ENTRY            11432   20230707                             15071143200000001 
SUBENT        11432001   20230707                             15071143200100001 
BIB                 10         23                                 1143200100002 
TITLE      The slow neutron cross-section of H                    1143200100003 
AUTHOR     (W.B.Jones Jr)                                         1143200100004 
REFERENCE  (J,PR,74,364,1948)                                     1143200100005 
           #doi:10.1103/PhysRev.74.364                            1143200100006 
REL-REF    (I,,B.D.McDaniel,J,PR,70,832,1946)                     1143200100007 
           (M,,W.B.Jones Jr,J,PR,72,362,1947)                     1143200100008 
INSTITUTE  (1USACOR)                                              1143200100009 
FACILITY   (CHOPS,1USACOR)                                        1143200100010 
PART-DET   (N)                                                    1143200100011 
DETECTOR   (BF3) The BF3 ionization chamber was filled to two     1143200100012 
           atmospheres of pressure with 10B-enriched BF3.         1143200100013 
METHOD     (TRN) The neutron velocity spectrometer uses           1143200100014 
           technique of determining the cross section of a        1143200100015 
           material by measuring the transmission of a sample of  1143200100016 
           the material. The geometrical factor, namely, source   1143200100017 
           detector distance, was held constant and equal to      1143200100018 
           three meters for all the measurements.                 1143200100019 
HISTORY    (19760715T) Translated from SCISRS                     1143200100020 
           (19820813A) converted to reaction formalism            1143200100021 
           (20131203A) BP:Updated to new date formats,lower case. 1143200100022 
           Corrections according last EXFOR rules and Dict.       1143200100023 
           Updated all subentries, digitized Figs. 3,9.           1143200100024 
           (20230527A) OS. Corrections in subs.2,3                1143200100025 
ENDBIB              23          0                                 1143200100026 
COMMON               1          3                                 1143200100027 
TOF-MAX                                                           1143200100028 
MICROSEC                                                          1143200100029 
10.0                                                              1143200100030 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 1143200100031 
ENDSUBENT           30          0                                 1143200199999 
SUBENT        11432002   20230707                             15071143200200001 
BIB                  5          7                                 1143200200002 
REACTION   (8-O-0(N,TOT),,SIG)                                    1143200200003 
STATUS     (SCSRS) Num.values from SCISRS. Fig.3, page 366.       1143200200004 
SAMPLE     Al2O3 sample, 11.6 g/cm2                               1143200200005 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Uncertainty is not clear, probable errors   1143200200006 
           are the same for all points in each set of data. The   1143200200007 
           3.5% value was extracted from the Fig.3.               1143200200008 
HISTORY    (20230527A) DATA-ERR deleted in DATA section           1143200200009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 1143200200010 
COMMON               1          3                                 1143200200011 
DATA-ERR                                                          1143200200012 
PER-CENT                                                          1143200200013 
3.5                                                               1143200200014 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 1143200200015 
DATA                 2         12                                 1143200200016 
EN         DATA                                                   1143200200017 
MEV        B                                                      1143200200018 
    2.7E-06        3.6                                            1143200200019 
    3.4E-06        3.7                                            1143200200020 
    3.9E-06        3.7                                            1143200200021 
    4.6E-06        3.6                                            1143200200022 
    5.7E-06       3.75                                            1143200200023 
    7.2E-06       3.75                                            1143200200024 
    9.1E-06       3.65                                            1143200200025 
   1.30E-05       3.55                                            1143200200026 
   1.85E-05        3.6                                            1143200200027 
   3.50E-05       3.75                                            1143200200028 
   5.20E-05        3.7                                            1143200200029 
  1.100E-04        3.8                                            1143200200030 
ENDDATA             14          0                                 1143200200031 
ENDSUBENT           30          0                                 1143200299999 
SUBENT        11432003   20230707                             15071143200300001 
BIB                  5          7                                 1143200300002 
REACTION   (6-C-0(N,TOT),,SIG)                                    1143200300003 
STATUS     (SCSRS) Num.values from SCISRS. Fig.3, page 366.       1143200300004 
SAMPLE     Graphite, 4.11 g/cm2                                   1143200300005 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Uncertainty is not clear, probable errors   1143200300006 
           are the same for all points in each set of data. The   1143200300007 
           2.5% value was extracted from the Fig.3.               1143200300008 
HISTORY    (20230527A) DATA-ERR deleted in DATA section           1143200300009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 1143200300010 
COMMON               1          3                                 1143200300011 
DATA-ERR                                                          1143200300012 
PER-CENT                                                          1143200300013 
2.5                                                               1143200300014 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 1143200300015 
DATA                 2         12                                 1143200300016 
EN         DATA                                                   1143200300017 
EV         B                                                      1143200300018 
        2.8       4.75                                            1143200300019 
        3.2        4.7                                            1143200300020 
        3.8        4.6                                            1143200300021 
        4.7       4.75                                            1143200300022 
        5.7        4.6                                            1143200300023 
        7.3        4.7                                            1143200300024 
        9.5        4.7                                            1143200300025 
        13.        4.7                                            1143200300026 
       18.6        4.6                                            1143200300027 
       28.5       4.75                                            1143200300028 
       51.5        4.8                                            1143200300029 
       116.        4.7                                            1143200300030 
ENDDATA             14          0                                 1143200300031 
ENDSUBENT           30          0                                 1143200399999 
SUBENT        11432004   20131203                             13961143200400001 
BIB                  6         12                                 1143200400002 
REACTION  1(1-H-1(N,TOT),,SIG)                                    1143200400003 
          2(1-H-1(N,TOT),,SIG)                                    1143200400004 
SAMPLE     Cyclohexane sample.                                    1143200400005 
ASSUMED   1(ASSUM,8-O-0(N,TOT),,SIG)                              1143200400006 
          2(ASSUM,6-C-0(N,TOT),,SIG)                              1143200400007 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data were given in the abstract.               1143200400008 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The probable error in this values due to all1143200400009 
           sources of error is believed to be no greater than     1143200400010 
           0.3x10-24 cm2.                                         1143200400011 
HISTORY    (19780914C)                                            1143200400012 
           (20131203A) Updated this subentry using data from the  1143200400013 
           page 367 and the abstract.                             1143200400014 
ENDBIB              12          0                                 1143200400015 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1143200400016 
DATA                 7          1                                 1143200400017 
EN         DATA      1DATA-ERR  1ASSUM     1DATA      2DATA-ERR  21143200400018 
ASSUM     2                                                       1143200400019 
EV         B          B          B          B          B          1143200400020 
B                                                                 1143200400021 
        0.8       20.0        0.3        3.7       20.1        0.31143200400022 
        4.7                                                       1143200400023 
ENDDATA              6          0                                 1143200400024 
ENDSUBENT           23          0                                 1143200499999 
SUBENT        11432005   20131203                             13961143200500001 
BIB                  5          6                                 1143200500002 
REACTION   (1-H-1(N,TOT),,SIG)                                    1143200500003 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.9, page 369.                               1143200500004 
SAMPLE     H2O sample.                                            1143200500005 
COMMENT    This curve is a composite of all hydrogen data.        1143200500006 
HISTORY    (19780914C)                                            1143200500007 
           (20131203A) Digitized continuous curve.                1143200500008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 1143200500009 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1143200500010 
DATA                 2         49                                 1143200500011 
EN         DATA                                                   1143200500012 
EV         B                                                      1143200500013 
  2.819E-03     84.569                                            1143200500014 
  3.507E-03     82.341                                            1143200500015 
  4.193E-03     80.112                                            1143200500016 
  4.915E-03     77.711                                            1143200500017 
  5.994E-03     75.311                                            1143200500018 
  7.026E-03     73.081                                            1143200500019 
  8.402E-03     69.994                                            1143200500020 
  1.005E-02     67.594                                            1143200500021 
  1.178E-02     65.021                                            1143200500022 
  1.327E-02     62.619                                            1143200500023 
  1.556E-02     59.875                                            1143200500024 
  2.014E-02     55.415                                            1143200500025 
  2.457E-02     52.328                                            1143200500026 
  2.880E-02     49.927                                            1143200500027 
  3.377E-02     47.354                                            1143200500028 
  3.959E-02     44.610                                            1143200500029 
  5.024E-02     41.352                                            1143200500030 
  5.659E-02     39.809                                            1143200500031 
  6.633E-02     38.095                                            1143200500032 
  7.931E-02     35.866                                            1143200500033 
  1.006E-01     33.638                                            1143200500034 
  1.251E-01     31.926                                            1143200500035 
  1.619E-01     29.870                                            1143200500036 
  1.974E-01     28.672                                            1143200500037 
  2.504E-01     27.475                                            1143200500038 
  3.304E-01     26.278                                            1143200500039 
  4.028E-01     25.424                                            1143200500040 
  4.910E-01     24.741                                            1143200500041 
  6.227E-01     24.059                                            1143200500042 
  7.742E-01     23.548                                            1143200500043 
  1.001E+00     23.038                                            1143200500044 
  1.321E+00     22.700                                            1143200500045 
  1.643E+00     22.361                                            1143200500046 
  2.002E+00     22.193                                            1143200500047 
  2.641E+00     22.199                                            1143200500048 
  3.554E+00     21.861                                            1143200500049 
  4.975E+00     21.696                                            1143200500050 
  6.434E+00     21.701                                            1143200500051 
  8.321E+00     21.707                                            1143200500052 
  9.942E+00     21.710                                            1143200500053 
  1.212E+01     21.714                                            1143200500054 
  1.598E+01     21.720                                            1143200500055 
  1.987E+01     21.724                                            1143200500056 
  2.621E+01     21.730                                            1143200500057 
  3.743E+01     21.565                                            1143200500058 
  4.937E+01     21.742                                            1143200500059 
  6.137E+01     21.747                                            1143200500060 
  7.782E+01     21.580                                            1143200500061 
  9.675E+01     21.413                                            1143200500062 
ENDDATA             51          0                                 1143200500063 
ENDSUBENT           62          0                                 1143200599999 
SUBENT        11432006   20131203                             13961143200600001 
BIB                  4          7                                 1143200600002 
REACTION  1(8-O-0(N,TOT),,SIG)                                    1143200600003 
          2(6-C-0(N,TOT),,SIG)                                    1143200600004 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data were given in the abstract.               1143200600005 
SAMPLE     H2O and graphite samples.                              1143200600006 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The probable error in this values due to all1143200600007 
           sources of error is believed to be no greater than     1143200600008 
           0.3x10-24 cm2.                                         1143200600009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 1143200600010 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 1143200600011 
DATA                 4          1                                 1143200600012 
EN         DATA      1DATA      2DATA-ERR  2                      1143200600013 
EV         B          B          B                                1143200600014 
        0.8        3.7        4.7        0.3                      1143200600015 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 1143200600016 
ENDSUBENT           15          0                                 1143200699999 
ENDENTRY             6          0                                 1143299999999