.028                                            1113901900052 
      0.028      0.022                                            1113901900053 
      0.026      0.019                                            1113901900054 
ENDDATA             35          0                                 1113901900055 
ENDSUBENT           54          0                                 1113901999999 
SUBENT        11139020   20210417                             14831113902000001 
BIB                  6         15                                 1113902000002 
REACTION   (80-HG-0(N,TOT),,SIG)                                  1113902000003 
SAMPLE     The mercury was U.S.P. XII redistilled - purchased     1113902000004 
           from the Mallinkrodt Chemical Works. A sample          1113902000005 
           containing 12.9 g/cm2 of the liquid was used.          1113902000006 
METHOD     Resolution width was approximately 10 microsec/meter.  1113902000007 
ANALYSIS   Outside resonances, the cross section from the         1113902000008 
           experimental transmission T by using the formula       1113902000009 
           T=exp(-n sigma), where n is the number of atoms per    1113902000010 
           cm2 in the sample. Silver cross section can be         1113902000011 
           expressed as sigma = [15 + 64*E**(-1/2)]x10**(-24)     1113902000012 
           cm2/atom. E is the neutron energy in eV.               1113902000013 
STATUS     (DEP,11139021)                                         1113902000014 
           (CURVE) Fig. 17, page 170; values converted by         1113902000015 
           compiler as described under the compiler's comment.    1113902000016 
HISTORY    (20210317C) BP                                         1113902000017 
ENDBIB              15          0                                 1113902000018 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1113902000019 
DATA                 2         32                                 1113902000020 
EN         DATA                                                   1113902000021 
EV         B                                                      1113902000022 
   3455.146      8.131                                            1113902000023 
    795.755      8.126                                            1113902000024 
    183.933      9.945                                            1113902000025 
     53.954     16.012                                            1113902000026 
     29.591     15.806                                            1113902000027 
     17.914     15.396                                            1113902000028 
     12.411     13.975                                            1113902000029 
      8.358     14.375                                            1113902000030 
      6.950     14.979                                            1113902000031 
      6.008     15.584                                            1113902000032 
      5.361     16.594                                            1113902000033 
      4.814     17.199                                            1113902000034 
      4.261     18.007                                            1113902000035 
      3.798     19.016                                            1113902000036 
      3.290     20.025                                            1113902000037 
      2.877     21.236                                            1113902000038 
      2.353     25.077                                            1113902000039 
      2.043     26.085                                            1113902000040 
      1.745     28.509                                            1113902000041 
      1.525     32.756                                            1113902000042 
      1.406     36.599                                            1113902000043 
      1.207     37.201                                            1113902000044 
      1.089     41.245                                            1113902000045 
      0.960     45.289                                            1113902000046 
      0.884     51.763                                            1113902000047 
      0.810     48.520                                            1113902000048 
      0.738     54.183                                            1113902000049 
      0.680     60.454                                            1113902000050 
      0.616     62.271                                            1113902000051 
      0.559     70.565                                            1113902000052 
      0.522     70.561                                            1113902000053 
      0.494     70.760                                            1113902000054 
ENDDATA             34          0                                 1113902000055 
ENDSUBENT           54          0                                 1113902099999 
SUBENT        11139021   20210417                             14831113902100001 
BIB                  5          8                                 1113902100002 
REACTION   (80-HG-0(N,TOT),,TRN)                                  1113902100003 
SAMPLE     The mercury was U.S.P. XII redistilled - purchased     1113902100004 
           from the Mallinkrodt Chemical Works. A sample          1113902100005 
           containing 12.9 g/cm2 of the liquid was used.          1113902100006 
METHOD     Resolution width was approximately 10 microsec/meter.  1113902100007 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig. 17, page 170; values converted by         1113902100008 
           compiler as described under the compiler's comment.    1113902100009 
HISTORY    (20210317C) BP                                         1113902100010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 1113902100011 
COMMON               1          3                                 1113902100012 
THICKNESS                                                         1113902100013 
G/CM-SQ                                                           1113902100014 
       12.9                                                       1113902100015 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 1113902100016 
DATA                 2         32                                 1113902100017 
EN         DATA                                                   1113902100018 
EV         NO-DIM                                                 1113902100019 
   3455.146  7.351E-01                                            1113902100020 
    795.755  7.352E-01                                            1113902100021 
    183.933  6.848E-01                                            1113902100022 
     53.954  5.404E-01                                            1113902100023 
     29.591  5.448E-01                                            1113902100024 
     17.914  5.536E-01                                            1113902100025 
     12.411  5.851E-01                                            1113902100026 
      8.358  5.760E-01                                            1113902100027 
      6.950  5.626E-01                                            1113902100028 
      6.008  5.495E-01                                            1113902100029 
      5.361  5.282E-01                                            1113902100030 
      4.814  5.159E-01                                            1113902100031 
      4.261  4.999E-01                                            1113902100032 
      3.798  4.806E-01                                            1113902100033 
      3.290  4.620E-01                                            1113902100034 
      2.877  4.407E-01                                            1113902100035 
      2.353  3.793E-01                                            1113902100036 
      2.043  3.647E-01                                            1113902100037 
      1.745  3.318E-01                                            1113902100038 
      1.525  2.811E-01                                            1113902100039 
      1.406  2.419E-01                                            1113902100040 
      1.207  2.363E-01                                            1113902100041 
      1.089  2.018E-01                                            1113902100042 
      0.960  1.724E-01                                            1113902100043 
      0.884  1.339E-01                                            1113902100044 
      0.810  1.519E-01                                            1113902100045 
      0.738  1.218E-01                                            1113902100046 
      0.680  9.536E-02                                            1113902100047 
      0.616  8.883E-02                                            1113902100048 
      0.559  6.427E-02                                            1113902100049 
      0.522  6.428E-02                                            1113902100050 
      0.494  6.378E-02                                            1113902100051 
ENDDATA             34          0                                 1113902100052 
ENDSUBENT           51          0                                 1113902199999 
SUBENT        11139022   20210417                             14831113902200001 
BIB                  6         13                                 1113902200002 
REACTION   (80-HG-0(N,TOT),,SIG)                                  1113902200003 
SAMPLE     The mercury was U.S.P. XII redistilled - purchased     1113902200004 
           from the Mallinkrodt Chemical Works. A sample          1113902200005 
           containing 34.4 g/cm2 of the liquid was used.          1113902200006 
METHOD     Resolution width was approximately 10 microsec/meter.  1113902200007 
ANALYSIS   Outside resonances, the cross section from the         1113902200008 
           experimental transmission T by using the formula       1113902200009 
           T=exp(-n sigma), where n is the number of atoms per    1113902200010 
           cm2 in the sample.                                     1113902200011 
STATUS     (DEP,11139023)                                         1113902200012 
           (CURVE) Fig. 18, page 170; values converted by         1113902200013 
           compiler as described under the compiler's comment.    1113902200014 
HISTORY    (20210317C) BP                                         1113902200015 
ENDBIB              13          0                                 1113902200016 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1113902200017 
DATA                 2         17                                 1113902200018 
EN         DATA                                                   1113902200019 
EV         B                                                      1113902200020 
   5431.735      6.014                                            1113902200021 
    781.059      7.630                                            1113902200022 
    131.203     11.614                                            1113902200023 
     51.816     14.300                                            1113902200024 
     26.834     15.228                                            1113902200025 
     16.995     14.475                                            1113902200026 
     11.728     14.791                                            1113902200027 
      8.346     15.414                                            1113902200028 
      6.316     16.189                                            1113902200029 
      3.978     18.580                                            1113902200030 
      2.734     21.582                                            1113902200031 
      2.354     23.732                                            1113902200032 
      2.035     26.035                                            1113902200033 
      1.765     29.026                                            1113902200034 
      1.555     31.023                                            1113902200035 
      1.427     34.240                                            1113902200036 
      1.214     37.159                                            1113902200037 
ENDDATA             19          0                                 1113902200038 
ENDSUBENT           37          0                                 1113902299999 
SUBENT        11139023   20210417                             14831113902300001 
BIB                  5          8                                 1113902300002 
REACTION   (80-HG-0(N,TOT),,TRN)                                  1113902300003 
SAMPLE     The mercury was U.S.P. XII redistilled - purchased     1113902300004 
           from the Mallinkrodt Chemical Works. A sample          1113902300005 
           containing 34.4 g/cm2 of the liquid was used.          1113902300006 
METHOD     Resolution width was approximately 10 microsec/meter.  1113902300007 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig. 18, page 170; values converted by         1113902300008 
           compiler as described under the compiler's comment.    1113902300009 
HISTORY    (20210317C) BP                                         1113902300010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 1113902300011 
COMMON               1          3                                 1113902300012 
THICKNESS                                                         1113902300013 
G/CM-SQ                                                           1113902300014 
       34.4                                                       1113902300015 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 1113902300016 
DATA                 2         17                                 1113902300017 
EN         DATA                                                   1113902300018 
EV         NO-DIM                                                 1113902300019 
   5431.735  5.279E-01                                            1113902300020 
    781.059  4.480E-01                                            1113902300021 
    131.203  2.986E-01                                            1113902300022 
     51.816  2.272E-01                                            1113902300023 
     26.834  2.068E-01                                            1113902300024 
     16.995  2.234E-01                                            1113902300025 
     11.728  2.164E-01                                            1113902300026 
      8.346  2.032E-01                                            1113902300027 
      6.316  1.879E-01                                            1113902300028 
      3.978  1.474E-01                                            1113902300029 
      2.734  1.086E-01                                            1113902300030 
      2.354  8.730E-02                                            1113902300031 
      2.035  6.906E-02                                            1113902300032 
      1.765  5.093E-02                                            1113902300033 
      1.555  4.157E-02                                            1113902300034 
      1.427  2.996E-02                                            1113902300035 
      1.214  2.226E-02                                            1113902300036 
ENDDATA             19          0                                 1113902300037 
ENDSUBENT           36          0                                 1113902399999 
SUBENT        11139024   20210417                             14831113902400001 
BIB                  6         13                                 1113902400002 
REACTION   (80-HG-0(N,TOT),,SIG)                                  1113902400003 
SAMPLE     The mercury was U.S.P. XII redistilled - purchased     1113902400004 
           from the Mallinkrodt Chemical Works. A sample          1113902400005 
           containing 34.4 g/cm2 of the liquid was used.          1113902400006 
METHOD     Resolution width was approximately 7.5 microsec/meter. 1113902400007 
ANALYSIS   Outside resonances, the cross section from the         1113902400008 
           experimental transmission T by using the formula       1113902400009 
           T=exp(-n sigma), where n is the number of atoms per    1113902400010 
           cm2 in the sample.                                     1113902400011 
STATUS     (DEP,11139025)                                         1113902400012 
           (CURVE) Fig. 19, page 171; values converted by         1113902400013 
           compiler as described under the compiler's comment.    1113902400014 
HISTORY    (20210317C) BP                                         1113902400015 
ENDBIB              13          0                                 1113902400016 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1113902400017 
DATA                 2          9                                 1113902400018 
EN         DATA                                                   1113902400019 
EV         B                                                      1113902400020 
   4001.144  6.070E+00                                            1113902400021 
    765.593  7.844E+00                                            1113902400022 
    133.349  1.183E+01                                            1113902400023 
     49.890  1.452E+01                                            1113902400024 
     27.333  1.555E+01                                            1113902400025 
     17.114  1.468E+01                                            1113902400026 
     11.475  1.485E+01                                            1113902400027 
      8.480  1.555E+01                                            1113902400028 
      6.325  1.633E+01                                            1113902400029 
ENDDATA             11          0                                 1113902400030 
ENDSUBENT           29          0                                 1113902499999 
SUBENT        11139025   20210417                             14831113902500001 
BIB                  5          8                                 1113902500002 
REACTION   (80-HG-0(N,TOT),,TRN)                                  1113902500003 
SAMPLE     The mercury was U.S.P. XII redistilled - purchased     1113902500004 
           from the Mallinkrodt Chemical Works. A sample          1113902500005 
           containing 34.4 g/cm2 of the liquid was used.          1113902500006 
METHOD     Resolution width was approximately 7.5 microsec/meter. 1113902500007 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig. 19, page 171; values converted by         1113902500008 
           compiler as described under the compiler's comment.    1113902500009 
HISTORY    (20210317C) BP                                         1113902500010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 1113902500011 
COMMON               1          3                                 1113902500012 
THICKNESS                                                         1113902500013 
G/CM-SQ                                                           1113902500014 
       34.4                                                       1113902500015 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 1113902500016 
DATA                 2          9                                 1113902500017 
EN         DATA                                                   1113902500018 
EV         NO-DIM                                                 1113902500019 
   4001.144  5.282E-01                                            1113902500020 
    765.593  4.401E-01                                            1113902500021 
    133.349  2.922E-01                                            1113902500022 
     49.890  2.215E-01                                            1113902500023 
     27.333  1.994E-01                                            1113902500024 
     17.114  2.181E-01                                            1113902500025 
     11.475  2.142E-01                                            1113902500026 
      8.480  1.992E-01                                            1113902500027 
      6.325  1.839E-01                                            1113902500028 
ENDDATA             11          0                                 1113902500029 
ENDSUBENT           28          0                                 1113902599999 
SUBENT        11139026   20210417                             14831113902600001 
BIB                  5          9                                 1113902600002 
REACTION   (49-IN-0(N,TOT),,TRN)                                  1113902600003 
SAMPLE     The thin sample contained 0.193 g/cm2 of metallic      1113902600004 
           indium of the metal. These samples were obtained from  1113902600005 
           the Indium Company of America and were the purest      1113902600006 
           indium that could be furnished by this company.        1113902600007 
METHOD     Resolution width was approximately 52 microsec/meter.  1113902600008 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig. 4, page 160; values converted by compiler 1113902600009 
           as described under the compiler's comment.             1113902600010 
HISTORY    (20210317C) BP                                         1113902600011 
ENDBIB               9          0                                 1113902600012 
COMMON               1          3                                 1113902600013 
THICKNESS                                                         1113902600014 
G/CM-SQ                                                           1113902600015 
      0.193                                                       1113902600016 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 1113902600017 
DATA                 2         15                                 1113902600018 
EN         DATA                                                   1113902600019 
EV         NO-DIM                                                 1113902600020 
      2.084      0.845                                            1113902600021 
      1.930      0.764                                            1113902600022 
      1.807      0.621                                            1113902600023 
      1.695      0.456                                            1113902600024 
      1.574      0.194                                            1113902600025 
      1.490      0.077                                            1113902600026 
      1.408      0.045                                            1113902600027 
      1.318      0.117                                            1113902600028 
      1.236      0.254                                            1113902600029 
      1.179      0.445                                            1113902600030 
      1.112      0.571                                            1113902600031 
      1.046      0.705                                            1113902600032 
      0.998      0.691                                            1113902600033 
      0.926      0.756                                            1113902600034 
      0.866      0.795                                            1113902600035 
ENDDATA             17          0                                 1113902600036 
ENDSUBENT           35          0                                 1113902699999 
SUBENT        11139027   20210417                             14831113902700001 
BIB                  6         14                                 1113902700002 
REACTION   (49-IN-0(N,TOT),,SIG)                                  1113902700003 
SAMPLE     The thick sample contained 5.02 g/cm2 of the metal.    1113902700004 
           These samples were obtained from the Indium Company    1113902700005 
           of America and were the purest indium that could be    1113902700006 
           furnished by this company.                             1113902700007 
METHOD     Resolution width was less than 50 microsec/meter.      1113902700008 
ANALYSIS   Outside resonances, the cross section from the         1113902700009 
           experimental transmission T by using the formula       1113902700010 
           T=exp(-n sigma), where n is the number of atoms per    1113902700011 
           cm2 in the sample.                                     1113902700012 
STATUS     (DEP,11139028)                                         1113902700013 
           (CURVE) Fig. 6, page 160; values converted by compiler 1113902700014 
           as described under the compiler's comment.             1113902700015 
HISTORY    (20210317C) BP                                         1113902700016 
ENDBIB              14          0                                 1113902700017 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1113902700018 
DATA                 2         14                                 1113902700019 
EN         DATA                                                   1113902700020 
EV         B                                                      1113902700021 
      0.681    117.088                                            1113902700022 
      0.464     93.423                                            1113902700023 
      0.335     91.848                                            1113902700024 
      0.265     87.374                                            1113902700025 
      0.206     92.715                                            1113902700026 
      0.168     90.471                                            1113902700027 
      0.141     95.146                                            1113902700028 
      0.118    107.181                                            1113902700029 
      0.099    108.729                                            1113902700030 
      0.086    117.642                                            1113902700031 
      0.076    120.085                                            1113902700032 
      0.065    128.325                                            1113902700033 
      0.057    136.790                                            1113902700034 
      0.051    136.776                                            1113902700035 
ENDDATA             16          0                                 1113902700036 
ENDSUBENT           35          0                                 1113902799999 
SUBENT        11139028   20210417                             14831113902800001 
BIB                  5          9                                 1113902800002 
REACTION   (49-IN-0(N,TOT),,TRN)                                  1113902800003 
SAMPLE     The thick sample contained 5.02 g/cm2 of the metal.    1113902800004 
           These samples were obtained from the Indium Company    1113902800005 
           of America and were the purest indium that could be    1113902800006 
           furnished by this company.                             1113902800007 
METHOD     Resolution width was less than 50 microsec/meter.      1113902800008 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig. 6, page 160; values converted by          1113902800009 
           compiler as described under the compiler's comment.    1113902800010 
HISTORY    (20210317C) BP                                         1113902800011 
ENDBIB               9          0                                 1113902800012 
COMMON               1          3                                 1113902800013 
THICKNESS                                                         1113902800014 
G/CM-SQ                                                           1113902800015 
       5.02                                                       1113902800016 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 1113902800017 
DATA                 2         14                                 1113902800018 
EN         DATA                                                   1113902800019 
EV         NO-DIM                                                 1113902800020 
      0.681  4.616E-02                                            1113902800021 
      0.464  8.543E-02                                            1113902800022 
      0.335  8.905E-02                                            1113902800023 
      0.265  1.001E-01                                            1113902800024 
      0.206  8.715E-02                                            1113902800025 
      0.168  9.243E-02                                            1113902800026 
      0.141  8.189E-02                                            1113902800027 
      0.118  5.992E-02                                            1113902800028 
      0.099  5.759E-02                                            1113902800029 
      0.086  4.570E-02                                            1113902800030 
      0.076  4.291E-02                                            1113902800031 
      0.065  3.465E-02                                            1113902800032 
      0.057  2.782E-02                                            1113902800033 
      0.051  2.785E-02                                            1113902800034 
ENDDATA             16          0                                 1113902800035 
ENDSUBENT           34          0                                 1113902899999 
SUBENT        11139029   20210417                             14831113902900001 
BIB                  5          9                                 1113902900002 
REACTION   (79-AU-197(N,TOT),,TRN)                                1113902900003 
SAMPLE     The first sample contained 0.2100 g/cm2. Both of       1113902900004 
           these samples were fine gold obtained from Handy and   1113902900005 
           Harman of New York City, who state that the purity is  1113902900006 
           better than 99.999 percent.                            1113902900007 
METHOD     Resolution width was approximately 6 microsec/meter.   1113902900008 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig. 7, page 160; values converted by          1113902900009 
           compiler as described under the compiler's comment.    1113902900010 
HISTORY    (20210317C) BP                                         1113902900011 
ENDBIB               9          0                                 1113902900012 
COMMON               1          3                                 1113902900013 
THICKNESS                                                         1113902900014 
G/CM-SQ                                                           1113902900015 
     0.2100                                                       1113902900016 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 1113902900017 
DATA                 2          9                                 1113902900018 
EN         DATA                                                   1113902900019 
EV         NO-DIM                                                 1113902900020 
      7.834      0.969                                            1113902900021 
      6.856      0.972                                            1113902900022 
      6.037      0.755                                            1113902900023 
      5.355      0.526                                            1113902900024 
      4.780      0.270                                            1113902900025 
      4.215      0.650                                            1113902900026 
      3.911      0.884                                            1113902900027 
      3.232      0.935                                            1113902900028 
      2.664      0.947                                            1113902900029 
ENDDATA             11          0                                 1113902900030 
ENDSUBENT           29          0                                 1113902999999 
SUBENT        11139030   20210417                             14831113903000001 
BIB                  5          9                                 1113903000002 
REACTION   (79-AU-197(N,TOT),,TRN)                                1113903000003 
SAMPLE     The second sample contained 0.856 g/cm2. Both of       1113903000004 
           these samples were fine gold obtained from Handy and   1113903000005 
           Harman of New York City, who state that the purity is  1113903000006 
           better than 99.999 percent.                            1113903000007 
METHOD     Resolution width was approximately 6 microsec/meter.   1113903000008 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig. 7, page 160; values converted by          1113903000009 
           compiler as described under the compiler's comment.    1113903000010 
HISTORY    (20210317C) BP                                         1113903000011 
ENDBIB               9          0                                 1113903000012 
COMMON               1          3                                 1113903000013 
THICKNESS                                                         1113903000014 
G/CM-SQ                                                           1113903000015 
      0.856                                                       1113903000016 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 1113903000017 
DATA                 2          8                                 1113903000018 
EN         DATA                                                   1113903000019 
EV         NO-DIM                                                 1113903000020 
      7.915      0.929                                            1113903000021 
      6.127      0.658                                            1113903000022 
      5.344      0.200                                            1113903000023 
      3.847      0.504                                            1113903000024 
      3.510      0.729                                            1113903000025 
      2.922      0.886                                            1113903000026 
      2.476      0.864                                            1113903000027 
      2.197      0.917                                            1113903000028 
ENDDATA             10          0                                 1113903000029 
ENDSUBENT           28          0                                 1113903099999 
SUBENT        11139031   20210417                             14831113903100001 
BIB                  6         14                                 1113903100002 
REACTION   (51-SB-0(N,TOT),,SIG)                                  1113903100003 
SAMPLE     The sample used contained 22.41 g/cm2 of metallic      1113903100004 
           antimony.                                              1113903100005 
METHOD     Resolution width was approximately 50 microsec/meter.  1113903100006 
ANALYSIS   Outside resonances, the cross section from the         1113903100007 
           experimental transmission T by using the formula       1113903100008 
           T=exp(-n sigma), where n is the number of atoms per    1113903100009 
           cm2 in the sample. Cross section can be expressed as   1113903100010 
           sigma = [(4.2+-0.4) + (0.64+-02)*E**(-1/2)]x10**(-24)  1113903100011 
           cm2/atom. E is the neutron energy in eV.               1113903100012 
STATUS     (DEP,11139032)                                         1113903100013 
           (CURVE) Fig. 12, page 166; values converted by         1113903100014 
           compiler as described under the compiler's comment.    1113903100015 
HISTORY    (20210317C) BP                                         1113903100016 
ENDBIB              14          0                                 1113903100017 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1113903100018 
DATA                 2         40                                 1113903100019 
EN         DATA                                                   1113903100020 
EV         B                                                      1113903100021 
     56.814      3.991                                            1113903100022 
     31.291      5.219                                            1113903100023 
     18.394     12.349                                            1113903100024 
      8.053      6.210                                            1113903100025 
      6.733      5.265                                            1113903100026 
      6.111     15.087                                            1113903100027 
      2.862      5.973                                            1113903100028 
      2.706      5.264                                            1113903100029 
      2.440      4.933                                            1113903100030 
      1.695      4.390                                            1113903100031 
      0.873      4.436                                            1113903100032 
      0.614      4.577                                            1113903100033 
      0.486      4.930                                            1113903100034 
      0.314      5.165                                            1113903100035 
      0.230      5.305                                            1113903100036 
      0.188      5.824                                            1113903100037 
      0.160      5.610                                            1113903100038 
      0.130      5.657                                            1113903100039 
      0.108      6.104                                            1113903100040 
      0.091      6.292                                            1113903100041 
      0.080      6.433                                            1113903100042 
      0.072      6.621                                            1113903100043 
      0.062      6.596                                            1113903100044 
      0.055      6.760                                            1113903100045 
      0.049      6.853                                            1113903100046 
      0.043      7.206                                            1113903100047 
      0.040      7.135                                            1113903100048 
      0.036      7.417                                            1113903100049 
      0.033      7.251                                            1113903100050 
      0.030      7.911                                            1113903100051 
      0.027      7.886                                            1113903100052 
      0.026      8.334                                            1113903100053 
      0.023      8.380                                            1113903100054 
      0.022      8.497                                            1113903100055 
      0.020      8.685                                            1113903100056 
      0.019      8.991                                            1113903100057 
      0.017      8.635                                            1113903100058 
      0.016      9.272                                            1113903100059 
      0.015      9.271                                            1113903100060 
      0.014      9.600                                            1113903100061 
ENDDATA             42          0                                 1113903100062 
ENDSUBENT           61          0                                 1113903199999 
SUBENT        11139032   20210417                             14831113903200001 
BIB                  5          7                                 1113903200002 
REACTION   (51-SB-0(N,TOT),,TRN)                                  1113903200003 
SAMPLE     The sample used contained 22.41 g/cm2 of metallic      1113903200004 
           antimony.                                              1113903200005 
METHOD     Resolution width was approximately 50 microsec/meter.  1113903200006 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig. 12, page 166; values converted by         1113903200007 
           compiler as described under the compiler's comment.    1113903200008 
HISTORY    (20210317C) BP                                         1113903200009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 1113903200010 
COMMON               1          3                                 1113903200011 
THICKNESS                                                         1113903200012 
G/CM-SQ                                                           1113903200013 
      22.41                                                       1113903200014 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 1113903200015 
DATA                 2         40                                 1113903200016 
EN         DATA                                                   1113903200017 
EV         NO-DIM                                                 1113903200018 
     56.814  6.343E-01                                            1113903200019 
     31.291  5.532E-01                                            1113903200020 
     18.394  2.499E-01                                            1113903200021 
      8.053  4.954E-01                                            1113903200022 
      6.733  5.504E-01                                            1113903200023 
      6.111  1.842E-01                                            1113903200024 
      2.862  5.087E-01                                            1113903200025 
      2.706  5.505E-01                                            1113903200026 
      2.440  5.712E-01                                            1113903200027 
      1.695  6.069E-01                                            1113903200028 
      0.873  6.038E-01                                            1113903200029 
      0.614  5.944E-01                                            1113903200030 
      0.486  5.715E-01                                            1113903200031 
      0.314  5.568E-01                                            1113903200032 
      0.230  5.482E-01                                            1113903200033 
      0.188  5.175E-01                                            1113903200034 
      0.160  5.299E-01                                            1113903200035 
      0.130  5.273E-01                                            1113903200036 
      0.108  5.017E-01                                            1113903200037 
      0.091  4.913E-01                                            1113903200038 
      0.080  4.837E-01                                            1113903200039 
      0.072  4.737E-01                                            1113903200040 
      0.062  4.750E-01                                            1113903200041 
      0.055  4.664E-01                                            1113903200042 
      0.049  4.617E-01                                            1113903200043 
      0.043  4.439E-01                                            1113903200044 
      0.040  4.475E-01                                            1113903200045 
      0.036  4.337E-01                                            1113903200046 
      0.033  4.418E-01                                            1113903200047 
      0.030  4.105E-01                                            1113903200048 
      0.027  4.117E-01                                            1113903200049 
      0.026  3.916E-01                                            1113903200050 
      0.023  3.897E-01                                            1113903200051 
      0.022  3.846E-01                                            1113903200052 
      0.020  3.767E-01                                            1113903200053 
      0.019  3.641E-01                                            1113903200054 
      0.017  3.789E-01                                            1113903200055 
      0.016  3.529E-01                                            1113903200056 
      0.015  3.530E-01                                            1113903200057 
      0.014  3.403E-01                                            1113903200058 
ENDDATA             42          0                                 1113903200059 
ENDSUBENT           58          0                                 1113903299999 
SUBENT        11139033   20210417                             14831113903300001 
BIB                  5          7                                 1113903300002 
REACTION   (51-SB-0(N,TOT),,TRN)                                  1113903300003 
SAMPLE     The sample used contained 22.41 g/cm2 of metallic      1113903300004 
           antimony.                                              1113903300005 
METHOD     Resolution width was approximately 6 microsec/meter.   1113903300006 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig. 13, page 167; values converted by         1113903300007 
           compiler as described under the compiler's comment.    1113903300008 
HISTORY    (20210317C) BP                                         1113903300009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 1113903300010 
COMMON               1          3                                 1113903300011 
THICKNESS                                                         1113903300012 
G/CM-SQ                                                           1113903300013 
      22.41                                                       1113903300014 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 1113903300015 
DATA                 2         28                                 1113903300016 
EN         DATA                                                   1113903300017 
EV         NO-DIM                                                 1113903300018 
   7201.076      0.632                                            1113903300019 
    641.305      0.567                                            1113903300020 
    252.496      0.548                                            1113903300021 
    123.799      0.534                                            1113903300022 
     74.348      0.538                                            1113903300023 
     50.135      0.550                                            1113903300024 
     36.138      0.499                                            1113903300025 
     26.815      0.400                                            1113903300026 
     21.030      0.275                                            1113903300027 
     18.732      0.246                                            1113903300028 
     16.759      0.329                                            1113903300029 
     13.923      0.437                                            1113903300030 
     11.547      0.524                                            1113903300031 
      9.742      0.528                                            1113903300032 
      8.293      0.480                                            1113903300033 
      7.227      0.250                                            1113903300034 
      6.261      0.171                                            1113903300035 
      5.555      0.293                                            1113903300036 
      4.983      0.402                                            1113903300037 
      4.396      0.519                                            1113903300038 
      3.979      0.508                                            1113903300039 
      3.678      0.558                                            1113903300040 
      3.315      0.538                                            1113903300041 
      3.003      0.544                                            1113903300042 
      2.757      0.555                                            1113903300043 
      2.525      0.598                                            1113903300044 
      2.340      0.590                                            1113903300045 
      2.170      0.566                                            1113903300046 
ENDDATA             30          0                                 1113903300047 
ENDSUBENT           46          0                                 1113903399999 
ENDENTRY            33          0                                 1113999999999