ENTRY 11285 20241001 15151128500000001 SUBENT 11285001 20241001 15151128500100001 BIB 10 26 1128500100002 AUTHOR (E.A.Davis,T.W.Bonner,D.W.Worley JR,R.Bass) 1128500100003 TITLE Disintegration of O16 and C12 by fast neutrons 1128500100004 REFERENCE (J,NP,48,169,1963) 1128500100005 #doi:10.1016/0029-5582(63)90153-6 1128500100006 (W,DAVIS,1963) Tabulated data 1128500100007 INSTITUTE (1USARIC) 1128500100008 FACILITY (VDG,1USARIC) The Rice University 5.5 MeV Van de Graaff1128500100009 accelerator. 1128500100010 INC-SOURCE (D-D) Mono-energetic neutrons for studying the 1128500100011 reactions from 5.0-8.8 MeV were produced with the 1128500100012 D(d,n)He-3 reaction using a gas target. 1128500100013 INC-SPECT Energy resolution varies from 25 keV at 5.0 MeV to 50 1128500100014 keV at 8.5 MeV. 1128500100015 DETECTOR (IOCH,LONGC) Grid-type ionization chamber, and 1128500100016 neutron flux monitoring. 1128500100017 CORRECTION In the present experiment the wall loss for the alpha 1128500100018 particles from the O16(n,alpha0)C13 reaction varied 1128500100019 from 8 to 25 %. For the alpha particles from the 1128500100020 other reactions the loss was about 7 %. The analyzer 1128500100021 dead time varied from about 1 to 10%. 1128500100022 HISTORY (19761001T) Translated from SCISRS 1128500100023 (19810428A) converted to reaction formalism 1128500100024 (20150504A) BP: Updated to new date formats, lower 1128500100025 case. corrections according last EXFOR rules and 1128500100026 Dict., added doi and multiple corrections. 1128500100027 (20240915A) OS. STATUS modified in subs.2-5 1128500100028 ENDBIB 26 0 1128500100029 NOCOMMON 0 0 1128500100030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 1128500199999 SUBENT 11285002 20241001 15151128500200001 BIB 5 14 1128500200002 REACTION (6-C-12(N,A)4-BE-9,PAR,SIG) 1128500200003 METHOD (PHD) Excitation functions for the various reactions 1128500200004 in oxygen and carbon were obtained by analyzing 1128500200005 pulse-height distributions. 1128500200006 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty 1128500200007 (ERR-S,1.,25.) Counting statistics and adding the 1128500200008 counts in each group of the pulse-height distribution. 1128500200009 (ERR-1) Determination of the absolute neutron flux 1128500200010 from the long counter measurements. 1128500200011 (ERR-2) Background corrections. 1128500200012 (ERR-3) Correction of each particle group for wall 1128500200013 loss. 1128500200014 STATUS (TABLE) Tabulated data received from Davis, 03/1963 1128500200015 HISTORY (20240915A) STATUS text updated 1128500200016 ENDBIB 14 0 1128500200017 COMMON 5 3 1128500200018 E-LVL ERR-T ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 1128500200019 MEV PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 1128500200020 0. 35. 15.0 2.0 4.0 1128500200021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1128500200022 DATA 2 13 1128500200023 EN DATA 1128500200024 MEV B 1128500200025 7.88 5.900E-02 1128500200026 7.92 6.500E-02 1128500200027 7.98 7.100E-02 1128500200028 8.03 7.700E-02 1128500200029 8.08 7.100E-02 1128500200030 8.13 7.100E-02 1128500200031 8.19 6.500E-02 1128500200032 8.24 6.100E-02 1128500200033 8.29 4.400E-02 1128500200034 8.34 4.200E-02 1128500200035 8.40 4.000E-02 1128500200036 8.45 3.600E-02 1128500200037 8.64 3.200E-02 1128500200038 ENDDATA 15 0 1128500200039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 1128500299999 SUBENT 11285003 20241001 15151128500300001 BIB 5 14 1128500300002 REACTION (8-O-16(N,A)6-C-13,PAR,SIG) 1128500300003 METHOD (PHD) Excitation functions for the various reactions 1128500300004 in oxygen and carbon were obtained by analyzing 1128500300005 pulse-height distributions. 1128500300006 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty 1128500300007 (ERR-S,1.,25.) Counting statistics and adding the 1128500300008 counts in each group of the pulse-height distribution. 1128500300009 (ERR-1) Determination of the absolute neutron flux 1128500300010 from the long counter measurements. 1128500300011 (ERR-2) Background corrections. 1128500300012 (ERR-3) Correction of each particle group for wall 1128500300013 loss. 1128500300014 STATUS (TABLE) Tabulated data received from Davis, 03/1963 1128500300015 HISTORY (20240915A) STATUS text updated 1128500300016 ENDBIB 14 0 1128500300017 COMMON 6 3 1128500300018 E-LVL E-LVL ERR-T ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 1128500300019 MEV MEV PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 1128500300020 3.68E+00 3.85E+00 50. 15.0 2.0 4.01128500300021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1128500300022 DATA 2 8 1128500300023 EN DATA 1128500300024 MEV B 1128500300025 8.09 2.7E-02 1128500300026 8.16 2.7E-02 1128500300027 8.21 3.1E-02 1128500300028 8.26 2.3E-02 1128500300029 8.32 1.3E-02 1128500300030 8.37 1.5E-02 1128500300031 8.44 1.3E-02 1128500300032 8.64 9.E-03 1128500300033 ENDDATA 10 0 1128500300034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 1128500399999 SUBENT 11285004 20241001 15151128500400001 BIB 5 18 1128500400002 REACTION (8-O-16(N,A)6-C-13,PAR,SIG) 1128500400003 METHOD (PHD) Excitation functions for the various reactions 1128500400004 in oxygen and carbon were obtained by analyzing 1128500400005 pulse-height distributions. 1128500400006 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T,20.,30.) Data error varies from about 20 1128500400007 percent at 5 MeV to about 30 percent at 8.7 MeV. 1128500400008 Error is considerably larger where cross section 1128500400009 becomes less than 10 mb. 1128500400010 (ERR-S,1.,25.) Counting statistics and adding the 1128500400011 counts in each group of the pulse-height distribution. 1128500400012 (ERR-1) Determination of the absolute neutron flux 1128500400013 from the long counter measurements. 1128500400014 (ERR-2) Background corrections. 1128500400015 (ERR-3) Correction of each particle group for wall 1128500400016 loss. 1128500400017 STATUS (TABLE) Tabulated data received from Davis, 03/1963 1128500400018 HISTORY (20150504A) BP: Corrected data set per IAEA's request. 1128500400019 (20240915A) STATUS text updated 1128500400020 ENDBIB 18 0 1128500400021 COMMON 4 3 1128500400022 E-LVL ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 1128500400023 MEV PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 1128500400024 0. 15.0 2.0 4.0 1128500400025 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1128500400026 DATA 2 160 1128500400027 EN DATA 1128500400028 MEV B 1128500400029 5.02 0.13 1128500400030 5.03 0.141 1128500400031 5.05 0.15 1128500400032 5.07 0.14 1128500400033 5.08 0.127 1128500400034 5.09 0.113 1128500400035 5.11 0.108 1128500400036 5.12 0.11 1128500400037 5.13 8.80E-02 1128500400038 5.15 6.50E-02 1128500400039 5.16 4.30E-02 1128500400040 5.18 2.80E-02 1128500400041 5.20 1.60E-02 1128500400042 5.24 8.70E-03 1128500400043 5.28 4.70E-03 1128500400044 5.29 4.70E-03 1128500400045 5.31 8.50E-03 1128500400046 5.33 7.60E-03 1128500400047 5.35 1.40E-02 1128500400048 5.37 1.80E-02 1128500400049 5.39 1.40E-02 1128500400050 5.41 4.80E-03 1128500400051 5.56 2.80E-03 1128500400052 5.58 4.50E-03 1128500400053 5.60 3.60E-03 1128500400054 5.62 5.90E-03 1128500400055 5.64 7.90E-03 1128500400056 5.66 1.50E-02 1128500400057 5.68 1.90E-02 1128500400058 5.70 1.60E-02 1128500400059 5.72 9.20E-03 1128500400060 5.76 8.60E-03 1128500400061 5.84 1.1E-02 1128500400062 5.88 2.E-02 1128500400063 5.90 4.6E-02 1128500400064 5.92 8.E-02 1128500400065 5.94 6.5E-02 1128500400066 5.96 3.5E-02 1128500400067 6.00 1.4E-02 1128500400068 6.04 1.3E-02 1128500400069 6.06 3.6E-02 1128500400070 6.08 7.E-02 1128500400071 6.09 6.7E-02 1128500400072 6.10 5.3E-02 1128500400073 6.12 3.2E-02 1128500400074 6.14 3.1E-02 1128500400075 6.16 3.6E-02 1128500400076 6.20 4.2E-02 1128500400077 6.24 4.1E-02 1128500400078 6.29 3.7E-02 1128500400079 6.30 3.7E-02 1128500400080 6.33 4.4E-02 1128500400081 6.35 6.10E-02 1128500400082 6.37 9.80E-02 1128500400083 6.39 0.147 1128500400084 6.41 0.157 1128500400085 6.42 0.151 1128500400086 6.44 0.113 1128500400087 6.47 9.10E-02 1128500400088 6.49 8.20E-02 1128500400089 6.51 9.50E-02 1128500400090 6.53 0.112 1128500400091 6.54 0.131 1128500400092 6.57 0.14 1128500400093 6.60 0.137 1128500400094 6.62 0.126 1128500400095 6.63 0.116 1128500400096 6.65 0.101 1128500400097 6.68 9.30E-02 1128500400098 6.70 8.20E-02 1128500400099 6.72 7.20E-02 1128500400100 6.74 7.60E-02 1128500400101 6.77 8.70E-02 1128500400102 6.79 9.30E-02 1128500400103 6.81 0.106 1128500400104 6.82 0.104 1128500400105 6.83 9.80E-02 1128500400106 6.86 7.10E-02 1128500400107 6.88 5.80E-02 1128500400108 6.90 5.60E-02 1128500400109 6.92 5.70E-02 1128500400110 6.95 5.80E-02 1128500400111 6.97 5.80E-02 1128500400112 6.99 6.20E-02 1128500400113 7.01 7.20E-02 1128500400114 7.04 8.00E-02 1128500400115 7.06 7.40E-02 1128500400116 7.08 7.00E-02 1128500400117 7.11 7.50E-02 1128500400118 7.13 8.70E-02 1128500400119 7.15 0.111 1128500400120 7.16 0.135 1128500400121 7.18 0.159 1128500400122 7.20 0.206 1128500400123 7.22 0.19 1128500400124 7.24 0.147 1128500400125 7.25 0.132 1128500400126 7.27 0.11 1128500400127 7.28 8.40E-02 1128500400128 7.30 8.80E-02 1128500400129 7.33 9.10E-02 1128500400130 7.36 7.90E-02 1128500400131 7.39 7.40E-02 1128500400132 7.41 7.00E-02 1128500400133 7.44 6.60E-02 1128500400134 7.46 6.10E-02 1128500400135 7.48 6.00E-02 1128500400136 7.51 5.60E-02 1128500400137 7.53 5.60E-02 1128500400138 7.56 5.40E-02 1128500400139 7.58 5.90E-02 1128500400140 7.60 5.70E-02 1128500400141 7.63 4.90E-02 1128500400142 7.65 4.40E-02 1128500400143 7.68 4.00E-02 1128500400144 7.70 3.80E-02 1128500400145 7.73 3.60E-02 1128500400146 7.76 3.90E-02 1128500400147 7.78 4.30E-02 1128500400148 7.81 4.10E-02 1128500400149 7.83 4.20E-02 1128500400150 7.86 4.80E-02 1128500400151 7.88 5.00E-02 1128500400152 7.91 4.90E-02 1128500400153 7.93 5.10E-02 1128500400154 7.96 4.50E-02 1128500400155 7.99 4.00E-02 1128500400156 8.01 3.80E-02 1128500400157 8.04 3.80E-02 1128500400158 8.06 3.50E-02 1128500400159 8.09 3.70E-02 1128500400160 8.12 3.20E-02 1128500400161 8.14 3.40E-02 1128500400162 8.17 3.70E-02 1128500400163 8.20 3.90E-02 1128500400164 8.22 4.10E-02 1128500400165 8.25 3.80E-02 1128500400166 8.27 3.70E-02 1128500400167 8.30 3.20E-02 1128500400168 8.33 3.60E-02 1128500400169 8.35 3.60E-02 1128500400170 8.38 3.90E-02 1128500400171 8.41 3.70E-02 1128500400172 8.42 3.60E-02 1128500400173 8.44 3.40E-02 1128500400174 8.45 3.20E-02 1128500400175 8.48 2.90E-02 1128500400176 8.50 2.80E-02 1128500400177 8.53 3.30E-02 1128500400178 8.55 3.50E-02 1128500400179 8.58 3.90E-02 1128500400180 8.61 4.10E-02 1128500400181 8.62 4.30E-02 1128500400182 8.63 4.30E-02 1128500400183 8.65 4.60E-02 1128500400184 8.66 4.90E-02 1128500400185 8.69 4.60E-02 1128500400186 8.71 4.50E-02 1128500400187 8.74 4.40E-02 1128500400188 8.77 4.60E-02 1128500400189 ENDDATA 162 0 1128500400190 ENDSUBENT 189 0 1128500499999 SUBENT 11285005 20241001 15151128500500001 BIB 5 14 1128500500002 REACTION (8-O-16(N,A)6-C-13,PAR,SIG) 1128500500003 METHOD (PHD) Excitation functions for the various reactions 1128500500004 in oxygen and carbon were obtained by analyzing 1128500500005 pulse-height distributions. 1128500500006 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty 1128500500007 (ERR-S,1.,25.) Counting statistics and adding the 1128500500008 counts in each group of the pulse-height distribution. 1128500500009 (ERR-1) Determination of the absolute neutron flux 1128500500010 from the long counter measurements. 1128500500011 (ERR-2) Background corrections. 1128500500012 (ERR-3) Correction of each particle group for wall 1128500500013 loss. 1128500500014 STATUS (TABLE) Tabulated data received from Davis, 03/1963 1128500500015 HISTORY (20240915A) STATUS text updated 1128500500016 ENDBIB 14 0 1128500500017 COMMON 5 3 1128500500018 E-LVL ERR-T ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 1128500500019 MEV PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT 1128500500020 3.09 35. 15.0 2.0 4.0 1128500500021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 1128500500022 DATA 2 18 1128500500023 EN DATA 1128500500024 MEV B 1128500500025 7.62 3.40E-03 1128500500026 7.67 3.40E-03 1128500500027 7.72 5.20E-03 1128500500028 7.77 2.80E-03 1128500500029 7.82 6.30E-03 1128500500030 7.87 5.80E-03 1128500500031 7.92 9.00E-03 1128500500032 7.98 9.70E-01 1128500500033 8.03 9.40E-03 1128500500034 8.08 9.80E-03 1128500500035 8.13 8.40E-03 1128500500036 8.19 8.20E-03 1128500500037 8.24 9.60E-03 1128500500038 8.29 8.30E-03 1128500500039 8.34 9.60E-03 1128500500040 8.40 1.02E-02 1128500500041 8.45 1.15E-02 1128500500042 8.64 1.17E-02 1128500500043 ENDDATA 20 0 1128500500044 ENDSUBENT 43 0 1128500599999 SUBENT 11285006 20150504 14071128500600001 BIB 2 3 1128500600002 REACTION 1(8-O-16(N,0),,EN) 1128500600003 2(8-O-16(N,A),,WID) 1128500600004 STATUS (TABLE) Table I, page 174. 1128500600005 ENDBIB 3 0 1128500600006 NOCOMMON 0 0 1128500600007 DATA 3 19 1128500600008 DATA 1DATA 2DATA-APRX 2 1128500600009 MEV KEV KEV 1128500600010 5.05 91. 1128500600011 5.12 30. 1128500600012 5.32 24. 1128500600013 5.37 52. 1128500600014 5.68 56. 1128500600015 5.92 51. 1128500600016 6.08 28. 1128500600017 6.22 143. 1128500600018 6.41 81. 1128500600019 6.59 148. 1128500600020 6.81 79. 1128500600021 7.04 69. 1128500600022 7.20 79. 1128500600023 7.32 57. 1128500600024 7.59 78. 1128500600025 7.90 126. 1128500600026 8.22 125. 1128500600027 8.38 125. 1128500600028 8.66 1128500600029 ENDDATA 21 0 1128500600030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 1128500699999 ENDENTRY 6 0 1128599999999