ENTRY            11249   20220308                             14981124900000001 
SUBENT        11249001   20220308                             14981124900100001 
BIB                  8         14                                 1124900100002 
TITLE      Total Cross Section of Be, O, Na, and Ca for Fast      1124900100003 
           Neutrons                                               1124900100004 
AUTHOR     (R.K.Adair,H.H.Barschall,C.K.Bockelman,O.Sala)         1124900100005 
REFERENCE  (J,PR,75,1124,1949)                                    1124900100006 
           #doi:10.1103/PhysRev.75.1124                           1124900100007 
INSTITUTE  (1USAWIS)                                              1124900100008 
FACILITY   (ACCEL,1USAWIS) Electrostatic generator.               1124900100009 
INC-SOURCE (P-LI7)                                                1124900100010 
DETECTOR   (PROPC,BF3) BF3 proportional counter.                  1124900100011 
HISTORY    (19760629T) Translated from SCISRS.                    1124900100012 
           (19800820A) Converted to reaction formalism.           1124900100013 
           (20081020A) Updated to new formats, BIB updated.       1124900100014 
           (20220308A) BP: Added doi and method, updated status   1124900100015 
           and error analysis. Digitized data.                    1124900100016 
ENDBIB              14          0                                 1124900100017 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1124900100018 
ENDSUBENT           17          0                                 1124900199999 
SUBENT        11249002   20220308                             14981124900200001 
BIB                  6         12                                 1124900200002 
REACTION   (4-BE-9(N,TOT),,SIG)                                   1124900200003 
SAMPLE     Beryllium disk, areal density 0.0859x10**24            1124900200004 
           atoms/cm**2.                                           1124900200005 
METHOD     (TRN) Cross sections were obtained by measuring the    1124900200006 
           transmission of the neutrons through a circular disk,  1124900200007 
           assuming an exponential decrease of neutron intensity  1124900200008 
           in the sample.                                         1124900200009 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) The vertical height of the symbols used to     1124900200010 
           represent experimental results shows the standard      1124900200011 
           statistical error of the measurement.                  1124900200012 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig. 2, page 1125.                             1124900200013 
HISTORY    (20220308A) BP: Replaced data.                         1124900200014 
ENDBIB              12          0                                 1124900200015 
COMMON               1          3                                 1124900200016 
EN-RSL                                                            1124900200017 
KEV                                                               1124900200018 
        20.                                                       1124900200019 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 1124900200020 
DATA                 3         67                                 1124900200021 
EN         DATA       ERR-S                                       1124900200022 
KEV        B          B                                           1124900200023 
     26.506      5.681      0.541                                 1124900200024 
     32.932      5.798      0.463                                 1124900200025 
     39.357      5.683      0.425                                 1124900200026 
     44.980      5.530      0.348                                 1124900200027 
     52.209      5.569      0.464                                 1124900200028 
     59.438      6.227      0.463                                 1124900200029 
     66.667      5.147      0.425                                 1124900200030 
     81.124      5.691      0.464                                 1124900200031 
     89.960      5.345      0.425                                 1124900200032 
     97.992      5.578      0.463                                 1124900200033 
    105.221      5.463      0.425                                 1124900200034 
    110.843      5.503      0.463                                 1124900200035 
    120.482      5.273      0.463                                 1124900200036 
    138.956      5.084      0.425                                 1124900200037 
    154.217      4.662      0.425                                 1124900200038 
    172.691      4.395      0.424                                 1124900200039 
    195.984      5.249      0.425                                 1124900200040 
    214.458      4.982      0.502                                 1124900200041 
    224.900      4.675      0.541                                 1124900200042 
    240.161      4.755      0.579                                 1124900200043 
    255.422      3.715      0.463                                 1124900200044 
    270.683      4.606      0.541                                 1124900200045 
    284.337      4.493      0.502                                 1124900200046 
    300.402      4.303      0.386                                 1124900200047 
    314.859      4.769      0.386                                 1124900200048 
    330.924      4.810      0.464                                 1124900200049 
    344.578      4.079      0.386                                 1124900200050 
    359.036      4.236      0.501                                 1124900200051 
    371.888      4.084      0.502                                 1124900200052 
    387.149      4.396      0.463                                 1124900200053 
    402.410      4.360      0.463                                 1124900200054 
    417.671      3.823      0.463                                 1124900200055 
    430.522      3.593      0.464                                 1124900200056 
    444.980      3.828      0.425                                 1124900200057 
    457.831      3.946      0.424                                 1124900200058 
    471.486      3.215      0.464                                 1124900200059 
    484.337      4.028      0.463                                 1124900200060 
    489.960      2.909      0.425                                 1124900200061 
    496.386      3.528      0.386                                 1124900200062 
    505.221      3.607      0.463                                 1124900200063 
    514.056      3.570      0.425                                 1124900200064 
    526.908      3.495      0.425                                 1124900200065 
    536.546      3.266      0.463                                 1124900200066 
    539.759      3.807      0.386                                 1124900200067 
    546.988      3.808      0.386                                 1124900200068 
    553.414      3.076      0.347                                 1124900200069 
    560.643      3.231      0.540                                 1124900200070 
    569.478      3.272      0.348                                 1124900200071 
    576.707      3.775      0.386                                 1124900200072 
    582.329      3.313      0.463                                 1124900200073 
    584.739      4.008      0.502                                 1124900200074 
    591.968      4.434      0.425                                 1124900200075 
    597.590      3.431      0.464                                 1124900200076 
    608.032      4.900      0.424                                 1124900200077 
    615.261      6.176      0.464                                 1124900200078 
    623.293      7.143      0.502                                 1124900200079 
    635.341      5.600      0.502                                 1124900200080 
    645.783      4.521      0.502                                 1124900200081 
    653.012      3.750      0.386                                 1124900200082 
    665.060      3.560      0.425                                 1124900200083 
    679.518      3.215      0.425                                 1124900200084 
    691.566      3.333      0.502                                 1124900200085 
    705.221      3.181      0.425                                 1124900200086 
    718.876      3.879      0.463                                 1124900200087 
    733.333      3.572      0.501                                 1124900200088 
    744.578      3.690      0.541                                 1124900200089 
    757.430      3.422      0.463                                 1124900200090 
ENDDATA             69          0                                 1124900200091 
ENDSUBENT           90          0                                 1124900299999 
SUBENT        11249003   20220308                             14981124900300001 
BIB                  6         12                                 1124900300002 
REACTION   (8-O-0(N,TOT),,SIG)                                    1124900300003 
SAMPLE     Beryllium oxide sample, containing approx. same        1124900300004 
           number of atoms as Be sample.                          1124900300005 
METHOD     (TRN) Cross sections were obtained by measuring the    1124900300006 
           transmission of the neutrons through a circular disk,  1124900300007 
           assuming an exponential decrease of neutron intensity  1124900300008 
           in the sample.                                         1124900300009 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) The vertical height of the symbols used to     1124900300010 
           represent experimental results shows the standard      1124900300011 
           statistical error of the measurement.                  1124900300012 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig. 3, page 1125.                             1124900300013 
HISTORY    (20220308A) BP: Replaced data.                         1124900300014 
ENDBIB              12          0                                 1124900300015 
COMMON               1          3                                 1124900300016 
EN-RSL                                                            1124900300017 
KEV                                                               1124900300018 
        20.                                                       1124900300019 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 1124900300020 
DATA                 3         44                                 1124900300021 
EN         DATA       ERR-S                                       1124900300022 
KEV        B          B                                           1124900300023 
     21.167      3.549      0.502                                 1124900300024 
     38.583      3.181      0.502                                 1124900300025 
     59.298      3.482      0.435                                 1124900300026 
     80.660      4.118      0.435                                 1124900300027 
    102.132      3.114      0.502                                 1124900300028 
    124.210      3.047      0.435                                 1124900300029 
    132.189      3.750      0.502                                 1124900300030 
    150.896      4.085      0.469                                 1124900300031 
    166.983      3.583      0.569                                 1124900300032 
    185.656      4.420      0.536                                 1124900300033 
    200.452      3.214      0.536                                 1124900300034 
    217.111      4.152      0.536                                 1124900300035 
    233.814      4.453      0.569                                 1124900300036 
    248.612      3.214      0.435                                 1124900300037 
    263.330      3.181      0.402                                 1124900300038 
    277.965      4.386      0.569                                 1124900300039 
    294.099      3.181      0.502                                 1124900300040 
    308.756      4.051      0.502                                 1124900300041 
    320.800      3.984      0.435                                 1124900300042 
    322.170      3.516      0.335                                 1124900300043 
    335.487      4.420      0.402                                 1124900300044 
    336.198      3.783      0.368                                 1124900300045 
    348.874      4.286      0.502                                 1124900300046 
    351.572      3.951      0.435                                 1124900300047 
    362.925      4.219      0.469                                 1124900300048 
    377.605      4.754      0.502                                 1124900300049 
    390.913      5.792      0.469                                 1124900300050 
    406.861      7.366      0.435                                 1124900300051 
    420.040     10.346      0.536                                 1124900300052 
    427.964     11.886      0.469                                 1124900300053 
    437.198     13.828      0.469                                 1124900300054 
    447.250     13.560      0.435                                 1124900300055 
    454.082     11.417      0.435                                 1124900300056 
    462.245      9.375      0.469                                 1124900300057 
    469.028      7.969      0.469                                 1124900300058 
    477.801      6.797      0.502                                 1124900300059 
    489.242      5.759      0.435                                 1124900300060 
    504.684      4.888      0.435                                 1124900300061 
    516.111      4.051      0.502                                 1124900300062 
    531.507      3.884      0.502                                 1124900300063 
    543.563      3.650      0.435                                 1124900300064 
    554.294      3.214      0.469                                 1124900300065 
    571.708      2.879      0.469                                 1124900300066 
    583.694      3.683      0.402                                 1124900300067 
ENDDATA             46          0                                 1124900300068 
ENDSUBENT           67          0                                 1124900399999 
SUBENT        11249004   20220308                             14981124900400001 
BIB                  6         14                                 1124900400002 
REACTION   (11-NA-23(N,TOT),,SIG)                                 1124900400003 
SAMPLE     Sodium disk, areal density 0.0935x10**24 atoms/cm**2.  1124900400004 
METHOD     (TRN) Cross sections were obtained by measuring the    1124900400005 
           transmission of the neutrons through a circular disk,  1124900400006 
           assuming an exponential decrease of neutron intensity  1124900400007 
           in the sample. The effect of the sodium was measured   1124900400008 
           by comparing the transmission through the container    1124900400009 
           enclosing the sodium with that through an identical    1124900400010 
           empty container.                                       1124900400011 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) The vertical height of the symbols used to     1124900400012 
           represent experimental results shows the standard      1124900400013 
           statistical error of the measurement.                  1124900400014 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig. 4, page 1126.                             1124900400015 
HISTORY    (20220308A) BP: Replaced data.                         1124900400016 
ENDBIB              14          0                                 1124900400017 
COMMON               1          3                                 1124900400018 
EN-RSL                                                            1124900400019 
KEV                                                               1124900400020 
        20.                                                       1124900400021 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 1124900400022 
DATA                 3        124                                 1124900400023 
EN         DATA       ERR-S                                       1124900400024 
KEV        B          B                                           1124900400025 
     33.559      3.725      0.481                                 1124900400026 
     41.446      3.583      0.433                                 1124900400027 
     46.376      3.825      0.384                                 1124900400028 
     52.292      5.606      0.433                                 1124900400029 
     61.165      5.945      0.433                                 1124900400030 
     67.080      3.494      0.433                                 1124900400031 
     75.954      3.737      0.481                                 1124900400032 
     90.742      3.404      0.481                                 1124900400033 
    104.545      3.264      0.433                                 1124900400034 
    118.348      3.653      0.481                                 1124900400035 
    132.151      3.320      0.528                                 1124900400036 
    142.996      3.227      0.433                                 1124900400037 
    153.841      3.278      0.433                                 1124900400038 
    164.686      3.425      0.481                                 1124900400039 
    173.560      3.524      0.480                                 1124900400040 
    185.391      3.720      0.432                                 1124900400041 
    193.278      4.876      0.432                                 1124900400042 
    204.123      4.879      0.481                                 1124900400043 
    213.982      4.449      0.481                                 1124900400044 
    223.841      4.308      0.480                                 1124900400045 
    228.771      4.886      0.577                                 1124900400046 
    232.715      5.272      0.432                                 1124900400047 
    242.574      4.986      0.385                                 1124900400048 
    252.433      4.364      0.529                                 1124900400049 
    260.320      3.837      0.433                                 1124900400050 
    266.236      3.502      0.432                                 1124900400051 
    275.109      3.120      0.432                                 1124900400052 
    284.968      3.507      0.481                                 1124900400053 
    292.856      2.019      0.433                                 1124900400054 
    303.701      2.984      0.480                                 1124900400055 
    312.574      3.130      0.577                                 1124900400056 
    320.461      3.325      0.530                                 1124900400057 
    328.349      3.568      0.481                                 1124900400058 
    336.236      3.618      0.481                                 1124900400059 
    344.123      3.380      0.433                                 1124900400060 
    352.011      2.565      0.385                                 1124900400061 
    352.997      2.950      0.530                                 1124900400062 
    359.898      2.952      0.385                                 1124900400063 
    362.856      3.674      0.386                                 1124900400064 
    368.771      2.954      0.385                                 1124900400065 
    370.743      3.580      0.433                                 1124900400066 
    377.645      3.582      0.337                                 1124900400067 
    383.560      4.834      0.480                                 1124900400068 
    392.433      4.548      0.434                                 1124900400069 
    402.293      4.743      0.433                                 1124900400070 
    410.180      3.639      0.529                                 1124900400071 
    421.025      3.738      0.386                                 1124900400072 
    426.940      3.596      0.385                                 1124900400073 
    433.842      2.636      0.433                                 1124900400074 
    435.814      4.079      0.385                                 1124900400075 
    440.743      3.888      0.481                                 1124900400076 
    444.687      4.322      0.432                                 1124900400077 
    450.603      4.901      0.433                                 1124900400078 
    451.588      4.132      0.432                                 1124900400079 
    460.462      4.230      0.530                                 1124900400080 
    463.419      3.462      0.432                                 1124900400081 
    468.349      2.357      0.433                                 1124900400082 
    468.349      2.886      0.385                                 1124900400083 
    476.236      2.696      0.577                                 1124900400084 
    485.110      2.602      0.384                                 1124900400085 
    494.969      2.557      0.481                                 1124900400086 
    501.870      2.415      0.336                                 1124900400087 
    510.744      2.706      0.385                                 1124900400088 
    516.659      1.938      0.481                                 1124900400089 
    527.504      1.893      0.530                                 1124900400090 
    534.406      2.616      0.577                                 1124900400091 
    541.307      2.955      0.529                                 1124900400092 
    550.180      3.342      0.625                                 1124900400093 
    557.082      3.969      0.384                                 1124900400094 
    566.941      3.780      0.384                                 1124900400095 
    574.828      3.782      0.433                                 1124900400096 
    584.687      4.025      0.384                                 1124900400097 
    589.617      4.507      0.432                                 1124900400098 
    597.504      4.558      0.385                                 1124900400099 
    606.378      4.560      0.433                                 1124900400100 
    616.237      4.611      0.384                                 1124900400101 
    623.138      4.373      0.433                                 1124900400102 
    630.040      4.134      0.481                                 1124900400103 
    637.927      4.473      0.433                                 1124900400104 
    646.800      4.379      0.384                                 1124900400105 
    653.702      5.199      0.529                                 1124900400106 
    662.575      5.345      0.433                                 1124900400107 
    669.476      5.396      0.433                                 1124900400108 
    677.364      6.360      0.433                                 1124900400109 
    686.237      6.362      0.481                                 1124900400110 
    695.110      7.326      0.433                                 1124900400111 
    702.998      8.387      0.384                                 1124900400112 
    708.913      8.052      0.577                                 1124900400113 
    717.786      8.006      0.577                                 1124900400114 
    725.674      7.431      0.337                                 1124900400115 
    734.547      6.616      0.481                                 1124900400116 
    742.434      5.609      0.289                                 1124900400117 
    751.308      5.371      0.434                                 1124900400118 
    756.237      4.891      0.384                                 1124900400119 
    765.110      4.797      0.529                                 1124900400120 
    774.970      5.570      0.337                                 1124900400121 
    781.871      6.630      0.433                                 1124900400122 
    789.758      6.872      0.481                                 1124900400123 
    797.646      5.961      0.433                                 1124900400124 
    806.519      5.050      0.433                                 1124900400125 
    811.449      4.811      0.385                                 1124900400126 
    819.336      4.668      0.384                                 1124900400127 
    828.209      4.190      0.432                                 1124900400128 
    835.111      4.096      0.336                                 1124900400129 
    842.012      3.665      0.433                                 1124900400130 
    850.885      3.860      0.529                                 1124900400131 
    858.773      3.766      0.384                                 1124900400132 
    866.660      3.816      0.433                                 1124900400133 
    876.519      3.963      0.481                                 1124900400134 
    882.435      3.628      0.433                                 1124900400135 
    890.322      3.919      0.384                                 1124900400136 
    896.238      4.738      0.288                                 1124900400137 
    906.097      5.366      0.385                                 1124900400138 
    912.998      5.176      0.336                                 1124900400139 
    922.857      5.034      0.433                                 1124900400140 
    931.731      5.374      0.385                                 1124900400141 
    939.618      4.799      0.385                                 1124900400142 
    944.548      3.261      0.336                                 1124900400143 
    952.435      3.889      0.336                                 1124900400144 
    962.294      3.314      0.337                                 1124900400145 
    968.210      3.412      0.434                                 1124900400146 
    975.111      3.414      0.337                                 1124900400147 
    983.984      3.753      0.481                                 1124900400148 
    992.858      3.082      0.288                                 1124900400149 
ENDDATA            126          0                                 1124900400150 
ENDSUBENT          149          0                                 1124900499999 
SUBENT        11249005   20220308                             14981124900500001 
BIB                  5         13                                 1124900500002 
REACTION   (20-CA-0(N,TOT),,SIG)                                  1124900500003 
SAMPLE     The calcium sample used in the experiments was         1124900500004 
           machined out of Ca metal and painted with glyptal      1124900500005 
           to retard oxidation. Areal density 0.187x10**24        1124900500006 
           atoms/cm**2.                                           1124900500007 
METHOD     (TRN) Cross sections were obtained by measuring the    1124900500008 
           transmission of the neutrons through a circular disk,  1124900500009 
           assuming an exponential decrease of neutron intensity  1124900500010 
           in the sample.                                         1124900500011 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig. 5, page 1126.                             1124900500012 
           (TABLE) Data above 100 keV taken from private          1124900500013 
           communication, Adair (2/1952).                         1124900500014 
HISTORY    (20220308A) BP: Replaced data below 100 keV.           1124900500015 
ENDBIB              13          0                                 1124900500016 
COMMON               1          3                                 1124900500017 
EN-RSL                                                            1124900500018 
KEV                                                               1124900500019 
        20.                                                       1124900500020 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 1124900500021 
DATA                 2        126                                 1124900500022 
EN         DATA                                                   1124900500023 
KEV        B                                                      1124900500024 
     26.781      1.564                                            1124900500025 
     31.544      1.744                                            1124900500026 
     38.110      1.293                                            1124900500027 
     45.855      1.383                                            1124900500028 
     53.006      1.414                                            1124900500029 
     60.150      1.714                                            1124900500030 
     66.723      0.992                                            1124900500031 
     80.421      1.353                                            1124900500032 
     89.362      1.263                                            1124900500033 
     96.501      1.805                                            1124900500034 
       104.       1.38                                            1124900500035 
       113.       1.19                                            1124900500036 
       118.       0.97                                            1124900500037 
       127.       1.95                                            1124900500038 
       128.       3.28                                            1124900500039 
       130.       7.21                                            1124900500040 
       136.       10.7                                            1124900500041 
       141.       5.90                                            1124900500042 
       144.       2.16                                            1124900500043 
       153.       1.18                                            1124900500044 
       161.       1.19                                            1124900500045 
       166.       4.25                                            1124900500046 
       170.       8.85                                            1124900500047 
       172.       5.45                                            1124900500048 
       174.       3.00                                            1124900500049 
       177.       2.08                                            1124900500050 
       179.       1.28                                            1124900500051 
       188.       1.22                                            1124900500052 
       197.       0.98                                            1124900500053 
       204.       0.85                                            1124900500054 
       207.       1.62                                            1124900500055 
       212.       2.80                                            1124900500056 
       216.       5.03                                            1124900500057 
       222.       5.53                                            1124900500058 
       222.       3.27                                            1124900500059 
       227.       2.03                                            1124900500060 
       234.       1.58                                            1124900500061 
       241.       4.20                                            1124900500062 
       245.       6.65                                            1124900500063 
       247.       8.57                                            1124900500064 
       254.       8.14                                            1124900500065 
       257.       8.28                                            1124900500066 
       259.       5.83                                            1124900500067 
       263.       5.05                                            1124900500068 
       267.       4.05                                            1124900500069 
       270.       3.23                                            1124900500070 
       273.       2.65                                            1124900500071 
       277.       2.60                                            1124900500072 
       280.       2.15                                            1124900500073 
       283.       1.75                                            1124900500074 
       287.       1.85                                            1124900500075 
       293.       2.93                                            1124900500076 
       297.       3.17                                            1124900500077 
       300.       2.56                                            1124900500078 
       303.       2.80                                            1124900500079 
       310.       1.00                                            1124900500080 
       316.       1.20                                            1124900500081 
       324.       1.55                                            1124900500082 
       326.       2.32                                            1124900500083 
       330.       3.73                                            1124900500084 
       333.       5.50                                            1124900500085 
       337.       5.63                                            1124900500086 
       340.       4.75                                            1124900500087 
       345.       3.98                                            1124900500088 
       347.       3.98                                            1124900500089 
       353.       2.66                                            1124900500090 
       357.       3.25                                            1124900500091 
       365.       2.75                                            1124900500092 
       370.       2.90                                            1124900500093 
       376.       2.08                                            1124900500094 
       385.       2.12                                            1124900500095 
       391.       2.47                                            1124900500096 
       397.       1.87                                            1124900500097 
       403.       1.65                                            1124900500098 
       413.       1.65                                            1124900500099 
       415.       1.18                                            1124900500100 
       417.       1.50                                            1124900500101 
       422.       1.43                                            1124900500102 
       425.       1.93                                            1124900500103 
       427.       1.18                                            1124900500104 
       432.       1.42                                            1124900500105 
       435.       1.75                                            1124900500106 
       437.       3.55                                            1124900500107 
       441.       5.40                                            1124900500108 
       445.       5.02                                            1124900500109 
       447.       3.54                                            1124900500110 
       450.       2.90                                            1124900500111 
       453.       2.40                                            1124900500112 
       457.       2.13                                            1124900500113 
       463.       1.65                                            1124900500114 
       467.       1.90                                            1124900500115 
       473.       1.43                                            1124900500116 
       475.       1.68                                            1124900500117 
       477.       1.47                                            1124900500118 
       483.       1.38                                            1124900500119 
       487.       1.15                                            1124900500120 
       493.       1.12                                            1124900500121 
       496.       1.03                                            1124900500122 
       502.       1.76                                            1124900500123 
       505.       2.75                                            1124900500124 
       505.       3.53                                            1124900500125 
       508.       4.50                                            1124900500126 
       513.       3.55                                            1124900500127 
       515.       2.55                                            1124900500128 
       517.       2.26                                            1124900500129 
       523.       1.75                                            1124900500130 
       527.       1.26                                            1124900500131 
       533.       1.45                                            1124900500132 
       537.       1.20                                            1124900500133 
       543.       1.22                                            1124900500134 
       547.       1.00                                            1124900500135 
       553.       1.09                                            1124900500136 
       559.       1.35                                            1124900500137 
       566.       1.30                                            1124900500138 
       573.       1.55                                            1124900500139 
       578.       1.90                                            1124900500140 
       585.       2.50                                            1124900500141 
       592.       3.77                                            1124900500142 
       597.       4.75                                            1124900500143 
       604.       4.85                                            1124900500144 
       610.       4.70                                            1124900500145 
       616.       4.08                                            1124900500146 
       623.       3.43                                            1124900500147 
       627.       2.46                                            1124900500148 
       635.       3.15                                            1124900500149 
       641.       3.35                                            1124900500150 
ENDDATA            128          0                                 1124900500151 
ENDSUBENT          150          0                                 1124900599999 
SUBENT        11249006   20220308                             14981124900600001 
BIB                  2          3                                 1124900600002 
REACTION   (4-BE-9(N,0),,EN)                                      1124900600003 
STATUS     (DEP,11249002)                                         1124900600004 
           (TABLE) page 1125.                                     1124900600005 
ENDBIB               3          0                                 1124900600006 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1124900600007 
DATA                 1          1                                 1124900600008 
DATA                                                              1124900600009 
KEV                                                               1124900600010 
       625.                                                       1124900600011 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 1124900600012 
ENDSUBENT           11          0                                 1124900699999 
SUBENT        11249007   20220308                             14981124900700001 
BIB                  2          5                                 1124900700002 
REACTION  1(8-O-0(N,0),,EN)                                       1124900700003 
          2(8-O-0(N,0),,J)                                        1124900700004 
          3(8-O-0(N,0),,L)                                        1124900700005 
STATUS     (DEP,11249003)                                         1124900700006 
           (TABLE) page 1126.                                     1124900700007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 1124900700008 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1124900700009 
DATA                 3          1                                 1124900700010 
DATA      1DATA      2DATA      3                                 1124900700011 
KEV        NO-DIM     NO-DIM                                      1124900700012 
       440.        1.5         1.                                 1124900700013 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 1124900700014 
ENDSUBENT           13          0                                 1124900799999 
SUBENT        11249008   20220308                             14981124900800001 
BIB                  2          3                                 1124900800002 
REACTION   (11-NA-23(N,0),,EN)                                    1124900800003 
STATUS     (DEP,11249004)                                         1124900800004 
           (TABLE) page 1126.                                     1124900800005 
ENDBIB               3          0                                 1124900800006 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1124900800007 
DATA                 1          8                                 1124900800008 
DATA                                                              1124900800009 
KEV                                                               1124900800010 
        60.                                                       1124900800011 
       200.                                                       1124900800012 
       235.                                                       1124900800013 
       390.                                                       1124900800014 
       445.                                                       1124900800015 
       710.                                                       1124900800016 
       790.                                                       1124900800017 
       920.                                                       1124900800018 
ENDDATA             10          0                                 1124900800019 
ENDSUBENT           18          0                                 1124900899999 
SUBENT        11249009   20220308                             14981124900900001 
BIB                  2          3                                 1124900900002 
REACTION   (20-CA-0(N,0),,EN)                                     1124900900003 
STATUS     (DEP,11249005)                                         1124900900004 
           (TABLE) page 1127.                                     1124900900005 
ENDBIB               3          0                                 1124900900006 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1124900900007 
DATA                 1          6                                 1124900900008 
DATA                                                              1124900900009 
KEV                                                               1124900900010 
       150.                                                       1124900900011 
       220.                                                       1124900900012 
       255.                                                       1124900900013 
       335.                                                       1124900900014 
       440.                                                       1124900900015 
       505.                                                       1124900900016 
ENDDATA              8          0                                 1124900900017 
ENDSUBENT           16          0                                 1124900999999 
ENDENTRY             9          0                                 1124999999999